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22.08.12_Publications and conference contributions_Dr
Dr. Alexandra Michel: Publications & Conference Contributions
Journal Articles (peer-reviewed)
Michel, A., Turgut, S., Hoppe, A., & Sonntag, Kh. (under review). Affective appraisal
and decision latitude as antecedents of recovery experiences among blue-collar
Nohe, C., Sonntag, Kh., & Michel, A. (under review). A Diary Study on Family-Work
Conflict and Job Performance: Psychological Detachment as Moderator and
Concentration as Mediator.
Schraub, E., Michel, A., Schanz, K., Shemla, M., & Sonntag, Kh. (cond. accepted).
The impact of leader emotion management and team conflict on team
members' proactive performance: A multilevel perspective.
Michel, A., By, R. T., & Burnes, B. (in press). The limitations of dispositional
resistance in relation to organizational change. Management Decision.
Michel, A., Noefer, K., & Sonntag, Kh. (2011). Erfassung psychischer Belastungen:
Subjektive und objektive Analysezugänge am Beispiel von Verladetätigkeiten im
Logistikbereichs eines internationalen Airports [Measurement of work strain:
Testing subjective and objective analysis strategies at an international airport’s
hub section]. Zeitschrift für Arbeitswissenschaft [Journal of Occupational
Science], 65, 245-256.
Büch, V. I. D., Michel, A., & Sonntag, Kh. (2010). Suggestion systems in
organizations: what motivates employees to submit suggestions? European
Journal of Innovation Management, 13, 507-525.
Michel, A., Stegmaier, R., & Sonntag, Kh. (2010). I scratch your back – you scratch
mine. Do procedural justice and organizational identification matter for
employees’ cooperation during change? Journal of Change Management, 10,
Michel, A., Sonntag, Kh., & Menzel, L. (2009). Instrument zur Analyse von
psychischen Belastungen am Arbeitsplatz – Beanspruchung erkennen,
Fehlbelastung vermeiden. [Analysis of stress at work – identification of
stressors, prevention of distress]. Personalführung [Personnel Leadership], 7,
Michel, A., Stegmaier, R., Meiser, D. & Sonntag, Kh. (2009). Der Elfenbeinturm öffnet
sich – Veränderungsprozesse im Hochschulbereich: Werden Commitment to
Change und Person-Organisations-Passung durch Prozessmerkmale bestimmt?
[The ivory tower is opened – change processes in higher education: Are
commitment to change and person-organization fit determined by process
variables?]. Zeitschrift für Personalpsychologie [Journal of Personnel
Psychology] 8, 8, 1-13.
22nd August 2012
Dr. Alexandra Michel: Publications & Conference Contributions
Michel, A., Stegmaier, R., Meiser, D. & Sonntag, Kh. (2009). Ausgebrannt und
unzufrieden? Wie Change-Charakteristika und veränderungsspezifische
Arbeitsplatzunsicherheit mit emotionaler Erschöpfung, Arbeitszufriedenheit und
Kündigungsabsicht zusammenhängen. [Burnt out and unsatisfied? How change
characteristics and work-context variables are related to the well-being of
academics]. Zeitschrift für Arbeits- und Organisationspsychologie [Journal of
Work and Organizational Psychology], 53, 11-21.
Gruppeninterventionsprogramms für Scheidungskinder [Evaluation of a group
intervention program for children of divorced parents]. Zeitschrift für
Gesundheitspsychologie [Journal of Health Psychology], 9, 180-185. [impact
factor: coming up 2010]
Book Chapters and Books
Michel, A. & Morales-Gonzalez, M. G. (coming 2013). Reactions to organizational
change: An integrated model of health predictors, intervening variables and
outcomes. In Oreg, S., Michel, A., & By, R. T. (Eds.), The Psychology of
Organizational Change: Viewing Change from the Recipients’ Perspective.
Cambridge University Press.
