2011-06-14 - The Law Society of Upper Canada
2011-06-14 - The Law Society of Upper Canada
June/ Ju in 2011 LET RIGHT PREVAIL The Law Society of Upper Canada Barreau du Haut-Canada Special Conseil Convocation extraordinaire The CUt!f'erring of 011 lw11orat}' degree and the call to the bar of' the candidates La remise d'w1 grade ho1111fique et l'assen11e11tatio11 des candidats et des candidates CONTENTS LONDON CONVENTION CENTRE _.ondo1 . Ontario TLesd:.r~. Jure 14. 2011 2: ~o p.n •. 7 ROY THOMSON HALL 0r01 re. 01 t<~ io Thursd;,). June 16. 201 • 9:00 a. n. 9 ROY THOMSON HALL Tore nto, Ontario Thursday. June 16, 20 I l 2:30 p.m. ROY THOMSON HALL lorontl. Ontario Friday. Jt.nc 17. 2011 9:00 a.Ill. NATIONAL ARTS CENTRE Ottawa, Ontario Tuesday, June 2 L 20 l J 10:00 a.m. CENTRE NATIONAL DES ARTS Ow wa (0ntar·ol Le mardi 21 ju in 2011 10 h 00 13 I7 21 MESSAGE FROM THE TREASURER LE MESSAGE DE LA TRESORIERE 2 oday is a day to celebrate! Congratulations on joining an extraordinary profession with a long tradition of service to the public. You should T be proud of your achievement, and proud of the profession you have chosen. A ujourd'hui est un jour de celebration! Felicitations ./-\.. pour votre adhesion a une profession extraordinaire qui s' insc1it dans une longue tradition de service au public. Yous devriez etre fiers de votre reussite et de la profession que vous avez choisie. Two hundred and fourteen years ago, ten of the Voila deux cent quatorze ans, 10 des 15 avocats fifteen lawyers then practising in Upper Canada met in Niagara-on-the-Lake and founded the Law exen;ant alors le droit au Haut-Canada se rencontraient aNiagara-sur-le-Lac pour fonder le Barreau du Haut-Canada. Le nombre de nos Society of Upper Canada. Our numbers have grown considerably since then - today the Law Society membres a augmente considerablement depuis - regul ates some 43,000 lawyers and 3,600 le Barreau reglemente maintenant quelque paralegals. 43 000 avocats et 3 600 parajuristes. In 1797, the ten lawyers who met were men. Today En 1797, la reunion des 10 avocats se passait entre hommes . Aujourd'hui, notre profession est our profession is increasingly diverse, with women and members of the Francophone, racialized and Aboriginal communities entering the profession in significant numbers. The Law Society's mandate requires that we advance the rule of law and improve access to justice for the people of Ontario. A strong and diverse profession helps us meet that challenge. A career in law offers work that is interesting and rewarding. Your education and skill s are gifts de plus en plus diverse, comptant des femmes et des membres des communautes francophones, racialisees et autochtones qui entrent dans la profession en grand nombre. Le mandat du Barreau exige que nous defendions la primaute du droit et ameliorions ]' acces a la justice pour la population de I' Ontario. Nous sommes plus a meme de relever ce defi au sein d'une profession forte et di verse. a du travail which few Ontarians share. But as JFK said Une Carriere en droit donne lieu "Of those to whom much is given, much is interessant et gratifiant. Peu d'Ontariens et d'Ontariennes re~oivent une telle formation et de required." I ask that you maintain the tradition of our profession and use your skills to help tell es habiletes. Cependant, comme l' a dit feu le the vulnerable in our society. president John F. Kennedy « Ceux qui re<;oirent bea11co11p sont appeles adonner beaucoup ». 3 When you work to help others, you will be in good company. You will meet many like-minded colleagues and forge new relationships. You will no doubt also find yourself in the footsteps of the many extraordinary lawyers who have gone before you. Your Life will be enriched and you will do our profession proud. Welcome to a wonderful and fulfilling profession. <. Laurie H. Pawlitza Treasurer Je vous demande de perpetuer la tradition de notre profession et de mettre vos competences au service des plus vulnerables dans notre societe. Travailler a aider !es autres YOUS placera en bonne compagnie. Yous rencontrerez des collegues qui pensent comme vous et vous formerez de nouvelles relations. Yous suivrez sans contredit !es pas de nombreux avocats extraordinaires qui vous ont precedes. Yotre vie s'en trouvera enrichie et vous ferez la fierte de votre profession. Bienvenue a une profession merveilleuse et stimulante. La tresoriere, <. - Laurie H . Pawlitza CALL TO THE BAR ADMISSION AU BARREAU T L 4 he call to the bar takes place in two separate procedures First. the Benchers of The Law Society of Upper Canada. \\ 110 are responsible for admission au barreau se deroule en deux temps. f<n premier lieu. la tresoriere. qui est ~·J.ief du Ba•reau. ouvre Ln conseil extraordmaire the governance ot the 'egal profession in Ontario. sur I" est ·ade des conseillcrs du Barreau du Haut- are called to order on the stage in a Special Canada. qui sont responsables de Convocation b; the Treasurer. "'ho is ;he head 11f de 1<1 profession juridigL.e eri Ontario. Lne the Society. The candidates \\ii be presented P) " representa'1te ou un representant du Comiti.? du r administration representative of the Professional Deve opnent pcrfectionnement professionnel presente Jes and Competence Committee to the Treasurer V'.ho cand1d<1ts et candidates au tresoriere qui leur will confer on them the degree or Barnster-<1t Law remet le Jipl6me d"avocat-plaideur ou d'avocate- and call them to the Bar of Ontario. Coivout.on plaideuse c• es m;oi• a. bar'"eau de !'Ontario. will then adjourn <ind a Special Session of the La seance du Conseil est alors levee