CURRICULUM VITAE - Centre Alexandre Koyré


CURRICULUM VITAE - Centre Alexandre Koyré
Date of elaboration: January 10th, 2014
A) Present position.
Job description. Date of appointment.
B) Education.
Doctoral, postdoctoral and other studies.
C) Membership of professional and learned societies
University level teaching. Training of human resources.
D) Teaching and research experience.
Teaching experience, research experience, meeting organization, participation in meeting,
congresses and round tables. Guest speaker.
E) Administrative experience.
F) Fellowships, grants and citations.
G) Publications.
Book, Articles (referenced journals), Articles (book chapters and dictionary entries), book
translations, article translations.
A) Present position
Full-time professor, Colegio de Historia (Academy of History) Facultad de
Filosofía y Letras (School of Philosophy and Arts), Universidad Nacional
Autónoma de México (UNAM).
Date of appointment: January 30th, 2012.
B) Education
Doctoral and postdoctoral studies:
Postdoctoral studies
Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México - Maison des Sciences
de l’Homme (París): Fundamentos topológicos del espacio-mundo
europeo en los orígenes de la modernidad (siglos XV-XVI) (Topological bases
of the European space-world at the onset of Modernity, 15-16th centuries)
Doctoral studies on Histoire et Civilisations
Dissertation on: «Espace, lieu et monde : Une étude topologique des
origines de la mondialisation» (Space, place and world : a topological study
of globalization), under the tutorship of Maurice AYMARD and
Jacques DERRIDA (co-tutors), submitted on December 22, 2003 at the
École des Hautes Études en Sciences Sociales (EHESS) Paris, France.
Citation: Très honorable avec félicitations du jury à l’unanimité.
(Highest honor conferred by the French academic system)
1 Nomination by EHESS for the Academy of Paris award for the best
dissertation, May 2004.
Members of the jury:
Maurice AYMARD, Head of Studies at EHESS (Dissertation Tutor)
François HARTOG, Head of Studies at EHESS (Jury Chairman)
Etienne BALIBAR, Professor Emeritus of Paris University X (Reporter)
Albert BRODER, Professor Emeritus of Paris University XII (Reporter)
Immanuel WALLERSTEIN, Professor of the State University of New
Other studies:
DEA (MA) Prospective Internationale (International Prospective)
Université de Paris V-René Descartes, UFR de Droit (Law School).
Essay on: «La prospective : portées et limites de la métaphore. Le cas du
Kosovo» (Prospective: the scope and limits of metaphors. The case of
(MA) Géographie et aménagement, option Géopolitique et
analyse du monde actuel (Geography and territorial planning,
Geopolitics and analysis of today’s world)
Université de Paris IV-Sorbonne, UFR de Géographie et
Aménagement-Histoire contemporaine.
Essay on: «Géopolitique et libre-échange. Le cas du Mexique» (Geopolitics
and free exchange. The case of Mexico).
MA in History
UNAM, Facultad de Filosofía y Letras. (School of Philosophy and
Dissertation: «Atopía. Invención del territorio y negación del sujeto
político en México, 1500-1824. Ensayo interpretativo» (Atopy. Invention
of the territory and denial of the political subject in Mexico, 1500-1824. An
interpretative essay).
BA in Philosophy
UNAM, Facultad de Filosofía y Letras (School of Philosophy and
Dissertation: «Si vis pacem para bellum. Elementos para un estudio
del nacimiento de la geopolítica». (Si vis pacem para bellum.
Elements for a study of the birth of geopolitics).
BA in Geography
Facultad de Filosofía y Letras (School of Philosophy and
Dissertation: «Los espacios y los hombres» (Spaces and men).
2 C) Membership of professional and learned societies
Member of the Asociación Filosófica de México (Mexico’s Philosophical Society)
since 2007.
D) Teaching and research experience
Teaching experience:
Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México, Colegio de Historia (Academy of
History of Mexico’s National Autonomous University)
Full-time Professor
30/01/2012-to the present date
BA level :
1. Research Seminar (History of mentalities) (Academy of History)
2. History of Science (Academy of History)
3. Introduction to Historical Research (Academy of History)
4. Renaissance and Humanism (Academy of History)
5. Geography and History (Academy of History)
6. Historical Geography (Academy of Geography)
7. Basics of Physical Sciences (Academy of Geography)
Course Professor
Academy of Philosophy
• Philosophical texts I – (Greek Philosophy)
Universidad Iberoamericana, Department of Philosophy.
