No 10 Telopea Topics - Telopea Park School


No 10 Telopea Topics - Telopea Park School
Telopea Topics
Les Nouvelles de Telopea
No 10 Friday 24 June 2016
Report from the
Le Mot Du
High School
Secondary News
Primary News
School Term Dates
Contact Us
Uniform Shop
After School Care
Community News
Finance Office
Important Dates
As the semester draws to a close, I would
27 June – 1 July
Australian Business Week – Year 10
like to acknowledge the hard work of our
27 June
Year 7 Immunisation
teachers in guiding your children in the
learning journey. Thank you for your
30 June
Secondary Reports Distributed
commitment as parents, for working in
1 July
Primary Reports Distributed
collaboration with us to ensure that your
children are happy at school and have the
1 July
Last Day Semester 1
opportunity to learn.
18 July
First Day Semester 2
This has been another exceptional term for
our students. Their excellent achievements
21 July
Year 10 Personal Project Exhibition
are both credit to them and their families.
Congratulations to Ines Kusen, Year 10,
who will be representing Australia in the
World Robotics Championships in Germany. She is the youngest competitor and the only girl. This is an exceptional
achievement! It would also be remiss of me not to mention the extraordinary performances of our school’s music department in
winning three awards at the National Eisteddfods – one gold, one silver and one bronze trophy. Congratulations to Mr Clements
and his talented students! Equally our students have excelled in academic competitions as well as in the sporting arena, often
putting them with the best in Australia. I am extremely proud of them.
Staff Changes
This term we will be saying goodbye to nine French teachers whose time has come to an end at our school. They are:
In primary – Maria Lamrani-Raphel, Cécile Pradillon, Sophie Caestecker, Frédérique Rabaud-Frémy, Tatiana Torres and Lilas
In secondary – Eric Dostal, Nicolas Coget, Alexandre Raphel and Alexandre Buchin (in primary and secondary).
We wish them all the best in their future careers and thank them for their commitment to our students.
We are confident that all replacement teachers will be with us to start the term after the holidays.
Term 2 2016
26 April – 1 July
Term 3 2016
18 July – 23 September
Term 4 2016
10 October -16 December
Term 1 2017
30 January – 7 April
Term 2 2017
26 April – 30 June
Contributions from French Stream families – update
Thank you to the primary and secondary French Stream parents who have now
paid their contributions for the delivery of the French National Curriculum. The
number of parents who are yet to contribute remains higher than I would have
anticipated. I would like to remind these parents that these contributions are very
important to the on-going operation of the school at its present high level. I have
also promised that some of this money could be spent on employing a French relief
teacher to take the classes of absent teachers – especially at this time of year when
teacher absences are higher.
NAIDOC acknowledgement
Secondary students participated in the annual assembly in recognition of NAIDOC Week. There was a guest speaker, Ms Anne
Martin the chair of the NAIDOC commettee, as well as faculties demonstrating how they incorporate Indigenous understanding
and culture into the delivery of the Australian Curriculum.
Australian Business Week (ABW)
All year 10 students will participate in ABW in week 10 of term. This is an interactive week where small groups of students form
“companies” to run a hospitality facility from all aspects of its operation. They will develop the facility; operate it over a
theoretical two-year period and in the process, learn about business and the Australian Stock Exchange; they will produce a
written and an oral company report as well as develop a 60-second video to promote their resort/hotel. Many students in the
past have reported that this was their favourite week in their high school years! It certainly is a steep learning curve. Thank you
to the parents and Narrabundah students who will be mentors during this week. On Friday 1 July, Year 10 parents are invited to
see the Trade Display and to be present for the presentation of the company reports.
Personal Projects
Students in Years 9 and 10 complete a Personal Project as part of their IB requirements. The journey starts in Year 9 and
continues into Term 2 of Year 10. This year’s students have produced some innovative results and we look forward to the
community show-case on Thursday 21 July, 3.30pm to 5.30pm in the secondary library. Please note that this was postponed
from week 9 this term.
As a bring your own device (BYOD) school, I encourage all parents of Year 10 students to make sure they bring their devices for
ABW. As we will be also offering the official Road Ready Course to most Year 10 students, devices will be needed in semester 2.
