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references - Digital Collections
In referring to the works of Barbel Inhelder and Jean Piaget, we have attempted to cite the first French edition and a recent American or English
edition in preference to listing later French editions and the several American and English editions.
AEBLI, H. Didactique psychologique; application a la didactique de la psychologic de Jean
Piaget. Neuchatel: Delachaux et Niestle, 1951.
ANTHONY, E. J. Six applications de la theorie genetique de Piaget a la theorie et a la pratique psychodynamique. Schweiz. Z. Psychol. Anwend., 1956, 15, 269-277. (a)
ANTHONY, E. J. The significance of Jean Piaget for child psychiatry. Brit. /. Med. Psychol., 1956, 29, 20-34. (b)
ANTHONY, E. J. The system makers: Piaget and Freud. Brit. J. med. Psychol., 1957, 30,
APOSTEL, L. Logique et apprentissage. In L. Apostel et al., Logique, apprentissage, et
probabilite (Etudes d'epistemologie genetique, 8). Paris: Presses Univer. de France,
1959. Pp. 1-138.
ATTNEAVE, F. Some informational aspects of visual perception. Psychol. Rev., 1954, 61,
183-193BERKO, J. The child's learning of English morphology. Word, 1958, 14, 150-177.
BERLYNE, D. E. Recent developments in Piaget's work. Brit. ]. educ. Psychol., 1957, 27,
BERLYNE, D. E. Les equivalences psychologiques et les notions quantitatives. In D. E.
Berlyne & J. Piaget, Theorie du comportement et theorie des operations (Etudes d'epistemologie genetique, 12). Paris: Presses Univer. de France, 1960. Pp. 1-76.
BOOLE, G. An investigation of the laws of thought. [Reprint, Dover, 1951]
BRAINE, M. D. S. The ontogeny of certain logical operations: Piaget's formulation examined by nonverbal methods. Psychol. Monogr., 1959, 73, No. 5 (Whole No. 475).
BROWN, R., & FRASER, C. The acquisition of syntax. Mimeographed paper, 1961.
BRUNER, J. S. On perceptual readiness. Psychol. Rev., 1957, 64, 123-152.
BRUNER, J. S., GOODNOW, J., & AUSTIN, G. A. A study of thinking. Wiley, 1956.
BRUNSWIK, E. Perception and the representative design of psychological experiments. (2nd
Ed.) Univer. of California Press, 1956.
CARMICHAEL, L. (Ed.) Manual of child psychology. (2nd Ed.) Wiley, 1954.
CARNAP, R. Foundations of logic and mathematics. Int. Encycl. unified Sci., 1939, i, No. 3.
Univer. of Chicago Press.
CARNAP, R. The methodological character of theoretical concepts. In H. Feigl & M. Scriven
(Eds.), Minnesota studies in the philosophy of science. Vol. i. Univer. of Minnesota
Press, 1956.
CHOMSKY, N. Syntactic structures. The Hague: Mouton, 1957.
DAVIDON, R. S. The effects of symbols, shift, and manipulation upon the number of concepts attained. /. exp. Psychol., 1952, 44, 70-79.
DOLLARD, J., & MILLER, N. E. Personality and psychotherapy. McGraw-Hill, 1950.
ERIKSON, E. H. Childhood and society. Norton, 1950.
FATEHCHAND, R. Machine recognition of spoken words. In F. L. Alt et al. (Eds.), Advances in computers. Academic Press, 1960. Pp. 193-229.
Reprinted from William Kessen and Clementina Kuhlman, (Eds.) Thought in the
Young Child: Report of a Conference on Intellective Development with Particular Attention to the Work of Jean Piaget. Monogr. Soc. Res. Child Develpm., 1962, 27, No. 2.
?p. 171-176.
FLOOD, M. M. Game learning theory and some decision-making experiments. In R. M.
Thrall et al. (Eds.), Decision processes. Wiley, 1954. Pp. 139-158.
FORGIE, J. W., & FORGIE, C. D. Results obtained from a vowel recognition computer program.
/. acoust. Soc. Amer., 1959, 31, 1480-1489.
GELERNTER, H., & ROCHESTER, N. Intelligent behavior in problem-solving machines. IBM
J. Res. Develpm., 1958, 2, 336-345GOLDSTEIN, K., & SCHEERER, M. Abstract and concrete behavior; an experimental study with
special tests. Psychol. Monogr., 1941, 53, No. 2 (Whole No. 239).
GOLLIN, E. S. Some research problems for developmental psychology. Child Develpm.,
1956, 27, 223-235.
GOLLIN, E. S. Organizational characteristics of social judgment: a developmental investigation. /. Pers., 1958, 26, 139-154.
