La Physique au Canada


La Physique au Canada
The Bulletin of
The Canadian Association
of Physicists
Vol. 39 No. 4
July 1983
Bulletin de
l'Association canadienne
des physiciens
La Physique
au Canada
Vol. 39 N° 4
Juillet 1983
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Physics in C a n a d a
Corporate Members/Membres Corporatifs
Canadian Association of Physicists
Association Canadienne des Physiciens
The Corporate Members of the Canadian Association of
Physicists are a group of corporations, laboratories and institutions who through their membership support the educational
activities of the Association.
Les Membres c o r p o r a t i f s de l'Association C a n a d i e n n e des
Physiciens sont un groupe de corporations, laboratoires ou
institutions qui supportent financièrement les activités éducatives
de l'Association.
The entire proceeds of corporate membership contributions are
paid into the C A P Educational Trust Fund and are tax deductible.
Les revenus de leurs contributions déductibles aux fins d'impôt
sont entièrement versés au Fonds Educatif de l'ACP.
The Canadian Association of Physicists cordially invites interested
corporations and institutions to make application for Corporate
membership and will welcome the inquiries addressed to the
Executive Secretary.
L'Association Canadienne des Physiciens invite cordialement
corporations et institutions à faire partie des Membres Corporatifs.
Renseignements auprès du Secrétaire Exécutif.
151 Slater, Suite 805
Ottawa. Ontario K I P 5H3
Physics in
La Physique
au Canada
The Bulletin of
The Canadian Association
of Physicists
Vol. 39 No. 4
July 1983
Bulletin de
l'Association canadienne
des physiciens
Vol. 39 No 4
Juillet 1983
E d i t o r / R é a c t e u r en chef
J. Rolfe
Bank of C a n a d a , 234 Wellington St., O t t a w a , O n t a r i o
(613) 563-8906
K1A 0 G 9
Associate E d i t o r / R é d a c t e u r Associé
Corporate Members/Membres corporatifs
M . L . Jento
Letters/ Lettres
T h e F u t u r e of Physicists. . . .
by Richard D u b i n s k y
O n e S t e p T o w a r d s a S t r o n g e r Identity for the Scientific
P r o f e s s i o n in C a n a d a
by Peter Kirkby
D é p a r t e m e n t de physique. Université de S h e r b r o o k e .
S h e r b r o o k e , Q u é b e c J 1 K 2R1
(819) 565-3587
T h e I m p a c t of Nuclear W a r f a r e on C a n a d a
by J o s e p h J. R o m m and M. Anjali Sastry
R. Fraser Code
L'inspection des m a t é r i a u x : un d o m a i n e pluridisci plinaire
de la p h y s i q u e a p p l i q u é e
par P. Cielo
Book Review E d i t o r / R é d a c t e u r à la critique des livres
J . P . Svenne
D e p t . of Physics, University of M a n i t o b a .
Winnipeg, Manitoba R3T 2N2
(204) 474-9856
Laurent G. Caron
Physics D e p a r t m e n t , University of T o r o n t o ,
E r i n d a l e Coll R 4039. M I S S I S S A U G A , O n t a r i o L5L
(416) 828-5353
A n n u a l R e p o r t and R e p o r t on Activities
R a p p o r t a n n u e l et c o m p t e - r e n d u
G.A. D a i g l e
Conseil n a t i o n a l de recherches d u C a n a d a , Div. de p h y s i q u e ,
Ottawa, Ont.
(613) 993-2840
Elmer H . Hara
D e p a r t m e n t of C o m m u n i c a t i o n s ,
R o o m 1648, J o u r n a l T o w e r N o r t h ,
300 Slater Street. O t t a w a K1A 0 C 8
(613) 593-6460
John A. Nilson
L u m o n i c s Inc.
105 Schneider Rd., K A N A T A ( O t t a w a ) , O n t .
(613) 592-1460
C A P A f f a i r s / A f f a i r e s de l ' A C P
News Nouvelles
C a n a d i a n Physicists; Physiciens c a n a d i e n s
B o o k s Received Livres reçus
Book R e v i e w s / C r i t i q u e s des livres
IVY M I K E w a s fired on E n e w e t a k on
e x p e r i m e n t a l t h e r m o n u c l e a r device.
O c t o b e r 31. 1952. It w a s a n
R.R. Parsons
Physics D e p a r t m e n t , University of British C o l u m b i a ,
V a n c o u v e r , B.C. V 6 T 1W5
(604) 228-2929
S U B S C R I P T I O N R A T E / A B O N N E M E N T P A R A N $10.00
Canadian Association of Physicists
Association Canadienne des Physiciens
Suite 805, 151 Slater Street
Ottawa, Ontario KIP 5 H 3
Phone: (613) 237-3392
of Physicists/Association
One-year Contract
(6 issues)
Advertising Rates
Single Issue
Full page
Half page
Q u a r t e r page
Fourth Cover
Second & T h i r d C o v e r
C o l o u r , $150.00 each a d d i t i o n a l colour; Bleed. $120.00
Typesetting a n d art time extra
Deadline for copy — 15th of previous month
Published — Jan., March, May (Congress), July, Sept., Nov.
des physiciens
Second Class Mail Registration N u m b e r : 5415
1983. All rights
ISSN 0031-9147
Physics in C a n a d a
I thank the President, Mr. Allan Crawford, for his comments in
Physics in Canada (38 (1982) 127) on my contribution towards the
defence of the interests of scientists in the new Professional Engineers'
Act of Ontario.
For my part, I thank the members of the C A P who have contributed
to this exercise in protecting our interests and those of other natural
scientists. In particular, Messrs. T.E. Drake, R.M. Hoff, G.C. Hanna,
and A.R. Crawford all made strong contributions to the committee
work needed. I also express my appreciation to Ontario Hydro for
the support and approval to work in this area.
An account of the events leading up to, and including a meeting at the
Attorney General's Office of Ontario in July 1982 appears on p. 63.
It is a personal account. However, the key point is that this Association was acting to protect the interests of physicists and other natural
scientists (life and physical scientists). In my opinion the C A P made a
strong impact at the meeting and, with understanding from the engineers, this resulted in significant points of agreement. However, the
points are not yet incorporated into the new act, so care is needed to
monitor the passage of the drafts.
My personal view, looking on a country wide basis, is that legally the
engineering community has done a thorough job of defining the
engineering profession. On the other hand scientists have not done so.
The result is that scientists are in a vulnerable position. Work that a
scientist, in industry, does may be deemed engineering and then,
according to law, only an engineer can do it. The academic scientist is
not necessarily isolated from this for fewer students will pursue
science as it becomes established that it is difficult to find scientific
positions in industry. A solution to this is to work towards the formation of some body such as Federation of Scientific Societies of
Canada, with provincial branches to provide certification, as this is an
area of provincial jurisdiction.
does not lead to the result that the two clocks read the same when
they get back together. He does not even state that the theory does
not give that result, he merely says (p. 69) that "no acceptable way of
fitting this conclusion into the rest of relativity theory has been
found". Put more bluntly, this says: This result contradicts the result
that is generally accepted, so it is not accepted
The "clock paradox" is not a paradox; it is a contradiction. The
special theory leads to two contradictory results, symmetrical and
asymmetrical ageing, because the special theory contains a contradiction. The contradiction cannot be removed by producing five, or five
hundred, proofs that the theory predicts asymmetrical ageing. Furthermore, experimental results are of no help in removing the contradiction, because a theory which contains a contradiction can be used
to predict any experimental results one wishes
Evidence of the continuing confusion surrounding the clock paradox
can be found in Abraham Pais's recent book "Subtle is the Lord. . .",
which states (p. 145) that Einstein pointed out that the logic of special
relativity is not sufficient to explain the phenomenon of asymmetrical
ageing; this is inconsistent with most recent books on special relativity, including Evett's.
In spite of your reviewer, the paradox persists, and will continue to
persist until the special theory is examined foi inconsistency.
Ian McCausland
Department of Electrical Engineering
University of Toronto
The original impetus to create the C A P was to protect the interests of
the physicists in the work place and create a Canadian Association of
Professional Physicists (Physics in Canada 34 (1978) 103). The issue is
clearly still important.
The C A P has been successful in this latest exercise. I trust the Association will continue the work with the aim of strengthening the
position of the physicists, and, with other scientific associations, the
natural scientist in the professional fabric of the country.
Yours truly,
Peter Kirkby
I would like to comment on the review by J.P.S. of three books on
relativity, published in the March 1983 issue. Referring to Evett's
book, the reviewer states that it gives the clearest, most complete
discussion of the clock paradox that the reviewer has ever seen, and
suggests that it "should forever put aside any further controversy on
this question".
He claims to have a patented replacement foi the "decibel". It's to be
called the "jinglebel"!
Unfortunately Evett's discussion fails to provide the one thing necessary to resolve the paradox, namely a proof that the special theory
C'est un truc breveté pour supplanter le « decibel ». Ça s'appelerait le
« jinglebel »!
La physique au C a n a d a
The Future of Physicists. . . .
by Richard
"Technical Training — The Challenge Ahead" was an appropriate theme for the recent C A P Corporate Members Conference.
The sessions concentrated heavily on the requirements for future
technical manpower and the need to "prepare" starting today.
Speakers were from government and universities as well as corporations much in need of highly skilled personnel. The conference
was organized by Allan Carswell, C A P Director of Corporate
Members and President of Optech Inc. who introduced the conference succinctly by saying, "creative, skilled and motivated people
are most i m p o r t a n t . . . . doing the right things in the right places
at the right time." Part of the purpose of the conference was to
identify and discuss the best programs to meet these needs. Allan
R. Crawford, President of C A P also provided opening remarks.
Allan Crawford outlined the 23 year history of CAP's corporate
branch. Beginning as a mechanism to support educational activities and promote physics as a discipline and career choice, the
corporate division grew to become an effective and influential
lobbying organization for the development of "high tech" industry in Canada.
The opening session of the conference was chaired by J.P.
Monchalin of the Industrial Materials Research Institute NRC.
The opening talk, entitled "The Skill Variable in the Industrial
Development Equation" was given by Douglas Barber, VicePresident, Operations, Linear Technology Inc. People having
technical and management skills were described as absolutely
vital with unskilled labour becoming increasingly less important if
Canadian industry is to make the transition from primary to
predominantly secondary industry. A change is indicated . . . .
"to be healthy and competitive. The role of the skilled worker is
most important." The solution of our present problems will
require a coordinated effort by government, educational and
industrial organizations.
P.A. Lapp, President, Association of Professional Engineers of
Ontario and Philips A. Lapp Ltd. completed the first session with
a discussion on "Canadian Engineering Manpower." Dr. Lapp
explained the current manpower situation in the engineering profession by saying "it is not a pretty sight." "Today more engineers
are out of work than at any time in our history. 25% of the class of
1982 and 75% of the class of 1983 are without jobs." He went on
to say that there is a real danger as Canadian companies are
disbanding when the U.S. is on the road to recovery. A conclusion was that the supply and demand for engineering is 180° out
of phase. There are positive features however. More students are
now opting for graduate studies and this will add to our pool of
skilled personnel. In addition, Canadian industry is becoming
more heavily based on technology.
The second morning session was chaired by R.J. Kriegler, Bell
Northern Research Ltd. It was opened with a talk by G.G. Cloutier, President, Alberta Research Council, entitled "The Challenge for the Employer: to deal with the mismatch between the
production and utilization of scientific and technically trained
human resources."The most important question for the employer
is the question of highly skilled manpower. The two major mismatch problems are 1) time (the cyclic nature of production and
utilization of manpower) and 2) People/ Attitude mismatch in the
work and educational environment. It was emphasized that the
Fig. 1. Conference Organization was done by Allan Carswell,
Director, C A P Corporate Members and President,
Optech Inc.
knowledgeable and skilled employee is the one that will ultimately
solve the employer's business problems and it is thus important to
invest our time and money to solve manpower problems.
"Taking Stock of Canadian Technical Education — The Industry's Point of View" was presented by J. Ross, Director of Personnel, GEAC Computers International. A dialogue between
industry and government was described as essential. An analogy
of Canada's high tech status to a race was discussed. We are in a
race with our competitors to develop a sufficient supply of worldclass scientists and engineers including individuals with an entrepreneurial spirit and "willing to take risks!" Ross emphasized that
Canadian leaders must go beyond the discussion and committee
stage to commitment and implementation.
W.J. Megaw, Chairman, Department of Physics, York University, entitled his contribution "Women in Science". At present,
there are very few women in the field of physics. Numerous
explanations and statistics were expounded, however, the solution according to Megaw, is to revolutionize teaching and training at the public school level. We must break away from the
present system which is so effective in discouraging girls from
pursuing physics and maths.
•According to Statements from the April 27, 1983 C A P Corporate Members Conference.
Physics in C a n a d a
B.P. Stoicheff, Vice President C A P was host during the luncheon
at the Skyline Hotel. After Lunch G.M. M c N a b b , President
N S E R C , talked on the subject, "Universities and Industry — A
Marriage of Necessity". The marriage of necessity indicated that
we must get rid of the barriers between Universities and Industry.
The primary motivation of N S E R C was described as the development of the University Research Community and to see it working in harmony with industry. In his presentation, Dr. McNabb
outlined the many programs and activities N S E R C has in place to
achieve its goals.
and Boris B. Stoicheff.
T h e first afternoon session was chaired by R.H. Marchessault,
Xerox Research Center of C a n a d a . The president of the University of Prince Edward Island, P . P . M . Meincke opened the session
with a talk, " W h a t can Universities d o to Prepare the Graduates
for the Technologies of the Future?" Meincke emphasized three
basics for student education. These were; (i) learning to communicate, (ii) the love of learning through life, and (iii) the exercise of
critical judgement. The importance of Universities to inculcate
into graduate students a greater sense of entrepreneurialship was
strongly emphasized. D. A. George, Dean, Faculty of Engineering
Science, Simon Fraser University, spoke on the theme "Resolved:
That the Applications of Science receive emphasis in our
Schools." Dr. George noted that science should be taught in terms
of its applications. All too often our teaching has become too
abstract and the importance of applications is not emphasized.
The final session chaired by E. Zieba, President, Aptec Engineering Ltd. commenced with a talk by T.A. Brzustowski, Vice Presi-
dent, Academic, University of Waterloo on " S o m e thoughts on
the Education of Physicists for Modern Industry". Flexibility was
emphasized as the hallmark characterizing advances. Brzustowski's remarks reinforced the general theme to establish a solid
bridge between the university and industry. He went on to support co-operative education and the encouragement of entrepreneurship and risk. " C o o p programs and Technology" was the title
of the talk by L.G. Caron, Professor of Physics, University of
Sherbrooke. Caron viewed technical employment supply and
demand as an eternal triangle a m o n g the Academic Institution,
Government and Industry. The view held by the University of
Sherbrooke involves the Modus Operandi "give us people with
good basic training and we shall give them the specialized technical training they need." C o o p education was explained as the
attempt to make exchanges, to form partnerships and to allow
those with the needs and the production facililies to partake in the
student's training program. Industry must look at coop training
as an investment in the future and not a tax rebate.
The final presentation of the conference was by G. Rostoker,
Professor of Physics, University of Alberta, e ntitled, "The Ability
of the Canadian Educational System to provide the Manpower
base needed to equip the Country with strong Research and Development Capabilities for the Future". Statistical analysis was presented concerning university enrollments. A stable number of
university physics graduate enrollments is producing a very
constant supply of M.Sc. and Ph.D. students since 1977 to the
present. The answer to the question of how many good scientists
are there going to be, is determined by the environment. It is how
you develop people and how you put them into the work force.
Rostoker said that it is important to influence students at a very
early age. He suggested that retired academic and industrial
researchers be employed as science supporters. He summed up his
remarks in the phrase "Action is needed, and now is the time!"
The conference, "Technical Training — the Challenge A h e a d "
was a useful step in assessing tomorrow's demand for technically
skilled workers. The group of over 80 attendees represented a
cross-section of the industrial and educational communities.
Their enthusiastic response to this meeting indicates a strong
concern for the future scientific personnel and the needs of academia, government and industry. It is to be hoped that this topic
will continue to receive the attention of C A P members in the
Special thanks and acknowledgements are forwarded to M o n a
J e n t o and the C A P staff in Ottawa, and also to Bea Frith f r o m
York University and Helen Carswell for an exceptional j o b of
seeing to details and making the conference run smoothly throughout the day.
La physique au C a n a d a
One Step Towards a Stronger Identity for the Scientific
Profession in Canada
by Peter
My experience this past year has shown very forcefully the value
and strength of this Association in action. 1 wish to ensure that
members of the Canadian Association of Physicists, and hopefully other natural scientists within the country, know of the work
that this Association has carried out to protect the interests of
natural scientists in Ontario. This could only be done by an association for an individual has little chance of having any impact. 1
share this with you to provoke thought and, hopefully, more
action towards the strengthening of the identity of the scientific
profession in Canada.
In 1976 a committee was set up by the Attorney General of
Ontario to study professions, and the acts that covered those
professions. One of these acts was the Professional Engineers Act
(Ontario). The committee, Professional Organizations Committee (POC), had various working papers prepared, one of which
strongly recommended against the granting of self-governing
powers to salaried professions'. Applying this to engineers would
result in the need only to license self-employed engineers. In
January 1979 a Staff Study 2 was issued that included this principle in Recommendation 5.9:
Except for engineering services specifically required by statute or regulation, all engineering work done by employees
of industrial, commercial or government enterprises (not
professional firms), should be exempt from the scope of
licence to practice professional engineering.
The implementation of Recommendation 5.9 would have resulted
in greater opportunities for scientists to do the work formerly
limited only to professional engineers.
The Association of Professional Engineers of Ontario (APEO)
opposed strongly Recommendation 5.9. Their association was
successful, for in the Report of the Professional Organizations
Committee April I980 3 there were two new recommendations.
Recommendation 4.1 would extend the domain of the engineer
and Recommendation 4.2 would produce the right for the issuing
of a cease and desist order on an employer should he employ a
non-engineer for engineering work. The consequences of these
recommendations could be that all applied scientific work would
have to be approved by an engineer, and that the engineer be the
supervisor of "engineering" work done by all, including scientists.
In arriving at these recommendations there had been no consideration of the role of other professionals, in particular scientists;
only engineers, technicians, and technologists had been considered.
In 1981 I recommended that the C A P set up a committee. This
was formed in November 1981 and was constituted of Dr. Ray
Hoff, Dr. Tom Drake and myself with the directions to analyze
the position of the physicist with respect to the recommendations
proposed for the Professional Engineering Act and to report back
to the C A P Executive. A five-page report was produced by the
committee. One of the recommendations stated: " C A P should
notify the Ministry of the Attorney General that the Recommendations 4.1 and 4.2 in the POC report are totally unacceptable
and that the C A P favours Recommendation 5.9 of the POC Staff
This was accepted by the Executive. The response of the Attorney
General's Office was to invite the C A P to send three members to a
meeting with three members from the A P E O and three members
from the Ontario Association of Certified Engineering Technicians and Technologists (OACETT). The object was to resolve
what was termed the scope of licensed practice. This was to begin
on the 18th of July, 1982 and continue until resolved, or until the
Attorney General's Representative concluded it should terminate.
In June 1982 the C A P held the Annual Congress in Kingston. I
considered that the subject should get a hearing and, by chance,
there was 15 minutes free time in the morning session on Industrial and Applied Physics. A full room of 50 members was given
the meeting of the Council of Canadian University Physics Chairmen. During the Congress members were selected by the C A P
Executive to be present at the hearing. It was decided that the
executive power would be held by a fourth member who would
not attend the hearing so the three members could not bind the
Association. The fourth member would also provide an independent view when the other three members caucused from the meeting. The members selected to attend the hearing were Messrs.
A.R. Crawford, R.M. Hoff and myself. Mr. G.C. Hanna was
selected as the Chairman and representative of the Executive.
There was a significant amount of preparation but the fundamental action took place on the night before the hearing as the
group of four prepared the short concise position of the CAP. It
was almost like completing a thesis with the oral the next day!
On the 18th of July, 1982 the hearing began in the Policy Division
of the Attorney General's Office. The representative from
O A C E T T presented a one-hour long account of their position.
The C A P presentation was very short, just over 20 minutes, with
part being delivered by each member. The message was that there
had been no input by the scientific community on these recommendations, that the consequences would be severe on the economy of the province and that we supported Recommendation 5.9.
The announcement by the President of the A P E O that he was a
physicist and by the President of the C A P that he was a professional engineer augered well for progress. The hearing resulted in
an agreement which included: —
1. The removal of Recommendation 4.2 (cease and desist
2. The protection of all natural scientists from being covered
by the Act.
3. The function of the engineer is to be responsible for
policing a process, product or service when it enters the
public domain. The work prior to that point may be
done by any group.
On the 18th of April, 1983 the discussion draft was released. This
has been circulated to a number of the interested parties. Scientific
Associations may request copies from Mr. S.V. Fram 4 .
The C A P has been effective in this step in protecting the interests
of physicists and natural scientists in Ontario. 1 consider it
demonstrates the need for a stronger legal position for the Scientific Profession in the country. It also demonstrates that the C A P
deserves the support of all physicists in Canada. Why not get a
friend to join the CAP!
1. Working Study No 14, The Employed Professional, page iii. O n t a r i o
Government Bookstore. 880 Bay Street, T o r o n t o , Ontario M7A IW8
2. A Staff Study of Accountancy Architecture, Engineering and Law in
O n t a r i o prepared for The Professional Organizations Committee.
J a n u a r y 1979, Ontario Government Bookstore.
3. The Report of the Professional Organizations Committee. April 1980,
Ontario Government Bookstore.
4. S.V. F r a m , Counsel, Policy Development Division, Ministry of the
Attorney General, 18 King Street East, Toronto, Ontario M5C IC5.
Physics in C a n a d a
The Impact of Nuclear Warfare on Canada
by Joseph J. Romm and M. A njali Sastry, Program in Science and Technology for International
Massachusetts Institute of Technology
The effects of nuclear weapons and nuclear war on people have in
general been greatly underestimated in both scientific and popular literature. While a completely accurate understanding of the
full physical and psychological horror of nuclear war is not possible, this article will attempt to provide a more realistic picture of
nuclear weapons and nuclear war.
The Lethal Z o n e
Security, Department
of Physics,
With the debris, broken gas mains, tremendous heat, and absence
of running water, the possibility exists for the development of a
firestorm, a mass fire that can burn for hours, creating winds in
excess of 50 miles an hour to feed itself and raising the ground
temperature to 1400° F. In a firestorm, survival chances are
minimal even in fallout shelters.
At 8.5 miles, the 1.5 psi overpressure is sufficient to damage many
structures and the heat is still sufficient to cause kindling to ignite
and exposed skin to experience second-degree burns. Since medical attention is unlikely in a nuclear war, survival chances outside
are still probably only about even.
Typically the literature, such as the widely used United States
Even at 11 miles, the overpressure of 1 psi is great enough to
OTA (Office of Technology Assessment) report, The Effects of
break the strongest of windows.
Nuclear War, states that the
mortality figures near a oneWinds reach 35 miles an hour,
megaton detonation would be
so flying glass wounds many.
