Introduction to Elementary School Teaching


Introduction to Elementary School Teaching
 Introduction to Elementary School Teaching
Language of Instruction English
Contact Hours 45 hours
This course will provide students with the tools for becoming an effective teacher, by underlining and exploring certain areas of the
field of pedagogy. Major topics include:
Exploring the field of teaching foreign language (with focus on English as a second language)
Underlying principles related to how teachers learn to teach
Pedagogical theories
Personal values impacting the work of a teacher and ethical guidelines for the teaching profession
Schools and the teacher’s world of work
Teaching as a career development
Michel RAMOS, Stéphane SOULAINE, Violaine GAZAIX, Sandrine SIRVEN, Patricia MONJO
The objective of this course will be to further the students’ understanding of the teaching profession (responsibilities, roles,
methodology), with particular focus on teaching English as a second language.
1. Develop students’ perspectives on the work of teachers in a range of different contexts (including special education contexts)
2. Enable students to understand some of the research concerning the development of teachers.
3. Develop students’ knowledge of some of the key paradigms that explain teacher and classroom practice.
- Lectures about various subjects concerning elementary teaching.
- Group discussions on comparing different educational systems in France and the United States.
- Preparations of lesson plans.
Blin J.-F., Gallais-Deulofeu C. (2004). Classes difficiles, des outils pour prévenir et gérer les perturbations scolaires. Delagrave
Bucheton D. et Soulé Y., Les gestes professionnels et le jeu des postures de l’enseignant dans la classe : un multi-agenda de
préoccupations enchâssées, Éducation et didactique, vol 3 - n°3 | 2009, 29-48.
Clerc F. (2010). Bien débuter dans l'enseignement : pratiques et repères professionnels pour les jeunes enseignants. Paris: Hachette Education.
Kan Shin J., Crandall J.A. (2013). Teaching Young Learners English, Heinle-Cengage ELT.
Meirieu P., (2004). Faire l'Ecole, faire la classe, Paris, ESF éditeur.
Webster M., (2011). Creative Activities and Ideas for Pupils with English as an Additional Language, Longman.
Subtopic 1: Research paper and in-class essay exam (25%)
Subtopic 2: Presentation of an article (10%) and participation (5%)
Subtopic 3: Creating lesson plans and pedagogical tools (25%)
Subtopic 4: Observation (no grade)
Subtopic 5: Oral presentations and group work (35%)
Grading Rubric
Achievement that is outstanding relative to the level necessary to meet course requirements.
Achievement that is significantly above the level necessary to meet course requirements.
Achievement that meets the course requirements in every respect.
Achievement that is worthy of credit even though it fails to meet fully the course
Represents failure (or no credit) and signifies that the work was either (1) completed but at a
level of achievement that is not worthy of credit or (2) was not completed and there was no
agreement between the instructor and the student that the student would be awarded an I.
Course introduction / Analyzing Teaching Skills and Competencies
Over three sessions students will learn about the following aspects of teaching:
1. How to prepare and organize a class, circumscribe and formulate a teaching objective,
2. Design a progressive learning program through the use of manuals and technological resources,
3. Conduct and create group activities, tutoring sessions and workshops,
4. Evaluate a student’s work and anticipate / correct errors
5. Develop strategies for overcoming difficulties,
6. Implement a complete pedagogical project,
2 7. Establish positive relationships with families,
8. Create an appropriate educational authority in the classroom with the objective of managing classroom
behavior in a positive and non-violent manner (road rules, penalties, etc.).
Introduction to Language Didactics
This part of the course explores the methodological fundamentals of teaching languages in elementary school
through the analysis and the conception of pedagogical tools, the analysis of classroom situations, and the
development of training expertise. The goals of this part of the course will be to assist students in developing the
ability to create langue-learning sessions; approaches will favor the most recent pedagogical methods, as well as
innovation and creativity. Special emphasis will be placed on the learning-through-teaching model for language
acquisition that focuses on the student‘s particular needs. Over the course of these sessions, students will be
invited to participate in language courses and seminars in French so that they may benefit from the experience
that the French students can provide.
