Cavallo - Les Livres d`Hermes.


Cavallo - Les Livres d`Hermes.
Les Livres de Hierosme Cardanus Médecin Milannois, intitulez de la Subtilité, &
subtiles inuentions, ensemble les causes occultes, & raison d'icelles. Traduits de Latin
en François, par Richard le Blanc. Nouuellement reueuz, corrigez, & augmentez sur le
dernier exemplaire Latin de l'Auteur, & enrichy de plusieurs figures nécessaires. A
Paris, Pour Guillaume le Noir, rue sainct Iaques à la Rose blanche couronnée. 1584.
8vo. Ff. (33), 478, (2 blank). With printer's device on title and numerous woodcuts and diagrams in the text.
Brunet I, 1573 : " Cette traduction (1556, in-4) a été faite sur le texte de 1554, et elle en reproduit
les passages censurés, ce qui a été conservé dans l'édit. de Paris, Cl. Micard, 1566, in-8, et dans
celle de Paris, 1584, in-8."
Caillet 2015: " Édition estimée du meilleur ouvrage de l'auteur."
According to Ferguson (I, 142) Cardanus was not a chemist or alchemist, though he refers in this
work to chemical topics.
CARDILUCIUS (Johannes Hiskia).
Magnalia Medico-Chymica, Oder Die höchste Artzney- und Feurkünstige Geheimnisse,
Wie nemlich mit dem Circulato majori & minori oder dem Universal aceto mercuriali,
und spiritu vini tartarisato die herrlichsten Artzneyen zum langen Leben und Heilung
der unheilsamen Kranckheiten zu machen ; Zwar aus Paracelsi Handschrift schon im
vorigen Seculo ausgangen, aber so corrupt, dass es fast niemand verstehen kinnen, itzo
aber aufs neue verhochdeutschet, und von Satz zu Satz erläutert, Nebenst beygefügtem
Hauptschlüssel aller Hermetischen Schrifften, Nemlich dem unvergleichlichen Tractat
genannt: Offenstehender Eingang zu dem vormals verschlossenen Königlichen Pallast.
Dem gemeinen Nutz zum besten, und den Curiosen zu Gefallen publiciret von Johanne
Hiskia Cardilucio Com. Pal. Phil. & Med. Doct. Nürnberg, In Verlegung Wolffgang
Moritz Endters, und Johann Andreae Endters Sel. Erben. Anno 1676.
8vo. 24 leaves, 409 pp., 15 leaves, 32 pp.
Ferguson I, 143-4 (without supplement).
Sudhoff 405.
The volume contains, in addition to its Paracelsic commentaries, Philaletha's " Introitus Apertus
" in German and the supplement of 32 pages at the end, which is often missing according to
Sudhoff, and in which the author corrects errors in the Latin edition from the English edition
which he has consulted.
Heilsame Artzney Kräffte des Nürnbergischen Wild-Bades wie nemlich solche
herfliessen von einer darin enthaltenen roten Solarischen und Weissen Lunarischen
Mineral-Tinctur, und nach solcher tragenden zweyfachen signatur dienlich seyn zu
den fümemsten Gebresten des Geblüts und der weissen Leibsaftigkeit nebst dessen
rechtem gebrauch und mitlauffenden andern kräfftigen artzneyen. Nach eigenhändiger fleissiger Probirung den Bresshaftigen zu Dienst beschrieben und publicirt. Nürnberg, In Verlegung Wolfgang Moritz Endters und Johann Andreae Endters Seel.
Sôhne. 1681.
16mo. 12 leaves, 123 pp., 4 leaves.
Regarding the author, see Ferguson (I, 144). The present work, rot mentioned there, deals with
the alchemical and medical properties of the salts of a spa near Nuremberg.
Bound with : (1) FROMMSCHMIDT (I.), Simplicissimi Galgen Männlin, and : (2)
MAURER (M.C.), Tractätlein, 1665 q.v.
CARL (Johann Samuel).
Zeugnuss von Chymischer Storgerey, sonderlich in neuen Exempeln : 1. Panacea
Talci. 2. Antimonii. 3. Solari. 4. Animali. 5. Vegetabili. 6. Spiritu Mundi
& Acidis dulcificatis. Erwiesen aus Chymischen und Medicinischen Gründen und
Erfahrungen. Samt einer Nachrede von Fatis Chymicis. Franckfurt und Leipzig,
Bey Johann Christoph Göpner, Buchhändler. 1733.
