L/ES/S - LV1 Text A – Jeffrey Archer, First among equals


L/ES/S - LV1 Text A – Jeffrey Archer, First among equals
session 2013 (métropole)
L/ES/S - LV1
Text A – Jeffrey Archer, First among equals (1984)
Text B – Mitch Albom, Tuesdays with Morrie (1997)
Document A
Lines 1 to 17
A. Which statement best corresponds
to the situation here?
Lines 1 to 17
A. Which statement best corresponds to the
situation here?
3. Simon is at high school. He is determined
to go to Oxford University and so he rejects
offers from all other universities.
B. Explain what determines his choice of
university. Justify with one quote.
B. Explain what determines his choice of
university. Justify with one quote.
Une seule citation! Plusieurs = 0 pts
Faire précéder la citation du numéro de la ligne + guillemets!!
Expliquer brièvement avec ses propres mots! paraphrase!
B. Explain what determines his choice of
university. Justify with one quote.
Oxford is the only university that he believes
will enable him to become Prime Minister / to
have a political career.
B. Explain what determines his choice of
university. Justify with one quote.
(l10) ‘Future Prime Minister aren’t educated
at Durham’
(l11 12) ‘How about Cambridge? […] No
political tradition’
Line 17 to the end
C. Copy out the text and fill in the blanks
(one blank = one word)
Line 17 to the end
C. Copy out the text and fill in the blanks
(one blank = one word)
Un seul mot par ‘trou’ , sinon = 0
 Il faut bien recopier le texte
à compléter –
Mots seulement = ½ note!
Simon is in ………………… (name of the city).
Simon is in OXFORD (name of the city).
He intends to visit all the ……………… to see
if they have a ………………… for him.
He intends to visit all the COLLEGES to
see if they have a PLACE* for him.
He intends to visit six every day until he
is …………………
He intends to visit six every day until he
4X0,5pts = 2pts
D. Which adjective best describes
Simon as he goes about his visits?
Give two quotations to justify your
Hesitant / determined / confused
 SINGULIER = choisir un seul adjectif
D. Which adjective best describes
Simon as he goes about his visits?
Give two quotations to justify your
Hesitant / determined / confused
 - Deux citations sont attendues! Ni plus, ni moins!
 -Faire précéder la citation du numéro de la ligne +
(l 21/22) « until his question had been
answered positively by a resident Tutor
for Admissions »
(l 19/20) « On a trestle table in the
corner of lodgings he intended to make
permanent »
(l 28/29) « Alan Brown was the twentysecond don Kerslake had visited in four
days »
2 parmi ces 3
 Temps de la question = présent simple  réponse au
présent simple! Brève!
E. Does he succeed in getting a place
at university? Justify with an
element from the text.
-Justifier en citant 1 élément du texte!
-Faire précéder la citation du numéro de la ligne +
Yes, he does.
(l 41) « becomes President of the
Oxford Union »
1pt + 1pt = 2pts
Document B
F. Who are the characters present in
the extract and how do they know
each other?
 Deux questions en une!!
The two characters present in the
extract are two friends, Morrie and the
They met when the narrator was at
college. Morrie was the narrator’s coach.
G. The passage refers to two
periods in the narrator’s life. Which
The passage refers to when the
narrator was at
university/college/a student and
nowadays/now when he is thirtyseven/ an adult.
H. Are the following statements Right or
Wrong ? Quote from the text to justify.
-Bien répondre par Right or Wrong! ( True/False/Yes/No)
- Ne faire qu’une citation par affirmation sinon = 0
- Faire précéder la citation du numéro de la ligne +
1. The narrator earns a lot of money.
1. The narrator earns a lot of money.
(l 17) « rich people like me »
(l 12) « I once promised myself I would
never work for money »
2. The two characters haven’t seen each
other for quite a long time.
2. The two characters haven’t seen each other for quite
a long time.
(l 22) « Remembering the nick-name »
(l 5-7) « Yet here was Morrie talking with the wonder of
our college years, as if I’d simply been on a long
vacation. »
(l 2-4) « The eighties happened. The nineties
happened »
(l 7) « Have you found someone to share your heart
with? »
3. As a student the narrator had a lot of
3. As a student the narrator had a lot of
(l 12) « …I would never work for money »
(l 12/13) « …I would join the Peace
Corps »
(l 13) « …I would live in a beautiful,
inspirational places »
4. The visit makes him realize he is
content with his current life.
4. The visit makes him realize he is content with
his current life.
(l 20) « …I remained, much of the time,
unsatisfied »
(l 14/15) « Instead, I had been in Detroit for 10
years now, at the same workplace, using the
same bank, visiting the same barber »
(l 1,12,21) « What happened to me »
I. « What happened to me? » What did
happen to him? Explain in a few sentences
what he has just realized.
I. « What happened to me? » What did
happen to him? Explain in a few sentences
what he has just realized.
- Il faut expliquer avec ses propres mots (paraphrase!) en
étoffant un peu!
sens de « realized » ! 0 si contresens!
 Tps = present perfect!
He got older and desillusioned.
He has just realized that money has
become more important to him than he
thought it would be. He has sacrificed his
ideals and dreams, forgotten his values
for more money.
J. What do we realize about the
narrator’s state of mind when meeting his
J. What do we realize about the
narrator’s state of mind when meeting his
-Pensez a mobiliser des adjectifs et à justifier!
We realize he is quite uncomfortable/ill
at ease with the way that his life has
turned out. He feels ashamed and also
Document A and B
K. 1. In your opinion what is the theme
common to both document?
3. Success in life
K.2. Explain your choice of answer in a
few sentences.
- Il faut expliquer avec ses propres mots
(paraphrase!) en étoffant un peu!
Simon is concerned with future success as
he wants to succeed in politics and
become Prime Minister.
The narrator in text B seems to have
succeeded ((job, money) but he has
doubts as he realizes he has neglected his
past ideals.