HARLOW, H. F. The formation of learning sets. Psychol. Rev., 1949, 56, 51-65.
HARLOW, H. F. The development of learning in the rhesus monkey. Amer. Scient., 1959,
47, 459-479HARRIS, D. B. (Ed.) The concept of development; an issue in the study of human behavior.
Univer. of Minnesota Press, 1957.
HEINICKE, C. M. Some effects of separating two-year-old children from their mothers a
comparative study. Hum. Relat., 1956, 9, 102-176.
HILLER, L.A., JR., & ISAACSON, L. M. Experimental music. McGraw-Hill, 1959.
HOFSTAETTER, P. R. The changing composition of "intelligence": a study in T-technique.
/. genet. Psychol., 1954, 85, 159-164.
HOVLAND, C. I., & HUNT, E. B. Computer simulation of concept attainment. Behavioral Set.,
1960, 5, 265-267.
HULL, C. L. Knowledge and purpose as habit mechanisms. Psychol. Rev., 1930, 37, 511-525.
HULL, C. L. Principles of behavior. Appleton-Century-Crofts, 1943.
INHELDER, B. Observations sur le principe de conservation dans la physique de 1'enfant.
Cah. Pedag. exp. Psychol. Enfant., 1936, No. 9, pp. 16.
INHELDER, B. Le diagnostic du raisonnement chez les debiles mentaux. Neuchatel: Dela-
chaux et Niestle, 1943.
INHELDER, B. Some aspects of Piaget's genetic approach to cognition. This MONOGRAPH,
pp. 19-34.
INHELDER, B., & PIAGET, J. De la logique de 1'enfant a logique de 1'adolescent. Paris: Presses
Univer. de France, 1955. [The growth of logical thinking from childhood to adolescence. Basic Books, 1958.]
INHELDER, B., & PIAGET, J. La genese des structures logiques elementaires; classification et
seriations. Neuchatel: Delachaux and Niestle, 1959.
JERSILD, A. T. Child psychology. (4th Ed.) Prentice-Hall, 1954.
JERSILD, A. T. The psychology of adolescence. Macmillan, 1957.
KENDLER, H. H., & KENDLER, T. S. Inferential behavior in preschool children. /. exp.
Psychol., 1956, 51, 311-314.
KOCH, S. (Ed.) Psychology: A study of a science. Vol. 3. Formulations of the person and
the social context. McGraw-Hill, 1959.
KOFFKA, K. The growth of the mind. Harcourt, Brace, 1924.
KOHLER, W. The mentality of apes. Routledge, Kegan Paul, 1925.
KRAFFT, H., & PIAGET, J. La notion de 1'ordre des evenements et le test des images en desordre. Arch. Psychol., Geneve, 1926, 19, 306-349.
LAVOIE, G. Contribution a 1'etude des relations entre la perception et 1'intelligence. Unpublished L. Ps. Thesis, Universite de Montreal, 1961.
LEVINE, M. A. A model of hypothesis behavior in discrimination learning set. Psychol. Rev.,
1959, 66, 353-366.
LIBERMAN, A. M., et al. Minimal rules for synthesizing speech. /. acoust. Soc. Amer., 1959,
31, 1490-1499.
LONG, L., & WELCH, L. The development of the ability to discriminate and match numbers.
/. genet. Psycho!., 1941, 59, 377~3^7MALTZMAN, I. Thinking: from a behavioristic point of view. Psychol. Rev., 1955, 62,
MARGAIRAZ, E. & PIAGET, J. La structure des recits et 1'interpretation des images de Dawid
chez Tenfant. Arch. Psychol., Geneve, 1925, 19, 211-239.
MILLER, G. A. Language and communication. McGraw-Hill, 1951. (a)
MILLER, G. A. Speech and language. In S. S. Stevens (Ed.), Handbook^ of experimental
psychology. Wiley, 1951, Pp. 789-810. (b)
MILLER, G. A., GALANTER, E., & PRIBRAM, K. Plans and the structure of behavior. Holt,
MINSKY, M. Steps toward artificial intelligence. Proc. Inst. Radio Engrs., 1961, 49, 8-30.
MUNN, N. L. The evolution and growth of human behavior. Houghton Mifflin, 1955.
NEWELL, A., SHAW, J. C., & SIMON, H. A. The process of creative thinking. Paper read at
a Symposium on Creativity, University of Colorado, May, 1958. [The RAND Corp.,
1958, pp. 1320.]
NEWELL, A., SHAW, J. C., & SIMON, H. A. Report on a general problem-solving program.
