Vincent Mangematin Former Positions Education Research


Vincent Mangematin Former Positions Education Research
Vincent Mangematin
Associate dean for Research
Senior Professor, Management & Technology
Areas of expertise
Strategic Management, Strategic management of innovation, Technology
Office number: F512
Telephone: 04 76 70 60 58
Web page:
E-mail: [email protected]
Former Positions
- ., Ecole Normale Supérieure de Cachan, Cachan, France (1985 - 1989)
H.D.R., Université Pierre Mendes France, Grenoble, France (2000)
Doctorate, Université Paris IX, Paris, France (1993)
Teaching Certificate (Higher Ed), ENS Cachan, Paris, France (1988)
Articles in Refeered Journals
Esther Tippmann, Pamela Sharkey Scott, Vincent Mangematin, 2014. Capability Evolution and a Replication
Strategy: Stimulating Middle Management Knowledge Search Routines and Architecture Competences. Long Range
Planning, Forthcoming: online.
Tippmann, E.; Scott, P.; Mangematin, V., 2014. Subsidiary Managers’ Knowledge Search: Implications for MNC
Knowledge Flows Studies. Journal of World Business, 9: 431–44.
Mangematin, V., O’Reilly, P.; Cunningham, J., 2014. PIs as boundary spanners, science and market shapers.
Journal of Technology Transfer, 39/1: 1-11.
Browne S. ; Sharkey-Scott; P.; Mangematin V. ; Lawlor; Cuddihy, 2014. Adapting a Book to Make a Film: How
Strategy is Adapted through Professional Practices of Marketing Middle Managers. Journal of Marketing
Management , Forthcoming: .
Parmentier, G.; Mangematin, V., 2014. Orchestrating innovation with user communities in the creative industries.
Technological Forecasting and Social Change, 83: 40-53.
Conor O'Kane, James Cunningham, Vincent Mangematin, Paul O'Reilly, 2014. Underpinning Strategic Behaviours
and Posture of Principal Investigators in Transition/Uncertain Environments. Long Range Planning, forthcoming: ..
Cunningham, J.; O’Reilly, P.; O’Kane, C.; Mangematin, V, 2014. The Inhibiting Factors that Principal Investigators
Experience in Leading Publicly Funded Research Projects. Journal of Technology Transfer, 39/1: 93-111.
A. Amir-Aslani, V. Mangematin, C. Kummer, 2014. Mergers & Acquisitions in the pharmaceutical sector.
Pharmaceuticals Policy and Law, NN: NN-NN.
Vincent Mangematin, Jonathan Sapsedb, Elke Schüßlerc, 2014. Disassembly and reassembly: An introduction to
the Special Issue on digital technology and creative industries . Technological Forecasting and Social Change, 83:
Cunningham, J.; O'Kane, C.; O'Reilly, P.; Mangematin, V, 2014. Managerial challenges of publicly funded principal
investigators. International Journal of Technology Management, Forthcoming: ..
Amelie Boutinot; Vincent Mangematin, 2013. Surfing on institutions: When temporary actors in organizational fields
respond to institutional pressures. European Management Journal, 31/6: 626-641.
Tippmann, Esther;; Mangematin, Vincent; Scott Sharkey, Pamela, 2013. The Two Faces of Knowledge Search: New
Solutions and Capability Development. Organization Studies, 34/12: 1869-1901.
Baden-Fuller, C.; Mangematin, V., 2013. Business models: A challenging agenda. Strategic Organization, 11/4: 418427.
Caravan, D; Sharkey Scott, P; Mangematin, V, 2013. Aligning Strategies for Growth and Talent Management in
Creative Professional Service Firms. Journal of Business Strategy , 34: 24-32.
Battard, N.; Mangematin, V., 2013. Idiosyncratic distances: Practices around mobile technologies. Technological
Forecasting and Social Change, 80/2: 231-242 .
Sabatier, V.; Kennard, A., Mangematin, V. , 2012. When technological discontinuities and disruptive business
models challenge dominant industry logics: Insights from the drugs industry. Technological Forecasting and Social
Change, 79/5: 949–962.
Bagleiri, D; Cinici, MC; Mangematin V., 2012. Rejuvenating clusters with sleeping anchors: The case of
nanoclusters. Technovation, 32: 245-262.
Mangematin, V., Walsh, S., 2012. The future of Nanotechnologies. Technovation, editorial, 32: 157-161.
Vincent Mangematin; Khalid Errabi, 2012. The determinants of the science-based cluster growth: the case of
nanotechnologies. Environment & Planning C: Government & Policy, 30: 128-146.
Tippmann, Esther; Scott Sharkey, Pamela; Mangematin, Vincent, 2012. Problem solving in MNCs: How local and
global solutions are (and are not) created. Journal of International Business Studies, 43: 746-771.
Reilly, M., Scott, P.; Mangematin, V., 2012. Alignment or independence? Multinational subsidiaries and parent
relations. Journal of Business Strategy , 33/2: 4-11.
Mangematin, V.; K. Errabi and C. Gauthier, 2011. Large players in the nanogame: Dedicated nanotech subsidiaries
or distributed nanotech capabilities?. Journal of Technology Transfer, Vol .36/6: pp. 640-664.
Mangematin, V, Blanco S.; Genet, C.; Deschamps, B., 2011. Project Management: Learning by violating principles.
Advances in Strategic Management, 28: 187 - 212.
Dahan, A; Mangematin, V., 2010. Recherche ou temps perdu? Vers une intégration des taches administratives dans
le métier d'enseignant-chercheur. Gérer et Comprendre, 102: 14-24.
Sabatier, V.; Mangematin, V.; Rousselle, T., 2010. Orchestrating networks in the biopharmaceutical industry : small
hub firms can do it. Production Planning & Control, 21/2: .
Amir Aslani, A., Mangematin, V., 2010. The future of drug discovery and development : Shifting emphasis towards
personalized Medicine. Technological Forecasting and Social Change, 77/2: 203-217.
Sabatier, V; Mangematin, V.;Rousselle T., 2010. From Recipe to Dinner: Business Model Portfolio in the European
Biopharmaceutical Industry. Long Range Planning, : 431-447.
