Curriculum Vitae - SKEMA Business School


Curriculum Vitae - SKEMA Business School
Strategy, Entrepreneurship & Economics
Michel Bernasconi is a permanent Distinguished Professor at SKEMA. He had various management responsibilities at
Skema, including director of the Faculty and research (2012-2015). He is currently Director of global Entrepreneurship
Initiative to develop Entrepreneurship and Innovation at Skema. He is one France’s specialists in the high-tech startup field, in which he has been working extensively in both business and engineering schools. As a researcher, he
explores entrepreneurship from different perspectives: new business creation, coaching and incubation, and the
relationship between the entrepreneur and its environment. Building on these three complementary aspects, his
research has been published in books and academic reviews in France, the UK and the USA. As a guest researcher
he spent two academic years in North America: one at San José State University, at the heart of Silicon Valley, the
other one in Montréal. He was part of various European programs on innovation and incubation and acted as an
expert for the European Union on entrepreneurship education.
He has extensive experience in teaching entrepreneurship, intrapreneurship and new business creation, in particular
in Executive Education. More specifically, he is in charge of the program « Coup de Pousse», a successful seminar
on intrapreneurship dedicated to big companies.
He is a member of Sophia Business Angels,an investor club that invests in high-tech companies.
Skills & Interests
Teaching Skills
Various skills, in particular Active learning
Research Skills
Qualitative methods
Entrepeneurship education. He was an expeert for the European Comminsion on Incubation
International Interests
United States of America
Academically Qualified
Academic Degrees
HDR University of Toulon-Var, France, 2007
Doctorat Institut d'Administration des Entreprises d'Aix en Provence, Aix en Provence, France, Doctorate in
Business Strategy, 1985
Master SKEMA Business school., DESCAF. Master Management Science,, 1975
Work Experience
Director Global Entrepreneurship Initiative, SKEMA Business School (2015 - Present), Nice, France.
Business Angel, Sophia Business Angels (2007 - Present), Nice, France.
Distinguished Professor, Director of the Faculty and Research, SKEMA Business School (2012 - 2015), Nice, France.
Director of the department Strategy and Entrepreneurship, SKEMA Business School (2010 - 2013), Nice, France.
Director of the High-tech Entrepreneurship Center, Skema Business School (1999 - 2012), Nice, France.
Director of the MSc Entrepreneurship and Innovation for a Sustainable World, SKEMA Business School (2009 2011), Sophia Antipolis, France.
Director of Skema Executive, Skema Business School (2004 - 2005), Nice, France.
Guest researcher, HEC Montréal (2002 - 2003), Montreal, Canada.
Executive director, Tornado Technologies (2002 - 2003), Montreal, Canada.
Directeur du Programme Grande Ecole, Skema Business School (1994 - 1999), Nice, France.
Visiting Scholar, San Jose State University (1992 - 1993), California, United States of America.
Head of the Management and Strategy department, Skema Business School (1990 - 1992), Nice, France.
Management and Sales Consultant, ORCHESTRO, a company dealing in software and telecommunication services
(1988 - 1991), Sophia Antipolis, France.
Assistant professor, Ecole Supérieure de Commerce de Dijon (1983 - 1985), Dijon, France.
Manager, Founder and manager of a company in books and stationary retailing (1976 - 1980), Nice, France.
Articles in Journals
Pougue, Y-A. & Bernasconi, M. (2013). Capital-investissement et financement des PME au Cameroun:
Enjeux et perspectives. La Revue des Sciences de Gestion, 259-260 (2013 1/2), 69-75.
Bernasconi, M. (2012). Mon attitude, c'est d'explorer, d'expérimenter, de me laisser guider et d'essayer
d'être original », Jean-Yves Courtois PDG d'Orolia, Propos recueillis par Michel
BERNASCONI. Entreprendre & Innover (16).
Vian, D. & Bernasconi, M. (2012). Seemage, un exemple d'utilisation de cartes cognitives. Entreprendre
& Innover, 88-100.
Bernasconi, M. & Rantanen, K. (2009). International Comparison of Entrepreneurial Sub-Cultures within
Cultures: Effect of Territory on Entrepreneurial Strategies for Fundraising. International Journal of
Bernasconi, M. (2008). La création d'entreprise technologique comme une succession de projets. Revue
Internationale de la PME.