If your child does not have his/her own device, please follow the guidelines on our website.
French Exchange Visit
The French exchange billets will soon arrive from Lycée International de Grenoble and will be with us and their billeting families
until the end of July. Our students had a great time at their school earlier this term and we know that these French students will
learn a lot while at our school. We wish them a happy visit.
School reports
End of semester reports will be sent home with your children in week 10. If you do not receive your child’s report, please contact
the school office for another copy. Note that these are full reports. While secondary parents are used to this reporting format,
this is the first time that primary parents are receiving full reports in the middle of the year. We hope that this improves your
understanding of your child’s learning.
Secondary parents will be familiar with the virtual learning platform, ManageBac. Parents will soon have their own access. This
will enable you to see how your child is progressing, what homework and assignments have been set and to connect with your
child’s teacher. You will be receiving individual information about this. It will be a great way to improve communication in the
secondary school. Students have had this access since last year and I know that many of them have shared their log-ons with
their parents.
Road Safety
Again I ask that you take particular care when driving, dropping off and collecting your children near the school. This is an ongoing request from me as the safety of your children is paramount to us all.
Best wishes for happy, safe and relaxing holidays at the end of the term. I look forward to working with you all again in semester
2 which begins for all students on Monday 18 July.
Warm regards
Kerrie Blain
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Le semestre s’achève bientôt et je voudrais en profiter pour reconnaître le travail exceptionnel de nos enseignants dans le
parcours éducatif de vos enfants. Un grand merci aux parents pour leur implication et leur collaboration avec nous pour
s’assurer que leur enfant est heureux d’apprendre à l’école.
Ce trimestre fut encore exceptionnel pour nos élèves. Leurs excellentes réussites les honorent et honorent leur famille.
Félicitations à Ines Kusen, élève de Seconde, qui représentera l’Australie aux Championnats du Monde de Robotique en
Allemagne. Elle sera la compétitrice la plus jeune et la seule fille. C’est une performance exceptionnelle ! Je m’en voudrais de ne
pas mentionner les réussites extraordinaires du Département de Musique de notre école pour avoir remporté trois récompenses
aux National Eisteddfods – une médaille d’or, une d’argent et une de bronze. Félicitations à M. Clements et à ses élèves très
talentueux ! Nos élèves ont également excellé d’un point de vue scolaire et sportif, les plaçant souvent sur la première marche
du podium au niveau national. Je suis extrêmement fière de nos élèves.
Changements d’enseignants
Nous dirons, à la fin de ce trimestre, au revoir à neuf enseignants français qui finissent leur contrat dans notre établissement.
Au Primaire, il s’agit de Sophie Caestecker, Maria Lamrani-Raphel, Lilas Monniot-Kerr, Cécile Pradillon, Frédérique Rabaud-Frémy
et Tatiana Torres.
Au Secondaire, il s’agit de Nicolas Coget, Eric Dostal et Alexandre Raphel.
Nous leur souhaitons nos meilleurs vœux de réussite dans leur future carrière et nous les remercions pour leur implication
auprès de nos élèves.
Nous ne doutons pas que les nouveaux enseignants prendront leur poste dans l’établissement dès le début du prochain
Un point sur les contributions des familles du courant français
Un grand merci aux parents des enfants scolarisés au Primaire et à ceux du courant français du Secondaire qui ont à présent
payé leur contribution pour le programme national français. Le nombre de parents qui doivent encore verser la contribution reste
plus important que je ne l’avais anticipé. Je souhaite rappeler à ces parents que cette contribution est très importante pour que
notre établissement continue à fonctionner à un excellent niveau. J’ai également promis qu’une partie des fonds serait utilisée à
employer un professeur remplaçant pour intervenir dans les classes dont les professeurs seraient absents, ce qui est
particulièrement le cas à cette période de l’année.
Célébrations de la semaine NAIDOC
Les élèves du Secondaire ont participé à l’assemblée annuelle célébrant la semaine NAIDOC. Nous avions, à cette occasion,
l’intervention d’un invité, le président de l’organisation NAIDOC. Les différentes facultés sont également intervenues pour
montrer comment elles intégraient la compréhension de la culture aborigène dans le programme australien.