Parmentier, G., Mangematin, V., 2009. Innovation et création dans le jeu vidéo : comment concilier exploration et
exploitation ? . Revue Française de Gestion, 191/2: 77-90.
Mangematin, V., , 2008. Emergence des nanotechnologies, quels modèles?. Cahiers Droit, Sciences et
Technologies, 1/1: 27-45.
Durand, R., Bruyaka, O., Mangematin, V., 2008. Do Science and Money Go Together? The Case of the French
Biotech Industry . Strategic Management Journal, 29/12: 1281-1299.
Zhang, J., Ch. Baden Fuller, V. Mangematin , 2007. Technological Knowledge Base, R&D Organization Structure
and Alliance Formation: Evidence from the Biopharmaceutical Industry. Research Policy, Volume 36, Issue 4: pp.
Bozeman B, Laredo P, Mangematin V. , 2007. Understanding the emergence and deployment of . Research Policy,
Volume 36, Issue 6: pp. 807-812.
Corine Genet, Vincent Mangematin, Franck Aggeri, Caroline Lanciano-Morandat, 2007. Modèle d'activité dans
l'instrumentation en biotechnologies : construire l'offre ou répondre à la demande ?. Revue d'Economie Industrielle,
n° 120, 4ème trimestre: pp. 41-60.
Robinson DKR, Rip A, Mangematin V. , 2007. Technological agglomeration and the emergence of clusters and
networks in nanotechnology. Research Policy, Volume 36, Issue 6: pp. 871-879.
Mangematin V., Baden-Fuller C., 2007. Global Contest in the Production of Business Knowledge. Long Range
Planning, Volume 41 (1): A paraître.
Avenel E, Favier AV, Ma S, Mangematin V, , Rieu C. , 2007. Diversification and hybridization in firm knowledge
bases in nanotechnologies.. Research Policy, Volume 36, Issue 6: pp. 864-870.
Parmentier Guy, Mangematin Vincent, 2007. La double nature du jeu vidéo. Expansion Management Review (L'),
N° 126: pp. 18-25.
Sabatier M., Carrère M., Mangematin V. , 2006. Profiles of academic activities and careers: Does gender matter? An
analysis based on French life scientist CVs. The Journal of Technology Transfer, 31/3: 311-324.
Autant-Bernard C., Massard N., Mangematin V.,, 2006. Creation of high tech SMEs: The influence of local
environment. Small Business Economics, 26/02: 173-187.
Peerbaye A., Mangematin V.,, 2005. Sharing research facilities: Towards a New Mode of Technology Transfer.
Innovation Management, Policy and Practice, 7(1): 23-38.
Mangematin V., Peerbaye A.,, 2005. Les grands équipements en sciences de la vie : Quelle politique publique? .
Revue Française d’Administration Publique, 112: 705-718.
Bozeman, B.; Mangematin, V. , 2004. Editor’s Introduction: Scientific and Technical Human Capital”. Research
Policy, 33/4: 565-568.
Mangematin, V., 2004. From sectoral to horizontal public policies to support biotechnology: Evolution in Europe
(1994-2001). Science and Public Policy, 31/5: 396-407.
Dany, F. & Mangematin, V. , 2004. Beyond the Dualism Between Lifelong Employment and Job Insecurity : Some
New Carrer Promises for Young Scientists. Higher Education Policy, 17/2: 201-219.
Catherine D, Corolleur F, Carrere M, Mangematin V, 2004. “Turning scientific and technological human capital into
Economic Capital: The Experience of Biotech Start-Ups in France“. Research Policy, 33/4: 631-642.
Mangematin.V-Simon.V-Templé.P, 1991. Investissements immatériels. Paris: CFDT Editions.
Book Editor
Mangematin, V. & Thuderoz, C., 2003. Des mondes de confiance. Paris. CNRS.
Chapters in Books
Sabatier V., Rousselle T., Mangematin V, 2011. Start-up mid and long term strategic management using a business
model portfolio, in Rethinking Business Models for Innovation, edited by ., 103-119. .: Valérie Chanal.
Blanco S., Mangematin V., Fujimoto Y., 2010. Entre devise olympique et marketing de l'innovation, in Créativité et
Innovation dans les loisirs sportifs de nature, edited by J. Corneloup et P. Mao, 251. Mercues: Editions du Fournel.
Genet Corine; Mangematin Vincent; Sabatier Valerie, 2009. Reconfigurer la chaine de valeur et construire un
portefeuille de business models, in Management de l'innovation, edited by LeLoarne, Séverine; Blanco, Sylvie, 207224. PARIS: Pearson.
Mangematin, V., 2009. La confiance, in Les concepts en sciences infirmières, edited by Monique Formarier et
Ljiljana Jovic, 115-118. Lyon: ARSI: Editions Mallet Conseil.
Philippe Larédo, Carole Rieu, Lionel Villard, A. Delemarle, B. Kahane, C. Genet et Vincent Mangematin, 2009.
Emergence des nanotechnologies : Vers un nouveau « modèle industriel » ? , in L'internationalisation des systèmes
de recherche en action. Les cas français et Suisse, edited by Ph. Laredo, J.-Ph. Leresche et K. Weber, . Geneve:
Presses polytechniques et universitaires romanes.
Sabatier.V-Mangematin.V, 2008. Les nanotechnologies dans la santé à l'horizon 2025, in Prospective santé, edited
by , . Paris: CNRS Edition.
Senker.J-Mangematin.V, 2006. Biotech Innovation in Europe's Food and Drink Processing Industry : Promise,
barriers and Explotation, in Handbook of innovation in the food drink industry, edited by , . Londres: Haworth Press
Mangematin.V, 2003. PME de biotechnologie : Plusieurs Business models en concurrence, in Encyclopédie de
l'innovation, edited by , . Paris: P.Mustar-H.Penan.
Mangematin.V, 2003. Les docteurs, producteurs et diffuseurs de connaissance, in Encyclopédie de l'innovation,
edited by , . Paris: P.Mustar-H.Penan.
