trasformazioni politiche e revival religioso nel mondo arabo


trasformazioni politiche e revival religioso nel mondo arabo
Fariba Adelkhah, anthropologue, est directrice de recherche à SciencesPo-CERI (Paris) et
membre du Fonds d'analyse des sociétés politiques (FASOPO). Ses travaux portent sur
l'anthropologie sociale et l'anthropologie politique de l’Iran post-révolutionnaire (la famille, les
milieux d’affaires, la jeunesse et les femmes), sur l'anthropologie du voyage (migration, études,
contrebande, exil) et sur l'anthropologie des réseaux religieux et marchands transnationaux entre
l’Iran et l’Afghanistan. Elle a notamment publié La Révolution sous le voile. Femmes islamiques
d'Iran (Karthala, 1991), Etre moderne en Iran (Karthala, 1998, 2006 pour une nouvelle édition
augmentée) et Les Mille et une frontières de l'Iran. Quand les voyages forment la nation
(Karthala, 2012).
Laurent Bonnefoy, born in 1980, is a CNRS researcher in political science at the CERI-Sciences
Po. He holds a PhD in International relations (2007) and has held research positions in Sanaa (4
years) and in Palestine (2 years). He is deputy principal investigator of the WAFAW (When
Authoritarianism fails in the Arab World) ERC advanced grant project. His work mainly focuses on
political dynamics in Yemen, Islamist movements and Salafi politicisation. He is the author of:
Jeunesses arabes. Loisirs, culture et politique (ed. with M. Catusse), Paris : La Découverte
(forthcoming in September 2013). Yémen. Le tournant révolutionnaire (editor with Franck
Mermier and Marine Poirier), Paris : Karthala/CEFAS, 2012. Salafism in Yemen.
Transnationalism and Religious Identity, London/New York : Hurst/Columbia University Press,
2011. « La structuration de la révolution yéménite. Essai d’analyse d’un processus en marche »
(with Marine Poirier), Revue française de science politique, vol. 62, n°6, 2012, pp. 895-913.
Ayşe Buğra is currently professor of political economy at the Ataturk Institute of Modern Turkish
History at Bogazici University, Istanbul. She is the co-founder and the current director of the
Bogazici University research center Social Policy Forum where she initiated and conducted
several studies on inequality, poverty and different foundations of social solidarity. She has also
done research in the field of business history and has recently been working on the interface
between politics, religion and business in contemporary Turkey. Among her publications: “Politics
and Class: Turkish Business Environment in the Neoliberal Age” (co-authored with O. Savaşkan),
New Perspectives on Turkey, n. 46 (Spring 2012); Trajectories of Female Employment in the
Mediterranean (co-edited with Y. Ozkan); Palgrave MacMillan, 2012.
Béatrice Hibou est directrice de recherche au CNRS, rattachée au CERI (SciencesPo).
Spécialiste d'économie politique, ses travaux portent sur une approche comparatiste des
transformations de l'Etat et des modes de gouvernement ainsi que de l'exercice de la domination,
à partir de terrains en Afrique sub-saharienne, au Maghreb et en Europe du Sud. Parmi ses
ouvrages, B. Hibou dir. La Privatisation de l'Etat (Paris, Karthala, 1999; Privatizing the State,
2004), La Force de l'obéissance. Economie politique de la répression en Tunisie (Paris, La
Découverte, 2006; The Force of Obedience, 2011), Anatomie politique de la domination (Paris La
Découverte, 2011) et La Bureaucratisation du monde à l'ère néolibérale (Paris, La Découverte
Thomas Hüsken is senior research fellow at the Department for Social Anthropology of the
University of Bayreuth and currently visting Professor at the Department for Social and Cultural
Anthropology, University of Zürich, Switzerland. His main fields of research are political
anthropology and the anthropology of organizations. His current project focuses on “Political
Culture in Libya.” In addition to his academic career, Thomas has worked as an advisor for
diplomats and development experts for the German Ministry for Foreign Affairs, the German
Development Institute (GDI) and the German Agency for International Cooperation (GIZ). In 2011
he conducted three months of field studies during the revolution in Libya. In 2012 he spend two
month of fieldstudies during the elections in Libya and Cyrenaica. His latest publications are:
“Tribal Political Culture and the Revolution in the Cyrenaica of Libya” (Orient, German Journal for
Politics, Economics and Culture of The Middle East, 1, 2012); “Outside the Whale: The Contested
Life and Work of Development Experts” (Journal für Entwicklungspolitik, 4, 2010); and “The
Neotribal Competitive Order in the Borderland of Egypt and Libya,” in: Ulf Engel/Paul Nugent
(eds.), Respacing Africa, Brill,2009.
