
2015–2016 • V O L . 4 3 N O . 8
Charter ruling a major victory
for collective bargaining
April 20, 2016, in a
derer relied heavily upon OSSTF/FEESO’s evi-
priate remedy, the government may appeal the
ruling that marks a
dence chronicling the government’s intransigence
initial ruling on the challenge, and either the gov-
major victory for la-
in bargaining, and cited the government’s refusal
ernment or the unions may appeal the ruling on
bour and collective
to entertain the OSSTF/FEESO teacher and sup-
the remedy to the Ontario Court of Appeal.
bargaining rights, On-
port staff bargaining proposals, which included
After the Ontario Court of Appeal renders a
tario Superior Court Justice Thomas R. Leder-
the Provincial Benefit Plan, as a clear affirmation
decision, either or both parties may seek leave
er upheld the Charter challenge launched by
that there really “was no bargaining at all.”
to appeal that decision to the Supreme Court of
OSSTF/FEESO and other Ontario education
Contradicting a 2012 decision by OLRB Chair
Canada. If leave is granted, the case may then be
unions against Bill 115, which was imposed by
Bernard Fishbein, Justice Lederer found that the
the provincial government in September 2012.
government had not ensured good faith bargain-
From the very beginning, OSSTF/FEESO and
heard at the Supreme Court.
Justice Lederer ruled that Bill 115 was uncon-
ing, and ruled instead that “Ontario was being
the other education unions have insisted that the
stitutional in that it violated the unions’ rights to
both inflexible and intransigent,” and had “created
Ontario government violated their Charter rights
freedom of association and the right to meaning-
a situation which made meaningful collective bar-
by bargaining in bad faith and deliberately cre-
ful collective bargaining.
gaining impossible.”
ating, through Bill 115, an environment where
The Charter challenge to the bill had been
The ruling also stated that the government’s
meaningful bargaining was not possible. We
launched in 2013 by OSSTF/FEESO, ETFO,
bargaining process was “ill conceived” and “fun-
have quite clearly been fully vindicated by this
CUPE, OPSEU and Unifor, and finally made it
damentally flawed,” and that “the means used to
ruling. But while this is a clear victory for OSSTF/
to court on December 12, 2015. OSSTF/FEESO
accomplish Ontario’s goals were arbitrary.” Jus-
FEESO and its members, the larger significance
counsel argued that the conduct of the govern-
tice Lederer pointed out that “arbitrary” could also
of this ruling is the emphatic message it sends
ment between the fall of 2011 and the summer
mean “despotic.”
to the current and future governments of Ontario
of 2012 substantially interfered with the collective
At the outset of the court hearing, all parties
that collective bargaining is a constitutional right
bargaining process, and had violated Section 2
agreed that, should the challenge succeed, they
that cannot be ignored or subverted. OSSTF/
of the Charter of Rights and Freedoms, which
would meet and attempt to arrive at an appropri-
FEESO will continue to see this case through,
guarantees freedom of association and the right
ate remedy. Failing agreement on a remedy, they
and will fight to secure appropriate remedies for
to strike.
would return to Justice Lederer for a decision.
our members.
In his eighty-four page decision, Justice LeBILL 115
Passed on September 11,
2012, the Putting Students
First Act allows the
provincial government to
set rules that local school
boards must adhere to
when negotiating with local
unions and to impose a
collective agreement on the
board, employee bargaining
agent, and the employees
of the board represented by
the employee bargaining
agent if negotiations are not
completed by December 31,
2012. This bill also limits the
legality of education-sector
unions going on strike.
Once Justice Lederer has ruled on an appro-
The Charter challenge to
the bill launched in 2013 by
CUPE, OPSEU and Unifor,
finally made it to court on
December 12, 2015.
argued that the conduct of
the government between
the fall of 2011 and the
summer of 2012
substantially interfered with
the collective bargaining
process, and had violated
Section 2 of the Charter of
Rights and Freedoms,
which guarantees freedom
of association and the right
to strike.
The decision relied heavily upon
OSSTF/FEESO’s evidence
chronicling the government’s
intransigence in bargaining, and
cited the government’s refusal to
entertain the OSSTF/FEESO
teacher and support staff
bargaining proposals, which
included the Provincial Benefit
Plan, as a clear affirmation that
there really “was no bargaining at
all...The government’s bargaining
process was “ill conceived” and
“fundamentally flawed,” and that
“the means used to accomplish
Ontario’s goals were arbitrary.”
April 20, 2016, in a ruling that
marks a major victory for
labour and collective
bargaining rights, Ontario
Superior Court Justice Thomas
R. Lederer upheld the Charter
challenge launched by
OSSTF/FEESO and other
Ontario education unions
against Bill 115, ruling the bill
was unconstitutional in that it
violated the unions’ rights to
freedom of association and
the right to meaningful
collective bargaining.
