VOCAB 3equart (p44


VOCAB 3equart (p44
actuel(le) : present
(l’)affiche: the sign (posted sign, poster)
(une) aire de repos: a rest area
à la mode: in style
amoureuse: in love
appareil photo numérique (m): digital camera
appartenir à: to belong to
armes à feu (f): guns
aveugle: blind
à son avis: his/ her opinion
avoir lieu: to take place
augmenter: to increase
atrocement: atrociously
(la) bande d’arrêt d’urgence: the emergency lane
(un) bénévole: a volunteer
bloqué: stuck
(un) beau-frère: brother in law
(un) portable: a cell phone
brouiller: to blurr
brûler: to burn
ça dépend de : it depends on
ça m’est égal: it does not matter to me, I don’t care
ça lui est égal, ça leur est égal: it does not matter to him/her, it doesn’t matter to them.
car: because
en cas d’urgence: in case of an emergency
celle: the one (feminin. celui = masculin)
c’est pas grave, ça n’a pas d’importance: it does not matter
ce n’est pas juste : it is not fair
certes: indeed
(le) chômage: unemployment
(un) chômeur: unemployed
composer: to dial
commander: to order
(le) conducteur: the driver (la conduite = the way you drive, behavior)
conscient: conscious
convaincu(e) que: convinced
(se) contenter de: to not only be for
(la) contravention: the fine
(un) conseil: some advice
(la) croix: the cross
(le) corps: the body
courir un risque: to run a risk
(je suis) d’accord avec: I agree with
débrancher: to unplug, turn off
décrocher: to pick up, answer
dépasser: to pass (a car)
(son) devoir: its duty
dieu: god
diminuer: to diminish
distraitement: absent-mindedly
(la) dignité: dignity
(un) droit: a right (avoir le droit de..: to have the right to..)
un écart: a sudden move
échapper: to escape
échecs (m.pl): chess
en effet: indeed
(un) embouteillage: a traffic jam
enregistrer: to record
(une) époque: times, era
(l’)esclave: the slave
(l’)esclavage: slavery
en soi: in itself épouser: to marry évident: obvious
éteindre: to turn off, to put out
évitant: avoiding
facultatif: optional
(un) feu rouge: a red light
(un) fléau: a plague
la foi: faith
fouiller : to search
(un) foulard: a scarf
franchement: frankly
(une) gamme de jeux: series of games
garder: to keep
(une) guerre: a war
hurler: to scream
inculquer: to teach
(il est) interdit de: it is forbidden to
jusque là: until now
lâche: coward
(une) larme: a tear
(un) leurre: a delution
(un) lien: a link
(la) loi: the law
(le) maire: the mayor
(un) masque: a mask
(une) messagerie: voice mail
(se) mettre à: to start
(un) mode de vie: a way of life
moyennageux: from the middle ages
néanmoins: nevertheless
négligé: not taken into account
n’importe quand: anytime
un orphelin: an orphan
(l’) outil: the tool
(un) panneau: a sign (road sign)
partout: everywhere
place (f): space, room
payer ses factures: to pay one’s bills
perdre la tête: to lose your mind
(le) périphérique: the freeway surrounding Paris
(un) piéton: a pedestrian
(se) précipiter: to rush
prévenir les secours: call for help
(le) port: the wearing (le port du voile : the wearing of the veil)
quotidien(nne): daily
ralentir: to slow down
(une) rame de métro: a metro train
rendre de grands services: to be very helpful
renverser: to run over
résoudre: to solve
revendiquer: to claim
rêver: to dream
(u) risque accru: an increased risk
(la) séance: show, showing
sécurité routière: road safety
s’efforcer (de): to try
se rendre à: to go
(un) signe: a sign
(une) sonnerie: a ring
(une) station sercice: a gas station
supplier: to beg
sûr: secure
(à) tache multiple: multi-task
traiter d’un sujet: to tackle a topic
(un) terminale: a Senior (in high school)
(les plus) tendances: the most popular, in style
utile: useful
végétalien: vegan
(le) véhicule: the vehicle
vivons--> vivre: to live
(la) vitesse: speed
le volant: the steering wheel
le voile: the veil
voire: or, even
à condition que: provided that
à moins que: unless
afin que: so that
avant que: before
arroser les plantes: to water plants
l’aspirateur (m): the vacuum cleaner
bien que: although
bonheur (m): happiness
un conseil: some advice
craindre que (je crains) : to fear that (I fear)
croire (je crois): to believe (I believe)
je suis contente que: I am glad that
demander que: to ask that
désolé(e) que: sorry that
il est dommage que: it is a shame that
(l’) entraîneur: the coach
exiger que: to demand that
étonné(e): surprised
il est évident que: it is obvious that
falloir (il faut que): to be necessary
je suis fier(e) que : I am proud that
l’hôtesse de l’air (f): flight attendant
il est indispensable: it is essential
l’ivrogne: drunkard
jusqu’à ce que: until
il est juste que /il est injuste que: it is fair/ unfair that
locataire (m/f): tenant
(faire la) lessive: to do the laundry
mettre la main à la pâte: to help out, to do one’s share of the work
malheureux: unhappy
mari (m): husband
patient (m): the patient
propriétaire (m/f): the owner
passer l’aspirateur: to vacuum
pour que: so that
peur: afraid
regretter: to miss, to be sorry
ravi: delighted
souhaiter: to wish
surpris: surprised
sans que: without
SDF= sans domicile fixe : homeless
triste: sad
valoir (il vaut mieux que): to be worth ( it would be better that...)