Joseph J. Romm is a doctoral candidate in Physics at M.I.T. in the
roughly 100% fatality within
The heat is great enough to
Program in Science and Technology for International Security, which
the 12 psi (pounds per square
cause first degree burns.
is directed by Dr. Kosta Tsipis, a nationally recognized authority on
inch) blast contour, which
the technical aspects of the arms race. Romm has written several
Window breakage and flashoccurs at about 2.5 miles,
articles on nuclear weapons, including pieces for The Bulletin of the
blinding are possible out to
50% fatality between the 12
Atomic Scientists and The Boston Globe. He received a B.S. in Phy30 miles.
psi contour and the 5 psi
sics from M.I.T. in 1982.
contour, which occurs at about
For ease of calculating, the
M. Anjali Sastry is also in the Program in Science and Technology
4 miles, and few fatalifor International Security, where she is currently engaged in research
lethal zone of one or more
ties outside the 5 psi contour. 1
under Dr. Kosta Tsipis. Sastry is a B.S. candidate at the Massachunuclear detonations will be
setts Institute of Technology.
defined as a region surrounding
We believe a more realistic
the detonation inside which
assessment for a single weapon
almost everyone dies and outwould be about 100% fatalities
side which almost everyone lives. For a single one-megaton air
within the 5 psi contour, for the following reasons.
burst, this lethal zone should extend to at least four miles and thus
cover at least 50 square miles.
(a) Air Burst
First, consider a one-megaton weapon air burst at an altitude of
8,000 feet above ground zero. At about 2.8 miles from ground
zero, the overpressure is 12 psi and the wind reaches a maximum
velocity of 300 miles an hour. 2
Most factories and commercial buildings are destroyed in this
region. Even reinforced concrete structures are damaged. Survival
chances inside of buildings are negligible, and survival chances
outside of buildings are non-existent.
At 4 miles, the overpressure is about 5 psi and the wind exceeds
160 miles an hour. Wood-frame and brick houses are destroyed,
and unreinforced concrete buildings are damaged. The thermal
radiation is about 50 cal/cm 2 , sufficient to ignite standard building materials. Survival chances outside are negligible. Survival
chances inside residences are poor. Therefore within the 5 psi
contour the fatality rate would be about 100%.
At 6 miles, the overpressure is 3 psi and the wind exceeds 100
miles an hour. Residences are severely damaged. The walls of
typical steel-frame buildings are blown away. Up to 90% of all
trees are blown down. Outside, the winds, flying glass, and heat
nearly sufficient to ignite clothing, are sufficient to kill people.
Survival chances inside buildings are better than even, unless a
firestorm develops, as it did in Hiroshima.
(b) Ground Burst
A similar 50 square mile lethal zone is obtained for a single onemegaton ground burst, although for different reasons. For a
ground burst, the fireball begins on the ground and so the blast
and thermal contours are reduced.
At 2.8 miles from a one-megaton ground burst, the overpressure
is 5 psi and the heat flux is 50 cal/cm 2 .
At 4 miles, the overpressure 3 psi, winds are over 100 miles an
hour, and the heat flux of more than 20 cal/cm 2 is enough to
ignite household combustibles with optically absorbing surfaces.
The blast and heat effects four miles from a one-megaton ground
burst are similar to the effects 6 miles from a one-megaton air
At 6 miles from the ground burst, the overpressure is down to
about 1.4 psi, winds are about 50 miles an hour, but the heat is
still sufficient to cause second degree burns and ignite paper.
In terms of human survival, a ground burst is deadly because of
the prodigious long-term radioactive fallou': it creates. Because
the fireball touches the ground, a great deal of dust and debris are
swept into the atmosphere by the fireball and irradiated. This
This paper was requested from the Program in Science and Technology for International Security; prompted by the talk that Dr Tsipis gave at the 1981
C A P Congress at Halifax. Ed.
La physique au C a n a d a
radioactive dust and debris then fall to the ground relatively
The long-term radioactive fallout created by a ground burst
severely reduces survival chances near ground zero.
The radioactive debris begins to collect on the ground within 20
to 30 minutes after the detonation. In a 12 mile an hour wind,
most of the 50 square mile circle around the detonation point has
been exposed to 300 to 500 rads within two hours. 3
A b o u t half the people exposed to 450 rads will die (for the discussion here, the most c o m m o n units of radiation, the roentgen, the
rad and the rem, are basically equivalent and the rad will be used
in this article). Persons exposed to 200 rads will have a high
incidence of radiation sickness, and their weakened immune systems will make them more susceptible to all injuries. Even the
addition of 25 rads external body radiation to a standard burn
injury doubles mortality. 4
Because the 50 square mile region of a ground burst is bounded
by the 3 psi contour, people inside buildings have a chance to
survive the initial shock. By venturing outside after the detonation, however, survivors will be subjected to fatal doses of radiation very quickly. Inside the buildings there would be some protection f r o m radiation. Nevertheless, throughout this region, all
windows would be destroyed, and over most of this region, a
person inside a building that offered a protection factor of five
would still be exposed to a lethal dose of radiation in about one
T h u s 50 square miles will be used as a conservative estimate of the
lethal zone of a single one-megaton ground burst. If a firestorm
were generated, the lethal zone would again be much larger.
Of course, all the effects of nuclear weapons are affected by
weather. Thermal effects will be reduced by low visibility conditions. On the other hand, they will be enhanced by clouds above
the detonation or snow below it. Similarly, high winds will tend to
reduce the fallout near the detonation point, while low winds, or
winds that shift 180° within a span of hours, will increase fallout
near ground zero.
(c) Multiple bursts
Since most large cities will receive several air and ground bursts in
a nuclear war, the exact wind conditions are not that important,
and the synergistic effects of multiple detonations dominate.
The simplest way to demonstrate the enhanced effects of multiple
detonations is to consider an air burst down-wind of a ground
For such a two weapon attack, approximately 150-200 square
miles will be subjected to overpressures in excess of 3 psi, heat
fluxes in excess of 20 cal/cm 2 , and radiation exposures f r o m 500
to 1500 rads in just the first two hours following the detonation.
Much of this area will be subjected to two shockwaves, and two
thermal pulses. This will result in greater damage than expected
because a second relatively weak blast wave can demolish a building previously weakened by the first blast wave, even though
neither blast wave alone is sufficient to destroy the building. Similarly, two detonations increase the likelihood of fires since the
second thermal pulse can ignite the fuel and combustibles scattered by the first weapon's blast wave.
In addition to the approximately 200 square miles of death and
destruction described above, about another 200 square miles will
be subjected to about 1.5 to 3 psi overpressure, enough heat to
cause second degree burns and ignite paper, and 100 to 1000 rads
in the first few hours following the detonation.
The radioactivity f r o m the ground burst alone will expose about
900 square miles to about 900 rads in a week, and it will expose
about 2500 square miles to 300 rads. 5
The lethal zone for such a two weapon attack will be taken to be
200 square miles. This is approximately 100 square miles for each
weapon and it more than double the area of the single weapon
lethal zone. Although many cities will receive several air and
ground bursts, which would have even greater combined effects,
and even though many attacked cities would be subject to a great
deal of radiation f r o m ground bursts in nearby cities, the figure of
100 square miles will still be used as a conservative estimate of the
lethal zone of a one-megaton weapon when used in a multiple
weapon attack.
T h e Effect o n Canada o f a Multiple W e a p o n Nuclear Attack
(a) The Direct Effects
Approximately 12.5 million people, 55% of Canada's population,
live within about 15,000 square miles, 6 and could be killed by
about 150 one-megaton weapons, if each weapon killed everyone
over a 100 square mile region. As Fig. 1 shows, even a 25-weapon
attack could kill 6 million people.
f 10
2 -/
Q Lj
J— -1
Number of one-megaton weapons
1_ 1 . J_
Fig. 1. Number of Canadians killed as function of number of
one-megaton weapons detonated, assuming that population centres are attacked in order of decreasing population density.
In the event of a nuclear war between the U.S. and another superpower, a possible strategy would be to prevent the U.S. f r o m
using Canadian air bases for military missions, and from using
Canada's vast resources to aid its recovery. These facts, coupled
with the fact that 150 megatons will only comprise a few percent
of a superpower's strategic arsenal, make it very likely that
C a n a d a would be subject to this relatively small attack in the
event of a nuclear war.
Yet even in this small attack, the T o r o n t o census metropolitan
area will receive about 14 one-megaton nuclear weapons. The
center of T o r o n t o will be blanketed with over 5000 rads of
prompt g a m m a ray and neutron radiation, an overpressure of 25
Physics in C a n a d a
psi, which levels reinforced concrete structures, and 5000 rads of
delayed radiation f r o m fallout. T o r o n t o will also probably receive
over 1000 rads a few hours after the attack f r o m the 6 or so
ground bursts that occur in Kitchener, London, and Hamilton,
depending on which way the wind is blowing.
(b) The Effects on Industry and the Economy
Just as the collateral effects caused by the overlap of overpressure, thermal, and fallout contours of nuclear weapons exploded
near each other can cause more extensive and widespread damage
and injury than that caused by bombs exploded singly, so the
effects of multiple weapons detonations specifically targeted
would result in damage far more severe to the nation than the sum
of that resulting f r o m each b o m b individually. This is true not
only because the number of casualties and extent of physical
damage per b o m b increase if there is some overlap in the various
contours, but also because the destruction of only a fraction of
the complex infrastructure of a modern society could very well
lead to collapse.
Imagine, f o r example, that with relatively few bombs, a large
fraction of Canada's energy supplies and energy production facilities were destroyed. This "large fraction" could approach 100%
for the expenditure of a very modest fraction of the current
nuclear arsenal — perhaps a hundred small weapons out of tens
of thousands. The majority of Canada's oil and gas fields and
processing plants are concentrated in a single region — the southern part of Alberta. 7 Most oil and gas pipelines run close to the
U.S. border; many go through the cities Montreal, Ottawa,
T o r o n t o , Hamilton, London and Winnipeg. These cities are
already targeted in the attack directed towards the population;
with the addition of a few bombs targeted at the processing plants
in Alberta, oil and natural gas supplies are very severely reduced.
If hydroelectric power stations are destroyed, in addition to the
damage caused by dams collapsing, C a n a d a would immediately
lose most of her electricity, as 69% is hydroelectric. 8 Since ports
are targeted, there would be no provision for importing energy
either. Plants and factories, households, communications, transport and medical facilities are all totally dependent on energy
supplies. With severe shortages in heating their homes and little
food available, people's prime concern would be the search for
food and heating. The effect of reducing energy supplies is further
magnified by the very large distances over which energy must be
transmitted: Canada has the world's longest oil and gas pipelines.
Also, in order to make undamaged energy reserves such as coal
and lignite ores available, energy must be expended in the process
of mining, transportation of workers and fuel, and the repair and
replacement of machines. If energy availability were suddenly
reduced to near zero, these other reserves would be impossible to
extract, thus contributing nothing.
A reduction in energy supplies would "bottleneck" the infrastructure of industry, reducing output of all sectors, so that the net
d a m a g e to the economy is far more than the equivalent of losing
whatever fraction of the total output is accounted for by energy
production. Similarly, if steel production is targeted, the effects
on the economy would be large, many manufacturing sectors
(such as machine tools, automobiles, girders, motors, and boilers)
being totally dependent on the supply of steel. 9 A very large fraction of iron and steel plants is located in Hamilton, Ontario: in
this one city, 55%'° of the Canadian crude steel capacity is
concentrated. With Sault St. Marie, these two centres account for
three quarters of all steel production. The detonation of very few
weapons could achieve a 75% reduction in the output of steel,
which would clearly put the Canadian economy under considerable strain.
With careful targeting, the elimination of a few key industrial
sectors could completely wreck the economy. (Table 1).
Table 1. Five Bottleneck Sectors"
1. Iron and steel foundries, forging and
2. Blast furnaces and basic steel products
3. Petroleum products
4. Electronic components
5. Chemical products
Not only does the targeted industry suffer direct physical destruction, but many more industries are crippled through a severe
reduction in essential input. Targeting specific sectors also results
in the critically important support for the nation's industry suffering a drastic reduction. In attacking the few "lynchpin" industries,
the electricity and water supply, the specifically trained labor
force, road, air and rail transportation and other essential services
are reduced, which would adversely affect all industry.
Transportation and communications would suffer severe damage
under a nuclear attack. Canadian industry's heavy dependency on
transport is a result of her size: raw materials and products must
travel vast distances between successive stages in production and
consumption. In addition, road, rail, telephone and radio networks are not evenly distributed but radiate f r o m a few centres:
bombing the cities would result in the elimination of these essential network centres.
Surviving industrial capacity would thus be very much less productive if transport and communications we re destroyed in a
nuclear attack. It is probable that output will fall to zero, following a major attack on population centres, bottleneck sectors, and
energy resources.
The attackers might also decide to expend about a hundred
weapons to target the nuclear reactors in C a n a d a and the United
States, thus spreading the reactors' large mass of long-lived isotopes over a great area. Targeting nuclear reactors can render
thousands of square miles uninhabitable for over a year.
Since 90% of Canada's population lives within 200 miles of the
U.S. border, ground bursts on northern U.S. cities f r o m Seattle,
Washington to Portland, Maine, plus attacks on reactors and
ICBM silos in the northern United States, will kill many more, in
addition to the 55% of the Canadian population in cities that were
directly targeted.
(c) The Effects on Canada of an Attack on the U.S.
Since an attack on C a n a d a would be accompanied by a much
larger attack on the U.S., high levels of fallout would cover
C a n a d a near the central and eastern part of the U.S.-Canada
border, threatening a large fraction of the Canadian population
and rendering much surviving industry unusable for months.
Canadian cities will receive large amounts of radiation from the
numerous weapons ground burst on Detroit, Michigan and
Toledo, Cleveland and Akron, Ohio. Radiation will also arrive
later f r o m the 1000 or so ground bursts at U.S. Intercontinental
Ballistic Missile (ICBM) fields, which are expected to be a prime
target of any attack on the United States.
(d) Factors Further Increasing Recovery Time
Calculations ignoring the far-reaching effect of destroying bottleneck sectors will clearly seriously underestimate the damage to
the economy and its recovery time. Other factors that would
increase any calculated recovery time include the higher concentration of skilled workers in the targeted urban areas and the
more widespread distribution of the post-attack labor force. The
location of stores of food, fuel supplies, raw materials and medical supplies, the contamination of land and the food chain, and
the possibility of firestorms developing which could spread over
La physique au C a n a d a
C a n a d a ' s vast forestlands, must all be taken into account. In
addition, a single multi-megaton high altitude burst over central
C a n a d a would create an electromagnetic pulse with a rise time of
one microsecond that would cover the whole of C a n a d a with
3000-30,000 volts per meter. 1 2 This could very well damage or
destroy all electric circuitry: computer systems, the electricity grid
and the telephone system would be severely damaged.
Doctors, technical experts, educators and government officials
are all concentrated in cities. Universities, libraries, specialized
medical facilities, and high technology industries also tend to be
concentrated in urban areas. Professional expertise and institutions such as these are not "replaceable" and their loss could harm
the country's progress for decades: the destruction of educational
and research establishments would have a particularly devastating effect on technical development.
In these terms, "recovery" is not merely an affair of rebuilding
factories. The character of the country would be irrevocably
altered: during the period following the attack, social attitudes
would change drastically, due to people's perception of the threat
of contamination and their fear of radiation sickness. In addition,
mental health would deteriorate due to the psychologically devastating effect of witnessing such death, injury and physical destruction, the survivor guilt of those who had not died and wondered
why, as well as the loss of children, parents, relatives and friends.
General disillusionment with the government that had led the
nation into such a horrific war could result in changes in political
views and ensuing political unrest and a loss of national pride.
Anarchy is likely, and what government did survive would have
to adopt protective measures, and to impose more strict controls
in an attempt to ensure a fair distribution of food and the best use
of surviving resources.
Thus, the concept of "recovery" is one that must be considered
carefully. Even without the attack on cities, it is clear that with
very few nuclear weapons strategically targeted, the resulting
bottlenecking could cripple the economy. If production is not
resumed at a level at least equal to consumption before stockpiles
and reserves are depleted, the country will not recover before the
economy deteriorates further, as it is likely that production will
not be resumed within the critical time.
The devastation that C a n a d a would experience in a nuclear war
would come f r o m a combination of the annihilation of the United
States and the resulting radioactivity that would drift over
C a n a d a , together with a direct attack on Canada's major cities
and key economic targets.
defence and eventual recovery, and because it requires only a
small additional expenditure of the weapons held by the superpowers, a few percent of their total arsenal.
1. The Effects of Nuclear War, United States Office of Technology
Assessment, May 1979, Page 19.
2. The Effects of Nuclear Weapons, Third Edition, Samuel Glasstone
and Philip Dolan, U.S. D e p a r t m e n t of Defense and Department of
Energy, Washington, D.C., 1977.
Blast radii are calculated f r o m the graph on page 115 and the scaling
law as described on page 114. The damage caused by the blast is taken
f r o m Chapter V, pages 154-230.
Heat fluxes are calculated f r o m formulae and graphs in the technical
section of C h a p t e r VII, pages 316-319. The effects of these fluxes are
taken f r o m pages 282-304 of Chapter VII, pages 569-575 of Chapter
XII. and f r o m the Nuclear Bomb Effects C o m p u t e r that accompanies
3. Fallout Patterns, W S E G Research M e m o r a n d u m No. 10, Weapons
Systems Evaluation G r o u p , The Pentagon, 1959, Washington 25,
Table 1-30 lists the dose rate contours one hour after a one-megaton
ground burst in a 12 knot wind.
4. Glasstone (op cit), pages 578-590, lists the effects of various radiation
doses. Also, The Effects of Nuclear War, Second Draft, J. Traver, for
First Congress of International Physicians for Prevention of Nuclear
War, March 1981, Airlie House, Virginia, Page 29, discusses c o m bined effects of burns and radiation.
5. The Effects of Nuclear
War, O T A , (op cit).
The areas of these contours are calculated from the diagram on page
6. Perspectives Canada III, Statistics C a n a d a , O t t a w a 1980, Urban Profiles, Chapter II, pp. 183-241.
7. The National Atlas of Canada, Energy Mines and Resources C a n a d a ,
Macmillan 1974, pp. 179-180, "Fossil Fuels and Pipelines."
8. Encyclopedia Britannica 1982 Book of the Year, Encyclopedia Britannica Inc.. pp. 227-232, " C a n a d a " .
9. Life After Nuclear War, A r t h u r M. Katz, Ballinger, Cambridge, M A ,
1982, Chapter 5, pp. 93-143.
10. The National Atlas of Canada, op cit, p. 182, " P r i m a r y Iron and
Steel"; also, pp. 227-230, "Communications".
Such a combined attack would probably result in 12.5 to 21
million Canadian deaths, coupled with the total economic and
political collapse of Canadian society.
11. " D a t a Base and D a m a g e Criteria for Measurement of Arms Limitation Effects on W a r - S u p p o r t i n g Industry", prepared for the Arms
Control and Disarmament Agency by the Metis C o r p o r a t i o n , Washington, D.C., J u n e 1974, quoted in "Civil Preparedness Review
Industrial Defense and Nuclear Attack", Report by the Joint C o m mittee of the U.S. Congress.
Such an attack can be considered realistic in the event of a nuclear
war because it would prevent C a n a d a f r o m aiding U.S. in its
12. DCPA Attack Environment
Manual, Defense Civil Preparedness
Agency, U.S. Dept. of Defense, 1977, Chapter 4.
Physics in C a n a d a
L'inspection des matériaux : un domaine pluridisciplinaire
de la physique appliquée
par P. Cielo, Institut de génie des matériaux, Conseil national de recherches du Canada
1. Introduction
La recherche appliquée est un outil essentiel à la disposition des
n a t i o n s t e c h n o l o g i q u e m e n t a v a n c é e s p o u r a u g m e n t e r leur
p r o d u c t i v i t é industrielle. De plus en plus, le milieu industriel
montre une attitude plus ouverte à l'innovation technologique
d a n s le s e c t e u r m a n u f a c t u r i e r . Un p r o b l è m e qui r a l e n t i t ce
processus de modernisation réside dans l'insuffisance de personnel
scientifique et technique hautement qualifié dans les technologies
Le p h y s i c i e n a p p l i q u é a un rôle i m p o r t a n t à j o u e r d a n s ce
processus. Sa formation scientifique générale lui permet d'assimiler rapidement et en profondeur les transformations technologiques et d'en évaluer l'applicabilité d a n s les d i f f é r e n t s secteurs
industriels. Sa versatilité favorise une approche pluridisciplinaire
à la solution des problèmes techniques industriels. Enfin, et c'est
p e u t - ê t r e le p o i n t le plus i m p o r t a n t , sa t e n d a n c e n a t u r e l l e à
l ' i n n o v a t i o n agit c o m m e c a t a l y s e u r d a n s la mise sur pied des
t e c h n i q u e s n o u v e l l e s qui p e r m e t t e n t à une n a t i o n f o r t e m e n t
industrialisée de garder sa position de compétitivité internationale.
Un des domaines où l'innovation technologique est particulièrement s o u h a i t a b l e est l ' i n s p e c t i o n i n d u s t r i e l l e 1 . Il s'agit d ' u n e
composante essentielle du contrôle des procédés de fabrication
ainsi que de la vérification de la qualité des produits, et constitue
une fraction importante des coûts de fabrication. Dans l'industrie
de l ' a u t o m o b i l e , par exemple, les coûts associés à l'inspection
r e p r é s e n t e n t e n v i r o n 10% des c o û t s t o t a u x de p r o d u c t i o n , à
comparer à 15% pour les coûts d'assemblage 2 . De plus, le secteur
de l ' i n s p e c t i o n et des essais n o n - d e s t r u c t i f s est en p h a s e de
t r a n s f o r m a t i o n p r o f o n d e à c a u s e de l'essor des t e c h n i q u e s
d'automatisation et de la robotique dans le secteur manufacturier.
C'est dans le but d'encourager la créativité scientifique dans ce
secteur de l'activité industrielle qu'une équipe de recherche en
techniques d'évaluation non-destructive a été établie à l'Institut de
génie des matériaux (IGM), sous la direction du Dr. J. Bussière.
Les t e c h n i q u e s utilisées p o u r l'évaluation n o n - d e s t r u c t i v e des
m a t é r i a u x c o u v r e n t la p l u p a r t des s e c t e u r s de la p h y s i q u e
appliquée. L'optique, l'acoustique, la thermographie, la radiographie, l'électromagnétisme fournissent les outils de base à cette
activité multidisciplinaire en d é v e l o p p e m e n t rapide. D a n s cet
article on décrit quelques techniques d'inspection des matériaux
qui sont en phase de développement à l'IGM. Dans chaque cas, on
mettra l'accent sur les principes physiques de base, ainsi que sur
l'aspect novateur et sur le potentiel de ces techniques quant à leur
applicabilité industrielle.
2. Inspection opto-acoustique des pâtes et papiers
Le c o n t r ô l e de la q u a l i t é est un p r o b l è m e i m p o r t a n t d a n s
l ' i n d u s t r i e des p â t e s et p a p i e r 3 . Une des c a r a c t é r i s t i q u e s qui
détermine la qualité du papier est son imprimabilité, qui dépend
surtout des dimensions des fibres à la surface du papier, leur
élasticité et leur densité. Une i n s p e c t i o n m i c r o s c o p i q u e de la
surface du papier est effectuée périodiquement par le personnel
t e c h n i q u e a f i n de c o n t r ô l e r les p a r a m è t r e s d ' o p é r a t i o n des
machines à papier. Le développement d'un capteur capable de
mesurer ces paramètres de façon rapide et automatique serait très
Fig. 1. Méthode d'inspection de la surface du papier par réflexion
interne et diffraction; (a) montage expérimental ; (b) détail
de l'interface verre-papier.
s o u h a i t a b l e . C'est d a n s ce but q u ' u n p r o j e t e x p l o r a t o i r e a été
entrepris à l'IGM.
