Ginette Paris Ph.D. - Viridis Graduate Institute


Ginette Paris Ph.D. - Viridis Graduate Institute
Ginette Paris Ph.D.
University of Montréal, Philosophiae Doctor. Specialization: Social Psychology.
1969 to 1974
‘Institut de Formation par le Groupe.’ Post Graduate training in Group Dynamics, Problem Solving and
Mediation. 750 hours of supervised training. One thousand hours as independent consultant.
University of Montréal. Masters in Psychology.
- Heartbreak: New Approaches to Healing. Recovering from Loss and Mourning. Ginette Paris. World
Books Collective. 2011.
- The Wisdom of the Psyche. Ginette Paris. Routledge, London. 2007.
- Mythology: a CD ROM Encyclopedia. Vol. I, Greek and Roman. Ginette Paris MultiMediaMultiMedia
publications. Available in its pre-publication, beta form.
- Abortion. Ginette Paris. Spring Publications, Dallas, Texas. 1992. 113 p.
- Pagan Grace. Ginette Paris. Spring Publications, Dallas, Texas. 1990. 152 p.
- Pagan Meditations. Ginette Paris, Spring Publications, Dallas, Texas. 1986. (fifth printing).
- La Renaissance D'Aphrodite. Ginette Paris, Editions Boréal Express, Montréal,1986.
- Le Reveil Des Dieux. Ginette Paris, Editions de Mortagne, Montréal, 1980.
- La Dimension Cachée: Le Conscient Et L'inconscient. Ginette Paris. Editions C.G. Montréal. Déc. 1988.
(Small manual of introduction to Jungian psychology.)
- Feux De Brindilles. (Historical novel) Editions Les Quinze, Montréal, 1991
Translations of G. Paris’s books in other languages
- A Translation in Italian by Patrizia Lorenzi of G. ParisLa Renaissance d'Aphrodite. Moretti & Vitali,
Bergamo, 1997.
- A translation in Portuguese by Sonia Labate of G. Paris Pagan Meditations:Meditaçoes Pagas: Os
Mundos de Afrodite, Artemis e Hestia. Petropolis, 1994.
- A translation in German by A. Guggenbuhl of G. Paris’sLa Renaissance d'Aphrodite. Zurich, 1998.
Translation by Ginette Paris
James Hillman Blue Fire: La Beauté de Psyché, éditions du Jour, Montréal 1995.
Collective books and Journals
- Psychology at the Threshold. Ed. by Dennis Slattery and Lionel Corbett. Hillman-Giegerich: What Is
Going On? Pacifica Graduate Institute Publications, Santa Barbara, Ca. 2001
- Who is James Hillman? In: The Study of Myths by Hillman, William G. Doty, ed. To be published.
- Mythology of Marriage. In: Meditations in the Field: a Depth Psychology Reader. Ed. Dennis Slattery
and Lionel Corbett, 2000.
- Broken Promises. In: Spring: A journal of Archetype and Culture. Spring Publications, Woodstock,
Connecticut, Vol. 64. on Histories, Fall and Winter 1998.
- A Conversation Between Ginette Paris & James Hillman on Ecology. In: The Salt Journal. Vol. 1.
June/July 1998.
- A Conversation Between Ginette Paris & James Hillman on Rituals. In: The Salt Journal. Vol. 1.
April/May 1998.
- Everyday epiphanies. In: On the Sublime. Petruska Clarkson, ed. London, UK, 1997.
- If You Invite the Gods to your Marriage. In: Spring: A Journal of Archetype and Culture. Spring
Publications, Woodstock, Connecticut, Vol. 60. on Marriages, Fall 1996.
- Psychotherapy at the End of the Twentieth Century. In: Sphynx: A Journal for Archetypal Psychology
and the Arts. Vol. 7 London, 1996.
- Everyday Epiphanies. Sphynx: A Journal for Archetypal Psychology and the Arts. Vol. 4 London, 1991.
- Dionysos: Theater and Therapy. In: Sphynx: A Journal for Archetypal Psychology and the Arts. Vol.1.
