
Name & Surname: Souhail Hermassi
Date of Birth: 03/01/1976-Tunisia
Nationality: Tunisian
E-mail: [email protected]
Mobile Phone: +21623438233 (GMT+1)
Function: University Full Assistant Professor. Qualification, Specialization in handball
Address: N 4, Rue 90, Bardo. Tunis 2052. Tunisia
Qualification: Fitness Coach in a Senior Professional Handball Team
Personal web site:
2008-Persent: PhD-candidate in the final stage. Field of sport science. “Physical load and demands
during competitive handball team”. University of Carthage. Tunisia
2004-2006: Master degree in sport science. Development of handball specific fitness training and
testing.. High institute of sport and physical fitness. University of Manouba Tunisia
1998-2002: Diploma of sport and physical fitness. Specialty handball training. High institute of sport
and physical fitness University of Manouba. Tunisia
1998: Bachelor of letterer study. Bardo’s secondary school. Tunisia
Sports Diplomas:
2006-2007: International Handball diploma. For Senior Professional Handball Coach. University of
sport science of Leipzig. Germany. The first of the group with perfect step.
2006-2007: Federal Handball Diploma. “Trainer-B-Lizenz” -Fitness training and testing. German
Handball Coach. Deutcher- Handball-Bund. Dortmund, Germany
2003-2004: Handball Trainer Level 3. Handball Coach first degrees. Tunisian handball federation.
2010-Today-University Full Assistant Professor. Qualification, Specialization in handball. Department
of Sports and Exercise Sciences. High institute of sport and physical fitness University of Manouba
2003-2010: Teacher of physical fitness. High secondary school. Direction of sports and physical
education. Tunisia.
2008-present: Name of employer: Club African, Tunisia ( Sports – Professional
Handball Seniors Team. Occupation or position held: Fitness Coach of handball. Results:
Saison 2010: Semi finalist of Tunisian Seniors’ Handball Cup
Saison 2011: Win of seniors’ Handball Tunisian Cup
Saison 2012: Bronze Medal at The 28th edition of the Africa Clubs Championship
2007-2009: Name of employer: Stade Tunisien ( Sports – Semi-Professional
Handball Seniors. Team – Occupation or position held: Head Coach: juniors Handball team Results:
2008-Winner the best level of handball federation, Tunisia
2003-2007: Name of employer: Club Sportive CSDH of Handball, Tunisia. Sports – young’s Handball
team. Occupation or position held: Head Coach. Results:
2003-Winner of regional cup of Tunis.
2004- Winner of regional championship of Tunis.
2005-Winner of regional best cup of handball, Tunis
2006-2012: Sports – Private Strength and Conditioning coach of amateurs Tennis players.: Occupation or
position held: Private Tennis Coach
Sport qualification
Well-rounded background in coaching Fitness and Strength Conditioning
Specialized in modern circuit training methods and polymeric programs
Excellent experience developing intermittent Aerobic capacity
Strong analytical and planning skills and Strong team motivator
Skilled in identifying and developing High potential players.
Extensive sports testing and training knowledge
Windows environment - Software: Very good knowledge of Microsoft Windows (office) (3.10, 3.11,
95, 98, ME, 2000, XP). Very Internet navigation skills. Stat view, SPSS, Photoshop, Movie maker,
Regavie, Avimeca, Pinnacle studio plus,
Languages: English, French and Arabic. Reading and verbal skills: Very well
Active member: Laboratory of “Evaluation and analysis of determinant factors of sport performance” &
Laboratory of “Optimization of sport performance”, NCMSS. Tunisia
Research Topics Offer:
The influence of different high intensity training regimes on match performance
Physical load and demands during competitive team handball
Training and testing the elite handball players.
Handball Elite player
1990-1997: Handball Player at (Club African) team.
1997-2002: Handball player at (Stade Tunisien) team.
2000-2002: Handball player at (University sport Science) team.
Lectures for coaches and players in “Tunisian Association of handball coaches”
Member of many research groups in the field of Handball and sport games.