In On information processing. Paris: UNESCO, 1960. Pp. 256-264. (a)
NEWELL, A., SHAW, J. C., & SIMON, H. A. A variety of intelligent behavior in a General
Problem Solver. In M. C. Yovits & S. Cameron (Eds.), Self-organizing systems. Permagon Press, 1960. Pp. 153-187. (b)
NEWELL, A.. & SIMON, H. A. The simulation of human thought. In W. Dennis (Ed.),
Current trends in psychological theory. Univer. of Pittsburgh Press, 1961.
ODIER, C. Anxiety and magical thinking. International Universities Press, 1956.
OSGOOD, C. E. Method and theory in experimental psychology. Oxford Univer. Press, 1953.
PIAGET, J. Recherche. Lausanne: Edition La Concorde, 1918.
PIAGET, J. Essai sur quelques aspects du developpement de la notion de partie chez 1'enfant.
/. Psychol. norm, path., 1921, 18, 449-480. (a)
PIAGET, J. Une forme verbale de la comparaison chez 1'enfant. Arch. Psychol., Geneve,
1921, 18, 141-172. (b)
PIAGET, J. Essai sur la multiplication logique et les debuts de la pensee formelle chez 1'enfant.
/. Psychol. norm, path., 1922, 19, 222-261.
PTAGET, J. La pensee symbolique et la pensee de 1'enfant. Arch. Psychol., Geneve, 1923, 18,
273-304PIAGET, J. Etude critique: "L'experience humaine et la causalite physique" de L. Brunschvicg. /. Psychol. norm, path., 1924, 21, 586-607. (a)
PIAGET, J. Le jugement et le raisonnement chez I'enfant. Neuchatel: Delachaux et Niestle,
1924. [Judgment and reasoning in the child. Humanities Press, 1952.] (b)
PLACET, ]. Le langage et la pensee chez I'enfant. Neuchatel: Delachaux et Niestle, 1924.
[The language and thought of the child. Humanities Press, 1959. Trans. from 3rd
French Ed.] (c)
PIAGET, J. Les traits principaux de la logique de I'enfant. /. Psychol. norm, path., 1924, 21,
48-101. (d)
PIAGET, J. De quelques formes primitives de causalite chez I'enfant. Ann. psychol., 1925,
26, 31-71PIAGET, J. La representation du monde chez I'enfant. Paris: Alcan, 1926. [The child's
conception of the world. Humanities Press, 1951.]
PIAGET, }. La causalite chez I'enfant. Brit. J. Psychol., 1927, 18, 276-301. (a)
PIAGET, J. La causalite physique chez I'enfant. Paris: Alcan, 1927. [The child's conception
of physical causality. Littlefield, 1960.] (b)
PIAGET, J. La premiere annee de I'enfant. Brit. J. Psychol., 1927, 18, 97-120. (c)
PIAGET, J. Les deux directions de la pensee scientifique. Arch. Sci. phys. nat., 1929, u,
145-162. (a)
PIAGET, J. Le parallelisme entre la logique et la morale chez Fenfant. Proc. $th Int. Congr.
PsychoL, 1929, 339-340. (b)
PIAGET, J. Children's philosophies. In C. Murchison (Ed.), Handbook of child psychology.
Clark Univer. Press, 1931. Pp. 377-391.
PIAGET, J. Le jugement moral chez 1'enfant. Paris: Alcan, 1932. [The moral judgment of
the child. Free Press, 1948.]
PIAGET, J. La naissance de ^intelligence chez Venfant. Neuchatel: Delachaux et Niestle,
1936. [The origin of intelligence in the child. International Universities Press, 1952.]
PIAGET, J. La construction du reel chez I'enfant. Neuchatei: Delachaux et Niestle, 1937.
[The construction of reality in the child. Basic Books, 1954.] (a)
PIAGET, J. Le probleme de I'intelligence et de Fhabitude: Reflexe conditionne, "Gestalt" ou
assimilation. Proc. nth Int. Congr. PsychoL, 1937, 170-183. (b)
PIAGET, J. Les relations d'egalite resultant de 1'addition et de la soustraction logique constituent-elles un groupe? L'enseign. math., 1937, 36, 99-108.
PIAGET, J. Remarques psychologiqucs sur les relations entre la classe logique et le nombre
et sur les rapports d'inclusion. Recited travaux Univer. Lausanne, 1937, 59-85. (d)
PIAGET, J. La reversibilite des operations et 1'importance de la notion de "group" pour la
psychologic de la pensee. Proc. nthe Int. Congr. PsychoL, 1937, 433-434. (e)
PIAGET, J. Classes, relations ct nombres', cssai stir les groupements de la logistique et sur la
revcrsibilite dc la pensee. Paris: Vrin, 1942.
