Evaluation diagnostique d`entrée en seconde


Evaluation diagnostique d`entrée en seconde
Evaluation diagnostique d’entrée en seconde
Document 1 : Compréhension de l’écrit
Nom de l’élève : ………………………………………… Classe : ……………..
Lisez le texte puis répondez en français aux questions suivantes.
My best holiday ever was when I went snorkelling in the Great Barrier Reef. I was 10
years old and I went with my family. Like many Australians I learned to swim when I
was very young, and since then I’ve loved the sea, so when my dad told me we were
going to the Reef, I was really over the moon! I had read a lot about the Great Barrier
Reef, and I had seen programmes about it on TV, so it was great to know I was finally
going to see it for myself.
When we arrived at the reef the first thing I noticed was the colours: the deep blue sky without a single cloud, and the most crystal clear water I had ever seen. All these were
incredible sights for me. As we swam around we saw beautiful coral formations,
colourful schools of fish and even a turtle! The instructor said we were very lucky to have
seen a turtle, as they are rare in this particular area of the reef.
We also met a lot of people from around the world during our visit, because this is one of
the most famous sites in Australia and it attracts a lot of tourists. It was interesting to
meet so many foreigners and share the moment with them, and we all agreed that this was
an experience we’d never forget!'
Extract from James Hamilton’s diary
1. Identifiez
- le nom du narrateur : ………………………………………………………………… 1 pt
- sa nationalité: ………………………………………………………………………… 1 pt
Justifiez : ………………………………………………………………………………. 1 pt
2. De quoi parle le narrateur ? ………………………………………………………… 1 pt
Justifiez avec des mots clés : …………………………………………………………..1 pt
3. Citez un élément du texte qui indique quand se passe l’histoire? ………………….. 1 pt
4. Où se passe l’histoire (pays, lieu précis)?
………………………………………………………………………………………….2 pts
5. Quels sont les éléments qui l’ont frappé à son arrivée ? 2 pts
6. Cochez la bonne case et justifiez avec des mots clés uniquement.
a. Il était seul.
 Vrai  Faux
1 pt …………………………………………………………………….
b. Il ne connaissait pas l’endroit où il devait aller.
 Vrai  Faux
2 pts
c. Il a fait de la plongée seul.
 Vrai  Faux
2 pts
e. Il a vu beaucoup de tortues.
 Vrai  Faux
2 pts
f. Il y avait seulement des Australiens.
1 pt
7. C’était une expérience positive, trouvez deux raisons dans le dernier paragraphe.
2 pts
Total =
/ 20

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