et le greffier Court of Appeal for Ontario and the Superior convoq•1e une session extraordinaire de la Cour Court of Justice will be convened by the Registrar. d'appel de !'Ontario et de la Cour superieure The Chief Justice of Ontario. or designate will de justice. l. e jLge en chef de l'Ontario. ou la preside over the administering of the Oath of personrie designee. pres de Allegiance. and the Oath to the new I) called serment d'allegeance et cit serment par les a l<t prestation du members of the Bar. The Court will then adjourn. nouveaux membrcs rec;:us au barreau. La seance The graduates now are called to the bar as de la Cour est alors levee. Les candidats et Jes Barristers and Solicitors. and are authorized to candidates sont maintenant avocats-plaidcurs ou practise law in the Province of Ontario. avocates plaicleuses et ryrocureurs ou procureures. et sont autorises de !'Ontario. aexercer le droit dans la province BENCHERS OF THE LAW SOCIETY OF UPPER CANADA MEMBRES DU CONSEIL DU BARREAU DU HAUT-CANADA 5 Treasure1!Treso1iere William C. McDowell Laurie H. Pawlitza Susan T. McGrath Jack Rabinovitch. C.M .. O.Ont. Charles A. Harnick. Q.C.. LSM Wendy Matheson Jan Richardson George D. Hunter Vern Krishna, C.M .. Q.C., FRSC Elected Benchers/ Malcolm M. Mercer Baljit Sikand Membres e!us Janet E. Minor Catherine Strosberg Raj Anand, LSM Barbara J. Murchie Constance Backhouse, C.M., O.Ont., LSM Julian Porter, Q.C. Jack Braithwaite Judith M. Potter Gavin MacKenzie Er-Officio Benchen/ Membrn d'olfice Ronald D. Manes The Hon. R. Roy McMuitry, O.C.. O.Ont.. Q.C. Nicholas John Pustina. Q.C. The Hon. Christopher Bentley Susan Richer Bob Aaron Daniel J. Murphy, Q.C. Linda R. Rothstein, LSM Larry Banack Ross W. Murray, Q.C. Mark Sandler Michael J. Bryant Alan W. Pope. Q.C. James A. Scarfone Paul B. Schabas Tht? Hon. W. Dan Chilcott, Q.C. The Hon . Sydney L. Robins, Q.C., LSM Adriana Doyle Alan G. Silverstein. C.S. John T. Clement. Q.C. Lawrence Alexander Eustace Joseph J. Sullivan, C.S. Austin M. Cooper. Q.C. The Hon. Allan M. Rock. P.C., Q.C. Beth Symes, C.M .. LSM Paul Copeland. C.M. Heather Joy Ross Robert F. Evans, Q.C. Robert Wadden E. Susan l:lliott. LSM Clayton Ruby, C.M. Julian N. Falconer Peter Wardle Abraham Feinstein. Q.C., LSM Arthur R. A. Scace, C.M .. Q.C. Pam/ega/ Benchen/ Co11seille1:1· pamj111istes Neil Finkelstein Norm W. Sterling. MPP The Hon. James M. Flahe1ty, P.C., MP Harvey T. Strosberg. Q.C., LSM \1ichelle Haigh Patrick Garret Furlong. Q.C., LSM Gerald A. Swaye, Q.C., C.S . Garry Lloyd Gottlieb. Q.C. Janet Leiper Appointed Benchen/ Membres 110111111es Michael M. Lerner Marion Boyd The Hon. John D. Ground. Q.C. J. James Wardlaw, Q.C .. LSM M. Virginia Maclean. Q.C.. LSM Seymour Epstein. P.Eng. Howard G. Hampton. MPP Christopher D. Bredt John E. Callaghan John A. Campion Thomas G. Conway Mary Louise Dickson. O.Ont., Q.C. Alan D. Gold Howard Goldblatt Jennifer A. Halajian Susan M. Hare Carol Hartman Jacqueline Horvat W. Paul Dray Dow Marmur W.A. Derry Millar Robert C. Topp Bradley H. Wright Roger D. Yachetti. Q.C. David S. Young Ho1101wY Be11che1:1/Me111bre1· ho11omire1 His Royal Highness Prince Charles. Prince of \\ales The Right Honourable The Baroness Thatcher, LG. OM. PC The Hon. Lincoln M. Alexander. P.C .. C.C.. O.Ont.. C.D., Q.C .. LSM OATHS SERMENTS 6 OATH OF ALLEGIANCE SERMENT D'ALLEGEANCE I swear or affirm that I will be faithful and bear true allegiance to Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth the Second, Her heirs and successors according to Jaw. .Te jure ou affirme solennellement et sincerement que je serai fidele et porterai allegeance a Sa Majeste la Reine Elizabeth Deux, a ses heritiers et successeurs, conformernent a la Joi. OATH I accept the honour and privilege, duty and responsibility of practising law as a barrister and solicitor in the Province of Ontario. I shall protect and defend the rights and interests of such persons as may employ me. I shall conduct all cases fai thfully and to the best of my ability. I shall neglect no one's interest and shall faithfully serve and diligently represent the best interests of my client. I shall not refuse causes of complaint reasonably founded, nor shall I promote suits upon frivolous pretences. I shall not pervert the Jaw to favour or prejudice any one, but in all things I shall conduct myself honestly and with integrity and civility. I shall seek to ensure access to justice and access to legal services. I shall seek to improve the administration of justice. I shall champion the rule of law and safeguard the rights and freedoms of all persons. I shall strictly observe and uphold the ethical standards that govern my profession. A 11 this I do swear or affirm to observe and perform to the best of my knowledge and ability. SERMENT J'accepte l'honneur, le privilege, Jes devoirs et Jes responsabilites lies al'exercice du droit en qualite d'avocat plaidant et de procureur dans la Province de !'Ontario . .Te protegerai et defendrai Jes droits et Jes interets des personnes qui m'embauchent. Je conduirai toutes Jes instances avec fidelite et au rnieux de ma competence . .Te ne negligerai Jes inten~ts de personne, j'assurerai un service fidele et representerai avec diligence l'interet veritable de mes clients . .Te ne refuserai pas Jes plaintes dont Jes fondements sont raisonnables, ni n'intenterai aucune cause frivole . .Te ne detournerai pas la Joi pour favoriser ou defavoriser qui que cc soit. mais en toutes choses, j'agirai avec honnetete, integrite et politesse . .Te chercherai a assurer J'acces a la justice et aux services juridiques. Je chercherai a ameliorer ]'administration de la justice . .Te mettrai de )'avant la primaute du droit et veillerai a respecter Jes droits et libertes de tous. Je me soumettrai strictement aux normes de deontologie qui regissent ma profession. Je jure OU affirrne solennellement que je traiterai toutes ces questions au rnieux de ma connaissance et de ma competence. LONDON PROGRAMME 7 PROCESSION The audience will rise when the Treasurer and Benchers enter the Auditorium. The Treasurer, Laurie H. Pawlitza. will open Convocation. CONFERRING OF AN HONORARY DEGREE The freasurer will confer the degree of Doctor of Laws, honoriscausa. upon P Marion Bowl. ADDRESS P. Marion Boyd will address Convocation. LONDON CONVENTION CENTRE London, Ontario Tuesdar. June 14. 