Once Justice Lederer has
ruled on an appropriate
remedy, the government
may appeal the initial ruling
on the challenge, and either
the government or the
unions may appeal the
ruling on the remedy to the
Ontario Court of Appeal.
After the Ontario Court of
Appeal renders a decision,
either or both parties may
seek leave to appeal that
decision to the Supreme
Court of Canada. If leave is
granted, the case may
then be heard at the
Supreme Court.
au titre de
la Charte –
Une grande
victoire pour
la négociation
et Unifor, et s’est rendue devant le tribunal le
12 décembre 2015. L’avocate d’OSSTF/FEESO
a soutenu que le comportement du gouvernement, entre l’automne 2011 et l’été 2012, constituait une grande ingérence dans le processus
de négociation collective et allait à l’encontre de
l’article 2 de la Charte canadienne des droits et
libertés, qui garantit la liberté d’association et le
droit de grève.
Dans sa décision de 84 pages, le juge Lederer s’est appuyé en grande partie sur la preuve
d’OSSTF/FEESO décrivant l’intransigeance du
gouvernement à négocier et il a fait référence au
refus du gouvernement de considérer les propo-
20 avril 2016, dans une
sitions de négociation du personnel enseignant
décision qui constitue une
et du personnel de soutien d’OSSTF/FEESO, ce
grande victoire pour le
qui comprenait un régime provincial d’avantages
mouvement syndical et les
sociaux, réaffirmant que, véritablement, il « n’y
droits de négociation col-
avait aucune négociation collective ».
lective, Thomas R. Lederer, juge à la Cour su-
Contredisant la décision rendue en 2012 par
périeure de l’Ontario, a donné raison à la con-
Bernard Fishbein, président de la CRTO, le juge
testation judiciaire en vertu de la Charte déposée
Lederer a constaté que le gouvernement n’avait
par OSSTF/FEESO et d’autres syndicats on-
pas assuré une négociation de bonne foi et a
tariens en éducation contre la Loi 115 qui avait
plutôt statué que « l’Ontario avait été à la fois
été imposée par le gouvernement provincial en
rigide et intransigeante » et qu’elle avait « créé
septembre 2012.
une situation qui a rendu impossible une véritable
Le juge Lederer a statué que la Loi 115 était
négociation collective. »
Loi constitutionnelle de 1982
c) liberté de réunion pacifique;
d) liberté d’association.
Droits démocratiques des citoyens
3. Tout citoyen canadien a le droit de vote et est éligible aux élections législatives fédérales ou provinciales.
Mandat maximal des assemblées
4. (1) Le mandat maximal de la Chambre des communes et des assemblées législatives est de cinq ans à compter de la date fixée pour le retour des brefs relatifs
aux élections générales correspondantes. (81)
Prolongations spéciales
(2) Le mandat de la Chambre des communes ou celui d’une assemblée législative peut être prolongé respectivement par le Parlement ou par la législature en
question au-delà de cinq ans en cas de guerre, d’invasion ou d’insurrection, réelles
des pas l’objet d’une opposiou appréhendées, pourvuCodification
que cette prolongation
ne fasse
tion exprimée par les voix de plus du tiers des députés de la Chambre des com(82)
munes ou de l’assemblée législative.
DE ’
6. (1) Tout citoyen canadien
a le droit
de demeurer au Canada, d’y entrer ou
à 1982
d’en sortir.
Séance annuelle
5. Le Parlement et les législatures tiennent une séance au moins une fois tous les
douze mois. (83)
Liberté de circulation
Liberté d’établissement
(2) Tout citoyen canadien et toute personne ayant le statut de résident permanent
au Canada ont le droit :
Voir l’article 50 de la Loi constitutionnelle
de 1867 et les notes en bas de page (40)
et (42) relatives aux articles 85 et 88 de cette loi.
Remplace en partie la catégorie 1 de l’article 91 de la Loi constitutionnelle de 1867,
qui a été abrogée comme l’indique le paragraphe 1(3) de l’annexe de la Loi constitutionnelle de 1982.
Voir les notes en bas de page (10), (41) et (42) relatives aux articles 20, 86 et 88 de
la Loi constitutionnelle de 1867.
Lois codifiées au 1er janvier 2013
les deux peuvent demander l’autorisation d’in-
inconstitutionnelle, car elle allait à l’encontre des
La décision indiquait aussi que le proces-
terjeter appel à la Cour suprême du Canada. Si
droits de liberté d’association des syndicats et du
sus de négociation du gouvernement était « mal
l’autorisation est accordée, la cause peut alors
droit à une véritable négociation collective.
conçu » et « foncièrement erroné » et que « les
être entendue par la Cour suprême du Canada.