London, 1989.
- La Dépression Collective. In: Le Syndrôme Post-référendaire. In: Editions Québec-Amérique. 1989.
- Le théâtre organisationnel. In: Pouvoirs et cultures organisationnels Presses de l'Université du Québec à
Montréal. 1991
- Aphrodite souffre-t-elle pour être Belle? In: Souffrir pour être Belle. Editions Fides, for the Musée de la
Civilisation de Québec. Dec. 1988.
- La contribution de James Hillman? In: La Petite Revue de Philosophie. Numéro spécial: Autour de
James Hillman. Published by le Collège Edouard-Montpetit, printemps 1988. Vol 9, numéro 2.
- Psychologie Sociale et Psychologie Archétypale. In: Aspect du Sacré, Formes de l'Imaginaire. Edité par
Guy Ménard. Cahiers du FRISQ, Montréal 1988, pp. 83 to 86.
- Le Masque de Dionysos. In: Publication in the Cahiers du Cercle Jung de Montréal of a paper given at
the UQAM May 13, 1988.
- Le Caducée. In: Les cahiers de l'Agora. Numéro 1, pp. 17 to 23. Editions de l'Agora inc., Autumn 1987.
- Eco-Théologie In: Religion et culture au Québec: Figures contemporaines du sacré. Edited by Yvon
Desrosiers. Editions Fidès. Montréal,1986.
- Polythéisme et féminisme. Canadian Woman Studies -Les Cahiers de la Femme. Toronto, Canada,
Winter 1986.
- La psychologie archétypale In: Les Outils de l'Espoir. Edited by Marquita Riel et Luc Morisette. Presses
de l'Université du Québec à Montréal, 1985.
- Hillman-Giegerich: What Is Going On? An International Symposium of Archetypal Psychology.
Keynote address. Pacifica Graduate Institute, Carpinteria, CA, August 31 – September 4, 2000.
- Psychological Art. Texts by Ginette Paris, Images by Pierre Guimond, Mythic Imagination Embodied
Soul, Pacifica Graduate Insititute, Lobero Theater Santa Barbara, April 13 – 15, 2000.
- Psychological Art. Texts by Ginette Paris, Images by Pierre Guimond, UQAM. The Myth and Theater
Festival, Le Petit Théatre of New Orleans, July 1999.
- Our Cultural Heritage: Presentation Of The G. Paris CD Rom On Mythology. Victoria Hall, Santa
Barbara USA, April 1997.
- Le Futur De La Psychologie: La Mythologie, Société Jung de Montréal, Montréal. Novembre 1997.
- Psychology As Mythology, The Parker Institute, New Orleans. November, 1997.
- The Future Of Psychology: Mythology. The Archetypal Mythology Conference, Pacifica Graduate
Institute Public Conferences, Santa Barbara, April, 1997.
- The Future Of Psychology: Mythology. The Oregon Friends of Jung Association, Portland, Oregon,
February 21, 1997.
- Wake Up Or Dream On: Dreams For The World. Pacifica Graduate Institute Public Conferences, Santa
Barbara, July, 1996.
- Panel discussion on Medea by Euripides, adapted by Alistair Elliot, Ensemble Threatre Company of
Santa Barbara, February 8, 1996.
- Jungian Exploration Of Mythology. Lecture at the Asociacion en Mexico para Etudios en Psicologia
Profunda Mexico City, October 20-21, 1995.
- Presentation Of The Work In Progress: Mythology: A Cd Rom Of Greek And Roman Mythology. At the
international conference ISEA (International Symposium on Electronic Arts held in Montréal in
September, 1995.
- Aging. The Writer's Conference, Sheraton Hotel, Santa Monica, CA, April 8-9, 1995.
- Images Of Reconciliation, Dancing Ground Conferences, San Francisco, Mendocino Woodlands,
August 1994.
- Broken Promises, The London Convivium for Archetypal Studies. VIIIth. Annual International
Conference, London , May 27-29 1994.
- The Divinities Of Marriage. The Dallas Institute for Humanities and Culture. Dallas, October 1993.