Full-time Professor-researcher
Doctoral level:
• Construction of the subject in Philosophy
• Space and world in Heidegger
MA level:
• Ancient Philosophy
• Philosophical bases of globalization
• Philosophical Methodology Seminar
BA level:
• Space and a priori: The construction of Western geometrical rationality
• Aristotle, a monographic course
• The Theory of Knowledge
• Research techniques in Philosophy
• Philosophy of Man’s Sciences
Course Professor
• Historical Geography. Construction of a modern idea of the World.
3 Universidad Autónoma de la Ciudad de México (Mexico City’s Autonomous
Department of Scientific-Humanist Culture
Full-time Professor-researcher
BA level:
• Scientific-Humanistic Culture I (Theory of Knowledge)
• Scientific-Humanistic Culture II (Introduction to scientific thought)
• Scientific-Humanistic Culture III (Contemporary society problems)
Instituto Tecnológico Autónomo de México (Mexico’s Autonomous Institute of
Department of General Studies
Course Professor
BA level:
• Political and social ideas and institutions III (XIX-XX centuries)
• Mexican Socio-political History
Université de Bretagne du Sud, UFR de Lettres, Sciences Humaines et Sociales,
Département de Langues Étrangères Appliquées, Lorient (University of South
Brittany, School of Human and Social Sciences, Department of Applied
Foreign Languages).
Attaché Temporaire à l’Enseignement et à la Recherche à mi-temps. (Part-time ad
interim professor-researcher)
BA Level:
Civilization : Discovery and invention of the Hispanic Americas
Other courses: Negotiation, Spanish.
Updating training courses for faculty members:
“World and globalization. Conceptual origins and bases”, UAM Azcapotzalco,
August 29th to September 2nd, 2005.
Research experience:
Field of Research:
Historical Epistemology of the modern Western idea of the World (XV-XVIII
4 Lines of Research:
1. History and thematical conceptualization of space.
• Space and world concepts in Modernity (XV-XVIII centuries).
Space and world concepts in the discussions of the historians of the Indies.
Space and world concepts in modern Science and Philosophy.
• Modern representation and knowledge of the Earth.
• Modern liberal discussions: geopolitical and free exchange theories.
2. History and rationality.
• Historical epistemology, Epistemical rationality, History of the ideas,
Intellectual history, Histoire des mentalités. Relationship between historical
facts and concept construction. Long- and short-length of time.
• Acceptance and interpretation of early Greek thinking (History,
Philosophy, Geography) in the West, XV-XVIII centuries.
• Renaissance and modern theories of argumentation: the concept of
3. Methodology of Humanities (Philosophy, History of the Ideas).
Research Projects:
1. Topological bases of the European space-world at the onset of Modernity (XV-XVI
centuries). Concepts of space and world in Modernity (XV-XVIII centuries)
Universidad Iberoamericana; Postdoctoral studies (Conacyt-UNAM-Maison des
Sciences de l’Homme), 2008-2011.
2. Ptolemy’s Geography and the construction of the world’s idea during the
Renaissance: transmission, translation and interpretation during the XV and XVI
centuries. UNAM, underway (starting date: January 2013; ending date: December
Organization of discussion meetings:
Espacio y pensamiento. Perspectivas de Filosofía, Geografía e Historia
(Space and Thought. Perspectives in Philosophy, Geography and History).
Facultad de Filosofía y Letras, UNAM-Centre d’Analyse et
Mathématiques Sociales, École des Hautes Études en Sciences
Sociales. With the participation of Professors Luciano Boi, Georgina
Calderón and René Ceceña, November 21st 2013.
Spaces, the Physical World, and Perception: Mathematical Issues and
Philosophical Perspectives (in English).
Facultad de Filosofía y Letras, UNAM-Centre d’Analyse et
Mathématiques Sociales, École des Hautes Études en Sciences
Seminar of Professor Luciano Boi, presentation by René Ceceña,
November 19th-20th 2013.
Rereading Kant. Cosmopolitism in the scope of the History of Ideas (in
Universidad Iberoamericana–Freie Universität Berlin. With the
participation of Johannes Thumfart and René Ceceña, June 9th.
5 La Géographie de Ptolémée à la Renaissance : Cartographes et historiens
dans la construction du Nouveau Monde (Ptolemy’s Geography in the
Renaissance: Cartographies and historians in the construction of the New
Centre Alexandre Koyré–Maison des Sciences de l’Homme–UNAM.