La contestation de la loi en vertu de la Charte
moyens utilisés pour atteindre les objectifs de
Dès le tout début, OSSTF/FEESO et les
a été déposée en 2013 par OSSTF/FEESO, la
l’Ontario étaient arbitraires ». Le juge Lederer a
autres syndicats en éducation ont insisté sur le
fait remarquer que le mot « arbitraire » pourrait
fait que le gouvernement ontarien avait enfreint
aussi signifier « despotique ».
leurs droits en vertu de la Charte en négociant de
Update is published by the Ontario Secondary
School Teachers’ Federation/Fédération des enseignantes-enseignants des écoles secondaires de l’Ontario
Editor: D. Bellissimo
Managing Editor: R. Allan
Editorial Board: R. Banderob, G. Fenn,
P. Kossta, W. Milliner, M. Young
For changes in mailing addresses,
please email [email protected] or
[email protected]
Au début de l’audience, toutes les parties ont
mauvaise foi et en créant volontairement, par le
convenu que si la contestation réussit, elles se
biais de la Loi 115, un milieu où la véritable né-
rencontreront et tenteront de parvenir à un cor-
gociation était impossible. La présente décision
rectif approprié. Si les parties ne s’entendent pas
nous donne totalement raison. Mais, bien qu’il
sur une mesure, elles reviendront devant le juge
s’agisse d’une nette victoire pour OSSTF/FEESO
Lederer pour une décision.
et ses membres, l’aspect le plus important de la
Lorsque le juge Lederer aura statué sur une
décision est probablement la mise en garde ex-
mesure appropriée, le gouvernement peut inter-
plicite lancée au gouvernement actuel et à tous
jeter appel de la décision initiale sur la contes-
les futurs gouvernements de la province que la
tation et tant le gouvernement que les syndicats
négociation collective est un droit constitutionnel
peuvent en appeler de la décision portant sur le
qui ne peut être ignoré ou contourné. OSSTF/
correctif auprès de la Cour d’appel de l’Ontario.
FEESO continuera de mener cette affaire jusqu’au
Après la décision rendue par la Cour d’appel
Visit the OSSTF/FEESO website at osstf.on.ca
If you have comments or queries, please address them to:
Update, OSSTF/FEESO, 60 Mobile Drive,
Toronto, Ontario, M4A 2P3.
Tel.: 416-751-8300, 800-267-7867
Email: [email protected]
de l’Ontario, l’une ou l’autre des deux parties ou
The opinions and views expressed in Update do not
necessarily reflect the opinions and views of
Member Canadian Association of Labour Media
and the Canadian Education Press Association
bout et luttera tant que des solutions adéquates
pour ses membres n’auront pas été obtenues.
The Voluntary Early Gratuity Payment deadline is fast approaching...
Does taking YOUR gratuity early add up to the right decision for you?
Update 2015–2016
• VO L. 43 NO . 8
Exclusively serving
the financial needs of
education members
for over 40 years
prisoners jailed for defending public education,
Coalition members. In recent years both Mexi-
an end to the repression of indigenous teachers,
can and American teachers’ unions have been
reinstatement of 360 teachers recently fired for
unequivocal in their support for strike actions
protesting government reforms, and a cessation
by OSSTF/FEESO and the British Columbia
of attacks on teachers’ labour rights.
Teachers’ Federation.
The resolution passed in Vancouver continues a tradition of international solidarity among
issues strong
rom May 12 to 15, OSSTF/FEESO
Vice President Harvey Bischof and
OSSTF/FEESO is a founding member of the
Trinational Coalition.
Belleville Pride July 16−July 23
Sudbury Pride July 18−23
Guelph Pride Apr 29−May 8
Muskoka Pride July 15−24
Elliot Lake Pride May 27−29
Peel Pride July 11−16
Pride Niagara (St. Catharines)
May 28−June 4
Brockville Pride July 16
Executive Officers Jo Dean and Rob
Gascho attended the 12th bienni-
Pride London July 14−24
al conference of the Trinational Co-
alition in Defense of Public Education, in Van-
Kingston Pride June 18−19
Toronto PRIDE events for members
Pride Durham June 1−5
leaders and activists from teachers’ unions in
• OSSTF/FEESO Information Booth
in the Pride Toronto Street Fair on
July 2−3
Canada, the United States and Mexico, was
• Trans Pride March on Friday July 1
couver. The conference, which brought together
also attended by staff from OSSTF/FEESO’s
Communications/Political Action Department.
The Canadian delegates to the conference represented teachers’ unions from British Columbia, Ontario, Quebec, Nova Scotia
and Newfoundland.