Australian Business Week (ABW)
Tous les élèves de Seconde participeront à l’Australian Business Week ce trimestre en semaine 10. C’est une semaine interactive
au cours de laquelle des petits groupes d’élèves créent des « entreprises » pour gérer une structure d’hôtellerie-restauration en
prenant en compte tous les aspects de son fonctionnement. Ils développeront le complexe hôtelier, le géreront sur une période
théorique de deux ans et, dans ce cadre, étudieront le fonctionnement de la Bourse australienne. Les élèves produiront un
rapport d’activité écrit et oral et créeront une vidéo d’une minute pour promouvoir leur complexe hôtelier. De nombreux élèves
ont, par le passé, confié que ce fut la meilleure semaine de toute leur scolarité ! C’est certainement une phase d’apprentissage
exigeante. Un grand merci aux parents qui ont proposé d’être formateurs au cours de cette semaine. Le vendredi 1 er juillet, les
parents des élèves de Seconde sont invités à venir admirer l’exposition des entreprises créées et d’assister à la présentation des
rapports d’activité.
Projets personnels
Conformément aux exigences de l’IB, nos élèves de Troisième et de Seconde réalisent un projet personnel. Ce projet commence
lors de l’année de Troisième et se poursuit jusqu’au deuxième trimestre de l’année de Seconde. Les élèves ont, cette année,
mené des projets très innovants et nous sommes impatients de pouvoir les exposer à la communauté scolaire le jeudi 21 juillet
de 15h30 à 17h30 au CDI. Veuillez noter que l’exposition initialement prévue en semaine 9 du deuxième trimestre a été
repoussée au troisième trimestre.
BYOD – Ordinateurs à l’école
Notre école participant au programme Bring Your Own Device (BYO), j’encourage tous les parents des élèves de Seconde à
s’assurer que leur enfant apporte leur ordinateur pour l’Australian Business Week. La plupart des élèves de Seconde devront
également apporter leur ordinateur au deuxième semestre puisque nous leur proposerons la formation Road Ready (Code de la
route). Si votre enfant n’a pas encore d’ordinateur, vous pouvez lire nos conseils d’achat sur le site internet de l’école.
Echange avec les correspondants français
Les correspondants français du Lycée International de Grenoble arrivent la semaine prochaine et resteront avec nous et dans les
familles d’accueil jusqu’à la fin du mois de juillet. Nos élèves ont passé un excellent moment dans leur école au trimestre dernier
et nous savons que ces élèves français apprendront beaucoup dans notre établissement. Nous leur souhaitons un très agréable
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Bulletins scolaires
Les bulletins du premier semestre seront remis à vos enfants en semaine 10. Si vous ne recevez pas le bulletin de votre enfant,
nous vous remercions de bien vouloir contacter l’école qui vous fournira un nouvel exemplaire. Vous noterez qu’il s’agit de
bulletins complets. Les parents des élèves scolarisés au Secondaire sont déjà familiers de ce type de bulletins, mais c’est par
contre la première fois que les parents des enfants scolarisés au Primaire reçoivent un bulletin complet en milieu d’année. Nous
espérons que les nouveaux bulletins vous renseigneront davantage sur les apprentissages de votre enfant.
Les parents des élèves du Secondaire sont désormais familiers avec la plateforme virtuelle d’apprentissage ManageBac. Les
parents vont bientôt obtenir leurs propres codes d’accès. Cela vous permettra de voir les progrès de votre enfant, de vérifier les
devoirs et les évaluations programmés et de communiquer avec l’enseignant de votre enfant. Vous recevrez des informations
personnalisées. Ce sera un excellent moyen d’améliorer la communication au collège. Les élèves y ont accès depuis l’année
dernière et je sais que nombre d’entre eux ont d’ores et déjà partagé leur code d’accès avec leurs parents.
Sécurité aux abords de l’établissement
Je tiens à vous rappeler une fois de plus d’être particulièrement prudents lorsque vous conduisez, déposez ou récupérez vos
enfants à l’école. C’est une demande répétée de ma part car la sécurité de vos enfants est primordiale pour nous tous.
Je vous souhaite des vacances agréables, sûres et relaxantes à la fin de ce trimestre. Je suis impatiente de travailler avec vous
au deuxième semestre qui commencera pour tous les élèves le lundi 18 juillet.