la vérité: truth
à la fois: at the same time
à long terme: long term
à ses côtés: to its/her/his sides
alléchant: enticing, tempting
apporter: to bring along
apprendre: to learn
(une) attention: attention, thoughtful consideration
avant tout: before everything
(un) brin: a little bit
bonheur (m): happiness
(un) bouquin: (slang) a book
(un) bouquet de fleurs: a bouquet of flowers
ça lui plait: she/he likes it
cadeau (m): a gift
(une) cause: a cause
céder: to give in, to yield
célébrer: to celebrate
chacun: each
chandelles (f): candles
chanson (f): a song
chevalier (m): knight
consommation (f): consumption
conte de fée (m): a fairy tale
(au) contraire: on the contrary
(au) coucher du soleil: at sunset
de toutes façons: anyway
découvrir: to discover
dignement: in a worthy, dignified way
d’un côté/ d’un autre côté: on one hand/ on the other hand
en même temps: at the same time
entrer dans le moule: to fit in
entretenir: to maintain, keep up
époque (f): era, time
événement (m): event
faire horreur à: to be hated by (ex: ça me fait horreur: I hate that)
faire savoir à: to let someone know
fête (f): a feast, a party, a special day (ex: mother’s day: la fête des mères)
fidèle: faithful
forcément: inevitably
galant: gallant
garder la ligne: to stay fit (to stay skinny)
généreux: generous
gentil: kind
grâce à: thanks to
(s)’habiller: to get dressed
histoire (f): a story
imprévu: unplanned, unexpected
impulsif: impulsive
inattendu: unexpected
inclassable: that does not fit in one category
luxueux: luxurious
(ne pas) manquer de: to not fail to do sthg
maigrir: to lose weight
mince: skinny
mode (f) : fashion (à la mode: in style)
montrer: to show
(se) moquer de: to make fun of
mythe (m): a myth
négliger: to neglect, to forget
offrirez --> (offrir) : to offer, give
ouvrir: to open
part (f): a part, a share
(un) pas: a step (le premier pas: the firs step)
perpétuer: to perpetuate
petit(e) ami(e): boy friend, girl friend
plaire à: to be like by (careful: structure--> ça me plaît = I like it)
pleine: full
plutôt: rather
pousser à: to incite, urge
prince charmant (m): prince charming
produits (m) de beauté: beauty products
profiter de: to take advantage of, enjoy
pub=publicité (f): an ad, a commercial
raconter: to tell (a story)
recette (f): recipe
régime (m): a diet
renier: to deny
(s’y) retrouver : not to get lost
rêver: to dream
ringard: old fashioned
romans de cape et d’epée: cloak and dagger novel
Saint Valentin: Valentine
santé (f): health
servir à: to be used to, useful for
suivre: to follow
sur commande: ordered
surtout: especially (careful: “espéciallement” n’existe pas!!)
tant pis: too bad
tenir à: to really want to, to insist
trompeux, trompeuse: misleading, deceiving
vivons --> vivre: to live
voire: indeed, or even
acteur (m), actrice (f): actor
bande annonce (f): the movie trailer
les bons et les méchants: the good and the bad
cinématographie (f): cinematography
dessin animé (m): cartoon
dialogues (m,pl): dialogues
documentaire (m): a documentary
doublage (m): dubbing
effets spéciaux (m,pl): special effects
film (m) à suspense: suspense film
film (m): a movie
film d’horreur: a horror movie
film en vf: version francaise: French version
film en vo: version originale: film shown in the original version
film muet: a silent movie
générique (m): credits
grand écran (m): (big screen) = movie theatre
(l’)histoire: the story, the plot
les scénarios (m): scripts
long/ court métrage (m): full/short length film
lumière (f): the light
musique (f)du film: the soundtrack
paysage (m): the landscape
personnage (m): the character
petit écran (m): (small screen) = television
réalisateur (m), réalisatrice (f): the director
salle de cinéma (f): a theatre
séance (f) : showtime
sortie (f)d’un film: the release of a film
sous-titres (m,pl): subtitles

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