Through a series of workshops and plenary
sessions, Coalition members shared their experiences and struggles, and explored strategies
for dealing with austerity-driven employers, the
encroachment of precarious work into the education sector and the push toward the commodification and privatization of public education.
• Dyke March on Saturday July 2
D12 OSSTF and ETT host a Dyke
March Lunch at Spirits Bar & Grill
from 12:30 to 1:30 pm followed by
the Dyke March
• Pride Toronto Parade on Sunday,
July 3 at 2:00 pm starting at Church
and Bloor. PUT-shirt at our Booth on
Sunday between noon to 2:00 pm
(March staging for OSSTF/FEESO is
yet to be announced)
If you would like to volunteer for a
two-hour shift at our information
booth or have any other questions
about Ontario Pride celebrations
please contact Wayne Milliner at
the provincial office at
[email protected]
Timmin Pride June 6−11
Barrie Pride June 4
Thunder Pride June 11−18
Simcoe County Pride
July 28−August 6
Windsor-Essex Pride Festival
August 3−7
Capital Pride (Ottawa)
August 15−21
Hamilton Pride June 18
York Pride Fest June 11−19
Brantford Pride June 18
Peterborough Pride
September 17−24
Kenora Pride June 24−26
Pride Toronto June 24−July 3
At the concluding plenary, delegates unan-
Please note: The dates were
accurate at the time of printing.
Members are encouraged to check
the individual websites prior to
attending any of the Pride events.
To add or edit Pride Celebrations,
please contact Wayne Milliner at
[email protected]
imously passed a resolution strongly condemning the Mexican government’s flagrant
violations against the rights of teachers, and
insisting that the government of President
Enrique Peña Nieto acknowledge and explain
the role of the state and police in the disappearance of 43 indigenous student teachers from the
state of Guerrero in 2014.
In addition, the resolution urged the Mexican
government to respect the knowledge and professional expertise of teachers, and to put an
end to the privatization of public education.
Coalition members also voiced their strong
support for tens of thousands of Mexican teachers who were about to commence strike action
in response to a series of constitutional changes
and other reforms that pose a significant threat
to public education.
Members of the teachers’ union, Coordinadora Nacional de Trabajadores de la Educación
(CNTE), are demanding freedom for political
Update 2015–2016
• VOL . 4 3 N O. 8 3
Time for
Wynne to
hit the reset
t’s been a rocky two years for Wynne’s
majority-ruling Ontario Liberals with missteps
galore. The reckless and desperate fire sale
of Ontario Hydro may be grabbing the biggest headlines, but there is no shortage of
faux pas. However one sector seems to be especially problematic for the distressed Liberals:
public education.
While it was Dalton McGuinty who crowned
himself Ontario’s Education Premier, Kathleen
Wynne has also tried to assume that same
role. With her roots as school board trustee and
her three-year tenure as Minister of Education,
expectations of her in this sector have always
been high.
Gay Straight Alliances at its schools and the
While a cabinet shuffle is imminent, more
However, we all know that by the time Mc-
same reason it gave for initially refusing Grade
than a shuffle is needed. Wynne needs to hit
Guinty handed over the mantle of Education Pre-
8 girls from receiving the HPV vaccine: these
the reset button on the Ministry of Education. It’s
mier to Wynne, it was in tatters. While McGuinty
all violate their Roman Catholic teachings. This
time to make positive changes in Ontario’s public
had certainly soiled the education portfolio, the
is unacceptable.
education system.
expectation was that Wynne could (and would)
New recognition of
professional undergraduate
degrees for certification
dust it off and give public education the attention
and support that it both needed and deserved.
With her former parliamentary assistant Liz Sandals as the new Education Minister, the stage
was set for a brand new focus on schools.
But it was not to be.
The most obvious example of neglect to the
education portfolio has been the lack of local deals
at some boards across the province. While in most
Districts settlements have been reached, some
school boards continue to drag their feet and have
yet to bargain local deals for teachers and support
staff. Any signs of influence by the ministry to encourage these school boards to actually negotiate
have been either absent or ineffective.
new Certification policy motion
ber, you can contact Membership Database by
came into effect on April 22, 2016,
email for assistance or by calling the Member-
which provides for recognition of
ship Database team during regular office hours at
undergraduate degrees in law,
416.751.8300 or 1.800.267.7867.
medicine and chiropractic. Mem-
bers who have an LL.B, J.D., M.D., or D.C. in
As well, the Ministry of Education’s decision to
addition to the degrees that allowed for their
limit access to Intensive Behavioural Intervention
placement in Group 3 may now be eligible for
for older children with autism demonstrated an
placement in Group 4 since the change provides
embarrassing assessment of the needs of these
for recognition of these degrees as acceptable al-
children and the demands of their parents. Simi-
ternative credentials to a post-graduate degree.
larly, the ministry’s move to shutter two Schools
Any member who feels this new policy may
for the Deaf was met with outrage and disbelief.
apply to them should submit a Request for Re-
Clearly this is a ministry that is out of touch with
evaluation—Form # 2, which is available on the
the parents of Ontario.
