chaptergeneral 2009


chaptergeneral 2009
Military and Hospitaller Order
of Saint Lazarus of Jerusalem
« Le Chapitre Général est convoqué par le Grand Capitulaire au minimum tous les trois ans et de préférence
le jour de la Pentecôte, selon les traditions de l’Ordre, pour être informé des actions de l’Ordre : actions
spirituelles, bilan des activités humanitaires et caritatives, présentation des comptes de l’administration
internationale et axes de développement pour les années suivantes. »
Charte constitutionnelle, article 24.3
Here is further information about
the invitation to all members of
the Order of Saint Lazarus and
those who support its aims and
activities to spend a few days
together in an historic venue in
the heart of Portugal.
In Évora, with the Grand Master
and friends old and new from
many countries, we shall listen
and discuss, pray and reflect, eat
and drink, dance and sing…
Families and friends are welcome
too – a chance to discover and
relax in the beautiful and ancient
city of Évora as summer
approaches is too good to miss!
is a range of local accommodation
to suit all tastes, listed below.
Those flying into Lisbon should
have no difficulty in arranging a
hire car from the airport, or taking
the intercity train from the nearby
Oriente or Entrecampos stations
( or a coach from the
Sete Rios bus station ( Local information
and souvenirs will be available at
the registration desk in the
Cadaval Palace.
As well as the formal meetings of
the Governing Council and
Chapter General, there will be
round-table workshops for
everyone to share and develop
The costs have been kept as low their opinions on the Order’s
as possible to encourage spiritual, charitable and traditional
members to participate – just aspects.
€150 per person will cover the
expenses of the various meetings, A solemn Mass of Investiture will
services, meals and organisational be held in the Metropolitan
requirements without profit. There Basilica – the largest cathedral in
Portugal, with one of the world’s
oldest pipe organs still in use –
where European royal families
gathered for the Grand Master’s
marriage last summer. A gala
dinner with many distinguished
guests in the Cadaval Palace will
provide a fitting conclusion to the
We gather at Pentecost as the
disciples of Jesus did (Acts of the
Apostles, chapter 2), coming from
many nations and religious
traditions to be confirmed in our
spirit so that in unity we can go
out to others renewed.
Do not miss the opportunity to
participate in this celebration of
our international Christian
Message of the Grand Master
Un Dieu, un monde, un rêve...
One God, one world, one dream...
C’est un grand plaisir de vous accueillir pour le
prochain Chapitre Général à Évora au Portugal, lors
de la Pentecôte, fin mai 2009.
It is my great pleasure to invite you to the Chapter
General at Pentecost, the end of May 2009, in
Évora, Portugal.
Les trois prochaines années vont être très
importantes pour l’Ordre de Saint-Lazare : nous
allons consolider nos acquis, fruit du travail que
mon Grand Magistère et moi avons fourni depuis
ces quatre dernières années, et placer l’Ordre de
Saint-Lazare sur la scène internationale.
The next three years will be particularly important
for the Order of Saint Lazarus: we shall consolidate
our assets, which the Grand Magistry and I have
cultivated over the last four years, and position the
Order of Saint Lazarus on the international scene.
Nous allons donc travailler, tous ensemble, pour
atteindre des objectifs ambitieux autour des trois
finalités de l’Ordre : la spiritualité, la charité et la
tradition. Pour cela, l’Ordre a besoin de ses
membres pour construire, tous ensemble, son
avenir. Tout Chevalier et Dame de l’Ordre est
concerné par ce devoir, c’est pourquoi je souhaite
que tout le monde soit impliqué.
Magnus XLIX Magister
citra et ultra maria,
Præceptor Boignaci:
H.R.H. Prince
Duc d’Anjou
We shall therefore work together to achieve our
ambitious objectives centred on the three ends of
the Order: spirituality, charity and tradition. To do
so, the Order needs all its members to work
together in building its future. This affects every
Knight and Dame of the Order, which is why I should
like everyone to be involved.
Under the presidency of our Protectors,
Monseigneur the Count of Paris and His Eminence
Cardinal Paskai, this will be an historic international
reunion of the Order of Saint Lazarus. It is your
meeting, so be part of it.