2 educational DVD’s
Original scientific articles;
Hermassi Souhail, Castagna Carlo, Mohamed Yahmed Mohamed, Younes Hachana, Chamari
Karim. Direct Validity of the yo-yo Intermittent Recovery Test in Young Team Handball Players. J
Strength Cond Res. 2010 Feb; 24 (2):465-70.
Hermassi Souhail, Mohamed Souhaiel Chelly, Mourad Fathloun & Roy Shephard. The Effect of
Heavy- vs. Moderate-Load Training on the Development of Strength, Power, and Throwing Ball Velocity
in Male Handball Players. J Strength Cond Res. 2010 Sep; 24(9):2408-18.
Hermassi Souhail, Chelly Mohamed Souhaiel, Zouhair Tabka, Roy Shephard, Karim Chamari.
Effects of 8-Week in-Season Upper and Lower Limb Heavy Resistance Training on the Peak Power,
Throwing velocity and Sprint Performance of Elite Male Handball Players. J Strength Cond Res. 2011
Hermassi Souhail, Mourad Fadhloun, Mohamed Souhail Chelly, Abdelkrim Bensbaa.
Relationship between agility T-test and physical fitness measures as indicators of performance in elite
adolescent handball players. Pedagogika, psihologia ta medikobiologicni Scientific journal 2010, №4
Mourad Fadhloun , Hermassi Souhail, , Mohamed Souhail Chelly, Abdelkrim Bensbaa
Relationship between medicine ball explosive power tests, throwing ball velocity and jump performance
in team handball players. Pedagogika, psihologia ta medikobiologicni Scientific journal 2010, №5
Mohamed Souhaiel Chelly, Souhail Hermassi & Roy Shephard. Relationships Between Power
and Strength of the Upper and Lower Limb Muscles and Throwing Velocity in Male Handball Players. J
Strength Cond Res. 2010 Jun; 24 (6):1480-7.
Mohamed Souhaiel Chelly , Hermassi Souhail , Ridha Aouadi , Riadh Khalifa , Roland Van den
Tillaar , Karim Chamari and Roy J. Shephard. Match analysis of elite adolescent team handball players. J
Strength Cond Res. 2011 Sep;25(9):2410-2417.
Khlifa Riadh, Aouadi Ridah, Hermassi Souhail, Chelly Mohamed Souhaiel, Jlid Mohamed
Chedely, Hbacha Hamdi, Castagna Carlo. Effects of a Plyometric Training Program with and without
added Load on Jumping Ability in Basketball Players. J Strength Cond Res. 2010 Nov; 24(11):2955-61.
Mohamed Souhaiel Chelly, Najet Cherif, Mohamed Ben Amar, Souhail Hermassi, Mourad
Fathloun, Ezdine Bouhlel, Zouhair Tabka, & Roy J Shephard. Relation of Peak Leg Power, 1-Maximal
Repetition Half Squat, and Leg muscle Volume to 5-m Sprint Performance of Junior Soccer Players. J
Strength Cond Res. 2010 Jan; 24(1):266-71.
Mohamed Souhaiel Chelly, Ghenem Mohamed Ali, Abid K, Hermassi Souhail, Tabka Zouhaier,
Roy J Shephard. Effects of In-season short-term Plyometric Training Program on Leg Power, Jump- and
Sprint Performance of Soccer Players. J Strength Cond Res. 2010 Oct; 24(10):267011.
Ridha Aouadi , Mohamed Chedly Jlid, Riadh Khalifa , Souhail Hermassi , Mohamed Souhaiel
Chelly, Roland van den Tillaar, Tim Gabbett. Association of Anthropometric Qualities With vertical
Jump Performance in Elite Male Volleyball Players. J Sports Med Phys Fitness. In press 2011.
Acts of Congress and Communications:
International congresses
Hermassi Souhail, Chelly Mohamed Souhaiel, & Chamari Karim. Importance du Yo-Yo
Intermittent Recovery Test Level 1 (IRTL1) dans l’Evaluation du Potentiel Athlétique du Jeune
Handballeur. Colloque International, Physiologie du Sport et De l'Exercice Musculaire, Monastir, 16-17
Avril 2010, Tunisie.