2011 2:30 fJ.11/. LONDON CALL TO THE BAR 8 The condidatesf(1r call to the /){{ril'ill he presented to the Tn'm11rer h1· 11 rep1nrntatire ol the Pmfe.1.1iona/ Derelop111ent and Co111 perence Co111111 i tree. Daniel Steven Ableser Elena Gladkykh Tara Marie Mimnagh Tanya Marion Ryan John Albert Annen Patricia McDonnell Goodman Kristen Anne Marion Morris Michael Donald Saelhof Lauren Leigh Grimaldi Stuart Cameron Murray Sean Douglas Richard Heeley Robert James Ninham Matthew Edgar Armstrong Daniel Edward Attwell Nicholas Charles Baker Meital Bar-Dayan Joel Gregoire Belisle Harley Edward Bernard Rashmi Ramachandra Bhat .Jessica Marie Boileau Gordon Alexander Henry Bridge Erin Lynn Buchner Jennifer Polina Butkus Ryan Douglas Campbell Tyler Steven Leonard Casselman Blaine Joseph Thomas Henderson David Stanislaw Jachimowicz Madison clizabeth Anne Jeffrey Tyler Anthony Kaczmarczyk Natalie Victoria Kingston Mercedes Margaret Dorner Lavoy Corwin Raymond Leifso James Richard Sanders Sarah Ellen Shannon Erin Aileen St. James Conor Thomas O'Keefe .John Douglas Sulman Erin Michelle OLeary Lynne Erica Sweeney Sean Francis Oostdyk Caroline Marie Theriault Michael Joseph Pass Russell Grahame Tilden Bradley Peter Phillips Carlo Christopher Tittarelli Sherilyn .Joy Pickering Wade Reginald Poziomka Melissa Wynne Tummon David Anthony Vincent Rosati Caitlin Mary-Faith Turner Isaac Caley Ross Matthew .John Wilson Nadine Catherine Russell Melissa Ann Won Stephanie Lynn Venne William Adam Loyens Brian Matthew Ludlow Victoria Caroline Esther Chapman .Jessica Nicole Lyn Kyle Daniel Cleaver Jason Philip Mallory David Albert Curry .Jennifer Joanne Mannen Kathleen Marie De Block Christina Maria Martin Brian Myles Doody Dino Gianfranco Massimi CONVOCATION WILL ADJOURN Fraser Austin McCracken Special Sitting of the Co1111 (!l Appeal for Ontario and the Superior Court ol .!11stice Jonathan Mackenzie Dunlop Jame-. Kurt Eisley Ahmed ~abil Farahat Marl-. Lyndon Mc Dermid Emilte l:li1abeth Mc Lachlan Tre1or Stephen F1-,her Kenneth Andrev. Mc Nair Stephanie Susanne Bauder I ujan.:zuk Kerry Kathleen McGladdery Dent The Honourable Regional Senior Justice Edward W. Ducharme will preside over a special sitting of the Court of Appeal for Ontario and the Superior Court of Justice to administer the oaths to the candidates and admit them w, solicitors. THE COURT WILL RISE TORONTO PROGRAMME 9 PROCESSION The audience will rise when the Treasurer and Benchers enter the Auditorium. The Treasurer, Laurie H. Pawlitza will open Convocation. CONFERRING OF AN HONORARY DEGREE The Treasurer will confer the degree of Doctor of Laws, honoris causa, upon The Honourable Robert J. Shw7Je. ADDRESS The Honourable Robert .J. Sharpe will address Convocation. ROY THOMSON HALL Toronto. Ontario Thursdar. J1111e 16. 2011 9:00a.111. TORONTO CALL TO THE BAR 10 The cm1didatesfor call ro the /Jar 11·ill he presented to the Treasurer In· a repw1e11tatii·e of' the Pmf'e.1.1io1wl De\'c/opment and Competence Committee. Bekhzod Abdurazzakov Kevin Robert Bride! Gadhi Cn1z Lisa Lynn Fineherg Bradley Alexander Allgood Joelle Humphrey Briggs-Sears Lisa Jean Culbert Yadira Ileana Flores Flores Katherine Alicia Culver Neil Louis Foley Christopher William Cummins .Jessica Ashlin Foster Patrick McDonald Bruce David Andrew Anderson Jason Alexander Robert Burns Alana Marie Daley Stephanie Marguerite Franklin Melissa Lorie Arruda Daniel Daniele .Jessica Lynn Freedman Christopher James Bury Deepti Asthana Jill Christine Davis James Duen- Nan Fu Tiffany Noelle Ciarallo Canzano Tasha Leinore De Freitas Ryan Davis Bentley Gaikis Andrew Omar Captan Kulvin<ler Deol Mark Anthony Galati Julie-Anne Claudine Lise Cardinal Amaninder Kaur Dhaliwal Anthony-Daniel Garber Peter Adrian Di Lullo Porsha Lee Gauthier Matthew Ryan Dobbie James Alexander Gildiner Gregory Frank Dobney Kiran Gill Karma Phintso Dolkar Daniel Girlando Mesha Gaye Roseanne Donaldson Benjamin Matthew G!iksman Lindsa) Susan Doyle Helena G!uzman Rebekah Catherine Dunsmore Kelly Ngoc Phuong Goldthorpe Michael Julian Edmonds Caitlin Eloise Gossage Rita Grewal Byron Xavier Alvares Aisha Amjad Behrouz Amouzgar Yickramjeet Aujla Shahram Bahmadi Moghadam David Edwin Lightfoot Barbaree Laura Suzanne Brittain Yulia Barsky Madeleine Anna Daisy Carter Shannon Elizabeth Beddoe Rami Camille Chalabi John Stephen Beke Sarah Elizabeth Tinkham Charles Steven Duane Bennett Brittany Leigh Benning Daniel Adam Bernstein Domenic Nicolas Bianchi Mark William Birdsell Aurina Arnab Chatte1ji Alfred Wing Fai Cheng Grace Tin Wai Cheng James Roger Cheng Anthea Yuen Ting Cheung Diana Rebecca Bloom Sarika Chhabra Waleed Mohamed Medhat Elgohary Morgan Clayton Borins Hoori Nora Chitilian Liam Hawrylo Soyko Ellis Janelle Ann Bowman Gargi Chopra Daniel lghogboj Etoh Rebecca Carolyn Leibovici Gros? Danielle Lee Boyd Javier Gonzalez Consuegra Emily Yee-Chi Fan Anikka Hammett-Pugh Ian Killoran Bradley Carolyn Ruth Cornford Jes-,ica Emily Fen>on Vanessa Amanda Nicole Branch Brian E1 ert Cox Laura Fernandez Kelly Elizabeth Harri-, Adam Joshua Braun Michael Brandon Craig Joanna Leigh Creed Danna Samantha Fichtenbaum Carr Hatch Julie Danielle Breau Peter A11hur GrlN, !