March 3th, 2011. With the la participation of Louise Bénat-Tachot
(Université de Paris IV-Sorbonne), Jean-Marc Besse (CNRSGéographi-cités), Sonja Brentjes (Universidad de Sevilla), Frank
Lestringant (Université de Paris IV-Sorbonne), Didier Marcotte
(Université de Reims), Pierre Prétou (Université de la Rochelle),
Vassilios Tsiotras (Aristoteleio Panepistimio Thessalonikis).
Geopolíticas del discurso y filosofías (Philosophies and Discourse
Department of Philosophy, Universidad Iberoamericana. October
16th-17th, 2008. With the participation of Valentin Y. Mudimbe (Duke
University) and Simon Crtichley (New School for Social Research).
Grecia y nosotros. La lectura contemporánea de la polis (Greece and us. A
contemporary reading of the polis).
Department of de Philosophy, Universidad Iberoamericana. October
17th-19th, 2007. With the participation of Richard Bodéüs (Université
de Montréal) and François Hartog (EHESS, Paris).
Participation in meetings, congresses and round tables:
Historia intelectual del espacio moderno. De la metafísica escolástica a la
teoría kantiana del conocimiento (Intellectual History of Modern Space.
From Scholastic’s Metaphysics to Kantian Theory of Knowledge).
Roundtable Espacio y pensamiento. Perspectivas de Filosofía, Geografía e
Historia (Space and Thought. Perspectives in Philosophy, Geography and
History). Facultad de Filosofía y Letras, UNAM-Centre d’Analyse et
Mathématiques Sociales, École des Hautes Études en Sciences
Sociales. November 21st 2013.
Construcción de los pensamientos geográficos (The Built of Geographical
Modes of Thinking).
Coloquio Territorio, naturaleza y sociedad: A 100 años de la
Geografía en la UNAM, Facultad de Filosofía y Letras, UNAM,
August 29th 2013.
The Common Topological Grounds of Modernity and Globalization (in
English). World International Congress of Philosophy, Atenas,
Grecia, August 4th 2013.
Rereading Kant. Cosmopolitism in the scope of the History of Ideas (in
UIA – Freie Universität Berlin
6 Reply to the conference of Dr. Johannes Thumfart, June 9th.
La passion de la découverte. Une épistémologie de l’espace (The passion of
discovery. An epistemology of space).
International meeting on Les passions sociales (Social passions).
Université de Paris V –René Descartes-Sorbonne, París, April 28th.
La noción de espacio en fenomenología y filosofía analítica [Deixis y espacio
moderno. Reflexiones sobre las relaciones entre la física, la metafísica y la
epistemología en el nacimiento de la Modernidad]. (The notion of space in
analytical phenomenology and philosophy [Deixis and modern space.
Reflections on the relationships among Physics, Metaphysics and
Epistemology at the onset of Modern-day])
Second Symposium of the Círculo de Filosofía de la Naturaleza (Club of the
Philosophy of Nature), Université de Strasbourg (France) –
Universidad Panamericana (Mexico), April 15th.
La Géographie de Ptolémée à la Renaissance : Cartographes et historiens
dans la construction du Nouveau Monde (Ptolemy’s Geography in the
Renaissance : Cartographies and historians in the construction of the New
Conférence introductive à la Journée d’études La Géographie de
Ptolémée à la Renaissance : Cartographes et historiens dans la construction
du Nouveau Monde, (Introductory conference of the studies session
on Ptolemy’s Geography in the Renaissance : Cartographies and
historians in the construction of the New World).
Centre Alexandre Koyré – Maison des Sciences de l’Homme –
UNAM, Paris, March 3th.
Cortés et Charles V, les territoires de l’Empire et le Nouveau Monde.
Journée d’études Empire et domination territoriale (Cortés and Charles
V, the territories of the Empire and the New World. Studies session on the
Empire and territorial domination),
Centre d’Études Supérieures de la Renaissance, Tours, May 4th.
Empeiría et inventio. La théorie de la connaissance de la nature à la
naissance de la modernité. Une perspective contemporaine (Empeiría et
inventio. The theory of the knowledge of nature at the onset of Modernity)
Colloque Vers une philosophie naturelle renouvelée (Towards a renewed
natural philosophy), Cercle de Philosophie de la Nature, EHESS, Paris,
March 5th.