Nesta.L-Mangematin.V, 2003. Industry Life Cycle, Knoledge Generation and technological Networks, in Alliances,
Network, and Partnerships in the innovation Process, edited by , . Boston: F.Gault-J .de La Mothe Editions.
Autant-Bernard.C-mangematin.V-Massard.N, 2003. Creation and growth of high-tech SMES, in The Economic
Dynamics of ModernBiotecnologies : Europe in Global Trends, edited by , . Cambeley: Edward Elgar.
Mangematin. V, 2003. Cléopâtre et son goûteur, in Des mondes de confiance, edited by , . paris: Edition du CNRS.
Corolleur.F-mangematin.V-Torre.A, 2002. French Biotech Start Ups and Biotech clusters in France : The Importance
of Geographic Proximity, in Biotechnology in Comparative Perspective-Growth and Regional concentration, edited
by , . Londres: G.Fuchs-B.Luib Editions.
Mangematin.V-Mandran.N, 2001. Do non-R&D intensive industries benefit of spillovers from public research The
case of Agro-food industry, in Innovation and Firm performance. Economic Explorations of Survey Data, edited by , .
Londres et Basingstoke: A. Kleinknecht-P. Monhen.
Mangematin.V, 2000. Competing Business models in french Biotech Industry, in The Economic and Social
Dynamics of biotechnology, edited by , . Boston: J; De La Motte-J. Niosi.
Gollac.M-Mangematin.V, 1999. A quoi sert donc l'informatique ? Revue d'étude de cas., in Innovations et
performances : Approches interdisciplinaires, edited by , 77-130. Paris: Editions de l'EHESS.
Geenan.N-mangematin.V, 1999. I,nformatisation et performances : contradictions et analogies à l'ombre de
l'organisation, in Innovation et performances : Approches interdisciplinaires, edited by , 43-76. paris: Editions de
Mangematin.V, 1998. La confiance : un mode de coordination dont l'utilisation dépend de ses conditions de
production, in Confiance et entreprise, edited by , . Paris: Gaetan Morin.
Joly.P.B-Mangematin.V, 1998. How long is co-operation in genomics sustainable ?, in Social Management of
Genetic Engineering, edited by , . Londres: Editions Ashagte .
mangematin.V, 1997. The Simultaneous Shaping of Organization and technology Within Cooperative Agreements,
in Networks and Technology Collaboration, edited by , . Londres: Edward Elgar.
Mangematin.V, 1992. Diffusion et appropriation de la technologie : stratégies de normalisation, in Annales du
management, edited by , . Paris: Economica.
Mangematin.V, 1992. Management of the beginning of the Process Competition, in Management of Technology :
The Key to Global Competitiveness, edited by Khalil.T-Bayraktar.B, . Miami: Industrial Engineering and
Management Press.
Papers in Refereed Conference Proceedings
S. Le Loarne, M. Belkhouja, V. Mangematin, 2014. Born to growth? The nature of imprinting effects on new venture
growth, Egos Conference, Egos, Rotterdam, Netherlands
Genet C. ; Mangematin V. , 2014. Post Spin-off Research Team StrategyTo what extend academic spin-offs impact
parent research organizations?, Triple Helix, Grenoble Ecole de Management , spin-off ; public research lab, France
Browne, S. Sharkey-Scott, P. Mangematin, V. and Lawlor, K. , 2013. Marketing from the micro to the macro:how
micro interactions in marketing initiative implementation lead to changes in macro-level, Academy of Marketing
conference - awarded Best in Track,’ and Best Overall Paper, University of South Wales, Cardiff, United Kingdom
Marty Reilly; Pamela Sharkey Scott; Vincent Mangematin, 2013. Navigating in the Modern MNC: Identifying the
Emergence of a Pilot Subsidiary Role, Academy of Management Conference, AOM, Orlando, United States of
Peiran Su; Peter McNamara; Vincent Mangematin; , 2013. Failure experience in new product development and firm
performance, Academy of Management Conference, AOM, Orlando, United States of America
Reilly, M., Scott, P and Mangematin, V, 2013. Navigating in the modern MNC: The emergence of a Pilot subsidiary
role. , Academy of Management Conference, AoM, Miami, United States of America
Guillotin, B, Louvel S., Mangematin, V. , 2013. Fostering international exchanges: globalization or
internationalization of business schools?, 29th EGOS Colloquium, EGOS 2013, Montreal, Canada
Battard, N., Donnelly, P. and Mangematin, V, 2013. Understanding the emergence of new institutional logics: A
boundary story, 29th EGOS Colloquium, EGOS 2013, Montreal, Canada
Rose Janna , Jiang Yi , Mangematin Vincent, 2013. Enabling Technology by Enabling Ideas, EGOS Early Careers
Workshop, EGOS, Montreal, Canada
Belkhouja, M., Baden Fuller, Ch., Mangematin, V, 2013. Academic visibility: Prominence, perceived quality or
collaboration, EURAM 2013, EURAM 2013, Istambul, Turkey
Walsh, S. J., Mangematin, V., Yan, J, 2013. Paper Bastions: Architecting Academic Citadels from 1992 to 2011,
EURAM 2013, Galatasaray University, Istanbul, Turkey
M. Reilly, P. Sharkey Scott, V. Mangematin, 2013. Navigating in the modern MNC: The Emergence of a Pilot
Subsidiary Role, Strategic Management Society Conference, University of Glasgow, Glasgow, United Kingdom
Browne, S. Sharkey-Scott, P. and Mangematin, V. , 2013. Unpacking the messiness in strategy making:linking
micro-level activities of strategic initiative implementation to adaptations in organizational strategic direction. ,
Strategic Management Society special conference, University of Glasgow, Glagow, United Kingdom
Reilly M., Scott, P. and Mangematin, V, 2012. Navigating in the Modern MNC: the emergence of a Pilot Subsidiary
Role, SMS Conference, SMS, Prague, Czech Republic
Walsh, Stephen. J., Mangematin, V. and Yan, J, 2012. The Elite Element: How Status and Reputation Impact