Bien cordialement
Kerrie Blain
Senior Vocal Ensemble (SVE) has played a central role in the Education and Training Directorate’s Limelight concerts for the last
8 years. SVE is made up of the most enthusiastic and committed singers from ACT schools in years 7-12.
Requirements: SVE is not auditioned. Enthusiasm and commitment are the criteria for attending. Students need to be able to
attend a minimum of 5 out of the 6 rehearsals, and must attend the technical rehearsal (23 August), and dress rehearsals and
performances on 25 and 26 August (see calendar below).
Registration: Students can register for SVE by emailing their name, year level, school, phone number and email address to
[email protected] or leaving a message on 6125 6336. Students need to register by Monday 23 May (Week 5 Term
2). No new registrations will be taken after this time. A maximum of 30 places are available, so first in best dressed!
Telopea Park School BAND CALENDAR DATES – Terms 2 to 4 2016
Sydney Tour – Thursday 15 September 2016– Saturday 17 Sep 2016
France / Belgium / England (European tour) Thursday 21 September – Thursday 5 October 2017
Friday 29 July 2016, 2.30pm – 1st deposit, France 2017 (the excursion code is 8232-000-00)
Sydney Tour – Thursday 15 September – Saturday 17 September 2016 (Yr8-10 Wind Ensemble).
Final payments due Friday 12 August 2016
(excursion code – 8299-000-00)
Wednesday Band - 8.00am Before School Wind Ensemble (non-Year 7)
Thursday Band - 8.00 Year 7 Before School Band (Year 7 EFS and Australian Stream)
Friday Jazz Band rehearsals now start at 7.45am
Friday Band – Before School Jazz Band
Tuesday 28 June. Composer Workshop – Year 8-10 Wind Ensemble members (all day event at the Instrumental Music
Saturday 2 July – sausage sizzle and coffee at TPS polling booth for election
Friday 29 July, 2.30pm – 1st deposit, France 2017 (the excursion code is 8232-000-00).
Friday 14 Octuber – Floriade performance, Year 7 bands TBC
Tuesday 25 October – Music: Count Us In at Llewellyn Hall TBC
Thursday 27 October and Fri 28 Oct – South Coast trip; yr7 bands TBC
Friday 28 October – 2nd (non-refundable) deposit – France 2017
Friday 4 November and Saturday 5 November – 12hr Band-a-Thon and Fete
Friday 2 December – 3rd deposit France 2017
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NB 2017 France and Belgium tour: Thursday 21 September 2017 – Thursday 5 October 2017 For Year 8-10 Band Members
(Wind Ensemble and Jazz Band).
Course Costs and Materials:
Costs: $45 per student for the semester if the student possesses their own instrument.
$90 per semester for students using a school instrument.
$60 per semester for students using school drums, school guitars or keyboards.
Chamber String Ensemble and Music Tuition.
Private tutors are available and lessons can be arranged through Charlotte Winslade at ACTAM on 0419 308 918. Their website is if you would like to look into this area.
Guitar tuition on site is also available through Mojo Guitars – Cameron can be contacted on 0431 550 005 if you are interested in
pursuing after school guitar lessons.
Please feel free to contact me on 6142 3382 or by email (more reliable) if you have any questions to do with band, tuition or just
to say bonjour or g’day.
Year 7 band recently performed at the secondary assembly to great acclaim! We were able to: offer Pirates of the Carribean as
our tribute to dress like a pirate day at Telopea; perform a terrific rendition of Swirling Novas (our eisteddfod piece) and present
the undoubted highlight – Jessica Tang singing an absolute powerhouse version Rolling in the Deep – wow! As usual Telopea
proved to be a wonderful supportive audience and gave Jessica a great cheer for her outstanding efforts on the microphone.
The bands are switching to before and after school rehearsals in semester 2; all rehearsals will be in the hall (the combined
bands are too big to fit into the bandroom! A nice and very noisy problem to have!!
Year 7 combined bands rehearse on Thursdays at 8am and again during enrichment in term three.