Bernasconi, M. & Moreau, F. (2004). La temporalité et l'intégration dans les processus de développement
des jeunes entreprises technologiques à fort potentiel. Gestion 2000.
Bernasconi, M. & Moreau, F. (2003). L'évolution du projet des jeunes entreprises technologiques au cours
des premières années: une méthode d'appréciation du cheminement stratégique. Revue Internationale
de la PME.
Books, Monographs, Compilations, Manuals
Bernasconi, M., Harris, S., & Monsted, M. (2006). High-Tech Entrepreneurship, Managing innovation
variety and uncertainty Routledge, London and New York,.
Bernasconi, M., Albert, Ph., & Gaynor, L. (2004). Incubation in Evolution: Strategies and Lessons Learned
in Four Countries NBIA Publications.
Bernasconi, M., Albert, Ph., & Gaynor, L. (2003). Incubateurs et pépinières d'entreprises. Un panorama
international. L'Harmattan.
Bernasconi, M. & Monsted, M. (2000). Les start-up High Tech Dunod.
Chapters, Cases, Readings, Supplements
Bernasconi, M. (2012). La stratégie des jeunes entreprises technologiques innovantes. Gestion du
Changement Organisationnel. Dunod.
Bernasconi, M. (2010). MOBILEGOV : financer une start-up directement par la Bourse. réf. F0492. CCMP.
Bernasconi, M. (2009). Création et croissance des jeunes entreprises innovantes. Stratégies de croissance
- Fusions-acquisitions, alliances stratégiques, développement interne. Dunod.
Bernasconi, M. (2007). Les Pme technologiques. Management des PME. Pearson Education France.
Jolly, D. & Bernasconi, M. (2007). 'The Size and the Characteristics of the High-Tech Spin-Off
Phenomenon in Sophia Antipolis'. Handbook of Research on Techno- Entrepreneurship. Edward Elgar
Bernasconi, M. (2007). L'organisation en construction dans la création d'entreprises technologiques. La
gestion du changement organisationnel. O. Meier, Dunod collectoin Gestion Sup.
Bernasconi, M., Harris, S., & Mønsted, M. (2006). High-Tech Entrepreneurship: Managing innovation in a
world of variety and uncertainty. High-Tech Entrepreneurship, Managing innovation, variety and
uncertainty. Routledge.
Bernasconi, M., Dibiaggio, L., Ferrary, M., Monsted, M., & Harris, S. (2006). High-Tech clusters: network
richness in Sophia Antipolis and Silicon Valley. High-Tech Entrepreneurship, Managing innovation, variety
and uncertainty. Routledge.
Bernasconi, M. & Harris, S. (2006). 'Creation Processes as evolving projects: high tech firms as emerging
systems'. High-Tech Entrepreneurship, Managing innovation, variety and uncertainty. Routledge.
Bernasconi, M. & Moreau, F. (2005). 'From forecast to realization – A systemic approach to understanding
how young technology-based ventures evolve'. Entrepreneurship Research in Europe (pp. pp 174-192).
Edward Elgar Pub.
Bernasconi, M., Dibiaggio, L., & Ferrary, M. (2004). Silicon Valley et Sophia Antipolis : Les Enseignements
d'un Etude Comparative de Clusteurs de Hautes Technologies. Management Local et Réseaux
d'Entreprises. Economica.
Conference Presentations
Bernasconi, M. (2009). Changement climatique, raréfaction des ressources énergétiques ; des
opportunités pour innover et entreprendre dans les énergies renouvelables et l'efficacité énergétique en
Tunisie et en Méditerranée. Atelier régional organisé avec le Plan Bleu, -, Tunisia.
Bernasconi, M. (2008). Technopoles et pôles de compétitivité : l'exemple de Sophia Antipolis. VIIème
symposium MDI-Pôles de Compétitivité, -, Algeria.
Bernasconi, M. & Rantanen, K. (2008). International Comparison of Entrepreneurial Sub-Cultures within
Cultures: Effect of Territory on Entrepreneurial Strategies for Fundraising». IECER, Regensburg, Germany.
Bernasconi, M. (2006). Les Business modèles et les modes de financement dans les nouvelles activités de
l'énergie. Présentation devant des gestionnaires de fonds. Oddo securities, Paris, France.
Bernasconi, M. (2005). 'Sophia Antipolis has to reinvent its future'. Europe Asia Young leaders forum,
BMW Foundation Herbert, Nice, France.