Oreg, S., Michel, A., & By, R. T. (coming 2013). The Psychology of Organizational
Change: Viewing Change from the Recipients’ Perspective. Cambridge
University Press.
Michel, A., & Noefer, K. (2011). The ivory tower opens up: Change initiatives in
higher education. In Anderson (Ed.), Organizational Development, p. 66-77.
Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage Publications.
Sonntag, Kh. & Michel, A. (2009). Organizational change and occupational health –
towards a resource-based change management. In Schlick (Ed.), Methods and
tools of industrial engineering and ergonomics for engineering design,
production and service – tradition, trends, and visions. Berlin: Springer.
Michel, A, (2008). Universitäten im Umbruch. Veränderungen so gestalten, dass
organisationspsychologischen Perspektive. [Universities facing transformational
changes: What does it take to gain employees' commitment? Empirical results
from a work and organizational psychology perspective]. Doctoral Dissertation,
University of Heidelberg. [http://www.ub.uni-heidelberg.de/archiv/8965/].
Sonntag, Kh., Stegmaier, R. & Michel, A. (2008). Change Management an
Hochschulen: Konzepte, Tools und Erfahrungen bei der Umsetzung [Change
management in higher education: implementation concepts, tools and
experiences]. In R. Fisch, A. Müller & D. Beck (Hrsg.), Veränderungen in
22nd August 2012
Dr. Alexandra Michel: Publications & Conference Contributions
Organisationen – eine interdisziplinäre Herausforderung [Change processes in
organizations – interdisciplinary challenges] (S. 415-442). Wiesbaden: VS
Michel, A., Sonntag, Kh., Stegmaier, R. & Meiser, D. (2007). Auswirkungen von
Veränderungsprozessen im Hochschulbereich auf Stresserleben und
Arbeitszufriedenheit wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter [Change processes in higher
education and their impact on stress and job satisfaction in academic staff]. In
A. Kluge & K. Schüler (Hrsg.), Qualitätssicherung und -entwicklung an
Hochschulen: Methoden und Ergebnisse [Quality management and
development in higher education: methods and results] (S. 257-267).
Lengerich: Pabst Science Publishers.
Meiser, D., Stegmaier, R., Michel, A. & Sonntag, Kh. (2007). Evaluation von
Veränderungen: Prozessmerkmale als Determinaten von commitment-to-change
und Zufriedenheit im Hochschulbereich [Evaluation of organizational changes:
process-variables as determinants of commitment-to-change and satisfaction in
higher education]. In A. Kluge & K. Schüler (Hrsg.), Qualitätssicherung und entwicklung an Hochschulen: Methoden und Ergebnisse [Quality management
and development in higher education: methods and results] (S. 245-256).
Lengerich: Pabst Science Publishers.
Michel, A., Dahmani, S. & Röhrle, B. (2002). Scheidung und Scheidungsbewältigung
bei Kindern [Divorce and coping strategies in children coping with divorce]. In
B. Röhrle (Hrsg.), Prävention und Gesundheitsförderung Bd. II [Prevention and
health promotion Volume II]. (S. 131-150). Tübingen: dgvt-Verlag.
Durchführung und Evaluation eines präventiven
Gruppeninterventionsprogramms für Trennungs- und Scheidungskinder. Effekte
auf Selbstbild und andere emotionale und kognitive Aspekte [Implementation
and evaluation of a preventive group intervention program for children of
divorced parents. Effects on self-perception and other emotional as well as
cognitive aspects]. Unpublished diploma thesis, University of Marburg.
Working Papers (Data collection completed), Book Chapters and Books
Michel, A. (in preparation). Looking on the bright side of life: Effects of coaching on
life satisfaction, positive affectivity and work engagement.
Nohe, C., Michel, A., Zhang, Z., & Sonntag. (in preparation). The “Hot” Path to
Personal Initiative at Work: A Diary Study on the Role of Challenge Emotions
and Work Engagement.
Bausch, S., Michel, A., & Sonntag, Kh. (in preperation). Differential Effects of Age
and Gender on Self-Efficacy and Training Success.
