Issue 14, May


Issue 14, May
Issue 14 – May 2009
Dear alumna, dear alumnus, dear DAAD friend,
A new face in our
Sydney IC
Welcome to the 14th edition of the DAAD Australia newsletter!
DAAD Scholarships
Visit of Dr. ToykaFuong to Australia
DAAD Alumni Meeting
research network
Deutsches IAESTEBüro
Green Talents
research network
60 years Deutsches
DAAD Information Centre
c/o Goethe-Institut
90 Ocean Street
Woollahra NSW 2025
It is the first newsletter in 2009 - a year full of anniversaries, both happy and sad: 90 years
since the German revolution ended the Kaiserreich, 70 years since the beginning of WWII,
60 years since the founding of the German post-war states, the Federal Republic of
Germany and German Democratic Republic, 20 years since the collapse of the Berlin wall
and the Iron Curtain dividing Europe. And the centenary of the death of Georg Balthasar von
Neumayer, the founder of the Flagstaff Observatory in Melbourne. Our first newsletter in this
significant year features:
A new face in our Sydney Information Centre
DAAD zeichnet deutsche Hochschulen im Erasmus Mundus-Programm aus
DAAD Scholarship applications and outcomes for 2008/09 – upcoming deadlines
Visit of Dr. Toyka-Fuong, head of the Asia-Pacific desk at the DAAD, to Australia:
outcomes and plans of the DAAD for the future
DAAD Alumni Meeting 2010
Australia-Germany research network: German researchers in Australia survey 2009
Deutsches IAESTE-Büro wurde für seine Leistung geehrt / German IAESTE-Office
Honoured for its Performance
“Green Talents” Competition
The Baader Meinhof Complex ticket give-away
Upcoming event in Canberra: 60 years Deutsches Grundgesetz
Upcoming event in Melbourne: Georg von Neumayer Anniversary Symposium
Humboldt’s Voices
In keeping with our cultural mission, we’ve attempted to make this newsletter a mix of
German and English, which we hope works for everyone. We value your feedback and
comments on all aspects of the newsletter are more than welcome!
Enjoy reading!
For comments or if you would
like to unsubscribe from this
newsletter, please email us at
[email protected]
Ahil, Julia & Andreas
Issue 14 – May 2009
A new face in our
Sydney IC
DAAD Scholarships outcomes for 2008/09
and upcoming
Visit of DAAD
Regional Director Dr.
Toyka-Fuong to
DAAD Alumni
Meeting 2010
research network
Deutsches IAESTEBüro geehrt
Green Talents
The Baader Meinhof
Komplex tickets
Upcoming Events: 60
years Deutsches
Georg von Neumayer
Humboldt’s Voices
DAAD Information Centre
c/o Goethe-Institut
90 Ocean Street
Woollahra NSW 2025
A new face in our Sydney Information Centre
In March 2009, one of our German DAAD alumni joined our Sydney Information Centre team.
Julia Stolzenberg is a journalist and in 2008 completed her Masters degree in Media Practice
at the University of Sydney with the support of a DAAD scholarship. She has been managing
our office on a part-time basis and has already been in contact with many of you.
DAAD zeichnet deutsche Hochschulen im ERASMUS Mundus-Programm aus
Zum Ende der ersten Programmphase des EU-Exzellenzprogramms ERASMUS Mundus hat
DAAD Generalsekretär Dr. Christian Bode die deutschen Hochschulkoordinatoren mit einem
symbolischen Preis ausgezeichnet. Von 2004 bis 2008 hat das ERASMUS Mundus
Programm hervorragenden Studierenden aus der ganzen Welt mit attraktiven Stipendien ein
Masterstudium in mindestens zwei europäischen Ländern ermöglicht, das mit einem „double
degree“ oder „joint degree“ abschloss. In der ersten Programmphase waren an den
europaweit 103 ausgewählten ERASMUS Mundus-Studiengängen 54 deutsche Hochschulen
als Partner oder Koordinatoren beteiligt. In der zweiten Programmphase von 2009 bis 2013
werden zudem gemeinsame Promotionsprogramme gefördert und mit der Integrierung des
bisherigen „External Cooperation Window“ der Austausch auf allen Ausbildungsniveaus, von
Bachelor bis Post-doc, gefördert.
