EUREL NEWSLETTER, n° 24 Novembre/November 2016


EUREL NEWSLETTER, n° 24 Novembre/November 2016
Novembre/November 2016
Voici la vingt-quatrième lettre d'information du site Eurel (données sociologiques et
juridiques sur la religion en Europe et au-delà), envoyée deux fois par an. / This is the
newsletter # 24 of the Eurel website (sociological and legal data on religions in Europe and
beyond) which is sent twice a year.
Vous y trouverez, pour de nombreux pays, des informations concernant le droit et les sciences
sociales des religions en Europe : les références des livres et articles récemment parus, les
nouveaux sites internet, les derniers sondages, les prochains colloques consacrés à ces
disciplines. La lettre fournit également des informations sur l'actualité du site / The letter
provides academic news concerning law and sociology of religion in many countries of
Europe: references of recent books or articles, new websites, just released surveys, and
coming meetings. The letter also includes information concerning the latest changes in the
Eurel website.
1. Actualité en droit et sociologie des religions / News in law and sociology of religion
République tchèque/Czech Republic
Royaume-Uni/United Kingdom
2. Actualité du site Eurel / News of the Eurel website
1. Actualité en droit et sociologie des religions / News in law and
sociology of religion
Ouvrages / books
Chaplin Jonathan, Wilton Gary (Hg.). God and the EU: Faith in the European project.
Routledge: London & New York, S. 151-174.
Courtade, Pascal, Saint-Martin, Isabelle (dir.), L'expression du religieux dans la sphère
publique. Comparaisons internationales, Paris, La Documentation française, 2016.
Koussens, David, Robert, Marie-Pierre, Gelinas, Claude, Bernatchez, Stephane, Les religions
hors la loi. L’Etat libéral à l’épreuve des religions minoritaires, Bruylant : Bruxelles 2016.
Saraiva, Clara, Margry, Peter Jan, Obadia, Lionel, Povedák, Kinga, Mapril, José
(dir.), Experiencing Religion. New Approaches to personal Religiosity, Münster – Berlin –
Hamburg – London – Wien, Lit Verlag (Ethnology of Religion Bd. 1), 2016.
COUTINHO, José Pereira (2016), “Religiosity in Europe: an index, factors, and clusters of
religiosity”. Sociologia, Problemas e Práticas, 81 | 2016, p. 163-188.
Ouvrages / Books
Religionspolitik und Politik der Religionen in Deutschland. Fallstudien und Vergleiche.
Wiesbaden: Springer VS 2016.
Becker, Dieter, Höhmann, Peter (2016): Kooperation und Konflikt: Spannungslinien
Mitgliederbewusstsein, Frankfurt: AIM-Verlagshaus.
Hölscher, Lucian, Krech, Volkhard (Hg.): Handbuch der Religionsgeschichte im
deutschsprachigen Raum, Band 6/2: 20. Jahrhundert – Religiöse Positionen und soziale
Formationen. Paderborn: Ferdinand Schöningh.
Lepp, Claudia, Oelke Harry, Pollack Detlef (Hg.) (2016): Religion und Lebensführung im
Umbruch der langen 1960er Jahre. Göttingen: Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht.
Liedhegener, Antonius, Pickel, Gert (Hg.) (2016): Religionspolitik in der Bundesrepublik
Deutschland. Fallstudien und Vergleiche. Wiesbaden: Springer VS.
Pollack, Detlef (2016): Religion und gesellschaftliche Differenzierung: Studien zum religiösen
Wandel in Europa und den USA. Tübingen: Mohr.
Viele Götter, ein Staat: Religiöse Vielfalt und Teilhabe im Einwanderungsland,
Jahresgutachten 2016 mit Integrationsbarometer.
Baumann, Martin (2016): „Eine lange Tradition der Einwanderung von
Glaubensgemeinschaften“, in Terra cognita. Schweizer Zeitschrift zu Integration und
Migration, hrsg. von der Eidgenössischen Migrationskommission, 28, S. 12-15.
Gärtner, Christel (2016), “Religion and the Opinion Makers. Views of Religion among Elite
Journalists in Germany”, in: Ruhrmann, Georg, Shooman, Yasemin, Widmann, Peter (eds.):
Newsletter 24, novembre/November 2016
Media and Minorities. Questions on Representation from an International Perspective,
Studies of the Jewish Museum Berlin, Göttingen: Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht, S. 68-81.
Kaden, Tom, Schmidt-Lux, Thomas (2016): “Scientism and Atheism Then and Now. The
Role of Science in the Monist and New Atheist Writings”, in: Culture and Religion, (20), pp.
Karstein, Uta, Burchardt, Marian (2016): “Religion”, in: Gugutzer Robert, Klein, Gabriele,
Meuser Michael (Hg.): Handbuch Körpersoziologie. Bd. 2 Forschungsfelder und Methoden.
Wiesbaden, Springer VS, S. 203-216.
Kern, Thomas, Pruisken, Insa (2016): „Wohin geht der religiöse Wandel? Essay“,
Soziologische Revue, 2016; 39(3), S. 337–349.
Kläden, Tobias (2016). „Die Seniorinnen und Senioren sind nicht mehr die alten! Religiöse
Entwick-lung im Erwachsenenalter“, in: Beier Miriam u.a. (Hg.): Religion und Bildung Ressourcen im Alter? Zwischen dem Anspruch auf Selbstbestimmung und der Einsicht in die
Unverfügbarkeit des Lebens (Studien zur religiösen Bildung 11), Leipzig: EVA, S. 63-84.
Koenig, Matthias, Malipaard, Mieke, Guveli, Ayse (2016): “Religion and new immigrants’
labor market entry in Western Europe”, Ethnicities 16(2), pp. 213-235.
Koenig, Matthias (2016): “Beyond the paradigm of secularization?”, in: Zemmin Florian,
Jager Colin, Vanheesijck Guido (eds.): Working with A Secular Age. Boston: De Gruyter,
S. 23-48.
Kreutzer, Ansgar (2016): „Authentisches Zeugnis - zwischen theologischer Affinität und
soziologischer Skepsis“, in: Kreutzer/Niemand (Hg.): Authentizität – Modewort, Leitbild,
Konzept. Theologische und humanwissenschaftliche Erkundungen zu einer schillernden
Kategorie, S. 279-306.
Kreutzer, Ansgar, Niemand, Christoph (2016): „Stil, Gastfreundschaft und Bildung.
Präsenzweisen des Christentums unter entchristianisierten Bedingungen“, in: Rose Miriam,
Wermke Michael (Hg.): Religiöse Reden in postsäkularen Gesellschaften. Leipzig, S. 215236.
Kreutzer, Ansgar, Niemand, Christoph (Hg.) (2016): Authentizität – Modewort, Leitbild,
Konzept. Theologische und humanwissenschaftliche Erkundungen zu einer schillernden
Kategorie, Regensburg: Verlag Friedrich Pustet.
Pickel, Gert (2016): „Ist Reden über Religion religiös? Anmerkungen zur Existenz einer
säkularen Schweigespirale“, In: Rose Miriam, Wermke Michael (Hg.): Religiöse Rede in
postsäkularen Gesellschaften. Leipzig: Evangelische Verlagsanstalt, S. 57-88.
(2016): „Mehrdimensional, aber nicht unfassbar: Religionsbestimmung in der Friedens- und
Konfliktforschung“. In: Werkner, Ines-Jacqueline (Hg.): Religion in der Friedens- und
Konfliktforschung. Interdisziplinäre Zugänge zu einem multidimensionalen Begriff. Sonderheft
1 der Zeitschrift für Friedens- und Konfliktforschung, S. 179-209.
(2016): Religion / Religionslosigkeit in den neuen Bundesländern und Brüche in der säkularen
Gesellschaft. Verantwortung. Zeitschrift des Dietrich-Bonhoeffer-Vereins 30/57, S. 8-13.
(2016): „Religion, Religionslosigkeit und Atheismus in der deutschen Gesellschaft – eine
Darstellung auf der Basis sozial-empirischer Untersuchungen“, in: Thörner Katja, Thurner
Martin (Hg.): Religion, Konfessionslosigkeit & Atheismus. Freiburg: Herder, S. 179-224.
(2016): „Religion“, in: Kopp Johannes, Steinbach Anja (Hg.): Grundbegriffe der Soziologie.
Wiesbaden: Springer (11. Aufl.), S. 285-287.
Pickel, Gert, Jaeckel, Yvonne, Yendell, Alexander (2016): Glauben feiern, Spaß haben und
über Politik diskutieren – Der Katholikentag und seine Facetten. Eine religionssoziologische
Studie zum Besuch des Katholikentags in Regensburg. Münster: Monsenstein und Vannerdat.
Pickel, Gert, Yendell, Alexander, Jaeckel, Yvonne (2016): „Religiöse Pluralität oder kulturelle
Bereicherung? Die Wahrnehmung von Bedrohung durch Religion im Ländervergleich“, in:
Werkner, Ines-Jacqueline/Hidalgo, Oliver (Hg.): Religiöse Identitäten in politischen
Konflikten. Wiesbaden: Springer VS, S. 81-121.
Pollack, Detlef (2016): „Religiöser und gesellschaftlicher Wandel in den 1960er Jahren“, in:
Lepp Claudia, Oelke Harry, Pollack Detlef (Hg.): Religion und Lebensführung im Umbruch
der langen 1960er Jahre. Göttingen: Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht, S. 31-63.
Newsletter 24, novembre/November 2016
(2016): “Religious Pluralism: Undermining or Reinforcing Religiosity?”, in: Society 53, pp.
(2016): „Was ist Religion? Eine kritische Diskussion“, in: Zeitschrift für Friedens- und
Konfliktforschung, Sonderband 1: Religion in der Friedens- und Konfliktforschung:
Interdisziplinäre Zugänge zu einem multidimensionalen Begriff/hrsg. von Werkner InesJacqueline, S. 60-91.