8vo. Pp. (16), 170, (14).
First Edition.
Ferguson 1, 145.
CARREÑO (Don Manuel Rodriguez).
Memoria Descriptiva de la Villa de la Mala en la provincia de Granada, su satina y baño
termal ; Historia Natural y General de ella y sus Contornos ; Analisis de sus Aguas
Minerales, enfermades y epocas en que podra ser conveniente su uso. Por el Ldo. en
Medicina Don Manuel Rodriguez Carreño, director por S. M. de dichas aguas Medico
Titular de la Espresada Villa. Granada, Imprenta de los Sefiores Astudillo y Garrido,
editores. 1850.
Small 4to. Pp. 11, 143, 1 leaf.
Contains, inter alia, details of analysis of the mineral waters in question. At the end of this copy
there is an 84 pp. manuscript addition, also dealing with the mineral waters.
De Antiquis Auri, Argenti, Stanni, Aeris, Ferri Plumbique Fodinis, Blasii Caryophili
Opusculum. Viennae, Pragae et Tergesti, typis et sumtibus J. Th. Trattner. 1757.
4to. 20 -I- 152 pp. -I- errata leaf.
Part II is entitled : De Metallorum Generatione atque de Arte ea Fodiendi, Elaborandi et
Conflandi qua veteres utebantur (pp. 121-152).
The tract is largely historical, dealing with the metallurgy of the ancients.
CASATI (Paolo).
Dissertations Physicae De Igne, Auctore Paulo Casato Placentino Societatis Jesu, in
quibus non tantum plura ad ignis naturam spectantia physice explicantur, sed etiam
solida totius scientiae Physicae fundamenta traduntur. Juxta exemplar Venetianum
revisae atque curatius editae. Francofurti & Lipsia ex sumtibus Joh. Friederici Gleditsch.
4to. 4 leaves, 392 pp., 16 leaves, the last blank.
Second edition ; the first was published in Venice, 1686.
A rare work on the properties of tire and flame. Joecher (I, 1716) and Poggendorff (I, 386) appear
to be the only authorities to mention the author. He was a Jesuit of Piacenza teaching at Rome,
where at one time he was sent to instruct Queen Christina of Sweden in the Catholic faith. He
lived to the age of 90, and at the age of 88, when blind, wrote a book on optics.
CASSIUS (Andreas).
De Extremo Illo Et Perfectissimo Naturae Opificio Ac Principe Terraenorum Sidere
Auro. De admiranda ejus natura, generatione, affectionibus, effectis, atque ad operationes
artis habitudine. Cogitata Nobilioribus experimentis illustrata. Aurum & Adamas
typi aeternitatis. Hamburgi, Sumptibus Georgii Wolffi. Anno 1685.
8vo. Pp. (8), 152. Title red and black.
First Edition.
Hoefer II, 375
Ferguson I, 148.
This collection cornes from die library of the well-known French chemist Jean Hellot (16851766) who wrote many works on mining and metallurgy. Each tract bears his autograph.
Bound up with : EINFÄLTIGER Unterricht von der Luna Compacta. 1715.
[NAXAGORAS]. Particular-Zeiger. 3. Aufl. 1715, q.v.
CASTAIGNE (Gabriel de).
Les Oeuvres du R. P. Gabriel de Castaigne, tant Médicinales que Chymiques, diuisées
en quatre principaux traitez. I : Le Paradis Terrestre. II : Le grand miracle de la
nature métallique. III : L' Or Potable. IV : Le Thrésor Philosophique de la Médecine
Métallique. Seconde Edition. A quoy sont adioustez les Aphorismes Basiliens, &
la méthode particulière pour bien faire le merueilleux Onguent appellé Manus Dei . . .
A Paris, Chez Iean Dhourry, au bout du Pont-Neuf, près les Augustins, à l'Image S.
Iean. 1661. Auec Priuilège du Roy.
8vo. Pp. 19, (1), 93, (1 blank) ; (2), 78, (2 blank) ; 146, (2 blank) ; 15, (1 blank).
Ferguson I, 148 (the Young Collection only had an irnperfect copy).
Brunet I, 1620.
Caillet 2059 : " Les ouvrages de ce R. P. Cordelier sont très rares et recherchés des adeptes."
First collected edition, edited after the author's death (1630) by I. B. de la Noue. The different
tracts contained in it had already been published separately in 1611 and 1615. The second and the
third tract and the " Méthode particulière, etc." have a separate title-page dated 1660. The second
tract (Le grand miracle de nature) contains the " Oeuvre Philosophique de Iean Saunier, faite en
l'an 1432, le 7 May " edited by Castaigne.