Salwa Ismail is professor of politics with reference to the Middle East at the School of Oriental
and African Studies, University of London. She is member of the London Middle East Institute
(LMEI) and of the Center for Palestine Studies (CPS). Her work mainly focuses on the State and
Islam in Egypt and Syria. She is the author of Political Life in Cairo's New Quarters: Encountering
the Everyday State (University of Minnesota Press, 2006), Rethinking Islamist Politics: Culture,
the State and Islamism (I.B. Tauris 2003/2006), and of « Piety, profit and the market in Cairo: a
political economy of Islamisation » (Contemporary Islam, 2013).
Zekeria Ould Ahmed Salem est titulaire d’un doctorat en science politique de Sciences-Po.
Lyon (1996). Il est actuellement professeur habilité de science politique à l’Université de
Nouakchott, Mauritanie. Ses principales publications incluent (dir.) Les Trajectoires d’un Etatfrontière-Espaces, évolutions politiques et transformations sociales en Mauritanie, Dakar,
CODESRIA Book Series, 2004, 350 pages. Prêcher dans le Désert: Islam et transformations
sociales en Mauritanie, Paris, Karthala, à paraitre en 2013.
Mohamed Tozy est depuis 1980 enseignant chercheur à l'Université Hassan II de Casablanca et
actuellement professeur des universités à l'IEP d'Aix en Provence et directeur du Centre
marocain des sciences sociales (CM2S). Ses travaux portent principalement sur la sociologie
politique du religieux. Ses publications récentes sont Monarchie et Islam politique au Maroc
(Presses de la fondation de sciences politiques, 1999, 3ème édition en 2008), La méditerranée
des anthropologues (Maisonneuve Larose, 2007, en collaboration avec D. Albera) et L'Islam au
quotidien : enquête sur les valeurs et pratiques religieuses au Maroc (Prologues, 2008, avec M.El
Ayadi et H.Rachik).
Mohamed Wazif est doctorant en Sciences politiques à l’Université de Casablanca et chercheur
associé au Centre Marocain des Sciences Sociales (CM2S). Il prépare une thèse sur « La
politique religieuse au Maroc : les marchés des islams à Casablanca ». Ses recherches portent
sur la sociologie politique et religieuse. Il a publié : « Abdelbari Zemzemi, du minbar au
Parlement. Pluripartisme islamiste et législatives marocaines, septembre 2007 » (in L. Zaki dir.,
Terrains de campagne au Maroc, Karthala, 2009), et de « Étendard de lutte ou pavillon de
complaisance ? S’engager sous la bannière du “Mouvement du 20 février” à Casablanca » (avec
S. Smaoui, in A. Allal et T. Pierret, Devenir révolutionnaires. Au cœur des révoltes arabes,
Armand Colin, à paraitre 2013).
Marco Buttino is professor of Eastern European History at the Department of Culture, politica e
società of the University of Turin. He has written extensively on various aspects of the history of
the USSR and Central Asia, especially on issues of social change and minority groups. He has
worked in soviet archives since they have been open to foreign scholars and then in those of the
Russian Federation, Uzbekistan, and Kazakhstan. At present he is engaged in a study of social
and cultural life in Samarkand after the collapse of the USSR. Among his recent publications: La
rivoluzione capovolta. L’Asia centrale tra il crollo dell’impero zarista e la formazione dell’Urss,
l'ancora del mediterraneo, Napoli 2003 (Revolyutsiya naoborot. Srednaya Aziya mezhdu
padaniem tsarskoj imperii i obrazovaniem SSSR. Mosca, Zven'ya , 2008); Changing Urban
Landscapes: Eastern European and Post-Soviet Cities Since 1989, (editor), Viella, Roma 2012.
Anna Caffarena is Associate Professor of International Relations at the University of Turin and
Deputy Director of the Department of Cultures, Politics and Society, University of Turin. She is
the President of T.wai Torino World Affairs Institute with responsibility over the “Global Politics”
research area. She has written extensively on International Relation’s theory, international order,
multilateralism, international organization. She is the author of: Le organizzazioni internazionali (Il
Mulino 2001/2009), Potere e responsabiilità. Obama l'islam e la comunità internazionale (with R.
Guolo, Guerini 2010), « Couples and Trust-building in International Society. A Social Capital
Perspective », (in B. Vassort-Rousset ed. Building Sustainable Couples in International Relations:
a strategy towards peaceful cooperation, Palgrave Macmillan, forthcoming 2013).
Rosita Di Peri teaches Politics, Institutions, and Cultures of Middle East at the Department of
Cultures, Politics, and Society at the University of Turin. Her research interests focus on
democracy and authoritarianism in Middle East and on the case of Lebanon. Among her most
recent publications: Il Libano contemporaneo (Carocci, 2009), « And Lebanon Still Looking...The
Lebanese Consociativism at the Test of the Arab Spring » (in S. Panebianco and R. Rossi ed.,
Winds of Democratic Change in the Mediterranean: Processes, Actors, and possible Outcomes,
Rubbettino, 2012), « Perceiving Democracy in Migration: The case of Moroccans in Piemonte »,
(in P. Seeberg and Z. Eyadat ed., Migration, Security, and Citizenship in the Middle East New
Perspectives, Palgrave Macmillan, 2013).