Schirrmacher, Thomas, (2016):
„Christentum und Religionen: pluralistische
Religionstheologie“, in: Hermann, Christian/ Hille, Rolf (Hg): Verantwortlich glauben: Ein
Themenbuch zur christlichen Apologetik. VTR: Nürnberg, S. 139-188.
Actualités scientifiques / Conferences
God’s Own Gender? Religions and their Concepts of Masculinity, Konferenz des Clusters
“Religion and Politics”, 10.-11. November 2016 Münster.
Tagung des Schwerter Arbeitskreises Katholizismusforschung, 18.-20. November 2016 in
Fachtag des Comenius-Instituts: Religion, Lebenssinn und Geschlecht: Wissenstransfer
zwischen Theorie und Bildungspraxis, 25. November 2016 in Bochum.
ZAP-Kongresses: Für eine Kirche, die Platz macht (Zentrum für angewandte
Pastoralforschung), 13. Februar 2017 in Bochum.
Frühjahrstagung der Sektion Religionssoziologie der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Soziologie
Religion und Wissenschaft: Neue Fragen zu einem alten Thema, 11. und 12. Mai 2017 im
Wissenschaftszentrum Berlin für Sozialforschung (WZB) Berlin, Call for Papers.
Ouvrages / Books
FRANKEN, L., Liberal Neutrality and State Support for Religion: A Political-philosophical
Analysis, Springer International Publishing AG, 2016.
HASQUIN, H., Inscrire la laïcité dans la Constitution belge ?, Bruxelles, Ed. de l'Académie
Royale, 2016.
LAURENT, P.J. (dir), Tolérances et radicalismes : que n’avons-nous pas compris ? Analyse
pluridisciplinaire du « terrorisme islamique » (Bruxelles, Paris, 2015-2016), Bruxelles,
Couleur Livre, 2016.
laïcité en Belgique. Rapport 2015, Bruxelles, ULB, juin 2016.
WATTIER, S., Le financement public des cultes et des organisations philosophiques non
confessionnelles. Analyse de constitutionnalité et de conventionnalité, Préface de Louis-Leon
Christians et Marc Verdussen, Bruylant : Bruxelles, 2016 (ISBN:2802755528).
BEAUDUIN, B., « Le cours de religion dans l’enseignement libre confessionnel », Scolanews
2016, liv. 4, p. 5-7.
BORGHS, P., « “Racistische” haatboodschappen - Overzicht van recente Nederlandstalige
rechtspraak », A&M, 2016/1, p. 91-104.
BOUHARATI, B., « Section II. - L’attitude du juge face à la norme religieuse en particulier »,
in Les fonds islamiques en Europe, Windhof, Promoculture-Larcier, 2016, p. 407-428.
BOUSMAR, Eric. « Les défis du patrimoine religieux en Belgique francophone : héritage
encombrant ou patrimoine d’avenir ? Conclusions du colloque. Les défis du patrimoine
religieux. Héritage encombrant ? Patrimoine d'avenir ?, 12e Colloque du CHIREL BW,
organisé en coll. avec l'Institut RSCS de l'Université catholique de Louvain (Louvain-la-
Newsletter 24, novembre/November 2016
Neuve, 29/11/2014) », in: Revue d'histoire du Brabant wallon. Religion, patrimoine, société,
2016, Vol. 29, no.3, p. 282-291.
BRAEKEN, R., « Actes-conséquences : port du voile et refus de désignation", Scolanews
2016, liv. 4, p. 9-12.
BRAEKEN, R., « Cours dits philosophiques – Particularités d’organisation dans
l’enseignement officiel », Scolanews 2016, liv. 4, p. 1-4.
BRAEKEN, R., « Cours dits philosophiques (religions et morale non confessionnelle) et cours
de philosophie et de citoyenneté – Un jeu de casquettes idéologiques ? », Scolanews 2016,
liv. 4, p. 7-9.
CARPENTIER, F., DE MEESTER, C., DEDECKER, G., « Oproep aan OCMW en kerk om
elkaar (nog) beter te vinden in het samenwerken aan een leefbare maatschappij. Uitnodiging
tot de», in O.C.M.W.-Visies 2016, liv. 2, p. 32-33.
CHARLIER, P., « Le respect des pratiques religieuses alimentaires en Belgique : une question
peu débattue », in Bernadette Duarte (dir.), Les pratiques religieuses alimentaires : limiter le
risque discriminatoire, Paris, L’Harmattan, 2016 (Droit, Société et Risque), p. 111-123.
CHRISTIANS, L-L., Xavier DELGRANGE, Hélène LEROUXEL « La circoncision rituelle
en droit belge », in Vincente Fortier (dir.), La circoncision rituelle - Enjeux de droit, enjeux de
vérité, Strasbourg, Presses universitaires de Strasbourg, 2016 (Société, droit et religion en
CRUYSMANS, E., « Racisme, blasphème et liberté d'expression - Aperçu de la jurisprudence
“anti-hate speech” belge francophone », A&M, 2016/1, p. 71-90.
DASNOY-SUMELL, N., « Tout dire or not tout dire ? Comment concilier liberté d’expression
des enseignants et devoir de loyauté envers l’employeur ? », Scolanews 2016, liv. 2, p. 1-6.
DEPRET, A., Martine Rademaker, Directrice financière d’Oupeye. Jacques Ska, Fabricien.
Oupeye - Fabriques d'église : « Renforcer la confiance par le biais de la transparence
financière absolue », Mouv. comm. 2016, liv. 1, p. 49-52.
DORSSEMONT, F. « Vrijheid van ondernemen botst op godsdienstvrijheid », 2016,
Juristenkrant, 2016, afl. 334.
DORSSEMONT, F. « Neutraliteit van private ondernemingen versluiert vrijheid van religie »,
Juristenkrant, 2016, afl. 331, p. 12-13.
DUJARDIN, J. – [Règlement de la compétence entre l'autorité fédérale et les autorités
régionales en matière de cultes] Note sous Cour. const. (anc. Cour arb.), 1er oct. 2015, n°
135/2015, T. Gem., 2016/1, p.35-36.
ENGLEBERT, J., « La répression des excès de l'expression raciste ou blasphématoire :
lorsque l'idéologie prend le pas sur le droit », A&M, 2016/1, p. 37-70.
GENICOT, J., « Du foulard, sans se voiler la face – Réflexions » dans X., Le droit du travail
au XXIe siècle. Liber Amicorum Claude Wantiez, 2016, p. 813-820.
HABETS, C., « Vrijheid van onderwijs met respect voor religieuze en filosofische
overtuigingen en religieuze kentekens », in Human Rights as a Basis for Reevaluating and
Reconstructing the Law, Arnaud Hoc, Stéphanie Wattier, Geoffrey Willems (dir.), Bruxelles,
Bruylant, 2016, p. 355-369.
JOASSART, P., « Les convictions religieuses dans les relations de travail », Ors. 2016, liv. 8,
p. 49-61.
LEMMENS, K., BREMS, E., « L’histoire se répète: levensbeschouwelijke neutraliteit in
Frankrijk », Juristenkrant 2016, liv. 321, p. 11.
LINGUELET, R., « L'obligation d'aménagement raisonnable pour motif religieux en droit du
travail et les ressources du droit du bien-être », Journal des tribunaux du travail, 2016/15, n°
1249, p. 231-244
NOUNCKELE, J., « Les persécutions religieuses invoquées dans les demandes d’asile », in
Arnaud Hoc, Stéphanie Wattier, Geoffrey Willems (dir.), Human Rights as a Basis for
reevaluating and reconstructing the law, Bruxelles, Bruylant, 2016, p. 369-382.
RASSON, A-C., « L’intérêt de l’enfant, valeur fondamentale ? », in Arnaud Hoc, Stéphanie
Wattier, Geoffrey Willems (dir.), Human Rights as a Basis for Reevaluating and
Reconstructing the Law, Bruxelles, Bruylant, 2016, p. 335-355.
Newsletter 24, novembre/November 2016
RIAD, H., « Arbeidsrechtbank veroordeelt Actiris wegens indirecte discriminatie »,
Juristenkrant 2016, liv. 322, p. 4.
RINGELHEIM, F., « L'antisémitisme est-il un racisme comme les autres ? », A&M, 2016/1, p.
ROBERT, J. – « Questions. Cultes - Fabriques d’église : quelques questions juridiques
récentes », Mouv. comm., 2016/4, p. 61-64.
SAGESSER, C., « Belgique : le financement public des cultes à l'épreuve du pluralisme »,
Revue du droit des religions, 2016/1, p. 85-103.
THIRION, N. et VANDENBULKE, A., « Le hate speech et la liberté d'expression dans la
jurisprudence américaine sous l'angle de la philosophie du langage », A&M, 2016/1, p. 19-36.
VOORHOOF, D., « “Hate speech”, radicalisering en het recht op expressievrijheid - Waarom
artikel 17 EVRM (misbruikclausule) geen revival verdient », A&M, 2016/1, p. 4-18.
WATTIER, S. « La physionomie religieuse de la Belgique », in: Les visages de l'Etat. Liber
Amicorum Yves Lejeune, Bruylant: Bruxelles, 2016.
WATTIER, S., « Islam et financement au GD Luxembourg », Blog de la Chaire de droit des
religions, 13 mars 2016.
WATTIER, S., « La sauvegarde des droits de l'homme et des principes démocratiques comme
nouveau critère de financement public des cultes ? », in: Administration Publique, Vol. 2016,
p. 139-148, 2016.
