2.2 Ambiguïté du français.pptx


2.2 Ambiguïté du français.pptx
Ambiguity in Natural Language:
[email protected]
Ambiguity in French
o  Morphological & lexical ambiguity
o  Syntactical ambiguity
o  Predicative ambiguity
o  Semantical ambiguity
o  Pragmatical ambiguity
Morphological & Lexical Ambiguity
o  word boundaries
o  syntactic class
o  inflection
o  homonymy
o  polysemy
Word boundaries
o  Spoken, homophonous sequences
o  Exemple
Passe moi l’affiche / la fiche
n  give me the poster / the card
Ils étaient très amis / treize amis
n  they were very good friends / thirteen friends
o  Written, no problem
Syntactic class
o  Without context
bois: wood [noun] or (I) drink [verb]
o  Interaction of possible syntactic classes
Le pilote ferme [verb, adj.] la [art., pron.] porte
[noun, verb]
n  The pilote closes the door
n  The pilote steady carries her
o  No interaction
Devant cette somme il hésite
n  Owing this sum he hesitates
n  In front of (concidering) this sum he hesitates
o  spoken, same sound for
Il marche / Ils marchent
n  He walk / They walk
J’ai vu son amie / J’ai vu son ami
n  I saw his(her) femal friend / I saw his(her) male
pour la faim de l’après midi / pour la fin de
l’après midi
n  (slogan publicitaire vu en 2012)
o  Homophon but not homograph (spoken)
Montrer moi ce sot / seau / sceau / saut
n  let me see this idiot / bucket / seal (stamp) / jump
o  Homograph but not homophon (written)
Elle a perdu ses fils
n  She has lost her sons / threads, cottons
o  Homograph and homophon
Je suis un imbécile
n  I am following a fool
n  I am a fool
o  Non-grammatical words
Dans le milieu des conservateurs cette
mesure à été rejetée
n  In the conservatives/curators (preservatives)
circle this measure was rejected
Also with verbs
o  Grammatical words
Vous devez le savoir
n  You may know this
n  You must know this
Syntactical Ambiguity
o  Define the scope of sentences and clauses
o  Define phrases and organize them into a
o  Recognize the nature of the clauses
o  Recognize the function of the phrases
Scope of sentences & clauses
o  Spoken
L’instituteur dit : “le maire est un âne”
n  the teacher said : “the mayor is a dimwit
“L’instituteur”, dit le maire, “est un âne”
n  “the teacher”, said the mayor, “is a dimwit
o  Written (telegraphic style)
Confirme achat chiens envoyez-en deux
mille baisers
n  confirm dogs purchase send two thousand kisses
Phrases & their organisation
o  Prepositional phrase attachment
n  Group 1: attachment points with ≠ types
o  V N PP, V A PP, N A PP, V PP PP
n  Group 2: attachment points are verbs
o  V V PP, V PP V, V et V PP
n  Group 3: attachment points are nominals
o  N PP PP, N et N PP
n  Group 4: attachment points are prepositionals
o  N P N P N et P N
PP attachment group 1
o  V N PP
Paul regarde le toit de la tour
n  Paul is looking at the roof of the tower
n  Paul is looking at the roof from the tower
o  V A PP
Ils sont repartis satisfaits de la mairie
n  They left satisfied with the town hall
o  Satisfied with the town hall, they left
n  They left satisfied from the town hall
o  From the town hall, they left satisfied
PP attachment group 2
o  V V PP
Il a dit qu’il donnerait son avis par fax
n  He said he will give his opinion by fax
=> say by fax vs. give by fax
o  V PP V
Je voudrais bien comprendre
n  I would like to understand really
n  I really would like to understand
PP attachment group 3
o  N PP PP
Il a fondé une école de commerce de jeune
n  He founded a business school for girls
n  He founded a girl’s trade school
o  N et N PP
Les voisins et les parents de Paul sont
n  The neighbours and Paul’s parents came
n  Paul’s neighbours and Paul’s parents came
PP attachment group 4
o  N P N P N et P N
J’ai visité la maison du père de Paul et de
n  I visited the house that is the one of the father
of both Paul and Marie
n  I visited the house that is the one of the father
of Paul and the one of Marie
Phrases & their organisation
o  Adjectival phrase attachment
n  Group 1: attachment to N or V
o  V N A
n  Group 2: attachment points are nomials
o  N P N A/Rel ; N et N A/Rel ; N, A, N ; N P N A et A
AP attachment group 1
o  V N A
Ce produit vous aide à conserver votre teint
n  This product help you to keep your healthy
n  This product help you keep fresh your
J’aime boire mon café chaud
n  I enjoy drinking my coffee hot
n  I enjoy drinking my hot coffee
AP attachment group 2
o  N P N A/Rel
C’est un marchand de drap anglais
n  This is a trader of English sheet
n  This is an English trader of sheet
o  N et N A/Rel
J’ai croisé un homme et un enfant très
n  I met a man and a very happy child
n  I met a very happy man and a very happy child
NP attachment
o  N N et N V
Le président de la République, M. Chirac, et le
premier ministre se sont rencontrés
n  President of the Republic, M. Chirac, and the prime
minister met (2 or 3 people)
o  V et V N
o  V N qui V N et N
Au zoo il y a un lion qui terrifie les badauds et
de pauvres petites antilopes
n  passerbies are terrified and antelops (are terrified)
Nature of the clauses
o  Relative / Indirecte interrogative
J’ai demandé au monsieur qui habitait là
n  I asked to the man who was living here
o  I asked who was living here to the man
o  I asked to (the man who was living here)
o  Adverbial / Indirecte interrogative
Ecrivez-moi si vous comptez venir me voir
n  Write me if you intend to visit me
o  If you intend to visit me, write me
o  Write me to tell me if you intend to visit me
Function of the phrases
o  Ambiguous functional marker (word)
La circulation à été déviée par la gendarmerie
n  The traffic was diverted by the gendarmerie
n  The traffic was diverted near by the gendarmerie
Il faut limiter la circulation au centre ville
o  Ambiguous places
Quel auteur cite ce conférencier?
