Articles dans des revues `a comité de lecture – 2008


Articles dans des revues `a comité de lecture – 2008
Articles dans des revues à comité de lecture –
Émile Picard
[1] François Dahmani and Daniel Groves, The isomorphism problem for toral relatively
hyperbolic groups, Publ. Math. IHES (2008), no. 107, 211–290.
[2] David Marin and Jean-François Mattei,
Incompressibilité des feuilles de germes de feuilletages holomorphes singuliers. Ann.
Scient. Éc. Norm. Sup., 4-Série, 41, (2008), 855-903.
[3] Dan Popovici. Regularization of currents with mass control and singular Morse inequalities. J. Differential Geom., 80(2) :281–326, 2008.
[4] P. Roesch. On local connectivity for the Julia set of rational maps : Newton’s famous
example. Ann. of Math. (2), 168(1) :127–174, 2008.
[5] Majid Farhadi and Marc Perret, Twisting geometric codes, Finite Fields Appl. 14 (2008),
no. 4, 1091–1100.
[6] M. Anel and Bertrand Toën, Dénombrabilité des classes d’équivalences dérivées des
variétés algébriques, À paraı̂tre dans Journal of Algebraic Geometry, publié en ligne le 14
Octobre 2008, PII : S 1056-3911(08)00487-6.
[7] L. Katzarkov, T. Pantev, and B. Toën, Schematic homotopy types and non-abelian Hodge
theory, Compos. Math. 144 (2008), no. 3, 582–632.
[8] Francios Lucas, Daniel Schaub, and Mark Spivakovsky, On points at infinity of real spectra
of polynomial rings, Michigan Math. J. 57 (2008), 587–599.
[9] Bertrand Toën, Anneaux de définition des dg-algèbres propres et lisses, Bull. Lond. Math.
Soc. 40 (2008), no. 4, 642–650.
[10] Bertrand Toën and Michel Vaquié, Algébrisation des variétés analytiques complexes et
catégories dérivées, Math. Ann. 342 (2008), no. 4, 789–831.
[11] Marius van der Put and Marc Reversat, A local-global problem for linear differential equations, Pacific J. Math. 238 (2008), no. 1, 171–199.
[12] Teodor Banica, A note on free quantum groups, Ann. Math. Blaise Pascal 15 (2008),
[13] Teodor Banica and Benoit Collins, Integration over the Pauli quantum group, J. Geom.
Phys. 58 (2008), 942–961.
[14] Benoı̂t Bertrand, Real Zeuthen numbers for two lines, Int. Math. Res. Not. IMRN (2008),
no. 8, Art. ID rnn014, 8 pp.
[15] Benoı̂t Bertrand and Erwan Brugallé, A nonalgebraic patchwork, Math. Z. 259 (2008),
no. 3, 481–486.
[16] Jérôme Bertrand, Existence and uniqueness of optimal maps on Alexandrov spaces, Adv.
Math. 219 (2008), no. 3, 838–851.
[17] Michel Boileau, Yi Ni, and Shicheng Wang, On standard forms of 1-dominations between
knots with same gromov volumes, Commun. Contemp. Math. 10, No Suppl. 1 (2008),
[18] Michel Boileau and Luisa Paoluzzi, On cyclic branched coverings of prime knots, J. Topol.
1 (2008), no. 3, 557–583.
[19] François Dahmani, Finding relative hyperbolic structures, Bull. Lond. Math. Soc. 40
(2008), no. 3, 395–404.
[20] François Dahmani and Daniel Groves, Detecting free splittings in relatively hyperbolic
groups, Trans. Amer. Math. Soc. 360 (2008), no. 12, 6303–6318.
[21] François Dahmani and Daniel Groves, The isomorphism problem for toral relatively hyperbolic groups, Publ. Math. Inst. Hautes Études Sci. (2008), no. 107, 211–290.
[22] François Dahmani and AslıYaman, Symbolic dynamics and relatively hyperbolic groups,
Groups Geom. Dyn. 2 (2008), no. 2, 165–184.
[23] Florian Deloup, David Garber, Shmuel Kaplan, and Mina Teicher, Palindromic braids,
Asian J. Math. 12 (2008), no. 1, 65–71.