Universities in Research in Management, 28th EGOS Colloquium, EGOS 2012, Helsinki, Finland
Browne, S., Sharkey-Scott, P. and Mangematin, V. , 2012. Implementation Challenges: Triggers for Interactions in
Marketing Strategy Making. , EGOS, Hanken School of Economics, Helsinki, Finland
Jiang, Y., Rose, J. & Mangematin, V., 2012. Expanding Borders in the Health Industry: Well- being as a Mechanism
for Innovation and Entry, The Research and Development Management Conference, -, Grenoble, France
Browne, S., Sharkey-Scott, P., Mangematin, V. , 2012. How do organizations engage In marketing strategy making:
A problemistic search perspective, British Academy of Management (BAM) conference, Cardiff Univ, Cardiff, United
Reilly M., Scott, P. and Mangematin, V. , 2011. Subsidiary Ambidexterity: A new lens through which subsidiary
bargaining power can be examined?, AIB (UKI) Conference, University of Edinburgh, Edinburg, United Kingdom
Brau-Mouret, A.; Mangematin, V., , 2011. Shaping emerging technological fields and markets: the central role of
Principal investigators, , Commercialization of Micro-Nano Systems Conference (COMS 2011), COMS, Greensboro,
United States of America
Walsh, Stephen J.; Sabatier, Valérie ; Mangematin, Vincent, 2011. The Rise and Fall of the Dominant Logic: The
Role of Corporate Entrepreneurship in Disrupting the Dynamic Equilibrium of the Drug Industry, Commercialization
of Micro-Nano Systems Conference (COMS 2011), COMS, Greensboro, United States of America
Casati, A., Kidwell, D., Sabatier, V., Walsh, S.J., Mangematin, V., 2011. A 4Ps Convergence: From Medical Triage
to Holistic Healthcare, COMS 2011, COMS, Greensboro, United States of America
Boutinot Amelie, Joly Iragael, Mangematin Vincent, 2011. Conflicting Reputations for Celebrity: When Peers, Clients
and society do not agree, Academy of Management Conference, Academy of Management Conferen, Austin, United
States of America
Parmentier, G. Mangematin, V., , 2011. Community as a locus of innovation: innovate with the users in the cultural
industries, 27th EGOS Colloquium, EGOS, Goteborg, Sweden
Boutinot A., Mangematin V., Joly I., 2011. Non-Specific Determinants for Specific Reputations, EGOS, Grenoble
Ecole de Management, Goteborg, Sweden
Walsh, S.; Yie, J.; Mangematin, V., 2011. Within the Realm of Academic Royalty: Does the Emperor Need New
Clothes?, 27th EGOS Colloquium, EGOS, Goteborg, Sweden
Mangematin, V., Walsh, S.J., Yan, J., Baden-Fuller, C., 2011. The Academic Cartel: The Evolution of Research in
Management from 1992-2011, EGOS 2011, EGOS, Gothenburg, Sweden
Boutinot A., Mangematin V., Joly I., 2011. Non-Specific Determinants for Specific Reputations, AIMAC, Grenoble
Ecole de Management, Anvers, Belgium
Walsh, S., Sabatier, Mangematin, V., , 2011. Corporate entrepreneurship, disrupting the dominant logic of an
industry and of the company, entrance in a new market, R&D Management workshop, Grenoble Ecole de
Management, Grenoble, France
Mangematin V., Russo, D., 2010. Outperforming clusters for outperforming firms? Interorganizational Power in a
Nanotechnology Cluster Revisited, Strategic Management Society, Roma, Rome, Italy
Tippmann, E.; Sharkey-Scott, P.; Mangematin, V, 2010. Learning in MNCs: How subsidiary middle managers do
(not) create global solutions, Strategic Management Society, SMS, Rome, Italy
Yan, J.; Dhanaraj, C.; Mangematin, V., 2010. Disciplinary Focus and Inter-disciplinary Connections: An Architecture
of Business Scholarship , Academy of Management Conference, AoM, Montreal, Canada
Lounsbury, M., Mangematin, V., 2010. Trajectories of Technology Emergence: From Convergent Technologies to
Distributed Legitimacy, Academy of Management Conference, AoM, Montreal, Canada
Tippmann, E.; Sharkey-Scott, P.; Mangematin, V., 2010. Middle Managers’ Searching for Knowledge: the
Repository-Interpersonal Dilemma, Academy of Management Conference, AoM, Montreal, Canada
Mangematin, V., Russo, Damiano, 2010. David Don’t Slay Goliath: Interorganizational Power in Nanotechnology
Revisited, Academy of Management Conference, AoM, Montreal, Canada
Boutinot A., Mangematin V., Joly I., 2010. Reputation-Building in the French Architecture Field, Academy of
Management, Academy of Management, Montréal, Canada
Boutinot Amélie, Iragael Joly; Mangematin, V.,, 2010. Interdependence of audiences for reputation building: When
peers, clients and society matter , EGOS Colloquium, Egos, Lisbon, Portugal
Tippmann, E.; Sharkey-Scott, P.; Mangematin, V., 2010. Learning in distributed organizations: How subsidiary
middle managers do (not) think and act globally, EGOS Colloquium, Egos, Lisbon, Portugal
Boutinot, A.; Mangematin, V, 2009. Surfing on Institutions by Temporary Peripheral Organizations, Academy of
Management Conference, Academy of Management, Chicago, United States of America
TECHNOLOGIES, Academy of Management Conference, Academy of Management, chicago, United States of
Tippmann, E.; Sharkey-Scott, P.; Mangematin, V., 2009. Don’t maintain knowledge repositories - encourage
knowledge search of individuals, EGOS, EGOS, Barcelone, Spain
Mangematin, V, Blanco S.; Deschamp, B.; Genet, C.; Kahane, B., 2009. PROJECT MANAGEMENT: LEARNING BY
BREAKING THE RULES, IAMOT, Orlando, Orlando, United States of America
Univ Orlando, orlando, United States of America
Sabatier, V., Rousselle, T., Mangematin, V., 2008. Business model portfolio: combine value creation and value
appropriation in the European biotech industry, Workshop Cass Business School, Cass Business School, London,
United Kingdom