- Basic knowledge of learning and teaching methods in the field of modern languages: oral and writing skills,
interactive activities;
- Basic techniques of creating activities for the class using various types of resources: songs, short films, short
drama plays, dance, children literature;
- The assessment of students’ performances in class;
How to plan a lesson using techniques based on drama, movement, and multiple intelligences;
How to develop oral and writing skills using innovating methods like games, songs, mimes;
How to conceive and plan lessons based on a pupil-centered approach
How to assess primary school students’ performances in modern languages: oral and listening skills
How to adopt a reflexive pattern on work and progress, how to analyze classroom situations using classroom
Potential texts and resources
Aden, J. Lovelace, K. 2004. 3, 2, 1, Action! Le drama pour apprendre l'anglais au cycle 3. SCEREN - CRDP de
l'académie de Créteil : coll. Devenir professeur aujourd'hui.
Aden, J. (dir.). 2008, Apprentissage des langues et pratiques artistiques : créativité, expérience esthétique et
imaginaire. Paris – Le Manuscrit Université.
Bailly, D. 1998. Didactique de l’anglais (2), La mise en œuvre pédagogique. Nathan pédagogie.
Burton, Jill; Clennell, Charles, A; Interaction and Language Learning VA Teachers of English to Speakers of Other
3 Languages 2003
DICE - Drama Improves Lisbon Key Competences in Education:
Dörnyei, Z. 2008. The psychology of second language acquisition. Language Teaching Library, Cambridge.
Dörnyei, Z. 2009. Motivational Strategies in the Language Classroom. Oxford Applied Linguistics, Oxford.
Ellis, R., Task-based Language Learning and Teaching, Oxford Applied linguistics 2003
Harmer, J., The Practice of English Language Teaching, Harlow: Pearson Education. 2001
Masciotra, D. Roth, W.-W. Morel, D. 2008. Enaction, Apprendre et Enseigner en situation. De Boeck.
Narcy-Combes, M-F; Devenir professeur de langue : précis de didactique, Ellipses, Paris, 2005.
Rosenberg,S; Reading, Writing and Language Learning. Advances in applied psycholinguistics Vol.2 CUP
Tardieu, C. Quivy, M. 1997. Glossaire de didactique de l’anglais. Ellipses.
Tardieu, C. 2008. La didactique des langues en 4 mots-clés : communication, culture, méthodologie, évaluation.
Viennau, R. 2005. Apprentissage et enseignement – Théories et pratiques. Montréal : Gaëtan Morin Editeur,
Chenelière Education.
Teaching EFL in elementary school
Course Description
In this course, students will be able to acquire various useful skills for teaching EFL in their French classes during
their training period in Montpellier. They will also be able to transfer those skills if they need to teach some other
modern languages, back in their own country. The course is about the basic language competences that pupils
must have in order to be able to communicate in a foreign modern language. Most activities, resources and
didactic tools will be in English but they are common and transferable from one language to another.
The course is based on practical examples and situations that students will be able to experiment in their French
Course goals:
To prepare and sustain students’ EFL classroom practice by helping them to:
v Understand the general context of early language learning in France, to compare with their own country
Ø Age of the pupils
Ø Main didactic issues in EFL teaching
Ø Bilingualism and French as a second language
Ø Multilingualism and regional languages in the South of France
Ø European Framework and the task-based approach of Modern languages
Ø Role of the teacher
Ø Place of the mother tongue
v Approach the learning process in the EFL class
Ø Oral language
4 Ø
Written language
Cultural aspects
v Create lesson plans and manage the EFL classroom
Ø Organize pupils’ activities
Ø Create progressions
Ø Create sequences
Ø Create lessons
Ø Create tests and evaluations
v Choose didactical tools and resources
Ø EFL books and manuals
Ø Didactical materials: flashcards, etc.
Ø Story books
Ø Chants and songs
v Consider various activities for the EFL classroom:
Ø Activities that are fun
Ø Memorization activities
Ø Communication activities
Ø Assessment activities
This is a practical course and there are no textbooks. Materials and resources will be provided at each session
and/or created by the students themselves.
Evaluation of students
Students will have to produce lesson plans and submit them to the instructor and/or classroom teacher for
feedback before teaching it in the classroom. They will have to create their own tools and resources and
experiment them in the classroom.
