Zodiac Signs


Zodiac Signs
Zodiac Signs
(Mittwoch, 07 Dezember 2005) - Beigesteuert von Administrator - Letztes Update (Mittwoch, 07 Dezember 2005)
The zodiac-sign pictures: Lithographs and posters signed by hand and numbered by artist Ernst Bruzek.
The series has the twelve signs of the zodiac and their characteristics as a central theme. 200 copies per motif, signed
by hand and numbered by the artist, are available in the format of 465 x 660 mm. Per order at our „Art Shop“ the paintings
are directly sent to you.
^ Widder
` Zwilling
b Löwe
d Waage
f Schütze
h Wassermann
_ Stier
http://www.superiora.at/mambo - Superiora Media
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Generated: 16 January, 2017, 01:51
a Krebs
c Jungfrau
e Skorpion
g Steinbock
i Fisch
http://www.superiora.at/mambo - Superiora Media
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Generated: 16 January, 2017, 01:51

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