Mangematin, V. , 2008. Art et Société, conférence invitée, Association des Amis de l’art, Ass Promotion Art, lyon,
Blanco S., Lekse, W, Mangematin, V., , 2008. Nanotechnologies Height costly beliefs, , Conférence Discontinuous
Innovation Lab, Grenoble, Oct 2008, 2nd. , Grenoble Ecole Management, grenoble, France
Boutinot. A- Le Loarne.S- Mangematin. V, 2008. Institutions under the microcope : Micro-transformations of
architecture contest, EGOS, Amsterdam, 9-12th July, EGOS, Amsterdam, Netherlands
Battard. N- Haggège. M- Mangematin. V, 2008. Idiosyncratic distances : Practices around mobile technologies,
EGOS, Amsterdam, 9-12th July, EGOS, Amsterdam, Netherlands
Mangematin, V., 2008. Dispositifs d’apprentissage de la confiance: la mise à l'épreuve. L’exemple de l’architecture.,
Conférence invitée, Colloque confiance et langage, colloque franco-québécois, niv Paris 13, Paris, France
Dahan, A., Mangematin, V., , 2007. Institutional change and professional practices: The case of french doctoral
education,, AOM, Philadelphia, 6-8 August., AOM, Philadelphia, United States of America
Boutinot. A- Le Loarne.S- Mangematin. V, 2007. When institutions design clients artists interactions : The case of
architecture, EGOS, Sub-theme 25 : Dancing with users : how to organise innovation with consumers and users,
Vienne, 4-8th July 2007, EGOS, Vienne, Austria
Boutinot. A- Le Loarne.S- Mangematin. V, 2007. Ho w clients participate to the creation process by playing with
institutions : The case of architecture, EGOS, Sub-theme 24 : Journeys of creative entrepreneurs : Interaction
among individuals, organizations and institutions in creatives industries, Vienne, 4-8th July 2007, EGOS, Vienne,
Parmentier, G., Mangematin, V., 2007. Innover et exploiter pour réussir : comment devenir ambidextre, AIMS,
Montréal, Juin 2007, AIMS, Montréal, Canada
Aggeri, F., Genet, C., Mangematin, V., 2007. Modèle d’activité dans l’instrumentation en biotechnologies :
Construire l’offre ou répondre à la demande ?, AIMS, Montréal, Juin 2007. , AIMS, Montréal, Canada
Boutinot, A., LeLoarne, S., Mangematin, V.,, 2007. Créativité et stratégies d’acteurs dans la création architecturale :
Le nouveau siège mondial de Rossignol, AIMS, Montréal, Juin 2007., AIMS, Montréal, Canada
Zhang, J., Baden-Fuller, C., Mangematin, V., nesta, L.,, 2006. Technological knowledge base, R&D Organisation
structure and alliance formation, , Academy of Management: Atlanta, GO, (USA), August, 11-13th., AOM, Atlanta,
United States of America
Durand, R.; Mangematin, V., Bruyaka, O., , 2006. Research and Profits in the French Biotech industry,, Academy of
Management: Atlanta, GO, (USA), August, 11-13th., AOM, Atlanta, United States of America
Parmentier, G., Mangematin, V.,, 2006. Organizing to industrialise creativity in the game industry,, EGOS, Bergen
(NO), 5-8th July., EGOS, Bergen , Norway
Mangematin, V., Rip, A., Delemarle A., Robinson, D.K.R., , 2006. The Role of Regional Institutional Entrepreneurs
During the Emergence of Clusters in Nanotechnologies, EGOS, Bergen, 5-8th, July, EGOS, Bergen, Norway
Durand. R- Mangematin. V, 2005. Essay : Tales and stories about the biotech industry evolution ?, Workshop on
Scientific and Managerial Knowledge II, Londres, 6-7th December 2005, Cass Business School, Londres, United
Durand. R- Bruyaka.O- mangematin.V, 2005. Do science and money go together : The case of french biotech
industry, Strategic Management Society,Orlando, 23-26th october 2005, Strategic Management Society, Orlando,
United States of America
Sabatier. M- Carrère. M- Mangematin. V, 2005. Profiles of academic activities and careers : Does gender matter,
Academy of Management annual Conférence, Honolulu, 5-10th august 2005 , Academy of Management Honolulu,
Honolulu (Hawai), United States of America
Nesta. L- Mangematin. V, 2005. The dynamics of Innovation Alliances, Academy of Management annual
Conférence, Honolulu (Hawai), 5-10th august 2005, Academy of Management Honolulu, Honolulu, United States of
Durand. R- Mangematin. V, 2005. Biotech start-ups : Producing science or/and generating cash, EGOS 21th
Colloquium, Berlin, 30th June-2th July 2005, EGOS, Berlin, Germany
Kahane. B- Mangematin. V, 2005. Making emergent technologies pay : What can we learn from previous high tech
waves ?, 5th Triple Helix Conference, Turin, 18-21th may 2005, Triple Helix, Turin, Italy
Nesta. L- Mangematin. V, 2004. The dynamics of Innovation networks, Academy of Management annual meeting,
New Orleans, 6-11th august 2004, Academy of Management, New Orleans, United States of America
Nesta. L- Mangematin. V, 2004. The dynamics of Innovation networks, Academy of Management annual meeting,
New Orleans, 6-11th august 2004, Academy of Mangement, New Orleans, United States of America
Autant-Bernard. C- Massard. N- Mangematin. V, 2004. Creation of high tech SMES : The influence of local
environment, EGOS 20th colloquium, Ljubjana (Slovenia), 1-3th July 2004, EGOS, Ljubjana, Slovenia
Mangematin. V, 2004. L'influence internationale de la recherche ne gestion produite en France : Une analyse à
partir des publications dans les revues du SSCI, 13ème Conférence de l'Association Internationale de Management
Stratégique, Le Havre, 2-4 juin 2004, AIMS, Le Havre, France
Peerbaye. A- mangematin. V, 2003. Genomic platforms between acacdemic research and private facilities : from
institutional pottering about to institutional innovation, EGOG 19th Conférence, Cpenhague, 1-6th July 2003, EGOS,
Copenhague, Denmark
Catherine. D- Corolleur. F- Mangematin. V, 2003. Gouvernance par le réseau dans les PME high tech : un enjeu
