Jardin d`éveil


Jardin d`éveil
Jardin d’éveil at TFS
French-language Program for Two-year-olds
Blooms on the Toronto Campus
Then you could find yourself in the Jardin d’éveil: a welcoming
house on the Toronto campus set against a ravine full of
trees, perfectly furnished with colourful walls, soft rugs,
pillows and some chairs that look like motorcycles, and with
so many things to do.
Jardin d’éveil, an educational program launched in
September 2010, lets children play and explore throughout
their day. They learn to discover, observe, express, cooperate,
take things apart, put them back together, and more.
Our youngest students spend time in three special rooms. In
the Jardin orange, students are encouraged to observe, moving
trucks through mighty sand dunes, making noise with things
that rattle and shake, or watching fish and snails swim and
slither through their glassed-in homes.
In the Jardin bleu, they develop social skills during cercle
magique, where they take turns contributing to show and tell
and sing songs together. Here the children also play dress-up,
and get involved in building and house-themed activity centres.
Meanwhile in the Jardin jaune, they engage in individual
activities, and learn to problem solve with logic-building toys and
puzzles. And our students do all of this in French, without even
realizing how much they are learning.
According to Mirna Hafez, Principal of La p’tite école (age 2
to Grade 1), “This is where it all starts: the love of learning and
school. Our youngest students already exhibit most of the IB
Learner Profile attributes. They are curious, risk takers, inquirers
and open-minded and keep us energized and engaged, as we
witness their discovery of the world.”
Jardin d’éveil
A French Language Program
for Two-year-olds
As children learn primarily through play, the Jardin d’éveil program is designed for two-year-olds to
stimulate learning through a range of play activities. Based on the French Ministry of Education
guidelines, the program immerses children in the French-language. This warm and nurturing program is
located in a former residence surrounded by nature and backing onto the Don Valley Ravine, which is also
part of our Toronto campus.
Basic Principles:
The learning experiences offered in the program are based on the fact that each child develops at his/her own
pace and has unique needs and interests. Educators create a supportive and motivating environment that
provides opportunities for children to express themselves and at the same time, to develop their potential,
skills and self-esteem.
Important development occurs during the first years in all areas of human functioning: social, emotional,
physical, linguistic and cognitive.
Social and Emotional Development:
As they progress through the program, young children learn how to function in a group, to interact with others
and to socialize. Educators support these aspects of development in involving children in group activities and
in situations that require them to collaborate with each other. As they address the challenges presented by
these activities, children develop self-confidence, learn to respect rules and resolve conflicts.
Physical and Motor Development:
Young children develop gross motor control through activities such as walking, running, jumping or climbing,
and they develop their fine motor skills through activities that include painting and drawing, stringing beads,
shredding and cutting along lines.
Language Development:
Children learn to understand others and to express themselves through oral communication. They increase
their vocabulary and their phonemic awareness from a very early age. The Jardin d’éveil program introduces
children to French with a method that takes their language maturity into account: activities include music,
songs, stories, dance and drama.
Cognitive Development:
Children develop their cognitive skills through activities that allow them to classify or sort objects, and to orient
themselves in space and time. They also learn to think, reason, deduce, solve problems and understand their
Jardin d’éveil
Un programme entièrement en français
pour les enfants de 2 ans
Le programme du Jardin d’éveil, conçu pour les enfants de deux ans, est un programme basé sur la stimulation
par le jeu. Ce dernier est à la base des apprentissages de l’enfant. Basé sur les normes du Ministère de
l’éducation nationale français, le programme se déroule entièrement en français. Dans une ambiance
chaleureuse, ce programme est offert dans une ancienne demeure entièrement aménagée, et située dans un
cadre naturel adossant le ravin Don Valley, qui fait aussi partie de notre campus de Toronto.
Les principes de base :
En partant du principe que chaque enfant est unique, il est important que les activités éducatives que lui sont
proposées respectent son rythme de développement, ses besoins et ses champs d’intérêt. L’éducateur doit
donc respecter le rythme de l’enfant, accepter son unicité, stimuler et favoriser l’expression en même temps
qu’il aide l’enfant à développer ses capacités, ses habilités et son estime de soi.
Le développement de l’enfant subit d’importants changements au cours des premières années :
socio-affective, physique et motrice, cognitive et langagière.
La dimension socio-affective :
le jeune enfant est amené à évoluer en groupe, à interagir avec les autres et à socialiser. Le rôle de l’éducateur
est de permettre le développement de cette dimension en lui proposant des activités de groupe et de
collaboration. L’enfant va développer sa confiance en lui tout en relevant des défis à sa mesure. Il apprendra
également à respecter des règles et à résoudre des conflits sociaux.
La dimension physique et motrice :
le jeune enfant développe sa motricité globale par le biais d’activités de psychomotricité comme marcher,
courir, sauter, grimper… et sa motricité fine par des activités de peinture et de dessin, d’enfilage de perles, de
déchiquetage et de découpage.
La dimension langagière :
l’enfant apprend à comprendre et à s’exprimer au moyen du langage oral. Il développe son vocabulaire et
sa conscience phonologique dès le plus jeune âge. Le programme du Jardin d’éveil permet à l’enfant de se
familiariser avec le français par une approche basée sur le développement et la maturité langagière de ce
dernier. Il est mis en contact avec le français par le biais de la musique, du chant, de la lecture de contes, de la
danse et du théâtre.
La dimension cognitive :
l’enfant est appelé à développer sa fonction cognitive par des activités qui vont lui permettre de classifier,
sérier, de s’orienter dans l’espace et le temps. Il apprend également à structurer sa pensée, raisonner, déduire,
résoudre et comprendre le monde qui l’entoure.
A Day in the Life of Jardin d’éveil
Welcome / Accueil
Directed learning centres / Ateliers dirigés
Inquiry activities, shared play and individual activities by room
Directed learning centres / Ateliers dirigés
Inquiry activities, shared play and individual activities by room
Magic Circle / Cercle magique
Show and tell, story time, sing-along
Washroom Break – Snack
Hygiène – Goûter
Outdoor play / Indoor play (gross motor skills)
Habillage – Récréation
Discovery session / Ateliers de découvertes
Sciences, visual arts
Hot Lunch
Déjeuner Chaud
Washroom – Nap time / Hygiène – Sieste
Quiet games in class as each child wakes up /
Jeux calmes dans la classe
Washroom Break – Snack
Hygiène – Goûter
Creative play / Jeux creatifs
including story time
Outdoor play – Leave for home
Habillage – Récréation – Depart pour la maison
To learn more about Jardin d’éveil
and other programs at TFS,
please contact our Admissions Department:
(416) 484-6980, ext. 4247
or email [email protected].

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