

SESSION DE MAI 2014-Answers
UE25 EC1 Anglais
Durée : 1 heure 30
Document autorisé : AUCUN
Sujet de M. HOCHART
Rappel : vous ne devez jamais proposer deux réponses. Ce n'est pas au
correcteur de faire le choix pour vous.
I (20 points) :
a) Ecrivez les mots du texte ci-dessous qui les PREMIERS correspondent
aux schémas accentuels proposés. Ignorez les noms propres. N'écrivez
jamais plus d'un mot par schéma. Il n'y a pas lieu de renseigner tous les
An ad which had used the slogan "See Cyclist(1). Think Horse" created
hostile(1) reactions(3). Some called the ad "socially irresponsible and
likely(1) to encourage(4) behaviour(4) prejudicial to health and
safety(1)", and the ad must not be broadcast(1) again in its current(1)
The helmet(1) debate(2) is a weary(1) one, and as Cycling(1) Scotland
pointed(1) out in their response(2) to the complaints(2), the ad showed
people(1) both wearing(1) and not wearing(1) helmets(1), because(2)
ultimately, helmet(1) wearing(1) should be a choice. The ad wasn't(1)
aimed at cyclists(1), but at motorists(3), so the fact that people(1) took
umbrage(1) at the messages(3) it sent to cyclists(1), rather(1) than the
target(1) audience(1) is maddening(1 ou 3). The Cyclists'(1) Touring(1)
Club have long campaigned(2) against(2) helmet(1) laws for numerous(3)
reasons(1), not least because(2) of the tendency(3) to put off would be
cyclists(1), and the fact that proscribing(4) helmet(1) wearing(1)
exaggerates the risks inherent(4) in cycling(1).
Il ne faut jamais écrire plus d'un mot par case.
Mis à part "Scotland", qu'il fallait ignorer puisque c'est un nom propre, les
mots qui ne sont pas surlignés sont des monosyllabiques (une seule
syllabe prononcée).
Les mots surlignés en vert (=1 point) sont les mots du tableau.
Les mots surlignés en gris sont des mots correspondant à un schéma
accentuel , mais ne sont pas les premiers à correspondre à ce schéma
(=1/2 point, s'ils sont écrits dans la bonne case : numéro du schéma
entre parenthèses).
( . = syllabe non-accentuée ; O = syllabe accentuée)
1) O . = slogan
2) . O = again
3) O . . = socially
4) . O . = created
5) . . O =
6) O . . . = ultimately
7) . O . . = exaggerates 8) . . O . = prejudicial 9) . . . O =
10) O . . . . =
11) . O . . . =
12) . . O . . = irresponsible
13) . . . O . =
b) Ecrivez le numéro correspondant à la prononciation de la voyelle
Exemple : si SOLUTION se trouvait dans le tableau, il faudrait écrire 11 .
En effet, c'est la deuxième syllabe de "soLUtion" qui est accentuée et le
son vocalique ("voyelle") est le même que dans 11 SHOE.
Un même numéro peut être utilisé plusieurs fois.
1 SHIP [ɪ]
6 EYE [aɪ]
11 SHOE [uː]
16 BOY [ɔɪ]
2 BIRD [ɜː]
7 CAR [ɑː]
12 CUP [ʌ]
17 HEAR [ɪə]
3 SHEEP [iː]
8 DOG [ɒ]
13 CAKE [eɪ]
18 HAIR [eə]
4 HEAD [e]
9 HORSE [ɔː]
14 MOUTH [aʊ]
19 POOR [ʊə]
5 HAT [æ]
10 FOOT [ʊ]
15 NOSE [əʊ]
Il ne faut jamais écrire plus d'un numéro par case.
II ( 20 points )
a) (6 pts) Relevez, dans les phrases ci-dessous, les groupes verbaux
noyaux de proposition et ayant des structures différentes. Ne donnez
QU'UN SEUL groupe verbal par structure. Ne tenez jamais compte du
temps, ni, le cas échéant, de la négation. N'écrivez que le groupe verbal
noyau (ni sujet, ni complément(s).) Tout élément non verbal entraînera la
nullité de la réponse.
Il n'y a pas forcément lieu de renseigner toutes les cases.
India’s gay community is seeking to build political support for its rights
after the Supreme Court reinstated a 153-year-old law that bans gay sex.
Despite the huge blow to gay rights, activists say they have managed to
bring what had been considered a taboo subject into the open in a country
that remains largely conservative.
Forty-three-year-old gay rights activist Shaleen Rakesh recalls the time
when he was growing up in New Delhi. He said homosexuality was a
subject no one ever mentioned, and it was certainly not discussed.
That silence had been broken years before, when activists had begun a
legal battle to overturn a colonial era law that banned gay sex. They
succeeded in 2009.
1 = is seeking OU was growing up
2 = reinstated OU bans OU say OU
remains OU recalls OU said OU was
OU mentioned OU banned OU
4 = had been considered OU had
been broken
3 = have managed OU had begun
5 = was (not) discussed
Rappel :
la consigne vous précisait
ne donner que des éléments verbaux
ne donner qu'un seul exemple de groupe verbal par structure
ne donner que des groupes verbaux noyaux de proposition
Le non respect de ces indications entraînait la perte de points.
Il y avait cinq structures différentes. Vous deviez donc écrire cinq groupes
verbaux de structures différentes tirés du texte (voyez le tableau cidessus.
b) (6pts) Ecrivez les groupes verbaux correspondants. ( MODAL =
n'importe quel modal )
PASSE + MODAL + (BE>>Participe passé) + GIVE
=> He could/might/would/should be given
PRESENT + (HAVE>>Participe passé) + (BE>>Participe passé) + GROW
=> He has been grown
PASSE + (HAVE>>Participe passé) + (BE>>ing) + MAKE
=> He had been making
=> He can/may/must/will/shall be putting
PASSE + (BE>>ing) + (BE>>Participe passé) + SHAKE
=> He was being shaken
PASSE + (HAVE>>Participe passé) + KEEP
=> He had kept
c) (4 pts) Posez la question portant sur le/les mots entre parenthèses :
1- (Last month,) the Supreme Court reinstated the law criminalizing gay
=> When did the Supreme Court reinstate the law criminalizing gay sex?
2- The court has dashed (gay people's) hopes.
=> Whose hopes has the court dashed?
3- There has been (a huge change) in the past decade.
=> What has there been in the past decade?
4- He had attended (two) gay pride marches.
=> How many gay pride marches had he attended?
d) (4 pts) Mettez les phrases suivantes au passif :
1- They take this as a movement for civil liberties.
=> This is taken as a movement for civil liberties.
=> This is taken as a movement for civil liberties by them.
=> This is taken by them as a movement for civil liberties.
2- The people in charge have to include everybody.
=> Everybody has to be included by the people in charge.
3- The president put a lot of pressure on the executives.
=> A lot of pressure was put on the executives by the president.
=> A lot of pressure was put by the president on the executives.
4- The police told them to come.
=> They were told to come by the police.
=> They were told by the police to come.