22nd August 2012
Dr. Alexandra Michel: Publications & Conference Contributions
Conference Contributions: Organized symposia
Michel, A., & Nohe, C. (accepted). Nicht alle Stressoren bei der Arbeit sind gleich –
Neue Perspektiven in der Forschung zu Arbeitsstressoren, Wohlbefinden und
Arbeitsleistung. [Not all stressors are the same – New research perspectives
work stressors, well-being and performace]. Arbeitsgruppe auf dem 48.
Kongress der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Psychologie in Bielefeld, Deutschland.
[Symposium at the 48th Congress of the German Psychological Society in
Bielefeld, Germany.]
Michel, A., & Hoppe, A. (2012). Evaluation of positive interventions at work and their
effects on employee health and well-being. Symposium at the 10th Conference
of the European Academy of Occupational Health Psychology, Zürich,
Michel, A. & Selenko, E. (2011). Wie kann Wohlbefinden gefördert werden?
Betrachtung von Prozessen und Interventionsmöglichkeiten auf Ebenen der
Person, der Führung und der Organisation. [How can well-being be promoted?
Processes and interventions at the individual, leadership and organizational
level.] Arbeitsgruppe auf der 7. Tagung der Fachgruppe Arbeits-, Organisationsund Wirtschaftspsychologie in Rostock, Deutschland. [Symposium at the 7th
German Congress of Work, Organizational and Business Psychology in Rostock,
Michel, A., & Oreg, S. (2011). The Psychology of Organizational Change: Focusing on
the Recipient’s Perspective. Discussant: Jean Bartunek. Symposium at the 2011
Academy of Management Annual Conference, San Antonio, United States.
Gonzalez-Morales, M. G., & Michel, A. (2011). Resources for healthy and engaged
employees. Discussant: Lois Tetrick. Symposium at the 2011 Academy of
Management Annual Conference, San Antonio, United States.
Michel, A., & Gonzalez-Morales, M. G. (2011). Healthy and Engaged Workers I:
Appraisal Processes. Symposium at the 15th Conference of the European
Association of Work and Organizational Psychology, Maastricht, Netherlands.
Gonzalez-Morales, M. G., & Michel, A. (2011). Healthy and Engaged Workers II:
Organizational Resources. Symposium at the 15th Conference of the European
Association of Work and Organizational Psychology, Maastricht, Netherlands.
Hoch, J., & Michel, A. (2010). Shared leadership, diversity climate, and managing
change at the workplace. Symposium at the 27th International Congress of
Applied Psychology, Melbourne, Australia.
22nd August 2012
Dr. Alexandra Michel: Publications & Conference Contributions
Conference Contributions: Talks
Michel, A., Turgut, S., & Sonntag, Kh. (accepted). Kultur gesundheitsförderlicher
Führung – ein muss für Organisationen? Moderationseffekt auf en
Zusammenhang von Threat Emotionen und Burnout. Vortrag auf dem 48.
Kongress der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Psychologie in Bielefeld, Deutschland.
[Talk at the 48th Congress of the German Psychological Society in Bielefeld,
Nohe, C., Michel, A., & Sonntag, Kh. (accepted). Der Zusammenhang zwischen
Challenge Emotionen, Engagement und Eigeninitiative bei der Arbeit: Eine
Tagebuchstudie. Vortrag auf dem 48. Kongress der Deutschen Gesellschaft für
Psychologie in Bielefeld, Deutschland. [Talk at the 48th Congress of the German
Psychological Society in Bielefeld, Germany.]
Rexroth, M., Michel, A., & Sonntag, Kh. (accepted). Wie beeinflusst eine fehlende
Trennung von Arbeit und Privatleben emotionale Erschöpfung und Work-LifeBalance von Topmanagern? Vortrag auf dem 48. Kongress der Deutschen
Gesellschaft für Psychologie in Bielefeld, Deutschland. [Talk at the 48th
Congress of the German Psychological Society in Bielefeld, Germany.]
