

Bibliographie Recherches en santé publique, sciences
sociales, 2014
Présences sociales : une approche phénoménologique des temporalités sexuées du care
Bessin M.,Temporalités, n°20, 2/2014.
Politique de la présence. Les enjeux temporels et sexués du care Bessin M. in Hirata H.
(ed.) Travail, Care et Politiques sociales Document de travail du MAGE n°18, 2014, pp.
Association between elevated coffee consumption and daily chocolate intake with normal
liver enzymes in HIV-HCV infected individuals: results from the ANRS CO13 HEPAVIH
cohort study. Carrieri MP, Lions C, Sogni P, Winnock M, Roux P, Mora M, et al. J Hepatol
Methadone induction in primary care for opioid dependence: a pragmatic randomized trial
(ANRS Methaville). Carrieri MP, Michel L, Lions C, Mora M, Marcellin F, Morel A, Spire B,
Roux P, and the ANRS Methaville study group. PLoS One. 2014 Nov 13;9(11):e112328.
Dynamic modelling of HCV transmission among drug users: a methodological review.
Cousien A, Tran VC, Deuffic-Burban S, Jauffret-Roustide M, Dhersin JS, Yazdanpanah Y.
Journal of Viral Hepatitis, 2014 Oct 1
Frequency and correlates of late presentation for HIV infection in France: older adults are
a risk group – results from the ANRS-VESPA2 Study, France, AIDS Care: Psychological
and Socio-medical Aspects of AIDS/HIV ,
D'Almeida Wilson K., Dray-Spira R., Aubrière C., Hamelin C., Spire B., Lert F., 26, Suppl
1, 2014
Should we await IFN-free regimens to treat HCV genotype 1 treatment-naive patients? A
cost-effectiveness analysis (ANRS 95141).
Deuffic-Burban S, Schwarzinger M, Obach D, Mallet V, Pol S, Pageaux GP, et al. J
Hepatol. 2014;61(1):7-14
Health-related quality of life of people living with HIV followed up in hospitals in France:
comparing trends and correlates between 2003 and 2011 (ANRS-VESPA and VESPA2
national surveys).
Douab T, Marcellin F, Vilotitch A, Protopopescu C, Préau M, Suzan-Monti M, SagaonTeyssier L, Lert F, Carrieri MP, Dray-Spira R, Spire B; ANRS-VESPA2 Study Group.
AIDS Care. 2014;26 Suppl 1:S29-40. doi: 10.1080/09540121.2014.906553. Epub 2014
Apr 14.
Health-related quality of life of people living with HIV followed-up in hospitals in France:
comparing trends and correlates between 2003 and 2011 (ANRS VESPA and VESPA2
national surveys).
Douab T., F. Marcellin, A. Vilotitch, C. Protopopescu, M. Préau, M. Suzan-Monti, L.
Sagaon-Teyssier, F. Lert, M. P. Carrieri, R. Dray-Spira, B. Spire. AIDS Care, 14:1-12.
Dépistage conjoint du VIH, du VHB et du VHC par les médecins généralistes : étude de
faisabilité en Gironde et dans le Nord en 2012
Fagard Catherine, Karen Champenois, Jean-Philippe Joseph, Bertrand Riff, Nassir
Messaadi, Denis Lacoste, Valérie Canva, Juliette Foucher, Geneviève Chêne, Yazdan
Yazdanpanah, François Dabis,- pour le groupe de travail Dépistage Gironde-Nord - - BEH
Continuer à s'engager dans des loisirs après avoir été infecté au VIH : entre quête de
normalité et prescription sociale ?
Ferez, S., Duval, E., Héas, S., Fougeyrollas, P. Loisir & Société/Leisure and Society,
37(2), 205-223.
Gender identification and sex reassignment surgery in the trans population : a survey
study in France
Giami A., Beaubatie E. Archives of Sexual Behavior, vol.43, p.1491-1501.
Engagements sportifs, expériences de vie avec le VIH et genre.
Guillard, A., Héas, S., Ferez, S.In T. Terret, L. Robène, P. Charroin, S. Héas, P. Liotard
(eds), Sport, genre et vulnérabilité au XXe siècle. Rennes : PUR, 549-562.
Les inégalités sociales dans le champ des addictions. Jauffret-Roustide M. Tribunes de la
santé, Sciences Po, numéro 24, juin 2014, 61-68.
Brief overdose education can significantly increase accurate recognition of opioid
overdose among heroin users.