Le capteur proposé est montré à la figure l 4 . Un faisceau de
lumière parallèle est réfléchi intérieurement à l'interface verre-air
d'un prisme. Quand une feuille de papier est comprimée contre la
surface du prisme une partie du faisceau est couplée du prisme aux
fibres qui sont en contact optique avec la surface. La condition
p o u r un c o n t a c t o p t i q u e d é p e n d de l'indice de r é f r a c t i o n des
d i f f é r e n t s milieux ainsi q u e de l ' a n g l e d ' i n c i d e n c e et de la
p o l a r i s a t i o n du faisceau incident 5 . D a n s notre cas, le c o n t a c t
o p t i q u e e n t r e la s u r f a c e e x t é r i e u r e des l i b r e s et le verre est
p r a t i q u e m e n t c o m p l e t l o r s q u e l'on a p p l i q u e une pression de
l'ordre de 10 N / m m 2 . La figure 2 montre la modulation spatiale
produite sur le faisceau réfléchi lors du contact avec deux types
différents de papier. Dans ce cas, une feuille de papier comprimée
c o n t r e une lame de m i c r o s c o p e est o b s e r v é e au m i c r o s c o p e
optique. Les zones foncées correspondent aux régions de contact
fibre-verre, où l'intensité lumineuse est couplée dans la fibre.
C'est cette m o d u l a t i o n s p a t i a l e d u f a i s c e a u qui génère une
diffraction du faisceau réfléchi. Le patron de diffraction peut être
observé dans le plan focal d'une lentille, comme il est montré à la
figure 1. Des exemples de patrons de diffraction obtenus avec
d i f f é r e n t s types de p a p i e r s o n t m o n t r é s à la f i g u r e 3. La
distribution angulaire du faisceau diffracté est liée à la dimension
moyenne des régions de contact et donc au diamètre moyen des
La physique au C a n a d a
fibres qui est de l'ordre de 10 à 50 fj.m. D'autre part, l'efficacité de
diffraction est proportionnelle à la surface totale de contact qui
dépend de la densité et de l'élasticité des fibres. On espère donc
qu'il sera possible d'établir des corrélations empiriques entre les
valeurs mesurées par ce capteur et les paramètres qui ont trait à la
qualité du papier.
Un autre secteur du procédé de traitement des pâtes à papier qui
requiert une inspection continue est le moulage mécanique ou
chimique de la pâte liquide. La qualité de la pâte, i.e. la longueur
et l'intégrité des fibres ainsi que la présence d'éléments étrangers,
dépend fortement des paramètres d'opération de la machine. Ici
aussi, le c o n t r ô l e c o n t i n u de la q u a l i t é et l ' a u t o m a t i s a t i o n d u
p r o c é d é o n t été r a l e n t i s p a r l ' a b s e n c e d ' u n c a p t e u r c a p a b l e
d'inspecter la pâte d'une façon rapide et fiable.
Une c o l l a b o r a t i o n e n t r e l ' I G M et la c o m p a g n i e S u p r a t e c de
T r o i s - R i v i è r e s a été mise sur pied afin de d é v e l o p p e r un tel
capteur. L'approche étudiée fait appel, d'une part, à l'hydrodynamique des fibres à papier dans un mélange pâteux soumis à un
c h a m p d ' o n d e s a c o u s t i q u e s s t a t i o n n a i r e s , et d ' a u t r e p a r t , au
caractère directionnel de la distribution angulaire d'un faisceau
lumineux diffusé par les fibres.
Le système expérimental utilisé pour les essais de laboratoire est
montré à la figure 4 6 . La pâte à analyser est introduite dans une
cellule résonnante où un champ d'ondes acoustiques stationnaires
est produit entre un transducteur ultrasonore et un réflecteur. Les
fibres à papier tendent à se réorienter dans une direction parallèle
a u x p l a n s n o d a u x du c h a m p a c o u s t i q u e , et cela d ' u n e f a ç o n
d ' a u t a n t plus r a p i d e q u e les f i b r e s s o n t c o u r t e s . Un f a i s c e a u
lumineux traverse la cellule dans une direction parallèle aux plans
nodaux et subit une diffusion par les fibres en suspension. Chaque
papiers à notes
150 -
I W.
W \
6* (rad)
Fig. 3. Patrons de diffraction obtenus avec différents types de
papier en contact avec le prisme de la fig. 1. On remarque
dans chaque cas une diminution de l'intensité réfléchie
dans la direction spéculaire (6=0) ainsi qu'une augmentation de la quantité de lumière diffractée (0>O,O1 rad) par
rapport au cas sans papier. La largeur finie du patron dans
ce dernier cas est due à l'ouverture du détecteur égale à
0,01 rad.
D, o
- \
F i g . 2. Modulation spatiale introduite dans un faisceau lumineux
lors du contact avec les fibres à la surface d'une feuille de
papier. Le papier qui était ici comprimé contre une lame
de microscope était du papier-journal dans le cas (a) et du
papier-mouchoir dans le cas (b). Les zones foncées sont les
régions de contact avec les fibres du papier.
Fig. 4. Montage expérimental utilisé pour mesurer le temps de
réorientation des fibres dans la pâte à papier : une onde
acoustique stationnaire est produite dans la cellule
contenant la pâte par un système transducteur-réflecteur.
L'orientation moyenne des fibres est obtenue en fonction
du temps par des photodétecteurs D, et D 2 qui mesurent la
directionnalité du patron de diffusion d'un faisceau
lumineux ayant traversé la cellule.
Physics in C a n a d a
f i b r e p r o d u i t u n p a t r o n de d i f f u s i o n f o r t e m e n t d i r e c t i o n n e l .
C o n s é q u e m m e n t , le signal détecté par le détecteur D 2 en figure 4
augmente à mesure que les fibres s'alignent parallèlement aux
plans n o d a u x . Le niveau de ce signal est donc un indice du degré
d'orientation moyenne des fibres.
1 mm
La figure 5 montre le signal détecté par un détecteur situé le long
de l ' a x e z d u p l a n f o c a l en f i g u r e 4. P o u r d e s c o n s i d é r a t i o n s
s e m b l a b l e s à celles e x p o s é e s d a n s le p a r a g r a p h e p r é c é d e n t ,
l'intensité détectée en cette position diminue à mesure que les
fibres s'alignent, et cela avec une constante de temps qui dépend
de la longueur moyenne des fibres, comme le montre la figure 4.
On peut donc tirer de l'information sur les dimensions moyennes
des fibres en mesurant la constante de temps de ces signaux.
Un avantage important de cette approche réside dans le fait que
les patrons de diffusion produits par chaque fibre contenue dans
la c e l l u l e se s u p e r p o s e n t de f a ç o n i n c o h é r e n t e d a n s le p l a n
d'observation. Il s'ensuit que la moyenne des propriétés à mesurer
s ' e f f e c t u e très r a p i d e m e n t sur un é c h a n t i l l o n s t a t i s t i q u e m e n t
significatif. Ceci est particulièrement appréciable si le capteur en
q u e s t i o n d o i t servir c o m m e é l é m e n t s e n s i b l e d ' u n s y s t è m e de
c o n t r ô l e en t e m p s réel. La c o m p a g n i e S u p r a t e c p o u r s u i t
activement le développement et les essais de ce capteur.
Fig. 6. Isothermes à 1500°C (température de fusion), 1000°C et
500° C à la surface de la pièce à soudeir. Vitesse d'avancement de la torche = 3,5 mm/sec.
d'obtenir des sections transversales ou longitudinales du bain de
fusion. De plus, ce modèle permet de calculer des distributions de
t e m p é r a t u r e t r a n s i t o i r e s , o b t e n u e s q u a n d l ' a r c est p u i s é ou
Imps (s)
Fig. S. Intensité lumineuse détectée par le détecteur D 2 en fig. 4
dans le plan perpendiculaire à la direction de propagation
de l'onde acoustique. Courbe a : fibres tamisées à travers
un tamis de 200 lignes par pouce ; Courbe b : tamis de 100
lignes par pouce. On voit que la constante de temps est
beaucoup plus élevée pour les fibres plus longues.
La c o n n a i s s a n c e de la d i s t r i b u t i o n t h e r m i q u e a u t o u r d u b a i n
permet de choisir la position optimale des capteurs thermographiques afin de caractériser le procédé en temps réel. Des paramètres
du procédé tels que les dimentions et la forme du bain de fusion,
sa position par rapport au joint ainsi que le gradient thermique à
la surface de la pièce sont fortement corrélés à la qualité de la
soudure. Ces paramètres peuvent être mesurés sans contact par
des capteurs thermographiques imagés sur la. surface. Des fibres
optiques peuvent être utilisées pour transmettre la radiation 1R de
longueur d'onde inférieure à 2,5 /^m du capteur au détecteur 8 .
L'utilisation des fibres optiques permet de réaliser des capteurs
compacts et peu dispendieux tout en étant à l'abri de l'interférence
é l e c t r o m a g n é t i q u e p r o d u i t e p a r l ' a r c de s o u d a g e . D a n s le
prototype développé à l'IGM. un filtre élimine la radiation de
faible longueur d'onde émise par l'arc, qui tend à masquer la
radiation IR émise par la surface. Avec ce prototype on a pu
mesurer en temps réel la largeur du bain de fusion ainsi que la
position du joint par rapport au bain de fusion, ce qui permet de
suivre le joint entre les deux pièces à souder
3. Contrôle thermographique du procédé de soudage
U n g r a n d n o m b r e de p r o c é d é s de t r a i t e m e n t des m a t é r i a u x ,
comme les traitements thermiques, la mise en forme et le soudage
ont lieu à des températures élevées. Ceci suggère l'utilisation de
techniques d'inspection thermographique pour le contrôle de ces
procédés. La thermographie infrarouge (IR) a l'avantage d'opérer
sans contact, ce qui est très important dans le cas des matériaux à
haute température ou en mouvement rapide.
En ce qui a trait au soudage, l'IGM collabore avec l'Institut de
Soudage du C a n a d a et avec l ' I R E Q dans un projet d'asservissement d'un système de soudage automatique à l'arc par un réseau
de capteurs thermographiques. Afin d'étudier la relation entre les
paramètres de soudage et la distribution thermique autour du bain
de fusion, un modèle numérique de la diffusion thermique a été
mis au point à l'IGM 7 . La figure 6 montre la distribution de
température à la surface de la pièce soudée telle que générée par ce
m o d è l e . Le m o d è l e est t r i d i m e n s i o n n e l et p e r m e t aussi bien
Les limites du bain de fusion sont visibles assez facilement par
thermographie à cause de la forte discontinuité de la valeur de
l'émissivité IR à l'interface solide-liquide. La position du joint est
visible en balayant le capteur en avant du bain, si la largeur du
j o i n t est p l u s g r a n d e q u e la r é s o l u t i o n d u d é t e c t e u r . C e t t e
résolution est typiquement de 0,5 mm. Si le oint est très petit, sa
p o s i t i o n est e n c o r e d é t e c t a b l e l o r s q u e l ' a r c est d é c e n t r é p a r
rapport au joint. Ceci est illustré à la figure 7a, qui montre la
distribution thermique générée par le modèle numérique dans le
cas où l'arc est décentré de I mm par rapport au joint. La figure 7b
montre la radiation infrarouge émise par la surface (obtenue en
i n t é g r a n t l ' é m i t t a n c e s p é c i f i q u e selon la r é p o n s e s p e c t r a l e d u
détecteur au PbS utilisé dans nos expériences) sur une ligne située
à l mm en avant du bain de fusion. L'asymétrie de la courbe et
surtout la forte discontinuité subie par le signal quand la ligne
d'observation traverse le joint permet de localiser la position du
joint par rapport à la torche.
151 SLATER, SUITE 805, OTTAWA, ONTARIO, K1P 5H3, TELEPHONE (613) 237-3392
In an atmosphere where our nation has been preoccupied with the serious
effects of an economic depression, the Physics profession has been making
quiet but steady progress in its influence.
Despite the effects of the recession, funding from the major granting
agencies - while not as large as one would like - has increased healthily
in real terms. The physics community has been effectively led by our
senior members with the effect that there has been healthy progress in
physics research in Canada. That initiative is reflected in the detailed
reports of the divisions and committees in this annual report.
On the other hand, our activities in the Science Policy area this year
have been minimal - by design - since our influence in the direction of
Science Policy is in my view more effective if carried out at a time when
our nation's leaders are prepared to deal with science policy, whereas
today they are preoccupied quite properly with the recession. We are
building a healthy fund to allow us to function effectively in influencing
science policy in the future.
Our interlinkages with industry have improved at a time when our graduates
in physics are increasingly searching for careers in industry. Industry
tends to look firstly at engineering schools for their future technical
leaders and then science faculties, despite the fact that over half our
technical industrial base is led by managers whose university training is
science - not engineering. I have been heartened to see the excellent
initiatives that many physics faculty members across this nation are taking
to place their students in industry, and that will insure that the leadership of scientists in industry will continue. I urge all physics faculties
to encourage and augment that initiative.
Finally, our student members continue to organize and conduct an excellent
student conference, this year in Victoria, with representative attendance
from across Canada. With the enthusiasm and the quality of papers exhibited
by the young physicists we have a society whose future is in good hands.
A.R. C R A W F O R D
Executive and Council
Division Executives
Standing Committees
Division of Aeronomy and Space Physics
Division of Atomic and Molecular Physics
Canadian Geophysical Union
Division of Condensed Matter Physics
Division of Medical and Biological Physics
Division of Nuclear Physics
La Division de physique optique
Division of Particle Physics
Division of Physics Education
Division of Plasma Physics
Division of Theoretical Physics
Division of Industrial and Applied Physics
Division of Surface Science
Current Membership
Membership Campaign
Current Corporate Membership
Educational Trust Fund
The CAP Lecture Tours
CAP University Prize Examination
The Undergraduate Physics Conference
Youth Science Foundation
CAP Secondary School Physics Prize Examination
Annual Congress
Report of the Editor, Canadian Journal of Physics
Report of the Editor, Physics in Canada/La Physique au Canada
Journal Subscriptions
Science Policy Committee
Honorary Advisory Council of Past Presidents
Employment Opportunities Committee
Committee of University Physics Department Heads and Chairmen
CNC/International Union of Crystallography
1. Council, Divisions and Committees
1.1 E X E C U T I V E A N D C O U N C I L
President: A . R . C r a w f o r d * , A n a t e k Electronics Limited
Past President: P. M a r m e t * , Université Laval
Vice-President: B.P. Stoicheff*, University of T o r o n t o
Vice-President Elect: G . C . H a n n a * , A t o m i c Energy of C a n a d a
H o n o r a r y S e c r e t a r y - T r e a s u r e r : B.C. G r e g o r y * , I.N.R.S. — Université du
D i r e c t o r — M e m b e r s : W . R . D a t a r s , M c M a s t e r University
D i r e c t o r — Affiliates: T. W . R . E a s t , R a y t h e o n C a n a d a Limited
D i r e c t o r — S t u d e n t M e m b e r s : G . C r a w f o r d , University of Victoria
D i r e c t o r — C o r p o r a t e M e m b e r s : A . l . Carswell, York University
Division Chairmen
A e r o n o m y & Space Physics: J . A . K o e h l e r , University of S a s k a t c h e w a n
A t o m i c & M o l e c u l a r Physics: E . J . K n y s t a u t a s , Université Laval
C a n a d i a n G e o p h y s i c a l U n i o n : M . J . K e e n , Geological Survey of C a n a d a
C o n d e n s e d M a t t e r Physics: G . Dolling, C h a l k River N u c l e a r L a b s
Medical & Biological Physics: K . E . B r e i t m a n , M a n i t o b a C a n c e r F o u n d a t i o n
N u c l e a r Physics: R . J . S l o b o d r i a n , Université Laval
Optical Physics: R . W . Nicholls, York University
Particle Physics: R. M i g n e r o n , University of Western O n t a r i o
Physics E d u c a t i o n : W . B r o u w e r , University of A l b e r t a
P l a s m a Physics: B. A h l b o r n , University of British C o l u m b i a
T h e o r e t i c a l Physics: W . J . L . Buyers, A t o m i c Energy of C a n a d a
Industrial & A p p l i e d Physics: J - P . M o n c h a l i n
S u r f a c e Science: J . D . C a r e t t e , Université Laval
British C o l u m b i a a n d Y u k o n
C . F . S c h w e r d t f e g e r , University of British C o l u m b i a (1)
R . M . C l e m e n t s , University of Victoria (2)
E . H . P i n n i n g t o n , University of A l b e r t a (1)
C . D . A n g e r , University of C a l g a r y (2)
Saskatchewan and Manitoba
E . J . A n s a l d o , University of S a s k a t c h e w a n ( 1 )
K . G . S t a n d i n g , University of M a n i t o b a (2)
Ontario — Southwest
W . E . Baylis, University of W i n d s o r (1)
M . M . P i n t a r , University of W a t e r l o o (2)
Ontario — Central and North
R . G . J o h n s t o n , T r e n t University (1)
M . H . H a w t o n , L a k e h e a d University (2)
O n t a r i o — East
M . J . Scott, Q u e e n ' s University (1)
E . W . F e n t o n , N a t i o n a l Research C o u n c i l of C a n a d a (2)
Q u é b e c — N o r d et Ouest
P . H . D e p o m m i e r , Université de M o n t r é a l (1)
M. Z u c k e r m a n n , McGill University (2)
Q u é b e c — S u d et Est
P . D . M a r c h a n d , Université Laval (1)
L . G . C a r o n , Université de S h e r b r o o k e (2)
N e w Brunswick & N e w f o u n d l a n d
M . D . W h i t m o r e , M e m o r i a l University (1)
F. Weil, Université de M o n c t o n (2)
N o v a Scotia a n d Prince E d w a r d Island
A. W e i n g a r t s h o f e r , St. F r a n c i s Xavier University (1)
E d i t o r — C a n a d i a n J o u r n a l of Physics:
G . R o s t o k e r , University of A l b e r t a
E d i t o r — Physics in C a n a d a / L a P h y s i q u e a u C a n a d a :
J . Rolfe, Bank of C a n a d a , O t t a w a
Executive Secretary-Secrétaire Exécutif: M L. J e n t o
• M e m b e r of Executive C o m m i t t e e
(1) T e r m e n d s J u n e 1983 (2) T e r m e n d s J u n e 1984
1.2 D I V I S I O N E X E C U T I V E S
1. Division of Aeronomy & Space Physics
J . A . Koehler, C h a i r m a n , University of S a s k a t c h e w a n
D . R . M o o r c r o f t , P a s t - C h a i r m a n , University of Western O n t a r i o
D . V e n k a t e s a n , V i c e - C h a i r m a n , University of C a l g a r y
E.J. Llewellyn, Secretary-Treasurer, University of S a s k a t c h e w a n
2. Division of Atomic & Molecular Physics
E.J. K n y s t a u t a s , C h a i r m a n , Université Laval
R.J. Le Roy, P a s t - C h a i r m a n , University of W a t e r l o o
J . W m . M c C o n k e y , V i c e - C h a i r m a n , University of W i n d s o r
E . H . P i n n i n g t o n , Secretary-Treasurer, University of A b e r t a
3. Canadian Geophysical Union
M . J . Keen, President, Geological Survey of C a n a d a
R . D . Russell, Past-President, University of British C o l u m b i a
Z. H a j n a l , Vice-President, University of S a s k a t c h e w a n
P.A. C a m f i e l d , Secretary-Treasurer, Earth Physics B r a n c h , E M R .
M e m b e r s at Large: P.J. Savage, R.C. Bailey, P. Vanicek
4. Division of Condensed Matter Physics
G . Dolling, C h a i r m a n , A t o m i c Energy of C a n a d a Limited
J . P . H a r r i s o n , P a s t - C h a i r m a n , Q u e e n ' s University
A . J . Berlinsky, V i c e - C h a i r m a n , University of British C o l u m b i a
S.B. W o o d s , Secretary-Treasurer, University of Alberta
5. Division of Medical and Biological Physics
K.E. B r e i t m a n , C h a i r m a n , M a n i t o b a C a n c e r F o u n d a t i o n
M. C o h e n , P a s t - C h a i r m a n , McGill University
D . W . O . Rogers, V i c e - C h a i r m a n , N a t i o n a l Research Council
G . M . Kennelly, Secretary-Treasurer, C a n c e r C o n t r o l Agency of B.C.
6. Division of Nuclear Physics
R.J. S l o b o d r i a n , C h a i r m a n , Université Laval
Y-M. Shin, P a s t - C h a i r m a n , University of S a s k a t : h e w a n
J . S . C . M c K e e , V i c e - C h a i r m a n , University of M a n i t o b a
R. Roy, Secretary-Treasurer, Université Laval
7. Division of Optical Physics
R . W . Nicholls, C h a i r m a n , York University
J-A.M. Gravel, Past-Chairman, D R E V
J - M . G a g n é , V i c e - C h a i r m a n , École Polytechnique
C. Delisle, Secretary-Treasurer, Université Laval
J - F . Boulter, Councillor, D R E V
8. Division of Particle Physics
R. M i g n e r o n , C h a i r m a n , University of Western O n t a r i o
P.J. O ' D o n n e l l , P a s t - C h a i r m a n , University of T o r o n t o
9. Division of Physics Education
W. B r o u w e r , C h a i r m a n , University of Alberta
J . R . Stevens, P a s t - C h a i r m a n , University of G u e l p h
H. Weir, V i c e - C h a i r m a n , M e m o r i a l University of N e w f o u n d l a n d
A. G o w e r , Secretary-Treasurer, University of Victoria
10. Division of Plasma Physics
B. A h l b o r n , C h a i r m a n , University of British C o l u m b i a
T . W . J o h n s t o n , P a s t - C h a i r m a n , I N R S Energie, V a r e n n e s
H . A . Baldis, V i c e - C h a i r m a n , N a t i o n a l Research Council
A. Ng, Secretary-Treasurer, University of British C o l u m b i a
11. Division of Theoretical Physics
W . J . L . Buyers, C h a i r m a n , A t o m i c Energy of C a n a d a Limited
B. Castel, P a s t - C h a i r m a n , Q u e e n ' s University
P.J. O ' D o n n e l l , V i c e - C h a i r m a n , University of T o r o n t o
M B. W a l k e r , Secretary-Treasurer, University of T o r o n t o
12. Division of Industrial and Applied Physics
J - P . M o n c h a l i n , C h a i r m a n , Energy Mines & Resources C a n a d a
R . M . H o f f , P a s t - C h a i r m a n , A t m o s p h e r i c E n v i r o n m e n t Service
P. K i r k b y , V i c e - C h a i r m a n , O n t a r i o H y d r o
L. B e r t r a n d , Secretary-Treasurer, Ecole Polytechnique
13. Division of Surface Science
J . D . C a r e t t e , C h a i r m a n , Université Laval
K . A . R . Mitchell, P a s t - C h a i r m a n , University of British C o l u m b i a
P.R. N o r t o n , V i c e - C h a i r m a n , A t o m i c Energy of C a n a d a Limited
S.J. Ingrey, Secretary-Treasurer, Bell N o r t h e r n Research Limited
1.3 S T A N D I N G
Science Policy
A . R . C r a w f o r d (c)
G.C. Hanna
T.W. Johnston
B.P. Stoicheff
W.G. Unruh
W.D. Westwood
Editorial Board — Physics in Canada
J. Rolfe, E d i t o r
G . Daigle
M L. J e n t o
E.H. Hara
J . P . Svenne
J . A . Nilson
L.G. Caron
R.R. P a r s o n s
R.F. Code
G . R o s t o k e r (c)
D . D . Betts
W.R. Datars
C. Delisle
L. de S o b r i n o
H.W. Fearing
P.A. F o r s y t h
J.P. Franck
R.R. H a e r i n g
G. Herzberg
N. Isgur
B.C. G r e g o r y (c)
M.L. Jento
W. Israel
J.W.C. Johns
T.W. Johnston
A.V. J o n e s
P. Kitching
P.D. Marchand
P. M a r m e t
D.F. Measday
M. R a z a v y
P R. Wallace
M. B l o o m
A.E. Litherland
Annual Meeting — Program
B P. Stoicheff (c)
J.A. Koehler
E.J. Knystautas
M . J . Keen
G . Dolling
K.E. B r e i t m a n
R.J. Slobodrian
R . W . Nicholls
R. M i g n e r o n
W. Brouwer
B. A h l b o r n
W.J.L.. Buyers
J-P. M o n c h a l i n
J.D. Carette
G.C. Hanna
C. Scarfe
M . J . Stott
V. G a i z a u s k a s
J.M. MacLeod
Annual Meeting — Local Arrangements
C . D . Scarfe (c)
R E. H o r i t a
J.T. Weaver
D.E. Lobb
G . A . Beer
G.R. Mason
R. B r o w n
P. Pearce
H.W. Dosso
C . E . Picciotto
G.R. Friedmann
H.S. Sandhu
J. G o u d y
J.B. T a t u m
R.H. March
W . A . Pieczonka
Membership Campaign
B. P. Stoicheff (c)
C.D. Anger
E.J. Ansaldo
W . E . Baylis
L.G. Caron
R.M. Clements
P.H. Depommier
E.W. Fenton
M.H. Hawton
R.G. Johnston
P.D. Marchand
E.H. Pinnington
M.M. Pintar
C.F. Schwerdtfeger
K.G. Standing
M . J . Stott
F. Weil
A. W e i n g a r t s h o f e r
M.D. Whitmore
Corporate Members
A . R . Carswell (c)
R.L. C l a r k e
G.C. Cloutier
J.W. McGowan
Teller Committee
M e m b e r s to be a p p o i n t e d by the Executive when required.