Sous la présidence de nos Protecteurs,
Monseigneur le Comte de Paris et Son Éminence le
Cardinal Paskaï, cette réunion internationale va
marquer l’histoire de l’Ordre de Saint-Lazare.
Faites-en partie, cette réunion est la vôtre.
Friendship and unity will be the theme of this
international reunion. These two values are a vital
Cette réunion internationale est placée sous le part of the chivalric state passed on to us by the
thème de l’amitié et de l’union. Ces deux valeurs history and traditions of the Order.
sont essentielles pour être en harmonie avec l’état
chevaleresque que nous transmettent l’histoire et For the first time in over a century, the Order of
les traditions de l’Ordre.
Saint Lazarus is returning to its tradition of holding
the Chapter General at Pentecost. We follow in the
Pour la première fois depuis plus d’un siècle, l’Ordre footsteps of our predecessors who have kept the
de Saint-Lazare renoue avec ses traditions en Order alive for centuries. This religious feast is
organisant son Chapitre Général le week-end de la symbolic of the unity of all Christians, the
Pentecôte. Nous marchons sur les pas de nos ecumenical value we all hold dear.
prédécesseurs qui ont fait vivre, des siècles durant,
l’Ordre. Cette fête religieuse est le symbole de Évora is a city brimming with history, where
l’unité des peuples chrétiens, valeur d’œcuménisme different races and cultures have often come face
qui nous est si cher.
to face; the city was built by Romans, Visigoths,
Moors, Spaniards and Lusitanians. The Order of
Évora, ville chargée d’histoire où des peuples et Avis was born here of the Order of Calatrava, and
cultures se sont souvent confrontés ; romains, its Grand Master became King of Portugal. Legend
wisigoths, maures, espagnols ou lusitaniens ont has it that the treasure of the Moors is buried
construit cette ville. Cette même ville qui a donné somewhere in Évora… A fortified citadel, a university
naissance à l’Ordre d’Avis, issu de l’Ordre de city, once a capital and a home to kings, now host
Calatrava, dont un Grand Maître devint Roi du to the Order of Saint Lazarus.
Portugal. Évora, dont sa légende dit que le trésor
des maures se trouve toujours quelque part Everyone is welcome to Portugal for this Chapter
enterré… Citadelle fortifiée, ville universitaire, General, which promises to be exceptional because
capitale, ville de rois et maintenant ville de l’Ordre you, the confrères and consœurs of the Order of
de Saint-Lazare.
Saint Lazarus, will make it so. Together let us write
history. I am counting on you.
Soyez tous les bienvenus au Portugal pour ce
Chapitre Général qui promet d’être exceptionnel, Looking forward to the pleasure of seeing you
car c’est vous, les confrères et consœurs de again, I send you my warmest confraternal
l’Ordre de Saint-Lazare, qui allez le rendre greetings.
exceptionnel. Ensemble, écrivons l’histoire. Je
compte sur vous.
Prince Charles-Philippe d’Orléans, Duc d’Anjou
49ème Grand Maître de l’Ordre de Saint-Lazare
En attendant d’avoir le plaisir de vous revoir,
recevez mon
Colonnes corinthiennes du Temple de Diane
devant le siège ancestral de Princesse Diane d’Orléans, Duchesse d’Anjou et de Cadaval
Évora : présentation
A une centaine de kilomètres à l’est de Lisbonne, Évora est une très ancienne villecitadelle qui domine les alentours. Capitale de la région de l’Alentejo, Évora est un lieu
chargé d’histoire qui abrite en son sein les ruines d’un temple romain ainsi qu’une
importante cathédrale gothique du XIIIème siècle et des bâtiments très bien conservés
du XVème et XVIème siècles, témoignage éloquent de l’âge d’or portugais. Le centre
historique de cette ville-musée a été classé au Patrimoine mondial de l’UNESCO en
Fondée au seuil de l’ère chrétienne, Évora présente une jolie palette architecturale
due à ses différents occupants : romains, wisigoths, musulmans et chrétiens. Depuis
ses origines, la ville est un carrefour routier important. Les quartiers typiques de la
ville, bordés de jardins, sont composés de maisons basses, blanchies à la chaux, aux
toits de tuiles ou en terrasses. Pour la plupart, elles sont ornées d’azulejos (carreaux
de faïence décorés) et de vieux balcons en fer forgé. Les grandes œuvres
architecturales datent essentiellement du XVIème siècle, tel l’aqueduc antique de 1537
ou les nombreuses fontaines qui rafraîchissent la ville.
