Page 1 Operation SECURUS: What is it


Page 1 Operation SECURUS: What is it
recognize what appears to be unusua~
be suspicious, and what poses a potential threat to the
safety of British Columbians.
with legltlmate businesses In British Columbia.
Let your experience guide you. Does something seem
odd? Is there anything out of place? Does a situation not
feel right?
In 1985, lnderjlt Singh Reyat purchased the
components for a bomb at an electronics store In
Duncan, BC. The bomb killed 329 people aboard
the Air India Flight 182 along with two baggage
handlers at the Narita International Airport, Japan.
Contact your local police or Crime Stoppers at:
dial •
. Calls to Crime Stoppers are
answered 24/7. Every call is taken seriously and you have
t he option to remain anonymous.
Operation SECURUS: What is it?
Operation SECURUS is a partnership between
law enforcement and businesses. Its purpose
Is to identify, inform and build relationships
with businesses that provide a service or
a product that may assist a criminal or
terrorist group in carrying out an attack.
Businesses participating in Operation SECURUS
become important links in our crime prevention
efforts. Proprietors, operators and employees
have a wealth of knowledge about their business.
Operation SECURUS provides education and
awareness tools that will help them recognize
suspicious activities or encounters in their
day-to-day operations.
Operation SECURUS is a team effort. We all have a part
to play in preserving the safety of our community and
keeping British Columbia secure.
Where can I find more information?
For more information on Operation
SECURUS, please visit:
Ahmed Ressam, the 'Millenium Bomber' who
planned to set off an improvised explosive device
at Los Angeles International Airport (LAX) on New
Year's Eve, 1999, mixed and packed the chemical
components for the bomb in a motel room in
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Your vigilance is the key to everyone's safety.
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Operation SECURUS aims to protect people, critical
lnfrastructure and key resources throughout
sh Columbia.
can I do to keep my
Fraudulently obtained Canadian passport used by Ressam.
Administration Tel:_ 778-29CM273
the owner or the operator
In the best position to
En 1985, lndeljtt Singh~· . .lf'l lt
composantes pourflbrlqUer une bc>mbedans
Si c'est le cas, SIGNALEZ-le en communiquant avec
votre service de police local, ou avec ~chec au crime au
llm!lti~~~m~ ou en ligne, al'adresse
BE!h!Dliimml'.:mlmli•!Jm, ou composez le •
~!SitB ~chec au crime repond aux appels en tout
temps. Chaque appel est pris au serieux, et vous pouvez
conserver votre anonymat.
Operation SECURUS :
De quoi s'agit-11?
L'operation SECURUS est le fruit d'un partenariat
entre les forces de l'ordre et les entreprises. Elle vise
adenombrer les entreprises qui offrent un service
ou un produit pouvant aider un groupe criminel ou
terroriste acommettre un attentat, a informer ces
entreprises, et aetablir des liens avec celles-ci.
En participant a l'operation SECURUS, les entreprises
deviennent un element important de nos efforts
de prevention du crime. Proprietaires, exploitants
et employes connaissent leur entreprise afond.
L'operation SECURUS fournit des outils d'education
et de sensibilisation afin de les aider a reconnaitre les
actlvites ou les personnes suspectes dans le cadre de
leurs actlvites quotidiennes.
tlon SECURUS vise a proteger les gens, les
!fn~uctuires essentielles et les ressources des
en Colomble-Britannique.
L'.operation SECURUS est un travail d' equipe. Nous avons
tous un r61e ajouer pour preserver la securite de notre
collectivite et ainsi assurer la securite de la ColombieBritannique.
Ou puis-je obtenir plus
Vous pouvez obtenir plus d1nformation en visitant le
site Web de !'operation SECURUS, al'adresse
BEr+l!mlmi~Xi!ili!IBl·, ou en nous ecrivant a
un magasln cft!iectlONqqe ~ Duncan,. Cofombre:
Britannlque. La bombe a~ 329 personnes se
trouvant abord du vol 182 d'Alr India, et deux
bagagistes a l'aeroport international de Narlta,
Ahmed Ressam, le « poseur de bombe du millenaire »
qui planifiait de faire sauter un engin explosif
improvise a l'aeroport international de Los Angeles
(LAX) la veille du jour de l'An en 1999, a melange et
emballe les composantes chimiques de la bombe
dans une chambre de motel aVancouver.
Votre vigilance : un element cle en matiere de securite
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Ressam a ut//15' un passeport canadlen obtenu fraudulew«ntnt