\la~ llan>ford James Ciregor) Hawkins TORONTO II Stephanie Susanna Hermans Robert Neil Hester Gerard .Joseph Kennedy Zaynah Marani Edward James Noble Courtney Lauren Keystone Victoria Margolin Stephanie Jennifer O'Brien Daniel John Kirby Jonathan Joseph Marin Orla Josephine O'Kelly Don Ramesh Hettiarachchi Arun Sainath Krishnamurti Giselle Mary Matin Gabriel Hin-Fung Ho Jennifer Alexis Krob Barbara Agnieszk.a Mazur Adcyinka Oluwagbemisola Olusoga Pamela Cecilia Hofman Harle] Marc Kruger Brendan John Mc Cutchen William Lee Hooper Shambavi Kumaresan Carolyn Lucy Mc Kenna Patricia Elyse Horak Michael David Kutner Ryan Paul Robert Mc Neil Allison Laura Hune Neil Francois Louis Lacroix Daniel James McCabe James Patrick Hunter Kevin James Alexander Hunter Nawaz Hussainaly Sharon Pamela Tlavsky !Ian lshai Justin Peter Daniel Lang Annie Shuk-Ying Lau Matthew Robert Law Larry Martin Lebovits Soo Jin Lee Laura Anne Marguerite Johnson Ryan Christopher Lennox Janice Sharon Joo Jennifer Ju John Michael Juba Andrew Anthony Kalamut Zohar Rebecca Levy Hoi Kay Li Jeff Jiehui Li Catherine Joanne Longo Christina Licursi Luison Douglas James \1ac Con Kostantinos Kalogiros Thomas Michael MacKay Canni Paula Kargas Jian Yu Mai Bram Solomon Kaufman Jacob Benson Kaufman Matthe1~ Thomas Kelly David John McKenna Pawel Mielcarek Aidan Edward Johnson Cynthia Amanda Jones Joel Philip McCoy Andrew Stephen Law Linh Hong Le Kristin Julia Irene Jeffery Donald Norman McClean Michael Anthony Mandarello \lc:-.andra Anna Marie Mann Paul Philip Opolski Margaret Sophy Pak Mimi Ruth Palmer Sarah Jane Parkinson Samir Chandrakant Patel Sheryl Patel Devon Michael Paul Jeffrey Alexander Peck Margaux Anne Peck Chelsea Anne Miller Jonathan Paul Miller Maryam Mirkhond Chegini Colin David Pcndrith Alison Lee Pengelley Kelly Dom:elle Peters Andrew James Richards Morgan Sarah Patricia Petersen Tamara Andrea Morgenthau Clara Tu-Anh Xuan Pham Adriana Marisa Morrison Bradley Glen Mullen Roman Jurij Myndiuk Kendra Ann Naidoo Sheena Leisha Naidoo Sharon Andrea Naipaul Christina lskandar Nassar Emily Yun- Yun Ng Kenneth Pimentel Sabrina Frances Pingitore Sevinge Sigal Pinkhasov Silas Roy Polkinghorne Kristen Hallyburton Pollock David Alexander Potter Lia Anne Marie Preyde Lizbeth Patricia Ng Jessica Heather Wallace Prince Richard Arthur Niman Nidhi Nandu Punyarthi TORONTO ' 12 Saran Ragunathnn Tasha Prasad Sch111idt Yi Sun Pema Choden Wangdi Moha111111ad Omar Raza Ariel Schneider Brian William Sweigman Jennifer Sarah Warford \ Mcbreen Reh111an Peter Christopher Joseph Scotch mer Lukasz Szy111ura Karen Claire Watters j Eileen Priscilla Tan Lindsey Katherine Weppler Mary Elizabeth Tersigni Christine Natalie Westlake Jennifer Anne Thomas Patrick Francis White Vanessa Diane Reid David Paul \\ldliam Reynolds Mandeep Kaur Seh111bi Ashley Ophira Shaffer Andrea Richard Rinaldi Surnaira Shahid Shail--h Darlene Miranda Rites Rahul Yarun Shar111a Sarah Ann Robicheau Shaan Zchra Sheerazi Laura Elizabeth Robinson Kwang !loon Shin Heather Erin Robson Sanveer Singh Shoker Gianfranco Rocca Daniel Lim Siu Joseph Brian Rochon Steven Bret Slavens Jordan David Ross Amanda Cristen Smallwood Benjamin .Ja111es Rossiter Sanjay Roy Shilpa Sabharwal Anne Sabourin Michael David Saccucci Nathaniel Bruce Erskine S111ith Ryan Kevin Solo111on Shalinder Singh Soma! Jason Wayne Todoroff Elliott Franklin Willschick Julia Elizabeth Turvey John David Hol111es Wires Trevor Joseph Tynan Rebecca Lynn Wise Nickolas Nel--tarios Tzoulas Serena Jenna Wolfond Uzondu Ruby Umoren Jody Joyce Wong Radhika Yaidyanathan Christine Wong-Chong Cindy Lee Vergara Peter Michael Woods Sanjay Kumar Verma Tina Qi Yang Danielle June Marie Vincent William Yoon Okechukwu Benjamin Vincents .Telena Vlacic Aliki Yorgiadis Kun Yue Pulat Yunusov Zahra Ziaie Moayyed Karin Sachar Christopher Ja111es Somerville Ale\andra Lauren Sadvari Samantha Dru Sonshine Stephanie Alexandra Sales Giancarlo Soppe Isa Jordan Matthew Louis S;iperia Benjamin Yves Sormonte CONVOCATION WILL ADJOURN Catherine Louise Spafford Special Sitting qf the Court of Appeal for 011tario a11d the Superior Court qf' Justice Stephen William Sargent Dhar"1 Sathiananthan \lalcolrn Johannes Cornelis Sa, age Daniel Stew Savoie Katharine Irene Spear Andre Michael Yogi Erin Jennifer Wallace Miriam Cara Stein The Honourable \1r. Justice Todd Ducharme will preside O\'er a special sitting or the Court of Appeal for Ontario and the Superior Court of Justice to administer the oaths to the candidates and admit them as solicitors. Annette '\tlarie Stoehr THE COURT WILL RISE Signy Diana Steckel Dai id William Steele TORONTO PROGRAMME 13 PROCESSION '.