June 2016 – Class1
June 2016 – Class1
MONDAY LUNDI TUESDAY MARDI WEDNESDAY MERCREDI 1 Theme: Sandcastles Activité avec Gabriela: Un jardin de papier 2 PM Yogi Doug, yoga barefoot in the sand. ($5.00) All money will be a donation to the Haiti Shoe Project Outdoor Theatre 6 Theme: Ready for “graduation” Spanish with Lorena: “graduación” Yoga in the park 13 Theme: My dad is my best buddy! Spanish with Lorena: “mi papá es mi mejor amigo” Yoga in the park 20 Theme: How fast can we run, how high can we jump?! 10:45AM Michael Woytiuk Musical fitness games (and piano fun!)($5.00) Spanish with Lorena: “brincar, correr” Yoga-last class, parents invited 27 7 10AM “Cirquantique” Circus performance for children ($8.00) Storytime with Adriana: “The Last Day of Pre-K!” “graduación” “mi papá es mi mejor amigo” 21 3PM Pièce de théâtre interactive: Béatrice l’Exploratrice avec Les Productions Baluchon Magique ($8.00) Jeu : Les feux de signalisation Spanish with Lorena: correr” 28 Jaden CC book orders Storytime with Adriana: “The Sandcastle Contest” Swimming 9 Emily the Science Gal: Why do we need sunscreen Wimgym 10 Alexa Please join us at C CC 1:45PM for our 16 8:30AM Dads and Granddads you are invited to Father’s Day Breakfast in class! Storytime with Adriana: “The Night Before Father’s Day” 17 22 2PM Kimberley’s “Jump With Me” guitar show! ($5.00) Sautons avec la corde à danser Outdoor theatre-last class, parents invited 23 11:25AM or 12:00PM Sportball, introduction to Soccer ($8.00) Jumping games outdoors with our Hoola hoops! Celebrate our summer birthdays! 24 29 30 1 Outdoor theatre Spanish with Lorena: 3 Last day to bring Scholastic GRADUATION DAY PARTY Felicitations a nos gradués! Laurie-Gabrielle 15 C CC 14 8:45AM Excursion to Parc Safari!! ($35.00) 2 FRIDAY VENDREDI Graduation rehearsal Swimming-last class parents invited to the pool Lorena’s Spanish: “brincar, Reese C CC 8 THURSDAY JEUDI 2PM Kimberley’s fun guitar-time show, “Love my Dad” concert ($5.00) Show and Tell: Amène une photo de papa ou grand papa SUMMER CAMP STARTS THIS WEEK! Are you registered for lots of summer fun?! Emily the Science Gal: “Fire Snake” experiment Wimgym-last class, parents invited St Jean Baptiste CLOSED Canada Day CLOSED
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