Catalogue of Latin and Vernacular Alchemical Manuscripts . . . Brussels, 1928-1931.
See : SINGER (Mrs. D. Waley).
A Catalogue of British Scientific and Technical Books covering every branch of science
and technology carefully classified and indexed. Prepared by a committee of the
British Science Guild. British Science Guild, 6 John Street Adelphi, London, W.C.2.
8vo. Pp. 18, 376.
Catalogue of a choice selection of books from the Valuable Library of the late Mrs.
Atwood of Knayton, Thirsk, Yorks., author of " The Suggestive Inquiry into the
Hermetic Mystery," comprising Rare and Important Items of Alchemy and the Hermetic
Sciences, Ancient Religions and Mythology, The Mysteries, Gnostics, Kabalists, Mediaeval Mystics, Astrology, Mesmerism, Spiritualism, Theosophy, Works of Thos. Taylor,
Behmen, Louis Claude Saint Martin, Pordage, Jane Lead, etc., etc. A fine collection
of early books on emblems, specimens of the Aldine Elzevir Plantin and Baskerville
Presses, etc., etc. On sale by William Tait, Publisher and Bookseller, 37 Dunluse
Avenue, Belfast, Ireland. (Ca. 1908).
8vo. 56 pp. (569 items).
Catalogue of Alchemical and Early Chemical Books presented to the Chemical Society
by Sir Henry Enfield Roscoe, D.C.L., L.L.D., F.R.S. Compiled by F. W. Clifford,
Librarian. Reprinted from the Proceedings of the Chemical Society, 1906, Vol. 22.
8vo. 25 pp.
CASTELMONT (Seigneur de).
Traité des Bains de la Ville d'Aix en Provence et la manière d'en user. Par le Sr. de
Castelmont Médecin Espargérique. A Aix, Par Jean Tholosan, Imprimeur du Roi et
de la Ville et se vendent Chez la Veuve de Charles David et Joseph David,
Imprimeur du Roy, rue du Collège à l'enseigne du Roi David. 1600.
8vo. 8 leaves, 28 pp., 2 leaves (including one blank).
Bound with : LAUTHIER. Histoire des Eaux Chaudes. 1704, q.v.
A History of Medicine. Translated from the Italian and Edited by E. B. Krumbhaar.
New York, Alfred A. Knopf. 1941.
4to. Pp. 28, 1013, 40, 1 leaf. Many illustrations.
Catalogue de la Bibliothèque de feu M. Falconet . . . Paris. 1763. See under : BARROIS.
Bibliotheca Magica. Alchimie—Astrologie—Atlantide—Démonologie—DivinationEmblèmes et Symboles, etc., etc. Catalogue d'une belle collection de livres provenant
d'un amateur à Amsterdam dont la vente aura lieu à Amsterdam, le mardi 8 October,
1918 . . . sous la direction de MM. R.W.P. de Vries, experts, dans leur salle de vente.
Amsterdam. 1918.
8vo. Title + 64 pp.
The sale catalogue of the library of F. G. Waller.
Catalogus Librorum Bibliothecae Illustrissimi Viri Caroli Henrici Comitis de Hoym,
olim Regis Poloniae Augusti II. apud Regem Christianissimum Legati Extraordinarii.
Digestus & descriptus a Gabriele Martin, Bibliopola Parisiensi. Cum Indice alphabetico.
Parisiis, Apud Gabrielem & Claudium Martin, via Jacobea, ad insigne stellae. 1738.
A Catalogue of Rare Early Scientific Books from die Library of Sion College, London,
sold by order of the President and Governors . . . which will be sold by auction by
Messrs. Hodgson & Co. . . . on . . April 27th, 1939.
4to. 49 pp.
8vo. 3 leaves, 20 + 528 pp., 29 leaves index, 6 pp. supplement, 1 leaf.
The catalogue is priced throughout in contemporary manuscript.
Catalogue des Livres Rares et Singuliers, de la Bibliothèque de M. l'Abbé Sepher,
Docteur de Sorbonne, Vice-Chancellier de l'Université, et Chanoine-Chevecier de
Saint-Etienne-des-Grès. Dont la Vente se fera le Lundi 6 Mars, 1786, au plus offrant
& dernier enchérisseur dans l'une des Salles de l'Hôtel de Bullion, rue Plâtrière. A
Paris, Chez Fournier, Libraire, rue du Hurepoix, près le Pont Saint Michel. 1786.
