

Fachbereich VWL / Department of Economics
Editorial Contact: Michael Paetz
tel: +49 40 42838-5561; e-mail: [email protected]
NOVEMBER 11-15, 2013
HCHE Research Seminar
PD Dr. Florian Drevs, Albert-Ludwigs-Universität Freiburg:
How hospitals perform on rating platforms: An analysis
of patient satisfaction ratings posted on a German
hospital rating platform.
Forschungsseminar “Quantitative Wirtschaftsforschung“
Phillipe Andrade, Banque de France:
Five facts (and some theory) about expectations
Monday November 11
R. 4011 (Esplanade 36)
Tuesday November 12
R. 0029 (VMP 5)
Hamburg Lectures on Law & Economics
Prof. Dr. Lars P. Feld, Universität Freiburg:
Die deutsche Wirtschaft nach der Bundestagswahl
Hinweis: Die Veranstaltung findet in der Handelskammer
Hamburg, Adolphsplatz 1, 20457 Hamburg, Raum Elbe statt.
Wednesday November 13
Handelskammer Hamburg
Adolphsplatz 1, Raum Elbe
PhD Seminar
Mathias Schumann, Universität Hamburg:
The Returns to Graduating with Honors
Evidence from Law Graduates
Thursday November 14
R. 0029 (VMP 5)
Research Seminar “Microeconomics”
Kirsten Häger, Friedrich‐Schiller‐Universität Jena:
Revealed Notions of Distributive Justice:
Experimental Evidence
Thursday November 14
R. 0029 (VMP 5)
Research Seminar “Labour Economics”
- no seminar -
Forschungsseminar “Environmental Economics“
- no seminar -
Research Seminar “Microeconomics”
Kirsten Häger, Friedrich‐Schiller‐Universität Jena:
Revealed Notions of Distributive Justice: Experimental Evidence
We report the results of a combination of a dictator experiment with either a “social planner” or a “veil
of ignorance” experiment. The experimental design and the analysis of the data are based on the
theoretical framework proposed in the companion paper by Becker, Häger, and Heufer (BHH, 2013),
in which we introduce a “notion of distributive justice” by which individuals trade off equality and
efficiency. The purpose of the theoretical framework is to explain preferences in dictator experiments
by a combination of selfishness and concerns for distributive justice. Most participants conform very
well with the Agreement and Symmetry axioms proposed in BHH; we find that for 80% of participants
the evidence is very strong. The experiment therefore demonstrates that most participants’ behaviour
in dictator experiments can be explained by a combination of selfishness and concerns for distributive
justice. We also provide a rough classification of preferences and notions of distributive justice and
show that participants’ strength of the sense for justice (Karni and Safra 2002b) can be compared
The next EconNewsletter will be published on Monday November 18, 2013
Editorial deadline: Friday November 15, 2013.
Department of Economics
University of Hamburg
Von-Melle-Park 5, 20146 Hamburg
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send an e-mail to [email protected]

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