WATTIER, S., « Quel système de financement public des cultes et des organisations
philosophiques non confessionnelles? Analyse de constitutionnalité et de conventionnalité »,
in: Annales de Droit de Louvain : revue trimestrielle, 2016, Vol. 77, no.1, p. 79-89.
X., « Opvoeden volgens het eigen geloof en inbreuken op de fysieke integriteit », T.J.K. 2016,
liv. 2, p. 103-105.
Actualité scientifique / Conference
Colloque International Etat & Religions, le vendredi 25 novembre 2016 à l’Université
catholique de Louvain (Louvain-la-Neuve).
Maya Kosseva and Iva Kyurkchieva, “Religious Dress Codes: The Bulgarian Case”, in: Silvio
Ferrari, Sabrina Pastorelli (eds.), Religion in Public Spaces: A European Perspective,
(London: Routledge, 2016), p. 255-274.
Zhivka Voenkinova, Lora Rashkova, “Social Problems of Refugees in Bulgaria”, SocioBrains,
issue 24, August 2016, p. 21-59.
Nicholas Spina, “The Religious Authority of the Orthodox Church and Tolerance Toward
Homosexuality”, Problems Of Post-Communism, 2016, 63 (1), p. 37-49.
Sondage / Survey
Lyubomir Kyuchukov, Influence of the refugee crisis on Bulgarian society and politics: Fears
– yes, but no hatred, Survey conducted with the support of the Bulgarian office of
Friedrich Ebert Stiftung, April 2016, in Bulgarian.
Autres / Others
Bulgaria follows France and Netherlands in move to ban the veil, 17 June 2016, Bulgarian
Helsinki Committee.
Angel Krasimirov, Bulgaria bans full-face veils in public places, Reuters, 30 September 2016.
Hortense Gourlard, Bulgaria bans burqa, face veil, Politico, 30 September 2016.
Newsletter 24, novembre/November 2016
Siobhan Fenton, Bulgaria imposes burqa ban – and will cut benefits of women who defy it,
Independent, 1 October, 2016.
Stormy start to ‘radical Islam’ trial in Bulgaria, Sofia Globe, 28 July 2016,
Alex Alexiev, The Bulgarian Cassation Court Endorses Radical Islam, Bulgaria Analytica, 31
July, 2016.
Radical Islam Witnesses in Bulgaria’s Pazardzhik Withdraw Statements, Info-Europa, 6
October 2016.
Specialized court leaves suspected terrorist behind bars, Bulgarian National Radio, 22
September 2016.
Burchardt, M. (2016). « Recalling modernity: how nationalist memories shape religious
diversity in Quebec and Catalonia ». Nations and Nationalism, n/a-n/a.
Diez de Velasco, F. (2016). « La enseñanza de las religiones en la escuela en España: avatares
del modelo de aula segregada ». Historia y Memoria de la Educación (4), p. 277–306.
Griera, M. (2016). « The governance of religious diversity in stateless nations: the case of
Catalonia ». Religion, State & Society, p. 1–19.
Griera, M., & Burchardt, M. (2016). « Religión y espacio público: el conflicto en torno a la
regulación del velo integral islámico ». Papeles del CEIC, International Journal on Collective
Identity Research, (2), p. 6–28.
Montañes, A. (2016). « Etnicidad e identidad gitana en los cultos pentecostales de la ciudad de
Madrid. El caso de la “Iglesia Evangélica de Filadelfia” y el “Centro Cristiano Vino Nuevo el
Rey Jesús » Papeles del CEIC. International Journal on Collective Identity Research,
2016(2), p. 160.
Special issue 2016. Revista General de Derecho Canónico y Derecho Eclesiástico del Estado,
Sites internet / Websites
New website: Religious Map of Catalunya
With the objective of locating and understanding in depth the different religious
denominations present in Catalonia, in 2001 the Ministry of Religious Affairs of the Catalan
regional government (now the Directorate General for Religious Affairs) commissioned the
ISOR (Research in the Sociology of Religion) to draw up a map of religious minorities.
Compilation of Research Projects on Religion by the Observatory of Religious Pluralism in
Sondages / Surveys
Centro de Investigaciones Sociológicas. Barometer June 2016. (Questions 41 and 41a).
Centro de Investigaciones Sociológicas. Barometer July 2016. (Questions 56 and 56a).
Ouvrages / Books
ADRIAN Melanie, Religious Freedom at Risk. The EU, French Schools, and Why the Veil
was Banned, Springer, 2016.
Newsletter 24, novembre/November 2016
BERAUD Céline, Claire de Galembert et Corinne Rostaing, De la religion en prison. Rennes:
Presses Universitaires de Rennes, 2016.
BIANCO Jean-Louis, La France est-elle laïque, Paris, Editions de l’Atelier, 2016.
BURGAT François, Comprendre l’islam politique. La Découverte, 2016.
DUBOIS Jean-Daniel, Lucie Kaennel, Renée Koch Piettre, Valentine Zuber (dir), Les sciences
des religions en Europe, État des lieux, 2003 – 2016, Bulletin de la société des amis des
sciences religieuses, Hors série n° 2, 2016.
FORTIER, Vincente, La circoncision rituelle. Enjeux de droit, enjeux de vérité, Strasbourg,
Presses universitaires de Strasbourg, 2016.
FOURNIER, Véronique, La mort est-elle un droit?, La documentation française (Doc’en
poche. Place au débat), 2016.
MERCIER Charles et Jean-Philippe Warren (dir.), Identités religieuses et cohésion sociale. La
France et le Québec à l’école de la diversité, Le Bord de l’eau, 2016.
PICQ Jean, Politique et religion. Relire l'histoire, éclairer le présent, Paris, Les Presses de
Sciences Po (Références), 2016.
PORTIER, Philippe, L’État et les religions en France. Une sociologie historique de la laïcité,
Rennes, Presses universitaires de Rennes, 2016.
URBANSKI Sébastien, L'enseignement du fait religieux. École, république, laïcité. Paris,
P.U.F., 2016.
ZARKA Yves-Charles, Jusqu’où faut-il être tolérant ? Traité de la coexistence dans un
monde déchiré, Hermann, 2016.
ZUBER, Valentine, CABANEL, Patrick et LIOGIER, Raphaël (dir.), Croire, s’engager,
chercher. Autour de Jean Baubérot, du protestantisme à la laïcité, Paris, (Bibliothèque de
l’École des Hautes Études, Sciences Religieuses 174), Brepols, 2016.
DALY, Eoin, "Laïcité in the Private Sphere? French Religious Liberty After the Baby-Loup
Affair", Oxford Journal of Law and Religion, 5-2, June 2016, p. 211–229.
BRUN, Solène et Juliette Galonnier, "Devenir(s) minoritaire(s). La conversion des
Blanc‑he‑s à l’islam en France et aux États-Unis comme expérience de la minoration", Tracés
30, L'expérience minoritaire, 2016.
LANCIEN Anne, "L’objet « laïcité ». Questionnements transdisciplinaires d’une spécificité
française ?", Cahiers d'étude du religieux. Recherches interdisciplinaires, 15, 2016.
MERCIER Charles, "Laïcités, écoles, intégration", Études 1, 2016, p. 43-53.
STEHLY Ralph, "De Bonaparte à l'Etat islamique. L'islam face au défi de l'intrusion massive
de l'Europe en terre musulmane et au rétrécissement du domaine de la charia (1798-2015)",
Revue des Sciences Religieuses 90, 1, 2016, p. 13-34.
Sondages / surveys
 Les Français et l’accueil des chrétiens d’Orient
IFOP pour Atlantico (mai 2016)
 Le Graal, mythe ou réalité ?
IFOP pour Editions JC Lattes (mai 2016)
 Les Français et les risques de tensions communautaires
IFOP pour Atlantico (juillet 2016)
 Les jeunes catholiques en 2016
La Vie (juillet 2016)
 Les jeunes et la religion
Opinionway pour La Croix (juillet 2016)
 Le rapport des catholiques à l’islam en France
IFOP focus n° 140 (août 2016)
Newsletter 24, novembre/November 2016
 Enquête sociologique auprès des jeunes adhérents du Front National
IFOP pour Fondation Jean Jaurès (septembre 2016)
 Les Français, l'homoparentalité et la question des droits des homosexuels dans la campagne
IFOP pour ADFH (septembre 2016)
 Fait religieux en entreprise
Groupe Randstad pour OFFRE (septembre 2016)
 Enquête sur les musulmans
IFOP pour Institut Montaigne (septembre 2016)
 Les Français et l’IVG
IFOP pour Alliance Vita (septembre 2016)
 La France des solutions
IFOP pour Ouest-France dimanche (octobre 2016)
 Le fait religieux en entreprise
BVA (octobre 2016)
 Les 16-25 ans aujourd’hui : quelle génération ?
IFOP pour Elle (octobre 2016)
 Les Français : regard sur leurs identités et valeurs, attentes et projections dans l’avenir
IFOP pour Paris Match et Sud Radio (octobre 2016)
 Les Français, la Guerre d’Algérie et la question de la repentance pour les exactions commises
par l’armée française
IFOP pour TSA (octobre 2016)
Rapports / Reports
 L'observatoire de la laïcité publie «Déclaration pour la laïcité» et «Libertés et interdits dans
le cadre laïque».
 Rapports officiels : GOULET Nathalie, REICHARDT André, De l’Islam en France à un
Islam de France, établir la transparence et lever les ambiguïtés, Sénat, 5 juillet 2016.
L’HOMME, La lutte contre le racisme et la xénophobie : Rapport annuel 2015, Rapport
annuel de l'Observatoire de la laïcité 2015-2016.
Actualités scientifiques / Conferences
 The making of Muslim chaplaincies in prisons - Comparative approaches, colloque
international, 24-25 novembre 2016, Paris.