La aporía del espacio occidental moderno (Logical impenetrability of
modern Western space).
International meeting on Geopolíticas del discurso y filosofías
(Discussion geopolitics and philosophies)
Universidad Iberoamericana, Mexico, October 16th.
7 2007
Lugar e identidad en Aristóteles (Place and identity in Aristotle)
Congreso Nacional de Filosofía (National Philosophical Congress),
Mazatlán (Mexico), November 9th.
Polis, sujeto y mundo (Polis, subject and world)
International meeting on Grecia y nosotros. La lectura contemporánea
de la polis (Greece and us. A contemporary reading of the polis),
Universidad Iberoamericana, Mexico, October 17th.
Khôra, Dasein y mundo (Khôra, Dasein and World).
International meeting on Heidegger: en camino al pensamiento
(Heidegger: on the way to thinking), Universidad Iberoamericana,
Mexico, April 19th.
Guest speaker:
Le problème de l’espace et la construction de l’idée moderne de Terre, XVIXVII siècle (The issue of Space and the building of the modern idea of
Earth, XVIth-XVIIth siècle), Centre Alexandre Koyré, Centre National
de la Recherche Scientifique, Paris, France, April 4th.
La Géographie de Ptolémée et l’espace (Ptolemy’s Geography and space),
Centre Alexandre Koyré, Centre National de la Recherche
Scientifique, Paris, France, May 10th.
Geografía, espacio y Modernidad (Geography, space and Modernity)
In the framework of Dr. Patricia Gómez Rey’s Seminar, Facultad de
Filosofía y Letras, UNAM, Mexico, November 10th.
L’espace antique et l’espace moderne. Entre histoire et philosophie I :
Épistémologie de l’espace en Occident, de l’Antiquité à la naissance de la
Modernité (Space in ancient and modern space. (Between History and
Philosophy I: Epistemology of space in the West, from Ancient Age to the
onset of Modernity)
In the framework of the Seminar on Mesurer le monde - représenter
l’écoumène (Measuring the world – representing the universe), for PhD
students in History (IX Cycle of the Dottorato di Ricerca in Scienze
Storiche), Università de San Marino, June 18th.
L’espace antique et l’espace moderne. Entre histoire et philosophie II :
L’appropriation historique du Nouveau Monde dans l’Occident moderne
(Ancient age and modern space. Between History and Philosophy II:
Historical appropriation of the New World in the modern West)
In the framework of the Seminar Mesurer le monde - représenter
l’écoumène, (Measuring the world – representing the universe), for PhD
students in History (IX Cycle of the Dottorato di Ricerca in Scienze
Storiche), Università de San Marino, June 17th.
8 Du sujet-ontologique au sujet-de-la-connaissance. Les morphologies de
l’espace dans la construction de la pensée moderne (XVIe-XVIIIe siècles)
(From the ontological subject to the subject of knowledge. The morphologies
of space in the construction of modern thought (XVI-XVIII centuries))
In the framework of the Seminar on «Morphologies : des sciences
sociales à l’architecture et aux sciences du vivant» (Morphologies: from
social sciences to Architecture and Sciences of Life), organized by
Professors Hervé Le Bras and Luciano Boi, École des Hautes Études
en Sciences Sociales, Paris, January 25th.
Penser le monde au XVIe siècle. Représentation de la Terre et science
moderne (Thinking the world in the XVI century. Representation of the
Earth and modern Science),
In the framework of the Seminar on «Sciences et mondialisation, XVIeXXIe siècles» (Sciences and globalization, XVI-XXI centuries) organized by
Professor Kapil Raj, École des Hautes Études en Sciences Sociales,
Paris, January 19.
Poésie, histoire et construction de l’espace (Poetry, history and the
construction of space)
In the framework of the Seminar on, «L’habiter dans sa poétique
première» (Living in the first poetics), organized by Professor Augustin
Berque, École des Hautes Études en Sciences Sociales, Paris, March
Le monde médiéval. Théologie, espace et géographie (The medieval world.
Theology, space and geography)
In the framework of the Seminar on «Autres géographies, géographies
de l’autre» (Other geographies, geographies of the other) organized by
Professor Alain Musset, École des Hautes Études en Sciences
Sociales, Paris, December 17th.
