Allergy-fighting tips


Allergy-fighting tips
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Allergy-Fighting Tips
(, 2012)
Allergies affect a lot of us. Whether it’s year-round or seasonal, your immune system is mistakenly
identifying harmless particles as intruders, setting off alarms that result in plenty of discomfort.
You may be able to decrease your inflammatory response to allergens by eating the Mediterranean way,
with lots of vegetables, fruits and foods high in and omega 3 fats like walnuts, Alaskan salmon, and
ground flax seed.
These foods help decrease inflammation.
Avoid foods that can worsen inflammation. Like the pro inflammatory trans fats and polyunsaturated oils
found in many processed or take-out foods.
Milk proteins can also make symptoms worse. So try a week or two without dairy products to see if this
makes a difference for you.
Be sure to drink lots of water to keep your mucus membranes in fighting order.
Take control of your environment. Limit your time outdoors during peak allergy season.
To keep pollen outside the house, leave your shoes at the door; wash your face and hands when you come
in; and shower pollen off before bed time.
Consider adding a high-efficiency-particulate-air or hepa filter to your heating and cooling system.
Limit pets to certain rooms of the house, and have your house inspected for mould that might need to be
Try using a neti pot, a ceramic vessel filled with home-made saline solution.
Clean out your nasal passages once in the morning, and once at night when you’re having symptoms, and
once a week when you’re symptom-free.
More importantly, if you believe you have allergies, speak with your doctor. Allergy symptoms are often
confused with other disorders, so you wanna make sure you know what you’re dealing with.
Prescription medications may be of help, but try to avoid decongestants, which provide very little benefit
and far too many side-effects.
By following these tips, you might just be able to better control your allergies this season.
Good luck!
allergy fighting tips
whether it’s year-round or …
harmless particles
as intruders
setting off
plenty of discomfort
to decrease
conseils pour lutter contre les allergies
que ce soit tout au long de l’année ou …
à tort
des particules inoffensives
comme des intrus
beaucoup de gêne, désagrément
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10. ground flax seed
11. worsen
12. processed or take-out foods
13. dairy products
14. in fighting order
15. outdoors
16. peak allergy season
17. shower pollen off
18. have your house inspected for mould
19. vessel
20. home-made saline solution
21. clean out your nasal passages
22. disorders
23. you wanna
24. what you’re dealing with
25. prescription medications
26. may be of help
27. far too many side effects
graines de lin moulues
de la nourriture traitée ou à emporter
produits laitiers
qui fonctionne efficacement
à l’extérieur
en pleine saison d’allergie
éliminer le pollen en prenant une douche
faites examiner votre maison pour moisissure
solution saline faite maison
nettoyer vos voix nasales
= you want to
(ici) de quoi vous souffrez
médication sur ordonnance
pourraient être utile, efficace
bien trop d’effets secondaires

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