Who is Danielle, our language assistant


Who is Danielle, our language assistant
Who is Danielle, our language assistant ?
(3ème Euro)
- What’s your name ?
My name is Danielle Elliot.
- How old are you ?
I am 19 years old.
- When were you born ?
I was born on the 5th of January, in 1996.
- Where do you come from ?
I come from Glasgow in Scotland so I am Scottish.
- Where do you live in France ?
I live in Mont Saint Aignan.
- How many brothers or sisters have you got ?
I have got one younger sister, her name is Colette and she is 15
years old.
- Where and what do you study ?
I study French and International Relations at St Andrew’s University.
This is the university where Prince William and Kate Middleton met.
- Why are you in France ? How long will you stay ?
I ‘m here to help you in English and to learn French. I will stay here
seven months.
- When did you start learning French ?
I started learning French when I was seven years old.
- What would you like to do when you are older ?
I would like to be a teacher or a diplomat.
- How many languages can you speak ?
I can speak English, French, German and Spanish.
- What do you like about France ?
I like the people, the different buildings.
- Give us examples of typical Scottish foods :
Haggis, neeps and tatties, shortbread biscuits ans Scottish tablet.
- What is your favourite food ?
I like chocolate, Greek food, Italian food and steaks.
- What do you miss about Scotland ?
I miss my friends and my family and crisps but I don’t miss the
weather !!
- What are your hobbies ?
I love shopping ( I love buying dresses), ballet dancing and watching
TV series such as Gossip Girl and Pretty Little Liars.
- What sort of movies do you like ?
I like love stories and horror films. My favourite films are Dirty
Dancing and The Stranger. My favourite actor is Leightan Meester.
- What sort of music do you listen to ?
I like pop music and country music. My favourite singers are Adele
and Taylor Swift.
- What is your favourite book ?
My favourite book is Ruby Red by Linzi Glass.
- What are the three words that describe you best ?
I am optimistic, friendly and hard-working.
- What are the three things that you couldn’t do without ?
I couldn’t do without my friends, my family, holidays and my phone.
- What is something that you would like to get around to doing one
day ?
I would love to live in Greece.
- What is the accomplishment you are the proudest of ?
The accomplishment I am the proudest of is my admission at St
Andrew’s University.
- What is your favourite day ?
My favourite day is my birthday !
1.Où habites-tu ?
2.Quand et où es-tu née ?
3. As- tu des frères et sœurs ?
4.Quels sont les trois mots qui te décrivent le mieux?
5.Quels sont tes loisirs ?
6.Quel est ton film préféré ?
7.Qui est ton actrice ou acteur préféré ?
8.Quel est ton style musical préféré ?
9.Quel est ton plat préféré ?
10.Quels sont les plats traditionnels dans ton pays ?
11.Que veux tu faire dans le futur ?
12.Où étudies-tu ?
13.Qu'est ce que tu aimes en France ?
14.Où habites-tu en France ?
15.Combien de temps vas-tu rester en France ?
16.Combien de langues parles-tu ?
1.J'habite en Écosse à Glasgow.
2.Je suis née le 05 Janvier 1996.
3.Les trois mots qui me décrivent le mieux sont optimiste, sympathique, et sérieuse dans mon travail.
4.Je pratique la danse classique.
5.Mon film préféré est Dirty Dancing.
6.Mon actrice préférée est Leightor Meester.
7.Mes styles de musiques préférés sont la musique pop et la country.
8.Mes plats préférés sont la pizza, la nourriture grecque et le chocolat.
9.Les plats traditionnels dans mon pays sont haggis, neep (le panais), tatties (les pommes de terre)
short bread and tablet.
10.Dans le futur je voudrais être professeur ou diplomate.
11.J'étudie à l'université de Saint Andrews, le prince William et la princesse Kate y ont aussi étudiés.
12 . En France, j'aime les gens et les grands bâtiments.
13.En France, j'habite à Mont-Saint-Aignan.
14.Je vais rester en France 7 mois.
15.Je parle trois langues, l'Anglais, le Français et l'Allemand.