Committee of University Physics Department 1 leads
V.V. P a r a n j a p e
J . C . Irwin
M . J . Stott (c)
D A. Pink
B. A h l b o r n
A.N. Kamal
W.P. A l f o r d
D . H . Rendell
T. Richard
D . P . Krauel
R.E. A z u m a
J.L. Rood
A.S. Biffi
L. K r a u s e
J.-P. Saint-Dizier
M. Lavoie
R.L. Bishop
M . A . R . LeBlanc
R.C. S h u k l a
G . Boiduc
C.V. Stager
R.M. Lees
A. Caillé
J. Lit
E. Stanley
M . G . Calkin
S.K. M a r k
M.K. Sundaresan
J . H . de Leeuw
M. Suquet
T. M a t h e w s
C. D e m e r s
D.A. Thompson
J.H. Matthews
M.S. D u b a s
W.J. Megaw
R. T r e m b l a y
M.H. Edwards
J.T. Weaver
R. M o n t a l b e t t i
J . D . Fernie
D . L . Williams
A.H. Morrish
K. Fillmore
W.G. Wong
R . W . Nicholls
L. G r e e n b e r g
E.L. W o n n a c o t t
R.W. Ollerhead
J. Grindlay
S. Z i a u d d i n
G. Paquette
B.G. H o g g
Employment Opportunities
Committee on the Ontario Engineers' Act
G . C . H a n n a (c)
P. K i r k b y
R. H o f f
Committee on the Funding of R & D
P o w e r to a d d
B. A h l b o r n (c)
C. Irwin
Directory of Canadian Physicists
M.J. Stott (c)
D. Kerfoot
W . J . L . Buyers
P. M a r m e t
G. Crawford
A. Martin
M.L. J e n t o
Ad Hoc Committee on Professionalism
M. Pintar (c)
R. Nicholls
K. Breitman
M . J . Stott
Secondary School Physics Examination
A. L e m i e u x (c) with p o w e r t o a d d
P. M a r m e t (c)
A.R. Crawford
G.C. Hanna
Physics and Society
G . C . H a n n a (c)
B P. Stoicheff
R.E. Bell
E . W . Vogt
G . G . Cloutier
A . T . Stewart
A.H. Morrish
R . J . A . Levesque
R.R. H a e r i n g
P.A. F o r s y t h
C.C. Costain
W.R. Datars
T.F.W. Embleton
J . M . R o b s o n (c)
J. Carbotte
B. Margolis
Honorary Advisory Council of Past Presidents
H E. D u c k w o r t h
P. M a r m e t (c)
E.R. P o u n d e r
D.C. Rose
G.M. Wolkoff
J.S. Marshall
L. Katz
A . D . Misener
G.C. Laurence
P. L o r r a i n
G.M. Shrum
R.E. Bell
J . L . Kerwin
J.M. Robson
B.W. Sargent
H . E . Petch
G. Herzberg
M.P. Bachynski
R.H. Hay
D . D . Betts
Canadian Committee for IUPAP
R.H. March
P. M a r m e t
H.M. Skarsgard
Y outh Science Foundation
R.J.W. Hodgson
SCITEC Council
A.R. C r a w f o r d
International Organization for Medical Physics
R.L. C l a r k e
Canadian Commission for U N E S C O
CNC/International Union of Crystallography
W . J . L . Buyers
Educational Trust Fund Trustees
D.L. Atherton
R.E. Bell
J. Fletcher
The activities of the Subject Divisions are an important part of the affairs of the Association.
The reports from our thirteen Divisions are summarized below. The officers of the Divisions are
listed in Section 1.2. The membership figures are given in the Annual Report p.3.
Division of Aeronomy and Space Physics
The Division of Aeronomy and Space Physics is starting to visibly suffer from lack of manpower.
To be sure, there has been a realization, over the past few years, that the general lack of
positions in both university and government laboratories has been unhealthy. However, the more
recent advent of new and innovative programs has brought the lesson home and made us realize how
thinly we are spread. The opportunities to do worthwhile space science have never been as great—
yet, we continue to rely on a diminishing and aging group of scientists to do them. We are
approaching dangerously close to the situation in which the damage becomes truly irreparable, when
research groups become too small to be viable, when knowledge and technology become lost forever
because there is no one to inherit it. Most disheartening of all, the universities and governments
are unwilling or unable to help rectify the situation.
Apart from this gloomy picture (and perhaps because of it), most DASP members bad a busy year.
The annual workshop was held in Calgary in February, 1983. The meeting was well attended and the
scientific program was excellent. This workshop has progressed, over the years, from an informal
get-together where graduate students could 'try their wings' to a solid, first class scientific
There are a number of Canadian satellite based experiments which will be in place shortly. Hi-Lat
is due to fly in August 1983 — University of Western Ontario and University of Saskatchewan
researchers are involved. This satellite will be used as the basis for a number of campaigns in
the next two to three years.
The major Canadian satellite projects are Viking — the Swedish satellite due to be launched in
January 1985 and WAMDII which is scheduled for a space shuttle launch in 1985 or 1986. These
experiments have required an enormous effort on the part of the entire Canadian optical space
science community.
Another major project is CANOPUS — a ground based array of instruments with a scientific data
analysis network. This 'instrument' will be in place by the fall of 1984 and has involved a
substantial fraction of the entire Canadian research community — particularly the government
research group at the Herzberg Institute of Astrophysics.
Finally, there have been the usual group of smaller campaigns organized on a yearly basis. Some
of these have been based at the Churchill rocket range — one rocket was launched in the 1982-83
season. Others were smaller ad hoc projects aimed at a specific goal — during the summer of 1982
for example, University of Saskatchewan and University of Western Ontario researchers made a number
of ground based measurements of motions in the E and F regions in the Arctic (near Sachs Harbour)
using radio techniques.
Division de physique atomique et moléculaire
Le nombre de membres inscrits dans la Division de physique atomique et moléculaire s'est stabilisé
et se situe à 144 en date du 30 avril 1983. Notre situation financière devrait s'améliorer
nettement cette année grâce à l'augmentation (à 5$/membre) de la cotisation qui a été votée l'an
dernier. Le solde de la Division était de 173.81$, en date du 30 avril 1983.
La Division avait organisé deux sessions de conférences invitées lors du Congrès annuel de l'ACP
qui a eu lieu du 21 au 24 juin 1982 à Kingston. La première traitait de la physique moléculaire
de l'atmosphère et avait comme conférenciers invités H.I. Schiff de l'Université York, A. VallanceJones du CNRC, E.J. Llewellyn de l'Université de Saskatchewan, et C. Cummings de Barringer Research.
La seconde session avait comme thème les forces intermoléculaires. Trois conférences ont été
prononcées par M.L. Klein du CNRC, W.J. Meath de l'UWO à London, et P.A. Egelstaff de l'Université
de Guelph.
L'Université d'Alberta était l'hôte de la réunion annuelle de la Division du 21 au 23 octobre 1982.
La réunion fut un succès, et des conférences invitées ont été prononcées par J. Cooper (J'ILA),
Y.T. Lee (Berkeley), A. Weingartshofer (St.F.-X), J.W. McConkey (Windsor), A. Offenberger (Alberta),
J.W. McGowan (U.W.O.) et R.H. Garstang (JILA).
La Division organise deux sessions au Congrès annuel de l'ACP à Victoria, dont une conjointement
avec la Société canadienne d'astronomie, sur les molécules en milieu interstellaire. L'autre a
comme sujet l'hydrogène polarisé.
Des formules pour la nomination de l'exécutif pour 1983-1984 ont été expédiées aux membres.
Canadian Geophysical Union
The Canadian Geophysical Union (C.G.U.) was founded in 1973 to provide a forum for Canadian
geophysicists which had previously resided in the Associate Committee on Geodesy and Geophysics of
the National Research Council and its numerous subcommittees. The Union was formed as a joint
division of the Geological Association of Canada and the Canadian Association of Physicists.
Members of the Canadian Institute of Surveyors are also eligible for C.G.U. membership.
The C.G.U. is a member society of the Canadian Geoscience Council. It nominates a substantial
number of members to the Canadian National Committee for the International Union of Geodesy and
Geophysics, and to the Canadian National Committee for the Lithosphere.
The C.G.U.'s major activity is its annual meeting, held sometimes alone, sometimes with a related
society (e.g., Canadian Exploration Geophysics Society: KEGS), or sometimes with one of its
parent societies. The three-day 1982 meeting was joint with KEGS at York University (Downsview,
Ontario) and was attended by 153 registrants. Speakers at the opening plenary session addressed
the following topics: geoscience and hydrocarbons in the Canadian offshore; mining geophysics:
recent advances and current orientations; the Canadian long baseline array: a new geophysical
research tool; the Miramichi, New Brunswick earthquake sequence of January 1982; and "something
for all ages": geochronology from (geomagnetic) poles to Ethiopians. 78 contributed papers were
presented in sessions on the Precambrian lithosphere, mathematical geophysics, continental margins,
methods and case histories in mining geophysics, paleo- and rock-magnetism, general geophysics,
geochronology, geophysical contributions to the disposal of toxic waste in the Earth's crust, and
gravity and geodynamics.
The 1983 meeting will take place in Victoria with the Geological and Mineralogical Associations of
Canada. Plans are in progress for a joint congress in 1984 with the Canadian Meteorological and
Oceanographic Society in Halifax.
In 1982, the C.G.U. awarded its J. Tuzo Wilson Medal to Prof. J.A. Jacobs for his outstanding
contributions to Canadian geophysics. Also in 1982, the C.G.U. began the publication of a thriceyearly newsletter; editors are R.M. Farquhar, H.C. Halls and P. Vanicek.
The term of office for the C.G.U. executive is two years.
year's annual meeting.
A new executive must be elected at this
Division of Condensed Matter Physics
A fall Symposium entitled "Liquid Crystals and Membranes," was attended by about 50 participants
at the University of British Columbia, October 15-16, 1982. A most interesting program, organized
by John Berlinsky, included lectures by David Litster, Alain Caillé, David Balzarini, Geoffrey
Grinstein, David Pink, David Makow, Peter Palffy-Muhoray, Patricia Cladis and Myer Bloom. There
was no analogous Symposium in Eastern Canada, but many condensed matter physicists were in
attendance at a most enjoyable and informative seminar held on November 19, 1982, at McGill
University, in honour of Philip Wallace: the title of Emeritus Professor of Physics was conferred
on Dr. Wallace at the November 24 convocation.
The paper "A new theory of the liquid condensed-liquid expanded phase transition in lipid
monolayers", by Alexandros Georgallas and David Pink (C.J.P. 60, 1678 (1982) was selected as the
Best Condensed Matter Paper published during 1982 in the Canadian Journal of Physics. A presentation of a commemorative scroll will be made to each of the authors during the 1983 Congress.
Honourable mention was also made of a paper by Robin Fletcher (ibid, page 122). The judging
committee consisted of W.R. Datars (chairman), M.J. Stott and J.F. Cochran.
Summaries of the report "Future Opportunities in Condensed Matter Physics" (both the original
English version prepared by H.R. Glyde and a French translation provided by L.G. Caron) have been
distributed to all current members of the Division. Further discussion of this subject is
anticipated at the 1983 Congress, in the light of N.S.E.R.C. grants awarded this year.
All CMP contributed papers submitted to the 1983 Congress will be presented in poster sessions
designed, as in 1982, to permit maximum attendance at all sessions.
Division of Medical & Biological Physics
The DMBP held a successful meeting at the CAP Congress in Kingston with 5 Scientific Sessions and
the Annual Business Meeting. The Program was highlighted by 12 Invited Speakers.
On-going Committees include a Radiation Regulations Committee which makes recommendations to
governments regarding proposed legislation. The Division has a representative on the Conjoint
Committee for Accreditation of nuclear medicine technology training programs and a representative
on the Editorial Board of Physics in Medicine and Biology, the official journal of the Division.
An affiliation is maintained with the International Organization for Medical Physics.
A Division Newsletter was published twice during the year.
Division of Nuclear Physics
The Division of Nuclear Physics has issued three News Sheets (December 1982, February 1983, April
1983) in order to keep the membership informed of developments related to the CAP Congress,
regional meetings and facilities in Canada. The latter were the object of a special meeting
chaired in Vancouver on January 27, by the vice-chairman of the Division J.S.C. McKee. Future
needs and priorities were discussed.
The Eastern Regional Nuclear Physics Conference was organized by Queen's University in Kingston,
Ontario. The corresponding Western Conference was organized by University of British Columbia in
Vancouver. Attendance at the regional conferences was excellent and proves the vigor of the; field.
The organization of the sessions in the 1983 Congress has also been finalized. A slate of ten
invited speakers, divided into five short sessions, will report on current nuclear research in
Canada and elsewhere.
Division of Optical Physics (no report received)
Division of Particle Physics (no report received)
Division of Physics Education (no report received)
2.10 Division of Plasma Physics (no report received)
2.11 Division of Theoretical Physics
The 1983 Advanced Study Institute on "Moment Formation in Solids" has received funding from NATO,
NSERC and other agencies. There is an excellent slate of speakers including Nobel prize-winner
P.W. Anderson. The Director is W.J.L. Buyers, AECL, Chalk River. The 1984 CAP/NATO Institute
will be on particle physics directed by P. O'Donnell, University of Toronto. In 1985 the topic
will be nuclear physics.
A new initiative was the creation of the CAP Theory Institute. The Institute aims to provide a
summer-long environment for scientists to work on problems of common interest. Internationally
recognized experts will be present. The first Institute has been funded by NSERC and Queen's
University, and will be held at the Donald Gordon Centre, Kingston, from July 18 to August 15,
1983. Information on the two topics is available from B. Castel ("Collective Excitations in
Nuclei") and E. Zaremba ("Fundamental Aspects of Density Functional Theory"). A National Advisory
Board has been created, under the chairmanship of Jules Carbotte, to review the progress of the
Institute and to receive proposals for future Institute topics and organizers.
2.12 Division de Physique Industrielle et Appliquée
Au cours de cette année, le nombre de membres de la division s'est encore accru et atteint
maintenant environ 150. La situation financière est toujours bonne et une partie des fonds sera
dépensée pour payer les prix attribués au concours de jeunes physiciens innovateurs.
Ce concours est une initiative nouvelle de la division. Il vise à promouvoir l'innovation dans
le domaine de la physique industrielle et appliquée en faisant mieux connaître de jeunes
physiciens(nés) qui se sont distingués par leurs réalisations innovatrices. Neuf candidatures
ont été reçues pour ce premier concours. Le comité directeur de la division a été particulièrement
heureux de voir l'ampleur de la résponse des universités, des compagnies et des centres de
recherche et aussi du calibre des candidatures soumises. Deux ou trois candidats seront sélectionnés et seront invités à présenter leur réalisation au prochain congrès de l'ACP à Victoria. Chaque
candidat recevra un prix de $200 à même les fonds de la division.
La résponse obtenue de la part d'organismes de recherche au travers de tout le Canada montre qu'une
telle initiative devrait être poursuivie. Il serait aussi tentant de considérer qu'un jour
l'Association elle-même ait un prix pour récompenser l'innovation technologique en physique. Ce
prix pourrait être attribué à un chercheur senior tandis que la Division de Physique Industrielle
et Appliquée pourrait se limiter à promouvoir et récompenser, comme cette année, de jeunes
physiciens. Au cours de l'année prochaine et des années suivantes, il sera nécessaire de résoudre
le problème de financement des prix de ce concours, le montant versé excédant l'entrée annuelle de
fonds. On pourrait alors se limiter à un seul récipiendaire ou faire appel à une donation, de la
part d'un organisme de recherche.
Membership Report
The paid up membership as April 30, 1983, is made up of 1382 full and affiliate members, 142 joint members and 24 student (undergraduate) members for a total of 1616.
These figures do not include 153 full and affiliate members in arrears who were approached on three separate occasions to renew their
membership for 1983. Members in arrears are kept on C A P records but they no longer receive C A P publications or other mailings;
they are suspended when they are more than one \ e a r in arrears. The details of membership are given in the tables below.
A total of 108 new members joined the Association and 30 members were reinstated in 1982. There were 48 resignations and 149
Membership Report for 1982
as of December 31, 1982
Paid up
Full Members
Affiliate Members
Joint Members
Retired Members
Student Members
Resigned or
In Arrears
Resigned or
In Arrears
*In addition 400 final year undergraduates were registered as Student Members for the 1981-82 academic year
Membership Report for 1983
as of April 30, 1983
Full Members
Affiliate Members
Joint Members
Retired Members
Student Members
Paid up
•In addition 500 final year undergraduates were registered as Student Members for the 1982-83 academic year
Membership in Divisions
As of
Aeronomy and Space Physics
Atomic and Molecular Physics
Canadian Geophysical Union
Condensed Matter Physics
Medical & Biological Physics
Nuclear Physics
Optical Physics
Particle Physics
Physics Education
Plasma Physics
Theoretical Physics
Industrial & Applied Physics
Surface Science
As of
Journal Subscriptions
As of
As of
Canadian Journal of Physics
Canadian Journal of Earth Science
Contemporary Physics
Physics in Medicine & Biology
The Physics Teacher
Quebec Science
Physics Today
Physical Review Letters
Medical Physics
Physics Bulletin
Physics Education
Physics in Technology
Report of the Honorary Secretary-Treasurer
At the end of the 1982 financial year the General Fund has a
surplus of $21,022, after having established a Reserve Fund of
$65,000. This modest surplus is indicative of a normal year's
operation, and validates our decision to increase fees by only
5 percent. The unusually large surplus last year has enabled us to
set up the Reserve Fund which will protect the Association against
unforseen circumstances in the future, and whose use is determined
by Council.
The Educational Trust Fund was given a substantial boost by the
transfer of $12,888, the unused remainder of the NSERC study
grant, from the General Fund. This, and an important increase in
corporate donations, bring the year end surplus to $21,864, as
opposed to $6,996 last year, even after increases to our contribution
to the Undergraduate Physics Conference and to the value of prizes.
The audited financial statement for the twelve month period
January 1 to December 31, 1982 with comparative figures for
1981 follows.
Chartered Accountants
Suite 1200
160 Elgin Street
Ottawa, Canada K2P 2C4
Telephone: (613) 232-1511
Telex: 053-4206
To the Members of
The Canadian Association of Physicists:
We have examined the balance sheet of The Canadian Association
of Physicists as at December 31, 1982 and the statement of revenue and expense
and surplus for the year then ended.
Our examination was made in accordance
with generally accepted auditing standards, and accordingly included such
tests and other procedures as we considered necessary in the circumstances,
except as noted in the following paragraph.
In common with many similar organizations, the Association
reports meeting and donation revenue totalling $39,006 (1981 - $23,744) which
are not susceptible of complete audit verification.
Accordingly, we were
unable to determine whether any adjustments might be necessary to meeting and
donation revenue, excess of revenue over expense and surplus.
In our opinion, except for the effect of any adjustments which
might have been required had we been able to satisfy ourselves with respect to
meeting and donation revenues referred to in the preceding paragraph, these
financial statements present fairly the financial position of the Association
as at December 31, 1982 and the results of its operations for the year then
ended in accordance with the accounting principles described in note 1 to the
financial statements applied on a basis consistent with that of the preceding
Ottawa, Canada,
March 8, 1983.
Chartered Accountants
Comptables agréés
160, rue Elgin, bureau 1200
Ottawa, Canada K2P 2C4
Téléphone: (613) 232-1511
Aux Membres de l'Association
canadienne des Physiciens,
Mous avons vérifié le bilan de l'Association canadienne des
Physiciens au 31 décembre 1982, ainsi que l'état des revenus et dépenses et du
surplus pour l'exercice terminé à cette date.
Notre vérification a été
effectuée conformément aux normes de vérification généralement reconnues, et a
comporté par conséquent les sondages et autres procédés que nous avons jugés
nécessaires dans les circonstances, à l'exception des limites mentionnées au
paragraphe suivant.
Comme beaucoup d'organisations semblables,
rapporte des revenus provenant de réunions et de dons, s'élevant à $39 006
(1981 - $23 744), qui ne sont pas susceptibles d'une vérification complète.
Par conséquent, il ne nous a pas été possible d'établir si des redressements
auraient été requis aux revenus provenant de réunions et de dons, à l'excédent
des revenus sur les dépenses et au surplus.
A notre avis, à l'exception de la possibilité de redressements
qui auraient pu être requis s'il nous avait été possible de nous satisfaire
quant aux revenus provenant de réunions et de dons, tel que mentionné au
paragraphe précédent, ces états financiers présentent fidèlement la situation
financière de l'Association au 31 décembre 1982 ainsi que les résultats de son
exploitation pour l'exercice terminé à cette date selon les principes
comptables décrits dans la note 1 afférente aux états financiers, appliqués de
la même manière qu'au cours de l'exercice précédent.
Ottawa, Canada,
le 8 mars 1983.
