
Proposition de stage 2015-2016
Internship Proposal 2015-2016
Spécialité(s) / Specialty(ies) :
☐ Chimie Analytique, Physique, et Théorique / Analytical, Physical and Theoretical Chemistry :
þ Chimie Moléculaire / Molecular Chemistry :
þ Matériaux / Materials:
☐ Ingénierie Chimique / Chemical Engineering:
Laboratoire d’accueil / Host Institution
Intitulés / Name : Institut Parisien de Chimie Moléculaire (IPCM), UMR 8232
Adresse / Address : UPMC, 4 place Jussieu, Paris
Directeur / Director (legal representative) : Corinne AUBERT
Tél / Tel : 01 44 27 70 68
E-mail : [email protected]
Equipe d'accueil / Hosting Team : Chimie des Polymères
Adresse / Address : (à partir de décembre 2015) UPMC, tour 43-53, 5ème étage, 4 place Jussieu, Paris
Responsable équipe / Team leader : Laurent BOUTEILLER
Site Web / Web site :
Responsable du stage (encadrant) / Direct Supervisor : André-Jean ATTIAS/David KREHER
Fonction / Position : Professeur
Tél / Tel : 01 44 27 53 02
E-mail : [email protected]
Période de stage / Internship period * : janvier-juin ou juillet 2016
Gratification / Salary : 546€/mois
Grignard metathesis (GRIM) polymerization for the synthesis
of chiral conjugated polymers exhibiting magnetic properties
Projet scientifique (1 page maximum) / Scientific Project (maximum 1 page):
1. Projet / Project
The magneto-optic (MO) materials have enormous potential in the emerging field of quantum
information processing systems.[1] The exploration into MO materials started with organic-inorganic
complexes.[2] The study of magneto-optical properties in purely organic or polymeric systems is
relatively new[3] compared to organometallic and inorganic complexes.[4] A recent paper reported the
observation of MO effects in thiophene nanowires synthesized through microphase separation in mixed
solvent systems.[3b] The goal is the obtention of materials with helical circulation of electrons.
Based on our previous background on the synthesis of regioregular polythiophenes,[5-6] we propose
to synthesize well-defined regioregular polythiophenes substituted with chiral groups. The chiral
thiophene-based homopolymers and copolymers would be synthesized using Grim metathesis route,
which allows control of the length of the polymer backbone as well as the distribution of the chiral
substituants along it by synthesizing alternating copolymers (see Figure).
* 5 mois à partir du 18 janv 2016 / 5 months not earlier than January, 18th 2016.
** Fin du premier semestre M2S1: 16/01/2015 ; Soutenances des stages M2S2, 1ere session du 29/6-3/7/2015 / End of the
1st semester M2S1: 16/01/2015. Master Defense (1st session of M2S2) from 29/06 to 3/07/2015.
The work carried out evolves an understanding of polymer structure and MO properties in welldefined chiral thiophene polymers by exploring polymers containing permutations of purely chiral and
alkyl side chains.
Figure : Design of chiral polymers capable of self-assembly to give structures with circulating electrons leading to MO
2. Techniques ou méthodes utilisées / Specific techniques or methods
The candidate will synthesize monomers and polymers. They will by characterized by NMR, UVVis spectroscopies, and size exclusion chromatography. The magnetic properties will be evaluated in
the framework of an international project.
3. Références / References
[1] Bartolomé, J.; Editors, J. F. F., Molecular Magnets for Quantum Information. 2014, 275-296.
[2] Blundell, S. J.; Pratt, F. L., J. Phys.: Condensed Matter 2004, 16(24), R771-R828.
[3] (a) Bujak, P.; Kulszewicz-Bajer, I.; Zagorska, M.; Maurel, V.; Wielgus, I.; Pron, A., Chem. Soc.
Rev. 2013, 42(23), 8895-999; (b) Qin, W.; Jasion, D.; Chen, X.; Wuttig, M.; Ren, S., ACS Nano 2014,
8(4), 3671-3677; (c) Ren, S.; Briber, R. M.; Wuttig, M, Appl. Phys. Lett. 2008, 93(17), 7-10; (d) Zaidi,
N. a.; Giblin, S. R.; Terry, I.; Monkman, A. P., Polymer 2004, 45(16), 5683-5689; (e) Gangopadhyay,
P.; Koeckelberghs, G.; Persoons, A., Chem. Mater. 2011, 23(3), 516-521; (f) Persoons, A., Opt. Mater.
Express 2011, 1(1), 5-5; (g) Ren, S.; Wuttig, M., Adv. Mater. 2012, 24(6), 724-727.
[4] Batten, S. R.; Murray, K. S., Coordination Chem. Rev. 2003, 246(1–2), 103-130.
[5] Tahar-Djebbar, I.; Nekelson, F.; Heinrich, B.; Donnio, B.; Guillon, D.; Kreher, D.; Mathevet, F.;
Attias, A.-J., Chem. Mater. 2011, 23(21), 4653-4656.
[6] Zeng, D.; Tahar-Djebbar, I.; Xiao, Y.; Kameche, F.; Kayunkid, N.; Brinkmann, M.; Guillon, D.;
Heinrich, B.; Donnio, B.; Ivanov, D. A.; Lacaze, E.; Kreher, D.; Mathevet, F.; Attias, A.-J.,
Macromolecules 2014, 47(5), 1715-1731.