Mehr Informationen zu den ERASMUS Mundus Programmen finden sich auf der Website der
European Commission for Education and Training unter
Website der EC Delegation to Australia:
DAAD Scholarship applications and outcomes for 2008/09
In 2008 we received almost 240 individual applications by Australian students, academics and
researchers across 10 different DAAD scholarship programs. There were more outstanding
applications than we could fund, but fortunately we were able to grant 81 applicants a desired
study, research or lecturing stay in Germany.
Additionally we received roughly 100 applications under the Go8 Germany Joint Research Cooperation Scheme, run by the DAAD in conjunction with the Group of Eight. After a significant
upgrade of funding 27 teams of researchers from Australia and Germany could be funded
allowing them to visit each other and work on solutions to complex problems facing both our
countries including energy production, climate change and labour market outcomes of
PLEASE NOTE: at the DAAD office in Sydney we often receive incomplete scholarship
applications. We try our best to notify the applicants and organise missing documents and
copies. However as we receive a large number of incomplete applications on the deadline we
don’t get the chance to ensure that they are completed. Sadly these applications may not even
be received by the assessment board due to formal reasons.
For comments or if you would
like to unsubscribe from this
newsletter, please email us at
[email protected]
Please therefore always make sure that you hand in only complete applications, one original
plus two copies! If you hand in copies of your school certificates or university degrees, please
have one version certified by any authority, such as a justice of the peace.
Issue 14 – May 2009
A new face in our
Sydney IC
DAAD Scholarships outcomes for 2008/09
and upcoming deadlines
Visit of DAAD Regional
Director Dr. ToykaFuong to Australia
DAAD Alumni Meeting
research network
Deutsches IAESTE-Büro
Green Talents Competition
The Baader Meinhof
Komplex tickets
Upcoming Events: 60
years Deutsches
Georg von Neumayer
Humboldt’s Voices
DAAD Information Centre Sydney
c/o Goethe-Institut
90 Ocean Street
Woollahra NSW 2025
For comments or if you would like
newsletter, please email us at
[email protected]
Close Deadlines: Go8 Australia – Germany Joint Research Co-operation Scheme
Objective: The scheme aims to
- foster research collaborations between Australian researchers from Go8 universities and
German researchers by supporting exchanges between Australian and German
- result in research outcomes and the exchange of skills and knowledge of mutual benefit to
Australia and Germany.
The current round (applications for stays in 2010) closes on the 30 June 2009.
Please note: To be successful, Australian applicants must ensure that their German
collaborators submit a corresponding application with the same title to the DAAD in
Further information
Close Deadlines: Visiting Lectureships / Professorships Program - 15 July
Objective: The program aims to enable foreign academics on longer term visiting
lectureships or professorships to teach at universities in Germany, at the same time
acting as important disseminators who enable their German host university to deepen
and develop its international relations and who help to encourage foreign students to
study in Germany.
Duration: from three months up to a maximum of two years, in the case of visiting
university chairs up to four years.
Deadline (Date of receipt at the DAAD in Bonn, Referat 22, Postfach 20 04 04, 53134
Bonn): 15 July for stays to start with the German summer semester of the following year
This year 9 lecturers and professors will spend time teaching at German universities.
This will be a great experience for them but also very much appreciated by German
students and academic staff, as they will be teaching in English.
Next Deadlines: University Winter Course Grants - 15 August
Objective: In co-operation with the universities in Essen, Freiburg, Leipzig and the FU in
Berlin the DAAD offers scholarships to participate in a Deutschlandkundlicher Winterkurs.