Armoiries de la ville d’Évora
Ses Origines
C’est à l’époque de la Conquête romaine de
l’Hispanie qu’Évora devint particulièrement
important. Fidèle à l’empereur Jules César
lors de la guerre qui opposa ce dernier à
Pompée, Évora fut récompensée par le nom
de Liberalitas Julia vers 60 av.J.-C.
L’importance de la ville à cette époque est
aujourd’hui visible par les ruines du temple
romain et par les vestiges de nombreuses
murailles anciennes.
Yaqub al-Mansur (1191), à une époque où les
frontières portugaises furent repoussées
jusqu’au Tage. La légende d’Évora est liée à
l’histoire de la reconquête du territoire
occupé par les Arabes ou Maures, par les
chevaliers chrétiens : le trésor des Maures
serait caché dans un souterrain de la ville…
C’est au XIVème siècle que ce palais au
centre de la ville d’Évora fut offert par le
roi João Ier, Grand Maître de l’Ordre
d’Aviz, à son conseiller, le comte
Martim Afonso de Melo, premier maire
de la ville d’Évora et descendant de la
Couronne portugaise. Le palais est en
partie construit sur les murailles
romaines et wisigoth du vieux Château
Avec l’arrivée du christianisme, la ville devint
évêché au IVème siècle. Son importance se
maintint sous la domination des Wisigoth,
devenant centre de frappe de monnaie. La
Conquête musulmane de l’Hispanie passa
par la ville d’Évora, dont on voit encore des
vestiges architecturaux, notamment au
Palais des Ducs de Cadaval.
À l’époque de la Reconquista, Évora fut prise
par le roi Alphonse Ier de Portugal (1159).
Reprise peu de temps plus tard par les
Maures, sa conquête définitive sera par
Giraldo Sans Peur, en 1165, avec l’aide des
premiers chevaliers de l’Ordre de Calatrava,
fondé au Royaume de Castille deux ans
auparavant et qui, au Portugal, avaient reçu
le nom de Frades de Évora, s’étant installés
dans cette ville. En 1181 ces moineschevaliers étaient dénommés Ordre d’Évora,
puis, plus tard, Ordre d’Aviz, quand ils
transférèrent leur siège à Aviz. C’est le
Grand Maître de l’Ordre d’Aviz qui deviendra
en 1385 le roi Dom João Ier du Portugal et
sa dynastie règnera jusqu’en 1580.
Le Palais des Ducs
de Cadaval
Plusieurs souverains portugais vinrent y
résider : João II, João IV et João V.
C’est également dans ce palais que fut
emprisonné Fernando II, Duc de
Bragance, accusé de conspiration
contre le roi Dom João II et décapité à
la Place du Giraldo en 1483.
L’église Saint-Antoine qui
domine la Place du Giraldo
L’Université d’Évora a, jusqu’au milieu du
XVIIIème siècle, été le centre universitaire
majeur des jésuites portugais. L’origine de
cette université date de la création du Colégio
do Espírito Santo fondé en 1559 par le
Cardinal-Infant Dom Henrique, futur roi du
Pendant le règne du roi Sanche Ier Portugal, et le Pape Paul IV. Le Colégio do
(1185-1211), ce fut avec l’aide de ces Espírito Santo devint l’un des plus fameux
chevaliers que la ville résista à l’assaut des centres d’enseignement et se posa en rival de
Almohades commandés par Abu Yusuf l’Université de Coimbra.
Depuis 1994 le palais, avec son jardin
et sa merveilleuse église Saint-Jean
l’évangéliste, est centre d’un festival
annuel de musique classique du monde
entier, organisé par les duchesses de
Vue du Palais Cadaval, qui conserve
des éléments d'architecture mauresque,
gothique et manuéline
Church of St John the Evangelist adjoining the Cadaval Palace, its walls decorated in ceramics
Following the advent of Christianity, the
town became a bishopric in the 4th century.