[24] Thomas Fiedler and V. Kurlin, Fiber quadrisecants in knot isotopies, J. Knot Theory
Ramifications 17 (2008), 1415–1428.
[25] Louis Funar and Christophe Kapoudjian, The braided Ptolemy-Thompson group is finitely
presented, Geom. Topol. 12 (2008), no. 1, 475–530.
[26] Vincent Guirardel, Actions of finitely generated groups on R-trees, Ann. Inst. Fourier
(Grenoble) 58 (2008), no. 1, 159–211.
[27] Eric Jaligot, Alexey Muranov, and Azadeh Neman, Independence property and hyperbolic
groups, Bull. Symbolic Logic 14 (2008), no. 1, 88–98.
[28] Kirill Krasnov and Jean-Marc Schlenker, On the renormalized volume of hyperbolic 3manifolds, Comm. Math. Phys. 279 (2008), no. 3, 637–668.
[29] Cyril Lecuire, Continuity of the bending map, Ann. Fac. Sci. Toulouse Math. (6) 17
(2008), no. 1, 93–119.
[30] Greg McShane and Hugo Parlier, Multiplicities of simple closed geodesics and hypersurfaces in Teichmüller space, Geom. Topol. 12 (2008), no. 4, 1883–1919.
[31] Jean-Marc Schlenker, Circle patterns on singular surfaces, Discrete Comput. Geom. 40
(2008), no. 1, 47–102.
[32] Jean-Marc Schlenker and Rabah Souam, Higher Schläfli formulas and applications. II.
Vector-valued differential relations, Int. Math. Res. Not. IMRN (2008), Art. ID rnn 068,
[33] Françoise Michel, Jacobian curves for normal complex surfaces , Contemporary Mathematics, Vol 475 (2008), p.135-150.
[34] Maryvonne Spiesser, Larithmtique pratique en France au seuil de la Renaissance : formes
et acteurs dun enseignement, Llull, vol. 31, n 67 (2008), 81-102.
[35] A. Ait-Saı̈di, F. Ferraty, R. Kassa, and P. Vieu. Cross-validated estimations in the singlefunctional index model. Statistics, 42(6) :475–494, 2008.
[36] Ahmed Ait-Saı̈di, Frédéric Ferraty, Rabah Kassa, and Philippe Vieu. Choix optimal du
paramètre fonctionnel dans le modèle à indice fonctionnel simple. C. R. Math. Acad. Sci.
Paris, 346(3-4) :217–220, 2008.
[37] Germán Aneiros-Pérez and Philippe Vieu. Nonparametric time series prediction : a semifunctional partial linear modeling. J. Multivariate Anal., 99(5) :834–857, 2008.
[38] Claudio Asci, Gérard Letac, and Mauro Piccioni. Beta-hypergeometric distributions and
random continued fractions. Statist. Probab. Lett., 78(13) :1711–1721, 2008.
[39] Jean-Marc Azaı̈s and Mario Wschebor. A general expression for the distribution of the
maximum of a Gaussian field and the approximation of the tail. Stochastic Process. Appl.,
118(7) :1190–1218, 2008.
[40] K. Benhenni, S. Hedli-Griche, M. Rachdi, and P. Vieu. Consistency of the regression
estimator with functional data under long memory conditions. Statist. Probab. Lett.,
78(8) :1043–1049, 2008.
[41] Bernard Bercu and Jean-Claude Fort. A moment approach for the almost sure central
limit theorem for martingales. Studia Sci. Math. Hungar., 45(1) :139–159, 2008.
[42] P. Besse, H. Milhem, O. Mestre, A. Dufour, and V.-H. Peuch. Comparaison de techniques
de data mining pour l’adaptation statistique des prévisions d’ozone du modèle de chimietransport mocage. Pollution Atmosphérique, 195 :285–292, 2007.
[43] A. Bonnet, K.-A. L Cao, M. San Cristobal, F. Benne, C. Robert-Granié, G. Law-So,
S. Fabre, P. Besse, E. De Billy, H. Quesnel, F. Hatey, and G. Tosser-Klopp. In vivo gene
expression in granulosa cells during pig terminal follicular development. Reproduction,
136(2) :211–224, 2008.
