Use of sugarcane bagasse in biodigesters energy production for


Use of sugarcane bagasse in biodigesters energy production for
Use of sugarcane bagasse in biodigesters energy production for domestic and
commercial use among resource poor in the sugar belts of Western Kenya (Dr.
George Owuor)
Initiative: Wissen für morgen – Kooperative Forschungsvorhaben im subsaharischen Afrika
Ausschreibung: Junior Fellowships "Engineering Sciences"
Bewilligung: 18.04.2011
Laufzeit: 1 Jahre 6 Monate
Supply of energy from the expensive and limited sources such as hydrometric plants to rural
areas where commerce and industry is still at its low and have been a major hindrance for
development of these rural areas in Kenya. Sustainable generation and use of biogas energy
from cheap abundantly available sugarcane waste bagasse would create opportunities for
employment creation, income generating activities and eventually help in combating extreme
poverty experienced in these areas. Currently, bagasse is burned as a solid biofuel into charcoal at
small-scale levels, but converting it into biogas would allow the energy containedin it to be used in
a variety of activities such as lighting, cooking, driving small village based mills and even transport
fuel. In this project, field research by constructing, processing, testing and analyzing the quality of
biogas from different sugar belts in order to determine different rates of flow and plant uptake of
bagasse will be carried out. Linkages to existing up-scaled biogas plants, markets and gas cylinder
processing units will be carried out to ensure sustainability of the system.
Prof. Dr. Oliver Hensel
Universität Kassel
Fachbereich Ökologische Agrarwissenschaften
Fachgebiet Agrartechnik
Dr. George Owuor
Egerton University
Agricultural Economics and Agribusiness
Management Department
Es werden die Institutionen genannt, an denen das Vorhaben durchgeführt wurde, und nicht die aktuelle

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