This program is designed for Southern hemisphere students and young academics with a
sound knowledge of German and some background in German studies who are interested
in improving their language skills and understanding of contemporary affairs.
Duration: Courses last 6 weeks and are offered in the German winter months.
Deadline: 15 August for stays in January/ February of 2010
Last year we had 74 applications under this scheme and we able to grant 20 stays this year
in January and February in Germany.
Issue 14 – May 2009
A new face in our
Sydney IC
DAAD Scholarships outcomes for 2008/09
and upcoming deadlines
Visit of DAAD Regional
Director Dr. ToykaFuong to Australia
DAAD Alumni Meeting
research network
Deutsches IAESTE-Büro
Green Talents Competition
The Baader Meinhof
Komplex tickets
Upcoming Events: 60
years Deutsches
Georg von Neumayer
Visit of Dr. Toyka-Fuong to Australia:
outcomes and plans of the DAAD for the future
Earlier this year, Dr Ursula Toyka-Fuong, the head of the Asia-Pacific branch of the
German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD), visited Australia for two weeks of intense
talks with partners and counterparts in universities, research institutes and government.
Recurring themes were ways to lower Australian tuition fees for the handpicked German
DAAD scholarship holders in anticipation of the DAAD then being able to fund more
German post-graduates, PhD students and post-docs to study or research in Australia.
Aside from that, the DAAD is keen to expand the existing program with the Group of 8
onto further qualified universities. One further project for the future is to set up an
Australia-wide network for German or now nationalised former German academics at
Australian universities. It was great to have Dr Toyka with us, personally and in terms of
accelerating the progress of collaboration between the DAAD and our Australian
DAAD Alumni Meeting 2010
Next year from March 26 to 28, 2010 we will be holding a Big Alumni Meeting, the second
of its kind in Australia, after the first event in Canberra back in 1998. Sydney University’s
Vice Chancellor Michael Spence will host our event, which will be commencing on the
Friday evening. We are planning an interesting weekend full of remarkable keynotes,
enriching panels and workshops regarding 4 topics, based on the results of the
questionnaires that we have received (in part) from our alumni. We also will have
excursions and other events befitting the topics, fine dinners and time to socialise and
May I please ask our DAAD alumni to help us in getting in touch with our ‘missing’ alumni,
and to assist us with our questionnaire and data collection (an email will be coming soon).
All this is necessary to be able to provide you with more support as DAAD alumni, and to
foster future cooperation and exchange
Humboldt’s Voices
Australia-Germany research network: German researchers in Australia survey 2009:
Following the visit of Dr Ursula Toyka-Fuong in Australia, the DAAD is eager to increase the
quality of information and is considering providing additional support to further develop
exchanges between Germany and Australia.
DAAD Information Centre Sydney
c/o Goethe-Institut
90 Ocean Street
Woollahra NSW 2025
In order to consolidate and extend the Germany-Australia research network, DAAD needs
to better guage the size of the population of German nationals teaching or conducting
research in Australia.
FEAST and DAAD, are jointly asking our membership and the widest possible audience to
complete a simple survey for all German citizens or residents currently working in Australia
who are:
- Lecturers/scientists/academics
- Teach in the fields of German languages and cultures
For comments or if you would like - Conducting research in any discipline (Natural sciences, Humanities, Social sciences)
newsletter, please email us at
[email protected] - Date: first results collected on 15th June 2009
Issue 14 – May 2009
A new face in our
Sydney IC
DAAD Scholarships outcomes for 2008/09
and upcoming deadlines
Visit of DAAD Regional
Director Dr. ToykaFuong to Australia
DAAD Alumni Meeting
research network
Deutsches IAESTE-Büro
Green Talents Competition
The Baader Meinhof
Komplex tickets
Please complete the survey and forward this message to any of your colleagues that fall in
these categories. Outcomes from of the survey will condition the consolidation of the
Australia-Germany research network.
The survey is totally anonymous, neither FEAST nor DAAD will collect any personal
information. FEAST and DAAD will only collect and publish the overall results.