PIAGET, J. La formation du symbole chez 1'enfant. Neuchatel: Delachaux et Niestle, 1945.
[Play, dreams, and imitation in childhood. Norton, 1951.]
PIAGET, }. Lc developpement de la notion de temps chez I'enfant. Paris: Presses Univer. de
France, 1946. (a)
PIAGET, J. Les notions de mouvement et de vitesse chez 1'enfant. Paris: Presses Univer. de
France, 1946. (b)
PIAGET, J. La psychologic de I'intelligence. Paris: Presses Univer. de France, 1946. [The
psychology of intelligence. Routledge, Kegan Paul, 1950. Trans. from 2nd French
Ed.] (c)
PIAGET, J. Du rapport des sciences avec la philosophic. Synthese, 1947, 6, 130-150.
PIAGET, J. Le probleme neurologigue de Finteriorisation des actions en operations reversibles.
Arch. PsychoL, Genevc, 1949, 32, 241-258. (a)
PIAGET, J. Traite de logique. Paris: Colin, 1949. (b)
PIAGET, J. Introduction a I'epistemologie genetique. Paris: Presses Univer. de France, 1950.
PIAGET, J. The right to education in the modern world. In UNESCO, Freedom and culture.
Columbia Univer. Press, 1951. Pp. 67-116.
PIAGET, J. Autobiography. In E. G. Boring et al., History of psychology in autobiography.
Vol. 4. Clark Univer. Press, 1952. Pp. 237-256. (a)
PIAGET, J. Essai sur les transformations des operations logiques. Paris: Presses Univer. de
France, 1952. (b)
PIAGET, J. Logic and psychology. Manchester: Manchester Univer. Press, 1953. [Also Basic
Books, 1957.]
PIAGET, J. Ce qui subsiste de la theorie de la Gestalt dans la psychologie contemporaine de
I'intelligence et de la perception. Schweiz. Z. PsychoL Anwend., 1954, 13, 72-83. [Also
in J. de Ajuriaguerra et al., Afyuelh Probleme der Gestalttheorie. Bern: Hans Huber,
1954. Pp. 72-83.]
PIAGET, J. Essai d'une nouvelle interpretation probabiliste des effets de centration, de la loi
de Weber et de celle des centrations relatives. Arch. PsychoL, Geneve, 1955, 35,
1-24. (a)
PIAGET, J. Rapport. In A. Michotte et al., La perception. Paris: Presses Univer. de France,
1955. Pp. 17-30. (b)
PIAGET, J. La genese du nombre chez 1'enfant. In J. Piaget et al., Initiation an calcul. Paris:
Bourrelier, 1956. Pp. 5-28. (a)
PIAGET, J. Les stades du developpement intellectual de 1'enfant et de 1'adolescent. In P.
Osterrieth et aL, Le probleme des stades en psychologie de I'enfant. Paris: Presses
Univer. de France, 1956. Pp. 33-49. (b)
PIAGET, J. (Gen. Ed.) Etudes d'epistemologie genetique. Paris: Presses Univer. de France,
1957, et seq. (a)
PIAGET, J. Logique et equilibre dans les comportements du sujet. In L. Apostel et aL,
Logique et equilibre (Etudes d'epistemologie genetique, 2), Paris: Presses Univer. de
France, 1957. Pp. 27-117. (b)
PIAGKT, J. Les relations entre la perception et i'intelligence dans le developpement de 1'enfant. Bull. PsychoL, Pans, 1957, TO, 376-381, 751-760. (c)
PIAGET, J. Apprentissage et connaissance. In M. Goustard et aL, La logique des apprentissages (Etudes d'epistemologie genetique, 10). Paris: Presses Univer. de France, 1959.
Pp. 159-188. (a)
PIAGET, J. L'image mentale et la representation imagee chez 1'enfant. Bull. PsychoL, Paris,
1959, 12, 538-540, 574-576, 724-727, 806-807, 857-860. (b)
PIAGET, J. Lc developpement des perceptions. Paris: Presses Univer. de France, 1960.
PIAGET, J., & INHELDER, B. Lc developpement des quantites chez I'enfant. Neuchatel: Delachaux et Niestle, 1941.
PIAGET, J., & INHELDER, B. La representation de I'espace chez I'enfant. Paris: Presses Univer.
de France, 1948. [The child's conception of space. Humanities Press, 1956.]
PIAGET, J., & INHELDER, B. La genese de I'idce de hasard chez 1'enfant. Paris: Presses Univer.
de France, 1951.
