Mise en page 1


Mise en page 1
A warning has been added for 1./x and 1.\x syntax
Obsolete Functions
Removed Functions
Bug Fixes
Console command history is now stored in
SCIHOME/history file under all platforms.
In Scilab documentation,
A new output argument has been added to regexp
function to retrieve subpatterns matches.
'scilab:needs-examples="no"' tag has been added
to specify that the help page does not need example.
See SEP # 86.
New xmlName function added to retrieve the name of a
XML element.
clc(): New icon in the toolbar to clear the console.
See Bug # 12049.
test_run no longer takes into account skipped tests in
the summary.
New Flowmeter block in the thermohydraulics palette
added to measure a thermohydraulics flow.
Palette icons and some blocks rendering improved.
xcosPalGenerateAllIcons function added as a Xcos
palette utility function.
See Bug # 12117.
Two new commands added:
w For SciNotes:
scinotes modules/core/macros/whos.sci opens a file.
If the file does not exist, SciNotes proposes to create it.
allows to indent automatically a Scilab file.
w For Xcos:
xcos modules/xcos/examples/integral.xcos opens the
integral Xcos schema. If the file does not exist, Xcos proposes to
create it.
Search is now possible in the console. Shortcut F3 or
CTRL+F enables it.
See Bug # 11841.
editvar proposes direct save to the CSV format of the
New ODE solver added
LSodar automatically switches methods to efficiently solve both
stiff and nonstiff problems. It includes a rootfinding feature.
Two new fixed-size step ODE solvers added
Dormand-Prince 4(5) and Runge-Kutta 4(5) have been added to
the CVode package. They also benefit from the rootfinding
Implicit fixed-size stop ODE solver added
Implicit Runge-Kutta 4(5) also benefits from the CVode
rootfinding feature.
Block parameter errors (types and sizes) reporting
Some scopes blink on simulation avoided.
whole variable or the selection.
Completion in Scilab is now case insensitive.
See Bug # 6320.
variance is now vectorized and allows the syntax
See Bug # 12362.
Enforce a minimal version of Flexdock (1.2.3).
Enforce a minimal version of JLaTeXMath (1.0.2).
Enforce a minimal version of Scirenderer (1.1.0).
Enforce a minimal version of XMLGraphics (1.4).
Scilab 5.4.1 Release Notes - 1
© 2013 - Scilab Enterprises
Obsolete Function
New Function
Removed in
Scilab 5.5.0
Bug # 9306.
Scilab 5.5.0
Scilab 5.5.0
Scilab 5.5.0
Scilab 5.5.0
Scilab 5.5.0
Removed Function
New Function
nmplot_display optimbase_display
set(get(0), "ShowHiddenHandles", "on")
TeXmacs is now an ATOMS
Automatically managed by
Scilab now.
More details on: http://atoms.scilab.org/toolboxes/texmacs
Scilab 5.4.1 Release Notes - 2
© 2013 - Scilab Enterprises
w # 2547 - Small size marks were not correctly exported.
w # 8899 - splin2d help page was unclear about the size of
w # 3313 - In the documentation, the title of a link used the
the arguments.
XML id instead of the title of the page.
w # 8901 - interp2d help page was unclear about the size
w # 4504 - sskf function did not work with two outputs
of the arguments.
(corresponding help page updated).
w # 8964 - The optim_{ga, moga, nsga, nsga2}
w # 4405 - qr() was poorly documented.
functions did not always create initial population.
w # 4946 - Bad rendering of a big rotated label.
w # 9005 - bitset function did not have any tests.
w # 5291 - strtod returned 0 when no real number was
w # 9196 - The threshold level for conditioning in backslash
and slash was too small.
w # 5478 - Scilab could not be started with a non
w # 9305 - In optimization help pages, a new chapter
readable/writeable SCIHOME.
untitled "Least Squares functions" has been created.
w # 5548 - Error messages in some examples of Simulated
w # 9584 - grand returned non-empty matrix for negative
Annealing help pages fixed.
size argument.
w # 5576 - interp() help page has been improved.
w # 9934 - clear([["A","B"]) returned a non standard
w # 6583 - jmat() was poorly documented.
error message.
w # 6890 - Strings were exported as shapes rather than
w # 9935 - clear() did not clear all variables.