Deutsches IAESTE-Büro wurde für seine Leistung geehrt
Praktika im Ausland sind oft der erste Schritt zu einem gelungenen beruflichen Einstieg.
Bei der Realisierung hilft die internationale Organisation IAESTE (International
Association for the Exchange of Students for Technical Experience). Sie vermittelt seit
über 60 Jahren weltweit Praktika für Studierende aus ingenieur- und
naturwissenschaftlichen sowie land- und forstwirtschaftlichen Fachrichtungen. Der
deutsche Zweig arbeitet unter dem Dach des DAAD. Bei der jüngsten Generalkonferenz
der IAESTE in Warschau, auf der 85 Länder vertreten waren, wurden rund 7.000
Praktikantenplätze auf die Mitgliedsländer verteilt. Mit über 1.000 Praktikumsplätzen für
ausländische Studierende stellt die deutsche Wirtschaft in diesem Jahr erneut den
größten Anteil der weltweit im Netzwerk zur Verfügung stehenden Plätze. In Anerkennung
der von Deutschland in das Netzwerk eingebrachten Aktivitäten wurde dem Nationalen
Büro in Warschau jetzt der Preis “Administrator of the Year” verliehen. Der deutsche
Nationalsekretär Günter Müller-Graetschel wurde außerdem in das Board, den
vierköpfigen Weltvorstand, gewählt. Für 2009 haben sich knapp 3.500 deutsche
Studierende um ein IAESTE-Auslandspraktikum beworben. In Deutschland wird das
Programm vom Auswärtigen Amt und vom Bundesministerium für Bildung und Forschung
gefördert. Mehr Informationen unter
German IAESTE-Office Honoured for its Performance
Upcoming Events: 60
years Deutsches
Georg von Neumayer
Humboldt’s Voices
DAAD Information Centre Sydney
c/o Goethe-Institut
90 Ocean Street
Woollahra NSW 2025
For comments or if you would like
newsletter, please email us at
[email protected]
Internships overseas are often the first step to building a successful career. The
international organisation IAESTE (International Association for the Exchange of Students
for Technical Experience) helps students to initiate this. For over 60 years IAESTE has
arranged internships for students, in disciplines ranging from engineering to natural
sciences and even agriculture and forrestry. The German network is managed by the
DAAD. At the most recent IAESTE general conference - in which 85 countries participated
- 7000 internship placements were allocated to the countries involved. With over 1000
internships for foreign students, the German economy this year, once again, provided the
biggest allotment. In recognition of the contribution from Germany, the national office is
being awarded the "Administrator of the Year" prize in Warsaw. Furthermore, the German
national secretary Günter Müller-Graetschel has been elected to the global board. In
2009, just under 3500 German students have applied for an IAESTE Internship overseas.
In Germany the program is supported by the Foreign Department and the Department of
Education and Reserach. More information can be found at
IAESTE provides practical training placements for students of natural and technical
sciences, agriculture and forestry. IAESTE Australia is hosted by Swinburne University.
Please apply for 2 to 3 months placements on:
Issue 14 – May 2009
A new face in our
Sydney IC
DAAD Scholarships outcomes for 2008/09
and upcoming deadlines
Visit of DAAD Regional
Director Dr. ToykaFuong to Australia
DAAD Alumni Meeting
research network
Deutsches IAESTE-Büro
Green Talents Competition
The Baader Meinhof
Komplex tickets
“Green Talents” Competition
The German Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF) has launched an
initiative to invite talented young researchers from throughout the world to visit Germany,
one of the world leaders in environmental technology. The “Green Talents” competition,
under the patronage of Research Minister Prof. Annette Schavan, calls on excellent
young researchers and engineering scientists in the field of environmental technologies
to apply for participation in the “International Forum for High Potentials in Green
Technologies” in Germany.