Peters, A., Michel, A., & Sonntag, Kh. (accepted). Konflikt zwischen Privatleben und
Arbeit: ist eine Trenn ung der Lebensbereiche die Lösung? Vortrag auf dem 48.
Kongress der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Psychologie in Bielefeld, Deutschland.
[Talk at the 48th Congress of the German Psychological Society in Bielefeld,
O'Shea*, D., González-Morales, M. G., Hoppe, a., Michel, A., & Steidle, A. (2012).
Investigating the effects of daily positive psychology interventions for the
enhancement of well-being in administrative staff. Talk at the 5th International
Seminar on Positive Occupational Psychology, Dublin, Ireland. WINNER OF THE
*Note: All authors contributed equally to this paper.
Michel, A., Kunz, T., & Grassinger, U. (2012). Effects of a coaching program for high
school students’ well-being and school achievement. Talk at the 10th
Conference of the European Academy of Occupational Health Psychology,
Zürich, Switzerland.
Rexroth, M., Tremmel, S., & Michel, A. (2012). Do interventions to reduce work-lifeconflict work? An online self-coaching study Talk at the 10th Conference of the
European Academy of Occupational Health Psychology, Zürich, Switzerland.
Hoppe*, A., O’Shea, D., Gonzalez-Morales, M. G., Michel, A., Steidle, A. (2012).
Looking at the bright side of work: A day level positive psychology intervention
for administrative staff. Talk at the 10th Conference of the European Academy
*Note: All authors contributed equally to this paper.
22nd August 2012
Dr. Alexandra Michel: Publications & Conference Contributions
Nohe, C., Michel, A., Zhang, Z. (2012). Challenge Emotions, Work Engagement, and
Job Performance: A Day-Level Study. Poster at the he 27th Annual Conference
of the Society for Industrial and Organizational Psychology, San Diego, United
Rexroth, M., Michel, A., & Sonntag, Kh. (2012). Blessing or Curse? Why Role
integration is a double-edged sword. Talk at the Inaugural Work and Family
Researchers Network June 2012 Conference, New York, United States.
Turgut, S., Michel, A., & Sonntag, Kh. (2012). „Mensch, ärgere dich nicht!“ Einfluss von Konflikten auf Gesundheit und Arbeitsengagement. [“Don’t
your knickers in a twist” – The influence of conflicts on employees’ health
work engagement]. Vortrag auf dem 17. Workshop Psychologie
Arbeitssicherheit und Gesundheit, Maikammer, Deutschland. [Talk at the
Workshop on Psychology for Safety and Healh in Maikammer, Germany]
Bickerich, K. & Michel, A. (2012). Wenn´s turbulent wird - Coaching bei
Veränderungen in Organisationen. [Coping with change turbulences – Coaching
during organizational change processes]. Workshop beim 2. Internationalen
Coaching-Forschungskongress in Olten, Schweiz. [Workshop at the 2nd
International Coaching Research Congress in Olten, Switzerland.]
Turgut, S., Michel, A. & Sonntag, Kh. (2012). Mehrebenengestaltung betrieblicher
Gesundheitsförderung. [A multilevel approach to occupational health
promotion.] Frühjahrskongress 2012 der Gesellschaft für Arbeitswissenschaften,
Kassel, Deutschland. [Spring Congress 2012 of the Society of Work Sciences,
Kassel, Germany.]
Michel, A. (2011). Wie wirkt Coaching auf Wohlbefinden und Zielerreichung? [Effects
of coaching on well-being and goal attainment.] Vortrag auf der 7. Tagung der
Fachgruppe Arbeits-, Organisations- und Wirtschaftspsychologie in Rostock,
Deutschland. [Talk at the 7th German Congress of Work, Organizational and
Business Psychology in Rostock, Germany.]