 Association Française de Sciences Politiques Convictions religieuses et citoyenneté dans les
sociétés européennes contemporaines / Religious Beliefs and Citizenship in Contemporary
European Societies, Montpellier, 10-12 juillet 2017.
 Appel à contribution de la revue Interrogations? pour un numéro spécial Retour du religieux ?.
Site internet / Website
 Le site Religioscope vient de renouveler sa présentation, en ajoutant une rubrique "brèves".
Ouvrages / Books
Achilleas AIMILIANIDES and Ioannis KONIDARIS, Stoicheia ellinikou kai kypriakou
ecclesiastikou dikaiou [Elements of the Greek and Cypriot Ecclesiastical Law], AthensThessaloniki, Sakkoulas Press, 2016.
Newsletter 24, novembre/November 2016
Sotiris MITRALEXIS, et al., Apeleutherosi tis Ecclesias apo to Kratos: oi scheseis
Ecclesias- Kratous kai I mellontiki metexelixi tous [Liberation of the Church from the State:
Church-State relations and their future development], Manifesto Publishers, Athens, 2016.
Demetrios MPATHRELOS, Oi Christianoi stous chronous tis metaekkosmikeusis: skepseis
kai protaseis gia ti thesi kai ti martyria tis Ecclesias ston dimosio choro [The Christians in
the age of post-secularism: thoughts and proposals on the position and tribute of the Church
in public space], Athens, En Plo Publishers, 2016.
Konstantinos PAPAGEORGIOU, Ecclisiastiki periousia kai Areios Pagos [Church property
and the Supreme Court], Thessaloniki, Barbounakis, 2016.
Georgios PLATANISTIS, O thesmos tis Ecclesiastikis Oikonomias me emfasi sto
Hieronymiko zitima kai se alla spoudaia zitimata tou Ecclesiastikou Dikaiou [The institution
of Ecclesiastical Economy with an emphasis on the Hieronymus’ Question and other
important questions of Ecclesiastical Law], Ant. N. Sakkoulas Publishers, Athens-Komotini,
Lina MOLOKOTOS-LIEDERMAN, ‘The impact of the crisis on the Orthodox Church of
Greece: a moment of challenge and opportunity?,’ Religion, State and Society, 44/ 1 (2016), p.
Maria GRAZIANO MARTINO and Konstantinos PAPASTATHIS, ‘The Radical Right and
Religious Discourse: The Golden Dawn, the Lega Nord and the Sweden Democrats
Compared’, Czech Journal of Political Science [Special Issue: Current right wing populism in
Europe: Conceptions and explanations], 23/2 (2016), p. 110-130.
Nomocanonika: Epitheorisis Ecclisiastikou kai Canonikou Dikaiou [Nomocanonica:
Ecclesiastical and Canon Law Review], 14/1 (2016).
Actualités juridiques / Legal news
The recent developments regarding questions related directly or indirectly with religious
affairs in Greece are the following:
a. The Parliament issued legal bills regarding the erection of a Mosque in Athens and the
existing, but illegally functioning, three mosques in Athens and one in the town of Thebes.
b. The proposals of the Government on the future constitutional reform, where in particular,
Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras proposed to enshrine in the constitution the idea of state
religious neutrality, at the same time maintaining the recognition of Orthodoxy as a state
religion for historical and practical reasons.
c. The department of Islamic Studies of the School of Theology, Aristotle University of
Thessaloniki was officially established and has been operating since September 2016.
Ouvrages / Books
RYAN, Salvador and CLODAGH Tait (eds.). 2016. Religion and Politics in urban Ireland,
c.1500-c.1750: Essays in honor of Colm Lennon. Dublin: Four Courts Press.
RYAN, Salvador (ed.). 2016. Death and the Irish: a miscellany. Dublin: Wordwell.
WALSH, Willie. 2016. No Crusader. Dublin: Columba Press.
CONWAY, Brian. 2016. “Contexts of Trends in the Catholic Church’s Male Workforce:
Chile, Ireland, and Poland Compared”, Social Science History 40(3): p. 405-432.
Newsletter 24, novembre/November 2016
Sites internet / Website
Sondage / Survey
Irish Examiner “Farming Poll”.
Actualité scientifique / Conference
The future of faith-based schools in a pluralist society conference.
Ouvrages / Books
Giuseppe D'ANGELO, Libertà religiosa e diritto giurisprudenziale. L'esperienza statunitense,
Giappichelli, Torino, 2016.
Giuseppe DALLA TORRE, L’“Extraterritorialità” nel Trattato del Laterano, Giappichelli,
Torino, 2016.
Alessandro FERRARI, James TORONTO, Religions and Constitutional Transitions in the
Muslim Mediterranean. The Pluralistic Moment, Routledge, 2016.
Antonio FUCCILLO, The Marrakech Declaration. A Bridge to Religious Freedom in Muslim
Countries?, Editoriale Scientifica, Napoli, 2016.
María CEBRIÁ GARCÍA, Enseñanza superior y religión en el ordenamiento jurídico
español, Actas del VII Simposio Internacional de Derecho concordatario, Trujillo (Cáceres),
7-9 de octubre de 2015, Editorial Comares, 2016.
Luciano MUSSELLI, a cura di Maria Vismara Missiroli, Michele Madonna, Alessandro Tira,
Cesare Edoardo Varalda, Società civile e società religiosa tra diritto e storia. Scritti scelti,
CEDAM, Padova, 2016.
Luigi SABBARESE, Raffaele SANTORO, Il processo matrimoniale più breve. Disciplina
canonica e riflessi concordatari, Edizioni Dehoniane, Bologna 2016.
Francesco ALICINO, Diritto al cibo. Definizione normativa e giustiziabilità, in AIC, n.
Francesco ALICINO, La bilateralità pattizia Stato-Confessioni dopo la sentenza n. 52/2016
della Corte costituzionale, in Osservatorio sulle fonti, n. 2/2016.
Giancarlo ANELLO, Passato e futuro della minoranza musulmana in Italia, tra islamofobia e
pluralismo pragmatico-giuridico, in Stato, Chiese e Pluralismo Confessionale,
(, n. 32/2016.
Simona ATTOLLINO, Nuovi modelli familiari. Considerazioni in ordine a Consiglio di Stato
n. 4899 del 2015 sulla trascrivibilità del matrimonio omosessuale, in Stato, Chiese e
Pluralismo Confessionale, (, 17/2016.
Giovanni CAVALLO, Valerio BORGHESANI, I ministri di culto non possono essere puniti
per avere rifiutato di rivelare informazioni di natura privata apprese durante lo svolgimento
dei propri doveri spirituali, in Stato, Chiese e Pluralismo Confessionale,
(, n. 33/2016.
Giovanni CIMBALO, La Chiesa della comunità arbëreshë e la Chiesa di rito greco-cattolica
in Albania: una sola Chiesa, in Stato, Chiese e Pluralismo Confessionale,
(, n. 30/2016.
Nicola COLAIANNI, Diritti fondamentali e fondamentalismi: satira e simboli religiosi, in, ottobre 2016.
Newsletter 24, novembre/November 2016
Alberto FABBRI, Ordine pubblico e azione giurisdizionale. Il modello di ordine pubblico
proposto in sede giurisdizionale anche a proposito delle modalità di esercizio della libertà
religiosa, in Stato, Chiese e Pluralismo Confessionale, (, n. 30/2016.
Elena FALLETTI, L'impatto culturale dell'immigrazione islamica sull'ordinamento
giudiziario italiano, in Stato, Chiese e Pluralismo Confessionale, (, n.
Daniele FERRARI, I sindaci francesi contro il “burkini”: la laicità a ferragosto? A prima
lettura di alcuni recenti orientamenti giurisprudenziali, in Stato, Chiese e Pluralismo
Confessionale, (, n. 31/2016.
Francesca OLIOSI, La Corte Costituzionale e la legge regionale lombarda: cronaca di una
morte annunciata o di un'opportunità mancata?, in Stato, Chiese e Pluralismo Confessionale,
(, n. 33/2016.
Vittorio PARLATO, La chiesa cattolica e la potestà episcopale nelle chiese orientali
separate, in Stato, Chiese e Pluralismo Confessionale, (, n. 30/2016.
Anna PARRILLI, L’istruzione religiosa in Turchia: gli Aleviti e la Corte Europea dei Diritti
Umani, in Stato, Chiese e Pluralismo Confessionale, (, n. 33/2016.
Andrea PORCIELLO, La definizione giuridica di genocidio e il problema dei punti di
osservazione: alcune considerazioni in merito a una proposta di David Luban, in Stato,
Chiese e Pluralismo Confessionale, (, n. 31/2016.
Beatrice SERRA, Sanità, religione, immigrazione. Appunti per una realizzazione equa e
sostenibile del diritto alla salute, in Stato, Chiese e Pluralismo Confessionale,
(, n. 31/2016.
Daniela TARANTINO, Note intorno al sigillo sacramentale. Legislazione e dottrina dal
Concilio Lateranense IV alla codificazione del diritto canonico, in Stato, Chiese e Pluralismo
Confessionale, (, n. 32/2016.
Gianluca TRACUZZI, Spunti filosofico-giuridici sull’amore. A proposito delle unioni civili, in
Stato, Chiese e Pluralismo Confessionale, (, n. 32/2016.
Actualités juridiques / Legal news
Court of Cassation, Section I civil, Decision 4 October 2016, no. 19811. Nullity of marriage
pronounced by ecclesiastical tribunals, declared effective within the Italian Republic by
judgment of the competent Court of Appeal.
Ministry of Education, Universities and Research (Regional Office of Veneto): Note of 3
October 2016 (n. 18123) concerning the teaching of Catholic religion in the public schools.
Pope Francis, Motu proprio 6 September 2016, Statuto della Segreteria per la Comunicazione.