It remained important under the rule of the
Visigoths, becoming a centre for minting
coins. The Moslems passed through Évora
during their conquest of the peninsula,
architectural traces of which can still be
seen, notably on the Palace of the Dukes of
The University
The University of Évora was, up to the
mid-18th century, the principal university
run by Portuguese Jesuits. It originated in
the Colégio do Espírito Santo founded in
1559 by Cardinal-Infante Dom Henrique,
future King of Portugal, and Pope Paul IV.
The Colégio do Espírito Santo became one
of the most famous centres of learning,
In the Reconquista period, Évora was taken rivalling the University of Coimbra.
by King Alfonso I of Portugal (1159).
Renaissance marble cloisters
Recaptured a little later by the Moors, it
in the University of Évora
was definitively conquered by Gerald the
Fearless in 1165, with the aid of the first
Knights of Calatrava (founded two years
earlier in the Kingdom of Castile) who, in
Portugal, were called the Friars of Évora,
having settled in the city.
Introduction to Évora
Évora is an ancient fortified city, around a
hundred kilometres east of Lisbon, which
dominates its surroundings. Capital of the
Alentejo region, Évora abounds with history,
being home to the ruins of a Roman temple,
a major gothic cathedral of the 13th century
and well-preserved buildings from the 15th
and 16th centuries which bear eloquent
witness to Portugal’s golden age. The
historic centre of this city-museum was
classified by UNESCO in 1986 as a World
Heritage Site.
Arms of the city of Évora
In 1181 these monk-knights were known as
the Order of Évora, then later as the
Order of Avis, when they transferred their
seat to Avis
The Grand Master of the Order of Avis
became in 1385 King John I of Portugal,
Founded on the threshold of the Christian whose dynasty reigned until 1580.
era, Évora presents a fine architectural
palette thanks to its various inhabitants During the reign of King Sancho I
over the ages: Romans, Visigoths, Moslems (1185-1211), these knights helped the city
and Christians. Since its beginnings the city resist the attack of the Almohads led by
has been an important crossroads. Its Abu Yusuf Yaqub al-Mansur (1191), at a
neighbourhoods, surrounded by gardens, time when the Portuguese borders had
comprise low whitewashed houses with been driven back as far as the Tagus. The
tiled roofs or terraces. Most are decorated legend of Évora is linked to the story of the
with azulejos (ornamental tiles) and old reconquest by Christian knights of lands
wrought iron balconies. Much of the best occupied by the Arabs or Moors: the
architecture dates from the 16th century, treasure of the Moors is supposedly hidden
such as the old aqueduct (1537) or the beneath the city…
numerous refreshing fountains.
Its Origins
Évora owes its importance to the period of
the Roman conquest of Hispania. Loyal to
the Emperor Julius Caesar during his war
with Pompey, Évora was rewarded with the
name of Liberalitas Julia around 60 BC. Its
greatness at this time can still be seen in
the ruins of the Roman temple and in the
numerous ancient walls which still stand.
The Palace
of the Dukes
of Cadaval
In the 14th century the palace in the centre
of the city of Évora was offered by King John
I, Grand Master of the Order of Avis, to his
adviser, Count Martim Alfonso de Melo, first
mayor of the city of Évora and a descendant
of the Portuguese Crown. The palace is built
partly of the Roman and Visigothic walls of
the old Castle of Évora.
Several Portuguese Kings came to live
there: John II, John IV and John V. Here too
was imprisoned Fernando II, Duke of
Braganza, accused of conspiracy against
King John II and decapitated in Giraldo
Square in 1483.
