Initial Application


Initial Application
 1 Sustainability Project Fund Application
Applicant/Project Leader: Véronique Dionne-Boivin
Contact Information:
Name: Véronique Dionne-Boivin
Email: [email protected]
Daytime Phone: 514-256-4757
Project Title: McGill Law Plate Club
Budget Requested: 1500$
Project Group –
Meredith Cairns
Email: [email protected]
Daytime Phone: 514-944-6377
Ariane Vincent
Email : [email protected]
Daytime Phone : 438-880-1006
Damian Marczuk
Email : [email protected]
Daytime Phone : 438-764-3443
I. Project Overview
Project summary:
The Green Committee attempts to raise awareness and make the McGill Faculty of Law be more
responsible in regard to the environment. In 2010, the Committee and the Law Students’
Association (LSA) have committed themselves to a Five Year Green Plan with the aim of
ensuring success of environmental initiatives by creating a workable set of goals to be
implemented year-by-year.
Under this plan, the Committee would like to establish a dish loan service within the faculty
whereby sustainable reusable dishes would replace the disposable tableware frequently used in
the events organized by student bodies, members and employees. Through this project, we aim to
reduce and even eliminate the use of unnecessary disposable materials for drinking and eating.
All disposable containers require resources and energy to be produced and will eventually end up
in landfills. Once buried, the waste produces methane – a major greenhouse gas – as it
decomposes. The introduction of a dish loan service is a step forward in the reduction of waste
generated by the Faculty community.
2 Project eligibility:
The Faculty of Law has a great need for a stock of reusable dishes available directly on site. A
similar service is already offered by the SSMU (The Plate Club), but few Faculty members use it
because it is located outside of our main buildings. Because of the large number of activities held
at the Faculty, organizers tend to avoid time consuming, multiple external loans. Each week,
students and Faculty members organize events offering food and drink (conferences, cocktail
reception, networking activities, parties, etc.). Unfortunately, the organizers often choose to use
disposable materials such as plastic wine glasses and plates. With 2 events per week, gathering an
average of 75 persons, we estimate that more than 5000 such items end up in the garbage each
school year.
We expect that all the clubs and units of the Faculty will have access to this service by Fall 2011.
There will be 4 stages of implementation: (1) the purchase of necessary equipment, (2) the
drafting of loan forms, (3) the establishment and testing of the loan system and (4) the advertising
of the new service. We will purchase 150 plates, wine glasses, cutlery and some storage bins by
March 2011 to gradually implement and test the system of loan during the summer term. In
February and March, the Committee will prepare a loan application form and a loan agreement.
We are planning to have the loan application form easily accessible online from a link on the
website of the LSA or on an independent website. A Green Committee member will take the
reservations and schedule appointments with the borrowers. From March to August 2011,
advertising (personal emails to Faculty units and clubs, posters on bulletin boards, advertising in
the student newspaper, ads on the LSA website and on other social media, etc.) will be made to
inform the Faculty community of this new service being offered.
To gauge the success of the project, the Committee will record the number of organizations who
use the service during the 2011-2012 school year. We will pay particular attention to the type of
items borrowed most often with the aim to adjust to demand. An inventory of equipment will be
made after each borrowing. We intend to ensure that users bring back all materials borrowed by
asking for a 20$ deposit (the deposit will be refunded upon clean return of all borrowed items)
and by imposing a fine for each missing or broken item. The money thus raised will be used to
replace missing items or to buy more dishes.
During the next school year and especially at the end of it, we will frequently share the project
results with the LSA and the Faculty staff by writing short reports. We will also release the
information to make it available to the Faculty community through articles in the student
Other than the project team, the clubs and units that will borrow the dishes will have a stake in
the project. Borrowers will be responsible for the items that they will be using: they will have to
wash them and bring them back on time; a fine will be imposed on the users who fail to respect
the conditions of the loan (they will have to sign a contract stating that they will adhere to all
terms and conditions). We have spoken to the LSA president who sees this project as a logical
extension of our five year sustainability plan and will support us in finding an adequate space on
campus to store equipment near the rooms where most of the events take place and help us to
3 advertise the service in the coming months. Since this project is simple, no technical expertise,
donations or additional funding is required.