Bernasconi, M. (2005). 'Sophia Antipolis, A cluster at the crossroad'. 2nd Entrepreneurship Development
Forum: Creating a high-tech, High Growth Economy, Dublin, Ireland.
Bernasconi, M. (2004). The creation process of a technology company as an evolving project. 34th EISB
Conference, Turku, Finland.
Jolly, D. & Bernasconi, M. (2003). 'The dimension and the characteristics of the high-tech spin-off
phenomenon in Sophia Antipolis. EFMD 33rd EISB international conference, Milano, Italy.
Bernasconi, M. (2003, September). The size and the characteristics of the high-tech spin-off phenomenon.
33rd EISB Conference, Milan, Italy.
Research Reports
2008: Bernasconi, M., Entrepreneurship in higher education, especially within non-business studies,
European Commission Enterprise and Industry directorate-General., submitted to European Commission.
2006: Bernasconi, M., Etude prospective sur les entreprises innovantes de l'énergie en Région ProvenceAlpes-Côte d'Azur., submitted to en partenariat avec l'association eden.
2006: Bernasconi, M., Perspectives pour un modèle coopératif régional. Modalités d'implication de Gaz de
France dans le développement économique local par l'innovation., submitted to Bernasconi M.
(Coordination), Etude prospective sur les entreprises innovantes de l'énergie en Régio.
2005: Bernasconi, M., Albert, Ph., Crochot, C., & Le Roux, C., Les incubateurs étudiants dans les
établissements d'enseignements supérieurs en France., submitted to Rapport d'études CERAM.
Other Research
2004: Bernasconi, M., Que se lèvent les start-up - Les Echos.
[Contributions To Practice]
Professional Service
PhD supervision (students from other institutions)
2011: University Jean Moulin, LYON III, Lyon, France (National). Naïma CHERCHEM, Contribution à la
compréhension de l'effet de la culture d'entreprise et du profil psychologique du dirigeant sur l'orientation
entrepreneuriales des PME française,
2011: Telecom ParisTech, Paris, France (National). Dominique VIAN: La perspective d'une rationnalité effectuale:
propositions pour un système d'information, support à la réflexion des entrepreneurs.
2010: University Jean Moulin, LYON III, Lyon, France (National). Marie-Josée BERNARD" L'apport du modèle de la
Résiliance dans la compréhension du déclenchement de l'acte d'entreprendre"
2009: University of Twente, Nertherland, Twente, Netherlands (International). HEUVEN J., "The role of referrals in
financing Technology-based ventures". Research director, Aard Groen.
2007: Université de St Gallen, St Gallen, Switzerland (International). WUSTENHAGEN R., « Venturing for
sustainable energy », Post Doctoral Thesis - HDR. Rôle d'assesseur
2007: University Jean Moulin, LYON III, Lyon, France (National). DEGEORGE J-M., « Le déclenchement du
processus de création ou de reprise d'entreprise : le cas des ingénieurs français ». Rôle de suffragant. Directeur de
recherche : Alain Fayolle.
2007: Université du Sud, Toulon-Var, Toulon, France (National). MASMOUDI M.R., « Etude Exploratoire des
processus et des modèles d'incubation en entrepreneuriat: cas des pépinières tunisiennes ». Rôle de suffragant.
Directeur de Thèse : Professeur R. Paturel.
2006: Helsinki University of Technology Development and Management in Industry, Helsinki, Sweden
(International). TEPPO, T. "Financing clean energy market creation. Clean energy ventures, ventures capitalists and
other investors". Doctoral dissertation
Reviewer: Reviewer for a Journal
2011: Gestion 2000 (National).
2011: Revue Internationale de la PME (International).
2011: Revue de l'entrepreneuriat (National). •
2011: Revue Française de Gestion (National).
Professional Memberships
President d'honneur of the Académie de l'Entrepreneuriat et de l'Innovation, Since 2012
Académie de l'Entrepreneuriat et de l'Innovation., since 2008
Expert for the European program "Achieve More", 2009-2010
President of the french « Académie de l'Entrepreneuriat et de l'Innovation »., 2008-2010
Member of the Expert Group, Best procedure, Entrepreneurship in higher education, especially within non-business
studies, European Commission Enterprise and Industry directorate general, 2006-2008
Member of the AIRPME, 2002 to 2010

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