The Secondary Library


The Secondary Library
Summary of
The Secondary Library
Weekly, 8th ed.
Updated on Nov. 23, 2015
1. Your Billion Year History: The Journey Of A Lifetime
• Many of the trillion of atoms in your body were forged in the incandescent cores of stars.
• Also, some of the water in our cells has been through dinosaurs.
• This infinity of voyages ends in your eye when you look up at the night sky.
2. Lights, Camera, Axion: When Axions Strike
• A 40-year-old idea is on course to knock down three of the biggest mysteries in physics at once.
• The axion could explain why everything is too light – plus other mysteries on the side.
3. Roots Of Evil: Roots Of Brutality
• Is evil a disease? It reports on how this contentious idea might help avert massacres and radicalisation.
• What turns an ordinary person into a killer?
• The set of brain changes has been dubbed Syndrome E - with E standing for evil.
4. Dark Matter Of Life Revealed
• A whole new domain of life might be living inside our guts.
• It’s as if they belonged to unknown lineages of microbes that diverged very early in life’s history.
5. Final Countdown: ‘Death Clock’ In Cells Counts Down To Cancer
• How fast the clocks tick may indicate how fast a cancer spreads – or even predict it in the first place.
6. Other Interesting Topics…
Hammer Horror – The world’s strangest sharks
Layla’s Gene-editing Legacy
Don’t discard any quantum options
Every click you make
Vol.228, No.3047, November, 2015
The Secondary Library
1. Paranormal Activity: CIA Dimension
• For the scientist behind the government’s ESP (extrasensory perception) Program, the truth is out there.
• Edwin May, the scientist who had been running the government’s ESP research program, was out of his job and his
life’s work had been discredited by the CIA.
2. Modern-Day Monuments Men
• An army of technologists is fighting ISIS’s attempt to destroy the cultural heritage of the Middle East.
• On a summer day in 2014, with the high Syrian sun beating down, a volunteer with a camera made his way toward
the rose-gold ruins of the ancient city of Palmyra.
3. Climate: Hot, Flat and Fraudulent
• The world’s largest climate finance effort could save the planet – if it can overcome a plague of corruption.
• Some parts of the world most vulnerable to climate change are also the ones least responsible for it.
4. These Are A Few Of My Favorite Wings
• Airplanes don’t make us angels, but they do perform other miracles.
• We know we are no angels, but isn’t there something more than human about puncturing the clouds?
5. Tinker, Tailor, Biographer, Spy
• As a new book about the novelist John le Carré proves, writing the truth about a brilliant liar gets complicated.
6. Other Interesting Topics…
New World/Innovation: Green Prix Racing
New World/Innovation: Mommy’s Geek
New World/Innovation: Blue-Sky Linking (Google/Facebook)
Putin’s Crash Test
She’s a Lady – Hillary Clinton
No.18, November, 2015
The Secondary Library
1. After the Massacre: Murder, Race and Mercy
• On the night of June 17, a gunman opened fire in the basement of a church in Charleston, South Carolina.
• Nine people died and five survived. What it takes to forgive a killer? Why the Emanuel gunman may not get
the death penalty? Was there not something that cries out for vengeance? What sort of people could forgive
centuries of bondage and disrespect?
• Among the survivors of the shooting, it troubles some that the world has come to speak of ‘the Emanuel Nine’.
• “I forgive you.” Those three words reverberated through the courtroom and across the cable wires, down the
fiber-optic lines, carried by invisible storms of ones and zeros that fill the air from cell tower to cell tower and
magically cohere in the palms of our hands. They took the world by surprise.
• ‘Forgiveness’ is like a Band-Aid that holds the edge of an open wound together long enough for the wound
to heal.
2. Burma’s Long-Awaited Election Makes History
• Yet, the fact that this election occurred at all, with the result it garnered, gave hope to the possibility of peace.
3. Other Interesting Topics…
A more dangerous ISIS is now the ultimate terrorist group
Does Catalonia have a hope of seceding from Spain?
The migrant issue is dividing Europe
How publishing salaries could close the wage gap?
Which countries censor the Internet?
Tom Hardy doubles the trouble in Legend
Vol.186, No.21, November, 2015
The Secondary Library
1. Climat: il est urgent d’agir
• It est encore temps d’agir. C’est pourquoi, en décembre, Paris accueillera la COP21, une grande
conférence mondiale sur le climat.
• 195 pays vont s’engager à tout faire pour limiter le réchauffement climatique.
2. Pourquoi le climat change-t-il?
• C’est quoi, au juste, le climat? Pourqoir le climat se réchauffe-t-il?
• Notre vie modern fabrique une très grosse quantité de GES.
3. Objectif climat: +2 °C
• Quand le climat se réchauffe, la Terre se détraque.
• Pourquoi 2 °C?
4. Des solutions, il y en a!
• Il faut diviser par 4 notre production de gaz à effet de serre.
• Halte aux énergies pollutantes et vivre les énergies propres!
5. Les solutions des enfants pour le climat
• On mange moins de viande car …
• On n’allume pas la lumière quand …
6. Autres sujets intéressants
• Une mission au Groenland
• À Paris : un “livre blanc”
• À Toulouse : un “2 °C” géant
No.89, octobre, 2015
The Secondary Library
1. STOP au harcèlement
• À l’école, plus de 700 000 élèves sont victimes de moqueries ou d’injures qui se répètent jour après jour.
• 1 enfant sur 10 est victime de harcèlement. Le harcèlement à l’école, c’est quoi?
2. La Turquie, un grand pays fragilisé
• La démocratie en danger.
• Un people conquérant à l’histoire agitée.
3. Chine : le droit à un 2e bébé
• Les petits Chinois vont enfin pouvoir se disputer avec un frère ou une sœur!
4. Que s’est-il passé le 11 novembre 1918?
• Le 11 novembre 1918, la fin des combats de la Première Guerre mondiale est conclue.
• Mai les soldats français ne sont pas revenus tout de suite chez eux.
6. Autres sujets intéressants
• Au cinéma cette semaine – Avril et le monde truqué
• De l’oxygène autour de la comète
• Ma planète 1050
No.90, novembre, 2015
The Secondary Library