II. Project Implementation
Type of Activity – Task
Estimated Time Required
Group Members in Charge
Purchase of necessary
2-3 hours (research, purchase,
receipt of delivery)
Meredith Cairns and Véronique Dionne-Boivin
Preparation of the loan
application form and the
loan agreement
5-10 hours
Meredith Cairns and Véronique Dionne-Boivin
Setting up and testing the
loan system
1 month
All members
10 hours
All members
Taking equipment
reservation by email and
confirmation of booking
20 minutes every week
Véronique Dionne-Boivin and Damian Marczuk
Loan of dishes to the club
or unit
10 minutes on the day of the
A different member of the Committee will be
responsible for the dish loan service every day.
Loan return and inventory
10 minutes at a time agreed
with the borrower
A different member of the Committee will be
responsible for the dish loan service every day.
III. Financials
Detailed expenses:
Expense Description
Estimated Cost (with delivery)
150 polycarbonate wine
150 polycarbonate plates
150 sets of utensils
Storage bins
The following criteria will be considered in the purchase of dishes: cost, manufacturing site,
durability, maintenance and warranty on the product. We prefer the dishes made of polycarbonate
rather than those made of ceramic or glass, as the former is less breakable.
Detailed revenues:
4 Revenue Source
Amount Requested
Sustainability Projects
1500 $
IV. Additional information:
Similar projects already exist at McGill University (The Plate Club) and in other Montreal
universities, (Free Dish Project at Concordia University and Prêt de vaisselle Univertcité at
Université de Montréal). One of the committee members took part in the establishment and
operation of the dish loan service at Université de Montréal over the last 2 years. This service
offered the whole university community an average of three loans per week. We plan to use this
project as a model for our own service.
5 Schedule 1
Example of a similar project
The Plate Club
The Plate Club is McGill’s highly acclaimed reusable dish provider. Winner of SSMU’s Award for New Club of the
Year 2008, Plate Club volunteers are immediately identifiable by their sleek black t-shirts, proclaiming their status as
“Sexiest Club on Campus.” If you are hosting a wine & cheese, or similar event, don’t buy disposable plastic wine
glasses and Styrofoam plates! Just call up the Plate Club. We have several hundred plates, glasses, cutlery, all in
different styles. There is no charge—but we do require a nominal deposit on the loan. The cost of lost, dirty, or late
dishes will be deducted from your deposit, details can be found on our contract.
In addition to providing plates for events we also have lunch service for SSMU’s cafeteria! Next time you eat at
SSMU just rent a plate from us for free! All we ask for is a piece of ID, your OPUS card, your keys, anything you
need back.
So come by and say hi! We will either be sitting by the SSMU cafeteria or in our office: Room 201 in the SSMU
You can contact us for more information at [email protected].
6 Schedule 2
Example of terms and conditions
Politique de prêt – vaisselle
Fonctionnement et modalités d’emprunts :
Remplir le formulaire de prêt en ligne à l’adresse Il est fortement conseillé de
réserver deux semaines à l’avance pour vous assurer de la disponibilité de la vaisselle. Il se peut que
celle-ci soit en partie ou en totalité réservée par une autre association.
Un courriel vous confirmera votre prêt ainsi que vos rendez-vous pour la cueillette et le retour de la
Vous devez vous présenter à l’heure et au lieu prévus dans le courriel de confirmation. Notez que le
système de prêt de vaisselle fonctionne grâce à des bénévoles qui se déplacent uniquement pour
votre prêt. Si vous ne pouvez vous rendre au lieu de rendez-vous, vous devez avertir le système de
prêt au moins une heure à l’avance, par courriel.