OSSTF/FEESO website in the Registered Users
Probably the most egregious issue that con-
section. If you have not yet registered for an ac-
tinues to dog Ontario’s Ministry of Education
count on the website, you can create an account
is its inability to ensure fairness and equity
with an email address.
for students facing discrimination. The Halton
Members of OSSTF/FEESO can access ad-
Catholic School Board recently voted to reject
ditional information on the website, including
an update to their own board’s discipline and
their personal profile in the myOSSTF section, by
anti-bullying policy that would include sexual
providing their Membership ID number, which is
orientation and gender identity. The reason it
located on your Edvantage Card.
gave was the same reason for not allowing
Update 2015–2016
• VO L. 43 NO . 8
If you do not know your Membership ID num-
Time is money!
Get the salary you deserve!
The OSSTF/FEESO Certification
Department evaluates teacher
academic/technical credentials and
issues Certification Rating Statements
for salary placement purposes.
Only it can give authoritative advice
on the certification process.
Upgrading courses for use in salary
placement must be approved by
the department.
Don’t wait! Re-evaluate!
Go to the Certification Quick Link at
New PD
writing team
Poste au
udicial Council (JC) is a body tasked
with determining if there has been
ttention all dedicated, engaging
individuals whose experience involves critical issues impacting
students who are supported by all
OSSTF/FEESO members.
a violation of the Provincial Constitution and Bylaws by a Member.
Some of the areas JC deals with,
as outlined in Bylaw 6, are: members violating sanctions/crossing picket lines dur-
Conseil judiciaire (CJ) est
un groupe chargé de déterminer si un membre a
enfreint les Statuts et les
Certains des domaines abordés par le CJ, comme décrit au Règlement 6, sont : membres en-
The Educational Services Department is re-
ing the negotiation of collective agreements;
freignant les moyens de pression/franchissant
sponsible for the development of a new PD re-
members making adverse reports to em-
les piquets de grève pendant la négociation des
source; this resource will rely upon the involve-
ployers about other members; releasing in-
conventions collectives; membres faisant des
ment of individuals who are interested in being
formation and breaking confidentiality of
rapports défavorables aux employeurs concer-
part of a dynamic team of writers/presenters.
meetings, etc.
nant d’autres membres; membres transmettant
Following AMPA 2016, OSSTF/FEESO’s com-
The Provincial Executive is seeking to fill
mitment to addressing the issues of poverty and
one (1) vacancy on the OSSTF/FEESO Ju-
classism. A new workshop will be created and
dicial Council (JC). The appointment term is
L’Exécutif provincial cherche à pourvoir un
piloted at locations across the province during
five (5) years. Members MAY be members
poste au sein du Conseil judiciaire (CJ) d’OSSTF/
of any other Provincial standing committee
FEESO. Le mandat est de cinq ans. Les mem-
or council.
bres PEUVENT siéger à un autre comité ou con-
Interested members should have involvement in school-based initiatives that have had a
positive impact to address the issues of poverty &
classism and support the well-being of students.
des renseignements et divulguant des renseignements confidentiels provenant de réunions, etc.
seil permanent provincial.
• Possessing an extensive and thorough
In order to be considered as a potential author
knowledge of the OSSTF/FEESO Con-
• Connaissance approfondie des statuts, des
for this writing team, you must be able to obtain
stitution, Bylaws, organizational struc-
règlements, de la structure organisation-
time release (paid for by OSSTF/FEESO) from
nelle et des procédures et des pratiques
liver workshops in Districts and Bargaining Units
• Previous experience in successful conflict
• Expérience antérieure en résolution de
in various parts of the province. Because of the
resolution at the workplace, Bargaining
conflit en milieu de travail, au sein d’une
training and time REQUIRED, OSSTF/FEESO
Unit, District and/or provincial level would be
unité de négociation, d’un district et (ou) au
your employer and be available to travel to de-
asks that you make a three-year commitment to
being involved to the development, piloting and
delivery of the workshop. Work on this newest
initiative will begin in the summer of 2016.