n  Which author does this speaker quote?
n  Which speaker does this author quote?
Predicative Ambiguity
o  Identify the predicate and its arguments
o  Restore the arguments
o  Restore the predications
o  Recognize the adverbial clauses role
The predicate & its arguments
o  Identification of the predicate
C’est elle qui a fait la cuisine
n  That’s her who cooked
n  That’s her who made (built) the cuisine
o  Identification of the arguments
Cette construction me déplaît
n  I dislike this construction
o  I dislike what is being built (the result)
o  I dislike the fact that something is being built (the
Arguments restoration
o  With infinitive
Pierre a fait porter des chocolats à Lucie
n  Pierre is having chocolates sent to Lucie
n  Pierre is having chocolates sent by Lucie
o  With nominalization
Le choix du médecin peu se discuter
n  The choice the doctor made can be questioned
n  The choosed doctor can be questioned
Predications restoration
o  Elliptical constructions
Georges admire Marie autant que Jean
n  Georges admires Marie as much as Jean
o  Georges admires Marie as much as Georges
admires Jean
o  Georges admires Marie as much as Jean admires
o  “Reduced” constructions
Le magistrat juge les enfants coupables
n  The magistrate found the children guilty
n  The magistrate judged the guilty children
Adverbial clauses role
o  Interrogative
Quand as-tu affirmé que Paul était mort?
n  (When did you say) that Paul was dead?
n  You said that (Paul was dead when)?
o  Cleft structures
C’est à Marie que tu as dit que Jean
n  You said to Marie that Jean was going to call
n  You said that Jean was going to call Marie
Semantical Ambiguity
o  Calculate the hyerarchy of the operators
o  Calculate the process and actor types
o  Calulate the thematic of the utterance
Hyerarchy of the operators
o  Interaction with negation
Toutes les victimes n’avaient pas été
n  Not all the victims had get vaccinated
n  None of the victims had get vaccinated
o  Interaction with restriction and question
Il n’a connu qu’une série d’échecs dans sa
n  He new only one series of failures in his life
n  He new nothing else than a series of failures in
his life
Hyerarchy of the operators
o  Interaction with quantification
Tout le monde déteste son frère
n  Every one hates his own brother
n  Every one hates the brother of X
Process & actor types
Ce texte ne pose aucun problème
n  This text is not problematic (reading,
n  This text asks no question
Il s’est fait renvoyé par son patron
n  He made his boss fire him
n  He was fired by his boss against his wishes
Pierre et Jean se battent tout le temps
n  Pierre and Jean fight all the time against each
n  Pierre and Jean fight all the time together against
Theme of the utterance
C’est le voisin qui fait du bruit
n  The one making noise is the neighbour (bruit)
n  This one is the neighbour making noise (voisin)
Pragmatical Ambiguity
o  Calculate the referential values
n  of the process
n  of the actors
o  Calculate the interlocutive values
Referential values of the process
Paul va à l’école
n  Paul is (currently) going to school
n  Paul is sent to school
Ça ne se dit pas
n  One must not say that (obligation)
n  One never say that (observation)
Referential values of the actors
Marie veut épouser un milliardaire
n  Marie wants to marry a multimillionaire
o  There is a multimillionaire that she wants to marry
o  She wants to become the wife of a multimillionaire
(non- specific)
Paul à confiance en lui
n  Paul trust him (X)
n  Paul trust himself
Interlocutive values
Jean veut boire cette liqueur empoisonnée
n  Jean wants to drink this liqueur without
knowing that it is poisoned
n  Jean wants to drink this liqueur knowing that it
is poisoned to commit suicide
As-tu un ticket de métro ?
n  Do you have an subway ticket?
o  I want to know if you have or not an subway ticket.
[If you don’t have one you should buy one]
o  I ask you to give me an subway ticket.
[Because I don’t have any]
o  For English
n  Hirst, G. (1987) Semantic interpretation and the
resolution of ambiguity. Cambridge University Press,
o  For French
n  Fuchs, C. (1996) Les ambiguïtés du français, Ophrys,
o  For LIDIA and interactive disambiguation
n  Blanchon, H. (1997) Interactive Disambguation of
Natural Language Input: a Methodology and Two
Implementations for French and English. Proc.
IJCAI-97. Nagoya, Japan. August 23-29, 1997. vol.
2/2 : pp. 1042-1047.
n  Blanchon, H. & Fais, L. (1997) Asking Users About
What They Mean: Two Experiments & Results. Proc.
HCI’97. San Francisco, California. August 24-29, 1997.
vol. 2/2 : pp. 609-912.