8vo. Pp. 11, 280, 222, 14.
Des Livres Composant la Bibliothèque de feu M. J.-F. Payen, Docteur en Médecine ..
dout la Vente se fera le lundi 28 avril 1873 . . . Paris, A. Labitte. 1873.
8vo. xxxii 280 pp.
A famous library, comprising 2,301 items. It is of great interest to the historian of chemistry
and balneology, as it contains more than 700 lots (Nos. 1592-2301), of all periods, on mineral waters.
Catalogue of Printed Books and a few Manuscripts comprising Scientific Works and
Periodicals, especially Chemistry and Physics, Philosophical Transactions of the Royal
Society, Chemical Society's Publications, Annalen der Physik und Chemie, Annales de
Chimie, etc., being A Selected Portion of the Libraries formed by Sir Benjamin Collins
Brodie, 1st Bt. P.R.S. and by Sir Benjamin Collins Brodie, 2nd Bt. F.R.S., which will
be sold by auction by Messrs. Sotheby & Co. . . . on June 5th, 1939, etc.
8vo. Pp. 1 14 of this catalogue. With pricelist.
Catalogue of books selected from the General Literature Section of the Extensive and
Interesting Library of the late John Ferguson, L.L.D., Professor of Chemistry at the
University of Glasgow . . . which will be sold by auction by Messrs. Sotheby, Wilkinson & Hodge . . . on 15th November, 1920 . .
8vo. 76 pp.
Catalogue of Valuable Printed Books . . . comprising early works on Alchemy and the
Occult Sciences. The property of W. T. Scott-Elliott, Esq., and of W. R. Jaye, Esq. . . .
which will be sold by auction by Messrs. Sotheby & Co. . . .on . . .the 30th of May,
8vo With pricelist.
Catalogue of the very extensive and important Library of early Books and Manuscripts
relating to Alchemy and the Occult & Physical Sciences, the property of M. Lionel
Hauser (Ancien Membre du Conseil de Direction de la Société Théosophique de
France) . . . which will be sold by auction by Messrs. Sotheby & Co. . . . on 16th of
8vo. 68 pp. With pricelist.
A Catalogue of Drugs with an Sorts of Chemical and Galenical Medicines, to which are
added the New Names now in Use in the New London Pharmacopoeia prepared and
sold by . . . London, Printed by Shaw & Son, Silver Street, White Friars, Fleet Street.
8vo. 40 pp.
The name of the seller is left blank. This copy is interleaved throughout and has numerous
manuscript additions of other drugs, information about measures, labels of jars, etc. The prices
are marked in code, a key of which is given.
A Catalogue of Books and Manuscripts amongst which are some rare articles,
particularly a manuscript poem written in die reign of Queen Elizabeth with 120 Pen and
Ink Drawings, also a great number on astrology and witchcraft, Alchymy, etc., including
the whole of the late Dr. Sibly's Curious Occult Manuscripts for one of which he
refused 300 guineas, being part of the stock of John Denny now selling for ready
money only at no. 13 Catherine Street, Strand, London. London, Printed by E.
Thomas, Denmark Court, Strand. 1812.
8vo. Title + 120 pp.
A collection of 15 catalogues, mostly German, of chemical apparatus, illustrated and with
prices, issued between 1873 and 1884.
Twenty-two catalogues, issued by Messrs. Scheible at Stuttgart.
A Catalogue of Rare and Valuable Books relating to the Occult Sciences and Kindred
Subjects . . . offered by Bernhard Quaritch Ltd., London. 1930. Catalogue no. 439.
8vo. 108 pp.
Antiquariatskatalog no. 682 Buchhandlung Gustav Fock, Leipzig. Alte Medizin und
Naturwissenschaften. Leipzig. 1933.
8vo. 105 pp.
Reine und Angewandte Chemie. Antiquariatskatalog no. 725. Buchhandlung Gustav
Fock. Leipzig, N.D.
8vo. 241 pp.
A Special Collection of interesting books relating to Anthropology, Archeology and
Antiquities, Comparative Religion, Ancient Egypt and the Pyramids, Ethics, Philosophy
& Psychology, Folk-Lore, and Mythology, Ballads and Songs, the Occult Sciences and
Kindred Subjects. Catalogue no. 35. On sale by Marks & Co., London. N. D.