The International Forum will take place in August/September 2009. For one week, the
selected participants will travel through Germany, visiting leading universities, research
institutes and companies, collecting specific information about research activities on site
and learning about the opportunities for cooperating with German partners. Individual
meetings with experts and the presentation of their own research will be part of the forum.
Please forward this message to anyone who might be interested in applying.
Applications must be submitted by May 31, 2009. The winners of the competition will also
act as representatives of the environmental research carried out in their respective home
countries. Expenses for travelling to Germany as well as for travel and accommodation
during the one-week science forum will be covered.
Further information on the competition and application guidelines are provided on the
“Green Talents” website
Please direct all queries to:
Dr. Marion Mienert, International Bureau of the Federal Ministry of Education and
Research, Email: [email protected]
The Baader Meinhof Complex ticket give-away
Upcoming Events: 60
years Deutsches
Georg von Neumayer
Humboldt’s Voices
DAAD Information Centre Sydney
c/o Goethe-Institut
90 Ocean Street
Woollahra NSW 2025
For comments or if you would like
newsletter, please email us at
[email protected]
Germany in the 1970s: Murderous bomb attacks, the threat
of terrorism and the fear of the enemy inside are rocking
the very foundations of the still fragile German democracy.
The radicalised children of the Nazi generation led by
Andreas Baader (Moritz Bleibtreu), Ulrike Meinhof (Martina
Gedeck) and Gudrun Ensslin (Johanna Wokalek) are
fighting a violent war against what they perceive as the new
face of fascism: American imperialism supported by the
German establishment, many of whom have a Nazi past.
Their aim is to create a more human society but by
employing inhuman means they not only spread terror and
bloodshed, they also lose their own humanity. The man
who understands them is also their hunter: the head of the
German police force Horst Herold (Bruno Ganz). And while
he succeeds in his relentless pursuit of the young terrorists,
he knows he’s only dealing with the tip of the iceberg.
Based on the book by and in consultation with Stefan Aust.
The thrilling movie is on screen right now! Thanks to Icon Movies, the DAAD Australia has
some double-passes to give away. Respond with the name of two DAAD scholarships to
be in with a chance of winning a free double-pass to The Baader Meinhof Complex.
Issue 14 – May 2009
A new face in our
Sydney IC
DAAD Scholarships outcomes for 2008/09
and upcoming deadlines
Visit of DAAD Regional
Director Dr. ToykaFuong to Australia
DAAD Alumni Meeting
research network
Deutsches IAESTE-Büro
Green Talents Competition
The Baader Meinhof
Komplex tickets
Upcoming Events: 60
years Deutsches
Georg von Neumayer
Humboldt’s Voices
DAAD Information Centre Sydney
c/o Goethe-Institut
90 Ocean Street
Woollahra NSW 2025
For comments or if you would like
newsletter, please email us at
[email protected]
60 years Deutsches Grundgesetz:
Human and basic rights through the eyes of Germany and Australia
On 23 May 2009, Germany will mark the 60th anniversary of the Grundgesetz für die
Bundesrepublik Deutschland - the German Constitution.
The Embassy of the Federal Republic of Germany in partnership with the Law Council of
Australia, the University of New England, The Australian National University, and the
Goethe Institute of Australia brings you "60 years Deutsches Grundgesetz: Human and
basic rights through the eyes of Germany and Australia", to be held at the ANU on 22-23
May 2009.
At this conference, leading German and Australian legal experts will discuss key human
and constitutional rights and principles from both a German and Australian perspective.
Further information can be found on the official conference website at
Georg von Neumayer: His Australian,
German and Polar Scientific Achievements
and Legacies
The Royal Society of Victoria in association
with the Australian Bureau of Meteorology
(BOM), the Australia Meteorological and
Oceanographic Society (AMOS), and the
German Meteorological Society (DMG), invites your participation in a scientific symposium
to celebrate the achievements and legacies of an outstanding 19th-century scientist.
