``HTS Challenges for Systems Biology Research`` The new screening


``HTS Challenges for Systems Biology Research`` The new screening
‘’HTS Challenges for Systems Biology Research’’
The new screening generation
Centre Hospitalier de l’Université de Sherbrooke,Institut de Pharmacologie
Amphithéâtre 3ième étage Local Z5-3001, 1er Juin, 2004
8:45 Accueil et Bienvenu (Le café sera servi)
9:00 Homogenous Assays for Detecting protein interactions at Proteome Scale– Roger Bossé PhD,
PerkinElmer, Section Manager Biochemical Pharmacology
Technological challenges associated to Systems Biology research efforts require institutes to use state of the art
technologies. Based on the Human Genome project estimations, more than 30,000 different genes compose the
human genome. As a consequence, functional analysis of the human interactome represents a tremendous
challenge for researchers involved in reverse proteomics fields. Contrasting with traditional (forward) proteomics
where organisms of interest are first selected and protein complexes are isolated and analyzed; reverse (functional)
proteomics involves using cDNA libraries to express complete sets of proteins composing an interactome of interest
(ex. yeast, c.elegans). Interaction data are then gathered based on the detection of the interactions prevailing
between proteins produced either in vitro or in vivo. Since the human interactome or even that of simpler organisms
such as yeast represents hundreds of million different interactions to test, extremely performing high throughput
detection technologies are required. The following contribution presents examples where PerkinElmer detection
technologies were used to achieve that task
10:15 Questions & Réponses
10:30 Pause Café
10:45 Detection systems and HTS: Finding the right solutions. Patrick Lapointe, PerkinElmer, Product Specialist.
11:20 Automated HTS solutions: A perfect answer to the screening Challenge. Hugues Sinnett, PerkinElmer, LS
Application leader
12:00 Un Buffet sera servi suivi de: Discussion & démonstration pratique avec des instruments
13:30 Ajournement
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