[44] R. Boulet, B. Jouve, F. Rossi, and N. Villa. Batch kernel SOM and related laplacian
methods for social network analysis. Neurocomputing, 71(7-9) :1257–1273, 2008.
[45] Florent Burba, Frédéric Ferraty, and Philippe Vieu. Convergence de l’estimateur à noyau
des k plus proches voisins en régression fonctionnelle non-paramétrique. C. R. Math.
Acad. Sci. Paris, 346(5-6) :339–342, 2008.
[46] Frederic Capel, Nathale Viguerie, N. Vega, Sébastien Déjean, P. Arner, E. Klimcakova, A. Martinez, W.H.M. Saris, C. Holst, M. Taylor, J.M. Oppert, T.I.A. Sorensen,
K. Clément, H. Vidal, and Dominique Langin. Contribution of energy restriction and
macronutrient composition to changes in adipose tissue gene expression during dietary
weight-loss programs in obese women. The Journal of Clinical Endocrinology and Metabolism, 93(11) :4315–4322, 2008.
[47] Sylvie Combes, Ignacio Gonzlez, Sébastien Déjean, Alain Baccini, Nathalie Jehl, Hervé
Juin, Laurent Cauquil, Béatrice Gabinaud, Franois Lebas, and Catherine Larzul. Relationships between sensory and physicochemical measurements in meat of rabbit from
three different breeding systems using canonical correlation analysis. Meat science, 2008.
[48] Laksaci A. Crambes, C. and Delsol L. Robust nonparametric estimation for functional
data. J. Nonparametr. Stat., 20(7) :573–598, 2008.
[49] Abdelaati Daouia, Jean-Pierre Florens, and Léopold Simar. Functional convergence of
quantile-type frontiers with application to parametric approximations. J. Statist. Plann.
Inference, 138(3) :708–725, 2008.
[50] Antoine de Falguerolles. L’analyse des données, before and around. Journal électronique
d’histoire des probabilités et statistique, 4(décembre n 2) :1–32, 2008.
[51] Laurent Delsol. Régression non-paramtrique fonctionnelle : expressions asymptotiques
des moments. Ann. I.S.U.P., 51(3) :43–67, 2008.
[52] Laurent Delsol. Tests de structure en rgression sur variable fonctionnelle. C. R. Math.
Acad. Sci. Paris, 346(5-6) :343–346, 2008.
[53] C. Dressaire, E. Redon, H. Milhem, P. Besse, P. Loubière, and M. Cocaign-Bousquet.
Growth rate regulated genes and their wide involvement in the lactococcus lactis stress
responses. BMC Genomics, 9(343), 2008.
[54] Jean-François Dupuy. Stratified logrank test of no randomized treatment effect with
missing stratum information. Comm. Statist. Theory Methods, 37(16-17) :2760–2776,
[55] Echarif Elharfaoui and Michel Harel. Central limit theorem of the smoothed empirical distribution functions for asymptotically stationary absolutely regular stochastic processes.
J. Appl. Math. Stoch. Anal., pages Art. ID 735436, 18, 2008.
[56] S. N. Elogne, O. Perrin, and C. Thomas-Agnan. Non parametric estimation of smooth
stationary covariance functions by interpolation methods. Stat. Inference Stoch. Process.,
11(2) :177–205, 2008.
[57] Afshin M. Fayyaz, Sabine Mercier, Louis Ferré, and Claudie Hassenforder. New approximate p-value of gapped local sequence alignments. C. R. Math. Acad. Sci. Paris, 346(12) :87–92, 2008.
[58] F. Ferraty and P. Vieu. Erratum of : “Nonparametric models for functional data, with
application in regression, time-series prediction and curve discrimination” [J. Nonparametr. Stat. 16 (2004), no. 1-2, 111–125. J. Nonparametr. Stat., 20(2) :187–189, 2008.
[59] Frédéric Ferraty, Abbes Rabhi, and Philippe Vieu. Estimation non-paramétrique de la
fonction de hasard avec variable explicative fonctionnelle. Rev. Roumaine Math. Pures
Appl., 53(1) :1–18, 2008.
[60] J. P. Florens, J. J. Heckman, C. Meghir, and E. Vytlacil. Identification of treatment
effects using control functions in models with continuous, endogenous treatment and
heterogeneous effects. Econometrica, 76(5) :1191–1206, 2008.