If you are interested in applying to be part of
établies d’OSSTF/FEESO
niveau provincial serait utile
• Experience in quasi-legal proceedings
• Expérience des procédures quasi judi-
would be an asset.
ciaires serait un atout
• Bilingualism in French and English would
• Bilinguisme, français et anglais, serait un atout
be an asset.
this new initiative, a detailed application with two
letters of recommendation (one must be from an
Les membres du Conseil doivent pouvoir être
OSSTF/FEESO member) must be submitted by
Judicial Council members must be able to
libérés par leur employeur. Le Conseil se réunit
June 30, 2016. Your local president will also have
receive time release from their employer. There
au moins trois fois par année, sans compter les
information about the process.
is a minimum of three (3) meetings per year for
audiences du CJ.
Applications and questions about the op-
the council not including JC hearings.
Date limite Le 30 juin 2016
portunity to author and present future workshops should be directed to Suzette Clark
Deadline: June 30, 2016
Processus de candidature
([email protected]) at the Provincial Office
(416.751.8300 or 1.800.267.7867) No late ap-
Application Process:
Les candidates et candidats intéressés doi-
plications will be accepted. All applicants will be
Interested candidates are to submit the
vent faire parvenir les documents suivants à Rob
contacted by August 15, 2016 to notify them of
following documents to Rob Dubyk, Secre-
Dubyk, liaison du Secrétariat auprès du Conseil
their status.
tariat Liaison to Judicial Council, via mail (60
judiciaire, par la poste (60 Mobile Drive, Toronto,
Mobile Drive, Toronto, ON, M4A 2P3), fax
ON, M4A 2P3), par télécopieur (416-751-7079)
(1.416.751.7079), or e-mail (rob.dubyk@osstf.
ou par courriel ([email protected]), avant 16 h
ca), by 4:00 p.m. on June 30, 2016:
le 30 juin 2016 :
• a letter of application outlining their suitability for the position; and
• Une lettre de candidature décrivant vos aptitudes et qualifications pour le poste et
• a recent curriculum vitae with the name
• Un curriculum vitae récent avec le nom et les
and contact information of two (2) OSSTF/
coordonnées de deux membres d’OSSTF/
FEESO members who may be contacted
FEESO avec qui on peut communiquer dans
as part of the selection process.
le cadre du processus de sélection.
Update 2015–2016
• VOL . 4 3 N O. 8 5
équipe de
de PP
ppel à toutes les personnes cap-
Our Union,
Our Voices
ver 140 delegates from across
the province and representing
almost all job classes attended “Our Union, Our Voices,”
OSSTF/FEESO’s New Member
Engagement Conference on April 29–30, 2016 at
the International Plaza Hotel in Toronto.
Nos voix
lus de 140 délégués, des quatre
coins de la province représentant
pratiquement toutes les classifications d’emplois, ont assisté à
la conférence d’OSSTF/FEESO sur
tivantes et dévouées qui ont de
In the first session, the President and the
l’expérience liée à des enjeux im-
Directors of the four main departments formed
portants affectant les élèves ap-
a plenary panel during which they described the
puyés par tous les membres
work and services that OSSTF/FEESO provides
Lors de la première séance, le président et
for and on behalf of members, and then they took
les directions des quatre principaux secteurs
l’engagement des nouveaux membres « Notre
syndicat, Nos voix » les 29 et 30 avril 2016 à
l’hôtel International Plaza de Toronto.
Le Secteur des services éducatifs est respon-
questions from the delegates. During the next
ont constitué une plénière durant laquelle ils
sable de l’élaboration d’une nouvelle ressource
session, the delegates worked together at their
ont décrit le travail et les services qu’OSSTF/
de PP. Celle-ci dépendra de la participation des
tables to share information about new member
FEESO fournit aux membres et au nom de
personnes qui souhaitent se joindre à une équipe
engagement in their own locals and to brainstorm
ceux-ci. Ils ont ensuite répondu aux questions
dynamique de rédacteurs/animateurs.
other ideas that they had. This information will be
des délégués. Au cours de la séance suivante,
compiled and shared with Districts and Bargain-
les délégués ont travaillé ensemble à leur table
ing Units later in the spring.
en vue de partager des renseignements sur
À la suite de la RAAP 2016, OSSTF/FEESO a
pris l’engagement d’aborder les problèmes liés à la
pauvreté et aux préjugés de classe. Un nouvel ate-
l’engagement des nouveaux membres au sein
lier sera créé et mis à l’essai dans plusieurs lieux
de leur propre section locale et d’explorer les
de la province au cours de l’année 2016-2017.
autres idées qu’ils pouvaient avoir. Ces rensei-
Les membres intéressés devront démontrer
gnements seront compilés et partagés avec les
qu’ils sont impliqués dans des initiatives à l’échelle
unités de négociation et les districts plus tard,
de l’école qui ont eu une incidence positive pour
au printemps.
traiter des enjeux liés à la pauvreté et aux préjugés
Après le souper, les délégués ont été diver-
de classe et qui favorisent le bien-être des élèves.