Pope Francis, Motu proprio 17 August 2016, Instituting the Dicastery for promoting Integral
Human Development.
BALODIS, Ringolds. “Latvia”. In: G. Robbers, W. Cole Durham, D. Thayer (eds.). The
Encyclopedia of Law and Religion. Leiden: Brill-Nijhoff, 2016, p. 219-227.
BRŪNAVA, Madara. “Reliģijas kontrole Latvijas Padomju Sociālistiskajā Republikā: mazo
kristīgo konfesiju piemērs (1956 –1959)” [Control of the religion in the LSSR. Example of
small a Christian denomination (1956–1959)].In: Jarinovska K. (ed.). VDK zinātniskās izpētes
komisijas raksti. Volume 1. Rīga, LPSR Valsts drošības komitejas zinātniskās izpētes
komisija, Latvijas Universitātes Latvijas vēstures institūts, 2016, p. 205 – 240.
KRŪMIŅA-KOŅKOVA, Solveiga. “Sadarbība starp LPSR drošības iestādēm un PSRS
Reliģisko kultu lietu padomes pilnvaroto LPSR (1944 –1954)” [Collaboration between the
LSSR KGB and the Representative of the Council for the Affairs of Religious Cults of the
USSR in the LSSR (1944 –1954)]. In: Jarinovska K. (ed.). VDK zinātniskās izpētes komisijas
Newsletter 24, novembre/November 2016
raksti. Volume 1. Rīga, LPSR Valsts drošības komitejas zinātniskās izpētes komisija, Latvijas
Universitātes Latvijas vēstures institūts, 2016, p. 147-204.
MISĀNE, Agita, NIKLASS, Mareks. “Social capital and religious and civic participation in
Riga, Latvia: findings from the 2014 social survey”. In: Religion, State and Society. Vol. 44
(2), 2016, p. 172-184.
MISĀNE, Agita. “Latvijas Evanģēliski luteriskās baznīcas revitalizācijas projekti 20.gadsimta
20.-30. gados: Jāņa Sandera un Alfreda Indriksona teoloģiskie uzskati un darbība[ The Latvian
Evangelical Lutheran Church Revitalization Projects in the 1920's and 1930's : The
Theologies and Activities of Janis Sanders and Alfreds Indriksons]”. In: Reliģiski- filozofiski
raksti. No.20, 2016, p. 181-218.
Actualités scientifiques / Conferences
The International Conference BIG BROTHER IS WATCHING YOU: KGB and its Front
Organizations organized by the University of Latvia and the Government Commission for
KGB Research. 11-13 August, 2016. Riga, Latvia (Program).
The 28th Annual Congress of the European Consortium for Church and State Research
dedicated to the topic Religious Assistance in Public Institutions. 13-16 October, Jurmala,
Latvia (Program).
The Church and Totalitarian Regime: Secularisation and Strategies of Survival. The
University of Latvia, Institute of Philosophy and Sociology. 27–28 October 2016. Riga, Latvia
Actualités juridiques / Legal news
The Justice Ministry worked on a law that would ban face-covering veils from public spaces.
The law is expected to come into effect in 2017.
Ouvrages / Books
NIKOŁAJEW, J., WALCZUK, K. (eds), Wolność sumienia i religii osób pozbawionych
wolności. Aspekty prawne i praktyczne (Freedom of conscience and religion of the deteinees.
The practical and legal aspects), Wydawnictwo Unitas, Warszawa 2016.
SKWARZYŃSKI, M., STECZKOWSKI, P. (eds), Polityka wyznaniowa a prawo III
Rzeczypospolitej, Wydawnictwo KUL, Lublin 2016.
NIKOŁAJEW, J., Wspólnotowy wymiar wolności światopoglądu i przekonań religijnych oraz
jej realizacja w ukraińskim systemie prawnym, Wydawnictwo Unitas, Lublin 2016.
ZIELIŃSKI, T., Państwowy Kościół Anglii. Studium prawa wyznaniowego, Wydawnictwo
Naukowe ChAT, Warszawa 2016.
Fortcoming publication of the eighth volume of Przegląd Prawa Wyznaniowego (Review of
Law on Religion) the official organ of the Polish Association of Law on Religion (summaries
in English).
Publication of the eighteenth volume of Studia z Prawa Wyznaniowego (Studies in Law on
Religion) including the conference papers of the 2nd Eurel international conference on
"Religion in floating territories". Articles are also avaible on line.
Newsletter 24, novembre/November 2016
Actualités juridiques / Legal news
'Black Monday' Strike To Protest Proposed Abortion Ban
The new draft law was proposing an absolute ban, carrying jail time of up to five years for
both women and their doctors no matter the circumstances of the abortion. In response to the
proposal, Polish women went on strike Monday (3 October), boycotting work and school in
Warsaw, Gdansk, Wroclaw and across the country. In consequence the draft law was rejected
by the ruling party.
The controversies over the Constitutional Tribunal
The new opinion of the Venice Commission was adopted on 14-16 October 2016. The core of
that Opinion was the issue whether the legislation on the Tribunal is detrimental to the proper
functioning of the Constitutional Tribunal, which is essential for the separation of powers in a
democratic State, and whether its provisions sufficiently guarantee the independence of the
Tribunal, consistent with the rule of law.
Ouvrages / Books
AZEVEDO, Carlos A. Moreira (2016) - Estudos de Iconografia Cristã (Studies on Christian
Iconography). Lisboa: Fundação Manuel Leão
FONTES, João Luís; ANDRADE, Maria Filomena; MARQUES, Tiago Pires (orgs.) (2015) Vozes da vida religiosa feminina. Experiências, textualidades e silêncios - séculos XV a XXI
(Voices of women religious life. Experiences, textualities and silences - XV a XXI centuries).
Lisboa: Centro de Estudos de História Religiosa.
VICENTE, Ana (2016) – Catolicismo em Portugal. Crónicas de Susan Lowndes,
correspondente britânica (1948-1992) (Catholicism in Portugal. Susan Lowndes Chronicles,
British Correspondent (1948-1992)). Lisboa: Centro de Estudos de História Religiosa.
COUTINHO, José Pereira; DUQUE, Eduardo (2014), « Mudanças Culturais, Mudanças
Religiosas. Perfis e Tendências da Religiosidade em Portugal Numa Perspetiva Comparada ».
Sociologia, Problemas e Práticas , 82 | Published October 12, 2016
HENRIQUES, Fernanda, TOLDY, Teresa (2016), “The Contribution of Ricoeur's
Hermeneutics to a Feminist Perspective on Postcolonial Theology”, in Annemie Halsema and
Fernanda Henriques (org.), Feminist Explorations of Paul Ricoeur's Philosophy. Lanham:
Lexington Books, p. 239-257.
MARQUES, Tiago Pires (2016), “Jerónimo da Cunha Pimentel: Christianizing through the
Penal Law”, in Luís Eloy de Azevedo (org.), Mais Figuras do Judiciário. Coimbra: Almedina,
p. 179-193.
TOLDY, Teresa (2016), « Mary Daly: A exaltação de um feminismo ginocêntrico (Mary
Daly: Exaltation of a Gynocentric Feminism) », in Maria Luísa Ribeiro Ferreira e Fernanda
Henriques (org.), Marginalidade e Alternativa: vinte e seis filósofas para o século XXI.
Lisboa: Edições Colibri, p. 97-197.
VILAÇA, Helena (2016), « A demanda por deuses: globalização, fluxos religiosos e culturas
locais nos dois lados do Atlântico (The Demand for Gods: Globalization, Religious and
Cultural Fluxes in Both Sides of the Atlantic) » Prefácio. In Junior, Paulo Gracino. Rio de
Janeiro: EdUERJ – Editora da Universidade do Estado do Rio de Janeiro. p. 15-19.
Newsletter 24, novembre/November 2016
Actualités scientifiques / Conferences
Seminário de História Religiosa: Propostas religiosas alternativas em Portugal no último terço
do século XIX: O "nacional-catolicismo evangélico" da Igreja Lusitana (Religious History
Seminary: Alternative religious propositions in Portugal during the last third of the XIX
century: The “evangelic national-Catholicism” of the Lusitana church). Universidade
Católica Portuguesa. Porto, 21 November 2016.
Congresso Internacional: "Tomás Moro e o Sonho de um mundo melhor: 500 anos da Utopia"
(International Congress “Thomas More and the dream of a better world: Utopia 500th
anniversary). Centro de Estudos de História Religiosa. Lisboa, 24 to 26 November.
Seminário de História Religiosa: A(s) comunidade(s) muçulmana(s) no Portugal
contemporâneo (Religious History Seminar: Muslim communities in contemporary Portugal).
Universidade Católica Portuguesa. Porto, 12 December 2016.
II Congresso Lusófono de Ciência das Religiões: História, Memórias, Narrativas – Ruturas,
Violências, Fundamentalismos e Revoluções. (II Religious Sciences Lusophone Congress:
History, Memory, Narrative – Ruptures, Violence, Fundamentalisms and Revolutions).
Universidade Lusófona. Lisboa, 27 a 30 de Maio de 2017.
Autres / Others
Ciclo de Conferências: Desafios da contemporaneidade ao cristianismo - Fé e Filosofia - “A
filosofia e o mito da modernidade” (Conference Cycle: Contemporary challenges to
Christianity – Faith and Philosophy – “Philosophy and the modernity myth”). Universidade
Lusófona. Lisboa, 20 November 2016.
Fórum do Futuro – Quem é o Grande Arquiteto? Com Gianfranco Ravasi (Forum of the
Future – Who is the Big Architect? With Gianfranco Ravasi). Pelouro da Cultura da Câmara
Municipal do Porto. Porto, 1 November 2016.
