PRIMX-Zed API Product Sheet (PX78078r2)


PRIMX-Zed API Product Sheet (PX78078r2)
Product Sheet Zed! API
Zed Programming Toolkit
The different sets of functions and interfaces exposed in this API Toolkit enable applications to
generate and manage encrypted containers, automatically, transparently, and very easily.
This kit provides all the needed functions to create encrypted containers, manage files and folders,
and manage cryptographic accesses to these containers.
Your application can use OLE Automation, VBScript, ActiveX interfaces or can directly access
the DLL functions and can be written in any language (C/C++, C#, VisualBasic, VBScript, etc.).
Managing containers:
Managing files and folders:
• Creating new containers,
• Creating folders and subfolders in containers,
• Opening existing containers (with credentials),
• Adding files to containers,
• Extracting files from containers,
Managing accesses:
• Adding password accesses to containers,
• Enumerating files and folders,
• Adding certificate accesses to containers,
• Getting attributes and file information,
• Removing accesses,
• Renaming,
• Enumerating accesses,
• Deleting,
• And getting accesses detailed information.
• Moving...
The toolkit gives access to the features embedded in a Run-Time Product, such as ZoneCentral, ZoneExpress,
or Zed! installed on the computer running the application.
Your application uses programmatic interfaces exposed by a bridge component, the zedx.dll dynamic library,
supplied with this toolkit. This component is also an ActiveX Component.
When the application calls some programmatic interface, method or function, the bridge submits the operation
to the installed Run-Time Product.
Bridge zedx.dll
in-place encryption engine
Requires Windows Vista, Windows XP, Windows 2003 or Windows 2000 [SP4]
Requires ZoneCentral, ZoneExpress, Zed!, or Zed! Limited Edition.
Minimal versions: Versions 3.0, starting from build 502.
Requires zedx.dll.
Head Office: 10 Place Charles Béraudier 69428 Lyon Cedex 03 - Ph.: +33 (0) - Fax: +33 (0)
Sales Direction: 117 Avenue Victor Hugo 92100 Boulogne - France - Ph.: +33 (0) - [email protected]
© Prim'X Technologies 2009. Prim'X Technologies, ZoneCentral, ZoneExpress et Zed! sont des marques déposées de Prim'X Technologies SA
Toutes les autres marques sont des marques déposées de leurs propriétaires respectifs - Reproduction interdite. PRIMX-Zed API Product Sheet (PX78078r2).indd
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