Centralité et discours : La dialectique centre–périphérie au Mexique, un
regard philosophique d’un sujet historique (Centrality and discussion : The
centre-periphery dialectics in Mexico, philosophical view of an historical
Institut Supérieur d’Architecture - La Cambre, Brussels, Belgium,
May 15.
E) Administrative and management experience
Representative of the Mexican Philosophical Association before
Universidad Iberoamericana.
Head of the Revista de Filosofía (Philosophical Journal)
Department of Philosophy, Universidad Iberoamericana.
9 2006-2009
Coordinator of Departmental Services, Department of Philosophy,
Universidad Iberoamericana.
Member of the Publications Council, Department of Philosophy,
Universidad Iberoamericana.
F) Fellowships, grants and citations.
Member of the Sistema Nacional de Investigadores (Mexico’s Researchers System),
level 1; 2012-2014.
Grants system UNAM (PRIDE), level C; 2013-2018.
Grants system UNAM (PAIPA), level B; 2012-2013.
Member of the Jury of the 2012 Marcos y Celia Maus grant 2009-2010 (best BA,
MA and PhD dissertations in History, UNAM).
scholarship to pursue postdoctoral studies at Universidad Nacional
Autónoma de México-Maison des Sciences de l’Homme. 2009-2011.
Nomination by EHESS for the award to the best dissertation of the Academy of
Paris, May, 2004.
scholarship to pursue doctoral studies at the École des Hautes Études en
Sciences Sociales of Paris. 1995-2000.
scholarship to pursue the Diplôme d’Études Approfondies en la Université
de Paris IV-Sorbonne. 1994-1995.
Scholarship of the Belgian government to take up a research stage at the Institut
Supérieur d’Architecture–La Cambre. April-June 1994.
G) Publications
Ceceña, R. 2011. Espacio, lugar y mundo. El fundamento topológico de la Modernidad y
los orígenes de la mundialización (Space, place and world. The topological basis of
Modernity and the onset of globalization). Mexico: Universidad Nacional Autónoma
de México, 479 pp; ISBN 978-607-02-2921-3.
10 Articles (in referenced journals):
Ceceña R. «‘Si Helena hubiera estado en Ilión’. El espacio como elemento
epistemológico de la Historia griega antigua» (‘If Helen had been at Ilion’. Space
as the epistemological element of ancient Greek History), (accepted for publication).
Ceceña, R. «Ethos, sujeto y mundialización» (Ethos, subject and worldization), in
Argumentos de Razón Técnica, Revista de la Universidad de Sevilla (accepted for
Ceceña R. (2014) « Revolución científica e Historia motus. Reflexiones sobre
Historiografía, historiología y conocimiento histórico » (Scientific Revolution and
Historia motus. Reflections on Historiography, historiology ad historical
knowledge), in Scripta Philosophiæ Naturalis, 5, January-June 2014, 49-68, ISSN
Ceceña R. (2014) « Espacio moderno y epistemología. Las relaciones entre
Filosofía natural, Física y Metafísica en los siglos XVII y XVIII » (Modern space
and Epistemology. The relationships between Natural Philosophy, Physics and
Metaphysics in the XVIIth and the XVIIIth Centuries), in Eikasia, Revista de Filosofía,
54, enero de 2014, 29-39, ISSN 1885–5679 (
Ceceña R. (2012) «L’inventio de la Nouvelle Espagne. Rhétorique et domination
territorial du Nouveau Monde» (The inventio of New Spain. Rhetorics and
territorial domination of the New World) Astérion [online], 10,
Ceceña, R. (2010) « L’experientia et l’inventio du Nouveau Monde. De l’histoire à la
théorie de la connaissance de la nature » in Eikasia, Revista de Filosofía ISSN 1885–
5679 (
[Spanish version: Ceceña, R. (2012) «La experiencia y la inventio del Nuevo
Mundo. De la historia a la teoría del conocimiento de la naturaleza» (Experience
and invention of the New World. From History ot the theory of knowledge of
Nature), Boris Berenzon Gorn et Georgina Calderón Aragón (coord.) Los elementos
del tiempo y el espacio. México: Universidad Nacional Autónoma de MéxicoConsejo Nacional de Ciencia y Tecnología, 203-233; ISBN 980-607-02-2986-2].