8vo. 108 pp.
Bibliotheca Magica et Pneumatica. Geheime Wissenschaften, Sciences Occultes, Occult
Sciences, Folk-Lore, Varia. " Kataloge 31-35. Jacques Rosenthal, Munich, N.D.
8vo. 48 + 680 pp., 1 leaf.
A remarkable collection of works relating to Alchemy (including Rosicruciana), Early
Chemistry and Astrology. Offered for Sale by Bernard Quaritch Ltd., London. 1928.
8vo. 48 pp.
This collection, offered as a whole for £2,000, contained many books from the libraries of Mrs.
Atwood and Thomas South.
Medicine, Magic and Natural Sciences. Catalogue no. 582. Maggs Bros., London.
4to. 236 pp. + index. Illustrated.
Manuscripts and Books on Medicine, Alchemy, Astrology and Natural Sciences arranged
in chronological order & Portraits and Autographs of eminent physicians and scientists,
etc. Catalogue no. 520. Maggs Bros. London. 1929.
4to. 618 pp., 13 leaves index. Illustrations.
A Catalogue Of The Library Of the Right Honourable The Earl of Yarmouth, Lately
Deceased. Containing A Large and Curious Collection of Books in most Languages and.
Faculties, relating to the History and Antiquities of England, and other Nations. Likewise variety of Books in Divinity, Mathematicks, Physick, Architecture, Medals, Voyages,
Travels, Parliamentary Affairs, etc. Also a great Number of scarce and curious
Books in Chymistry, Alchemy, on die Philosopher's Stone, and several curious
Manuscripts on those Subjects, wrote by the Earl. To which are added above one
Hundred Volumes of curious scarce Tracts, belonging to the Library of the late worthy
and learned Judge Price. N.B. The Books are in Excellent Condition, many of them
finely bound, and almost all, either gilt on the Back, or letter'd. Which will be sold very
cheap, the Price mark'd in each Book, on Wednesday the tenth of this Instant April,
1734. And the Sale to continue till all are sold. By Olive Payne, Bookseller at Horace's
Head, in Round Court, in the Strand . . . (1734).
8vo. Title, 50 + 16 pp.
Contains many chemical and alchemical titles and refers to some curious manuscripts by the
worthy Earl.
Alchemie I, Alchemie II. Liste 10 & 17. K. A. Ziegler, Zuerich, N.D.
8vo. 24 and 36 pp. Illustrated. 2 vols.
Alchimie, Chimie Ancienne, Métallurgie, Pharmacie. Catalogue no. , 29. Librairie
Ancienne Emile Nourry, Paris. 1927.
Small 4to. 113 pp.
Catalogue Annoté d'Ouvrages Anciens et Modernes relatifs aux Sciences Occultes, Alchimie,
Astrologie, Cartomancie, Chiromancie, Démonomanie, Grimoires, Hypnotisme, Kabbale, Magie,
etc., etc. En Vente aux prix marqués à la Librairie Dorbon-Ainé, Paris, N.D.
8vo. 132 pp.
Bibliotheca Esoterica. Catalogue annoté et illustré de 6707 ouvrages anciens et modernes qui
traitent des Sciences Occultes . . . comme aussi des Sociétés Secrètes. En Vente à la
Librairie Dorbon-Ainé. Paris, N.D.
8vo. 656 pp., 2 leaves. Illustrated.
Bibliotheca Chemico-Mathematica Catalogue of works in many Tongues on Exact and
Applied Science with a comprehensive subject-index, compiled and copiously annotated by
H. Z(eitlinger) and H. C. S(otheran).
and :
First and second supplement. London, Sotheran. 1921-1937.
8vo. Together 5 vols.
IV, Manuscrits d'Allemagne, d'Autriche, de Danemark, de Hollande et de Suisse, décrits par
le Docteur G. Goldschmidt, Bibliotheksrat à la Bibliothèque de l'Université de Münster. En
appendice 1, Die Diatribe des Th. Reinesius aus cod. Gothanus A 242 hrsg. von G. Goldschmidt.
2, Über das Verhältnis des Cod. Paris. 2327 (A) zum Cod. Marc. 299 (M). (Fortsetzung
von Catalogue II, 341-358) von O. Lagercrantz. 1932. Pp. xxvi, 446, (1, 2 bl.).
V, 1, Les Manuscrits d'Espagne, décrits par C. O. Zuretti, Professeur à l'Université de Milan.