Since 1994 the palace, with its garden and
marvellous church of St John the
Evangelist, has been home to an annual
festival of classical music from all over the
world, organised by the Duchesses of
Praça do Giraldo, the main square named after
the 12th century knight who governed the city,
Gerald the Fearless. The Moorish arcades which
once saw executions now look out upon tourists
at leisure
Programme of the International Reunion
Horaire – Time
Activité – Event
Lieu – Place
Conviés – Participants
Tenues / Dress code
09.00 – 10.45
Grand Magistry meeting
Cadaval Palace, tower room
Grand Magistry
Blazer / Dark suit
11.00 – 13.00
Grand Magistry meeting
Cadaval Palace, tower room
Grand Magistry
Blazer / Dark suit
13.00 – 15.00
Buffet lunch
Cadaval Palace, tower terrace
Grand Magistry
Blazer / Dark suit
15.00 – 17.00
Grand Magistry meeting
Cadaval Palace, tower room
Grand Magistry
Blazer / Dark suit
15.00 – 19.00
Cadaval Palace, main entrance
New arrivals
17.45 – 19.30
Grand Magistry meeting
Cadaval Palace, tower room
Grand Magistry
Blazer / Dark suit
Grand Officers’ dinner
Cadaval Palace, dining room
GMy / GovC / Spouses
Blazer / Dark suit
09.00 – 10.45
Governing Council meeting
Cadaval Palace, grand salon
Governing Council / GMy
Blazer / Dark suit
11.00 – 13.00
Governing Council meeting
Cadaval Palace, grand salon
Governing Council / GMy
Blazer / Dark suit
13.00 – 15.00
Buffet lunch
Cadaval Palace, dining room
GovC / GMy / Spouses
Blazer / Dark suit
15.00 – 19.00
Cadaval Palace, main entrance
New arrivals
15.00 – 17.00
Governing Council meeting
Cadaval Palace, grand salon
Governing Council / GMy
Blazer / Dark suit
17.45 – 19.30
Governing Council meeting
Cadaval Palace, grand salon
Governing Council / GMy
Blazer / Dark suit
Members’ dinner
Cadaval Palace, patio
All members / Spouses
Blazer / Dark suit
09.00 – 12.00
Chapter General
University of Évora, auditorium
All members / Spouses
Uniform / Blazer
12.30 – 15.00
Chapter General luncheon
Cadaval Palace, patio
All members / Spouses
Uniform / Blazer
Church of St John the Evangelist
All members / Spouses
Grand Master’s dinner
Cadaval Palace, garden marquee
All members / Spouses
Free afternoon
19.00 – 20.15
Black tie
Mantle in church
10.00 – 11.00
Workshop: Spirituality in the Order
University of Évora
All members / Spouses
Blazer / Dark suit
11.15 – 12.15
Workshop: Tradition in the Order
University of Évora
All members / Spouses
Blazer / Dark suit
12.30 – 13.30
Workshop: Charity and the Order
University of Évora
All members / Spouses
Blazer / Dark suit
Free afternoon
16.00 – 18.00
Solemn Mass of Investiture
Metropolitan Basilica of Évora
All members / Spouses
Invited guests
Gala dinner
Cadaval Palace, garden marquee
Church services, meals and departures at own convenience
Uniform / Dark suit
Uniform / Black or
white tie
Every member of the Order who will come to the
International Reunion must complete and return to the
Grand Chancery the reservation form below by fax, email or
post before 31 March 2009.
The participation fee of €150.-- per person must be
transferred in full at the same time.
The towers of the Sé (cathedral) of
Évora, whose construction began in
1186. The flags of Vasco da Gama's
ships were blessed here before his
voyage to India.
The outside is a blend of
romanesque and gothic, with
sculptures of the Apostles on a 14th
century portal. The gothic interior
has the longest nave of any
cathedral in the country. The large
Renaissance organ at the west end
of the cathedral is one of the oldest
in the world still in regular use.
The adjoining cloister with its
statues and the museum of sacred
art above are worth visiting. The
most precious exhibit is a 13th
century ivory Madonna whose body
opens out to reveal intricately
carved scenes of nine episodes of
her life. The rooftop gallery provides
a fine view over the city.
Friends and family members are welcome to participate
with you, subject to payment in advance of the same
participation fee. Reservations made after 31 March
cannot be guaranteed since local hotels are likely to be full.
Please make your booking now to avoid disappointment.
After submitting your reservation form and payment, your
registration will be completed on arrival at the Cadaval
Palace with the issue of a pass to give you access to the
meetings, meals and ceremonies in the palace, cathedral
and university.
The registration desk, signposted from the main entrance
of the palace, will be staffed from 15.00 – 19.00 on the
Wednesday and Thursday.
I will attend the 2009 Chapter General with ……….......... guests, whose names are:
I accept responsibility for arranging my own travel and accommodation. I waive any claim against the organisers of the event for
any loss of possessions or for personal injury. I agree to transfer the full participation fee of €150 per person before 31 March
2009 to the account indicated below and accept that no refund is possible.