Postscript strings in EPS / PS export.
w # 10278 - clear(1) returned a wrong error message.
w # 6975 - xlabel(), ylabel() and zlabel() functions
w # 10415 - Removing a session line in the history caused
were not documented.
the removal of the session node in the history browser.
w # 7058 - There was an error in MathML formula in beta
w # 10546 - fileinfo help page updated.
help page.
w # 10606 - unix_g did not return standard output in
w # 7190 - is_absolute_path was not documented.
somes cases.
w # 7410 - %h_p() and sci2exp() failed to display polyline
w # 10661 - xmltopdf and xmltopdf were failing in the
entity associated to datatips.
binary version.
w # 7583 - binomial function moved in the distribution
w # 10815 - diff help page did not have a "See Also"
function chapter.
w # 7698 - The "Graphics \ Animations \ Riemann surface"
w # 11134 - xgetmouse() prevented callback menu
demonstration background was black (instead of white).
w # 7769 - get_function_path did not have a unit test.
w # 11209 - variance returned wrong results for complex
w # 7790 - Line thickness was not taken into account when
drawing marks.
w # 11362 - axes_properties help page did not explain
w # 8213 - geom3d help page had no examples.
that mark_style=mark_size=0 drew a single dot.
w # 8395 - dft has been deprecated to fft.
w # 11436 - With Matplot, color outside the colormap was
w # 8414 - Some genetic algorithms functions had no
replaced with the last color in colormap.
w # 11474 - save_format help page was still refering to the
w # 8484 - syslin help page has been moved to CACSD
old save format (SEP # 64 content used to update this page).
w # 11477 - There were memory leaks with textures.
w # 8638 - Examples given in gcd help page have been
w # 11497 - EDT violations were detected by the
ThreadCheckingRepaintManager tool.
w # 8649 - flag and flagexpand arguments were not
w # 11501 - $$..$$ is now used for LaTeX in SciNotes
documented in basename and dirname help pages.
comments to avoid confusion with Scilab code.
w # 8883 - In some cases, Scilab built from sources was
w # 11549 - Preferences window changed its dimension
looking for libraries at the wrong place.
when hitting Default button.
Scilab 5.4.1 Release Notes - 3
© 2013 - Scilab Enterprises
w # 11567 - Scilab failed to start when there was an
w # 11965 - Export to SVG converted texts in shapes.
accentuated character in the pathname.
w # 11969 - Only the first line was executed when a code was
w # 11569 - F5 to navigate in the dock was incompatible
piped under Linux.
with SciNotes. F5 has been replaced by shift+F6 to go to the
w # 11971 - Canceling "Open File" action when launched
previous tab.
from icon in the toolbar opened SciNotes anyway.
w # 11639 - Uninstalling Scilab removed all Scilab registry
w # 11976 - csvTextScan third parameter validity was not
w # 11662 - lattn help page had no example (resolved with
w # 11980 - csim returned an error message in some cases:
Bug # 11663).
"Submatrix incorrectly defined".
w # 11663 - lattp and lattn help pages were incomplete.
w # 11981 - smooth French help page had a wrong
w # 11664 - lev help page had no example.
declaration (colonnes => lignes).
w # 11665 - lindquist help page had no example.
w # 11982 - Ticks computations were made when drawing.
w # 11668- rpem help page had no example.
w # 11986 - Wrong xclick behaviour on keyboard input
w # 11669- kalm and srkf help pages had no example.
w # 11682 - "resizefcn" and "closerequestfcn" properties
w # 11991 - Under Windows, some empty lines were added
description was not precise enough in the figure
by csvWrite.
properties help page.
w # 11998 - listvar_in_hdf5 did not close the hdf5 file.
w # 11711 - xclick and xgetmouse did not work under
w # 11999 - Blank lines are now ignored by default by
Mac OS X.
csvRead / read_csv.
w # 11778 - Bad color_map dimensions did not return an
w # 12003 - Typo in spreadsheet module fixed.
w # 12004 - "Configuring scaling factor" part added in
w # 11801 - Bug with isoview="on" on subplots fixed.
karmarkar help page.
w # 11804 - Zoom messages were not translated.
w # 12019 - In eigs help page, NEV was unclear.
w # 11811 - Typo in SciNotes help page fixed.
w # 12020 - Default value of NCV parameter (eigs function)
w # 11814 - Typo in one of the titles of CACSD fixed.
was not documented.
w # 11851 - Default EOL under Mac is now LF.
w # 12021 - eigs help page improved.
w # 11860 - wavwrite failed for 24-bit files due to an error
w # 12022 - ftuneq help page had an incorrect example.
in savewave function.
w # 12028 - The drawlater / drawnow functions did not
w # 11924 - winclose() was not tagged as obsolete.
work as expected.