Comptables Agréés
(Incorporated under the laws of
Current :
Term deposits (at cost which approximates
Due from Educational Trust Fund
Advertising revenue receivable
Other receivables
Prepaid expenses
Office furniture and equipment, at cost
Less accumulated depreciation
$ 27,985
Due from General Fund
$ 26,044
$ 26,044
$ 12.724
On behalf of the Council:
" 7
o f f icer
(See accompanying notes to
lanada without share capital)
L, 1982
Current :
Accounts payable and accrued charges
Due to divisions and local section
Deferred revenue
Due to Educational Trust Fund
Unexpended portion of NSERC Grant
Unexpended portion of Science Policy Fund
Reserve (note 6)
Due to General Fund
Deferred donation revenue
:he financial
$ 26.044
$ 12.724
Revenue :
Membership fees
Journal subscriptions
"Physics in Canada" - subscriptions
- advertising
Revenue from annual meeting (net of expenses)
Investment income
NSERC grant
$ 73,213
67 ,269
Excess of revenue over expense
Surplus, beginning of year
Expense :
Bad debt expense
Data processing
Employee benefits
Legal, audit and accounting
Office supplies, printing, photocopying
and postage
"Physics in Canada"
NSERC project costs (note 4)
Forgiveness of debt from Educational Trust Fund
Transfer to reserve (note 6)
Surplus, end of year (note 7)
(See accompanying notes to the financial
$ 21,022
$ 65,048
Revenue :
Donations - corporations
- members
- universities
Bank interest and miscellaneous
Forgiveness of debt to General Fund
NSERC grant transferred from General
Fund (note 4)
Expense :
High school and university prizes
Lecture tours
Undergraduate Physics Conference
Other fund expenses
Excess of revenue over expense
Surplus, beginning of year
Surplus, end of year
$ 5,880
$ 1,275
$ 6,996
(See accompanying notes to the financial statements)
DECEMBER 31, 1982
The financial statements of the Association have been prepared by
management in accordance with accounting principles that are considered
appropriate for organizations of this type, the more significant of which
are summarized below:
(a) Membership Fees:
Annual membership fees include a subscription to the
Association's bulletin "Physics in Canada".
The portion of fees paid by
members on account of the "Physics in Canada" subscription is included in
membership fees revenue.
Subscription fees purchased by non-members are
included in subscriptions revenue.
(b) Donation Revenue:
Donation revenue of the Educational Trust Fund is recognized as
received except for donations from members which are to be used in the
following year and are included in deferred donation revenue.
(c) Deferred Revenue:
Revenue received in the current year pertaining to future years*
fees and subscriptions is recorded in the accounts as deferred revenue.
(d) Fixed Assets and Depreciation:
Fixed assets are recorded at cost and are depreciated over the
estimated useful life of the asset using the following rates:
Office equipment
Data processing equipment -
20% declining balance
20% straight-line
Accounting Policies (Cont'd.)
(e) NSERC Grant:
The grant from the Natural Sciences and Engineering Research
Council is recognized as revenue in the year the related expenses are
During 1982 the unexpended portion of the grant ($12,878) was
transferred to the Education Trust Fund.
Tax Status
The Association qualifies as a non-profit organization as
defined in the Income Tax Act and as such is exempt from income taxes.
Long-Term Lease
In 1981 the Association renewed its lease
space up to May, 1986.
agreement for office
The basic annual rental on this lease is $5,619.
A photocopier is leased until January 1986 at a basic annual rental of
Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council (NSERC) Project Costs
During 1980 the Association received a grant of $121,600 from
NSERC to study future applications in five areas of Physics in Canada.
Project costs are comprised of the following:
Printing and postage
Salaries and fees
$ 7,494
$25 r 804
$ 7,900
$ 38,476
$108 r 721
The NSERC Study was completed during 1982 and, in a motion
passed by the executive, the unexpended portion of the grant ($12,878)
was transferred to the Education Trust Fund.
Statement of Changes in Financial Position
A statement of changes in financial position is not presented
since it would not provide any additional useful information.
On November 22, 1982 the Council approved the establishment of a
reserve of $65,000, being approximately the December 31, 1981 surplus.
This reserve is not to be encroached upon without formal approval of the
The surplus as at December 31, 1982 includes funds that the
Council had planned to spend during 1982 but for various reasons the
projects were delayed and expenditures will be incurred in 1983.
expenditures were approved by council as follows:
Careers in Physics
Directory of Canadian Physicists
$ 7,000
Division of Surface Science
It is with much sorrow that we start by reporting the untimely death in March of our Chairman,
Professor Jean-Denis Carette. Jean-Denis played a key role in establishing this Division, and he
was a founding member of the Executive. Plans are evolving, in collaboration with his colleagues
at Laval, to institute a suitable J.-D. Carette memorial.
Despite the personal loss referred to above, we can nevertheless report that the Division of
Surface Science, a joint Division within the Canadian Association of Physicists and the Chemical
Institute of Canada, continues to grow in membership (total 280 at the end of December 1982) and
expand its activities. Scientifically, during the last 12 months, our activities were centered
on a 1 i day symposium "Modern Aspects of Surface Science" (organiser G. Scoles) within the CIC
Conference in Toronto, and this was immediately followed by the Eighth Canadian Seminar on
Surfaces at the University of Guelph (organiser J.R. MacDonald), which involved about 100 participants. Both these meetings attracted internationally-recognized invited speakers.
Our initial plan is now established to hold the Canadian Seminar on Surfaces meetings at times and
places which coordinate with the annual meetings of CAP and CIC (on alternate years). In 1983,
the Ninth Canadian Seminar on Surfaces will be held at the University of British Columbia (23-25
June, organiser K.A.R. Mitchell) immediately before the CAP, Congress in Victoria, at which R.N.
O'Brien is organising a session on Surface Processes in Electrochemistry. The Tenth Canadian
Seminar on Surfaces will be held in Montreal (organiser M. Braunovic) to coordinate with the CIC
An innovative feature for the Ninth Canadian Seminar on Surfaces is the introduction of an award
(to be called the J.P. Hobson Award) for the best paper presented by a student. Seven students
(five from Physics Departments) are competing for the inaugural award in June 1983. We are
currently heavily involved in planning for three symposia, involving surface science and processes,
at the 1984 International Chemical Congress of Pacific Basin Societies, Honolulu. We are maintaining the initial policy of balancing physicists and chemists on the Executive, and of having a
genuine election each year for the position of Vice-Chairman. The composition of the 1983-84
Executive will be fixed by the result of the election currently under way between H.M. Love and
J.R. MacDonald.
There are three categories of membership in CAP. Full membership is available to anyone who holds
a bachelor's degree in Physics or a related subject. Thus graduate students belong as full members.
Full members are entitled to all the rights and privileges of the Association. The category of
affiliate membership is intended for those whose primary professional interest is in a field other
than physics. Student membership is available only to undergraduate students in physics. Full
members in good standing may, upon reaching retirement, apply for retired status which entitles
them to reduced fees.
Members of the Canadian Association of Physicists may become members of the Chemical Institute of
Canada and pay a special combined fee. The fee payable by such persons is 70% of the total applicable fees for both organizations.
The paid up membership for 1982 with comparative figures for 1981 and the preliminary figures for
1983, as of April 30, 1983, are given in the Annual Report p.2.
The Membership Campaign Committee consists of the Vice-President as Chairman and the Councillors
who represent the various electoral districts of the Association. The first step in the campaign
was an approach to members in industry and in government laboratories. Former members who had not
renewed in recent years as well as those who had let their membership lapse in 1982 were then
approached to consider renewing their membership. The Heads/Chairmen of Canadian university
physics departments and the Councillors also assisted in recruiting members in their area.
This year all final year undergraduates in physics were registered as student members free of
charge and sent Physics in Canada until the end of the spring term.
The category of corporate member is established for those institutions with a responsibility or a
desire to promote and support the science of physics in Canada through the activities of the
Association. The corporate membership is particularly sought among those industrial organizations,
government laboratories and universities which employ substantial numbers of physicists. The
corporate membership of public-spirited organizations which do not employ physicists is also
appreciated. The minimum fee for corporate membership is one hundred and fifty dollars. Corporate
membership fees of private business and industry are deposited in the tax-exempt Educational Trust
Following the formation of the Division of Applied Physics (DIAP) in 1979 it was evident that a
sizeable portion of the academic physics community had an interest in the practical applications
of physics. Steps were taken to try to bring about closer interaction between the members of DIAP
and the corporate group. These steps were to automatically extend DIAP membership to a designated
representative of a corporate member and to hold joint meetings when and where practicable. Joint
meetings were held at the CAP Congresses in 1980, 81 and 82.
The major activity of the Corporate Members this year was the Corporate Members Conference on
April 27, 1983 at the Skyline Hotel in Toronto. The theme of the conference was "Technical Training - The Challenge Ahead."
Invited speakers from industry, university and government examined the issues related to the
present and future needs of Canadian industry for skilled and creative technical personnel. The
meeting was well attended with approximately 80 registrants and the presentations were followed
by lively discussions on the diversity of topics addressed. It is planned to have a number of
the talks published in future issues of Physics in Canada to stimulate further involvement among
CAP members in this very important activity.
This year the literature for inviting new Corporate Members was updated and a number of new
organizations were approached to join as corporate members. It is to be hoped that these renewed
recruitment efforts will add appreciably to the resources of our Educational Trust Fund in the
coming year.
Current Corporate Membership
Educational Activities of CAP are defined as the activities which contribute to the education in
physics of the general public and of students up to graduation at the B.Sc. level. Activities
which are of direct benefit to our full members, including graduate students, are by contrast
called professional activities. Educational activities include the CAP secondary school examinations, the CAP university prize examination, CAP lecture tours and publications on educational
Educational Trust Fund
The Educational Trust Fund (ETF) is a tax exempt fund in which donations from Corporate Members
and individual members are accumulated to support the educational activities of the CAP. The
fund is administered by a board of three trustees appointed by the CAP Executive.
The donations of individual members to December 31, 1982 and to date in the 1983 fiscal year,
have been very encouraging. A total of $6653 was contributed by members when they renewed their
membership in 1982.
The CAP Lecture Tour for 1982/83 was again coordinated by the Executive of the CAP Education
Division. A letter was circulated to all Physics Departments asking them for suggestions for CAP
Lecturers for 1982/83. A list of speakers was then selected by the Committee and circulated to
all Physics Departments in Canada. It was then the responsibility of the Chairman of the Department, or his/her delegate, to make arrangements with the speaker that the Department chose to be
their CAP Lecturer for 1982/83. It was suggested that in order to facilitate travel arrangements,
two or more Departments might like to get together and agree on one speaker. In general, CAP
supported transportation costs in those situations where Departments were unable.
The complete list of this year's Lecturers was not available at press time.
in the July issue of Physios
in Canada.
It will be published
CAP University Prize Examination
The CAP University Prize Examination is a nation-wide competition among senior undergraduates
studying physics. The Educational Trust Fund provides a first prize - The Lloyd G. Elliott Prize
of $500.00, a second prize of $300.00, and a third prize of $150.00. In addition, the winner of
the first prize receives an expense-paid trip to the Annual Congress to receive his prize at the
The Committee of Heads of Physics Departments has agreed to ensure the continuity of the University
Prize Exam, (see report 8.5 on p. 16)
This year's examination was prepared and marked by a group from the University of British Columbia.
The examination was written by 134 students from 21 different institutions.
The three prize winners were:
F. Lamarche (Université d'Ottawa)
J. Thornburg (Simon Fraser University) SECOND
D. Carrier
(Université Laval)
The Undergraduate Physics Conference
In October, 1982, the 18th Canadian Undergraduate Physics Conference (18CUPC) was held in Victoria,
B.C. The Event was hosted by an enthusiastic group of students from the University of Victoria
(UVic) and Royal Roads Military College (RRMC). One hundred forty-eight students from universities
across Canada were in attendance. Invited speakers included: Dr. Karl Doetsch from the National
Aeronautical Establishment; Dr. Gerhard Herzberg of the Herzberg Institute of Astrophysics;
Dr. Carlo Rubbia of CERN; Dr. Erich Vogt of TRIUMF; Dr. Ted Irving of the Pacific Geoscience Centre;
Dr. John Dewey of UVic; Dr. David Krauel of RRMC. Twenty-three undergraduates presented papers as
Without financial
largely to grants
by the conference
universities were
assistance, few students would have been able to attend the conference. Thanks
from the CAP, NSERC and the University of Victoria, nearly $10,000 was provided
to attending students in the form of travel subsidies. In addition, a number of
able to provide some funds to help cover travel expenses.
The bond between the CAP and the conference Varies in strength, as different students from a different university organize the conference each year. Nevertheless, it is my belief that close cooperation can be beneficial to both organizations. Towards this end, I would like to make the
following suggestions:
the annual CAP grant made to the undergraduate conference, which was increased to $2000 last
year, should be maintained at its present level;
the CAP provide, at the option of the conference organizing committee, publicity for the conference through PHYSICS IN CANADA, as well as any other avenues upon which the CAP and the
organizing committee can agree;
the CAP continue to promote support of the conference among its membership;
the CAP promote its own existence and, perhaps separately, student membership in the association during the conference, provided the organizing committee gives approval.
Last year's conference proved an enormous success. This year the conference will be held at the
University of Toronto by an equally enthusiastic group of students. It is hoped that they will
find the same degree of support and success that 1982 provided for the students from UVic and RRMC.
Youth Science Foundation
The YSF continues it's excellent job of promoting and assisting with the running of science fairs
across Canada. More than 400 students participated in this year's Canada-Wide Science Fair at
University of Saskatchewan, May 15-22.
The list of prizes and awards continues to grow, showing the interest that different scientific societies and business groups have in this type of
With increased financial support from different areas, the YSF is expanding into other activities:
plans are underway to promote and assist with the running of Science Olympics across the country;
the quality of the news publication, presenting science topics for the youth, has been improved;
increased emphasis on the promotion of science activities for young people; special projects for
International Youth Year in 1985 are being planned.
The role of the YSF is to promote science among Canada's youth. In this context it is important
that the CAP maintain a link with them by having a representative serve on their board, as at
present, and by providing financial support in the form of prizes. Involvement by members in
local science fair activities can be most beneficial.
CAP Secondary School Physics Prize Examination
Once again, senior high school and CEGEP students in each province wrote physics examinations set
by CAP examining committees, to compete for cash prizes and to test their mettle in science.
The examinations were organized by a Committee chaired by André Lemieux, Département de Physique,
Université de Sherbrooke.
In each province a total of $600 was offered by the CAP, to be divided among the winners, at the
discretion of the provincial examiner. The name of each principal examiner is given below in
parentheses along with the names of the winners.
Additional prizes were offered in some provinces by the university physics departments, which are
gratefully acknowledged. For example, Québec universities provided $700 for further cash orizes,
the University of New Brunswick provided $250, the Nova Scotia and Prince Edward Island universities contributed $710 and Carleton University and Unversity of Ottawa contributed $50.
Table 5.7
(no exam in 1983)
Nova Scotia and Prince Edward Island (E.L. Wonnacott. University of Prince Edward Island)
Peter Martin, Colonel Gray Senior High School, Charlottetown
Nguyen Cong Nghiem, New Glasgow Senior High School
Gene Simon Huh, Queen Elizabeth High School, Halifax
New Brunswick (R.M. Lees, University of New Brunswick)
Stephen Choi, Fredericton High School
Marc Dionne, Cité des Jeunes A.-M. Sormany, Edmonston
Kevin Englehart, Fredericton High School
William Jeffery, Moncton High School
Christopher Hardt, Saint John High School
Québec (A.M. Tremblay, M. Banville, Université de Sherbrooke)
Pierre Caux, Séminaire de Sherbrooke
David Bernier, Collège François-Xavier Garneau
Pierre Major, Collège André-Grasset
Cesar Provldenti, Marianopolis College
Ontario (J. Hardy, Carleton University, R. Hodgson, University of Ottawa)
William J. Rucklidge, Toronto French School
V.N. Nguyen, Parkdale Collegiate Institute, Toronto
Yon Yao Du, Humberside Collegiate Institute, Toronto
Peng Li, Cantab College, Toronto
Saskatchewan (A.H. Manson, University of Saskatchewan)
Samuel Weber, Central Collegiate, Regina
Laurent Levesque, St. Mary's High School, Prince Albert
Michael Schweighardt, Humboldt Collegiate Institute, Humboldt
Alberta (D.M. Sheppard, University of Alberta)
Dobby Lam, Forest Lawn High School, Calgary
Daniel Kalantar, Old Scona Academic High School, Edmonton
Marcos Lam, Forest Lawn High School, Calgary
British Columbia (A.E. Curzon, Simon Fraser University)
Kevin Yick
Jennifer Wilson
Andrew Pearse
Grade XI
Doug Maskall
Bounsou Mounthanivong
Nova Scotia and
Prince Edward Island
E.L. Wonnacott
New Brunswick
R.M. Lees
A.M. Tremblay, M. Banville
J. Hardy, R. Hodgson
N.E. Davison
A.H. Manson
D.M. Sheppard
British Columbia
A.E. Curzon
CAP has been holding an Annual Congress ever since the Association was founded. The first CAP
summer school, in theoretical physics, was held in Edmonton in 1957. Scientific meetings and
summer schools are among the most important of CAP activities.
Annual Congress
The Annual CAP Congress is the most important event of the year for the Canadian Physics community.
Here each year the vast majority of Canada's leading physicists meet to communicate the results of
their research, learn of the research of their colleagues, discuss science policy, promote physics
education and conduct the affairs of the Association. Some statistics on recent congresses are
given in the following table.
St. John's
565 (450)
Number of Papers
Number of Registrants
For the tripartite meeting of 1976 the numbers in brackets are the numbers of contributed papers
from Canadian institutions.
Future congresses have been scheduled as follows:
1984 - Université de Sherbrooke, June 18-21
1985 - University of New Brunswick, Fredericton
Canadian Journal of Physics
Perhaps the best word to describe the operations of the Canadian Journal of Physics is "stability".
The only change in Editorial staff has been in the area of Nuclear Physics where Dr. Byron Jennings
(TRIUMF) has taken over from Dr. Harold Fearing in the capacity of Associate Editor for papers
dealing with theoretical topics in Nuclear Physics. The Journal is very grateful to Dr. Fearing
for his able assistance over the 2i years of his tenure as Associate Editor.
As regards the Journal profile, the number of papers submitted for publication per annum has changed
but little, with the slight decline from 251 in 1981 to 222 in 1982 reflecting a decrease in the
number of papers accepted for special issues from 1981 to 1982. The rejection rate for 1982 was
25% (down from 32% in 1981), but has jumped sharply to 38% in the first four months of 1983. The
percentage of papers published in the Journal by Canadian researchers continues to hover around 70%
where it has been for the past 5 years.
The Journal will continue to encourage the publication of Special Issues dealing with selected
topics and hopes that Canadian physical scientists will submit some portion of their research
results annually for publication in the Canadian Journal of Physics.
Physics in Canada/La Physique au Canada
Since Physics in Canada/La Physique au Canada has appeared on schedule throughout the year, and has
contained the usual number of articles and advertisements in each issue, the Editor has nothing to
report. However, this equilibrium situation would not have been attained without the help of
Mona Jento, who assembles most of the magazine, and Juris Svenne, who continues to provide us with
excellent book reviews.
Journal Subscriptions
As one of its services to members, CAP acts as "Subscription Agent" for technical publications of
other organizations. This year twelve (12) publications were available to members at reduced
subscription rates.
Science Policy Committee
The CAP remains an active member of the "Consortium" a discussion group of some twenty organizations which meets once a month to talk over incentives and strategy on science policy.
W.D. Westwood is the Committee's representative to the Consortium.
Honorary Advisory Council of Past Presidents
The Honorary Advisory Council of Past Presidents, constituted of all the former presidents of CAP
was officially established at the Annual General Meeting in June 1970. It has held a meeting at
each subsequent Congress and will be holding one again this year at the University of Victoria.
Employment Opportunities Committee
The Employment Contact Service whereby those seeking jobs and those with positions available could
register their respective information was continued at the CAP office. This information is distributed on request to those who contact the service. At last year's Congress the Committee
operated a Job Placement Center at which jobs were advertised and facilities were provided for
interviews. It is intended to again provide this service at the Congress in Victoria.
The annual survey of graduate students in Canadian Universities was carried out and the results
were published in Physics in Canada.
Committee of University Physics Department Heads and Chairmen
The Annual Meeting of the Committee was held at Queen's University during the 1982 Congress.
Meeting was chaired by Professor D. Kiang of Dalhousie University.
In line with the decision taken the previous year that the Committee would take a more active role
in coordinating the CAP University Prize Examinations, this Committee submitted to the CAP Executive
the names of the two Physics Departments which will be responsible for the Exam in 1984 and 1985.
Other problems of common interest were also discussed at the Meeting.
CNC/International Union of Crystallography
At the meeting on October 25, 1982 of the Canadian National Committee the CAP delegate, Dr. W.J.L.
Buyers, AECL, was elected chairman, and Dr. C.P. Huber, NRC, was elected secretary. With the
surplus, produced by the efficient running of the 1981 Ottawa Congress by Dr. L.D. Calvert and
Dr. F.R. Ahmed, the CNC decided to make a donation to Carleton University Library and set up a
Trust Fund. The purpose of the Trust is to make awards to deserving scientists and students so as
to further their education and expertise in crystallography by attendance at courses and scientific
meetings. The chairman of the awards subcommittee is Dr. K.A. Kerr, University of Calgary, to whom
applications for support should be addressed.
A CAD-4 users group was set up for Canada under the leadership of Dr. G. Ferguson, University of
Guelph. Information will appear in the forthcoming CNC Newsletter.
The 41st International Pittsburgh Diffraction meeting will be held October 5-7, 1983 in Toronto as
a joint meeting with the 3rd Canadian Crystallography Conference. Conference information is available from Dr. P.R. Sundararajan, Xerox Research Centre of Canada, 2480 Dunwin Drive, Mississauga,
Ontario, L5L 1J9.
The 1983 Medals Committee for the CAP consisting of J.M. Robson, Chairman, J.P. Carbotte,
B. Margolis, M. Bloom and A.E. Litherland, has recommended that:
The 1983 Medal for Achievement in Physics be awarded to Professor P.A. Egelstaff, University of
Guelph, Guelph, Ontario.
The 1983 Herzberg Medal be awarded to Dr. W.G. Unruh, University of British Columbia, Vancouver, B.C.
Peter Kirkby provided a review. In response to the concern expressed in 1982 by CAP the Attorney
General's Office invited representatives of the CAP, the Association of Professional Engineers and
Ontario Association of Certified Engineering Technicians and Technologists to a meeting in July
1982. This resulted in an Agreement that included 6 paragraphs accepted by the CAP representatives.
These deal with the scope of practice of an engineer. The elements of the Agreement are to be
incorporated into the Act. A confidential prediscussion draft of the Act was sent to CAP on March
28, 1983 with an invitation to respond. Peter Kirkby reviewed this and, in his view, only one
paragraph of the six accepted was included. Discussions with Stephen Fram of the Attorney General's
Office revealed that there was recognition of the need for changes in the prediscussion draft along
the lines of the Agreement. There is a revised definition of the practice of Engineering that
includes "everything under Heaven". The prediscussion draft requires an engineer to supervise all
those doing engineering work who are not engineers. This is not in the spirit of the Agreement and
clearly demonstrates the need to be vigilant over the passage of the document to a Bill and to the
Act. A response will be submitted by CAP originating from the CAP Committee on the Professional
Engineer's Act of Ontario.