[61] Sébastien Gadat. Jump diffusion over feature space for object recognition. SIAM J.
Control Optim., 47(2) :904–935, 2008.
[62] Ignacio Gonzlez, Sébastien Déjean, Pascal Martin, and Alain Baccini. CCA : An R package to extend canonical correlation analysis. Journal of Statistical Software, 23(12),
[63] Michel Harel and Echarif Elharfaoui. The marked empirical process to test a general ARARCH against an other general AR-ARCH when the random vectors are nonstationary
and absolutely regular. C. R. Math. Acad. Sci. Paris, 346(7-8) :451–455, 2008.
[64] Kim-Anh L Cao, D. Rossouw, Christèle Robert-Granié, and Philippe Besse. A sparse pls
for variable selection when integrating omics data. Statistical Applications in Genetics
and Molecular Biology, 7(35), 2008.
[65] Dominique Larrouy, P. Barbe, C. Valle, Sébastien Déjean, V. Pelloux, C. Thalamas, J.-P.
Bastard, A. Le Bouil, B. Diquet, K. Clément, Dominique Langin, and Nathalie Viguerie.
Gene expression profiling of human skeletal muscle in response to stabilized weight loss.
The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, 88(1) :125–132, 2008.
[66] Béatrice Laurent, Carenne Ludeña, and Clémentine Prieur. Adaptive estimation of linear
functionals by model selection. Electron. J. Stat., 2 :993–1020, 2008.
[67] G. Letac and J. Wesolowski. Laplace transforms which are negative powers of quadratic
polynomials. Trans. Amer. Math. Soc., 360(12) :6475–6496, 2008.
[68] Gérard Letac and Hélène Massam. The noncentral Wishart as an exponential family, and
its moments. J. Multivariate Anal., 99(7) :1393–1417, 2008.
[69] Jean-Michel Loubes. l1 penalty for ill-posed inverse problems. Comm. Statist. Theory
Methods, 37(8-10) :1399–1411, 2008.
[70] Jean-Michel Loubes and Carenne Ludeña. Adaptive complexity regularization for linear
inverse problems. Electron. J. Stat., 2 :661–677, 2008.
[71] Jean-Michel Loubes and Bruno Pelletier. A kernel-based classifier on a Riemannian manifold. Stat. Decis., 26(1) :35–51, 2008.
[72] Jean-Michel Loubes and Bruno Pelletier. Maximum entropy solution to ill-posed inverse
problems with approximately known operator. J. Math. Anal. Appl., 344(1) :260–273,
[73] Gwenola Tosser-Klopp, Kim-Anh L Cao, Agnès Bonnet, N. Gobert, Franois Hatey,
Christèle Robert-Granié, Sébastien Déjean, Julie Antic, Baschet Louise, and Magali
San Cristobal. A pilot study on transcriptome data analysis of folliculogenesis in pigs.
Animal, 2008.
[74] Etienne Yergeau, S.A. Schoondermark-Stolk, E.L. Brodie, Sébastien Déjean, T.Z. DeSantis, Olivier Gonalves, Y.M. Piceno, G.L. Andersen, and G.A. Kowalchuk. Environmental
microarray analyses of antarctic soil microbial communities. The International Society
for Microbial Ecology Journal, pages 1–12, 2008.
[75] Fine Jeanne. Les sondages : dlaisss par les statisticiens et malmens par les politologues.
revue de l’APMEP 474, 85–108, 2008.
[76] David J. Aldous, Charles Bordenave, and Marc Lelarge. Near-minimal shanning trees :
a scaling exponent in probability models. Ann. Inst. Henri Poincaré Probab. Stat.,
44(5) :962–976, 2008.
[77] Julie Antic, Céline Laffont, Djalil Chafaı̈, and Didier Concordet. Comparison of nonparametric methods in nonlinear mixed effects models. Computational Statistics and Data
Analysis, 53 :642–656, 2008.
[78] Dominique Bakry, Franck Barthe, Patrick Cattiaux, and Arnaud Guillin. A simple proof
of the Poincaré inequality for a large class of probability measures including the logconcave case. Electron. Commun. Probab., 13 :60–66, 2008.