tis par James Harrison, un magicien de Barrie,
Pour être admissible en tant qu’auteur potentiel
connu également comme le « magicien pick-
de cette équipe de rédaction, vous devez pou-
pocket ». Entre les tours prodigieux, il a raconté
voir obtenir une libération syndicale (remboursée
Following dinner, the delegates were enter-
des anecdotes concernant sa propre expérience
par OSSTF/FEESO) de votre employeur et être
tained by Barrie magician James Harrison also
avec des travailleurs en éducation et notamment
libre de vous déplacer pour donner des ateliers
known as the “Pickpocket Magician.” In between
avec un concierge de son école élémentaire qui
dans les unités de négociation et districts à divers
mind-boggling tricks, he also shared stories
s’était rendu compte qu’il était victime d’intimi-
endroits de la province. Du fait de la formation
about his own positive encounters with educa-
dation et qui est allé au-delà de toute attente
et du temps REQUIS, OSSTF/FEESO demande
tional workers, and in particular, with a custodian
pour servir de modèle de comportement positif
que vous vous engagiez pour une période de
at his elementary school who recognized that he
et pour lui fournir un milieu sécuritaire. Il a salué
trois ans afin de vous impliquer dans la concep-
was being bullied and who went out of his way
les délégués pour leur dévouement en tant que
tion, l’expérimentation et la prestation de l’atelier.
to be a positive role model and to provide a safe
professionnels de l’éducation publique.
Le travail lié à cette nouvelle initiative débutera à
place for him. He praised the delegates for being
l’été 2016.
caring professionals in public education.
Le samedi matin, ayant choisi entre Gestion
des conflits, Cyberintimidation et Classroom
Si vous souhaitez poser votre candidature
On Saturday morning, having chosen from
Management for Occasional Teachers, les délé-
pour faire partie de cette nouvelle initiative, une
among Managing Conflict, Cyber Bullying and
gués ont vécu un atelier des Services éducatifs.
demande détaillée accompagnée de deux lettres
Classroom Management for Occasional Teach-
Lors de la dernière séance plénière, Suzette
de recommandation (l’une d’elles doit provenir
ers, delegates experienced an Educational Ser-
Clark, directrice des Services éducatifs, a évo-
d’un membre d’OSSTF/FEESO) doit être déposée
vices workshop. During the final plenary session,
qué la disponibilité d’autres ateliers de perfec-
avant le 30 juin 2016. Votre présidence locale
Suzette Clark, the Director of Educational Ser-
tionnement professionnel d’OSSTF/FEESO et
aura également des renseignements à propos
vices spoke about other OSSTF/FEESO profes-
elle a informé l’assemblée sur la manière de
du processus.
sional development workshops that are avail-
présenter sa candidature pour devenir anima-
able, and she shared information about how to
teur d’atelier.
Les candidatures et toutes questions sur cette
perspective d’être auteur et animateur de futurs
apply to become a presenter.
Dans l’ensemble, les délégués ont trouvé
ateliers devront être envoyées à Suzette Clark
All in all, the delegates found the confer-
la conférence instructive et utile. Les nouveaux
([email protected]), au Bureau provincial
ence informative and valuable. New members
membres désireux de poser leur candidature et
(416-751-8300 ou 1-800-267-7867). Aucune can-
who may wish to apply to be appointed to next
d’être nommés au sein du prochain Groupe de
didature tardive ne sera acceptée. Nous commu-
year’s New Member Engagement Advisory Work
travail sur l’engagement des nouveaux membres
niquerons avec tous les candidats et candidates
Group should let their Bargaining Unit president
devraient en aviser leur présidence d’unité de
d’ici le 15 août 2016 afin de les aviser de l’état de
know of their interest, and watch for the call
négociation et se tenir à l’affût des demandes
leur demande.
for applications.
de candidature.
Update 2015–2016
• VO L. 43 NO . 8
Executive Officer Sue Doughty-Smith and District
6A, Thunder Bay President Paul Caccamo
congratulate Alexis Okeese at the 35th Annual
Excellence in Education Student Awards Ceremony
in Thunder Bay. Alexis was the inaugural recipient in
the new category of Aboriginal Leadership
and Advocacy
Walk for Kids Help Phone 2016
OSSTF/FEESO members and staff raised thousands of dollars for Kids Help Phone on May 1.