Potential Texts & Resources
- Common European Framework of Reference for Languages: Learning, Teaching, Assessment (CEFR)
published in English by Cambridge University Press
- The Primary English Teacher's Guide New Edition 2002, Gail Ellis and Jean Brewster, Denis Girard Penguin
-Very Young Learners, Vanessa Reilly et Sheila M. Ward OUP
- English for primary teachers, Jane Willis, OUP
- Tell it Again, The New Story Telling Handbook 2002 Gail Ellis et Jean Brewster Penguin Longman.
- Les langues du monde au quotidien, by Martine Kervran, CRDP de Bretagne
- Guide pour enseigner l’anglais à l’école élémentaire, by Joëlle Aden, Frédéric Bablon, Jean- Pierre Gabilan,
Dominique Macaire, Sophie Rosenberger, Anne-Marie Voise, Editions RETZ
Special Needs Education
The goal of this part of the course is to provide student teachers with the tools necessary for assisting special
needs students in the classroom. Major topics include: adaptive teaching methods, understanding the different
types of handicaps and learning disabilities, educational rights and the legal progress, the Law of February 2005
for equal opportunity, participation and citizenship, a comparative study US-France, continuing reforms and areas
where progress must still be made.
Managing Linguistic and Cultural Diversity in School
Learning goals
-reflect on teaching and learning in a linguistically and culturally diverse setting
-build intercultural competence, observe, compare and contrast educational systems
-reflect on inclusion and the recognition of multilingual children
-language awareness, language biographies & language portfolios
-funds of Knowledge & bridging the gap between Families & School
-family stories to learn how to write
-intercultural education and linguistic diversity
-Reading articles for critical thinking and present key concepts to the group
-Group-work: brainstorm strategies on how to collect children and family’s funds of knowledge and integrate them
to the class.
Potential Texts & Resources
Combes, É., Armand, F. et Lory, M.-P. (2012). Quand les élèves animent des activités d'Éveil aux langues. Dans
C. Balsinger, D. Bétrix Köhler, J.-F. de Pietro et C. Perregaux (dir.) Éveil aux langues et approches plurielles. De
la formation des enseignants aux pratiques de classe. Paris: L'Harmattan, 139-158.
Dagenais, D. Moore, D., Lamarre, S., Sabatier, C. et Armand, F. (2009). Linguistic landscape and language
awareness. In E. Shohamy et D. Gorter (Eds.), Linguistic Lansdcape: Expanding the Scenary, 253-269. New York
and London: Routledge.
Dagenais, D., Walsch, N., Armand, F. et Maraillet, E. (2008). Collaboration and co-construction ok knowledge
during language awareness activities in Canadian elementary school. Language Awareness, 17(2), 139-155.
Geoffroy, N., Dufresne, L. et Armand, F. (2013). L'éveil aux langues au primaire : un outil pour apprendre. Québec
français, 169, 76-77.
González, N., Moll, L., and Amanti, C. (2005). Funds of Knowledge: Theorizing Practices in Households,
Communities, and Classrooms. New Jersey: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates, Publishers
Concluding Thoughts / Presentations and Final Exam UNIVERSITY OF MINNESOTA POLICIES AND PROCEDURES
Academic integrity is essential to a positive teaching and learning environment. All students enrolled in University courses
are expected to complete coursework responsibilities with fairness and honesty. Failure to do so by seeking unfair
advantage over others or misrepresenting someone else’s work as your own, can result in disciplinary action. The
University Student Conduct Code defines scholastic dishonesty as follows:
Scholastic dishonesty means plagiarizing; cheating on assignments or examinations; engaging in unauthorized
6 collaboration on academic work; taking, acquiring, or using test materials without faculty permission; submitting false or
incomplete records of academic achievement; acting alone or in cooperation with another to falsify records or to obtain
dishonestly grades, honors, awards, or professional endorsement; altering forging, or misusing a University academic
record; or fabricating or falsifying data, research procedures, or data analysis.
Within this course, a student responsible for scholastic dishonesty can be assigned a penalty up to and including an “F” or
“N” for the course. If you have any questions regarding the expectations for a specific assignment or exam, ask.
The University of Minnesota has specific policies concerning student conduct and student needs. This information can be
found on the Learning Abroad Center website. PAGE

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