stratégique, 12ème conférence de l'Association Internationale de Management stratégique, Tunis, 3-6 juin 2003,
AIMS, Tunis, Tunisia
Catherine. D-Corolleur. F- mangematin. V, 2003. Transferring by founding : The case of Biotech start-ups in France
, Academy of management annual meeting, Seattle, 1-6th august 2003, AOM, Seattle, United States of America
Autant-Bernard. C- Massard. N- Mangematin. V, 2002. Creation and growth of high-tech SMEs : The role of local
environment, Workshop Clusters in high-technology, Montreal, Novembre 2002, CIRST-UQAM, Montreal, Canada
Robin. S- mangematin. V, 2002. The double face of PhD students : The example of life sciences in France, EGOS :
Training and career, Enschede (NL), 21-22th October 2002, EGOS, Enschede, Netherlands
Autant-Bernard. C- Mangematin. V- Massard. N- Nesta. L, 2002. Biotech maturing sector, specialization of regions
and development of biotech SMEs, Workshop The economics and Business of Bio-Sciences & Bio-tehcnologies :
What can be learnt from the nordic countries and the UK ?, Gothenburg, 25-27th September 2002, UQAM,
Gothenburg, Sweden
Mangematin.V- Nesta. L, 2002. Industry life cycle, network structure and knowledge generation, Annual meeting of
Academy of Management, Denver, 10-14th August 2002, Academy of Management, Denver, United States of
Mangematin. V- Nesta. L, 2002. From networks of research to inhouse Innovation in Biotechnology, R&D
management, Leuven, 8-9th July 2002, ., Leuven, Belgium
Nesta. L- Mangematin. V, 2002. Industry life cycle, knowledge generation and technological networks, EGOS
International research workshop on 'alliances, network and partnerships in the innovation process, Ottawa, 12-15
mai 2002, EGOS, Ottawa, Canada
Catherine.D- Corolleur. F- Mangematin. V, 2001. SMEs Governance through networks : The case of Biotech SMEs
in France, EGOS, Lyon, 6-8th July 2001, EGOS, Lyon, France
Dany.F- Mangematin. V, 2001. Beyong the dualism between lifelong employment and job insecurity : some new
career promises for young scientists, RVM Workshop, Atlanta, 30-31th March 2001, RVM, Atlanta, United States of
Lemarie. S- Mangematin. V et al... , 2000. Development of Biotechnology SMEs in france : Analysis based on
business model, International conference of European Network on Industrial Policy, Tilburg (NL), 7-9th December
2000, EUNIP, Tilburg, Netherlands
Catherine. D- Corolleur. F- Mangematin. V, 2000. SMEs governance through networks : The case of biotech SMEs
in France, RENT IV, Prague, 23-24th November 2000, RENT, Prague, Czech Republic
Mangematin. V- Mandran. N, 2000. Innovation, croissance des entreprisese et présence de la R&D publique :
l'exemple des IAA, Symposium : Recherches pour et sur le développemnt local, Montpellier, Novembre-Décembre
2000 , INRA-DADP, Montpellier, France
Mangematin. V et al..., 2000. Le rôle local des écoles d'agronomie et d'agriculture dans l'innovation réalisée par les
PME du secteur des IAA, Symposium : Recherche pour et sur le développement régional, Montpellier, NovembreDécembre 2000, INRA- DADP , Montpellier, France
Mangematin. V- Robin. S, 2000. Recherche en sciences de la vie : quel avenir pour des laboratoires sans docteurs,
Journées Régionales de la recherche de Rhône-Alpes, Lyon, 14 septembre, Conseil régional, Lyon, France
Dany. F- Mangematin. V, 2000. Job mobility and incentives of highly qualified workers: Paradoxes of human
resources Management in knowledge intensive organisations, EGOS annual conférence, EGOS, Helsinki, Finland
Mangematin. V, 2000. What business model for biotech SMEs, Conférence invitée, Statcan, Ottawa, Canada
Lemarié. S- Mangematin. V- Torre. A, 2000. Are creation and development of french biotech Start-Ups
geographically localized , Workshop : Comparing the development of Biotechnology clusters, Germany, 28th
January 2000, ., ., Germany
Edel. V- Mangematin. V, 1999. Les deux visages des docteurs, Journées d'étude scientifiques pluridisciplinaires sur
les cadres, Aix-en-Provence, 9-10 décembre 1999, CNRS Marseille, Aix-en-Provence, France
Lemarié. S- Looze. M.A- Mangematin. V, 1999. Dynamics of innovation and strategies of development of SMEs in
biotechnology : The role of size, technology and market, Journée d'économie appliquée, Nice, 20-21 mai 1999,
AFSE, Nice, France
Robin. S- Mangematin.V, 1999. Carrières dse docteurs en biologie : Test empirique d'un modèle séquentiel, 39°
congrès de la sociétét canadienne des sciences économiques, Ottawa, 12-15th May 1999, ACSE, Ottawa, Canada
Mangematin. V- Coronini. R, 1999. Fromp individual scientific visibility to collective competencies : the example of
an academic department in the social sciences, Conférence ADEST, Paris, 27-28 Janvier 1999, ENSMP, Paris,
Mangematin. V-Coronini. R, 1999. From individual scientific visibility to collective competencies : the example of an
academic department in thje social sciences, Conférence ADEST, Paris, 27 janvier 1999,, ADEST, Paris, France
Robin. S- Mangematin. V, 1998. Career paths of PhDs in life science : An empirical test of a job-shoping/steppingstone hybrid model, 11th European Association of Labour Economists (EALE), Regensburg (G), 23-26th September
1998, EALE, Regensburg, Germany
Mangematin. V, 1998. PhD job market : professional trajectories and incentives during the PhD, Conférence invitée,
Université de Toronto, 26-28 juin 1998, Université de Toronto, Toronto, Canada
Professional Press
Guillotin, B.; Mangematin, V., 2014. MOOCs Eldorado ou fuite en avant?, Le cercle les echos, .: ..