Walks took place at several locations across the province
District 6A Lakehead Public Schools SSP Bargaining Unit 25th Anniversary
The Student Support Professionals Bargaining Unit from District 6A Thunder Bay
celebrated 25 years as members of OSSTF/FEESO in May
A solidarity rally for District 15, Trillium Lakelands teachers and occasional
teachers was held at a Board meeting in Minden on May 10. Many members
from other Districts and the Provincial Executive came out to show their support
for District 15 in its efforts to get a fair deal with its employer
The teachers and occasional teachers of District 5B, Rainy River
held a rally in Atikokan outside of a Board meeting as they work for a
local deal with their employer. They were joined by members of the
Provincial Executive, and members from other Districts, including
Districts 6A, Thunder Bay and 17, Simcoe
Update 2015–2016
• VOL . 4 3 N O. 8 7
RE: 2016 May Day Festival: Fighting for $15
conditions. They now know they have the support
We hope you enjoy these photographs, in-
and Fairness at the YYZ
of educational workers and teachers across On-
cluding one taken at a recent Fight for $15 and
tario. In addition, everywhere these luggage tags
Fairness provincial gathering. In it, participants
travel, OSSTF/FEESO will be spreading a mes-
are displaying the OSSTF/FEESO luggage tags
Dear Brother Elliott,
On behalf of the Fight for $15 and Fairness
sage of solidarity that will build the confidence of
they will be using as they head back to their com-
campaign, I would like to thank you for your con-
airport workers everywhere to resist the ongoing,
munities across Ontario to continue the Fight for
tribution to Fight for $15 and Fairness at the YYZ.
employer-driven race to the bottom.
$15 and Fairness for all workers.
As you know, Pearson International Airport is
Canada’s largest employment hub, where more
In solidarity, Pam Frache
than 40,000 employees come together to provide
Provincial Coordinator
us with safe and efficient air travel services.
Fight for $15 and Fairness,
Unfortunately, an acceleration of contract flip-
Suite 223, 720 Spadina Avenue
ping, increased reliance on unpaid volunteer la-
Toronto, ON, M5S 2T9
bour, widespread misclassification of workers as
independent contractors, and union avoidance
tactics at the YYZ have been undermining the
wages and working conditions of airport workers at Pearson International. Fortunately, union
and non-union workers at the YYZ have come
together in solidarity to demand that the Greater
Toronto Airports Authority (GTAA) implement $15
and Fairness standards as preconditions for all
YYZ contracts and GTAA licenses operating at
the airport.
That the Ontario Secondary School Teachers’ Federation made an in-kind contribution to
provide beautifully designed luggage tags for
airline passengers was a shot in the arm to airport workers as they struggle to improve working
• VO L. 43 NO . 8
Canada Post Corporation
Publication Mail Agreement No.
Update 2015–2016
JOKARI: Exciting outside racket ball game for all ages.
Fitness, participation, fun and laughter… 647.997.6057
or [email protected]. (Jokari equipment and parts
online www.jokari.ca)
LOG COTTAGE FOR SALE: Hearst, ON; 2.2 acres,
road access. Magnificent view, 3 decks, screened veranda, new dock. Updated kitchen cupboards, downstairs bedroom, plus large loft. Water, power, 15 minutes
from shopping, golf, airport, hospital. My Shangri-La
since 1940. Contact Terry West, [email protected].
MOROCCO: Imperial Cities and Sahara Desert.
1.800.867.2890. [email protected].
ANNOUNCE events, services, products and opportunities in Update classified. Your message reaches a
readership of up to 60,000. Rates: $1.25 per word, 25
words minimum, 80 words maximum per insertion. No
refunds. Contact Audrey Bourque (audrey.bourque@
osstf.ca) at Provincial Office. Telephone 416.751.8300
or 1.800.267.7867. Although advertisements are
screened as carefully as possible, acceptance of an
advertisement does not imply OSSTF/FEESO endorsement of the product or service.
Return undeliverable Canadian addresses to
1.800.867.2890. [email protected].
1.800.867.2890. [email protected].
Lima, Cuzco and Lake Titicaca. 1.800.867.2890.
Email: [email protected].
BOSHKUNG LAKE COTTAGE for rent near Minden.
Sleeps 6, large deck, spectacular view on fantastic 3
chain lake offering excellent swimming, boating & fishing. Tennis courts, golf courses, walking and biking trails
nearby. Perfect holiday if wanting to relax or be active.
$1,700. Call Susan 905.478.4577.
CLIMB KILIMANJARO: You can do it. 1.800.867.2890.
[email protected].
COUPLES ESCAPE FOR 199.00: includes overnight accommodation in a standard room, 4 course
dinner and full breakfast in the morning. Only one
hour east of Toronto in Port Hope. 1.855.383.3316.
INDIA & NEPAL: Lifetime adventure. Visit Delhi,
Taj Mahal, Buddha’s birth place and the Himalayas.
1.800.867.2890. [email protected].
OSSTF/FEESO, 60 Mobile Drive, Toronto, ON M4A 2P3
Classified ads

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