The Year 8-10 combined Wind Ensemble will rehearse on Wednesdays at 8am, and, in news to hand, also on Wednesday
afternoons until 5.00pm (the survey we recently undertook indicated more numbers available on Wednesday afternoon). We are
well aware that some students will have difficulties with Wednesday after school, and we are currently working our way through
resolving how we might make band work for those people.
Band uniform shirts are still being pre-ordered at the front office – the fee code for a shirt is: 8288-000-00. This shirt will have
Sydney 2016 printed on it (to complement Uluru 2015 and France/Belgium 2014 – collect the whole set!). Deadline for prepayments is Friday 24 June.
See you at the Alliance on Friday 17 June – jazz band will start at 6.45pm and kick off this year’s Fete de la Musique
Rob Clements
Music Teacher, Year 7-10
Semester Reports
It’s been a busy term and both students and staff are now starting to show signs of fatigue. The staff have been busy assessing
student progress and working with the Directorate’s new reporting template.
The report template is bilingual and as a result, longer than our previous format. The teachers have been able to provide a more
detailed comment on your child’s progress in English, French, Mathematics and their Personal and Social Development. Those
students who attend classes in English as an Additional Language/Dialect (EALD) will receive an additional report while those on
Individual Learning or Personal Pathway Plans will find the plan attached. You will also receive an A-E Grade sheet and Absence
Report for the semester. We plan to issue reports on Friday 01 July.
Parent Teacher Interviews have been scheduled for 5 and 6 September. Prior to this, you will receive a mid-semester
report. Learning Journeys will occur in term 4 (Wednesday 19 October between 12.00 noon and 1.00pm) so please try to save
the timeslot. The students do enjoy showcasing their work.
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Staff Departures
At the end of term, we are sad to farewell a number of our French colleagues. I would like to thank them for their quality
teaching and the care and concern they have shown our students. We wish them well in their careers:
Maria Lamrani (K 3)
Cecile Padillon (2.1)
Sophie Caestecker (2.2)
Frederique Rabaud-Fremy (2.3)
Lilas Monniot-Kerr (3.3)
Tatiana Torres (5.1)
Alexandre Buchin (specialist PE)
Two of our Australian relief staff will also be finishing their contracts. We bid a temporary farewell to Sandy Baulerle (1.2 and
1.3) and Marilyn Howe (K.4) knowing that they will return to our daily relief pool during the winter term when demand peaks for
their services.
A number of students are coming to school in very colourful garments rather than the school colour code of navy, red and white.
We do appreciate that issues with laundry are more frequent in the winter months but some students appear to be making a
fashion statement on a regular basis. Please ensure that socks, tights, leggings and trousers comply with the TPS colour code.
Polar fleece jackets are available from the uniform shop and the 2 nd hand shop is currently well stocked with warmer items. The
shop is open on Monday mornings (8.30-9.30am), Tuesday afternoon (from 2.45pm) and mid-morning on Thursday (11.00am12.00 noon).
Pirate Day or Crazy Hair Day proved to be very successful on 10 June. My thanks to the year 6 SRC representatives who
collected the gold coin donations and the class representatives who promoted the event to their peers. We are proud to
announce that we raised $586.05 for the Canberra Hospital Foundation appeal for the Children’s ward.
Rostrum Public Speaking
On Tuesday 14 June, Amedee Dewynter participated in the Southside Rostrum Quarter Final. He was an excellent ambassador
for the school. His speech entitled I Need More Time was warmly received by the audience and the adjudicator, when providing
feedback said it was the most engaging and entertaining speech of the evening. Amedee has been learning English for just
under 12 months. Thank you to Aminah Kazak (EAL/D) and Susan Lewis (year 5) who have supported Amedee on this public
speaking journey. Four staff attended the evening presentation in support of Amedee and to learn more about the competition
and the standard of entrants. We have learnt that Rostrum speeches need to be both entertaining and informative and move
beyond the personal in order to progress to the semi-finals.