Jones JD, Roux P, Stancliff S, Matthews W, Comer SD. Int J Drug Policy. 2014
Lachenal, G, C Lefève, V-K Nguyen, Editors. 2014. La médecine du tri: histoire, éthique,
anthropologie. Paris: Presses universitaires de France.
Impact of free on-site vaccine and/or healthcare workers training on hepatitis B
vaccination acceptability in high-risk subjects: a pre-post cluster randomized study
Launay O., Y. Le Strat,W. Tosini, L. Kara, S. Quelet, S. L evy, J. Danan, J. Reveillon, J.
Houdayer, E. Bouvet and D. L evy-Bruhl; The ANRS-FORMVAC Study Group - The
Authors Clinical Microbiology and Infection European Society of Clinical Microbiology and
Infectious Diseases
Situation socioéconomique des personnes vivant avec le VIH suivies à l’hôpital en France
métropolitaine en 2011. Premiers résultats de l’enquête ANRS-Vespa2.
Lert F, Annequin M, Tron L, Aubrière C, Hamelin C, Spire B, Dray-Spira R et al, et le
groupe Vespa2. Bull Epidémiol Hebd. 2013;(26-27):293-9.
Vivre au travail : vulnérabilités, créativité, normativité,
PISTES, Perspectives Interdisciplinaires sur le Travail et la Santé,
Lhuilier D., Gaudart C.
(en ligne) http://pistes.revues.org/2885
Maladies chroniques et travail. « Me rendre le travail vivable maintenant », Perspectives
Interdiscipinaires sur le Travail et la Santé
Lhuilier D., Wasser AM. (en ligne) pistes.revues.org/2885
Predictors of non-prescribed opioid use after one year of methadone treatment: an
attributable-risk approach (ANRS-Methaville trial).
Lions C, Carrieri MP, Michel L, Mora M, Marcellin F, Morel A, Spire B, Roux P and the
Methaville study group. Drug Alcohol Depend. 2014 Feb 1;135:1-8.
Hepatitis C virus infection epidemiology among people who inject drugs in Europe – A
systematic review of data for scaling up treatment and prevention.
Lucas Wiessing, Marica Ferri, Bart Grady, Maria Kantzanou, Ida Sperle, Katelyn J.
Cullen, EMCDDA DRID Group (Busch M, Bollaerts K, Bogdanova V, Nesheva E, Fotsiou
N, Kostrikis L, Mravčík V, Řehák V, Částková J, Hobstová J, Nechanská B, Fouchard J,
Abel-Ollo K, Tefanova V, Tallo T, Brummer-Korvenkontio H, Brisacier AC, Michot I,
Jauffret-Roustide M, Zimmermann R, Fotiou A, Gazdag G, Tarján A, Galvin B, Garavan
C, Thornton L, Cruciani M, Basso M, Karnīte A, Caplinskiene I, Lopes S, Origer A, Melillo
J, Camilleri M, Demanuele CO, Croes E, Op de Coul E, Rosińska M, Struzik M, Martins
M, Duran D, Vilar G, Resende ME, Martins HC, Abagiu AO, Ruta S, Arama V, Kopilovic
B, Kustec T, Klavs I, Aleixandre NL, Folch C, Bravo MJ, Gómez RS, Berglund T,
Strandberg J, Hope V, Hotho D, Van Houdt S, Low A, Mcdonald B, Platt L, Kalamara E,
Giraudon I, Groshkova T, Palladino C, Hutchinson S, Ncube F, Eramova I, Goldberg D,
Vicente J, Griffiths P.), Hatzakis A, Prins M, Vickerman P, Lazarus JV, Hope VD, Matheï
C. PlosOne, Juillet 2014, 7(9) : 1-19
High Levels of Alcohol Consumption Increase the Risk of Advanced Hepatic Fibrosis in
HIV/Hepatitis C Virus-Coinfected Patients: A Sex-Based Analysis Using Transient
Elastography at Enrollment in the HEPAVIH ANRS CO13 Cohort.
Marcellin F, Roux P, Loko MA, Lions C, Caumont-Prim A, Dabis F, Salmon-Ceron D,
Spire B, Carrieri MP. HEPAVIH (ANRS CO13) Study Group. Clin Infect Dis. 2014 Oct
Using patient-reported outcomes to improve the management of co-infection with HIV and
HCV: the ANRS CO13 HEPAVIH cohort.
Marcellin F, Roux P, Winnock M, Lions C, Dabis F, Salmon-Ceron D, Loko MA, Spire B,
Carrieri MP. Expert Rev Gastroenterol Hepatol. 2014 May;8(4):351-8.
