LL.M partenariat P1 - Université Paris 1 Panthéon


LL.M partenariat P1 - Université Paris 1 Panthéon
LL.M en partenariat entre l’Ecole de droit de la Sorbonne
et des universités américaines
Les partenariats de l’Ecole de droit de la Sorbonne avec Cornell, Fordham, Cardozo,
Washington University Saint Louis et Boston College Law schools permettront cette
année à près d’une dizaine d’étudiants inscrits à Paris 1 en M1 ou en M2 d’intégrer l’un
des LL.M. proposés par les écoles partenaires, avec une dispense du règlement des frais
de scolarité aux Etats-Unis. Les étudiants sélectionnés devront toutefois s’acquitter des
frais de scolarité de Paris 1 pour l’année de formation aux Etats-Unis pour se voir
délivrer l’un des LL.M. de nos Universités partenaires.
Les dossiers de candidature devront être déposés avant le 15 Janvier au Bureau des LLM
de l'Ecole de droit de la Sorbonne de l’Université Paris 1 (Centre Malher, bureau 406 B,
à l’attention de la Commission de sélection des LL.M. de l’école de droit de la
Le dossier de candidature doit contenir les pièces suivantes :
1) un CV (resume) rédigé en anglais
2) une lettre de motivation rédigée en anglais à l’attention de la Commission de sélection
de l’EDS (une à deux pages maximum)
3) Le TOEFL avec un score égal ou supérieur à 100
4) la liste des destinations par ordre de préférence
5) une copie des relevés de notes en droit depuis la première année
Les personnes pré-sélectionnées seront contactées en février en vue d’un entretien en
Pour toute demande d’information, merci de vous adresser à : [email protected]
The LL.M. Programs
M1 and M2 Law students from Sorbonne law have the unique opportunity to spend one
entire year enrolled as LL.M. students at Cardozo Law, Cornell, Fordham Law,
Washington University Saint Louis Law or Boston College. Upon completion of all
requirements at the end of the year, students will receive the US LL.M Law degree. The
aim of these programs taught in English is to offer law students and future lawyers a large
variety of elective courses in their fields of interest, in-depth acquaintance with the
intricacies of American Law and a new perspective on current global legal issues while
learning in the best of the US academic tradition and Common Law methodological
Most students will be needing this program to take the New York Bar exam - and then
perhaps apply for the French equivalency exam on the basis of their admission in New
York. Graduates with the Master I or II from Paris I may be able to sit for the French Bar
Exam directly without admission in New York first.
A maximum of two Paris 1 students per partner University may participate each year.
This LL.M. program is open to Paris 1 students who are fluent in English (spoken and
written) and who have completed or will have completed all four years of law studies in
France before the beginning of the academic year in the United States (mid-August).
A TOEFL score (or equivalent) must be provided and a minimum of 100 points is
required. Students should contact the testing centers directly to determine date and time
of testing, registration requirements, and required fees. In the absence of such a test, the
student may demonstrate proficiency by other means jointly agreed by the program
How to Apply:
Applicants to the dual degree program should submit the application documents (see list
above) to the Department of International and European Studies of the Sorbonne Law
School (UFR07, room 304) no later than January 15 of their M1 or M2 year.
January 15th for the following academic year
Students should begin preparing materials at least two months prior to deadlines.
Students will be notified by email whether they have been approved for a final selective
interview approximately one month after the application deadline. The interview,
scheduled in February, is mandatory.
After receiving final approval from Sorbonne Law School for the program, the
application documents of nominated Paris 1 students(s) will be forwarded for
consideration to the Partner Law School. Though the US law schools retain discretion to
accept or deny any applicant, the school will consider our nominations strongly. An
interview, by telephone or in person, with a member of the partner faculty in English may
also be required.
All Paris 1 students who study abroad are required to register at and pay the tuition fees
to Paris 1. Students studying on this Paris 1 exchange programs will not be held
responsible for tuition fees required by the partner host institution.
Financial Aid
Students may apply for financial aid to cover tuition charges as well as living expenses
and travel costs for an approved semester abroad. For further information about financial
aid, students should contact the Service des bourses de la maison internationale at Paris
Living expenses, including travel, insurance, housing books, and food are the
responsibility of the student and can vary considerably by destination. For a link to
foreign exchange rates, check here: http://www.xe.com/
Paris 1 students will be expected to complete the LL.M. program requirements of the
Partner Law School. The student will be provided all the necessary information about the
LL.M program once selected.
At the US Law School
Once approved, students must register during their regularly scheduled registration time
for as much credits as required by the Office of the Registrar.
At Sorbonne Law School
Students will need to register at Sorbonne Law in order to be considered a Paris 1
exchange student during their LL.M. Study year abroad. They will be directly advised by
Sorbonne Law on available courses and options.
US Law School do not provide on-site housing facilities. However, students may be
assisted in their housing search.
Students studying abroad in the United States must apply for a student visa prior to
departure which is required to obtain a student residence permit once you have arrived.
As visas can take some time to secure, you should register your intent to study in the
United States immediately upon confirming your intent to study in a US Law school.
Students should secure health insurance coverage for the duration of their overseas study.
Not all domestic insurance policies will cover students while they are abroad, so check
with your provider.
Paris 1 student card will offer social security coverage on the French territory.
STA Travel International ID Card Insurance (this very basic insurance is automatically
included with international ID cards issued by STA Travel).
Cultural Insurance Services International (CISI) www.culturalinsurance.com/
HTH Worldwide (formerly Hinchcliff International), www.hthworldwide.com
International SOS (a medical evacuation service), www.internationalsos.com
Contact for information at Sorbonne Law School:
JD/LLM Program director, Pierre Brunet
Université Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne
Bureau 406 B
9, rue Malher
75004 Paris – France
Tél. : +33 (0)1 44 78 33 10 Fax : +33 (0)1 44 78 33 66
Email: [email protected]