Guillotin, B.; Mangematin, V., 2014. Moocs may create a global trail of failed business schools, Financial Times:
Mangematin, V.; Rennard Jean Philippe, 2013. Faire de la recherche dans une Ecole de Management : paradoxe
ou opportunité, Journal des Grandes Ecoles et des universités, 68: ..
Mangematin V., 2013. Réaction article Le ; S. Shuck "le médecin, le patient et la nouvelle donne
numérique", 1.
Genet C.; Mangematin, V, 2013. Serious game : What kind of PI are you?, website: ..
Mangematin, V, 2013. Innovations subversives : les business models au centre des débats, Le cercle les echos: 1.
Mangematin, V, 2013. La particularité des applications de bien être, c’est que le médecin n’est plus le seul sachant,
L'atelier: 1.
R. Goument, B. Morel, R. Toiser, M. Theodosiou, V. Mangematin, P. Bittoun, M.R. Malekzadegan, B. Megarbane, A.
Amir-Aslani, 2012. La convergence technologique dans le domaine de la santé, Spectra Analyse, 284: 18-23.
Mangematin, V., 2011. À quoi ressemblera la santé dans 20 ans ?, Le cercle les echos: 1.
Sabatier V., Rousselle T., Mangematin M., 2011. Construire son portefeuille de business models, Biofutur, : 58-61.
R. Lalandes, A.L. Thomas, Z. El Fajoui, S. Ali Madadi Jani, B. Ganesan, P. Lê, V. Mangematin, A. Amir-Aslani ,
2011. le virage biotech de l'industrie pharmaceutique, Biofutur, 317: 52-53.
C. Genet ; K. Errabi ; C. Gauthier ; V. Mangematin ; C. Robin, 2010. Nanotechnology : the companies involved,
Nanotrendchart, : 3.
C. Bel; A. Hars; B. Megarbane; V. Mangematin; A. Amir-Aslani, 2010. Biomarqueurs: Quels défis en vue d'un
développement efficace, Spectra Analyse, 275: 16-18.
Baucher, Marie-Ange, Bittoun, Patrick ; Mégarbane, Bruno ; Vincent Mangematin, Arsia Amir-Aslani, 2010. Des
biomarqueurs pour le développement d’une médecine personnalisée, Spectra Biology, 178: 18-19.
Amélie Boutinot, Vincent Mangematin, 2009. Surfing on institutions by Temporary Peripheral Actors, Academy of
Management Proceedings, : 1-6.
Genet C., Rieu C., Mangematin V., Delemarle A., P. Larédo, B. Kahane, Villard L., 2009. Studying nano-districts
gives a new view on nanoscience, Nanotrendchart - Newsletter, : 2.
Boutinot. A-Mangematin. V, 2008. Innovation : Que retenir de la brève rencontre entre Quiksilver et Rossignol ?,
Technology Review, 6: 82-85.
Parmentier. G- mangematin. V, 2007. La double nature du jeu vidéo, L'expansion Management review, 126: 18-25.
Kahane B., Mangematin V., 2007. Nanotechnologies : un modèle de développement économique à inventer,
Technology Review, N° 1: pp. 28-33.
Mangematin Vincent, 2006. Doctorants-Consultants ?, Pour la science, 298: 16.
Aubépine Dahan et Vincent Mangematin, 2006. Des questions qui fâchent , Libération, mardi: 8 octobre.
Lemarié. S- Mangematin. V, 2000. Les PME françaises de biotech : quel développement ?, INRA mensuel, : 00.
Robin. S- Mangematin. V, 2000. A la recherche du premier emploi, Biofutur, 198: 30-33.
Mandran. N- Mangematin. V, 2000. Faire sa thèse à l'INRA : un passeport pour l'emploi ?, INRA mensuel, : 34-36.
Lemarié. S- Mangematin. V, 1999. Les biotechnologies et leurs marchés, Biofutur, 194: 60-63.
Lemarié. S- Mangematin. V, 1999. Des sociétés jeunes, aux profils variés, Biofutur, 194: 56-59.
Camara. A- Mangematin. V, 1999. La bourse : une terre promise ?, Biofutur, 194: 72-75.
Camara. A-Lemarié. S- Mangematin. V, 1999. Les nouveaux marchés européens, Biofutur, 194: 76-78.
Lemarié. S- Mangematin. V, 1999. Beaucoup d'appelés, peu d'élus, Biofutur, 194: 64-66.
Mangematin Vincent, 1998. Y a-t-il trop de docteurs en sciences de la vie ?, Biofutur, 171: 37-39.
Stephan. P- Mangematin. V, 1997. Le stress des jeunes chercheurs américains, Biofutur, 167: 38-40.
Joly.P.B- Mangematin. V, 1997. Startégies d'appropriation dans la recherche sur les génomes, Biofutur, 173: 00.
Joly.P.B- Mangematin. V, 1997. L'organisation des recherches sur le séquençage : le " modèle levure " est-il
exportable ? , Biofutur, 173: 00.
Applied Research Reports
Genet C., Delemarle A., Louvel S., Mangematin V., 2013. Nanoexpectation : analyser la construction des
anticipations et des marchés dans les nanotechnologies, ANR.
V. Mangematin, C. Genet, Delemarle, A., K. Errabi, B. Kahane, C. Gauthier, Ph. Larédo, L. Villard., 2012.
Nanobench: cartographier l'impact scientifique, technologique et économique des nanotechnologies, ANR.
Corine Genet ; Sylvie Blanco , Aurélie Delemarle ; Séverine Louvel ; Vincent Mangematin, 2010. Nanoexpectation Compte-rendu scientifique d’avancement de projet, ANR.
Mangematin, V., 2010. Membre du comité d'expert, Irish Research Council for the Humanities and Social Science.
Mangematin, V., 2010. Comité de Suivi Micro-Dyn, European Commission FP7.
Mangematin, V., 2009. Comité de suivi Eurodite, European Commission FP7.