w # 11931 - In graphics, white space was not used as default
w # 12033 - assert_checkalmostequal was failing with
thousand separator.
two %inf values.
w # 11939 - ssprint formatting lacked accuracy.
w # 12043 - Typo in the atomsShow help page fixed.
w # 11941 - show_margins() failed in "nyquist" mode if
w # 12050 - Typo dimensionnal => dimensional fixed.
the system was in state-space form.
w # 12059 - Indices returned by gsort were wrong for
w # 11944 - In SciNotes, untabify several lines did not work
sparse matrices.
w # 12062 - getsystemmetrics() failed for some
w # 11949 - save() help page did not explain how to
properties such as 'SM_CXMAXIMIZED'.
append data to a SOD file.
w # 12071 - Printed information of a XML object was
w # 11952 - In SciNotes, a Java exception occurred when a
inconsistent with available fields.
text containing a \E was selected.
w # 12076 - csvRead was not able to open CSV files when
w # 11954 - export_to_hdf5 was not able to export the
separators were not spaces.
same variable twice.
w # 12077 - In Scilab documentation, the attribute
w # 11958 - axesflag=0 was not taken into account in
"bgcolor" was not handled in tables.
w # 12083 - Loading multiple variables from a SOD file could
w # 11962 - event_handler could be called with wrong
Scilab 5.4.1 Release Notes - 4
© 2013 - Scilab Enterprises
w # 12087 - profile help page did not mention
w # 12234 - Graphics could crash with an invalid property.
w # 12235 - Matplot did not update on color_map change.
w # 12097 - Scilab wrongly detected DLL platform
w # 12238 - [d, v] = eigs(A) was broken for sparse
w # 12111 - karmarkar function did not generate
w # 12239 - Recent changes in eigs applied to feigs.
appropriate warnings.
w # 12240 - eigs function refactored.
w # 12115 - phaseplot(frq,db,phi) did not work.
w # 12243 - parallel_run did not run all calculations on 8
w # 12119 - bar and barh had wrong x / y bounds.
core processors.
w # 12120 - eigs function was broken for complex sparse
w # 12246 - An error message is now returned when reading
invalid Excel files (which have declared wrong column / row
w # 12122 - lufact help page did not specify that lufact
did not handle complex matrix.
w # 12247 - Typo in some error messages fixed.
w # 12133 - parallel_run was not available.
w # 12248 - SciNotes toolbar was missing.
w # 12134 - Default stack size value was wrong in
w # 12259 - Wrong translation for "Filled" fixed in SciNotes.
stacksize help page.
w # 12260 - Grid was not drawn with log scale and
w # 12135 - stacksize('max') failed without displaying
user-defined ticks.
error message.
w # 12270 - When the console lost the focus between
w # 12137 - eigs(A,B) returned incorrect results for sparse
SciNotes and the console, the caret could become visible in
the console instead SciNotes.
w # 12139 - eigs ran out of memory for sparse matrices.
w # 12272 - Presentation of Cyrillic letters on sample images
w # 12140 - csvRead failed when a comma was used as a
of Russian help page for grand function fixed.
decimal mark.
w # 12284 - Completion in console could led to a crash (or
w # 12141 - Calls to gettext in rubberbox help page
examples have been removed. Items will be translated in
w # 12285 - export_to_hdf5 function did not manage any
each available languages.
matrix in append mode.
w # 12144 - csvRead triggered some error messages when
w # 12289 - sub_ticks property was ignored.
ranges were wrong.
w # 12291 - A list of handles could not be displayed as a
w # 12151 - Axes did not pass through (0,0) when
handle userdata.
x_location and y_location were set to 'origin'.
w # 12296 - Calling getenv with a big environment variable
w # 12166 - There was a bad label with drawaxis.
led to memory corruption.
w # 12168 - matfile_listvar crashed when listing
w # 12304 - Undocking, redocking and undocking a graphic
variables of a closed MAT-file.
figure led to an exception.
w # 12174 - routh_t function gave incorrect output for all
w # 12305 - Legends could not be loaded from SOD files.
denominators that included gain value "k".
w # 12307 - ftp addresses were not handled in the help
w # 12179 - Incompatibility with MPI version of HDF5 fixed.
w # 12184 - Performances of derivat function improved.
w # 12317 - eventhandler functions no more reported
w # 12186 - Performances of horner function improved.
keyboard events.
w # 12190 - sprspn help page description updated.
w # 12321 - Saving environment failed to save library
w # 12196 - There were no log-scales with Fec and Fac3d.
variables. Now these variables are ignored like in previous
w # 12204 - Typo in French localization fixed.
versions of save function.
w # 12219 - delete("all") did not recreate a basic axe
w # 12333 - Command history was restored after reopening
within a cleaned figure.
