Mlle Lopez


Mlle Lopez
Je suis contente de savoir que vous avez choisi de continuer avec vos études du français l’année
qui vient!! Le but (goal) cet été est de ne pas perdre ou oublier ce que vous avez appris
pendant l’année. C’est important que vous continuiez à écrire, à écouter et à parler français
pendant l’été. Je vous donnerez du travail à faire qui vous aidera à vous préparer pour la classe
AP. N’attendez pas à la dernière minute pour commencer le travail. Vous devez le faire tout le
long de l’été. Je veux que le Français soit partie de votre vie quotidienne. Travaillez un peu
chaque semaine si possible, et surtout n’oubliez pas les dates importantes.
Mlle Lopez
1. Create a “picture story PPT” ( 5 slides minimum-8 slides maximum) from photos/postcards of camp, travels or
any other part of your summer vacation. Do not put ANY writing on the pages. Practice narrating a story in French
about your adventures. Upon return to school you will give an oral presentation without notes, showing the
pictures while you talk about what you were doing; you should try to be as descriptive and detailed as possible
(and creative and entertaining as well). –
(60 points for the picture story PPT, and 40 points for the Presentation)
1. Immerse yourself in French. Have fun with the language and watch Francophone movies. The movie has to be in
French from a French speaking country. Watching American movies in French doesn’t count. Find a French movie
that you like and would like for the AP French class to watch. The movie must be age appropriate. Keep track of the
name of the movies you watched. You will need to write the name of the director, the main characters and rate it
by giving it 1-3 stars. (1- mauvais, 2- bien, 3- très bien) Try to watch 3 and choose your favorite.
2. Keep the immersion going. Listen to French music. Use the internet to view French music videos or use your
phone to download an App to hear French radio. Find a song in French that you really like. The whole class will
listen to the songs you choose during the year so make sure it’s appropriate for class. Find the lyrics of the song
and know the name of the artist. Keep track of the singers and songs you heard and or watched. The songs must
be new to you.
(45 points)
This summer you will read the 1st book of the series: Le Petit Nicolas. You have been introduced to le Petit Nicolas
in French III. Each book is a compilation of short stories. Although hilarious, the Nicolas stories also touch you in a
much deeper place. He is a little boy full of life and good humor, but he and his friends are also filled with every
possible anxiety about growing up and finding their manly places in the world. They are charmingly obsessed with
their status and their dignity.
1. Read 6 chapters of the Petit Nicolas Book. PLEASE READ THE BOOK WITHOUT USING A DICTIONARY so you can
practice reading comprehension by using inference. You can read any 6 chapters or the whole book if you want.
You can find the PDF version of the book on the school website.
2. Choose six (6) different chapters of the book over the summer. For each chapter: Write a summary in French,
and give your personal opinion of the chapter. Each chapter review must be 125 words minimum.
( 20 points for each chapter review)
Try to spread out your work (depending on your travel, job schedules) during the summer to gain the
maximum practice benefit.
Start reading Le petit Nicolas book and choosing your favorite chapters.
Download any RADIO Apps on your phone to listen to French music or French news.
Start writing your chapter summaries. Try to do 2 this month. (please date them)
Take pictures of your summer activities to showcase on your PICTURE STORY PPT.
Continue writing your chapter summaries. Try to do 2 this month. (please date them)
Watch French Movies and music videos and Listen to French music. Try to view and rate 2 movies.
Finish writing your chapter summaries. (please date them)
Have a favorite French song and know the movie you would like the class to watch.
Prepare your Picture Story PPT to narrate your summer adventures to the class,
Scroll down and find suggestions on the music and films I would
like you to start with. You decide the rest!
Travail d’été: AP Français Langue et Culture
Summer assignment AP FRENCH Language and Culture
Les films :
Vous pouvez commencer avec le film que je vous ai donné comme exemple. Regardez-la, et après l’avoir
regardé écrivez le numéro d’étoiles que vous voulez le donner
Titre du film
EX. Le Papillon
Phillipe Muyl
! Regardez deux ou trois films.
Personnages principaux
Michel Serrault ( Julien)
Claire Bouanich (Elsa)
Les Chansons :
Vous pouvez commencer avec une chanson très connue. Voici mon exemple. Ecoutez-la et faites attention aux
paroles. Après écrivez J’AIME ( J’
Titre de la chanson
Chanteur/ chanteuse
Genre de musique
EX. Non, rien de rien
Edith Piaf
ou J’
Le livre
Lisez le livre et choisissez les 6 chapitres que vous avez aimés le plus. Écrivez le titre du chapitre, la synopsis et votre
opinion de l’histoire. (125 mots minimum)
Try to do 2 chapter summaries per month.

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