[79] Dominique Bakry, Patrick Cattiaux, and Arnaud Guillin. Rate of convergence for ergodic
continuous Markov processes : Lyapunov versus Poincaré. J. Funct. Anal., 254(3) :727–
759, 2008.
[80] D. Bakry and N. Huet. The hypergroup property and representation of Markov kernels.
Sém. Prob XLI Springer LNM 1934 :295–347, 2008.
[81] Dominique Bakry, Fabrice Baudoin, Michel Bonnefont, and Djalil Chafaı̈. On gradient
bounds for the heat kernel on the Heisenberg group. J. Funct. Anal., 255(8) :1905–1938,
[82] F. Barthe and C. Roberto. Modified logarithmic Sobolev inequalities on R. Potential
Anal., 29(2) :167–193, 2008.
[83] Franck Barthe and Alexander V. Kolesnikov. Mass transport and variants of the logarithmic Sobolev inequality. J. Geom. Anal., 18(4) :921–979, 2008.
[84] A.-L. Basdevant. On the equivalence of some eternal additive coalescents. Ann. Inst. H.
Poincaré Probab. Statist., 44(6) :1020–1037, 2008.
[85] Anne-Laure Basdevant and Christina Goldschmidt. Asymptotics of the allele frequency
spectrum associated with the Bolthausen-Sznitman coalescent. Electron. J. Probab.,
13 :no. 17, 486–512, 2008.
[86] Anne-Laure Basdevant and Arvind Singh. On the speed of a cookie random walk. Probab.
Theory Related Fields, 141(3-4) :625–645, 2008.
[87] Anne-Laure Basdevant and Arvind Singh. Rate of growth of a transient cookie random
walk. Electron. J. Probab., 13 :no. 26, 811–851, 2008.
[88] Fabrice Baudoin. Brownian Chen series and Atiyah-Singer theorem. J. Funct. Anal.,
254(2) :301–317, 2008.
[89] Fabrice Baudoin and Laure Coutin. Self-similarity and fractional Brownian motions on
Lie groups. Electron. J. Probab., 13 :no. 38, 1120–1139, 2008.
[90] Fabrice Baudoin, Martin Hairer, and Josef Teichmann. Ornstein-Uhlenbeck processes on
Lie groups. J. Funct. Anal., 255(4) :877–890, 2008.
[91] Bernard Bercu and Jean-Claude Fort. A moment approach for the almost sure central
limit theorem for martingales. Studia Sci. Math. Hungar., 45(1) :139–159, 2008.
[92] Jérôme Bertrand. Existence and uniqueness of optimal maps on Alexandrov spaces. Adv.
Math., 219(3) :838–851, 2008.
[93] S. G. Bobkov and M. Ledoux. From Brunn-Minkowski to sharp Sobolev inequalities.
Ann. Mat. Pura Appl. (4), 187(3) :369–384, 2008.
[94] Charles Bordenave. Navigation on a Poisson point process. Ann. Appl. Probab.,
18(2) :708–746, 2008.
[95] Charles Bordenave. On the birth-and-assassination process, with an application to scotching a rumor in a network. Electron. J. Probab., 13 :no. 66, 2014–2030, 2008.
[96] Charles Bordenave and Giovanni Luca Torrisi. Monte Carlo methods for sensitivity
analysis of Poisson-driven stochastic systems, and applications. Adv. in Appl. Probab.,
40(2) :293–320, 2008.
[97] Xavier Bressaud. A normal form for braids. J. Knot Theory Ramifications, 17(6) :697–
732, 2008.
[98] M. Capitaine and M. Casalis. Geometric interpretation of the cumulants for random matrices previously defined as convolutions on the symmetric group. In Séminaire de Probabilités XLI, Vol. 1934, Lecture Notes in Mathematics, pages 93–119. Springer, 2008.
[99] P. Cattiaux, A. Guillin, and F. Malrieu. Probabilistic approach for granular media equations in the non-uniformly convex case. Probab. Theory Related Fields, 140(1-2) :19–40,
[100] Patrick Cattiaux, Paolo Dai Pra, and Sylvie Rœlly. A constructive approach to a class of
ergodic HJB equations with unbounded and nonsmooth cost. SIAM J. Control Optim.,
47(5) :2598–2615, 2008.