\ The audience will rise when the Treasurer and Benchers enter the Auditorium. The Treasurer, Laurie H . Pawlitza, will open Convocation. CONFERRING OF AN HONORARY DEGREE The Treasurer will confer the degree of Doctor of Laws, honoris causa, upon Professor John D. M cCamus. ADDRESS Professor John D. McCamus will address Convocation. ROY THOMSON HALL Toronto, Ontario Thut:l'(/av. June 16, 2011 2:30 fl.Ill . TORONTO CALL TO THE BAR 14 The candidates for call to the bar 11·il/ be presented to rhe Treasurer br o representatire of the Pmfessiona/ Del'elopment and Competence Co111111itree. Harry Samuel Cherniak Christina Iva Doria Olivia Lisa Gismondi Elmira Chimirova Daniel Adam Doubilet Maria Anna Golarz Roberto David Aburto Peter Cho Erika Merit Douglas Elie Kevin Goldberg David Adanja Shelby Chung Peter James Dueck Joshua Michael Goldberg Shafaq Ahmad Brendan James Clancy Raquel Elizabeth Kaplan Goldberg Imtenan Sobhy Mohamed Abd El Razik Victoria Heather Allsopp Rebekkah Ann Coburn David William Andrew Duggins Sarra Hafidh Alsamarrai Jenna Lacey Colle Owen James Duguid Heidi Alicia Gordon Devin John Halton Anderson Aimee Frances Collier Laurie Nadine Duke Boris Goryayev Roberto Salvatore Andreacchi Kristi Janene Collins Yuliya Dumanska James Alexander Gotowiec Michael Alexander Cook Andrew .Julian Eckart Jessica Clare Grant Niall Eoin Cooney Kelly Elizabeth Eckert Jonathan Ira Greenwald Jonathan Mark Armitage Rosemary Deborah Cosentino Megan Manon Sullivan Edmiston Ariane Joan Asselin Eric George Costaris Karen Olufunlola Ayanbadejo Maureen Ruth Anne Edwards Christopher Michael Crighton Joshua David Elcombe Michelle Janice Bain Natasha Simone Danson Brandon Leigh Evenson Mary Auxi Guiao Lindsay Karla Bandini Adam Christopher De Luca Natalie Yolanda Falcomer Dustin Michael Gumpinger Kathryn Lauren Beck Jennifer Del Vecchio Chi Lan Fang Shaheen H<tji Varsha Nita Deokaran Arezou Farivar-Mohseni Erin Ashley Hallock Jagdeep Singh Dhaliwal Erin Dawn Farrell Joana Daniela Hancas Navjot Kaur Dhaliwal Lisa Rachel Feldstein Eti Hankin Navnit Kaur Dhillon Caitlin Elizabeth Fell Carla Valarie Hanneman Stephanie Elizabeth Di Giuseppe David Alexander Fenicky Jonathan David Born Rishi Hargovan Carly Jessica Fidler Christine Youssef Rizk Boulos Gregory Phillip Harris Ana Filipa de Matos Dias Christina Wray Fitzmaurice Chelsea Ann Harron Eleonora Dimitrova Maddalena Louise Giovanelli Fuller Bradley Michael Hennick Jessica Crystal Antoine Varoujan Chasins Arman Darcy Keith Mathew Belisle Sarah Joann Bode Andrea Marie Bolieiro Corinne Hailey Bordman Cheryl Anne Boyd Laura Dryden Brazil Geoffrey Hanson Breen Lia Joyce Brusehetta Feruza Djamalova Brendan Christopher Sean Donovan :\icholas Alexander Cake Caitlin Elizabeth Ann Dooley Timothy John Carre Kevin Luke Dorgan Andrew Nicholas Gallo Iwona Ganczak Adam James Garetson Jonathan Michael Giraldi Avneet Kaur Grewal Colin Christopher Neil Grosskurth Ajeet Kumar Grover Jesse Mark Guberman James William Hinton Carl Hinzmann Daniel Charles Hohnstein Ga\ in Nicholas Craig Alexander Holder TORONTO 15 lsmar Horic Lisa Jennifer Koverko Joanna Lindenberg Malgorzata Gloria Horovko Aaron Loren Kreaden Aleksandra Lipska Brian Lewis Kuchar Adam Christopher Lis Derrick Bradford Mc Intosh Meaghan Elizabeth Mc Dermid Daniel Israel Horovitz Michelle Rachel Kudlats Shane Blair Litvack Ryan Robert Mc Keen .Jonathan Paul Hureau Priya Natasha Kunan Teri Yuen Tung Liu Tyler Blair McAuley Jasmine Jadubir Stephanie Sim Man Kwan Jennifer Ka Ming Lo Jeffrey Robin McLaughlin Sanam Jalali- Naeini Daniel La Gamba Tamarah Louise Luk Angus James McNeil David Bruce Jamieson Anthony James LaBar Patrick Wojtek Lupa Lindsy Kay McNicoll Annie Messer"-hanian Stephanie Nicole Jeronimo Alexandra Patricia Lacko Naomi Mary Lutes Natasha Lei Jimeno Jenn ifer Cassandra Luu Jacquelyn Rae Johnson Ryan Michael Johnathan La"-e Sepideh Kamyabi-Nassabi Safina-Zareen Lakhani Peter Lauehlin Mac Innes Jeffrey Jie Kang Chau Yee Lam Paul Macchione Maxim Kaploun Harvey Hoi-Wai Lam Jordan Garth Angelo Morell i Katherine Sarah Hobbs Kaufman Soloman Lam Jonathan Maurey Mackenzie Cynthia Monica Morgan Monique Claire Lampard Sandra Maria Maio Da\id Michae l Watson Morlog Heather Kathleen Hamilton Keachie Rajan Kehar Ali Zarnir Khan Angela Julie Khoury Daniel John Lynde Melanie Anne Larock Candace Man- Ying Mak .Jessica Aileen Latimer Ryan Johnathon Mak Tiffany Sarah Wai-May Lau Georgette Makhoul Kimberly Meghann Lederri Kirandeep Mand Michelle Marie Malecki Christina Khoury Cheng Ning Lee David Hyun Kim Rashesh Mandani Julia Lauren Lefebvre Melody Mirzaagha Michael Robert Misener Timothy Michael Mitchell Megan .Johanne Mossip Qian Mou David Mousavi Ahmad Nosrat Mozaffari Shane Patrick Murphy Blake Sanford Riley Murray Ashleigh Breann Kirincich Jonathan Gary Leibtag Alexandra Louise Manthorpe Jennifer Wai-Cee Kirton Serena Mary Lein Jared Daniel March Reshma Prem Kishnani Debra Anne Newell A'>hley Dawn Lepine Zachary Jacob Newton Hongbin Li Francesca Eugenia Mattacchione Pei Li Tamara Rosemary Maurer Matthev, Vincent Liberatore Helen Mayer Christie .Jeannine Kneteman Brian Kolenda Lindsay Brooke Jusko Kon"-ol Christopher Bradley Joseph Coughlin Kostoff Michael .Jonathan Lieberman Michael James Douglas Mc Clurg Melissa Dawn Mc Connick Christopher Sunghyun Nam Hue Nguyen Razvan-Laurentiu Nicolae Adrian Alexander Nicolini Shannon Sheleyne Wein O'Connor Lindsay Dawn Offner TORONTO /6 Bolajoko Olufu nmilayo Ogunmefun Maithi li Sagar Zuzana Szasz Eric David Otto Wagner Sabha Sajjad Jack Ira Tadman Laura Michelle Wagner Tatsiana Okun Esra Samii Anthony Chun-Pong Tam Matthew Alexander Way Michael Morris Orfus Claudia Anne Schmeing Joyce Choi Sei Tam Alexandro Pace Syl via Schumacher Arthur Liangfei Tan Lill ian Ashl ey Christine Waye Paula Ju ne Pett it Lindsay Sarah Scott Shaneka Taylor Diane Phatsaphaphone John Stuart Philpott Michaelin Daria Kiperchuk Scott Bobby Thomas Thakolkaran Natal ie Anne Thompson Samantha Charlotte SeahrooJ.. Colin James Thurston Paul Charles Rickey Seaman Anthony Christopher Tiberini Manr<ij Singh Rai Waragoda Mudalige Seneviratne Daniel Alexander Tiberini Ajay Ramkumar Nathan Joseph Shaheen Laura Mica! Pizzale Kamila Barbara Polus Alissa Honey Powell