Ciclo de Cinema – Entre tolerância e intolerância: o religioso no cinema (Film cycle –
Between tolerance and intolerance: the religious in the cinema) Centro de Estudos de História
Religiosa – Universidade Católica Portuguesa. Porto, April to December 2016.
Revue Církevního práva / Church Law Review
 Numbers 64–2/2016 and 65–3/2016 of the journal Revue Církevního práva – Church Law
Review were published. The Review is edited by Prof. JUDr. Jiří Rajmund Tretera and
published by the Church Law Society in Prague (with English, German and Italian contents
and abstracts to the articles). The Church Law Review is included into ERIH PLUS database.
The full text is available at
 The Review will be issued four times a year from 2017, at regular intervals as usual.
Articles in other Journals
ČERNÝ, Miroslav, Počátky kanonistiky jako samostatné právní vědy, [The Beginnings of
Canonical Legal Science], in: Právněhistorické studie č. 45/2, Karolinum, Praha, ISSN 00794929, p. 5–27.
Autre / Other
The Church Law Society in the Czech Republic started publishing an online journal
Newsletter of the Church Law Society Prague – Brno – Olomouc in English in February. The
editor-in-chief is Professor Jiří Rajmund Tretera, an ordinary professor of religion law and
canon law at the School of Law of the Charles University in Prague. They are available online
Newsletter 24, novembre/November 2016
at the webpage Those who are interested in receiving it free
can send a message to [email protected].
Ouvrages / Books
Nicu Gavriluţă, Nicolae Dima, Sorin Mihalache, Religion et violence dans l’Europe séculaire,
Collection Media Christiana, Trinitas, Bucarest, 2016.
George Enache, Orthodoxy, liberalism and totalitarism in modern and contemporary
Romania, Cetatea de Scaun, Bucarest, 2016.
Georgică Grigoriță (coordonnateur), Les biens d’Église : hier et aujourd’hui, Collection
Studia Canonica, n° 2, Basilica, Bucarest, 2016.
Bogdan Alexandru Duca, „Property in the Social Doctrine of the Catholic Church.
Magisterium and Praxis” in Studia Politica, vol. XVI, no. 1, p. 139-155, Bucarest, 2016.
Manuela Gheorghe, „Confessional affiliation of Romanians: a historical and statistical
perspective” in Revista română de sociologie, an XXVII, nr. 1–2, p. 125–134, Bucarest, 2016,
(en anglais).
Joseph Livni, „Christianity and the romanian communities named obște” in Romanian Journal
of Sociological Studies, New Series, No. 1, p. 61–71, Bucarest, 2016, (en anglais).
Irina Stahl, „Has Romania became a secular society?” in Revista română de sociologie, an
XXVII, nr. 1–2, p. 135–149, Bucarest, 2016, (en anglais).
Sondage / Survey
Les bâtiments des cultes en Roumanie au 31 décembre 2015 – aperçu statistique fourni par le
Secrétariat d’État aux Cultes.
Ouvrages / Books
ALI, S. S. Modern Challenges to Islamic Law, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2016.
ARWECK, E. (Ed.) Young People’s Attitudes to Religious Diversity, Abingdon: Routledge
BERGER, B. and MOON, R. (Eds.) Religion and the Exercise of Public Authority, London:
Bloomsbury 2016.
BROWN, A. and WOODHEAD, L. That Was The Church That Was: How the Church of
England Lost the English People, London: Bloomsbury 2016.
BUEHLER, M. The Politics of Shari'a Law: Islamist Activists and the State in Democratizing
Indonesia, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
BULMER, M and SOLOMOS, J. (Eds.) Muslims, Migration and Citizenship: Processes of
Inclusion and Exclusion, Abingdon: Routledge 2016.
COX, J.L. and POSSAMAI, A. (Eds.) Religion and Non-Religion among Australian
Aboriginal Peoples, Abingdon: Routledge 2016.
CHITANDO, E. and VAN KLINKEN A. (Eds.) Christianity and Controversies over
Homosexuality in Contemporary Africa, Abingdon: Routledge 2016.
Newsletter 24, novembre/November 2016
CRANMER, F., HILL, M. KENNY, C., SANDBERG, R. The Confluence of Law and
Religion: Interdisciplinary Reflections on the Work of Norman Doe, Cambridge: Cambridge
University Press.
DEACY, C. Christmas as Religion: Rethinking Santa, the Secular, and the Sacred, Oxford:
Oxford University Press 2016.
DEHANAS, D.N. London Youth, Religion, and Politics: Engagement and Activism from
Brixton to Brick Lane, Oxford: Oxford University Press 2016.
FLANAGAN, K. Sociological Noir: Irruptions and the Darkness of Modernity, Abingdon:
Routledge 2016.
GALLAGHER, E.V. (Ed.) 'Cult Wars' in Historical Perspective: New and Minority Religions,
Abingdon: Routledge 2016.
GUESNET, F., LABORDE, C. and LEE, L. (Eds.) Negotiating Religion: Cross-disciplinary
perspectives, Abingdon: Routledge 2016.
ISSA, T. (Ed.) Alevis in Europe: Voices of Migration, Culture and Identity, Abingdon:
Routledge 2016.
LLEWELLYN, D. and SHARMA, S. Religion, Equalities, and Inequalities, Abingdon:
Routledge 2016.
MARTIN, D. Ruin and Restoration: On Violence, Liturgy and Reconciliation, Abingdon:
Routledge 2016.
PARKER, A., WATSON, NJ. and WHITE, J.B. (Eds.) Sports Chaplaincy: Trends, Issues and
Debates, Abingdon: Routledge 2016.
SIDDIQUI, S. Religion and Psychoanalysis in India: Critical Clinical Practice, Abingdon:
Routledge 2016.
WILSON, B. R. (BRUCE, S. Ed.) Religion in Secular Society: Fifty Years On, Oxford:
Oxford University Press 2016
ZUCKERMAN, P., GALEN, L. W. and PASQUALE, F. L. The Nonreligious: Understanding
Secular People and Societies, Oxford: Oxford University Press 2016.
ANNICCHINO, P. ‘A Transatlantic Partnership for International Religious Freedom? The
United States, Europe, and the Challenge of Religious Persecution’, Oxford Journal of Law
and Religion 5(2), 2016, p. 280-297.
ARAT, A. ‘Practice Makes Perfect: Meditation and the Exchange of Spiritual Capital’,
Journal of Contemporary Religion 31(2), 2016, p. 269-280.
BULLIVANT, S. ‘Catholic Disaffiliation in Britain: A Quantitative Overview’, Journal of
Contemporary Religion 31(2), 2016, p. 181-197.
BURSELL, R. ‘The Clerical Declaration of Assent’, Ecclesiastical Law Journal, 18(2), 2016,
p. 165-187.
CRANMER, F. ‘How Relevant to the United Kingdom are the ‘Religious’ Cases of the US
Supreme Court?’, Ecclesiastical Law Journal, 18(3), 2016, p. 300-315.
GEORGE, C. ‘Neutral Citation in the Ecclesiastical Courts’, Ecclesiastical Law Journal,
18(2), 2016, p. 158-164.
GIFFORD, P. ‘Religion in Contemporary Senegal’, Journal of Contemporary Religion 31(2),
2016, p. 255-267.
HACKETT, U. ‘The Exit-Voice Choice: Religious Cleavages, Public Aid, and America's
Private Schools’, Politics and Religion 9(2), 2016, p.249-270.
HARGREAVES, J. ‘Risk and resilience in British Muslim communities’, Ethnic and Racial
Studies 39(14), 2016, p. 2601-2620.
HEDLUND, R. ‘Undue Influence and the Religious Cases that Shaped the Law’, Oxford
Journal of Law and Religion 5(2), 2016, p. 298-318.
KETTELL, S. ‘Always Read the Label: The Identity and Strategy of Britain's ‘Christian
Right’’, Politics, Religion & Ideology 17(1):1-17.
Newsletter 24, novembre/November 2016
MCCREA, R. ‘Singing from the Same Hymn Sheet? What the Differences between the
Strasbourg and Luxembourg Courts Tell Us about Religious Freedom, Non-Discrimination,
and the Secular State’, Oxford Journal of Law and Religion 5(2), 2016, p. 183-210.
MORRIS, C. ‘‘Look into the Book of Life’: Muslim musicians, Sufism and postmodern
spirituality in Britain’, Social Compass 63(3): 389-404.
MORRIS, J. ‘Enemy Within? The Appeal of the Discipline of Sociology to Religious
Professionals in Post-War Britain’, Journal of Religion in Europe 9(2-3), 2016, p. 177–200.
MOULIN, D. ‘Reported Experiences of Anti-Christian Prejudice among Christian
Adolescents in England’, Journal of Contemporary Religion 31(2), 2016, p. 223-238.
NEHUSHTAN, Y.’The Case for a General Constitutional Right to be Granted Conscientious
Exemption’ Oxford Journal of Law and Religion 5(2), 2016, p. 230-254.
PORTER, M. ‘Marginal Musical Spaces at St Aldates, Oxford’, Journal of Contemporary
Religion 31(2), 2016, p. 239-253.
RAYMOND, C.D. ‘Not all social cleavages are the same: On the relationship between
religious diversity and party system fragmentation’, Politics and Religion 9(2), 2016, p. 364388.
ROBSON, J. ‘The Niqaab and the Myth of Pinocchio’s Nose: Is the Niqaab an Impediment to
Fact Finding in an Adversarial Trial? An Analysis of R v D’, Oxford Journal of Law and
Religion 5(2), 2016, p.319-343.
SANDBERG, R. ‘The Failure of Legal Pluralism’, Ecclesiastical Law Journal, 18(2), 2016, p.
ZEMPI, I. ‘It's a part of me, I feel naked without it': choice, agency and identity for Muslim
women who wear the niqab’, Ethnic and Racial Studies 39(10), 2016, p. 1738-1754.
