Lubok Reihe = Lubok Series | Graphic Books with


Lubok Reihe = Lubok Series | Graphic Books with
Lubok Reihe = Lubok Series | Graphic Books with original linocuts by contemporary artists | 50 EUR
edited by Christoph Ruckhäberle | printed by Thomas Siemon, carpe plumbum | cover design by Christoph Ruckhäberle
subscriptions welcome | [email protected] | + 49 (0) 341 999 98 90
Lubok 11
with 94 black and white original linocuts by
Damien Deroubaix, Marcel van Eeden, Sebastian
Gögel, Irene Hanenbergh, Thomas Moecker,
Olivia Plender, Ewoud van Rijn, Marcel Ruijters,
Christoph Ruckhäberle, Jasper Sebastian Stürup,
Koen Taselaar, James Whitman
Paperback, 96 pages, 32x24 cm, edition of 500
Released 06/2013 ISBN 978-3-941601-78-9
Lubok 10
with 48 two-coloured original linocuts by Ines
Brands, Markus Färber, Tobias Jacob, Christoph
Koester, Stefanie Leinhos, Alexander Schmidt
(illustration class under direction of Georg Barber/
ATAK, Burg Giebichenstein, Halle)
Paperback, 64 pages, 32x24 cm, edition of 500
Released 01/2011 ISBN 978-3-941601-16-1
Lubok 9
with 136 black and white original linocuts by Julika
Achtzig, Robert Brambora, Benjamin Dittrich,
Patrick Eicke, Patrick Fauck, Monika Gary-Krug,
Tino Geiss, Rebekka Gnädinger, Martin Groß,
Mirjam Jacob, Annika Kleist, Marie Carolin Knoth,
Jannine Koch, Mandy Kunze, Agnes Lammert,
Markus Liehr, Berit Mücke, Franziska Neuhofer,
Philipp Orlowski, Petra Polli, Rahel Pötsch, David
Röder, Katharina Schilling, Anna Schmocker,
Karoline Schneider, Carolin Schreier, Jens
Schubert, Robert Schwark, Sebastian Speckmann,
Claus Stabe, Thomas Stephanblome, Anja
Triestram, Julia Weck, Uta Zeidler
Paperback, 140 pages, 32x24 cm, edition of 700
Released 05/2010 ISBN 978-3-941601-12-3
Lubok 8
with 79 black and white original linocuts by Eileen
Cooper, Adam Dant, Claas Gutsche, Karl-Georg
Hirsch, Roger Kelly, Andrzej Klimowski, Serena
Korda, Bob Matthews, David Orme, David
Rayson, Mark Titchner, Julie Verhoeven, Richard
Paperback, 80 pages, 32x24 cm, edition of 500
Released 09/2009 ISBN 978-3-941601-06-2
Lubok 7
with 82 black and white original linocuts by
Wolfgang Ellenrieder, Karl-Georg Hirsch, Uta
Koslik, Corinne von Lebusa, Franziska Leonhardi,
Brian Montuori, Thomas Müller, Reiner Schlamp,
Jens Schubert, Sophie von Stillfried
Paperback, 108 pages, 32x24 cm, edition of 700
Released 2008
Lubok 6
with 82 black and white original linocuts by
Hubert Becker, Christian Brandl, Steven
Chambers, Johannes Eckardt, Thomas Gosebruch,
Herbert Klee, Stephanie Marx, Tim von Veh, Frank
Paperback, 104 pages, 32x24 cm, edition of 700
Released 2008
Lubok 5
with 88 black and white original linocuts by Gitte Bach,
Malene Hartmann, Tobias Lehner, Jirka Pfahl, Robert
Schmiedel, SPAR, Claus Stabe, Anke Theinert, Steve
Viezens, Simone Waßermann
Paperback, 114 pages, 32x24 cm, edition of 700
Released 2008
Lubok 4
with 63 black and white original linocuts by Jules
de Balincourt, Luis Gispert, Stuart Hawkins, Justin
Lieberman, Tim Lokiec, Tom McGrath, Danica
Phelps, Christoph Ruckhäberle, Dana Schutz,
Aaron Spangler, Tal R, Phoebe Washburn
Paperback, 98 pages, 32x24 cm, edition of 1500
Released 2007
Lubok 3
with 87 black and white original linocuts by
Christiane Baumgartner, Maria Hinze, Britta
Jonas, Ruprecht von Kaufmann, Sebastian Rug,
Cindy Schmiedichen, David Schnell, Robert
Schwark, Matthias Weischer, James Whitman
Paperback, 112 pages, 32x24 cm, edition of 1000
Released 2007
Lubok 2
with 80 black and white original linocuts by Tilo
Baumgärtel, Peter Busch, Tom Fabritius, Henriette
Grahnert, Gabriela Jolowicz, Katja Schwalenberg,
Katrin Stangl, Stefan Stössel, Johannes
Paperback, 98 pages, 32x24 cm, edition of 500
Released 2007
(out of print)
Lubok 1
with 71 black and white original linocuts by
Christoph Feist, Katharina Immekus, Oliver
Kossack, Margarete Lindau, Rosa Loy, Volker
Pfüller, Christoph Ruckhäberle, Stefanie Schilling,
Sebastian Speckmann, Simone Waßermann
Paperback, 98 pages, 32x24 cm, edition of 500
Released 2007
(out of print)
Lubok Verlag | Christoph Ruckhäberle | Floßplatz 8 | D-04107 Leipzig | 0049 (0) 341 999 98 90 | [email protected] |