Friendship and Peace Tulips
On Tuesday 21 June, a representative from each year group participated in the Tulips for Friendship project an initiative of this
year’s Floriade Festival. Head Gardener, Andrew Forster came to the school and worked with selected students to pot up Peace
Flame and Friendship bulbs along with yellow pansies. Our gardeners are: Edgar (Kindergarten), Tristan (year1), Diego (year 2),
Zachary (year 3), Portia (year 4), Tasanee (year 5) and Adelaide (year 6).The pots will be watered twice a week on Mondays and
Thursdays and also fed at regular intervals. The well -tended pots will return to Commonwealth Park in September. My thanks to
Maria Magdic, for overseeing this project.
Circa Carnival of the Animals
Students in years 1, 2 and 4 have the opportunity to attend the Circa Carnival of the Animals excursion in September. Only
online payments will be accepted and payment must be received by 02 August. This early payment date is requirement of the
Canberra Theatre. Any tickets not required by students in years 1, 2 and 4 will then be offered to those students in year 6 not
attending the Noumea excursion. Notes were sent home a number of weeks ago.
Wishing you a safe and happy holiday
Robin Egerton, Deputy Principal K-6
Bulletins semestriels
Ce trimestre fut encore bien rempli et à la fois les élèves et les enseignants commencent à montrer quelques signes de fatigue.
Les enseignants ont été très occupés à évaluer les progrès des élèves et à remplir les nouveaux bulletins du Département de
Les bulletins sont désormais bilingues et sont, de ce fait, beaucoup plus longs que les anciens bulletins. Les enseignants ont pu
rédiger un commentaire plus détaillé sur les progrès de votre enfant en Anglais, Français, Mathématiques ainsi que sur leur
développement personnel et social. Les élèves qui ont suivi les cours d’Anglais Langue Seconde (EALD) recevront un bulletin
supplémentaire et les élèves ayant un Plan d’Apprentissage Individualisé (PAI) ou un Plan Personnel de Réussite Educative
(PPRE) trouveront le plan inclus au bulletin. Vous recevrez également un relevé de notes A à E et un relevé des absences pour le
semestre. Nous prévoyons de distribuer les bulletins scolaires le vendredi 1 er juillet.
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Les réunions parents-professeurs auront lieu les 5 et 6 septembre. Avant cette date, vous recevrez un bulletin de misemestre. Les portes ouvertes dans les classes (Learning Journeys) auront lieu au dernier trimestre, le mercredi 19
octobre, de 12h00 à 13h00. N’oubliez pas de noter cette date dans vos agendas, les élèves tiennent toujours beaucoup à
partager leur travail avec vous.
Départs d’enseignants
A la fin de ce trimestre, nous dirons au revoir à un certain nombre d’enseignants français. Je souhaite les remercier pour la
qualité de leur enseignement et l’attention qu’ils ont portée à nos élèves. Nous souhaitons nos meilleurs vœux dans la poursuite
de leur carrière à :
Maria Lamrani (GS-3)
Cécile Pradillon (CE1-1)
Sophie Caestecker (CE1-2)
Frédérique Rabaud-Frémy (CE1-3)
Lilas Monniot-Kerr (CE2-3)
Tatiana Torres (CM2-1 et CM2-2)
Alexandre Buchin (professeur d’EPS au Primaire)
Deux enseignantes australiennes achèvent également leur contrat. Nous disons au revoir pour peu de temps à Sandy Bauerle
(CP-1 et CP-3) et Marilyn Howe (GS-4), car elles viendront vite rejoindre notre équipe de professeurs remplaçants très
demandés en cette période hivernale.
Uniformes :
Certains élèves viennent à l’école avec des vêtements très colorés et ne respectent pas les couleurs de l’uniforme de l’école, à
savoir bleu marine, rouge et blanc. Nous sommes conscients que le linge sèche plus difficilement les mois d’hiver, mais certains
élèves semblent visiblement vouloir faire des effets de mode de façon régulière. Nous vous remercions de bien vouloir vous
assurer que les chaussettes, les caleçons et les pantalons respectent le code couleur de l’uniforme de Telopea Park School. Le
magasin de l’école propose des vestes polaires et de nombreux vêtements d’occasion chauds sont également disponibles. Le
magasin est ouvert le lundi matin (de 8h30 à 9h30), le mardi après-midi (à partir de 14h45) et en milieu de matinée le jeudi (de
11h00 à midi).