Georg Balthasar von Neumayer (1826-1909) was one of the most respected figures of 19thcentury Australian and German science. Born in the Palatinate in 1826, he first visited
Australia from 1852 to 1854 as a seaman and then digger on the Victorian goldfields. After
study back in Germany, he returned to Melbourne in January 1857 and established the
Flagstaff Observatory of which he served as Director from 1858 to 1863. Returning again to
Germany in 1864 he later became the foundation director of the German Hydrographic
Service and was subsequently Chairman of the Commission which organised the First
International Polar Year 1882-83. Ennobled as von Neumayer by the King of Bavaria and
elected as a Foreign Member of the Royal Society of London in 1899, he left a remarkable
legacy of achievement in Australian and German magnetism, meteorology, navigation,
oceanography and polar science. On the centenary of his death in May 1909, the Royal
Society of Victoria is pleased to honour its former Vice President and Honorary Life Member
by providing the opportunity for the broader community to learn about von Neumayer's
remarkable achievements during his years in Australia and to explore his legacy in each of
his fields of achievement.
27–30 May 2009, Royal Society Hall, Melbourne.
Please find the program and register on:
Issue 14 – May 2009
A new face in our
Sydney IC
DAAD Scholarships outcomes for 2008/09
and upcoming deadlines
Visit of DAAD Regional
Director Dr. ToykaFuong to Australia
DAAD Alumni Meeting
research network
Deutsches IAESTE-Büro
Green Talents Competition
The Baader Meinhof
Komplex tickets
Upcoming Events: 60
years Deutsches
Georg von Neumayer
Humboldt’s Voices
DAAD Information Centre Sydney
c/o Goethe-Institut
90 Ocean Street
Woollahra NSW 2025
For comments or if you would like
newsletter, please email us at
[email protected]
Duesseldorf and Berlin live: Learn German – Experience
Summer, Intensive and Premium Courses, Business German,
TestDaF, DSH, Zertifikat Deutsch and WiDaF preparation
The IIK Duesseldorf attracts those who recognize the advantages
Europe has to offer, such as premium universities at low costs,
along with high standards of living. The IIK offers participants the
opportunity to gain a two-pronged advantage within the heart of
Europe. In 8 months, students can learn enough German to be
able to study or work in Germany. The IIK has a licensed testing
centre for German (TestDaF, Zertifikat Deutsch, WiDaF). The
attendants also benefit from the lovely natural surroundings and dynamic economy found
in the cosmopolitan city of Duesseldorf. Participants can easily travel throughout Europe.
The IIK also offers excursions to nearby cities. To complement the studying, the IIK also
has an online presence with blogs, soundslides and podcasts. There is also an extensive
program offering students activities during their free time.
For more information please see :
FU Berlin International Summer and
Winter University
Freie Universität Berlin International
Summer and Winter University
(FUBiS) invites registrations for summer terms. FUBiS is an intensive, academic
program through which students can earn credits that may be counted towards their
degrees at their home institutions. FUBiS sessions run for 4 to 6 weeks and take place
both in summer and winter.
FUBiS participants can choose from language and/or subject classes. The students are
offered intensive and semi-intensive German language classes at five different
proficiency levels as well as Business German. Additionally FUBiS offers a broad
spectrum of fascinating subject classes on various topics. These classes are held
mostly in English by distinguished German and international faculty. Upon successful
completion, every student will be awarded an official transcript containing contact hours,
ECTS credits and grades. Courses are open to undergraduate and graduate students.
The Freie Universität with its international philosophy and atmosphere is ranked among
the top research universities in Germany. In 2007, after an intense nation-wide
competition, the Freie Universität Berlin became one of nine German universities to be
awarded an Elite status by the German Research Foundation (DFG). It serves as a
perfect host institution for the International Summer and Winter University FUBiS.
The next term is from 25 July – 22 August, 2009 (4 weeks), registration deadline is July
9, 2009.
