JIA 95 (1969) 353-355 - Institute and Faculty of Actuaries


JIA 95 (1969) 353-355 - Institute and Faculty of Actuaries
JIA 95 (1969) 353-355
F.F.A., A.I.A., A.S.A..
M.A., F.I.A., F.S.S.
Bulletin de l’Association Royale des Actuaires Belges, 64, 1968
FRANCKX, ED. Les routines d’avant-projet en assurances de risques divers (Preliminary
planning procedures in insurance of miscellaneous risks), pp. 12–42. Puts forward
a simplified model from which preliminary ideas of the fluctuations in the portfolio
can be determined arithmetically.
FRÈRE,R. Ajustement de la fonction de Makeham aux tables de mortalité brute (Graduation by Makeham’s law of crude mortality tables), pp. 44–50.
MALTA, A. Les centres de documentation à l’heure de l’informatique (Centres of up-todate records of information), pp. 52-76. A discussion of the application of computers and mechanical methods generally to the problem of simplifying access to
Bulletin Trimestriel de l’lnstitut des Actuaires Français, 79, 1968
GRUSON,C. L’éolution à long terme des taux d’intérêt (The long-term evolution of rates
of interest), pp. 107–14.
WETZEL,J. Rapport sur la thèse de M. Damiani (Report on the paper by M. Damiani),
pp. 115–9.
DAMIANI,P. Applications de l’analyse statistique a l’étude de la mortalité, pp. 122-88.
The author studied the trend of mortality by cause of death in the age-group 45-64
for three causes, and also for all causes combined. The trend was analysed according
to the ‘départements’ of France, on the hypothesis that the distribution of rates
of mortality by department at the time t was log-normal. To allow for the time
sequence of observations, i.e. when t varies, a normal distribution in two variables
was fitted. The method failed for other age-groups and the results for the mortality
by cause were unacceptable. The author proceeded to study an alternative method
based on Markov chains and ingeniously refined the results of the first method,
producing projected rates of mortality by cause and for all causes. In the second
section of the paper, the author investigates underlying cyclical variations in
mortality by harmonic analysis.
Pages 215-88 are devoted to a report on a Seminar held in February, March and April
1968 at the Statistical Institute of the University of Paris under the general title Actuarial
Calculations, Technique and Financing of institutions or plans for retirement benefits.
Individual contributions are as follows:
FÉRAUD,L. Introduction, pp. 217–20.
NETTER,F. Remarques sur le fonctionnement des Institutions de Retraites utilisant le
système des Comptes Individuels de Points, pp. 221–30. Further reflection on the
French points system of allowing for inflation in pension schemes.
Notes on other Actuarial Journals
FRAISSE,J. Sur l’exposé présenté par M. Netter, pp. 231–2.
PICOT, J. Développement d’un point de l’exposé de Monsieur Netter en ce qui concerne les
Régimes Obligatoires, pp. 233–5.
FÉRAUD, L. Sur l’exposé de Monsieur Netter, pp. 237-9.
PICOT, J. Recherche des Conditions d’Equilibre des Régimes par Répartition
la Population Salariée (Investigation of the conditions for equilibrium of Repartition
schemes relating to wage-earning classes), pp. 241-52.
LESCURE,J. Influence de l’expansion sur le rendement et l’annuité de retraite des régimes
de répartition par points dont le salaire de référence varie proportionnellement au
salaire moyen des cotisants (Influence of expansion on the yield and the retirement
annuity in ‘Repartition’ points schemes in which the reference wage varies proportionally to the mean wage of the members), pp. 255–77.
FÉRAUD, L. Sur la possibilité d’établir un schéma théorique pour le calcul du point dans
un régime de retraites (On the possibility of constructing a theoretical model for
the calculation of the point value in a retirement scheme), pp. 279-88.
DAMIANI, P. Rapport sur la thèse de M. Astier (Report on M. Astier’s thesis), pp. 317–20.
ASTIER, R. Contribution à la théorie des groupes de têtes (Contribution
to the theory of
multiple-life functions), pp. 321-92. Studies formalized mathematical expressions
which reduce n-life contingent assurances and annuities to linear forms in ‘elementary symmetric functions’
Bulletin de l’Association des Actuaires Diplomés de l’Institut de
Science Financière & d’Assurances 17, 1968
HAUTCOEUR,JEAN-LOUIS.Evolution récente du marché monétaire (Recent development
of the money market), pp. 3-11. Describes the French banks and money market.
LOEB, E. Intégration
et automatisation, pp. 13-6. Deals with the place of the computer
in an integrated data processing organization.
PETITJEAN,M. La réversibilité des pensions dans les régimes de retraite du secteur public
et para-public (Reversionary pensions in State and Para-State retirement schemes),
pp. 17-22. Criticizes the lack of rights for the widower of a deceased State female
employee as being contrary to the concept of equal rewards; the level of widow’s
pension which is normally 50% of the husband’s; and some aspects of the cost.
vie à la prime de risque (Danger of risk premium
life reassurance), pp. 23–8. The author feels that reassurance of the mortality risk
for an endowment assurance should be regarded as reassurance of the term assurance portion; the pure endowment portion being retained by the ceding office.
This means that the reassurer receives a risk premium for the whole of the nominal
sum reassured, and not for a decreasing amount at risk.
RAMEL, M. Danger de la réassurance
18, 1969
complexe et ses propriétés dans les Régimes de Retraite
par Répartition (The complex multiplier and its properties in the Répartition’
pension schemes), pp. 3-42. Continues the previous articles on this subject (J.I.A.
1969, 95, 159).
BARRET, F. Le multiplicateur
Notes on
Blätter der Deutschen Gesellschaft fiir Versicherungsmathematik,
9, 1969
SACHS,W. Bilanzierungsgrundsätze der Lebensversicherung im Lichte der Erörterungen
des XVIII. Kongresses der Versicherungsmathematiker, pp. 5–14. Extract from a
lecture given to the Austrian Actuarial Society, dealing with selected life assurance
valuation questions from an international viewpoint and including inter alia
references to legal minimum bases, zillmerization, matching and index linked
policies. An extended summary in English is printed at the end of the text.
G. Beiträge zur Mathematik der Lebensversicherung, pp. 15–28. Reserves,
including surplus, are accumulated on an experience basis making allowance for
fluctuations in the value of assets.
KRAATZ,E. and REICHEL,G. Über die Löbarkeit einer Integralgleichung für Versicherungsfunktionen, pp. 29–44. (On the solvability of an integral equation for assurance
GERWINS,T. Über die Auswirkungen des Selbstbehalts bei Krankheitskostentarifen,
45-55. An investigation of the distribution of sickness claims and of the effect of
franchises of different amounts on the total cost of claims.
BALLEER,M. Bericht über Markoffsche Prozesse in der Versicherungsmathenzatik, pp. 57–
65. Discusses the application of Markov processes to actuarial problems by way of a
bibliographic survey and finds their main areas of application in the study of insurance collectives and the establishment of adequate reserves.
HAASE,H. Bemerkungen zur Abkürzung von Kopitalversicherungen, pp. 67-75. An investigation of practical methods of calculating the shortening of the terms of endowment
assurances by way of additional payments or the application of bonus, a type of
policy widely written in Germany.