SCITEC was officially put to rest in February 1983, and the Association for the Advancement of
Science in Canada (AASC) took its place. The change is a result of serious community deliberation
over the function and future of SCITEC which took place at the Montebello Conference held in August,
1981. Since its inception, SCITEC has attempted to act as an umbrella organization for the myriad
professional associations and learned societies. The new constitution, ratified by the membership
on November 29, 1982, states that AASC's objective is "to foster understanding of the significance
of science, technology and engineering on Canadian society." To fulfill this objective, the AASC
now stresses individual membership and encourages both scientists and non-scientists to participate.
Association members are still integral to AASC, which will encourage co-operation between its professional affiliates to carry out the aim of greater awareness.
As a first step towards a more efficient communication between scientists and non-scientists, as
well as between scientists of different fields of expertise, AASC has developed a newsletter called
ACCESS• ACCESS presents articles dealing with any of a wide range of topics encompassed by the
catchall terms of science, engineering and technology.
This year the Committee of Parliamentarians, Scientists and Engineers (COPSE) has become another
very successful program co-ordinated by AASC. Basically, COPSE provides an information service to
parliamentarians and the opportunity for scientists and parliamentarians to discuss science and
technology as they relate to the realities of government legislation.
The Group Insurance plan is being examined by an insurance consultant with a view to obtaining
improved benefits and lower premiums for CAP members. A Committee of the Executive is studying
proposals and it is hoped that an improved plan can be offered to members in the near future.
Suggestions were solicited for nominations by the Nominating Committee from members of the
Executive and Council. Nominations were proposed for all vacant offices by the Nominating
Committee and additional nominations were solicited from the membership at large. The list of
nominations for the various offices, for which no additional nominations were received, follows.
1983-84 COUNCIL
*Past President
*Vice-President Elect
*Honorary Secretary-Treasurer
Director - Members
Director - Affiliates
Director - Student Members
Director - Corporate Members
B..P. Stoichefl
A,• R. Crawford
G.,C. Hanna
A..1. Carswell
B..c. Gregory
D.,W.L. Sprung
T.,w. East
L., Zerafa
A..1. Carswell
University of Toronto
Anatek Electronics Limited
York University
Université du Québec
McMaster University
Raytheon Canada Limited
University of Toronto
York University
Z. Hajnal
University of Saskatchewan
P-cvli-ion CkoLVuntw**
Aeronomy & Apace Physics
Atomic & Molecular Physics
Canadian Geophysical Union
Condensed Matter Physics
Medical & Biological Physics
Nuclear Physics
Optical Physics
Particle Physics
Physics Education
Plasma Physics
Theoretical Physics
Industrial & Applied Physics
Surface Science
British Columbia and Yukon
R.M. Clements
R. Frindt
University of Victoria
Simon Fraser University
C.D. Anger
F.L. Weichman
University of Calgary
University of Alberta
Saskatchewan and Manitoba
K.G. Standing
University of Manitoba
Ontario - Southwest
M.M. Pintar
D.S. Rosner
University of Waterloo
University of Western Ontario
Ontario - Central and North
M.H. Hawton
G.R. Hebert
Lakehead University
York University
Ontario - East
E.W. Fenton
R.R. Turkington
National Research Council of Canada
Royal Military College
- Nord et Ouest
M. Zuckermann
G. Beaudet
McGill University
Université de Montréal
- Sud et Est
L.G. Caron
R. Roy
Université de Sherbrooke
Université Laval
New Brunswick & Newfoundland
F. Weil
S.P. Reddy
Université de Moncton
Memorial University of Newfoundland
M.P. Madan
University of Prince Edward Island
Nova Scotia and Prince
Edward Island
Editor - Canadian Journal of Physics: G. Rostoker, University of Alberta
Editor - Physics in Canada/La Physique au Canada: J. Rolfe, Bank of Canada, Ottawa
Executive Secretary-Secrétaire Exécutif: M.L. Jento
Member of Executive Committee
** To be elected by their respective Divisions
(1) Term ends June 1984
(2) Term ends June 1985
La physique au C a n a d a
Fig. 7. (a): distribution de la température à la surface de la pièce dans le cas d'un joint d'épaisseur presque nulle et arc décentré par
rapport au joint; (b) : radiation émise par la surface le long d'une ligne située à 1 mm en avant du bain.
D ' a u t r e s p a r a m è t r e s t h e r m i q u e s p e n d a n t le s o u d a g e , c o m m e la
distribution du gradient de t e m p é r a t u r e à la surface et la vitesse de
solidification après arrêt de l'arc, sont m a i n t e n a n t à l'étude. Cette
analyse p e r m e t t r a d'identifier les corrélations entre les caractéristiques qui ont trait à la qualité de la s o u d u r e et les p a r a m è t r e s
m e s u r a b l e s p a r des c a p t e u r s t h e r m o g r a p h i q u e s . En même temps,
on d é v e l o p p e différents types de c a p t e u r s afin de mettre au point
des systèmes d'inspection robustes, c o m p a c t s et peu dispendieux.
tion des grandes surfaces sont m a i n t e n a n t à l'étude, c o m p r e n a n t
des m é t h o d e s de c h a u f f a g e p a r laser et des techniques d'inspection
I R s é l e c t i v e s d a n s l ' e s p a c e et d a n s le t e m p s . La d é t e c t i o n d e
fissures, qui en concentrant les contraintes accélèrent la défaillance de structures, est un problème de grand intérêt industriel
Un exemple de c h a u f f a g e par laser puisé suivi par une détection
sélective d a n s le t e m p s est m o n t r é à la figure 9. Le but poursuivi
4. Analyse des matériaux par laser puisé
C o m m e on a m e n t i o n n é plus haut, la t h e r m o g r a p h i e a plusieurs
applications en plus du contrôle du procédé de soudage. Une de
ces applications est la détection et caractérisation des fissures par
l'analyse de gradients t h e r m i q u e s à la surface de m a t é r i a u x . La
figure 8 illustre ce genre de mesure 7 . Un échantillon c o n t e n a n t une
fissure de 2 m m de p r o f o n d e u r est c h a u f f é à une de ses e x t r é m i t é s
par une source t h e r m i q u e soudée à la pièce, tandis que l'autre
e x t r é m i t é est r e f r o i d i e p a r c i r c u l a t i o n d ' e a u . La d i s t r i b u t i o n
t h e r m i q u e à la surface est mesurée avec un c a p t e u r t h e r m o g r a p h i que a y a n t une résolution spatiale de 0.5 m m . É t a n t d o n n é que la
f i s s u r e a g i t c o m m e b a r r i è r e à l ' é c o u l e m e n t d e la c h a l e u r , elle
p r o d u i t u n e d i s c o n t i n u i t é d a n s le g r a d i e n t t h e r m i q u e q u i est
c l a i r e m e n t v i s i b l e d a n s la c o u r b e e x p é r i m e n t a l e m o n t r é e à la
figure 8b. Des c o n f i g u r a t i o n s e x p é r i m e n t a l e s a d a p t é e s à l'inspec-
J j l
x .il, ...laihii
thermique fti „ ly M ^ de chaleur
| 8
position de la fissure
Fig. 8. D é t e c t i o n d'une f i s s u r e par a n a l y s e du g r a d i e n t de
t e m p é r a t u r e à la s u r f a c e f i s s u r é e ; ( a ) c o n f i g u r a t i o n
expérimentale; (b) courbe obtenue.
Temps (m s)
Fig. 9. Température à la surface d'un revêtement après absorpt i o n d'une i m p u l s i o n t h e r m i q u e . La p r é s e n c e d'i'n
d é c o l l e m e n t partiel ( c o u r b e B) se d i s t i n g u e du cas
d'adhérence parfaite ( c o u r b e A) par une a u g m e n t a t i o n
r e l a t i v e de la t e m p é r a t u r e au m o m e n t o ù l ' i m p u l s i o n
thermique atteint l'interface revêtement-substrat. L'obtention d'un signal résolu dans le temps permet de localiser la
position du défaut et de distinguer les défauts d'interface
des défauts apparents dus à des variations de l'émissivité
de surface.
Physics in C a n a d a
est de développer une méthode non-destructive pour détecter une
mauvaise adhérence d'un revêtement. Les courbes montrées sont
le résultat d'une analyse utilisant un modèle numérique semblable
à celui décrit dans la section précédente. Le modèle, comprenant
un échantillon revêtu d'un revêtement p r o t e c t e u r ayant une
é p a i s s e u r de 100 /um, d o n n e la t e m p é r a t u r e de la s u r f a c e d u
r e v ê t e m e n t a p r è s a b s o r p t i o n d ' u n e c o u r t e i m p u l s i o n laser ( 10
/usee). La courbe de décroissance de la température a une forme
qui dépend de l'état de l'interface substrat-revêtement. La courbe
(a) correspond à un revêtement d'adhérence parfaite, tandis que la
courbe (b) est obtenue en supposant la présence d'une couche d'air
de 0 , 5 /um d ' é p a i s s e u r à l ' i n t e r f a c e , s i m u l a n t un d é c o l l e m e n t
partiel. On remarquera que les deux courbes sont superposées au
d é b u t , l o r s q u e l ' i m p u l s i o n t h e r m i q u e n ' a pas e n c o r e a t t e i n t
l ' i n t e r f a c e . Ces r é s u l t a t s s u g g è r e n t l ' u t i l i s a t i o n de la f o r m e d u
signal, plutôt que de sa valeur absolue, pour détecter des défauts
i n t é r i e u r s . D e c e t t e f a ç o n , la p r é s e n c e d ' o x i d e s ou a u t r e s
c o n t a m i n a t i o n s de s u r f a c e q u i f o n t v a r i e r l ' a b s o r p t i v i t é et
l'émissivité IR de la surface n'affectent pas les résultats.
(a): génération
(b): détection
1 1
des ondes de surface et de volume. Les ondes ultrasonores se
propagent à travers le matériau pour être ensuite détectées par un
interféromètre optique 1 2 situé soit du même côté, soit du côté
opposé de l'échantillon. Les ultrasons sont un instrument très
puissant dans l'évaluation des matériaux, à cause de leur bonne
t r a n s m i s s i o n à t r a v e r s les m é t a u x et leur f o r t c o e f f i c i e n t de
réflexion par les fissures. L'utilisation du laser permet d'inspecter
les m a t é r i a u x s a n s c o n t a c t m é c a n i q u e avec des t r a n s d u c t e u r s
ultrasonores, ce qui est souhaitable, par exemple, pour l'inspection des matériaux à haute température.
5. Conclusion et remerciements
On a décrit dans cet article quelques techniques d'inspection des
matériaux au développement desquelles l'auteur a participé ces
d e r n i è r e s a n n é e s . O n a mis en é v i d e n c e q u e des p r i n c i p e s
physiques de base peuvent trouver une application directe dans un
domaine industriel d'importance croissante. On espère que cela
p o u r r a i n s p i r e r d ' a u t r e s c h e r c h e u r s et p e u t - ê t r e s t i m u l e r des
contacts entre l'IGM et d'autres membres du milieu académique,
gouvernemental et industriel au Canada.
Plusieurs des projets de recherche décrits ici ont été réalisés en
c o l l a b o r a t i o n avec d ' a u t r e s c h e r c h e u r s de l ' I G M ou d ' a i l l e u r s .
L'auteur veut remercier en particulier MM J.L. Dion de l'UQTR,
G. Bégin et J.L. Fihey de l'IREQ, J.P. Boillot et C. Michel de
l ' I S C , ainsi q u e J . B u s s i è r e , J . P . M o n c h a l i n , F. N a d e a u , M.
Lamontagne et G. Vaudreuil de l'IGM pour leur collaboration
vivement appréciée.
Fig. 10. Génération (a) et détection (b) d'ondes ultrasonores par
Une autre application du laser puisé à l'inspection des matériaux
sur laquelle on travaille actuellement à l'IGM est basée sur la
p r o d u c t i o n d ' o n d e s u l t r a s o n o r e s p a r b o m b a r d e m e n t avec une
impulsion laser 9 "". Le principe de base est illustré à la figure 10
Une impulsion laser, typiquement d'une durée de 10 micros e c o n d e s , f o c a l i s é e ou n o n , est a b s o r b é e p a r la s u r f a c e d u
matériau à analyser. La contrainte thermoélastique produite par
l'énergie absorbée génère une impulsion ultrasonore comprenant
1. S.J. Bailey, "Optical Sensors Critical to Future Productivity", Control
Engineering, p. 72, janvier 1982.
2. T.R. Pryor, Diffracto Ltd, communication privée.
3. D.B. Brewster et W.I. Robinson, " P a p e r m a k i n g Sensors: The Key to
Successful C o m p u t e r Control", Pulp and Paper 75, 70 (1974).
4. P. Cielo, "Optical System for Analysing the Surface of a Fibrous
Web", D e m a n d e de brevet U.S. No. 367,686 déposée le 12 avril 1982.
5. P. Cielo et C. Delisle, "Quelques applications de la réflexion totale
frustrée à l'instrumentation optique". J. Can. Phys. 53, 1743 (1975).
6. J . L . Dion, A. Malutta et P. Cielo, "Ultrasonic Inspection of Fiber
Suspension", J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 72, 1524 (1982).
7. P. Cielo, "Analyse des matériaux par thermométrie IR", R a p p o r t
1911-02, 31 mars 1982.
8. A.J. Intrieri, "Optical Fibers Look Around Obstacles to Measure
Temperature", Control Engineering, décembre 1977.
9. J. K r a u t k r a m e r , "Unconventional Methods of Generating, Coupling
and Receiving Ultrasound in N D T " , 9th World Conference on N D T ,
Melbourne, 1979.
10. C.A. Calder et W W. Wilcox, " N o n Destructive testing Using Laser
Energy Deposition and Interferometry", Materials Evaluation, 38, 86
11. C.B. Scruby, R.J. Dewhurst, D.A. Hutchins et S B. Palmer, "Laser
generation of ultrasound in Metals", dans "Research techniques in
N D T " , R.S. Sharpe ed„ Vol. 5, Ac. Press, 1982.
12. P. Cielo, "Optical Detection of Acoustic Waves for the Characterization of Materials with Unpolished Surfaces", 102nd A S A Meeting,
Miami, Dec. 1-4, 1981.
La physique au C a n a d a
CAP Affairs/Affaires de l'ACP
The C A P Lecture T o u r for 1982-83 was again coordinated by the
executive of the C A P Education Division. A letter was circulated
to physics department chairmen and a list of speakers was then
selected by the Committee and circulated to all physics departments in C a n a d a . Arrangements for choosing and inviting a C A P
Lecturer to a University were made by deparment chairmen. In
general, C A P supported transportation costs when requested.
The Universities whose Physics Departments participated in this
year's lecture series, and the lecturers are listed below. There may
have been others.
Dr. A.Z. Capri
University of Saskatchewan, Saskatoon
Dr. J. Moffat
Queen's University
Université de Sherbrooke
Dr. D.J. McEwen
Lethbridge University
University of Winnipeg
University of Calgary
University of Manitoba (Brandon)
University of Alberta
University of Calgary
Memorial University
University of Waterloo
Université de Sherbrooke
Université de Moncton
University of Ottawa
University of Alberta
University of Calgary
University of British Columbia
Simon Fraser University
University of Victoria
Malaspina College
Memorial University
McMaster University
McGill University
Université Laval
Univerisité du Québec à Chicoutimi
McMaster University
Dr. L.G. Caron
Mr. A.R. Crawford
Dr. T. Timusk
Dr. J. Hutchings
Dr. B. Larocque
Dr. D. York
Annual Report on Activities
The following were received too late to be included in the Report:
As in past years the principal activities of the division during the
current year have been:
a) Production of the Optics Directory. (R. Lessard, C. Delisle)
b) Production of the Special Issue of the C a n a d i a n Journal of
Physics devoted to Optics Papers. (J. Lit)
c) Organisation of the Optics sessions at the Annual Meeting.
(R.W. Nicholls)
The Division has a registered membership of 100 full members
and one student member.
The Optics sessions at the J u n e 1983 C . A . P . Annual Meeting
i) Symposium on Optics in Space. Speakers were:
E.M. Reeves, N A S A HQ, Washington DC: Space Optical
Systems of the Coming Decade
J.E. Hesser, Dominion Astrophysical Observatory: Starlab,
An International Observatory in Earth Orbit
H. Richardson, Dominion Astrophysical Observatory: Design
of Earth-Viewing Space Optics — Auroral Imager Chlorophyl and Airglow Spectrograph
E.J. Llewellyn, University of Saskatchewan: Spectroscopy
without a spectrometer
ii) Poster Session: Optics and Lasers
- 6 papers
In addition to the Lecture Tours reported on above, the Education Division organized a Session of invited papers at the C A P
Conference in Victoria on the topic: The Future of Physics
Teaching in Canada. Speakers were:
Dr. B. Robertson, U. of Regina: The Science Council Study on
Science Education and ils
Dr. M. Ovenden, U. of British Columbia: Social Issues in
Canadian Physics
Dr. Ann Gower, U. of Victoria: Women in Physics: Why Not?
Dr. G. Rostoker, U. of Alberta: More Canadian
Applications in High School
Dr. C. Erdman, U. of British Columbia: Teaching
Thinking in the Physics
A workshop on Microcomputers in the Physics Classroom was
offered by Dr. Lyle Robertson and Mr. Don Stenton of the
Department of Physics, University of Alberta.
Plasma Physics in C a n a d a continues to be strong in the applied
areas. On the one side research towards controlled thermonuclear
fusion is vigorously pursued, on the other side work is continued
in the traditional areas of plasma spectroscopy and discharge
physics with applications in arcs, spares, glow discharges and lasers.
The Canadian fusion program has three components: T o k a m a k
research, fuel technology and laser fusion. Two major projects
are now in place, and they are funded by the federal and provincial
governments and the utilities. The first, the Varennes T o k a m a k
project, is jointly funded by the National Research Council and
Hydro Quebec. It is staffed by scientists from industry and the
universities. The Varennes tokamak will have a D-shaped plasma
cross section and it is designed for r a m p d o w n of the current to
study quasi-steady operation. This unique feature is attracting
international attention. During the construction of the machine
several advanced diagnostic methods are being developed and
tested at major existing international fusion machines. The second
project is the Canadian Fusion Fuels Technology Project (focussed
on tritium management) It is jointly funded by N R C (with the
assistance of AECL) and by Ontario Hydro and the Ontario
Government. This component of fusion research builds on
Canadian experience with tritium in the Candu reactor, and its
main purpose is to expand the capabilities to the requirements of
fusion reactor technology. Several collaborative projects are being
developed that call for Canadian participation in tritium management at fusion research labs in the U.S.A. and Europe.
The third component of the Canadian Fusion Program, laser
plasma research, has been traditionally strong at four institutions:
N R C Ottawa, I N R S Varennes, U of A and U.B.C. However, the
lack of sufficient funding and the absence of a central laser fusion
research lab has eroded the Canadian standing. The four groups
are presently collaborating in several areas in order to contribute
to the solution of some of the problem areas in laser fusion such as
anomalous absorption, wave plasma interactions and hot electrons.
Physics in Canada
C a n a d i a n plasma physicists enjoy continued international collaboration either as individual researchers or as individual groups
or within the f r a m e w o r k of international contracts. This year,
the Annual A n o m a l o u s Absorption Conference which deals with
laser plasma and inertial confinement fusion physics was held in
C a n a d a . Dr. Offenberger f r o m the laser plasma group of the
University of Alberta hosted the meeting at Banff, J u n e 5-10.
About 110 scientists f r o m 7 countries participated. Lectures were
arranged in the mornings and evenings with plenty of time for discussion during the afternoons. It was agreed that the UBC group
should host the meeting at the same place in 1985.
position in the Physics Department. He will however, on occasion, cooperate with us also in the future. The senior technician
position has been discontinued for budgetary reasons. The Centre
is now searching for a junior technician.
— Saskatoon, 1983 —
This year the Canada-Wide Science Fair was held at the University
of Saskatchewan, in Saskatoon, May 14-22, 1983. Over 230 winning exhibits by about 300 students from 55 regional fairs, competed for additional prizes at the national level.
1983 Royal Society of Canada Elections and Awards.
Two physicists were a m o n g 25 scientists elected as Fellows of the
Royal Society of C a n a d a this year. They are Prof. A.S. Arrott of
Simon Fraser University and Prof. Gabriel Karl of the University
of Guelph. Tony Arrott was cited for his pioneering work on the
magnetism of metals and alloys, which helped to clarify experimental problems associated with the determination of the Curie
Temperature. He is also f a m o u s f o r his work on chromium which
has established the existence of Overhauser's spin density waves.
His current interests are in the dynamics of phase transitions, and
muon spin resonance at T R I U M F . Gabriel Karl is well known for
his work on the quark model of baryon resonances, based on
q u a n t u m chromo-dynamics, which has been enormously successful in describing experimental results. He originally studied
chemistry but switched to particle physics while a postdoctoral
fellow in O x f o r d . A man of great originality, he has the knack of
combining basic ideas f r o m different fields, as in his prediction
of 'neutron optical activity'.
The Rutherford Memorial Medal in Physics for 1983 was awarded
to Professor D.J. Rowe of the University of T o r o n t o for his contributions to the theory of nuclear collective motion. He pioneered
the equations of motion method, now widely used in the analysis
of d a t a in both nuclear and molecular physics. He has succeeded
in embedding collective models of nuclear rotation and vibration
into the microscopic shell model by the application of Lie algebra,
group theory and differential geometry to the many-body Hamiltonian. He is the a u t h o r of a m o n o g r a p h , Nuclear Collective
Motion and has served as Associate Chairman of the T o r o n t o
Physics Department for the past five years.
Centre for Molecular Beams and Laser Chemistry
Recently, the University of Waterloo has established, within its
Faculty of Science, a Centre for Molecular Beams and Laser
Chemistry. This is an interdisciplinary centre presently comprising of 4 faculty members (T.E. Gough, J.W. Hepburn, N.R.
Isenor and G. Scoles, Director) divided equally between the
Chemistry and Physics Departments, plus one associate member
(A.J. Carty) of the Chemistry Department. The secretary of the
Centre is Heather Hergott. Furthermore, at present 9 students
(A. A d a m , L. Danielson, T. Ellis, S. lannotta, G. Knight, A.
Lewin, M. Mengel, P. Rowntree and G. Wagner) carry out graduate level research in the laboratories of the Centre, 7 of them
being enrolled in the Guelph-Waterloo Chemistry Program
(GWC) 2 and 2 of them in the Physics program (GWP)i. Half of
the students are Canadian and half from other countries (Brazil.
Germany, England, Italy). Five undergraduate students have
conducted their 4th year projects with us in the winter of 1983.
L. Ayotte, M. Moller, S. De Fields, K. Maynard (all Chemistry
students) and R. Jefford (a physics student).
For the winter term of 1983 the Centre had the cooperation of a
senior technician, A. Haner, who on May 1st will return to his
The winner of the Canadian Association of Physicists Award
presented at the 1983 Canada-Wide Science Fair Saskatoon, Dan
Kucerovsky and his project: A Study of Black Body Emission
Remote Sensing of Temperature.
La p h y s i q u e au C a n a d a
Canadian Physicists
Physiciens canadiens
A T T H E UNIVERSITY O F W A T E R L O O . . . Hugh Morrison has
been appointed Associate Chairman of the Department of Physics,
effective July 1st 1983, succeeding Jim Brandon who will be taking a
well-earned sabbatical leave.