[101] Patrick Cattiaux and Arnaud Guillin. Deviation bounds for additive functionals of Markov processes. ESAIM Probab. Stat., 12 :12–29 (electronic), 2008.
[102] Djalil Chafaı̈ and Didier Concordet. Explicit formulas for a continuous stochastic maturation model : application to anticancer drug pharmacokinetics/pharmacodynamics.
Stoch. Models, 24(3) :376–400, 2008.
[103] Serge Cohen, Céline Lacaux, and Michel Ledoux. A general framework for simulation of
fractional fields. Stochastic Process. Appl., 118(9) :1489–1517, 2008.
[104] Serge Cohen and Renaud Marty. Invariance principle, multifractional Gaussian processes
and long-range dependence. Ann. Inst. Henri Poincaré Probab. Stat., 44(3) :475–489,
[105] Serge Cohen and Thomas Mikosch. Tail behavior of random products and stochastic
exponentials. Stochastic Process. Appl., 118(3) :333–345, 2008.
[106] Agnès Lagnoux-Renaudie. Effective branching splitting method under cost constraint.
Stoch. Proc. and their Appl., 118 :1820–1851, 2008.
[107] Michel Ledoux. Complex Hermite polynomials : from the semi-circular law to the circular
law. Commun. Stoch. Anal., 2(1) :27–32, 2008.
[108] Vathana Ly Vath, Huyên Pham, and Stéphane Villeneuve. A mixed singular/switching
control problem for a dividend policy with reversible technology investment. Ann. Appl.
Probab., 18(3) :1164–1200, 2008.
[109] Robert Olkiewicz, Lihu Xu, and Boguslaw Zegarliński. Nonlinear problems in infinite interacting particle systems. Infin. Dimens. Anal. Quantum Probab. Relat. Top., 11(2) :179–
211, 2008.
[110] Fabien Panloup. Computation of the invariant measure for a Lévy driven SDE : rate of
convergence. Stochastic Process. Appl., 118(8) :1351–1384, 2008.
[111] Fabien Panloup. Recursive computation of the invariant measure of a stochastic differential equation driven by a Lévy process. Ann. Appl. Probab., 18(2) :379–426, 2008.
[112] Li, Xiang-Dong. Martingale transforms and Lp -norm estimates of Riesz transforms on
complete Riemannian manifolds. Probab. Theory Related Fields, 141(1-2) :247–281, 2008.
[113] Cardoulis, Laure and Cristofol, Michel and Gaitan, Patricia, Inverse problem for the
Schrödinger operator in an unbounded strip, Comptes Rendus Mathématique. Académie
des Sciences. Paris, 346 (11-12), p 635–640.
[114] Cardoulis, L. and Cristofol, M. and Gaitan, P., Inverse problem for the Schrödinger operator in an unbounded strip, Journal of Inverse and Ill-Posed Problems, 16 (2), p 127–146.
[115] Merle, Frank ; Raphaël, Pierre, Blow up of the critical norm for some radial L2 super
critical nonlinear Schrödinger equations , Amer. J. Math., vol. 130, p 945-978, 2008.
[116] Jean-Philippe Bartier, Philippe Laurençot, Gradient estimates for a degenerate parabolic
equation with gradient absorption and applications, J. Funct. Anal. 254 (2008), 851–878.
[117] Cardoulis, Laure and Cristofol, Michel and Gaitan, Patricia, Inverse problem for the
Schrödinger operator in an unbounded strip, Comptes Rendus Mathématique. Académie
des Sciences. Paris, 346 (11-12), p 635–640.
[118] Cardoulis, L. and Cristofol, M. and Gaitan, P., Inverse problem for the Schrödinger operator in an unbounded strip, Journal of Inverse and Ill-Posed Problems, 16 (2), p 127–146.
[119] Philippe Laurençot, Christoph Walker, An age and spatially structured population model
for Proteus mirabilis swarm-colony development, Math. Model. Nat. Phenom. 3 (2008),
[120] Piotr Krzyżanowski, Philippe Laurençot, Dariusz Wrzosek, Well-posedness and convergence to the steady state for a model of morphogen transport, SIAM J. Math. Anal. 40
(2008), 1725–1749.
