Dice game- -cer, -ger, accent verbs Rules: Roll the - Stjohns


Dice game- -cer, -ger, accent verbs Rules: Roll the - Stjohns
Dice game- -cer, -ger, accent verbs
Roll the dice. The first roll is for the subject
1 = Je
2 = Tu
3 = Il, elle
4 = Nous
5 = Vous
6 = Ils, elles
Roll the dice again. The second roll for the verb.
1 = manger (to eat)
2 = commencer à (to start)
3 = acheter (to buy)
4 = préférer (to prefer)
5 = voyager (to travel)
6 = espérer (to hope)
Conjugate the verb to match the subject.
For example: if I rolled a 2 (Tu form) on the first roll and a 6 (espérer) on the
second roll I would write “tu espères”
Use the verb in a sentence.
Example: Tu espères gagner le match de foot. ( You hope to win the soccer
Edit your sentences and make corrections.
Work with your group to write 10 sentences.
1. Roll 1 _________ Roll 2 __________
Conjugated verb ________________
Sentence __________________________________________________________
Translation in English _______________________________________________
2. Roll 1 _________ Roll 2 __________
Conjugated verb ________________
Sentence __________________________________________________________
Translation in English _______________________________________________
3. Roll 1 _________ Roll 2 __________
Conjugated verb ________________
Sentence __________________________________________________________
Translation in English _______________________________________________
4. Roll 1 _________ Roll 2 __________
Conjugated verb ________________
Sentence __________________________________________________________
Translation in English _______________________________________________
5. Roll 1 _________ Roll 2 __________
Conjugated verb ________________
Sentence __________________________________________________________
Translation in English _______________________________________________
6. Roll 1 _________ Roll 2 __________
Conjugated verb ________________
Sentence __________________________________________________________
Translation in English _______________________________________________
7. Roll 1 _________ Roll 2 __________
Conjugated verb ________________
Sentence __________________________________________________________
Translation in English _______________________________________________
8. Roll 1 _________ Roll 2 __________
Conjugated verb ________________
Sentence __________________________________________________________
Translation in English _______________________________________________
9. Roll 1 _________ Roll 2 __________
Conjugated verb ________________
Sentence __________________________________________________________
Translation in English _______________________________________________
10. Roll 1 _________ Roll 2 __________
Conjugated verb ________________
Sentence __________________________________________________________
Translation in English _______________________________________________