Grassinger, U., Kunz, T. & Michel, A. (2011). Evaluation eines Coaching-Programms
für Schüler. [Evaluation of coaching program for high school students.] Vortrag
auf der 7. Tagung der Fachgruppe Arbeits-, Organisations- und
Wirtschaftspsychologie in Rostock, Deutschland. [Talk at the 7th German
Congress of Work, Organizational and Business Psychology in Rostock,
Hemker, N., Nohe, C., Michel, A. & Sonntag, Kh. (2011). Transformationale Führung
als Moderator des Zusammenhangs zwischen Work-Family Conflict und
Kündigungsabsicht, Arbeitszufriedenheit und affektivem Commitment.
[Transformational leadership as a moderator between work-family conflict,
turnover intentions, job satisfaction and affective commitment.] Vortrag auf der
7. Tagung der Fachgruppe Arbeits-, Organisations- und Wirtschaftspsychologie
22nd August 2012
Dr. Alexandra Michel: Publications & Conference Contributions
in Rostock, Deutschland. [Talk at the 7th German Congress of Work,
Organizational and Business Psychology in Rostock, Germany.]
Nohe, C., Michel, A. & Sonntag, Kh. (2011). Arbeitsbezogenes Engagement und
Arbeitsleistung: Eine Tagebuchstudie zur moderierenden Rolle von
Konzentration. [Work engagement and performance: A diary study about the
moderating role of concentration.] Vortrag auf der 7. Tagung der Fachgruppe
Arbeits-, Organisations- und Wirtschaftspsychologie in Rostock, Deutschland.
[Talk at the 7th German Congress of Work, Organizational and Business
Psychology in Rostock, Germany.]
Rexroth, M., Michel, A., Nohe, C., Schraub, E. & Sonntag, Kh. (2011). Der Einfluss
von Work-Family-Conflict auf Gesundheit - Können organisationale Ressourcen
negative Konsequenzen abpuffern? [Impact of work-familiy-conflict on wellbeing – Are there buffering effects og organizational resources?] Vortrag auf
Wirtschaftspsychologie in Rostock, Deutschland. [Talk at the 7th German
Congress of Work, Organizational and Business Psychology in Rostock,
Turgut, S., Michel, A. & Sonntag, Kh. (2011). Effekte antizipierten Stresserlebens und
psychischer Beanspruchung. [Effects of anticipated stress and psychological
strain.] Vortrag auf der 7. Tagung der Fachgruppe Arbeits-, Organisations- und
Wirtschaftspsychologie in Rostock, Deutschland. [Talk at the 7th German
Congress of Work, Organizational and Business Psychology in Rostock,
Michel, A., & Schildmann, T. (2011). Resource building through coaching: Effects of
coaching on life satisfaction, positive affectivity and work engagement. Talk at
the 2011 Academy of Management Annual Conference, San Antonio, United
Michel, A., & Hilse, J. (2011). Change Processes in Medical Practices: Effects on
performance and job satisfaction. Talk at the 2011 Academy of Management
Annual Conference, San Antonio, United States.
Nohe, C., Michel, A., Schraub, E., Büch, V., & Sonntag, Kh. (2011). Work-Based
Resources as Moderators of the Relationship Between Work-Family Conflict and
Exhaustion. Talk at the 2011 Academy of Management Annual Conference, San
Antonio, United States.
Michel, A., & Hilse, J. (2011). Effects of Human Resource Management in medical
practices on employees’ engagement and job satisfaction. Talk at the 15th
Conference of the European Association of Work and Organizational
Psychology, Maastricht, Netherlands.
Turgut, S., Michel, A., & Sonntag, Kh. (2011). Ending good, starting good? The
mediating role of affective appraisal on the relationship between recovery
22nd August 2012
Dr. Alexandra Michel: Publications & Conference Contributions
experiences in the evening and affective well-being in the morning. Talk at the
15th Conference of the European Association of Work and Organizational
Psychology, Maastricht, Netherlands.