Paolo Giaccaria teaches Political and Economical Geography at the University of Turin. His
research interests focus on local development, space recomposition in the Mediterranean area,
and holocaust spatialities. Among his publications: Lo sviluppo locale al nord e al sud: un
confronto internazionale (with. . Dansero and F.Governa, FrancoAngeli 2008),
« Topographies/topologies of the camp: Auschwitz as a spatial threshold » (with C. Minca,
Political Geography, 2011), and « The Mediterranean alternative » (with C. Minca, Progress in
Human Geography, 2011).
Alfio Mastropaolo is full professor of Political Science at the Department of Cultures, Politics
and Society, University of Turin. His research themes are: political élites, political parties,
antipolitics, democracy. Among his works, Antipolitica. Alle origini della crisi italiana (L’Ancora,
Napoli, 2000), La mucca pazza della democrazia. Nuove destre, populismo, antipolitica (Bollati
Boringhieri, Torino, 2005), The Center-Left’s Poisoned Victory (ed. With J.L. Briquet, Berghahn,
New York, 2007), Is Democracy a Lost Cause? Paradoxes of an Imperfect Invention, (Ecpr
Press, 2012).
Stefano Musso is Lecturer in Contemporary History and Labour History at the University of
Turin. Hi is the Director of Istituto per la Memoria del Lavoro e dell’Impresa (ISMEL – Institute for
the Memory of Labour and Business) and the President of Società Italiana di Storia del Lavoro
(SISLAV – Italian Society for the History of Labour). Among his recent publications: Le regole e
l’elusione. Il governo del mercato del lavoro nell’industrializzazione italiana (1888-2003), (Torino,
Rosenberg & Sellier, 2004); La partecipazione nell’impresa responsabile. Storia del Consiglio di
gestione Olivetti, (Bologna, Il Mulino, 2009); Storia del lavoro in Italia dall’Unità a oggi, (Venezia,
Marsilio, 2011).
Roberta Ricucci teaches Sociology of Islam and Sociology of inter-ethnic relations at the
University of Turin. She is member of FIERI, Forum Internazionale ed Europeo di Ricerche sulle
Migrazioni. Her research interests focus on sociology of migrations and sociology of Islam.
Among her recent publications, Sinergie e strategie. Adolescenti tra scuola e immigrazione, (Ed.
Duc 2010), and Italiani a metà. Giovani immigrati crescono, (Il Mulino 2010).
Simona Taliani enseigne l’anthropologie au Département de Cultures, Politique et Société de
l’Université de Turin. Psychologue et anthropologue, elle travaille sur l’expérience des femmes
migrantes victimes de violence et de traite, ainsi que sur la législation italienne en matière de
procédures d’intégration et de soin des étrangers. Elle est l’auteur de Il bambino e il suo doppio.
Malattia, stregoneria e antropologia dell’infanzia in Camerun (Franco Angeli, 2006) et, en
collaboration, de Altri Corpi. Antropologia ed etnopsicologia della migrazione (UNICOPLI, 2006).
Jean-François Bayart, directeur de recherche au CNRS (SciencesPo-CERI) et président du
Fonds d'analyse des sociétés politiques (FASOPO), est un spécialiste de sociologie historique
comparée du politique. Il est en particulier l'auteur de L'Etat en Afrique (Fayard, 1989), L'Illusion
identitaire (Fayard, 1996), Le Gouvernement du monde (Fayard, 2004), Les Etudes
postcoloniales, un carnaval académique (Karthala, 2010) et L'Islam républicain. Ankara, Téhéran,
Dakar (Albin Michel, 2010). Il enseigne actuellement à l’Institut d’études politiques de Paris et à
l’Université de Turin.
Irene Bono enseigne sciences politique au Département de Cultures, Politique et Société de
l'Université de Turin et est chercheure associée au Centre marocain des sciences sociales
(CM2S) de Casablanca. Elle est membre fondateur du Torino world affairs institute (T.wai) et
membre du Fonds d'analyse des sociétés politiques (FASOPO). Elle a travaillé sur les
phénomènes participatifs au Maroc et en Italie, et elle travaille actuellement sur le gouvernement
de l'inégalité et sur les changements non révolutionnaires, à partir du cas marocain. Elle est
l'auteur de In nome della società civile. Un caso di sviluppo partecipato in Marocco (Guerini,
2010) et de L'activisme associatif comme marché du travail (Politique africaine, 2010).