- Le Mythe d’Aphrodite. Keynote address for the Festival Mythe et Théâtre, organisé par Panthéâtre, at la
Chartreuse de Villeneuve les Avignon, France, Août 1993.
- Pagan Epiphanies. Festival of Archetypal Psychology. At the University of Notre Dame, Indianna,
USA. July 1992.
- Life-Styles Of The Gods And Goddesses. The London Convivium for Archetypal Studies, Cumberland
Lodge, Windsor Great Park, Berkshire. June 8-10, 1990.
- The Lust Of The Gods. Institute for the Study of the Imagination. West Stockbridge, Mass. USA. March
18, 1990.
- Meet The Author: Ginette Paris, On Pagan Grace. The Institute of Depth Psychology of Wainwright
House, New York. March 19, 1990.
- Le Masque De Dionysos. Conference organized by the Cercle Jung de Montréal, May 13,1988, UQAM.
Published in the Cahiers du Cercle.
- Mask, Role, And Play: Dionysus In Everyday Life. Paper given at the Educational Center of Pittsburg,
USA, April 29, 1988.
- Theatre Et Therapie. Paper given August 10, 1987, in Malérargues, France, as part of a conference
titled:Mythe et théâtre. This week-long conference was organized by the Roy Hart Theater.
- Visions Du Psychodrame. Paper given August 14, 1987, in Malérargues, France, dans le cadre d'un
colloque intitulé: Mythe et théâtre. This week-long conference was organized by the Roy Hart Theater of
- Le Re-Enchantement De La Medecine. Paper in the colloquium: La Santé des Ainés. Organized by
l'Alliance Culturelle. November 6, 1986.
- Le Ré-Enchantement De La Médecine. Paper given in the conference titled Santé et thérapies: le temps
des choix. Organized by L'Agora, under the direction of Jacques Dufresne. Quebec City. October 24-26,
- Les Enseignements D'aphrodite. Paper given at Laval University, organized by the Cercle Jung de
Québec. February 14, 1986.
- Rigour And Imagination. Paper given at the Symposium on Ecology, Culture and Imagination.
Burlington, Vermont, USA, November, 1985.
- Les Enseignements D'aphrodite. Paper given at the Cercle Jung de Montréal and published in
the Cahiers du Cercle. Montreal, May 1985.
- Femmes Et Deesses. Paper at the ICRAF colloquium. Published by the cahiers de l'Institut Canadien
pour l'Avancement de la Femme. UQAM, 1984.
- Communication Et Symbole. Paper at the Theâtre expérimental des Femmes. Montréal 1981.
- Psychological Art. 1999 East Aurora Seminar Program. The Roycroft Inn, East Aurora, New York. July
27, 1999.
- Confronting The Unexpected. Commencement address: Pacifica Graduate Institute, May 28, 1999.
- Introducing David Miller, Archetypal Activism, Public Conference, Santa Barbara, 1999
- Introducing James Hillman, Victoria Hall, Santa Barbara, March, 1996.
- Editing the Script of our Lives, Workshop for The Oregon Friends of Jung Association, Portland, OR,
February 22, 1997.
- Introducing James Hillman, Psychopathic Personalities: Politics and Mysteries in Childhood Disorders,
Sierra Hall, Santa Barbara, February, 1996
- Review Of: The Soul's Code By James Hillman, (Random House New York 1996). For: Mythosphere: A
journal of Mythology. Edited by Professor William Doty, Alabama University, Vol. 1.
- Ethique Feministe. Présentation au séminaire organisé par Evelyne Tardif du Centre de Recherches
Féministes, le 6 mai 1988, à l'UQAM.
- Feminism And Archetypal Psychology. Presentation at the Educational Center of Pittsburg, PA, April
30, 1988.
- L'avortement: Aspects Symboliques Et Psychologiques. Communication à la Journée de formation sur
l'avortement destinée aux médecins et infirmières des CLSC. Holiday Inn. Montréal le 15 avril 1988.