Comparison of risk factors in HIV-infected men who have sex with men, co-infected or not
with hepatitis C virus (ANRS VESPA2 French national survey).
Marcellin F., N. Lorente, B. Demoulin, M.P. Carrieri, M. Suzan-Monti, P. Roux, F. Lert, L.
Sagaon-Teyssier, R. Dray-Spira, B. Spire and the ANRS VESPA2 Study Group. Sex.
Trans. Inf. 2014, in press.
A structural approach of discrimination experienced by people living with HIV in France.
Results from the ANRS Vespa2 study
Marsicano E, Dray-Spira R, Lert F, Aubrière C, Spire B, Hamelin C, and the ANRSVespa2 study group. AIDS Care: Volume 26, Supplement 1, 2014.
Les personnes vivant avec le VIH face aux discriminations en France métropolitaine
Marsicano E., Dray-Spira R., Lert F., Aubrière C., Spire B., Hamelin C. Population et
sociétés, n°516.
Multiple discriminations experienced by people living with HIV in France: results from the
ANRS-Vespa2 study,
Marsicano E., Dray-Spira R., Lert F. , Aubrière C., Spire B., Hamelin C. AIDS Care:
Psychological and Socio-medical Aspects of AIDS/HIV, 26, Suppl 1
Treating to prevent HIV: population trials and experimental societies.
Nguyen, V-K.
In W Geissler, Editor, 2014. Para-states of Science: Medicine and Politics in Post-colonial
Africa, Durham, Duke University Press.
Effectiveness and cost-effectiveness of immediate vs. delayed treatment of HCV-infected
patients in a country with limited resources: the case of Egypt. Obach D, Deuffic-Burban
S, Esmat G, Anwar WA, Dewedar S, Canva V, Cousien A, Doss W, Mostafa A, Pol S, Buti
M, Siebert U, Fontanet A, Mohamed MK, Yazdanpanah Y. Clin. Infect. Dis. 2014 Feb 7;
Impact of HCV treatment and depressive symptoms on adherence to HAART among
coinfected HIV-HCV patients: results from the ANRS-CO13-HEPAVIH cohort.
Roux P, Cohen J, Winnock M, Salmon-Céron D, Bani-Sadr F, Sogni P, Spire B, Dabis F,
Carrieri MP for the ANRS CO 13 HEPAVIH Study Group. Antivir Ther. 2014;19(2):171-8.
Predictors of non-adherence to methadone maintenance treatment in opioid-dependent
individuals: implications for clinicians.
Roux P, Lions C, Michel L, Cohen J, Mora M, Marcellin F, Spire B, Morel A, Carrieri PM,
Karila L; ANRS Methaville Study Group. Curr Pharm Des. 2014;20(25):4097-105.
Factors associated with HCV risk practices in methadone-maintained patients: the
importance of considering the couple in prevention interventions.
Roux P, Lions C, Michel L, Mora M, Daulouède JP, Marcellin F, Spire B, Morel A, Carrieri
PM; ANRS Methaville study group. Subst Abuse Treat Prev Policy. 2014 Sep 10;9:37.
doi: 10.1186/1747-597X-9-37.
HCV seropositivity in inmates and in the general population: an averaging approach to
establish priority prevention interventions.
Roux P, Sagaon-Teyssier L, Lions C, Fugon L, Verger P, Carrieri MP. BMJ Open. 2014
Oct 19;4(10):e005694.
Supervie V. & Ekouevi D. K. (2014) [Overview of the HIV epidemics in France and
worldwide]. (2014) Rev Prat, 64:1060-6.
The undiagnosed HIV epidemic in France and its implications for HIV screening
Supervie V., Ndawinz J.D.A., Lodi S. & Costagliola D. AIDS, 28:1797-804. « Selected for
editorial by AIDS ».
Risk of HIV Transmission under Combined Anti-Retroviral Therapy: Toward Risk Zero?
Supervie V., Viard J.P., Costagliola D. & Breban R. J Acquir Immune Defic Syndr. [Epub
ahead of print].
Heterosexual Risk of HIV Transmission Per Sexual Act Under Anti-Retroviral Therapy:
Systematic Review and Bayesian Modeling.
Supervie V., Viard J.P., Costagliola D. & Breban R. Clin Infect Dis, 59:115-122.
La perception de l'activité physique comme mode de prise de charge du VIH : effets de la
visibilité du corps sur les stratégies de gestion d'une maladie chronique.
Thomas, J., Duval, E., Ferez, S. Science & Motricité. Movement & Sport
Sciences/Science & Motricité, 84, 99-110.