For further information please visit or contact [email protected]
12 full-tuition scholarships available for the course Islam & the West:
Issue 14 – May 2009
A new face in our
Sydney IC
Oscar für deutschen Kurzfilm "Spielzeugland"
DAAD Scholarships outcomes for 2008/09
and upcoming
Visit of DAAD Regional
Director Dr. ToykaFuong to Australia
DAAD Alumni Meeting
research network
Deutsches IAESTEBüro geehrt
Green Talents
Der deutsche Kurzfilm "Spielzeugland" ist am 22. Februar 2009 in Los
Angeles mit einem Oscar ausgezeichnet worden. Der 40 Jahre alte
Regisseur Jochen Alexander Freydank aus Berlin nahm die Auszeichnung
überglücklich entgegen. Seit 1994 sind deutsche Kurzfilme insgesamt drei
Mal mit dem begehrtesten Filmpreis der Welt gewürdigt worden. Der 14
Minuten lange Film "Spielzeugland" ist ein Minidrama über Lügen in der
Nazizeit. Es geht um eine Mutter (Julia Jäger), die ihrem kleinen Sohn
verschweigt, dass die Juden aus der Nachbarschaft ins KZ deportiert
werden. Stattdessen erzählt sie ihm, die Menschen würden in eine Art
Vergnügungspark gebracht. Der Junge glaubt ihre Schilderungen und
macht sich auf, um selbst dieses "Spielzeugland" zu besuchen.
Leibspeise – new Internet directory for German food lovers
Two German DAAD alumni living in Sydney have founded “Leibspeise” – a website, blog and
directory that discovers German food and culture around the globe. The Leibspeise founders
intend to travel the world for a year where they will research German food outside of
Germany with the vision of creating a global directory of restaurants, delis, bakeries and
other food venders. Lovers of German food worldwide are encouraged to join their team of
culinary-discoverers. For more information visit
The Baader Meinhof
Komplex tickets
Upcoming Events: 60
years Deutsches
Georg von Neumayer
Humboldt’s Voices
DAAD Information Centre
c/o Goethe-Institut
90 Ocean Street
Woollahra NSW 2025
For comments or if you would
like to unsubscribe from this
newsletter, please email us at
[email protected]
And last, but not least: Humboldt's Voices
What do you associate with Humboldt? Seriously, or in jest?
Scientifically, creatively, satirically or critically?
To mark the occasion of the 200th anniversary of the foundation of the
Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin in 2010, its International Office is
inviting international undergraduate and postgraduate students as
well as undergraduate and postgraduate alumni to let them know about student impressions,
experience and associations with regard to the brothers Humboldt and Humboldt-Universität
zu Berlin. Students and Alumni may express themselves using essay, poetry, video
message, collage (with or without photos), photography, sketching, painting or short film.
Use your imagination! The best entries will be in the running to win up to €800 as well as
non-cash prizes from the Humboldt Store’s anniversary collection.
Issue 14 – May 2009
A new face in our
Sydney IC
Please submit your entry, postmarked, by 15 June 2009 to:
Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin, International Office, „Humboldt’s Voices“, Unter den Linden
6, 10099 Berlin.
The contributions will be presented in a slideshow during the inauguration ceremony of
Humboldt-University’s 200th anniversary on 12 October 2009 at Berlin’s Konzerthaus on
Gendarmenmarkt. The International Office will also make the various entries available on its
DAAD Scholarships outcomes for 2008/09
and upcoming
For more information head to or e-mail [email protected]
Visit of DAAD Regional
Director Dr. ToykaFuong to Australia
DAAD Alumni Meeting
research network
Deutsches IAESTEBüro geehrt
Green Talents
The Baader Meinhof
Komplex tickets
Upcoming Events: 60
years Deutsches
Georg von Neumayer
Humboldt’s Voices
DAAD Information Centre
c/o Goethe-Institut
90 Ocean Street
Woollahra NSW 2025
For comments or if you would
like to unsubscribe from this
newsletter, please email us at
[email protected]
For request of information, comments or if you would like to unsubscribe from this
newsletter, please email us at [email protected].
Former issues can be downloaded at:

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