Christopher Judd Rae Patrick Gregory Welsh Jessica Esther Wertman Amanda Jane Wheat Emily Ann Gizhab Whetung Jenn ifer Anne Whi ncup Lau ren Marie Wil helm Monika Wilk Sie Lu ng Tjew Kelda Jayne Williams Anne Forrester Ramsay Alysha Faith Shore Michael Danny Toshakovski Jacq ueline Frances Wilson Sanjaya Ruwan Ranasinghe Daniel Wayne Simard Matthew Edward Trim Lindsay Julia Wong Terry Adam Reid Nicole Catherine Simes Alexander Scott Reyes Brianne Lynn Si mionati Yalda Riahi Taryn Lee Simionati Patrick Ryan Ri esterer Heather Lynn Simpson Andrea Danielle Rigobon Angad Dev Singh Meghan El izabeth Wilson Eric Uri Turkienicz Vivien Man Li Wong Oksana Turner Shushanik Zakaryan Matthew Shane Urback Brad ley Douglas Gunnar Zander Adriana Maria Vaduva Rachel Leah Zeliger Shereen Kaur Si ngh Michael Will iam Vanoostveen Chun Wai Zhang Cara Breanne Sklar Stacey Jean Venasse Sandra Xue Zhao Laroux Peoples Robertson Natalia Ula Rodriguez Anna Rolbin Jessica Anne Smuskowitz Michelle Alanna Rosenstock Josef Keenan Sprague CONVOCATION WILL ADJOURN Richard Terry Roskies Rachel Kathleen Stephenson Special Sitting (~f the Court of Appeal for Ontario and the Superior Cow1 of Justice Genevieve Leila Ross Carly Marie Stringer Matthew James Ross Junaid Kalee m Subhan Stuart Michael Rothman Murugha Sundararajan Jonas David Rubinoff David Murray Sundi n The Honourable Madam Justice Bonnie Wein will preside over a special sitting of the Court of Appeal for Ontario and the Superior Court of Justice to administer the oaths to the cand idates and admit them as solicitors. Diana Russo Patricia Mary Swerhone THE COURT WILL RISE TORONTO PROGRAMME I7 PROCESSION ROY THOMSON The audience will rise when the Treasurer and Benchers enter the Auditorium. The Treasurer, Laurie H. Pawlitza, will open Convocation. HALL Toronto, Ontario F1idaY, June 17, 2011 9:00c1.111. TORONTO CALL TO THE BAR 18 The ca11didutesfor rnll to the bar \\'ill be presen!ed to the Treasurer hr u representatil'e of' the Pmfessio11al Dei·e/opment u11d Competence Committee. Andrew Nicholas Black Serban-Alexandru Constantin Michelle Sharon Fernandes Pavlos Achlioptas Michael Gibson Blackburn Andrew Kenneth Cooley Erin Christine Fordyce Oluwabukola Oluwarotimi Adeoye Ovidiu Cristian Blidariu Beverley Gayle Cormier David Wilson Foster Gillian Hope Bookman Cara Ann Cornacchia Sarah Irene Fountain Maria-Antonietta Alfano Harpinder Singh Boora Hilary Robin Crangle Matthew Jamie Fox Kristen Farida Ali Eric Scott Crowe Ashley Lauren Frazer Chad Nicholas Aboud Shelina Ali Joe Warren Richard Bowcock Jacob Benjamin Allen Christopher Darren Boyko Darcy June Edith Ammerman Craig Anthony Brannagan Arash Amouzgar Kiel Pall Steinthorsson Arcia! Ying Fang Cui Eric Charles Freedman Jasmeet Kaur Dara Nathalie Freiman Cara Elizabeth Davies .Jacob Nisson Friedman Jonathan Christopher Despres Davies .Jonathan David rrydman Robert Paul Brykman Ren Richard Bucholz Heidi Faith de Vries Robert Justin Garay Laura Jane Bursell .Justin Joseph Dela Pena Jeffrey Philip Gebert David Alexander Burton Amir Ghadaki Jdiat Afolake Busari Stefania Antoniella Di Girolamo Jennifer Erin Butcher Steven William Karn Dickie Bernard Clint Cadden David Baptista dos Reis Andrew Michael Sangster Baerg David Andrew Campbell David Mark Duclkiewicz Fiona Francis Campbell Evan Clarke Duffy Marta Natalia Balcewicz Avril M Cardoso Shazia Banduk Guillermo Andres Carvajal Gomez Yolande Gisele Marie Dufresne Noah Michael Arshinoff Troy Erin Robert Asselin Katherine Helena Aukerna Samuel Stephen Kenneth Ault Jennifer Sarah Barnes Timothy Charles BmTett Cecilia Marion Bastedo Samreen Rabbani Beg Keri Lynne Bennett Adrian Taras Bilyk Heather Jane Bird Danielle Celine Bisnar Rene Joseph Sanderson Bissonnette Christopher Patrick Harbour Bitonti Fiona Sioban Brown Ratika Gandhi .J ames Wolverton Gibson Libby Frieda Gilbert Kristina Dawn Gill Sarah Nicole Goodman Amara Nicole Gossin Jason William Norris Gottlieb Theresa Suk-Ting Chan Diana Renuka Dukhia Nicholas Steven Gray Marie-Christine Nancy Eldridge Simon Alexander Kevin Carwei Eng Gray-Schleihauf Sunira Chauclhri Karen Anna Barbm·a Ensslen Nathan Hayden Green Jamie Lynn Chiang Adam Jay Epstein Lucan Jay Gregory Jin Chien Lisa Germaine Anne Evans Lawrence Alexander Gridin Nadia Sarah Chiesa Emily Lok-Yan Fan Russell Donald Groves Joel David Chrolavicius Claire Kathryn Farmer Viktoriya Gryshyna Benjamin Chia Ming Chu Susannah J S Chung Alanna Justine Fedak-Tarnopolsky Sara Maude Eve Guillaumant-Fitzgeralcl Robert Michael Church Melissa Jeanette Fcdsin Adam James Guy David Fenig David Alexander Hainey Patrick Park Hay Chan Raffaela Commodari TORONTO 19 Rebecca Talia Hamovitch Janelle Antoinette Khan Marcus Finley Mazzucco Juan Diego Lopez Orellana Omar Ben-Asuf Ha-Redeye Melissa Min Seon Kim Carolyn Marie Mc Carney Andrew Hugh Ottaway James Patrick Harnum Stephanie Elizabeth King Alexander Nicholas Mc Nabb Meredith Amanda Harper llya Ki11sman Michelle Lee McBride Bernadine Adekemi Oye-Aden iran Salman Mahmood Hashmey Robert Martin Kleinman Colin Daniel McM01rnw Katherine Park Emily Dawn Hassin Rachel Kocsis Carol Setrak Mechedjian Faith Paul Caitlin Elizabeth Healy Hannah Kohn Ian Francis Henry Medcalf David-Mordechai Pearl Joseph Kupfert Heller Robin John Koshy Andrew Lawrence Mercer Gary Marc Peires Jeffrey Michael Simon Petermann Jesse Ryan Herman Adam Joseph Kosnick Cristina Gratiela Mihalceanu Natalie Daria Hetrnanczuk Hay Man Laura Lam Ahsan-Uddin Mirza Tracy Nicol<: Hobson Jen111fer Kar Yan Lau Maja Mitrovic Patrick Douglas LeGay Juliet Soraya Mohammed Carlos Miguel De Araujo Silva Pinho