Actualités scientifiques / Conferences
British Sociological Association's Sociology of Religion Study Group (SocRel) Annual
Conference On the Edge? Centres and Margins in the Sociology of Religion
Wednesday 12th July – Friday 14th July 2017, University of Leeds. Abstract submission:
Open now; Early bird registration opens: 3rd October 2016
The Annual Conference of the Oral History Society in conjunction with Newman University
and Leeds Trinity University: Remembering Beliefs – The Shifting Worlds of Religion and
Faith in Secular Society: Friday, 14th and Saturday, 15th July, 2017 at Leeds Trinity
University. Keynote speakers: Professor Callum Brown; Dr Abby Day; Dr Tina Block
All proposals for oral history-based contributions, including papers, panels, presentations,
workshops, posters and displays should be submitted by 16th December 2016 to
[email protected]
Sondages / Surveys
Inappropriate Enforcement of Anti-Extremist Legislation in Russia in 2015 : Rapport annuel
du Centre d’information et d’analyse SOVA (version anglaise disponible depuis 03.06.2016).
Mchedlova M.M., Gavrilov Yu.A., Shevchenko A.G. Kofanova E.N. Rol religiosnogo faktora
v sotsialnoiy adaptatsii v Rossii (Le rôle du facteur religieux dans l’adaptation sociale en
Russie), en russe, annotation en anglais.
Newsletter 24, novembre/November 2016
Actualité juridique / Legal news
Le 06 juillet 2016 la Loi fédérale «Sur la liberté de la conscience et sur les associations
religieuses» et certaines autres lois fédérales ont été complétées par une série des dispositions
concernant la règlementation des activités missionnaires (article complet à venir sur Eurel).
Tížik, Miroslav: “Počiatky inštitucionalizovanej sociológie náboženstva a prvý
reprezentatívny výskumu religiozity obyvateľov Slovenska (The Beginnings of an
Institutionalized Sociology of Religion and the First Survey of Religiosity in Slovakia)”.
Sociológia 48, 2016, č. 5, p. 500-538.
Actualité scientifique / Conference
Project The Future of Religious Faith from Central Eastern European Perspective at the
Czech Christian Academy (Institute for Dialogue) sponsored by John Templeton Foundation,
participated countries: Czech Republic, Slovakia, Poland, Hungary (V4 countries).
Ouvrages / Books
Becci I., Jahn S. (2016). « Seelsorge im Strafvollzug ». In Handbuch Evangelikalismus. Lokal
und global in Geschichte und Gegenwart. (In press)
Becci I. (2016). « La Régulation de la pluralité religieuse contemporaine. Les institutions
pénitentiaires entre sécurisation et spiritualisation ». In Réguler le religieux dans les sociétés
libérales ? Labor et Fides.
Ortar Nathalie, Salzbrunn Monika, Stock Mathis (eds.) (2016). « Mobilité/migration: quelle
actualité des concepts? ». (In press)
Mallory Schneuwly Purdie, Andrea Rota (2016). « Religion, education and the State.
Rescaling confessional boundaries in Switzerland » in The world changing religion map, Stan
Brunn (eds.), Springer (In press)
Salzbrunn Monika, Dellwo Barbara, Aleman Serjara (2016). « Urban Events as Localized
Performances of Global Belonging: the Case of "La Grande Table" in Morges ». in Becoming
Local. Transforming Spaces, Redefining Localities, Knierbein Sabine Viderman Tihomir. (In
Salzbrunn Monika, von Weichs Raphaela (2016). « Translocal Martyrdom: CommunityMaking through African Pilgrimages in Switzerland ». In Migration, Transnationalism and
Catholicism: Global Perspectives. Palgrave Macmillan. (In press)
Becci, I. (2016). « Étudier la pluralité religieuse dans les institutions publiques: une
proposition analytique à partir des institutions pénitentiaires. » Archives des sciences sociales
des religions. (In press)
Becci I., Hafner J. Ev. (2016). « Religious pluralization in Potsdam: a spatial perspective ».
Historia Religionum. (In press)
Becci I., Monnot C. (2016). « Spiritualité et religion : nouveaux carburants vers la transition
énergétique ? » Histoire, monde et cultures religieuses (HMC). (In press)
Becci I., Khalid M. Rh., Schiavinato V. (2016). « Appréhension et expérience de la pluralité
religieuse dans les prisons de Suisse et d'Italie : une approche par l'ethnographie ». Critique
Newsletter 24, novembre/November 2016
Internationale, 3:72, p. 73-90.
Dandarova Robert Z., Dessart G., Serbaeva O., Puzdriac C., Khodayarifard M., Akbari
Zardkhaneh S., Zandi S., Petanova E., Ladd K.L., Brandt P.-Y. (2016). « A Web-Based
Database for Drawings of Gods: When the Digitals Go Multicultural ». Archive for the
Psychology of Religion. (In press)
Monnot C. (2016). « Visibility or Invisibility: the Dilemma of the Muslim Associations of
Switzerland ». Journal of Religion in Europe, 9:1, p. 44-65.
Sondages / Surveys
Publication des données de l’Enquête sur la langue, la religion et la culture (2014).
Pratiques et croyances religieuses et spirituelles en Suisse, premiers résultats de l'Enquête sur
la langue, la religion et la culture 2014.
Actualité scientifique / Conference
34e Conférence internationale de la Société Internationale de la Sociologie des Religion
(SISR/ISSR). Religion, cooperation and conflit dans les sociétés diversifiées. Université de
Lausanne (Suisse)
Un site sera en ligne à la mi-novembre. L’appel à communications sera bientôt ouvert.
S’inscrire à l’alerte de nouvelles pour en être informé
Ouvrages / books
Russel Power, 2016, Shari’a in the Secular State, Routledge: New York.
The study begins by providing a historical framework for the ideas and terms covered,
including concepts of religion in general, Shari`a in particular, and secularism in the Turkish
state. It goes on to examine empirical research to describe and analyze contemporary Turkish
understandings of religion and Shari`a. The author’s research indicates that there is often a
disconnect between supporting the adoption of Shari`a and supporting the regulation of
everyday behavior through civil codes. Thus, “Shari`a” seems to have taken on new meanings
as groups have sought either to appropriate or criticize it. It is a quintessential example of
fractured and contextual meaning at the center of both religious and legal traditions.
Caroline Tee, 2016, The Gülen Movement in Turkey, IB Tauris: London
The Gülen, or Hizmet, movement in Turkey is the country’s most powerful and affluent
religious organisation. Its central tenet, advanced by its founder, the charismatic Sunni
preacher Fethullah Gülen (b. 1941), is that Muslims should engage positively with modernity.
A prime means of advancing this philosophy has been education: at hundreds of Gülen-run
schools and universities, not only in Turkey but also worldwide, instructors aim to cultivate
the next generation of Muslim bankers, biologists, software engineers and entrepreneurs. But
how does the Gülen movement resolve the sometimes conflicting positions of Sunni Islam and
contemporary science – for example, on evolutionary theory? Drawing on sustained
ethnographic research conducted among Gülen communities in Turkey, Caroline Tee analyses
their complex attitudes towards secular modernity.
Ahmet Erdi Öztürk, 2016, « Turkey’s Diyanet under the AKP rule: from protector to imposer
of state ideology? », in Southeast European and Black Sea Studies.
Çelik, Emrah. « Power and Islam in Turkey: The Relationship between the Akp and Sunni
Islamic Groups, 2002–2015 ». Available at SSRN, 2016.
Lord, Ceren. « Between Islam and the nation; nation‐building, the ulama and Alevi identity in
Turkey ». Nations and Nationalism, 2016.
Newsletter 24, novembre/November 2016
Etabli à l'origine pour favoriser les travaux comparatifs et les échanges internationaux à l'époque d'une
Union européenne à 15 pays, le réseau s’est progressivement ouvert à l’Europe élargie en incluant la
Suisse, puis la Russie et la Turquie, tout en accueillant les nouveaux pays membres de l'UE. Compte
tenu de l’influence importante de ce pays du point de vue du dialogue juridique et de l'intérêt des
perspectives comparatives par rapport à plusieurs pays d'Europe, le Canada sera dorénavant pris en
compte sur le site Eurel. Les articles concernant ce pays sont en cours de complétion et le pays devrait
prochainement être rendu accessible.
Initially established to facilitate comparative approaches and international exchanges at the time of a
15 members European Union, the network gradually opened to an enlarged Europe with Switzerland,
Russia, and Turkey, while inclunding new EU members. Given the important influence of this country
for the legal dialogue, and the interest of comparative perspectives for many European countries,
Canada will be included in the Eurel website. Articles concerning the country are currently being
written and it should soon be available on the website.
Ouvrages / books
Berger, Benjamin L. & Richard Moon. Religion and the Exercise of Public Authority. Oxford ;
Portland, Oregon: Hart Publishing, 2016.
Block, Tina Marie. The Secular Northwest: Religion and Irreligion in Everyday Postwar Life.
Vancouver: UBC Press, 2016.
Gagnon, Alain-G. & Jean-Charles St-Louis (dir.). Les Conditions du dialogue au Québec.
Laïcité, récriprocité, pluralisme, Québec Amérique, 2016.
Graham John R., Alean Al-Krenawi, & Nazim Habibov. Diversity and Social Work in Canada.
Don Mills, Ontario, Canada: Oxford University Press, 2016.
Hirsch, Sivane, Marie Mc Andrew, Geneviève Audet, & Julia Ipgrave. Judaïsme et éducation :
enjeux et défis pédagogiques. PUL Diffusion, 2016.
Mercier, Charles, & Jean-Philippe Warren. Identités religieuses et cohésion sociale: la France
et le Québec à l’école de la diversité. Lormont: Le Bord de L’eau Editions, 2016.