Taught courses
Innovation (2009-2010)
Project Management (2009-2010)
Qualitative Research (2009-2010)
Research Design (2009-2010)
Strategic Management, Master TSD - IEP Grenoble (2009-2010)
Strategic Management of Innovation (2009-2010)
Strategic Management of Innovation, Master - IEP Grenoble (2009-2010)
Strategic Management of Innovation and Technology, DIT - Dublin (2009-2010)
Case Studies
Sabatier V., Rousselle T., Mangematin M., 2011.Manager un portefeuille de business models: le cas
PX'Therapeutics / Start-up mid and long term strategic management using a Business Model portfolio: PX
Therapeutics and its dynamic approach, Presses Universitaires de Grenoble / english version available online,
Presses Universitaires de.
Original Teaching Materials
Sabatier V., Rousselle T., Mangematin V., Portefeuille de business models: le cas PX Therapeutics, Game/Role
Play, Grenoble (2010).
Pedagogy - Others experiences
Professor, Dublin Institute of Technology, dublin (2009 - 2009).
professor, Université Pierre Mendes France, Grenoble (2009 - 2009).
Professor, Dublin Institute of Technology, dublin (2008 - 2009).
professor, Univ of Catania, Catania (2008 - 2008).
professor, IAE Grenoble, Grenoble (2006 - 2010).
Superviser, ESSEC, Paris (2006 - 2006).
Teacher, ESSEC, Paris (2006 - 2006).
Organisation, EGOS, Paris (2005 - 2007).
Other activities
Membership to Scientific Committees
PRIME Network of Excellence, Executive board member (2005 - Present)
Editorial Board Member
Long Range Planning, editorial board (2002 - Present)
Organization Studies, editorial board (2001 - Present)
Awards & Honors
Best Paper "Free riding on institutions: Opportunistic Distortion by Temporal Peripheral Organizations" 2009
IAMOT Highly productiv researcher in Management of Technology and Innovation 2009
Bourse gate to growth Grant, Reseacher Exchange and mobility programme 2004
Bourse d'excellence 2000
Bourse d'excellence 1997
Distinction by ANBAR For the article "Profile of laboratories, industrial partnerships and organization of R&D : The
dynamics of relations with industry in a large research organization 1996
Distinction 1991
Bourse Lavoisier 1990
Membership to Academic Societies
Strategic Management Society (2010 - 2010)
European Group of Organisation (2001 - Present)
Association Internationale de (1999 - Present)
Academy of Management (1999 - Present)
Dissertation & thesis supervision
McQuillan, Deirdre, The Internationalization of Creative Professional Service Firms, Dublin Institute of Technology,
Browne, Sarah, From Strategy Making to Strategy Shaping: Exploring the Contribution of Middle Manager’s Microactivities, Dublin Institute of Technology, 2/2014
Battard, Nicolas, Policy Makers’ Influence on the Emergence of a New Scientific Discipline: The Case of
Nanotechnology in Ireland, Dublin Institute of Technology, 2/2014
O'Reilly, Marty, Navigating in the Modern MNC - The Emergence of a Pilot Subsidiary Role, Dublin Institute of
Technology, 12/2013
Haggege, Meyer, Les raisonnements à l’oeuvre dans la conception de business models innovants, University of
Grenoble, 4/2013
Garzon-Vico, Antonio, Organizational Learning and Innovation in the Pharmaceutical, Biotechnology and Life
Sciences Industry, University College Dublin, 3/2013
Boehm, Diane Nadine, Collaborative Networks for scientific knowledge commercialization – A science to Business
approach, Dublin College University, 6/2012
Verbeck, Cedric, La confiance dans les regroupements industriels : Le cas des télécommunications au Vietnam,
Université Lyon II, 6/2012
SU, Peiran, The Impact of Failure Experience in Product Development on Exploration, knowledge usage and
Financial performance of the Firm, University College Dublin, 4/2012
Lagrana, Fernando, When emails cross boundaries, Grenoble Ecole de Management, 12/2011
Dahan, Aubepine, Changement institutionnel et pratiques : le cas des écoles doctorales, Univ Paris Est, 11/2011
Moyon, Sebastian, Le changement de business model de l’entreprise: Une étude des majors de l’industrie
phonographique (1998-2008), Université de Lille, 10/2011
Boutinot, Amelie, Management on the Recognition Process of Creative individuals, Univ de Grenoble, 10/2011
Kidwell, Donna, From Functional Leader to Knowledge Broker: The Evolving Role and Practices of Principal
Investigators in Nanotechnology, Grenoble Ecole de Management, 7/2011
Walsh, Stephen, Changing Dominant logic: Comparing business school and nanotech industries, Grenoble Ecole de
Management, 7/2011
Sabatier, Valérie, Formation de la chaine de valeur et coûts des médicaments : Les transformations dans la
biopharmacie, Univ de Grenoble, 7/2011
Tippmann, Esther, Management of the innovation process in multinationals: the role of middle managers, DIT
Dublin, 12/2010
Parmentier, Guy, Management de l'innovation : co et éco-conception, Equipes de co-conception et performance
dans les processus d’innovation, Univ de Grenoble, 9/2009
Finardi, Ugo, Best practices in technology/knowledge transfer and innovation: the case of Nanotechnologies and
Nanosciences, Univ Turin, 11/2008
Bruyaga, Olga, Parier sur quels leviers de valeur ? Passage controversé de la génération à l’appropriation de rente
au sein des entreprises de biotechnologie françaises, Univ Lyon III, 6/2008
TImsit, Jean Philippe, les sources internes à l’entreprise de l’innovation technologie : le cas des partenariats de
recherche avec des laboratoires publics, Univ de Savoie, 5/2008
Edel, Valerie, Dynamique de constitution et d'évolution des laboratoires publics de recherche et trajectoires
professionnelles des chercheurs, Univ Pierre Mendes France, 6/2004
Robin, Stephane, Trajectoires professionnelles des chercheurs et compétences : l'exemple des chercheurs en
sciences du vivant, Univ Pierre Mendes France, 10/2002
Lebars, Anne, Innovation dans les PMI à faible intensité technologique : l'exemple des entreprises agro-alimentaire,
Univ Pierre Mendes France, 3/2001
Others external activities
Consulting Experience
., Syndex, Paris (1985 - 1994)

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