Medieval Castle VIII - Bilingualer Unterricht in Bayern


Medieval Castle VIII - Bilingualer Unterricht in Bayern
Materialien für den bilingualen Sachfachunterricht
GESCHICHTE auf Englisch
Life in a Medieval Castle
M 5.1 Folie: The Banqueting Hall
Jgst. 7
Materialien für den bilingualen Sachfachunterricht
GESCHICHTE auf Englisch
Jgst. 7
Life in a Medieval Castle
L 5.1 The Banqueting Hall
the squire
the lord
the lady
the minstrels
the jester
the chaplain
the monks
the page
Materialien für den bilingualen Sachfachunterricht
GESCHICHTE auf Englisch
Jgst. 7
Life in a Medieval Castle
M 5.2
Life in a medieval castle
Robert de Clifford was the first………………………………………………………………………………
Kind Edward II granted him…………………………………… and the ………………………… The Lord
of the castle is a …………………………………………….. He has to ………………………………… all
the people ………………………………….. and he is also the
…………………………………………………..The peasants on his land have to do ………………………,
………………………., pay ………………………… and ………………………………………….
The Lady of the castle looks after……………………………………………………………. When she
is…………………………………., she is married……….. …………………………. choose her husband.
When you are…………………………… years old, you can be a page. You have
…………………………… ……………………….. and train hard. When you
are………………………………., you become a squire and you have
to………………………………………………………………………..………………………… Later you will
be “dubbed” = …………………………………………………………………………………….
The falconer in the castle looks after……………………………………………………………………… The
birds are used for………………………………………………..
The jester comes with …………………………………………………… and ………………….……………..
when there is a feast in the Great Hall (or banqueting hall). He travels from …………………………
The maid works …………………………………………… She is a…….
……………………………………… daughter.
The peasant works on the land of…………………………………………………… and has to
…………………………………………………………………………, which means he has to give the lord
some of products. He also has to do……………………………………………………………., e.g. helping
when there is work to do in the castle.
The master mason …………………………………………………………… He can lead a ………………
…………………………………………….with the money he earns.
Materialien für den bilingualen Sachfachunterricht
GESCHICHTE auf Englisch
Jgst. 7
Life in a Medieval Castle
L 5.2
Life in a medieval castle
Robert de Clifford was the first…Lord of Skipton…………………………………………………………
Kind Edward II granted him the title…………………………………………………………………… and
the……land……………… The Lord of the castle is a ………knight…………………….. He has to
………protect…………………… all the people …on his land………………………….. and he is also
the …judge……………………………………..The peasants on his land have to do ………boon work,
………………………., pay……taxes…………………… and feudal dues….
The Lady of the castle looks after…the household and the servants.…… She is married when she
is…12 years old. ……Her parents……………………. choose her
When you are…6 or 7………………………… years old, you can be a page. You have to serve the
lord and the lady………… and train hard. When you are………12………………………., you become
a squire and you have to…look after the knight’s equipment.…………………… Later you will be
“dubbed” = ……………become a
The falconer in the castle looks after……hawks and falcons.……………………………………………
The birds are used for………hunting.………………………………………..
The jester comes with……minstrels……………………… and ……acrobats…….. when there is a
feast in the Great Hall (or banqueting hall). He travels from castle to castle.……………………
The maid works …in the kitchen.……………………………………………………………………………
She is a…………peasant’s…………………………………………….daughter.
The peasant works on the land of………the lord……………………………… and has to……pay
feudal dues, which means he has to give the lord some of products. He also has to do boon
work,….. e.g. helping when there is work to do in the castle.
The master mason …is like an architect. He plans and constructs a castle. He can lead a
comfortable life……………… with the money he earns.
Materialien für den bilingualen Sachfachunterricht
GESCHICHTE auf Englisch
Jgst. 7
Life in a Medieval Castle
M 6.1 Arbeitsblatt: Code of Chivalry
This is what the pages and squires had to learn. A knight had to follow these rules.
The Ten Commandments of the Code of Chivalry
1. Thou shalt believe all that the Church teaches, and shalt
observe all its directions.
2. Thou shalt defend the Church.
3. Thou shalt repect all weaknesses, and shalt constitute1
thyself the defender of them.
4. Thou shalt love the country in the which thou wast born.
5. Thou shalt not recoil1 before thine enemy.
6. Thou shalt not make war against the Infidel1 without
cessation1 and without mercy.
7. Thou shalt perform scrupulously thy feudal duties, if they be
not contrary to the laws of God.
8. Thou shalt never lie, and shall remain faithful to thy
pledged1 word.
9. Thou shalt be generous, and give largess to everyone.
10.Thou shalt be everywhere and always the champion1 of the
Right and the Good against Injustice and Evil.
From Leon Gautier's "Chivalry, The Everyday Life of the Medieval Knight".
Questions on the Ten Commandments of the Code of Chivalry:
1. Try to “translate” the rules into modern English.
2. Characterize a person who was “chivalrous”.
3. Discuss if there are any rules that people should follow today, too.
Materialien für den bilingualen Sachfachunterricht
GESCHICHTE auf Englisch
Jgst. 7
Life in a Medieval Castle
L 6.1 Arbeitsblatt: Code of Chivalry
Die zehn Gebote der Ritterlichkeit
Du sollst an all das glauben, was die Kirche lehrt, und sollst alle ihre Weisungen/Regeln befolgen.
Du sollst die Kirche verteidigen.
Du sollst alle Schwächen respektieren und dich als ihr Verteidiger sehen.
Du sollst das Land lieben, in dem du geboren wurdest.
Du sollst nicht vor deinem Feind zurückweichen.
Du sollst gegen die Ungläubigen ohne Unterlass und ohne Gnade Krieg führen.
Du sollst deine Lehenspflichten genauestens erfüllen, wenn sie nicht gegen die Gesetze Gottes verstoßen.
Du sollst niemals lügen und dem von dir gegebenen Wort treu bleiben.
Du sollst großzügig sein und jedem viel geben.
10. Du sollst immer und überall der Verteidiger des Rechts und des Guten gegen das Unrecht und das Böse
Materialien für den bilingualen Sachfachunterricht
GESCHICHTE auf Englisch
Life in a Medieval Castle
M 6.2
Castle Crossword
Jgst. 7
Materialien für den bilingualen Sachfachunterricht
GESCHICHTE auf Englisch
Life in a Medieval Castle
L 6.2 Lösungsblatt
Jgst. 7
Materialien für den bilingualen Sachfachunterricht
GESCHICHTE auf Englisch
Jgst. 7
Life in a Medieval Castle
M 6.3 Folie/Arbeitsblatt
Find the castle words.
squ i r ee j sn
cha pe l heb i
t owe r ngsag
c f k n i gh t na
l an c e i ueq t
i l r heen r ue
f c e a r l t neh
f ob l sk i p t o
onp l hunc i u
r en gpagens
d r a wb r i dge
j ou s t i ngon
Materialien für den bilingualen Sachfachunterricht
GESCHICHTE auf Englisch
Life in a Medieval Castle
L 6.3 Lösung Wordsearch
Jgst. 7