Title of the measure: HOU-LUX16 Grant scheme for decentralised


Title of the measure: HOU-LUX16 Grant scheme for decentralised
Last update: 29 April 2015
Title of the measure:
HOU-LUX16 Grant scheme for decentralised renewable
energy in residential buildings (2001-2007)
General description
The Ordinances of the Grand Duchy of 17 July 2001 and 3 August 2005 aim at the promotion of rational
energy usage and renewables. It is in compliance with the European Directive 2002/91/EC of the
European Parliament and of the Council of 16 December 2002 on the energy performance of buildings.
This measure comprises the impact of installation of solar panels for domestic water use/heating, PV
installations to produce electricity and modern biomass heating in the household sector.
For the solar thermal installations the investment cost subsidies amount to 50% of the attributable costs,
up to a maximum of 3 000€/5 000€ for thermal solar installations with/without heating support, and also
38 000 € for multiple family houses. The minimum specific output is 525 kWh/m2 a.
The financial support program is enhanced by information campaigns and the possibility of obtaining
technical advice. Support is based on the Ordinance of the Grand Duchy of 3 August 2005 on the
introduction of a program promoting rational energy use and the upgrading of renewables for private
PV installations for private individuals with an output not exceeding 30 KWp, the construction of which
is promoted by the Ordinance of 3 August 2005, receive a supply remuneration of 0.56 €/kWh. PV
installations operated by local authorities receive 0.28 €/kWh. The support is based on the Ordinance of
14 October 2005, which contains the currently applicable provision on supply tariffs for electricity from
Impact evaluation
The final energy consumption for hot water and heating in the household sector amounts to 5.0 TWh in
2004 or 29% of the final energy consumption addressed by the ESD. The electricity consumption (for
electrical appliances) in the household sector is 0.54 TWh or 3% of the final energy consumption
addressed by the ESD.
The energy savings will be 48 GWh (2016). All are savings from the period 1995-2007. The energy
produced by solar and PV installations and also biomass heating is evaluated as an overall saving in the
building sector.
Table 1: CO2 and energy savings in the sector
Ex-post evaluation
CO2 (kt)
Energy (GWh)
Ex-ante evaluation
CO2 (kt)
Energy (GWh)
Measure Impact Level
Interaction of measures
Last update: 29 April 2015
Historical data
Règlement grand-ducal du 17 juillet 2001 instituant un régime d'aides pour la promotion de
l'utilisation rationnelle de l'énergie et la mise en valeur des sources d'énergie renouvelables.
Règlement grand-ducal du 3 août 2005 instituant un régime d'aides pour des personnes physiques
en ce qui concerne la promotion de l'utilisation rationnelle de l'énergie et la mise en valeur des
sources d'énergie renouvelables.
Règlement grand-ducal du 14 octobre 2005 1) concernant la fourniture d'énergie électrique basée
sur les énergies renouvelables et 2) modifiant le règlement grand-ducal du 30 mai 1994
concernant la production d'énergie électrique basée sur les énergies renouvelables ou sur la
cogénération ainsi que le règlement grand-ducal du 22 mai 2001 concernant l'introduction d'un
fonds de compensation dans le cadre de l'organisation du marché de l'électricité.