Scilab even when cleaned.
w # 12231 - In SciNotes, a whole word search did not work
w # 12335 - strtod did not work with negative numbers.
w # 12343 - SciNotes help page was pointing to the
w # 12232 - There were several memory leaks in various
editor() function.
Scilab 5.4.1 Release Notes - 5
© 2013 - Scilab Enterprises
w # 12346 - lsslist() help pages moved to CACSD
w # 5040 - Fit diagram to view did not work with a single
w # 12348 - surf() disabled lines(n) if there was no
input variable.
w # 5162 - "Export all" menu to export all diagram layers
w # 12354 - SciNotes wrongly detected an invalid function
with a semicolon after args declaration.
w # 9074 - Calling a function on the context gave a warning.
w # 12360 - Format for purely real complex value was wrong
w # 10040 - VARIABLE_DELAY help page did not fully
in csvWrite.
describe the initial value behavioral.
w # 12361 - Error in replot() help page examples fixed.
w # 10434 - loadXcosLibs changed the value of predef.
w # 12370 - Example with marks added in xpoly help page.
w # 10435 - Undo in a superdiagram did not update
w # 12373 - pmodulo(n,m<0) returned a negative result.
superblock ports and links.
w # 12374 - Unexpected mark was drawn with xsegs.
w # 10660 - model2blk and callblk crashed Scilab under
w # 12377 - chepol was located in the wrong help section
64-bit platforms.
(now in polynomial).
w # 11193 - lincos did not respect context values.
w # 12378 - sdf() crashed Scilab.
w # 11775 - xcos.tst crashed under Linux and Mac OS X.
w # 12383 - Memory leaks fixed in csvRead.
w # 11812 - Upper / lower case issues in Xcos documentation
w # 12386 - Example given in sgrid help page improved.
w # 12389 - Axes sizes were not taken into account in
w # 11821 - Running xcosPalAdd example from help led
offscreen export.
to deadlock.
w # 12391 - findobj() could change current figure
w # 11871 - Connectors were misaligned after an Undo
returned by gcf().
w # 12396 - Example "Problem 2" was missing a variable in
w # 11913 - Unconnected CLSS block with empty matrix
bvode help page.
parameters made Scilab crash.
w # 12399 -Data bounds were badly computed with %inf
w # 11919 - DLSS block with empty matrix parameters made
and logarithmic scale.
Scilab crash.
w # 12405 - Floating point errors could lead to an infinite
w # 11945 - When running simulation on large diagram, the
loop in ticks computation.
grey filter did not apply to the entire diagram.
w # 12406 - In SciNotes, whereami numbering failed when a
w # 11963 - Input ports in a superblock were corrupted.
variable name started with endfunction.
w # 11988 - Copying or dragging AFFICH_m block threw
w # 12418 - Continuation was incorrectly supported in
Java NullPointerException.
w # 12014 - dep_ut help page was wrongly detailed.
w # 12442 - pathconvert() help page was not clear about
w # 12031 - Changes in the context of a superblock did not
input arguments.
always have effect.
w # 12444 - The fontname argument was buggy in the title
w # 12057 - Scopes with big scope buffer size simulation
were much more slower than in Scilab 5.3.3.
w # 12448 - Double click on .sod file tried to open it in
w # 12101 - Port ordering was not maintained when
Scinotes instead of loading it.
changing parameters.
w # 12450 - xlfont() did not return font names as
w # 12162 - tbx_build_blocks did not report errors.
specified in the documentation.
w # 12167 - Text of ports in superblocks was not updated.
w # 12455 - format_n property had no effect on "axis"
w # 12213 - The example given in lincos help page
produced an undefined variable warning.
w # 12457 - drawlater() was not taken into account with
w # 12265 - The example diagrams given in
xcos_simulate help page had a badly rendering due to
CLR blocks.
Scilab 5.4.1 Release Notes - 6
© 2013 - Scilab Enterprises
w # 12290 - AFFICH_m block inside a superblock led to a
Java NullPointerException.
w # 12350 - Under Windows Explorer, opening a xcos/zcos
file did not try to find an existing instance of Scilab.
w # 12351 - The user could not save a diagram as a xcos file
when using the "Save as" menu, zcos format was forced.
w # 12352 - Critical error when closing a scope windows
during simulation fixed.
Scilab 5.4.1 Release Notes - 7
© 2013 - Scilab Enterprises