AT QUEEN'S UNIVERSITY . . . Dr. J.P. Harrison has been
awarded a Killam Research Fellowship by the Canada Council.
AT T H E UNIVERSITY O F T O R O N T O . . . Dr. D.J. Dunlop has
been awarded a Killam Research Fellowship by the Canada Council.
AT T H E UNIVERSITY O F W I N D S O R . . . Dr. L. Krause, Head.
Department of Physics, has been awarded an honorary D.Sc. by
Nicholas Copernicus University in TorUn, Poland.
Phil Eastman is among the invited speakers for the Fifth Annual
Conference of the American Association of Physics Teachers,
Ontario Section, to be held at the University of Waterloo, June 17-18,
The following visiting appointments in the Department of Physics
have been announced:
Dr. Zong-qing Huang, Visiting Associate Professor from Chongqing
University in Sichuan, China, will be collaborating with Jack Ord on
the ellipsometry of thin film systems.
Dr. Judith Dowling, who obtained her doctorate at Oxford University and held a Post-Doctorai fellowship at Leeds University,
England, has joined the Electron Microscopy group as a Research
Associate, to collaborate with Frank Boswell and Hugh Kerr
(Mechanical Engineering).
Dr. Wladek Sobol from the University of Katowice, Poland is a
Post-Doctoral Fellow from the NMR group working with Mik
Pintar on problems related to rotational tunnelling.
Dr. Chris Moore, after completing his Ph.D. studies with the Solar
Energy group at Waterloo, will continue as a Post-Doctoral Fellow
working with Don Brodie on amorphous silicon solar cells and
computer-controlled instrumentation.
AT T H E UNIVERSITY O F G U E L P H . . . Professor Gabriel Karl
has been elected a Fellow of the Royal Society of Canada. Professor
Karl is a high energy theorist whose work is widely recognized
AT M c M A S T E R UNIVERSITY . . . Dr. W.E. Harris and Dr. G.
Harris are spending their sabbatical leave at Dominion Astrophysical
Observatory in Victoria, B.C., from January-June 1983. Dr. F.
Razavi, who completed his doctorate in 1979 has returned !o
McMaster as a Research Associate with Prof. W.R. Datars.
1982-83 has been a very active year in the Theoretical Physics Group,
with a number of research associates coming and going. Dr. Jishnu
Dey and Dr. Mira Dey from Calcutta are spending a year, to work
with Prof. R.K. Bhaduri. Dr. Lauro Tomio from Recife, Brazil is
working with Prof. Y. Nogami, under a CNPq Fellowship. Dr. A.
Suzuki left the Department in March to take up an academic position
in the Science University of Tokyo. Miss N. Yamanishi from the
same university is here for several months doing research with Prof.
Nogami. Dr. Michiaki Nishimura has come from Tubingen to work
with Prof. Sprung, replacing Dr. Michio Kohno who has gone to
Regensburg, Germany with Prof. W. Weise. During the month of
May, Dr. Byron Jennings (TRIUMF) is visiting as well.
Dr. M.A. Preston. University of Saskatchewan, is spending a one
term sabbatical leave in the Department, and Prof. J. Dabrowski, of
the Institute of Theoretical Physics in Warsaw has come to
McMaster as a Distinguished Visiting Professor with support from
the Hooker bequest.
Dr. W. Van Dijk has been given a part time appointment at
McMaster in conjunction with his position at Redeemer College.
Redeemer is a new denominational college offering university level
courses in Arts and Science, located in Hamilton this year.
Edward Perrott Hincks
E.P. (Ted) Hincks was born in Bracebridge Ontario and received
his early education there. Graduating f r o m the University of
T o r o n t o in 1941 he was appointed to the staff of the National
Research Council Laboratories at Halifax engaged in naval
underwater acoustics. In 1943 he transferred to the Nuclear Physics project at the University of Montreal and later moved to
Chalk River with this group. At Chalk River, after working for a
period in Reactor Physics, he associated himself with a number of
important experiments involving high energy particles in cosmic
rays. One of the particles in cosmic rays, the muon, became his
pet in the laboratory and one of the most important experiments
he performed during his Chalk River days resulted in an accurate
measurement of the life time of this particle for the first time. T o
do more, he realized that a more copious supply of high energy
particles than are available in cosmic rays would be needed. In
I960 Ted Hincks spent a year as visiting professor at the Enrico
Fermi Institute for nuclear studies at the University of Chicago.
Here he obtained a number of new results on muonic atoms
(atoms in which one of the electrons is replaced by the muon) with
the Chicago Cyclotron.
When he returned from Chicago in 1961. he joined the Physics
division of the National Research Council and began building a
particle physics group. Under Ted's guidance this group pioneered the use of Germanium Detectors and mini computers for
the precision study of muonic X-rays. M a j o r advances were made
in the field of muonic atoms using these techniques. Such studies,
carried out in collaboration with a group f r o m the University of
Chicago, were the starting point for the participation of Canadian
groups in High Energy Particle Physics experiments at major
U.S. accelerators.
In 1964 Ted was invited to become Chairman of the Physics
Department at Carleton University. Dividing his time between
N.R.C. and Carleton, he vigorously built up the department
hiring a number of new faculty members. A strong collaborative
program in High t.iergy Physics between Carleton and N R C was
established and the joint group performed a number of important
experiments at various accelerator laboratories in the U.S.
Physics in C a n a d a
Recognizing the need f o r constantly u p d a t i n g i n s t r u m e n t a t i o n for
t h e rapidly c h a n g i n g needs in high energy e x p e r i m e n t s , he established the i n s t r u m e n t a t i o n research g r o u p in the C a r l e t o n Physics
D e p a r t m e n t . This g r o u p worked closely with the University
Science T e c h n o l o g y Centre, and the University soon acquired
i n t e r n a t i o n a l recognition f o r the p r o d u c t i o n of various types of
particle d e t o n a t o r s . Ted continued as C h a i r m a n of the D e p a r t ment until 1970.
In 1971, he was i n s t r u m e n t a l in f o r m i n g the Institute of Particle
Physics of C a n a d a , the organization entrusted with developing
High Energy Physics in C a n a d a . T h e strength of particle physics
in C a n a d a , and particularly at C a r l e t o n and N R C is due, in large
p a r t , to his efforts.
He was the winner of a n u m b e r of h o n o u r s and awards. He was
elected Fellow of t h e Royal Society of C a n a d a in 1966, and was
a w a r d e d the C a n a d i a n Association of Physicists Medal for
Achievement in Physics in 1972, T h e Queen's 25th Anniversary
Medal in 1977, and the C e n t e n a r y Medal of the Royal Society of
C a n a d a in 1982. At the most recent c o n v o c a t i o n of Carleton
University he was awarded a D.Sc. ( H o n o r i s Causa).
His w o r k o n particle physics c o n t i n u e d past his retirement in 1977
up to the time of his d e a t h .
d e m e n t électronique. Ses t r a v a u x sur la réflexion d'électrons
lents, à très haute résolution en énergie, l'ont c o n d u i t à sa contrib u t i o n la plus significative, soit le p h é n o m è n e de résonances de
surfaces se manifestant c o m m e une structure fine d a n s l'intensité
du c o u r a n t des électrons lents diffractés à la surface d'un m o n o cristal métallique. Ces t r a v a u x ont d o n n é lieu à l'amorce de n o m breuses études théoriques et expérimentales d a n s différents laboratoires de divers pays. D ' a u t r e part ses t r a v a u x sur l'émission
secondaire des surfaces semi-conductrices ont mené à des applications c o u r o n n é e s p a r l'obtention de q u a t r e brevets. A u t e u r de
près d ' u n e s o i x a n t a i n e de publications, il a été r e m a r q u é p a r sa
participation assidue a u x grandes rencontres nationales et internationales où il a présenté plus d ' u n e centaine de c o m m u n i c a t i o n s
sur ses t r a v a u x . Il a été d ' a u t r e part un pédagogue très estimé, en
plus d'avoir dirigé avec succès une q u i n z a i n e de jeunes chercheurs
à la maîtrise ou au d o c t o r a t . 11 a enfin oeuvté au sein de divers
comités, n o t a m m e n t du C N R C , de l ' A C F A S et de l ' A C P , où
particulièrement il a été président de la Division de physique
a t o m i q u e et moléculaire et récemment de la Division de sciences
des surfaces.
J e a n - D e n i s Carette laissera à tous ceux qui l'ont côtoyé le souvenir indélébile d ' u n être particulièrement amical, sensible et généreux, en un mot exceptionnellement h u m a i n .
Denis Roy
He is survived by his wife, S a r a h , f o u r children, and several
g r a n d c h i l d r e n . H e will be sadly missed by n u m e r o u s friends and
M.K.. S u n d a r e s a n
R.L. Clarke
Books Received/Livres reçus
The following books have recently been received for review.
Readers are invited to write reviews of books of interest
to them. Books may be requested from the Book Review
Editor, J.P. Svenne, Department of Physics, University
of Manitoba, Winnipeg, Manitoba R3T 2N2, telephone (204)
00 General
SI: The International System of Units, 2nd Ed., by
R.A. Nelson. A.A.P.T., 1982; pp. v + 126. Price:
Jean-Denis Carette
Le professeur J e a n - D e n i s C a r e t t e est m o r t le 29 mars 1983,
e m p o r t é p a r la maladie. Agé de 52 ans, il était encore en pleine
activité au d é p a r t e m e n t de physique de l'Université Laval, au sein
des g r o u p e s de recherche d o n t il a été m e m b r e f o n d a t e u r , soit le
C e n t r e de recherches sur les a t o m e s et les molécules ( C R A M ) , le
L a b o r a t o i r e de physique a t o m i q u e et moléculaire ( L P A M ) et le
G r o u p e de recherche sur les applications en physico-chimie des
surfaces ( G R A P S ) .
Né à S a i n t - Z a c h a r i e de Beauce (P.Q.), il a fait ses études d'ingénieur physicien, puis sa carrière à l'Université Laval, où il a été
professeur depuis 1965, après avoir acquis sa f o r m a t i o n de cherc h e u r sous la direction du P r o f e s s e u r Larkin Kerwin. Il fit ses
premières a r m e s d a n s le d o m a i n e de la spectrométrie de masse,
puis se spécialisa en o p t i q u e électronique, orientée vers la d i f f u sion d'électrons sur des cibles en phase gazeuse. G r a d u e l l e m e n t
ses intérêts se sont tournés vers l'étude des surfaces par b o m b a r -
Physics Reviews, vol. 4. I.M. Khalatnikov, ed. Soviet
Scientific Reviews: Harwood Academic Publishers, 1982;
pp. ix + 286. Price: U.S. $ 113.50.
An Assessment of Research-Doctorate Programs in the
United States: Mathematical and Physical Sciences.
L.V. Jones, G. Lindzey and P.E. Coggeshall, eds.
National Academy Press, 1982; pp. xii + 243. Price:
$ 10.50.
Linear Algebra and Group Representations. Vol. 1:
Linear Algebra and Introduction to Group Representations.
Vol. 2: Multilinear Algebra and Group Representations,
by R. Shaw. Academic Press, 1982 4 1983; pp xi + 579
(2 vols.). Price: U.S. $ 32.00(V.l), $ 35.00(V.2).
Statistical Mechanics: Methods and Applications, by
F. Mohling. John Wiley & Sons, 1982; pp xxxil + 608.
Price: U.S. $49.95.
10 Elementary
Introduction to the Quark Model of Elementary Particles,
Vol. 1: Quantum Numbers, Gauge Theories and Hadron
Spectroscopy, by D. Flamm and F. Schobel. Gordon and
Breach, 1982; pp ix + 372. Price: U.S. $ 73.50.
La p h y s i q u e au C a n a d a
Contemporary Research Topics in Nuclear Physics. Proceedings of a Workshop, Drexel University, Philadelphia,
Sept., 1980. D.H. Feng, M. Vallières, M.W. Guidry and
L.L. Riedinger, eds. Plenum Press, 1982, CONF; pp x +
592. Price: U.S. $75.00.
Lasers in Nuclear Physics. Proceedings of a Conference,
April, 1982. C.E. Bemis, Jr. and H.K. Carter, eds.
Harwood Academic Publishers, 1982, CONF; pp xii + 510.
Price: $ 52.75 (paper).
LANDOLT-BPRNSTEIN, New Series, Group I, Vol. 9, subvol.
b: Pion Nucléon Scattering. Part 2. G. Hohler and
H. Schopper, eds. Springer-Verlag, 1983; pp xii 4- 601.
Price: approx. U.S. $ 384.00.
Energy Reviews: Nuclear Power Systems, vol. 1 (1982).
Soviet Technology Reviews, Sect. A. L.A. Melentiev, ed.
Harwood Academic Publishers, 1982; pp ix + 334. Price:
U.S. $ 175.00
Atomic and Molecular Physics
Solid State Physics, vol. 37. H. Ehrenreich, F. Seitz
and D. Turnbull, eds. Academic Press, 1982; pp. xi +
385. Price: U.S. $ 47.50.
Solid Hydrogen,by J. Van Kranendonk.
pp. xv + 306. Price: U.S. $ 39.50.
Plenum Press, 1983;
Molecular Crystals and Liquid Crystals, Suppl. 1: Alignment of Nematic Liquid Crystals and their Admixtures, by
J. Cognard. Gordon and Breach, 1982; pp. 77. Price:
U.S. $ 27.00.
Points, Lines and Walls in Liquid Crystals, Magnetic
Systems and Various Ordered Media, by M. Kléman.
Wiley & Sons, 1983; pp. xvi + 322. Price: U.S. $ 59.95.
Crystalline Electric Field Effects in f-F.lectron Magnetism.
Proceedings of a Conference at Wroclaw, Poland, Sept.,
1981. R.P. Guertin, W. Suski and Z. Zolnierek, eds.
Plenum Press, 1982, CONF; pp. xvii + 586. Price: U. S.
$ 72.50.
Cross Disciplinary Physics
Handbuch der Physik; Vol. 31: Corpuscles and Radiation
in Matter I. W. Mehlhorn, ed. Springer-Verlag, 1982;
pp. xii + 630. Price: approx. U.S. $ 131.20.
Ninth International Cryogenic Engineering Conference.
Proceedings. Kobe, Japan, May, 1982. K. Yasukochi and
H. Nagano, eds. Butterworth & Co., 1982, CONF; pp.
xxvii + 837 + index. Price: U.S. $ 99.95.
ETQ Multicenter Molecular Integrals. Proc. of the First
International Conference, Tallahassee, Florida, Aug.,
1981. C.A. Weatherford and H.W. Jones, eds. D. Reidel
Publ. Co., 1982, CONF; pp xvii + 186. Price: U.S.
$ 37.00.
Advances in Chemical Physics, vol. LI I. I. Prigogine
and S.A. Rice, ed. John Wiley & Sons, 1983; pp. ix +
528. Price: U.S. $ 70.00
Areas of
Physics: Building a World View, by C.F. Wheeler and L.D.
Kirkpatrick. Prentice-Hall, 1983; pp xvii + 556. Price:
U.S. $ 21.95.
Problems for Physics Students, by K.F. Riley. Cambridge
University Press, 1982; pp ix + 180. Price: U.S. $24.95
(cloth), $11.95 (paper).
Introduction to Light: the physics of light, vision and
color, by G. Waldman. Prentice-Hall, 1983; pp xii + 228.
Price: U.S. $ 18.95.
Geophysics, Astronomy and Astrophysics
LANDQLT-B8RNSTEIN, New Series, Group VI, Vol. 2: Astronomy and Astrophysics, Interstellar Matter, Galaxy, Universe. K. Schaifers and H.H. Voigt, Eds. Springer-Verlag,
1982. pp. xviii + 478. Price: approx. U.S. $ 312.00.
Handbook of Space Astronomy and Astrophysics, by M.V.
Zombeck, Cambridge University Press, 1982; pp. 326.
Price: U.S. $ 24.95.
Geo-Electromagnetism, by J.R. Wait. Academic Press,
1982; pp. ix + 268. Price: U.S. $ 34.00.
Waves and Photons: An Introduction to Quantum Optics, by
E. Goldin. John Wiley 4 Sons, 1982; pp xi + 211. Price:
U.S. $ 25.95.
Electro-Optics/Laser International Conference. Proceedings, Brighton, U.K., March 1982. H.G. Jerrard, ed.
Butterworth's, 1982, CONF; pp. 320. Price: U.S. $ 69.95.
Sound and Sources of Sound, by A. P. Dowling, J.E.F.
Williams. John Wiley 6. Sons (Halsted Press),1983; pp.
321. Price: U.S. $ 59.95.
Introduction to Dynamics, by I. Percival and D. Richards.
Cambridge University Press, 1982; pp. ix + 228. Price:
$ 34.50 (cloth), $ 14.95 (paper).
LANDOLT-BPRNSTEIN, New Series, Group III, Vol. 7: Crystal
Structure Data of Inorganic Compounds, Part b3. Wolfgang
Pies and Alarich Weiss, ed. Springer-Verlag, 1982; pp.
xvii + 435. Price: approx. U.S. $ 296.00.
LANDOLT-BPRNSTEIN, New Series, Group III, Vol. 15: Metals:
Electronic Transport Phenomena. J. Bass and K.H. Fischer,
eds. Springer-Verlag, 1982; pp. viii + 396. Price:
approx. U.S. $ 260.00.
LANDOLT-BPRNSTEIN, New Series, Group III, Vol. 17, subvol.
b: Physics of II-VI and I-VII Compounds, Semimagnetic
Semiconductors. 0. Madelung, M. Schulz, H. Weiss, eds.
Springer-Verlag, 1982; pp. xi + 543. Price: approx.
U.S. $340.00.
Book Reviews/
Critiques des livres
to Journals in Engineering and Technology, by Sarojini
Balachandran. John Wiley & Sons, 1982; pp 343. Price:
U.S. $ 27.50.
The author compares his directory to such sources as
Ulrich's and the Standard Periodical Directory which he
finds of little help in identifying specific publications
in narrow subject fields. The author first identified
nearly 400 journals which, mostly, publish in English.
Then he listed 224 journals which had answered his
questionaire. Each entry is in alphabetical order by
journal name, from Accident Analysis and Prevention: An
International Journal to Wear.
The complete address of the publisher includes the
country of publication, except for United States based
Physics in C a n a d a
Important information about the papers accepted by each
journal include 1. a good description of Scope and Content, 2. Manuscript Submission Procedure, 3. Style Guide
which, e.g., includes ways of quoting references and
writing mathematical formulas.
Answers to questions such as: How many peers read my
publication? Are their comments available to me? How
long may it take to publication? What chance of acceptance has the paper? are listed in Survey Results.
A keyword index tries to lead to the proper journal. A
paper dealing with Submillimeter Properties of Gases is
directed to entry number 94: International Journal of
Infrared and Millimeter Waves. Now the author can match
the contents of his paper against Scope and Content.
The author may want to select another keyword if the
descriptions do not match. Papers on Land Use may be
published in Materials and Society.
I see the Directory as a valuable guide in libraries of
universities, institutions, and in industry where a
journal needs to be selected for the 'unusual' paper,
where a journal needs to be found on special subjects on
Accident, Hygiene, Reclamation, and Friction, or where
publication of papers is the exception rather than the
The reader is referred to conventional sources for information on price, editor's name, and similar questions.
H. Peter Nieboj
Safety Eng'g Specialist
2908 Queen Street
Regina, SK S4S 2E4
But I was disappointed by the unnecessarily narrow scope
of this book. Neither the delta symbol nor the delta
function appear. For many proofs, including those of the
fundamental theorems of Fourier analysis, the reader is
referred elsewhere. The Gibbs phenomenon is briefly
discussed but no estimate of the amount of overshoot is
given even for the simple square wave. The failure of
a plucked string to satisfy the differential equation at
the point of plucking goes unremarked. The Hankel integral formula and Hankel transforms are missing. The
associated Legendre equation and its solutions are tacked
on to the last chapter as an afterthought, wLth no mention of spherical harmonics and no illustrative exercises.
Separation of variables is the only technique discussed
for solving linear problems; nothing is said of the
Fourier transform as an operational device for reducing
differential equations to algebraic ones. The rich connections between Fourier representations and other problems of mathematical physics (e.g. the role of Fourier
transforms in spectral analysis and diffraction theory)
and left untouched.
Each of these disappointments may be minor, but their sum
is not. For years I have covered far more ground than
this book does, in a course of the same length given to
Honours physics students at the 3rd year level. Having
read this book I could find no compelling reason for its
having been published. There is nothing novel in the
selection or organization of the contents; the treatment,
like the title, is all too reminiscent of Churchill's
deservedly long-lived text. Since there are now many
other textbooks which present this material (and more)
just as well, I see little reason to recommend that
students or professors of physics buy this one. If you
do buy it, be warned that the price of the book purchased
from the publisher's Canadian office is 13% higher than
the Canadian dollar equivalent of its cost in the U.S.!
M. G. Rochester,
Memorial University of
by J.R. Hanna. Wiley-Interscience, 1982; pp xiv + 271.
Price: $44.50.
This book is based on a semester course of three lectures
a week given to undergraduates with a good training in
elementary calculus, a few ideas from advanced calculus,
and "a minimal background in physics".
It begins with a brief review chapter on linear ordinary
and partial differential equations, short discussions of
the classification of second-order types and of well-posed
problems, and separation of variables. Chapter 2 describes
orthogonal sets of functions by analogy with vector spaces,
connects representation by series of such functions with
least squares approximation, defines completeness and
discusses some of the essential features of SturmLiouville eigenvalue problems. Chapters 3 and 4 outline
(i.e. do not always prove) the basic theory of Fourier
series and Fourier integral representations. The remaining four chapters apply Fourier-type series (and in a
few instances Fourier integrals) to solutions of many of
the standard boundary value problems in Cartesian, cylindrical and spherical geometry (with the properties of
Bessel functions and Legendre polynomials discussed en
Among the book's good features are: the simple physicallymotivated derivations (unusual in applied mathematics
texts) of the basic partial differential equations of
mathematical physics (vibrating string, rod and membrane,
heat conduction, and gravitational potential in empty
space); straightforward derivations of the Laplacian
operator in cylindrical and spherical coordinates; a
generous distribution of worked examples; and a large
number of exercises in each chapter (with answers given
at the rear of the book). The writing style is clear,
the format uncluttered.
MECHANICS, par Amnon Yariv. J. Wiley and Sens, 1982;
pp. xiii + 300. Prix: U.S. $ 24.95.
Ce cours donné à Caltech par Amnon Yariv s'adresse d'abord
aux étudiants en physique appliquée. C'est une introduction à la Mécanique Quantique, qui a l'originalité de
développer très rapidement, dans un but pédagogique, deux
de ses applications fondamentales: le transistor et le
laser, techniques dont on connait l'importance dans
l'industrie électronique et dans de nombreux domaines
scientifiques et techniques.
Ce cours cherche avant tout à motiver les étudiants en
donnant un aperçu de la richesse des applications de la
physique quantique en même temps qu'il en enseigne les
principes de base. L'accent n'est donc pas mis sur le
formalisme mathématique et les modèles présentés ne sont
souvent justifiés que par quelques remarques rapides,
peu satisfaisantes pour le lecteur soucieux de rigueur
dans les démonstrations et les exposés. Mais celui qui
désire appréhender rapidement la démarche conduisant des
principes aux calculs appliqués puis à des situations
réelles, profitera pleinement de l'effort pédagogique
dont rend compte ce livre.