[121] Lemou, Mohammed ; Mehats, Florian ; Raphaël, Pierre, Structure of the linearized gravitational Vlasov-Poisson system close to a polytropic ground state, SIAM Journal Math.
Anal, vol. 39, p 1711-1739, 2008.
[122] Lemou, Mohammed ; Mehats, Florian ; Raphaël, Pierre, The orbital stability of the
ground states and the singularity formation for the gravitational Vlasov Poisson system,
Archive for Rational Mechanics and Analysis, vol 189, p 425-468, 2008.
[123] Lemou, Mohammed ; Mehats, Florian ; Raphaël, Pierre, Stable self-similar blow up dynamics for the three dimensional relativistic gravitational Vlasov-Poisson system, J. Amer.
Math. Soc., vol 21, p 1019-1063, 2008.
[124] Merle, Frank ; Raphaël, Pierre, Blow up of the critical norm for some radial L2 super
critical nonlinear Schrödinger equations , Amer. J. Math., vol. 130, p 945-978, 2008.
[125] V. Clauzon, S. Clain. The multi-slopes muscl method. In Proceedings in the Finite
Volumes for Complex Application 5, pages 297–304. Wiley Editor, 2008.
[126] B.B. Wendroff, A.L. Bauer, R. Loubère. On stability analysis of staggered schemes. SIAM
Journal on Numerical Analysis, 46 :996–1011, 2008.
[127] Martinez P., Bages M. and J.-M. Roquejoffre. Dynamique en grand temps pour une
classe d’équations de type kpp en milieu périodique. Comptes Rendus de l’Académie des
Sciences, Série A, 346 :1051–1056, 2008.
[128] Marc Boutounet, Laurent Chupin, Pascal Noble, and Jean Paul Vila. Shallow water
viscous flows for arbitrary topography. Commun. Math. Sci., 6(1) :29–55, 2008.
[129] Roquejoffre J.-M., Ryzhik-L. Constantin, P. and N. Vladimirova. Propagation and quenching in a reactive burgers-boussinesq system. Nonlinearity, 21 :221–271, 2008.
[130] Jesús Cuevas, Guillaume James, Panayotis G. Kevrekidis, Boris A. Malomed, and Bernardo Sánchez-Rey. Approximation of solitons in the discrete NLS equation. J. Nonlinear
Math. Phys., 15(suppl. 3) :124–136, 2008.
[131] F. Gentils D. Rochette, S. Clain. Numerical investigations on the pressure wave and the
gas cooling interacting with a porous filter during an internal arc fault in medium voltage
cells. IEEE Transaction on Power Delivery, 23(1) :203–212, 2008.
[132] R. Touzani F. Bouchon, S. Clain. A perturbation method for the numerical solution of
the bernoulli problem. Journal of Computational Mathematics, 26(1) :23–36, 2008.
[133] E. Feireisl, M. Hillairet, and S. Necasová. On the motion of several rigid bodies in an
incompressible non-Newtonian fluid. Nonlinearity, 21(6) :1349–1366, 2008.
[134] Matthieu Hillairet and Peter Wittwer. On the vorticity of the Oseen problem in a half
plane. Phys. D, 237(10-12) :1388–1421, 2008.
[135] Guillaume James and Pascal Noble. Weak coupling limit and localized oscillations in
Euclidean invariant Hamiltonian systems. J. Nonlinear Sci., 18(4) :433–461, 2008.
[136] Guillaume James and Yannick Sire. Center manifold theory in the context of infinite onedimensional lattices. In The Fermi-Pasta-Ulam problem, volume 728 of Lecture Notes in
Phys., pages 208–238. Springer, Berlin, 2008.
[137] Nathalie Lanson and Jean-Paul Vila. Renormalized meshfree schemes. I. Consistency,
stability, and hybrid methods for conservation laws. SIAM J. Numer. Anal., 46(4) :1912–
1934, 2008.
[138] Nathalie Lanson and Jean-Paul Vila. Renormalized meshfree schemes. II. Convergence
for scalar conservation laws. SIAM J. Numer. Anal., 46(4) :1935–1964, 2008.
[139] Michel Peyrard, Santiago Cuesta-López, and Guillaume James. Modelling DNA at the
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[140] Philippe Poncet, Roland Hildebrand, Georges-Henri Cottet, and Petros Koumoutsakos.
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