Euro account:
X €150 per person...............................€ Total
OSLJ International 0879-373188-32
CH41 0483 5037 3188 3200 0
Credit Suisse
Uraniastrasse 4
CH-8070 Zürich, Switzerland
* Remember to state your name in the bank transfer as a reference.
* Bank charges are to be paid by the sender. Cheque payments cannot be accepted.
Grand Chancery
POB 38
CH-5466 Kaiserstuhl/AG
Fax: +49 77 42 85 80 18
Email: [email protected]
Hotels in Évora
Évora is very popular with tourists and some hotels are already well booked,
so to avoid disappointment please make your reservation directly with the
place of your choice as soon as possible.
Any accommodation inside the city walls will be within reasonable walking
distance of the Cadaval Palace. Many travel websites will assist with bookings.
The streets within the
walls of Évora
abound with shops,
fountains, museums
and churches - one
with a large chapel
decorated entirely
with human bones.
Many of the
townhouses are
decorated with
ceramics and
wrought iron
Inside the city walls
POUSADA DOS LÓIOS Largo Conde Vila Flor ; [email protected]
Tel +351 266 730 070
M’AR DE AR MURALHAS Travessa da Palmeira
Tel +351 266 739 300
M’AR DE AR AQUEDUCTO Rua Candido dos Reis, 72
Tel +351 266 739 300
Tel +351 266 704 141
ALBERGARIA SOLAR MONFALIM Largo da Misericórdia, 1
Tel +351 266 750 000
ALBERGARIA DO CALVÁRIO Travessa dos Lagares, 3
Tel +351 266 745 930
CASA HÓSPEDES ‘O ALENTEJO’ Rua de Serpa Pinto, 74
No website
Tel +351 266 702 903
CASA SÃO TIAGO Largo Alexandre Herculano, 2
Tel +351 266 702 686
No website
Tel +351 266 702 326
Tel +351 266 743 113
RESIDENCIAL GIRALDO Rua dos Mercadores, 27
No website
Tel +351 266 705 833
Tel +351 266 769 160
RESIDENCIAL POLICARPO Rua Freiria de Baixo, 16 r/c
Tel +351 266 702 424
RESIDENCIAL RIVIERA Rua 5 de Outubro, 47-49
Tel +351 266 737 210
Fax +351 266 707 248
Fax +351 266 739 305
Fax +351 266 739 305
Fax +351 266 706 544
Fax +351 266 742 367
Fax +351 266 745 939
Fax +351 266 702 903
No fax
Fax +351 266 702 324
Fax +351 266 743 101
No fax
Fax +351 266 769 161
Fax +351 266 703 474
Fax +351 266 737 212
Outside the city walls
Tel +351 266 788 200
Fax +351 266 788 229
ÉVORA HOTEL Quinta do Cruzeiro, Estrada Nacional 4
Tel +351 266 748 800
Fax +351 266 748 806
HOTEL DOM FERNANDO Avenida Dr Barahona, 2
Tel +351 266 737 990
Fax +351 266 737 999
HOTEL IBIS Quinta da Tapada, Urbanização da Muralha
Tel +351 266 760 700
Fax +351 266 760 799
Tel +351 266 770 174
Fax +351 266 700 974
HOSPEDARIA D’EL REI Loteamento Chafariz d’el Rei, 1
Tel +351 266 745 660
Fax +351 266 745 669
RESIDENCIAL GRAÇA Quinta Braca do Faial, Lote 4 (Junto ao Bairro de Santa Luzia)
Tel +351 266 700 444
Fax +351 266 741 846
QUINTA DO XARRAMA Estrada de Estremoz – 2,5 km
Tel +351 266 700 405
No fax
QUINTA DA NORA Estrada dos Canaviais – 3 km
[email protected]
Tel +351 266 709 810
Fax +351 266 733 781
QUINTA DA ESPADA Estrada de Arraiolos – 4 km
Tel +351 266 734 549
Fax +351 266 736 464
MONTE SERRALHEIRA APARTAMENTOS Estrada do Bairro de Almeirim – 3 km
Tel +351 266 741 286
Tel +351 266 741 286

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