Le dernier chapitre du cours est consacré au laser à
injection par semiconducteur. Inventé en 1962, ce laser
est à la base de la communication par fibre optique dont
le développement est à l'ordre du jour. Yariv trouve là
une matiere ideale pour mettre à profit les principaux
points enseignés et donne ainsi une description qualitative de l'amplification d'un rayonnement par un semiconducteur dont la population at été inversée.
La p h y s i q u e au C a n a d a
Le lecteur curieux profitera des exercises et des références à la littérature originale qui accompagnent chaque
chapitre. Un livre de très bonne qualité.
Bernard Pire
Stanford University
SOME STRANGENESS IN THE PROPORTION, a centennial symposium to celebrate the achievements of Albert Einstein,
édité par H. Woolf, Addison-Wesley, 1980; pp xxxi + 539.
Prix: U.S. $ 43.50.
Parmi les quelques conférences dédiées au centenaire de
la naissance d'Einstein, le symposium qui se tint en
mars 1979 au "Institute for Advanced Studies" de Princeton se distingue par la diversité et la qualité des
contributions rassemblées dans ces comples-rendus. Ceuxci commencent par de brèves analyses historiques décrivant les cosmos culturel du début du 20 e siècle et les
premières approches de la relativité et de la physique
quantique. Les théories de la relativité restreinte et
générale sont ensuite présentées, non pas de façon
exhaustive et pédagogique, mais plutôt en s'attachant
à décrire les difficiles expériences destinées à les
vérifier. La session consacrée à la physique quantique
est fort intéressante. On connait les réserves formulées
par Eistein à maintes reprises concernant les concepts
fondamentaux de la théorie quantique et leur signification épistémologique; ces réserves mises en perspectives par plusieurs conférenciers permettent de mieux
approcher l'extraordinaire personnalité de leur auteur
ainsi que sa profonde intelligence.
Plus impersonnels, mais utiles à l'évaluation des fruits
de l'oeuvre d'Einstein, deux chapitres sont consacrés à
un tableau assez complet de l'état actuel de la recherche
en cosmologie tandis que les développements récents de
la supergravité sont esquissés par deux experts en ce
Les dernières pages de ces compte-rendus rassemblent des
souvenirs d'E. Wigner et d'autres physiciens ayant travaillé avec Eistein. Les anecdotes rapportées ici sont
souvent savoureuses et l'attachement porté par ces hommes
à leur ancien collègue parait si profond et si singulier
que l'on regrette que cette extraordinaire figure de la
science moderne ne sort pas mieux connue. Ce volume
devrait contribuer à remédier à ce manque.
B. Pire
SLAC, Stanford University
1982; pp. xiii + 502. Price: $ 23.50 (paper).
The second edition of this book (without 'Cosmology' in
the title) has been familiar to a host of readers since
the 1960s, as one of the most successful of the famous
(and cheap) Methuen monograph series. Wiley has published the third edition in a somewhat larger and considerably more expensive format. It is however still
aimed at introducing these subjects to Honours undergraduate students, with most of the first four chapters
(on special relativity) being accessible to the bright
third-year student, and the remaining chapters suitable
for a semester course at the final year level.
The preface (rewritten for this edition) is worth reading
for its revelation of a somewhat surprising prejudice of
the author's. The opening paragraph concludes that general relativity is not one of "the growth areas of mathematical physics", thereby ignoring the efflorescence
(and tests) of relativistic gravitation theories in the
past two decades, and the rise of supergravity, to say
nothing of the work in black holes to which he himself
refers in chapter 7Î
Chapter 1 introduces the idea of covari ance, the special
principle of relativity, the Lorentz transformations,
and space- and time-like intervals (using the Minkowski
metric). Chapter 2 covers Cartesian tensors and pseudotensors (called tensor densities in earlier editions).
Chapter 3, on special relativity mechanics, contains new
sections of zero-rest-mass particles, on the energymomentum tensor and its formulation for an elastic fluid,
and on angular momentum. A former section on motion with
variable proper mass is omitted, though the related rocket
problem remains as an exercise. Chapter 4, on special
relativity electrodynamics (including the energy-momentum tensor for an electromagnetic field) is unchanged.
The order of treatment of general tensor calculus in
Riemannian space, the subject of chapter 5, is somewhat
different from previous editions but remains one of the
best brief (30 pp.) introductions to the elements of the
subject, through the curvature tensor and Christoffel
symbols to geodesies. The general theory of relativity,
founded on the equivalence principle and the Newtonian
weak-field limit, is the theme of chapter 6. Besides
the old sections on the three standard tests (precession
of planetary orbits and gravitational bending of light
in the Schwarzschild metric, and gravitational redshift),
there are new well-writ ten sections on black holes and on
gravitational waves.
Chapter 7 (20 pp. on cosmology) is a valuable new addition.
Topics discussed are: the cosmological principle(s);
spaces of constant curvature, the Robertson-Walker metric;
Hubble constant, galactic redshift, luminosity distance,
and cosmic dynamics; the model universes of Einstein,
de Sitter and Friedmann, and one containing radiation
only (to represent the early universe), and the particleand event-horizons of these universes.
The number of exercises at the end of each chapter is in
every case increased greatly over the second edition,
with a 200% expansion in the number of problems for
chapter 3, and a rise in the book's total from 114 to
246. Answers are almost always given in the problem
statement, and many useful hints provided.
Lawden writes carefully and clearly, with special attention to topics which experience shows students find heavy
going. The text shows every evidence of careful proofreading, though entirely reset since the last edition.
Unfortunately the chapter title has been dropped from the
tops of the pages, so it takes longer to locate subjects.
As in previous editions, few references are cited in the
body of the text; four of the six in this edition are in
chapter 7. To compensate there is, as before, a sizeable
bibliography (now 35 entries). While the latter contains
a number of recently-published books, as well as some of
the old standbys such as Tolman, Schrodinger and Miller,
it suffers from some noticeable defects. The classics
by Eddington, Pauli and Weyl have been jettisoned, the
excellent recent text by Ohanian has been omitted, and
the references to earlier editions of the books by Adler
al. and by Rindler have not been updated.
Physics in C a n a d a
My only serious complaints with the author's revision are
that he didn't take the opportunity to Include an account
of the theory and recent observation of gravitational
radiation from a binary star system, and that he relegated
to a problem in chapter 6 the additional test of general
relativity provided by travel time delays in radar returns
from other planets. Though perhaps involving too much of
a departure from the author's conception of the book's
scope, it would have been nice to see some reference to
the existence of relativistic gravitation theories more
'general' than the general theory, and to the parametrized
post-Newtonian formalism which links these theories and
facilitates comparison of the variety of tests within the
solar system which have so far confirmed the sufficiency
of Einstein's formulation.
Obviously I've had to look hard for things to criticize
about this excellent book, now entering its third incarnation with every prospect of several more. It's a book
from which I would be delighted to teach or, as a student,
to learn a lot about relativity.
M.G. Rochester,
Memorial University of
Clifford M. Will. Cambridge University Press, 1982;
pp. X + 342. Price: U.S. $ 7 5 . 0 0 .
This text is a survey of the extensive testing that
general relativity has undergone over the past two
decades. It is written by an expert in the field and
the work will certainly become an important reference
for all those Interested in gravitation theory and
experiment. The work quite naturally reflects the bias
of the author, both in the choice of topics and in the
list of references. This, however, does not unduly
detract from the overall usefulness of the text.
The main topics of the text are as follows:
The Einstein Equivalence Principle and the Foundations
of Gravitation Theory; Gravitation as a Geometric Phenomenon; The Parametrized Post-Newtonian(PPN) Formalism;
Post-Newtonian Limits of Alternative Metric Theories of
Gravity; Equations of Motion in the PPN Formalism;
The Classical Tests; Tests of the Strong Equivalence
Principle; Other Tests of Post-Newtonian Gravity; Gravitational Radiation as a Tool for Testing Relativistic
Gravity; Structure and Motion of Compact Objects In
Alternative Theories of Gravity; The Binary Pulsar (PSR
1913 + 1 6 ) ; Cosmological Tests.
Kay11 Lake
Department of Physics
Queen's University at
Mutter and K. Schilling, eds. Plenum Press, 1981; pp.
viii + 343. Prix: U.S. $ 45.00.
Les comptes-rendus de l'Institut d'Eté de Physique Théorique qui se déroula en septembre 1980 à Bad-Honef (RFA)
paraîtront deja un peu desuets aux physiciens activement
engagés dans le domaine des particules élémentaires.
Les développements ont en effet été rapides ces dernières
années, tant dans les applications de la chromodynamique
quantique perturbative que dans les calculs non perturbatifs, solutions classiques ou discrétisation sur un
réseau des théories de jauge.
Les physiciens spécialistes d'autres domaines n'y trouveront guère plus matière à s'informer; la structure de
ces comptes-rendus, vingt courtes contributions juxtapasées sans aucun lien, ne permet d'ailleurs pas vraiment
de situer les problèmes dans leur contexte, ni de développer de façon pédagogique un exposé.
Il reste que les auteurs sont tous des experts dans leur
domaine et que les articles sont en général bien écrits.
On demande peut-être plus pour recommander ira ouvrage de
ce niveau.
B. Pire
Stanford University
from a course held at the Joint Research Centre, Ispra
(Italy), October-December 1979. G. Casini, ed. Harwood
Academic Publishers, for E.E.C., 1981; pp 491. Price:
U.S. $ 75.00.
This book is based on lecture notes prepared for an introductory course on plasma physics for thermonuclear fusion,
the goal of which was to provide the scientists and
engineers at JRC-Ispra with a basic foundation in the
scientific aspects of fusion.
The content of the course covers very well most of the
areas of current interest in the field of plasma confinement in Tokamaks. It does not cover the fields of mirror
confinement, stellarators, bumpy tori and only mentions
laser fusion, so that a more appropriate title might be
"Plasma Physics for Tokamak Reactors".
Since the course covers a broad range of sutjects, it is
perhaps natural that it be presented as a series of
seminars, since the author of each chapter will be an
expert. This approach depends, however, on careful editing to avoid large irregularities in style Êind emphasis,
and this is, I feel, a major shortcoming of the book.
We find, for example in the third chapter "Plasma Equilibrium in a Tokamak", 4> being used for the poloidal
angle, whereas in the twelfth chapter "Plasma Transport
Calculation for Fusion Reactors", we find the usual
notation of 0 for the toroidal angle.
The first two chapters, serving as an introduction to the
rest of the book, should be especially well presented
and clear, but they aren't. Chapter 1, "Introduction to
fusion plasma physics", suffers from convoluted syntax,
typographical errors and the rapid progress of fusion
research. In referring to methods for current drive, we
find "no convincing physics basis exists for the feasibility of current drive through these mechanisms", and
yet RF current drive is a field of intense research, and
has been observed in several machines over the past two
years or so. Chapter 2, "Features and comparisons of
magnetic and inertial confinement reactors", is not
clearly written, and is really not appropriate in a book
which treats the Tokamak almost exclusively. After
struggling through these first two frustrating chapters,
the quality of the remaining 10 chapters increases
markedly. The chapter by P. Harbour, "Divertor problems",
is particularly well written, but for use in a course
should be updated to take into account newer results and
theories of divertor operation, especially the "high
pressure" divertor mode of operation. On the other hand,
my personal feeling is that the chapter "MaLn features
of cold blanket systems" is much longer thai the subject
merits and that the chapter "Control of bura-up phase"
does not give a sufficiently good physical anderstanding
of the concepts involved.
Overall, the book provides a reasonably good structure
around which one could construct, via further editing
and updating, a good course on plasma physics as applied
to magnetic confinement in a Tokamak.
B.L. Stansfield
Varennes, Quebec
La p h y s i q u e au C a n a d a
Advanced Study Series Vol. B78. M.F. Thorpe, ed. Plenum
Press, 1982. pp. 718, Price: U.S. $ 85.00
The subject of disordered systems, arguably, can be termed
as the single most studied subject for close to quarter
of a century (the origin of time being measured as
Anderson's pioneering 'oft quoted but seldom read' paper
of 1958). It is a field of enormous interest to a variety
of disciplines and it is not suprising that a field so
rich and conceptually complex as this should motivate a
large number of conferences on its various aspects localization, transport, photoemission, etc. The present
volume has its origin in the NATO Advanced Study Institute
held at Michigan State University, and is particularly
welcome since it emphasizes the 'local' approach to the
study of excitations in a disordered system. As Elliott
points out in his Introductory Lectures, while in an
ordered system one solves the eigenvalue problem first
and then determines the physical properties in terms of
the eigenspectrum, such an approach is not feasible for
a disordered system. Instead it is more appropriate to
set up a theory which provides a direct attack on the
physical quantities of interest like the local density
of states, scattering correlation functions, etc.
The main purpose of the book is to survey the current
state of understanding of excitations in disordered
systems, in particular the study of those physical properties which are directly related to the elementary excitations. As a result percolation theory and phase transitions are mentioned only in passing and spin glasses
are kept limited in scope. Eight sections and forty-one
papers cover: Introduction, Theoretical methods, Electronic states, Vibrational properties, Magnetic excitations,
Localization, General (study of amorphous materials) and
Summary. Since even listing of all the contents would
take up over half a column, I'll touch upon only the
salient ('.) features of the book.
In Part I Elliott gives a concise but fairly comprehensive introduction to the various types of excitations in
disordered systems and the theoretical methods used to
study them like the VCA, CPA etc. Part II is concerned
with various theoretical methods like the recursion
method, the moment method and extended CPA. It also
contains a paper by Thorpe on Bethe lattices where he
discusses the diverse areas in which Bethe lattices are
used and of the similarity in theoretical techniques
involved. Part III starts with two introductory lectures
by S.R. Nagel on the structure and electronic properties
of metallic glasses. He discusses the experimental aspects of the glass formation and behaviour of the optical
and transport properties. The other papers in this
section are on related studies in random solid and liquid
metal alloys.
Part IV contains a long introductory paper by D.W. Taylor
on 'Phonons in mixed crystals.' It also contains lectures
on numerical methods applied to glasses for calculating
the neutron scattering and optical spectra. Part V begins
with a review of excitations and phase transitions in
disordered antiferromagnets. Computer simulations of
spin excitations in randomly disordered systems and spin
glasses are dealt with in the rest of the sections.
The paper by L.M. Falicov on 'Spin Waves at Surfaces
and Steps in Ferromagnets and Antiferromagnets*is particularly interesting in that it calls to attention some
subtle concepts in the calculation of local density of
states of a non-uniform ant iferromagnet, the neglect of
which leads to unphysical results like negative density
of states. Part VI consists of a brief review of localization, the equation-of-motion approach to it and the
phenomenon of band-tailing. The paper by Haydock discusses how the recursion method can be used to study
localization and transport of various types of excitation.
Part VII is a set of papers on general study of amorphous
materials. In particular, models of structural randomness and its effects of vacancy band structure, specific
heat, optical obsorption, acoustic propagation and the
phenomenon of ordering and segregation in glasses are
discussed. The final section is a summary: 'Disordered
Systems in Perspective' by Falicov giving an overview of
the experimental and theoretical developments and the
outstanding problems in the field.
In sum, I think this volume will be welcome by any
research worker actively interested in the study of
disordered systems, though I feel I should object to
its rather prohibitory price.
A. Anil Kumar
Dept. of Physics
University of Manitoba
A. Barone and G. Paterno. John Wiley and Sons, 1981;
pp xvii + 529. Price: U.S. $ 49.50.
The "physics and applications" type of approach has been
applied quite successfully to a number of conferences,
summer schools and books. This is an excellent example
and I think that the timing is perfect in view of the
possible computer applications of the Josephson effect.
The physics part of the book is fairly standard but
nevertheless very well done; a readable historical macroscopic account, formal microscopic tunnelling theory,
BCS T-dependent description and a highly detailed treatment of magnetic field effects, so important for the
applications. Several interesting discussions are provided of mechanical models, phase space descriptions,
equivalent and fluxion dynamics in terms of solitons.
A transition region between theory and experiment is
provided by a chapter on fabrication technology.
It is in the applications section that this book will
attract both the initiated and the beginner. Three main
areas are developed. High frequency applications are
emission and detection of microwave and infrared radiation,
culminating in the use of the 2e/h voltage standard.
Loops and Squids are treated in detail, from flux quantization to exotic applications of Squids in cardiology and
geophysics. Finally, we arrive at a good complete account
of computer applications, from primitive cryotron to a
super grapefruit-size 21st century computer. In many
respects, this chapter is a miniature image of the book;
excellently done but perhaps a little thin on the experimental and technical details. The authors are obviously
aware of this in their intention to include that which
will remain true for the long term; perhaps this is just
a reflection of how vast even a highly specialized subject can become. Overall, this is an excellent book,
and supplemented by classical, recent and future review
articles, it contains all most of us will ever need to
know about Josephson junctions.
J. David Cheeke,
Department de physique,
Université de Sherbrooke.
Kressel, ed. Springer-Verlag, 1980; pp. xiv + 28. Price:
U.S. $ 49.80.
As the title indicates, this is the second updated edition
.of Semiconductor Devices for Optical Communication. Like
other volumes in this series, the book is well written,
and contains recent and authoritative material. The
material is presented at the engineering level and includes introductions to the subjects at a level that
Physics in C a n a d a
permits one to understand the rapid changes that are
taking place in the optical communications industry.
Contributions from researchers at AEG Telefunken, Bell
Telephone Laboratories, Hughes Research Laboratories and
RCA Laboratories have resulted in an extremely informative
survey of the recent developments in this rapidly expanding area.
The first two chapters deal with laser diodes, light emitting diodes and the corresponding photodetectors for
optical fibre communication. The topics covered include
materials for heterojunction structures and in particular
the double-heterojunction diode. Device fabrication
techniques, laser characteristics (emission vs current
radiation patterns, spectral characteristics), light
emitting diodes (power, fibre coupling, bandwidth) and
diode reliability are covered in detail. Photodiode
structures such as the avalanche photodiode and the next
generation of long wavelength detectors (germanium photodiodes, III-V semiconductor photodiodes) are also discussed in terms of fabrication, and device characteristics
such as linearity, speed and noise.
The chapters that follow give an in-depth look at receiver
design and light transmitters. The discussion is complemented with an illustrative example of an optical communication system.
Two final chapters provide a recent update on light sources
(eg: InGaAsP/InP, AlGaAs) and photodetectors (eg: germanium, InGaAsSb).
The text is well illustrated and a comprehensive set of
references is provided. Of minor note are the printing
errors on page 37. This is a book well worth reading if
one wishes to keep abreast of this rapidly maturing
field of communication.
J.B. Webb,
National Research Council,
A professional research position is available immediately to run and maintain high resolution spectroscopy equipment for the infra-red and visible regions presently located in the Chemistry and Physics Department.
Preferred candidates should have at least an M.Sc.
degree in Physics, Chemistry or Electrical Engineering,
and be prepared to work semi-independently with
infra-red and visible lasers and Fourier transform
instrumentation Stipend will be a minimum of $25,000
a year for an initial two-year appointment.
Applications will be accepted until October 1, 1983, and
should be submitted with a list of referees to:
Dr. F.W. Dalby
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Professional Employment
Employee Relations Department
The University of British Columbia
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Vancouver, B.C.
V6T 2 A 7
The University of British Columbia offers equal employment opportunities to qualified male and female
In accordance with Canadian immigration requirements
this advertisement is directed to Canadian citizens and
permanent residents.
The Electro Optics group at McMaster University
has an opening for a Research Associate or PostDoctoral Fellow to work in experimental laser
physics Possible research projects include work on
optically-pumped mid-infrared lasers, TE C 0 2 lasers,
high sensitivity spectroscopy w i t h tunable diode
lasers, devices for optical communications, integrated
optics, and laser isotope separation. Candidates
should have a recent Ph.D. and experience in
electro-optics. Applications, w i t h resume and names
of three references, should be sent to:
Dr. J o h n Reid
D e p a r t m e n t of Engineering Physics
M c M a s t e r University
H a m i l t o n , Ontario, Canada L8S 4 M 1
Applications are invited for the position of Research
Associate in the Experimental Particle Physics group at
Carleton University. The deadline for applications is
July 31, 1983. Candidates should have a Ph.D. in
particle or nuclear physics. The position is available
immediately and will be primarily associated with the
OPAL experiment for LEP The initial appointment will
be for two years and can be renewed.
Interested applicants should submit a resume and the
names of three referees to:
Professor R.K. Carnegie
Department of Physics
Carleton University
Ottawa, Ontario. K 1 S 5 B 6
In accordance with Canadian Immigration regulations,
this advertisement is directed to Canadian citizens and
permanent residents.
Applications are invited from recent doctoral graduates in the field of solid state devices, microelectronics or semi conductor materials to be candidates for
nomination by McMaster University for an NSERC
(Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council
of Canada) University Research Fellowship. Nominees must be Canadian Citizens or permanent
residents. The successful nominee will be given a
faculty appointment at the Assistant Professor level
in the Department of Engineering Physics and the
Department of Metallurgy and Materials Science.
Current annual salaries for Assistant Professors
range from $34,000 to $37,000. It is expected that
the successful nominee w i l l devote most of h i s / h e r
time carrying out research, but will also carry out
some teaching and supervise graduate students. A
full curriculum vitae w i t h a detailed description of
current research interests and the names and
addresses of three referees should be sent to:
Dr. D . A . T h o m p s o n , Chairman,
D e p a r t m e n t of Engineering Physics,
M c M a s t e r University,
H a m i l t o n , Ontario,
Canada L8S 4 M 1
MPB Technologies Inc. is seeking candidates to
nominate for Natural Sciences and Engineering
Research Council of Canada Industrial Postdoctorate
The Fellowships will normally be tenable in the
Laboratories of MPB Technologies Inc. located at
Dorval, Québec.
Projects in w h i c h successful candidates may be
involved include:
A position is available for an analyst w i t h experience
in mass spectrometry. The applicant w o u l d be
involved in the operation (including sample preparation) as w e l l as the maintenance of both stable
isotope and spark source mass spectrometers. A
B.Sc. or M.Sc. in physics or chemistry is desirable.
Salary and level of appointment w i l l be according to
experience. Applications should be directed to:
Professor R. Kerrich
Geology Department
University of Western Ontario
London. Ontario, Canada
N6A 5B7
• Electromagnetic Science and Technology
• Lasers and Laser Applications
• Fusion Energy (Magnetic and Inertial Confinement)
• Plasma and Space Science
• Electronic Graphics and Microprocessor Applications
Salaries and other benefits are the same as for
permanent staff of equivalent experience.
Interested recent graduates, individuals currently
completing postdoctoral fellowships, or candidates
w h o will graduate in the near future w i t h a background in physics, electrical engineering or computer
science are invited to write or call:
Dr. M.P. Bachynski
MPB Technologies Inc.
1725 North Service Rd.
Trans Canada Highway
Dorval Québec H9P 1J1
Tel. (514) 683-1490
This position requires expertise in the field of
high-energy heavy-ion research using the tools of
gamma-ray spectroscopy, as well as, preferably, a
strong background in the design and use of multidetector arrays. Most of the work w i l l be carried out
at the Tandem-Superconducting Cyclotron facility
located at the Chalk River Nuclear Laboratories.
Send resume and three letters of recommendation to:
Prof. P. T A R A S ,
Laboratoire de Physique Nucléaire,
Université de Montréal,
Montréal, Québec,
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