Da Cruz Fiona Elizabeth Legere James Stephen Monier-Williams Tara J Pobihushchy Anne Carina Lentsch Molly Claire Leonard Daniel Bernard Moore Karen Deborah Levin Eric Douglas Wilton Morgan Laura Felicia Levine Karen Fujiko Morimoto Galyna Viktorivna Pribytkova Simon Li Meva Vasant Motwani Jennifer Prieto Justin Paolo Cortes Lim Johanna Elizabeth Murdock Viktoria Prokhorova .Jennifer Marie Lin Noorin Murji Anne Louise Pyke Eli Isaac Lipetz Samir A Murji Meredith Helen Rady Peter William Chapman Hockin Steven Justin Hoffman Asher George Honickman Mahbod Hosseinian Christine Grace Hunter Atif Islam Christine Ann Victoria Jackson Jason .Jaspreet Singh Jagpal Matthew Allan Johnstone Melissa Morgan Johnstone Joseph Juda Susanna Margaret Kam S~basticn Armand Kamayah Matthew Nicholas Lippa Rudi Morris Lor Matthew Grant Longo Birute Luksenaite Sofia Karnntonis Caroline Sheila Lutes Christopher George Peter Karpacz Ian Bryce Mac Lcocl Robert Bruce Macdonald Benjamin Marc Kate-. Jen111fer Ashley Vlacko Pam1ndar Kaur Hayer Paras Malhotra Colin James Kelly Shane Chri-.topher Martinez Alyssa Keon Cornelia P Mazgarcan Shannon Lyndsey Murphy Maya Ann Hall Nathwani Kubeskaran Navaratnam Tanya Elise Nayler Shana Elaine Node! Ellen Phan Jeffrey Scott Potter Kimberly Ellen Potter Sirpaul Kaur Randhawa Steven Bram Raphael Nazanin Rassouli Darnette Petrina Reid Mark Robert John Northcott Sarah Brigitte Reynolds Repka Stephen Nicholas Oakey Sam Rezvani Sarah \ilargaret O'Grady Neil Walter Riley Thoma-. Ernest O'Hara Kimball Okechuk wu Princeton Ojicgbe Liliana Ripandelli Andrew Montgomery Robb Kathryn Mary Robinson TORONTO 20 Rebecca Nehama Rivka Rodal Miaomiao Shan Maxim Gabriel Shapiro Tatha Michelle Carolyn Swann Andrea Christine Rossanese Anju Sharma Heley Taitlbaum Rachel Fern Waks Dana Beth Rotenberg Megan Louise Shaw Isaac Kwok Lam Tang Alexander Rozine Julia Lauren Virzi Terrance Grant Wagman William Douglas Shaw Robert David Tarantino John Benjamin Tyler Wallwork Jessica Avra Rubin Michael Jared Shedletsky Laura Claire Tausky Adrian Diane Walrath Ori Jeremiah Samuel Moshe Rubin Michel Beth Shneer Parham Tavajohi Fini Caihong Wang Robert Jonathan Shore Justin David Tetreault Carolyn Tiffany Michelle Warner Charu Bharat Ruparelia Pamela Jeanette Martin Sidey Anne Elizabeth Thompson Jenna Michele Tiffin Linsay Morgan Weis Joelle Davida Ruskin Gagan Sikand Nathan David Tischler Brian Richard Whitwham Kenneth William Saddington Iris Simixhiu Alexandra Jennifer Tratnik Meghan Alexandra Willis Daniel Robert James Wilson Jenna Nicole Rucas Maria Sagan Marc Alexander Simonik Candace Rose Salmon Aarani Sinnadurai Lindsey Elizabeth Trevelyan Laura Elizabeth Salvatori Ananthan Sinnadurai Jonathan Avery Troniak Mieszko Jozef Wlodarczyk Michael Helmy Sarni Andrea Yuen-Ting Siu Essien Okon Udokang Jason Joseph Woolmer Guy Joseph Sanders Nathaniel Peter Adam Smith Alexandra Maria Urbanski Samantha Ellen Wu Dilraj Singh Sandhu Scarlet Laurie Smith Mercy Itohan Uwabor Fadi Yachoua Kathryn Leah Smithen Michael Asher Valo Robert Benjamin Yasskin Jennifer Ashley Sorge James Joannes van Diepen Lianna Yeung Ioana Vatavu John Warren Eugenio Zerucelli Francesco Salvatore Santaguida Alexander Edward Lamont Sarabura Chantelle Teresa Marie Spagnola Jessica Sarah Rose Schnurr Miranda Elizabeth Spence Melissa Stefanie Schulman Jonathan Crawford Stanley Stankiewicz Adrian Jeffrey Scotchmer Dylan Michael Scott Samantha Lee Scott Dominique Giselle Zipper Matthew Justin Zuk Christopher William Statham CONVOCATION WILL ADJOURN Laura Andreea Stefan Special Sitting of the Coun of Appeal for Ontario and the Superior Cow1 of Justice Amanda Jeanette Sellers-Mc Caw Jennifer Maryon Stewart Sumir Sennik Mitchell Brian Stoddard Miranda Eeva Serravalle Barry Steven Stork Shayan Shaffie Radha Lakshmi Subramanian Anna Abu Shahid Miriam Villamil Joanna Christina Eva-Marie Vince The Honourable Mr. Justice Lee K. Ferrier will preside over a special sitting of the Court of Appeal for Ontario and the Superior Court of Justice to administer the oaths to the candidates and admit them as solicitors. THE COURT WILL RISE I PROGRAMME OTTAWA PROGRAMME 21 PROCESSION ENTREE SOLENNELLE The audience will rise when the Treasurer and Benchers enter the Opera. The Treasurer. Laurie H. Pawlitza, will open Convocation. L' assistance se leve lorsque la tresoriere et les membres du conseil entrent dans !'opera. La tresoriere, Me Laurie H. Pawlitza. ouvre le Conseil. NATIONAL ARTS CENTRE Ottawa, Ontario Tuesday, J1111e 21. 201 I 10:00 a.111. CENTRE NATIONAL DES ARTS Ottawa (Ontario) Le mmdi 21 juin 2011 101z 00 OTTAWA CALL TO TH£ BAR 22 ADMISSION AU BARREAU The candidates for call to the bar 11-ill be prese/lfed to the Treasurer by a representatil'e of the Pir!f'essiona! Df;Telop111e11t and Competence Co111111ittee. Nina Aggarwal Antoine L Collins Robert Mark Akman Jean-Michel Louis Corbeil Daniel Albahary Julien Joseph Robert Maxime Cote Rebecca Zora Aleem Maryla Ali Ansam Al-Sarraj Sherri Ann Anderson Tobi Laraha Aribido Christopher Ball Ashlee Lorraine Barber Lyne Claire Marie Beauchamp Michael John Arthur Beeson Kathryn Ann Bortolussi Mathew Drew Brechtel Une repre.l'ellfwlfe ou 1111 represenrant du Co111i11' du pe1f'ecrio11ne111ent pnfessio1111el et de la co111pe1ence prr!srnte au tresorier les rnndidars er candidares cl /'ad111is.1ion w1 barrmu. Donald David Stewart Ferguson Laura Kathleen Jeffrey Thomas Sinclair Finlay Catherine Rebecca Kahn Oliver Adrian Fleck Elizabeth Toy Win France Kathryn Meredith James Christine Joanne Kallikragas Dylan James Macleod Crosby Leah Christine Garvin Eileen Mary