Le matériel prêté est propre. Il doit être lavé avant le retour du prêt. Au retour du prêt,
l’association devra payer 1,00 $ par item non lavé.
Si un item est perdu ou cassé, l’association devra payer les coûts pour remplacer l’item lors du
UniVERTcité ne fournit pas les linges à vaisselle et le savon à vaisselle.
Un dépôt de 40,00 $ est exigé lors du prêt. Ce dépôt est remis en totalité au retour du matériel. Si
une amende doit être payée par l’association (bris, manque de matériel, item non lavé, retard), le
montant de celle-ci sera pris à même le dépôt. Si l’amende excède 40,00 $, l’association devra payer
la balance du montant le jour même du retour du matériel.
Pour chaque jour de retard, des frais de 20,00 $ seront facturés à l’association ayant emprunté le
matériel. Si l’association ne peut rendre le matériel à la date prévue, elle doit contacter le système
de prêt par courriel afin de vérifier s’il est possible de rapporter le matériel à une date ultérieure. Il
se peut qu’une autre association ait déjà réservé le matériel. Il est donc nécessaire de respecter les
échéances fixées. Sans un avertissement d’au moins une heure avant votre heure de rendez-vous,
ceci sera considéré comme un jour de retard et vous ne pourrez emprunter la vaisselle sans le 20,00$
d’amende y étant rattaché. De plus, le retard est calculé à partir du moment où l’association ne se
présente pas à l’heure de rendez-vous (par exemple, une association en retard d’une heure devra
payer 20,00$ pour le premier jour de retard). Il est à noter que si vous avez un tel retard sans
avertissement, il n’y aura probablement personne pour recevoir votre retour de vaisselle.
7 Schedule 3
Example of a loan form
Formulaire d'emprunt
Nom de l'emprunteur : _____________________
Association : ______________________
Date et heure d'emprunt: ___________________ Date et heure de retour: ___________________
Qté à
Qté au retour
5,00$ x ____
0,50$ x ____
0,50$ x ____
0,50$ x ____
5,00$ x ____
5,00$ x ____
5, 00$x ____
5, 00$x ____
Frais retard
Montant total dû
20$x __ jrs =___$
Prêt de vaisselle UniVERTcité :
J'accuse réception (1) / confirme le retour (2) du dépôt de 40,00 $ pour l'emprunt de matériel,
1. Cueillette ____________________________________________ date : _________________
2. Retour. ____________________________________________
date : __________________
Section à remplir par le représentant de l’association :
Je, _________________________________, (lettres moulées) reconnais que je suis responsable pour chaque item
emprunté et que mon association devra payer pour chaque item manquant ou brisé.
Je reconnais qu’UniVERTcité (Faécum) n'est pas responsable pour tout incident lié à l’usage du matériel.
Je reconnais que lors du lavage de la vaisselle les consignes suivantes seront respectées :
1. Se laver les mains avant de laver le matériel.
2. Nettoyer le matériel loin de tous types de nourriture.
3. Laver et rincer le matériel soigneusement, en utilisant de l'eau chaude et du savon lors du lavage.
4. Sécher en utilisant un linge à vaisselle propre et n’ayant pas été en contact avec de la nourriture.
Je m’assurerai que tous les items empruntés seront propres lors du retour et reconnais que mon association
devra débourser 1 $ par item non lavé au retour du prêt.
Je comprends que je suis également responsable de m'assurer de la propreté du matériel avant son utilisation.
Je reconnais que mon association devra débourser 20,00 $ par jour de retard, à moins d’une entente contraire
avec le système de prêt de vaisselle.
J’ai laissé un dépôt de 40,00 $.
Finalement, je reconnais avoir pris connaissance et accepté le fonctionnement et l'ensemble des modalités
d'emprunt tel que défini dans la politique de prêt de vaisselle.
Représentant de l’association :
1. Cueillette. ____________________________________________ date : __________________
2. Retour. ____________________________________________
date : __________________
Coordonnées du représentant de l’association :
téléphone : __________________________
courriel : _________________________