Ceceña, R. (2007) «Penser le Nouveau Monde. Histoire et modernité» (Thinking the
New World), in Cahiers des Amériques Latines, CNRS - Institut des Hautes Études de
l’Amérique Latine, Université de Paris III – Sorbonne Nouvelle, 121-137 ISSN
printed version 1141-7161 [digital edition since January 31 2013, ISSN 2268-4247):].
11 Ceceña, R. (2007) «Del lugar al espacio: Timeo 50 d-e. La lectura heideggeriana de
la khôra» (From the place to the space : Timeo 50 d-e. A reading of the khôra
according to Heidegger), in Revista de Filosofía, nº 118, Universidad
Iberoamericana, 49-63.
Ceceña, R. (2006) «Da-sein. Reflexiones en perspectiva histórica sobre la
tematización espacial de la representación del mundo» (Da-sein. Historical
perspective reflections about the spatial organization of the world’s
representation) , in Revista de Filosofía, nº 117, Universidad Iberoamericana, 105119.
Articles (book chapters and dictionary entries)
Ceceña R. «La passion de la découverte. Une épistémologie de l’espace» (The
passion of discovery. An epistemology of space) Cahiers su GEPECS, Université
de Paris V – René Descartes (accepted for publication).
Ceceña, R. (2008) «Khôra en el pensamiento antiguo» (Khôra in ancient thought), in
Boris Berenzon and Georgina Calderón (eds.) Diccionario TiempoEspacio. México:
Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México, Tomo I, 277-297.
Ceceña, R. (2005) «Historia y geografía. El fundamento epistémico de su
complementariedad epistemológica» (History and Geography. Epistemical basis
of their epistemological complementarity) in Boris Berenzon Gorn and Georgina
Calderón Aragón (eds.) Coordenadas sociales, más allá del tiempo y del espacio.
México: Universidad de la Ciudad de México-Instituto Panamericano de
Geografía e Historia, 223-248.
Book translations:
Malpas, J. (2006). Heidegger’s topology. Being, place, world. Cambridge: MIT Press,
423 pp. Translation from English into Spanish by R. Ceceña (chapters 1, 2, 3 and
6) and M. Agami (chapters 4 and 5), under the technical supervision of R. Ceceña,
México: Universidad Iberoamericana, (unpublished).
Franck, D. (1986). Le problème de l’espace chez Heidegger (The problem of space in
Heidegger). Paris: Les éditions de minuit. 132 p. Presentation by René Ceceña.
Translated from French into Spanish by R. Ceceña, México: Universidad
Iberoamericana, 2011, 165 pp.
Bodéüs, R. (2002). Aristote. Une philosophie en quête de savoir (Aristotle. A philosophy
in search of knowledge). Paris: Vrin. 272 p. Presentation by René Ceceña. Translated
from French into Spanish by L. Moure under the supervision of R. Ceceña,
México: Universidad Iberoamericana, 2010, 293 pp.
12 Article translations:
Aymard, M. (2009) « La longue durée aujourd’hui. Bilan d’un demi-siècle (19582008) », in Diego R. Curto et al. (ed.) From Florence to the Mediterranean and beyond:
Essays in honour of Anthony Molho. Firenze, Leo S. Olschki, 2009, 2 vol., t.2, pp.
559-576. Translated from French into Spanish by R. Ceceña, « La larga duración
hoy. Balance de medio siglo (1958-2008) » (accepted for publication).
Feuerhahn, W. (2009) « Du milieu à l’Umwelt: enjeux d’un changement
terminologique », in Revue philosophique de la France et de l’étranger, 2009/4 – tomo
134. Translated from French into Spanish by R. Ceceña, « Del milieu al Umwelt:
implicaciones de un cambio terminológico » (accepted for publication).
Laks, A. (2002). «La physique de la sensation aristotélicienne selon Théophraste
(PHYSIQUE, livre V)» (The physics of Aristotelian sensation according to
Théophraste (PHYSIQUE, book V)), in M. Canto et P. Pellegrin (eds.), Le Style de la
pensée. Recueil d’hommages à Jacques Brunschwig, Paris, 353-374. Translated from
French into Spanish by R. Ceceña, Euphyía, Revista de Filosofía de la Universidad
Autónoma de Aguascalientes, 2012, pp. 17-44.
Merleau-Ponty, M. (1945). “[Vers une critique du matérialisme historique]”
(Towards an appraisal of Historical materialism), in Phénoménologie de la
perception. Paris, Gallimard. Translated from French into Spanish by R. Ceceña,
Revista de Filosofía, nº 122, 2008.