Michel, A., & By, R. T. (2011). How to achieve sustainable organisational change? A
closer look at the role of dispositional resistance to change. Talk at the 15th
Conference of the European Association of Work and Organizational
Psychology, Maastricht, Netherlands.
Michel, A. (2010). Does coaching work? Effects of coaching on life satisfaction,
positive affectivity and work engagement. Talk at the 2nd EAWOP Early Career
Summer School for Advanced Work and Organizational Psychology in Valencia,
Michel, A., & Schildmann, T. (2010). Looking on the bright side of life: Effekte von
Coaching auf Zufriedenheit, Wohlbefinden und Zielerreichung. [Looking on the
bright side of life: Effects of coaching on satisfaction, wellbeing and goal
attainment.] Vortrag auf dem 47. Kongress der Deutschen Gesellschaft für
Psychologie, Bremen, Deutschland. [Talk at the 47th Congress of the German
Psychological Society in Bremen, Germany.]
Hilse, J., & Michel, A. (2010). Auswirkung von Maßnahmen des Human Resource
Arbeitszufriedenheit. Vortrag auf dem 47. [Effects of Human Resource
Management in medical practices on performance, team climate and job
satisfaction.] Kongress der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Psychologie, Bremen,
Deutschland. [Talk at the 47th Congress of the German Psychological Society in
Bremen, Germany.]
Turgut, S., Michel, A., & Sonntag, Kh. (2010). Kann Erholung den negativen Einfluss
psychischer Fehlbelastungen auf das Wohlbefinden kompensieren? [Can
recovery compensate for negative effects of psychological stress on wellbeing?]
Vortrag auf dem 47. Kongress der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Psychologie,
Bremen, Deutschland. [Talk at the 47th Congress of the German Psychological
Society in Bremen, Germany.]
Mikler, N., Bausch, S., & Michel, A. (2010). Wofür Personalarbeit? - Der Einfluss von
Personalentwicklung, Rewarding und Resourcing auf organisationales
Commitment, wahrgenommene organisationale Gerechtigkeit, Absentismus,
Turnover und Arbeitszufriedenheit. [Why HR Management? The influence of
personnel development, rewarding and resourcing on organisational
commitment, perceived organisational justice, absentism, turnover and job
satisfaction.] Vortrag auf dem 47. Kongress der Deutschen Gesellschaft für
Psychologie, Bremen, Deutschland. [Talk at the 47th Congress of the German
Psychological Society in Bremen, Germany.]
Boehm, S. A., Dwertmann, D. J. G., Kunze, F., Michel, A., & Parks, K. M. (2010).
Expanding insights on the diversity climate-performance link: The role of work
22nd August 2012
Dr. Alexandra Michel: Publications & Conference Contributions
group discrimination. Talk at the 2010 Academy of Management Annual
Michel, A., Noefer, K., Turgut, S., & Sonntag, Kh. (2010). The impact of highly
complex work and low job decision latitude on employees’ emotional and
cognitive strain and burnout at an international airport’s hub section. 27th
International Congress of Applied Psychology, Melbourne, Australia.
Turgut, S., Michel, A., Schraub, E. M., & Sonntag, Kh. (2010). The impact of work
complexity on the relationships between positive and negative affective
appraisal and recovery experiences. 27th International Congress of Applied
Psychology, Melbourne, Australia.
Michel, A., Michaelis, B., & Parks, K. (2010). What makes a team effective? The
importance of diversity climate, non-racist behaviors and team cohesion. Talk in
the symposium ‘Shared leadership, diversity climate, and managing change at
the workplace’ at the 27th International Congress of Applied Psychology,
Melbourne, Australia.
Noefer, K., Michel, A., & Sonntag, Kh. (2010). Can old dogs do new tricks? How
feedback from coworkers and organizational learning expectations influence
employees self-efficacy for development and their innovative work behaviour.
27th International Congress of Applied Psychology, Melbourne, Australia.