2, Les Manuscrits d'Athènes, décrits par A. Severyns, Membre étranger de l'Ecole Française
d'Athènes. 1928. Pp. v, (1 blank), 172, (1, 1 blank, 1, 1 blank).
VI, Michel Psellus. Epître sur la Chrysopée. Opuscules et extraits sur l'alchimie, la
metéorologie et la démonologie, publiés par Joseph Bidez. En appendice : Proclus. Sur l'art
hiératique. Psellus. Choix de dissertations inédites. 1928. Pp. xiv, 246, (2 blank).
Anonymi De Arte Metallica seu de Metallorum Conversione in Aurum et
Argentum, edidit C. O. Zuretti. 1930. Pp. lx, 466. 2 plates.
VIII, Alchemistica Signa digessit et explanavit C. O. Zuretti. 1932. Pp. viii, 84, (1, 1 blank).
17 plates.
Food and Drink through the Ages. Catalogue 645. London, Maggs Bros. 1937.
4to. 191 pp. & index. Illustrated.
CATTIER (Isaac).
De la Nature des Bains de Bourbon, et des Abus qui se commettent à présent en la
boisson de ces Eaux. Avec une instruction pour s'en servir utilement. A Paris, Chez
Pierre David, sur le Perron des degrez de la saincte Chappelle, à la belle Image au Palais,
To these volumes have been added the following catalogues of Messrs. Sotheran, subsequently issued
and all dealing with the same subjects : 709, 720, 770, 772, 773, 797, 804, 811, 816, 837, 839, 843, 851,
857, 864.
Also : catalogues no. 868, 871, 872, which are catalogues on medicine. London. 1910-1943. Bound
in three volumes.
12mo. 4 leaves, 148 pp.
12mo. 56 pp. 2 leaves.
Catalogue des Manuscrits Alchimiques Grecs publié sous la direction de J. Bidez, F.
Cumont, A. Delatte, V. de Falco, J. L. Heiberg, Sir Frederic Kenyon, O. Lagercrantz, J.
Ruska et C. O. Zuretti. Bruxelles, Maurice Lamertin, Editeur, 58-60, Rue Coudenberg,
(Vol. IV and VIII : Secrétariat Administratif de l' U.A.I. Palais des Académies). 19241932.
Caillet (2094) mentions an edition of 1651. A similar volume is described in the de Guaita catalogue (No. 1233). The present work provoked a counterblast : " La Poudre de Sympathie
défendue contre les objections de Cattier, par N. Papin (Paris, 1651)." Very rare.
8vo. 8 volumes bound in 3.
Published by " Union Académique Internationale:"
Les Parisini, décrits par Henri Lebegue. En appendice Les Manuscrits des Coeranides et
Tables Générales par Marie Delcourt. 1924. Pp. viii, (2), 319, (1, 2 blank).
Les Manuscrits Italiens, décrits par C. O. Zuretti, Professeur à l'Université de Milan,
avec la collaboration de O. Lagercrantz, J. L. Heiberg, I. Hammer-Iensen, D. Bassi et Ae. Martini.
En appendice Les Manuscrits des Coeranides par C. O. Zuretti. Excerpta par J. L. Heiberg et
C. C. Zuretti. Ueber das Verhâltnis des Cod. Paris. 2327 (A) zum Cod. Marc. 299 (M) von O.
Lagercrantz. Tables par Marie Delcourt. 1927. Pp. vi, 368, (1, 3 blank).
Les Manuscrits des Iles Britanniques, décrits par Dorothea Waley Singer avec la
collaboration de Annie Anderson et William J. Anderson. En appendice Les Recettes Alchimiques du
Codex Holkhamicus, editées par Otto Lagercrantz. 1924. Pp. 6, (1, 1 blank), 81, (3).
followed by :
Discours de la Macreuse. De la Poudre de Sympathie.
CAULLERY (Maurice).
French Science and its principal Discoveries since the Seventeenth Century. (New
York ? after 1933).
8vo. 11
229 pp. Illustrated.
CAVALLO (Tiberius).
A Treatise on the Nature and Properties of Air, and other permanently elastic fluids.
To which is prefixed, an Introduction to Chymistry. By Tiberius Cavallo, F.R.S.
And Member of the R.A. at Naples. Aeris dotes nondum satis notae sunt. . . . Haller
Elem. Phisiol. tom. ii p. 155. London. Printed for the Author. 1781.
4to. Pp. xii, 835, (9). With 3 folding plates, Basire se., and folding table,

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