Meunier, E.-Martin. Le Québec et ses mutations culturelles: six enjeux pour le devenir d’une
société. Presses de l’Université d’Ottawa, 2016.
Potvin, Maryse, Marie-Odile Magnan, & Julie Larochelle-Audet. La diversité ethnoculturelle,
religieuse et linguistique en éducation: théorie et pratique. Anjou, Québec: Fides, 2016.
Studies in Religion/Sciences Religieuses. Special section // Section spéciale : Indigenous
Spirituality // Spiritualités autochtones. Edited by / sous la direction de Mark F. Ruml. 45 (3),
Septembre 2016.
Studies in Religion/Sciences Religieuses. Section spéciale // Special section : Droit et religion
en contexte de pluralisme : alliance objective ou mariage de raison ? // Law and Religion in
Plural Societies: Objective Alliance or Marriage of Convenience? Edited by / sous la direction
de Valérie Amiraux & David Koussens. 45 (2), Juin 2016.
———. “The Muslim Question,” Critical Research on Religion special issue, 4(1), edited by
Jennifer Selby & Lori G. Beaman (“Introduction: Reposing the Muslim Question” by J. Selby
and L.G. Beaman, 8-20), 2016.
———. “Living Together v. Living Well Together: A Normative Examination of the SAS
Case,” Social Inclusion, special issue “Religious Diversity and Social Inclusion,” edited by
Gary D. Bouma, 4(2): 3-13, 2016b.
———. “Universal and Foundational: Law’s Constitution of an Ethic of Belonging for
Nones,” Annual Review of the Sociology of Religion: Sociology of Atheism, edited by R.
Cipriani & F. Garelli, Leiden: Brill Academic Press, 17-35, 2016c.
Newsletter 24, novembre/November 2016
Bibby, Reginald W., & Andrew Grenville. ‘What the Polls Do Show: Toward Enhanced
Survey Readings of Religion in Canada’. Canadian Review of Sociology/Revue Canadienne
de Sociologie 53 (1): 123–36, 2016.
Bouchard, N., Nicola Haeck, Maxime Plante, & Raymonde Venditti. ‘Synthèse de la littérature
académique sur le programme d’éthique et culture religieuse : la question de l’enseignant’.
Formation et Profession 24 (1): 29–41, 2016.
Christie, Timothy, John Sloan, Dylan Dahlgren, & Fred Koning. ‘Medical Assistance in Dying
in Canada: An Ethical Analysis of Conscientious and Religious Objections’. 2016.
Dabby, Dia. ‘An Inevitable “Marriage March”? A Survey of the “Arbiter of Religious Dogma”
in Canadian Case Law’. Studies in Religion/Sciences Religieuses 45 (2): 127–145, 2016.
Dilmaghani, Maryam. ‘Religiosity and Social Trust: Evidence from Canada’. Review of Social
Economy, 1–27, 2016.
Gravel, Stéphanie. ‘Religious Education in Quebec’s Ethics and Religious Culture
Curriculum: A Cultural Approach’. In Religious Education in a Global-Local World, edited by
Jenny Berglund, Yafa Shanneik, and Brian Bocking, 223–39. Boundaries of Religious
Freedom: Regulating Religion in Diverse Societies 4. Springer International Publishing, 2016.
Hirsch, Sivane. ‘L’articulation des identités plurielles à travers l’éducation : l’exemple de
quatre écoles juives à Montréal’. Eurostudia 11 (1): 1–18, 2016.
Holtmann, Catherine. ‘Christian and Muslim Immigrant Women in the Canadian Maritimes
Considering Their Strengths and Vulnerabilities in Responding to Domestic Violence’. Studies
in Religion/Sciences Religieuses 45 (3): 397–414, 2016.
Jacquet, Marianne, & Laura D’Amico. ‘Religious Diversity and Inclusion: Policy and
Accommodation Practices in British Columbia’s Secular School System’. Canadian Journal
of Education/Revue Canadienne de L’éducation 39 (2): 1–25, 2016.
Joshee, Reva, Carla Peck, Laura A. Thompson, Ottilia Chareka, & Alan Sears. ‘Multicultural
Education, Diversity, and Citizenship in Canada’. In Learning from Difference: Comparative
Accounts of Multicultural Education, by Joseph Lo Bianco & Aydin Bal, 35–50. Multilingual
Education 16. Springer International Publishing, 2016.
Lefebvre, Solange. ‘Comment est perçue la communauté, en France et au Canada’. In
Minorité et communauté en religion, by Lionel Obadia & Anne-Laure Zwilling, 201–14.
Presses de l’Université de Strasbourg, 2016.
Linder, Robert D. ‘Monarchy, Religion and the State: Civil Religion in the United Kingdom,
Canada, Australia and the Commonwealth’. Journal of Church and State 58 (1): 168–170,
Martínez-Ariño, Julia, and Solange Lefebvre. ‘Resisting or Adapting? How Private Catholic
High Schools in Quebec Respond to State Secularism and Religious Diversification’.
Eurostudia 11 (1): 19–44, 2016.
Mossiere, Geraldine. ‘The Intimate and the Stranger: Approaching the “Muslim Question”
through the Eyes of Female Converts to Islam’. Critical Research on Religion 4 (1): 90–108,
Ogilvie, M. H. ‘“A Delicate Exercise”: Balancing Freedom for and Freedom from Religion in
Canada: Loyola High School v Quebec (Attorney General)’ 18 (2): 196–208, 2016.
Omori, Hisako. ‘Collective Experience of Political Violence as Identity Conversion,
Citizenship, and Religious Identities among Second Generation Japanese Canadians’. Studies
in Religion/Sciences Religieuses 45 (2): 183–200, 2016.
Stackhouse, John G. ‘Putting God in God’s Place Does Theology Belong in the University?’
Studies in Religion/Sciences Religieuses 45 (3): 377–96, 2016.
Tarc, Aparna Rita Mishra. ‘Canadian Islamic Schools: Unraveling the Politics of Faith,
Gender, Knowledge, and Identity’. International Journal of Qualitative Studies in Education
29 (1): 130–33, 2016.
Teinturier, Sara. ‘L’Église et Les Bulles. Les Représentations du Catholicisme dans La Bande
Dessinée Francophone (Années 1990-2010)’. Études d’histoire Religieuse 82 (1): 57–74,
Tessier, Charles, & Éric Montigny. ‘Untangling Myths and Facts: Who Supported the Québec
Newsletter 24, novembre/November 2016
Charter of Values?’ French Politics 14 (2): 272–285, 2016.
Tuastad, Svein. ‘What Is It Like to Be a Student in a Religious School?’ Religion & Education
43 (1): 60–76, 2016.
Woods, Eric Taylor. A Cultural Sociology of Anglican Mission and the Indian Residential
Schools in Canada: The Long Road to Apology. Cultural Sociology. New York: Palgrave
Macmillan US, 2016.
Zaver, Arzina. ‘Teachers and Third Space Realities: The Case of Loyola High School v.
Quebec (Attorney General), 2015’. Religion & Education, February, 1–11, 2016a.
———. ‘The Complexities of Neutrality in Teaching Religious Education: The Ethics and
Religious Culture Program as Case Study’. McGill Journal of Education / Revue des Sciences
de l’éducation de McGill 50 (1): 39–50, 2016b.
Actualités scientifiques / Conferences
“Les catholiques québécois et la laïcité”. UQÀM, Montréal, Québec. 1er et 2 décembre 2016.
Organisateurs: David Koussens (Université de Sherbrooke) & Catherine Foisy (UQÀM).
Appels à communication
Canadian Society for the Study of Religion Annual Conference – Theme “From Far & Wide:
The Next 150” - Ryerson University, Toronto – May, 27-30, 2017.
Date limite des propositions / Dead line : 1er décembre 2016
Association for the Sociology of Religion, 79th Annual Meeting – Theme “Religion and
Division : causes, consequences and Counters” - Montreal – August 13-14, 2017.
Dead line: Session proposals: March 31, 2017
Paper proposals and abstracts: April 30, 2017
5e Colloque de recherche en arts séquentiels (CRAS) – Thème : « Le sacré et le profane dans
la bande dessinée » - Montréal – 27 mai 2017.
Date limite des propositions : 23 janvier 2017
Symposium de la Société québécoise pour l’étude de la religion (SQÉR) – Thème : « Étudier
la religion au Québec : regards d’ici et d’ailleurs » - Montréal – 30 novembre, 1er décembre
Date limite d’envoi des propositions : 1er décembre 2016
2. Actualité du site Eurel / News of the Eurel website
Réunion des correspondants
La prochaine réunion Eurel aura lieu les 7-8 septembre 2017 à Paris. Un thème d’étude a été choisi :
« l’abattage rituel ». / The next Eurel meeting will take place 7-8 September 2017 in Paris. The topic
of the scientific exchange will be "ritual slaughter".
Site / Website
Le site reçoit près de 10 000 visiteurs par mois. Il y a 328 abonnés à la lettre d’information et à Eurel
flash information. / The website receives some 10 000 visitors per month. There are 328 subscribers to
the newsletter and the Eurel Flash Information.
Newsletter 24, novembre/November 2016
Réseau Eurel / Eurel network
Nouveaux pays / New countries
Monténégro / Montenegro : Nikola B. ŠARANOVIĆ
Norvège / Norway : Helge ÅRSHEIM
Nouveau membre / New member
Turquie : Ahmet Erdi ÖZTÜRK
Nouveau collaborateur / New author
Chypre / Cyprus: Nicolas KAZARIAN
[Cliquez ici pour vous désinscrire de la newsletter/ Click here to unsubscribe from the newsletter.]
Newsletter 24, novembre/November 2016