Michel, A., Turgut, S., & Sonntag, Kh. (2010). Does starting the day with negative
affective appraisal in the morning hinders recovery in the evening? The
moderating role of employees’ perceived job decision latitude at an
international airport’s hub section. Talk at European Academy of Occupational
Health Psychology (eaohp) in Rom, Italy.
Michel, A., Stegmaier, R., & Sonntag, Kh. (2009). Spielen Gerechtigkeit, Vertrauen in
die Führung und Commitment to Change eine Rolle, ob Studierende
Veränderungsprozesse an ihrer Uni unterstützen? [How do justice, trust in
management and commitment to change contribute to students’ support of
organizational change processes at their university?] Vortrag auf der 6. Tagung
der Fachgruppe Arbeits- und Organisationspsychologie der Deutschen
Gesellschaft für Psychologie, Wien, Österreich. [Talk at the 6th Meeting of the
“Work and Organizational Psychology” Division of the German Society of
Psychology in Vienna, Austria.]
Michel, A., Stegmaier, R., & Sonntag, Kh. (2009). The impact of information and
procedural justice on employees’ commitment to change and valuescongruence fit during organizational change in higher education. Talk at the 8th
Industrial and Organizational Psychology Conference in Sydney, Australia.
Michel, A., Stegmaier, R., & Sonntag, Kh. (2009). The mediating role of interpersonal
justice in the context of organizational change in higher education. Talk at the
22nd August 2012
Dr. Alexandra Michel: Publications & Conference Contributions
XIVth European Congress of Work and Organizational Psychology in Santiago
de Compostela, Spain.
Michel, A., Stegmaier, R., Sonntag, Kh. (2008). Change Processes in Higher
Education: Moderating Effects of Personality Variables on the Relationship
between Commitment to Change and Change Support Behaviour. Poster
presented at the XXIX International Congress of Psychology in Berlin, Germany.
Michel, A., Stegmaier, R., Sonntag, Kh. & Meiser, D. (2007). Mediating effects of
different foci of Social Identity on Job Satisfaction and Turnover Intentions
during an Organizational Change Process in Higher Education. Talk at the XIIIth
European Congress of Work and Organizational Psychology in Stockholm,
Meiser, D., Stegmaier, R., Sonntag, Kh. & Michel, A. (2007). Evaluating
Organisational Change Processes: Moderating Effects of Individual Culturerelated Values on Support of Change and Management Trust. Talk at the XIIIth
European Congress of Work and Organizational Psychology in Stockholm,
Michel, A., Stegmaier, R., Sonntag, Kh. & Meiser, D. (2006). Auswirkungen der
Arbeitszufriedenheit. [Effects of change management on stress and jobsatisfaction.] Vortrag auf dem 45. Kongress der Deutschen Gesellschaft für
Psychologie. Nürnberg, Deutschland. [Talk at the 45th Congress of the German
Psychological Society in Nürnberg, Germany.]
Meiser, D., Stegmaier, R., Sonntag, Kh. & Michel, A. (2006). Evaluation von
Veränderungen: Prozessmerkmale als Determinanten von commitment-tochange und Zufriedenheit im Hochschulbereich. [Evaluation of change
processes: Process-variables as determinants of commitment-to-change and
satisfaction in higher education.] Vortrag auf dem 45. Kongress der Deutschen
Gesellschaft für Psychologie. Nürnberg, Deutschland. [Talk at the 45th Congress
of the German Psychological Society in Nürnberg, Germany.]
Gall, S., Michel, A. & Röhrle; (2000). Evaluation eines Programmes zur Bewältigung
von Scheidungsfolgen für Kinder. [Evaluation of a program to help children
cope with divorce.] Vortrag auf dem Kongress für Klinische Psychologie und
Psychotherapie. Psychotherapeutische und psychosoziale Zukunftsentwürfe:
Bestand – Visionen – Projekte. Berlin, Deutschland. [Talk at the Congress of
Clinical Psychology and Psychotherapy. Psychotherapeutic and psychosocial
future designs: State of art, visions and projects. Berlin, Germany.]
22nd August 2012

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