- What Are Archetypes? Panel organized by the C.G. Jung Society of Montréal, with David Miller
(Syracuse University), Naomi Goldenberg (Université d'Ottawa), and Ginette Paris (UQAM). Université
Concordia, Montréal. March 13, 1987.
- Monotheisme Et Polytheisme. Présentation au séminaire interdisciplinaire du FRISQ (Forum de
Recherches sur l'Imaginaire et la Socialité Québécoise) tenu à l'UQAM, Le 28 novembre 1986 et publié
dans les cahiers du FRISQ.
- Social Psychology: From Math To Myth. C.G. Jung and Humanities. Hofstra University, New-York,
November 20, 21, 22 1986.
- Angoisse Culturelle Et Angoisse Personnelle. Présentation au Symposium sur l'Angoisse, organisé par le
Cercle Jung de Montréal les 3 et 4 octobre 1986. Salle Alfred Laliberté de l'UQAM.
- Jung Et Societé. Adresse prononcée à l'occasion du 10e anniversaire du Cercle Jung de Montréal, Mai
- Participation à un panel avec Panel avec Guy Corneau et Jeanne Bauer, sur l'oeuvre de J.Hillman.
UQAM, Salle Marie Gérin Lajoie. Sept. 1984.
- Pour Une Lecture Mythique Des Organisations. Colloque Psychosociologie et Intervention. Montréal,
UQAM 1982.
- Archetypes De La Feminite. Conférence-midi dans le cadre du GIERF. UQAM. 1981
Interviews and participation in documentaries
- The Problem of Cults. Filmed interview on Pacifica's campus, April 1997, for Production 312
inc. Montréal, Canada. This interview is part of an educational series for the Canadian Broadcasting
Corporation. Released in 1998
- Mythology of Marriage. Filmed interview for Production Coscient, Montréal, Canada. This interview is
part of an educational series for Canadian television. Released in 1997
- Matters of The Heart. Filmed interview for the British Broadcasting Corporation produced by Mark
Kiddell. London. 1990.
- The Sacrament of Abortion: A conversation between Ginette Paris and James Hillman about abortion.
Audiocassette published by Spring Audio. New-York. 1991.
- Entrevue accordée à la revue: Guide Ressources publiée sour le titre: Mythologies du temps Fou. p. 47 à
51, Mai-Juin 1988, vol. 3 no 4.
- Trois fois passera et le Mythe restera. Revue de théâtre: JEU Mai 1982, p. 85 à 100.
- Entrevue à la Radio de Radio-Canada, sur le thème: La fin des Morales. 30 minutes 1985.
- Women's spirituality. Filmed interview for educational television cable 23, Montreal. Produced by Helen
Workman for the University of Concordia, Montreal. 1981
• Executive committee of Foundation for Mythological Studies, McLean, Virginia.
• Editorial board of Mythosphere: A Journal for Image, Myth, and Symbol, published by Gordon and
Breach Publishers, University of Alabama.
• Advisory board of The Salt Journal, published by the Salt Institute, San Francisco.
• Editorial board of Sphinx, published by the London Convivium for Archetypal Studies. London.
• Editorial committee of Spring Journal published by Spring Publications, dir.: C. Boer, Connecticut.
• Groupe Interdisciplinaire pour l'Enseignement et la Recherche sur les Femmes (GIERF)
• The Carl Jung Society of Montréal
• Le Cercle Carl Jung de Montréal (honorary member)
• Le Cercle Carl Jung de Québec (honorary member)
• ICRAF: Institut Canadien de Recherche pour l'Avancement des Femmes
Present-1995: Core faculty and Research Coordinator, Mythological Studies, Pacifica Graduate Institute,
Santa Barbara.
1995- 1976: Core Faculty. Department of Communication, State University of Québec , Montréal
Campus. Tenured in 1979. Professeur titulaire since 1983
1985 - 1982: Dean of students, Psycho-Social Studies Program. Department of Communications. State
University of Quebec, Montreal Campus
1972 - 1974: Adjunct Professor, University of Montréal. Ecole de Service Social.