Pirate Day ou Crazy Hair Day a remporté un véritable succès le 10 juin. Je remercie les délégués des élèves de Sixième qui
ont collecté les dons et les délégués des autres classes qui ont assuré la promotion de cette journée auprès de leurs camarades.
Nous sommes fiers de vous annoncer que nous avons récolté la somme de $586,05 pour la Fondation de l’Hôpital pour enfants
de Canberra.
Concours d’éloquence
Mardi 14 juin, Amédée Dewynter a participé aux quarts de finale du concours d’éloquence de la zone du sud. Il fut un excellent
ambassadeur de l’école. Son discours intitulé J’ai besoin de plus de temps a été reçu très chaleureusement par le public, et le
juge a précisé que le discours d’Amédée avait été le discours le plus divertissant et le plus intéressant de la soirée. Amédée
apprend l’anglais depuis moins d’un an. Merci aux enseignantes Aminah Kazak (EALD) et Susan Lewis (CM2) pour avoir aidé
Amédée à se préparer pour ce concours d’éloquence. Quatre enseignants ont assisté à la soirée pour soutenir Amédée et pour en
apprendre davantage sur le concours et le niveau des autres concurrents. Nous avons compris que les discours devaient être à la
fois divertissants et informatifs et aller au-delà des expériences personnelles pour espérer atteindre les demi-finales.
Les Tulipes Amitié et Paix
Le mardi 21 juin, des élèves représentant chaque niveau de classe ont participé au projet Des Tulipes pour l’Amitié, une initiative
du Festival Floriade 2016. Le jardinier en chef, Andrew Forster, est venu à l’école et a travaillé avec ce groupe d’élèves pour
mettre en pot les bulbes des Tulipes nommées Peace Flame et Friendship, ainsi que des pensées jaunes. Nos représentants
jardiniers étaient Edgar en Grande Section de Maternelle, Tristan en CP, Diego en CE1, Zachary en CE2, Portia en CM1, Tasanee
en CM2 et Adélaide en Sixième. Les pots seront arrosés deux fois par semaine le lundi et le jeudi et recevront une dose d’engrais
Sortie au théâtre Circa Carnival of the Animals
Les élèves de CP, CE1 et CM1 ont la possibilité d’assister au spectacle Circa Carnival of the Animals au mois de septembre. Seuls
les paiements en ligne seront possibles et devront être effectués pour le 2 août au plus tard. Le Théâtre de Canberra exige un
paiement anticipé afin de garantir les réservations. Les billets restants seront ensuite proposés aux élèves de Sixième qui ne
participent pas au voyage à Nouméa. Une note d’information a été distribuée il y a quelques semaines.
Je vous souhaite à tous des vacances sûres et agréables.
Robin Egerton
Principale-adjointe du Primaire
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Primary Disco is this Friday night, 24 June!
Our Primary School disco is being held in the Multipurpose Hall from 5.30pm to 7.00pm for K-2 and 7.00pm to 8.30pm for years
3 – 6.
DJ Snap, last year’s DJ is coming back for an encore performance!
The P&C is seeking volunteers to help supervise the disco, distribute refreshments, sell glow sticks and also run a parent supper.
Please contact Catriona: [email protected] if you can help!
P&C eNewsletter
The P&C has its own eNewsletter that is used to keep Telopea parents and friends informed and engaged in a variety of school
and community activities and events.
Sign up here to receive our updates!
Uniform Shop Second-Hand Items
Did you know that the TPS Uniform Shop also sells a range of second-hand uniforms?
Parents can also donate old pre-loved uniforms to be sold second-hand. All money from the sales of these items is given back to
the P&C.
The Uniform Shop operates from the shop front beside the Canteen. The second-hand uniforms are stored in the grey locked
Please feel free to visit the shop front during the following opening hours.
Monday – 8.30 - 9.30am
Tuesday – 2.45 - 3.45pm
Thursday – 11.00am – 12.00noon
Order and pay securely on the web:
[email protected]
Place your order over the phone/fax 1300794179 (business hours)
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Lifeline Canberra’s annual Southside Bookfair is on this Friday, Saturday and Sunday at the Erindale Vikings Club. We have a
range of books, DVDs, CDs, comics, games, puzzles and more.
Please see advertisement attached, we would greatly appreciate it if you could please share this with your students and staff.