PIAGET, [., INHELDER, B., & SZEMINSKA, A. La geometric spontunee chez 1'enfant. Paris:
Presses Univer. de France, 1948. [The child's conception of geometry. Basic Books,
PIAGET, J., & LAMBEIICIER, M. Transpositions perceptives et transitivite operatoire dans les
comparaisons en profondeur. Arch. PsychoL, Geneve, 1946, 31, 325-368.
PIAGET, ]., & MORE, A. Les isomorphismes partiels entre les structures logiques et les structures perceptives. In J. S. Bruner et aL, Logique et perception (Etudes d'epistemologie
genetique, 6). Paris: Presses Univer. de France, 1958. Pp. 49-116. (a)
PIAGET, J., & MORF, A. Les preinferences perceptives et leurs relations avec les schemes sensorimoteurs et operatoires. In }. S. Bruner et aL, Logique et perception (Etudes d'epistemologie genetique, 6). Paris: Presses Univer. de France, 1958. Pp. 117-155. (b)
PIAGET, J., & ROSSELLO, P. Note sur les types de description d'images chez 1'enfant. Arch.
PsychoL, Geneve, 1921, 18, 208-234.
PIAGET, J., & SZEMINSKA, A. Quelques experiences sur la conservation des quantites continues chez 1'enfant. /. PsychoL norm, path., 1939, 36, 36-64.
PIAGET. }., & SZEMINSKA, A. La genese du nombre chez I'cnfant. Neuchatel: Delachaux et
Niestle, 1941. [The child's conception of number. Routledge, Kegan Paul, 1952.]
PIAGET, J., & TAPONIER, S. L'estimation des longuers de deux droites horizontales et paralleles extremites decalees. Arch. PsychoL, Geneve, 1956, 35, 369-400.
PIAGET, J., VINH-BANG, & MATALON, B. Note on the law of the temporal maximum of some
optico-geometric illusions. Amer. J. PsychoL, 1958, 71, 277-282.
PIAGET, J., VON ALBERTINI, B., & Rossi, M. Essai d'interpretation probabiliste de la loi de
Weber et de celle des centrations relatives. Arch. PsychoL, Geneve, 1944, 30, 95-138.
QUINE, W. V. Mathematical logic. (Rev. Ed.) Harvard Univer. Press, 1951.
QUINE, W. V. From a logical point of view. Harvard Univer. Press, 1953.
QUINE, W. V. Word and object. Technology Press & Wiley, 1960.
ROBINSON, J. S. The sameness-difference discrimination problem in chimpanzee. /. comp.
physiol. PsychoL, 1955, 48, 195-197.
SCHOOLEY, M., & HARTMANN, G. W. The role of insight in the learning of logical relations.
Amer. J. PsychoL, 1937, 49, 287-292.
SIMON, H. A., & NEWELL, A. Computer simulation of human thinking and problem solving.
In M. Greenberger (Ed.), Management and the computer of the future. Technology
Press & Wiley, 1962. [Also this MONOGRAPH, pp. 137-150.]
SMEDSLUND, J. Learning and equilibration: a study of the acquisition of concrete logical
structures. Pre-publication draft, Oslo, 1959.
STEPHENSON, W. Philosophy or statistics? A review of F. V. Smith, Explanation of human
behavior. Contemp. PsychoL, 1961, 6, 46-47.
SZEMINSKA, A. Essai d'analyse psychologique du raisonnement mathematique. Cah. Pedag.
exp. PsychoL Enfant, 1935, No. 7, Pp. 18.
TANNER, J. M., & INHELDER, B. Discussions on child development. Vol. i. London: Tavistock Publications, 1956.
TANNER, J. M., & INHELDER, B. Discussions on child development. Vol. 4. London: Tavistock Publications, 1960.
VURPU.LOT, E. Piagct's law of relative centrations. Acta PsychoL, 1959, 16, 403-430.
VURPILLOT, E. Etude genetique sur la formation d'un concept; role donnees perceptives.
PsychoL Franc., 1960, 5, 135-152.
WERNER, H. Comparative psychology of mental development. (Rev. Ed.). International
Universities Press, 1957.
WERTHEIMER, M. Productive thinking. (Enlarged Ed.) Harper, 1959.
WOHLWILL, }. G. Developmental studies of perception. PsychoL Bull., 1960, 57, 249-288.
WOLFF, P. H. The developmental psychologies of Jean Piaget and psychoanalysis. PsychoL
Issues, 1960, 2, No. i (Monogr. 5).
ZIGLER, E. Rigidity in the feebleminded. In E. P. Trapp & P. Himelstein (Eds.), Research
findings on the exceptional child. Appleton-Century-Crofts, 1962.

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