Keast Xue Xun Cui Jennifer Marie George Catherine Maura Kehoe Amanda Pamela Dakoure Carolyn Maureen Gerhac Hajra Fatima Khan Sindura Mehnaz Dar Gregory Casimir Gilhooly Shahana Khan Elena Maryann Davies Laura Elizabeth Gomez Megan Elise Kinsella Emilia Anna De Somma Mathew Patrick Good Kristina Sofia Kiskis Alexander James Reginald Dearham Madhu Milla Gupta Joy Kohli Mathieu Delorme Stephanie Moira Penelope Hare Jacqueline Rae Kotyk Jean Benoit Joseph Jean Fernand Dominique Deschamps Michael Douglas Heikkinen Fahreen Ku1ji Joel Daniel Henderson Ana·is Maritza Labelle Lussier Olga Olegovna Koubrak Emilie Rafaelle Brouzes Michelle Lynne Desroches Jonathan Joseph Roger Paul Bujeau Norah Gail Dorcine Pierre-Alexandre .Joseph Carol Daniel Henri Valerie Suzanne Dore Danielle Francine Marie Lafleur Alison Michelle Hopkins Eric David Doucet Genevieve Anie Houle Andrew Michael Lanouette Eric Ludger Laurier Dube Sharon Ashley Burnett Erik William Bylsma Liam Christopher Michael Nicholas Cardill Leigh Alexandra clizabeth Hudson Jordana Michelle Laporte Ashley Maria Dumouchel Milena Cardinal Carolyn Lena Dunlop Heather Chi-Wah Hui .Jonathan Erik Laxer James Kofi Chapman Nyaho Marie-Frances Dupuis Samuel James Humphrey Flora Thi Nhan-Trung Le Torwoli Silverine Dzuali Joseph Matthieu Stephane Hutt Meagan Thelma Le Page Kimberly Diane Hyslop Michael Richard Kenneth Leaver Jillian Amanda Chuchryk Neha Chugh Katherine Elizabeth Grace Clarey Marie Theresa Clemens Anne Louise Cole Graydon Andrew McLean Ebert Gillian Catherine Fahy Christopher Donald Francois Fergu~on Alanna Inga Lawson William Mac Donald Chase Irwin Margot i\larie Gene\ ie\ e Leduc Colin Alexander Jackson Chantal Joanne Lefeb\'re Sarah Louise Jackson OTTAWA 23 Thomas Joseph Louis Legault Kaitlin Julia Watson Meredith Alisa Renee PattersonLombard Andrea Starr Levans Kimberley Dawn Pearce Jonathan Adam Levitan James Michael O'Hara Miiler Christopher Wilhelm Schulz Eric Pascal Pelot Andre Marshall Schutten Stefanie Ann Ligori Gregory Dale Miskie Kanata Ann Penn-Maracle Neil Alexander Schwartz John Hugh Frederick Lindsay Christopher Paul Missiuna Josianne Marie Claudine Phenix Joel Alexander Secter Thomas Rounthwaite Lipton Elizabeth Frances Montpetit Laura Kathleen Little Eli Kae Moore Gabriel Christophe Poliquin Amy Margaret Long Guylaine Marie Monique Loranger Robert James Acram Moyse Michael Geoffrey Onelio Polychuk Danielle Natalie Mulaire Andrew Jeremy Prevost John Andrew Siwiec Kevin Peter Ludgate Ryma Nasrallah Maxmillian James Reede Megan Keely Wellsman Mac Donald Stephen James Nattrass Marie-Andree Jolene Richard Thomas St John Gordon Slade Gillian Elizabeth Mac Neil Eden Charmaine Maher Nicholas Patrick Malone Andrew John Montague Katherine Mary Nelson Avrum Isaac Neuwirth Catherine Mary Newnham Thi Hoang Mai Nguyen Michael David Marin Brady Daniel Nielsen Jacqueline Louisa Masse Jennifer Lindsay Normand Darrell Brandon Mast Meghan Elizabeth Wynter O'Halloran Heather Jaclynn Mc Knight James Christopher Mc Keown Lindsay Megan McPhee Kerry Lee Mc Vey Esmaeil Mehrabi Danielle Megan Buhay Mercredi Alaba Olabisi Olalere Jeremy Robert Opolsky Matthew Albert Orchard Palma .Jean Paciocco Francois Louis Paltrinieri John Andrew Pankiw-Petty Sig Pantazis Anthony William Paslat Carole Plourde Katelyn Luanne Robertson Kylee Michele Ronning Nardine Nashaat Magdy Naguib Roufaiel Melanie Marguerite Marie Roy Robert Sampson Claude Marie Annie Samson Maithri Manoharan Sanmugam Pierre Olivier Stanis lass Savoie Tamara Paulina Scarowsky Tara Helen Schuck Kamaldeep Singh Sembi Anastasia Semenova Allison Diane Sephton Trisha Nicole Simpson Amardeep Singh Aileen Katherine Smith Yana Rae Sobiski Gloria Mee-Rang Song Carolyn Michelle Sowerby Sheri Michelle Spunt Cynthia Jane Squire Laurence Marie Cecile Madeleine Ste-Marie Erin Leigh Stevens Leanne Catherine Storms Crystal Xue Han Sun Alison Carita Sykora Barbara Ann Tanya Madeleine Symianick Katherine Marie Carroll Symonds OTTAWA 24 Tushar Tangri Chloe Dupuis Whitfield Andree Danielle Taylor Neil George Douglas Wilson Caroline Marie Claudette Theberge Nicholas Bryson Wilson Emily Kang Yu Ting Matthew Evelyn Wright Susan Tran Jan-Wojciech Zawisza Claire Maree Tremblay Yu Heng Zhang Caroline Twiss Sara Christine Ulmer Eric Adrian van Eyken Karine Amelie Lorraine Veilleux Nicole Anne Vigneault Renata Watkin Maya Weiss Courtney Jennifer West Kenneth Murray Whitelaw Gregory Paul Whitelock CONVOCATION WILL ADJOURN LA SEANCE DU CONSEIL EST LEVEE Special Sitting of the Cow1 of Appeal for Ontmio and the Superior Coult of Jusrice Session extraonlinaire de la Cour d'appel de /'Ontario et de la Cour supbieure de justice The Honourable Regional Senior Justice Charles Hackland will preside over a special sitting of the Court of Appeal for Ontario and the Superior Court of Justice to administer the oaths to the candidates and admit them as solicitor',. Monsieur le juge de paix principal regional Charles Hackland presidera une seance extraordinaire de la Cour d'appel de !'Ontario et de la Cour superieure de justice pour faire preter serment aux candidats et !es admettre comme procureurs . THE COURT WILL RISE LA SEANCE DE LA COUR EST LEVEE LONDON CONVENTION CENTRE London, Ontario Tuesday, June 14, 2011 2:30 p.rn. ROY THOMSON HALL Toronto, Ontario Thursday, June 16, 2011 9:00 a.rn. ROY THOMSON HALL Toronto, Ontario Thursday, June 16, 2011 2:30 p.m. ROY THOMSON HALL Toronto, Ontario Friday, June 17, 2011 9:00 a.rn. NATIONAL ARTS CENTRE Ottawa. Ontario Tuesday, June 21, 2011 10:00 a.m. CENTRE NATIONAL DES ARTS Ottawa (Ontario) Le mardi 21 juin 2011 10 h 00