Hermassi Souhail, Chelly Mohamed Souhaiel, & Chamari Karim. Etude des relations de la force
maximale des membres inférieurs et les déterminants athlétiques de la performance chez des jeunes
handballeurs. Colloque International, Physiologie du Sport et De l'Exercice Musculaire, Monastir, 16-17
Avril 2010, Tunisie.
Hermassi Souhail, Chelly Mohamed Souhaiel, & Chamari Karim. Relation entre la puissance
maximale anaérobie, le volume musculaire, la force maximale des membres supérieurs et la performance
de tir des joueurs de handball. Colloque Scientifique international, Sport de Haut Niveau, Tunis, 28-29
mai 2009, Tunisie.
.Hermassi Souhail, Chelly Mohamed Souhaiel, & Chamari Karim. Physical and physiological
demands of young handball players during a game: Importance of training status. Colloque Scientifique
international, Sport de Haut Niveau, Tunis, 28-29 mai 2009, Tunisie.
Hermassi Souhail, Hachana Younes, Haj Yahmed M & Chamari Karim. Heart rate response of
adolescent players during handball competition. Colloque International, Cinquante ans de formation,
d'enseignement et de recherche en activités physiques et en sport, Hammamet sud, 16-17 novembre 2007,
Hermassi Souhail, Hachana younes, Haj Yahmed M & Chamari Karim. Analyze de l'activité
handball chez des jeunes handballeurs. Colloque International, Cinquante ans de formation,
d'enseignement et de recherche en activités physiques et en sport, Hammamet sud, 16-17 novembre 2007,
Hermassi Souhail, Chamari Karim, Mahfoudi M Hedi, Boudian Nahla, Haj Sassi Radwan ,
Hachana younes, & Haj Yahmed M. Quantification de l'activité Handball chez des jeunes Joueurs. 1er
Congrès International des Sciences du Sport de Tunisie, les sciences du sport: application aux activités
physiques et sportives, Yasmine Hammamet , 21-22 avril 2006, Tunisie.
Hermassi Souhail , Chamari Karim, Boudian Nahla, Haj Sassi Radwan , Hachana younes,
Mahfoudi M Hedi & Haj Yahmed M. Validité directe Du Yo-Yo Intermittent Recovery Test Chez les
Jeunes Handballeurs 4èmeSéminaire Maghrébin, Le Sport et les Nouvelles Tendances, Le Kef, 16-17
février 2006,Tunisie.
Mahfoudi M Hedi, Chamari Karim, Boudian Nahla, Hermassi Souhail, Haj Sassi Radwan ,
Grammi Makrem, Nessib Sabri , & Haj Yahmed M. Evaluation de la puissance maximale Aérobie et la
capacité de récupération par le yo-yo Intermittent Recovery test en Boxe Anglaise. 4ème Séminaire
Maghrébin, Le Sport et les Nouvelles Tendances, Le Kef, 16-17 février 2006, Tunisie
National congresses or regional
Hermassi Souhail, Chelly Mohamed Souhaiel, & Fathloun Mourad. Effet de deux programmes
d'entrainement de la force sur le gain de volume Musculaire et la performance de tir de balle chez des
joueurs de Handball.1er Journée de Médecine de sport, Sousse, 27 février 2010, Tunisie.
Ghanem Mohamed Ali, Chelly Mohamed Souhaiel & Hermassi Souhail. Effet de l'entrainement
pliometrique sur la puissance des membres inférieurs, la course vitesse et la détente verticale du
footballeur. 1ereJournée de Médecine de sport du centre, Sousse, 27 février 2010, Tunisie;
Hermassi Souhail, Chelly Mohamed Souhaiel, & Chamari Karim. Etudes relations physique et
anthropométrique entre les members supérieurs et la performance de tir chez des joueurs de Handball.
Congrès de la Société Tunisienne de Médecine de Sport en Collaboration avec le Comité National
Olympique Tunisien, Tunis, 22-23 mai 2009, Tunisie.

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