University of Sheffield, Department of French


University of Sheffield, Department of French
University of Sheffield, Department of French
Book Lists – Set Texts for L2 Approved Modules
The following books are essential reading for the relevant module, and students are
required to purchase a copy and read it in advance of the module commencing in Autumn
2012. Please pay attention to editions specified (where relevant). Full reading lists (including
secondary literature) will be made available via MOLE at the start of the academic year.
N.B. ALL Second Years need to purchase the following grammar coursebook which will be
used in FRE201/202 Language classes
French Grammar in Context, by Margaret Jubb & Annie Rouxeville (3rd edition)
(London: Hodder Arnold, 2008) ISBN: 978-0340968741, c.£18
FRE223/224 Twentieth-Century French Literature
Dr Renate Günther
 Jean-Paul Sartre, L’Age de raison, Gallimard (Folio), 1989
 Marcel Proust, Le Temps retrouvé, Gallimard (Folio),1990
 Marguerite Duras, Détruire dit-elle, Minuit, 1969
 Nathalie Sarraute, Portrait d’un inconnu, Gallimard (Folio), 1989
FRE245/246 L'Exclusion en France: faits, théories et politique
Prof. Jan Windebank
FRE249/250 Narratives of Confinement
Dr Amanda Crawley Jackson
 Nina Bouraoui, La Voyeuse interdite (1993, any edition)
 Tahar Ben Jelloun, Cette aveuglante absence de lumière (2002, any edition)
 Philippe Claudel, Le Rapport de Brodeck (2009, any edition)
 François Bizot, Le Portail (2002, any edition)
Students should also watch the following film – copies available in the IC or you may wish to
purchase your own copy:
 Mathieu Kassovitz, La Haine (1995)
FRE269/270 La Bande dessinée
Dr Wendy Michallat
FRE275/276 La Francophonie: langue, colonie et civilisation
Dr Audrey Small
 Agnant, Bessora, et al (ouvrage collectif), Dernières nouvelles du colonialisme (La Roche
d’Atheron : Vents d’Ailleurs, 2006. ISBN 2-911412-40-0.)
 Cheikh Hamidou Kane, L’Aventure ambiguë (any edition)
 Driss Chraïbi, La Civilisation, ma mère! (any edition)
FRE281/282 French Revolutionary Traditions
Dr Sophie Watt
 Eric Hobsbawm, The Age of Revolution: Europe, 1789-1848. (London: Abacus, 1962)
 Eric Hobsbawm, The Age of Capital, 1848-1875. (London, 1975)
 Eric Hobsbawm, The Age of Extremes : The Short Twentieth Century 1914-1991 (London,
Michael Joseph, 1993)
Other critical articles and chapters studied will be put on MOLE.
FRE283/284 French Documentary Film
Dr Julia Dobson
Students are not required to purchase the following films, as there are multiple copies of
each of the following set films in the IC. Please, however, watch the first documentary on
the list over the summer before the start of the module.
 Man on Wire (Marsh, 2008)
 Le Sang des bêtes (Franju 1949) nb: as a bonus on dvd of Franju Les yeux sans visage /
Eyes without a face
 Nuit et brouillard (Resnais, 1955)
 Rwanda pour mémoire (N’Diaye, 2003)
 L’Avocat de la terreur (Schroeder 2007)
 Les Glaneurs et la glaneuse (Varda, 2000)
 Etre et avoir (Philibert, 2002)
 Récréations (Simon,1993)
FRE 285/286: Petitions and Polemics
Dr Imogen Long
 Simone de Beauvoir, L'Existentialisme et la sagesse des nations. Gallimard-Folio edition,
ISBN 978-2070119318
 Paul Nizan, Les Chiens de garde. Agone-Éléments edition, ISBN 978-2748901719
 Henri Alleg, La Question. Minuit-Double edition, ISBN 978-2707320629
Julia Kristeva, Les Samouraï. Gallimard-Folio edition, ISBN 978-2070384723
Didier Daeninckx, Meurtres pour mémoire. Gallimard-Folio policier edition, ISBN 9782070406494
FRE287/288 Nineteenth-century Voices
Dr Helen Abbott and Dr Maxime Goergen
 Honoré de Balzac, Le Père Goriot. Gallimard-Folio edition, ISBN 978-2070409341
 Gustave Flaubert, L’Education sentimentale. Gallimard-Folio edition, ISBN 9782070308798
 Émile Zola, L’Assommoir. Gallimard-Folio edition, ISBN 978-2070411436
Students may, if they wish, also purchase the following poetry / conte collections, although
relevant texts will be made available via e-Text on MOLE
 Charles Baudelaire, Les Fleurs du Mal. Flammarion-GF edition, ISBN 978-2081279032
 Auguste Villiers de l’Isle-Adam, Contes cruels. Gallimard-Folio edition, ISBN 9782070374564
 Stéphane Mallarmé, Igitur, Divagations, Un Coup de dés. Gallimard-Poésie edition, ISBN