Besuch der Ausstellung „The Land and The Sea“ Am 25.04.2014


Besuch der Ausstellung „The Land and The Sea“ Am 25.04.2014
Besuch der Ausstellung „The Land and The Sea“
Am 25.04.2014 besuchte die Klasse 11 A des Abendgymnasiums gemeinsam mit ihrer
Englischlehrerin Frau Dux die Galerie Süd (Feuerwache), um sich einen Eindruck über dort
ausgestellte Werke des Künstlers Jan Kubon zu verschaffen. Die dort gezeigten Bilder waren
Gemälde und Reiseskizzen des Künstlers über die Küste Südenglands aus den Jahren 20072014.
Music and literature are some kinds of art. But
photography, paintings and sculptures are types of art
too. Everyone likes one or another kind more or less. I
like music, literature, photography and paintings the
most. So it was very interesting for me when I went to
“Galerie Süd” in Magdeburg to visit an exhibition.
The exhibition was called “The Land and The Sea” and
presented paintings of the artist Jan Kubon. Some of
these paintings show a part of a village or town. All
paintings are very interesting and each of these is
unique. But there is one painting I regard as
extraordinary – even for this artist. The title is
“Blackbird” and it is a painting of a blackbird.
On the left side there is a green wall. Next to the wall
there is a staircase which goes from the wall to the right
side. On the third step of the staircase a blackbird is
sitting. The blackbird is looking to its right side. A viewer
of the painting looks at the bird, which is in the centre
of the painting. The colours of the painting are really
fascinating. The wall on the left side of the painting
looks mostly green but for the colouring there are also
used yellow and red in small parts. At the frist glance
the staircase mostly looks blue but there are used more
colours too – like yellow, red and white. The blackbird is
mostly black, and its shape is really well painted, and it looks as if the bird is looking at the
viewer of the painting with its yellow eye.
I was really fascinated by the colours, their texture and the structure of the painting. It is
interesting to look at, and the artist shows a talent for colours. I could look at these colours
all day. The bird is an interesting object because it is sitting on a staircase and I ask myself if
this staircase is outdoors or indoors. And if the staircase is indoors how will the blackbird get
inside? What does the bird do next? I really like it because of its colours and its timeless
effect. It is a really interesting and fascinating painting which is definitively worth looking at.
Abschließend bedankt sich die gesamte Klasse 11 A bei ihrer Englischlehrerin für die
Möglichkeit, diese interessanten Bilder über die Küste Südenglands betrachten zu können.