We are also supporting Communities@Work by collecting donations of non-perishable foods. We encourage Bookfair patrons to
bring something along to help support vulnerable people in our community.
For more details, please visit
Woden Valley Youth Choir is honoured to be hosting, Grammy award-winning Pacific Boychoir
from Oakland, San Francisco, California.
To celebrate this special occasion we warmly invite you and your family to a sound sensation as the
two Choirs perform.
Tuesday, 19 July 7:00pm to 9:00pm
Woden Valley Alliance Church, 81 Namatjira Ave, Waramanga
$10 Adults, $15 Family, at the door.
The school archives is in urgent need of a large (470cm x 1295cm x 900 cm.) horizontal map/plan cabinet to house a
valuable collection of maps, plans and other very large documents, including original architects plans for some of the buildings.
It has proved to be very difficult to find a suitable cabinet for a reasonable price. The second hand wooden ones tend to be
around the $2000 mark and I have quotes ranging from $2,500 to $3,500 for a new metal one. I have tried the following options
to find a suitable second hand one- Green Shed, second hand dealers in Fyshwick and Gum Tree website. Can anyone assist us
to find a cabinet in good condition and for an affordable price?
Esther Davies
(School Archivist)
Australian of the Year Awards
Each year the Australian of the Year Awards recognise Australians worthy of attention.
In 2016 the ACT Australian of the Year finalist, David Morrison AO was announced as the Australian of the Year for his
commitment to gender equality, diversity and inclusion. Do you know someone like David who is worthy of attention? Consider
nominating them for the 2017 Australian of the Year Awards.
You can nominate an Australian of the Year, Senior Australian of the Year (aged 65 and over), Young Australian of the Year
(aged 16 to 30) or Australia’s Local Hero.
Nominate online at
Nominations close on 7 August 2016.
Marymead is again holding their Monster Garage Sale on Saturday 2 July. I was wondering whether you could include it in your
next newsletter? If so, below is a blurb and I have also attached an image.
Snap up a bargain at the Marymead Monster Garage Sale on Saturday, 2 July from 9.00am - 1.00pm at 255 Goyder Street,
Narrabundah. There will be plants, books, craft, toys, bric-a-brac and clothing for sale with all proceeds going to Marymead.
Also enjoy the sausage sizzle with sausages proudly donated by the Griffith Butchery. For more information contact Jo DeanRitchie 6162 5800 or email [email protected]
Many thanks for supporting us if you are able to include.
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NSW Crescent
Phone: 61423388
[email protected]
Proviseur/Head of French
Deputy Principal K-10
Deputy Principal K-6
Kerrie Blain
Emmanuel Texier
Tom Kobal
Deputy Principal 7-10
Michele McLoughlin
Conseiller Pédagogique Julien Dugas
Business Manager
Mary Ryan
Mary Welsh
Robin Egerton
School Board Members 2016
Board Chair
Jacinda Still
Appointed Member
Staff Member
Cathy Marot
Staff Member
P&C Member
Student Member
Australian Government
French Government
Laura Beacroft
Divij Madan
Louise Hudson
Catherine Hodier
P&C Member
Student Member
French Government
Board Secretary
Katherine Solomko
Hugh Griffin
Timothy Rock
Eric Soulier
Mary Ryan
P&C 2016
Paul Haesler
Vice Presidents
[email protected]
Peter Roberts,
David Pullen
Pauline Cullen
Assistant Secretary
Anita Gardner
Justin Brown
Assistant Treasurer
Phillippe Moncuquet
Public Officer
Before and After School Care
Communication Officer
Lost Property Officer
Initial Fete Coordination Team
Catriona Dove
Andrea Grazziadelli
Emma Perkins
Christine Gustafson
Grants Officer
ACT P&C Delegate
Communication Officer
Returning Officer
Andrew Koc-McDonald
Julie Glasgow
Lisa Wallace
Peter Roberts
Vaishali Goel, Andrew Medlin, Clair Bannerman, Tran Tang, Nicola Smith
and Jacinda Still
The inclusion of advertisements in this publication is in no way to be interpreted as an endorsement of support by the school.
Readers are responsible for forming their own opinions as to the value or reliability of the information contained in such
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