Publications of Prof. Dr. Siegfried H. Elsing


Publications of Prof. Dr. Siegfried H. Elsing
Publications of Prof. Dr. Siegfried H. Elsing
Annotations and Book Reviews
Legal capacity of a Swiss corporation with administrative seat in Germany ["Rechtsfähigkeit einer
schweizerischen Aktiengesellschaft mit Verwaltungssitz in Deutschland"], Commentary on the
Decision of the German Federal Supreme Court of October 27, 2008 - II ZR 158/06,
Juristische Rundschau (JR) 2009, 510-512
Book Review: Margaret L. Moses, 'The Principles and Practice of International Commercial
Arbitration', New York: Cambridge University Press, 2008, Zeitschrift für
Schiedsverfahren (SchiedsVZ) 2009, 173
Contents of an arbitration agreement pursuant to § 1029 Sec. 1 German Code of Civil Procedure
["Ausgestaltung einer Schiedsvereinbarung i.S.d. § 1029 Abs. 1 ZPO"], Commentary on the
Decision (Order) of the German Federal Supreme Court of March 3, 2007 – III ZB
7/06, Juristische Rundschau (JR) 2008, 242-243
Summary State Court Proceedings based on Written Evidence Excluded Through Arbitration
Agreement ["Ausschluß des Urkundsprozesses durch Schiedsvereinbarung"], Commentary on the
Decision of the German Federal Supreme Court of January 12, 2006 - III ZR 214/05,
Juristische Rundschau (JR) 2007, 71–73
Book Review: A useful companion, also for experienced practitioners: K. Jan Schiffer, Michael von
Schubert, Kornelia Reinke, Marina Haase: Mandatspraxis Schiedsverfahren und Mediation (Mandate
Practice Arbitration and Mediation), 2nd ed., Köln 2005, Journal of International Dispute
Resolution (IDR) 2005, 190–191
Requirements of an arbitration award in terms of §§ 1025 et seq. German Code of Civil Procedure
(ZPO), Commentary on Decision of the German Federal Supreme Court of May 27, 2004 – III ZB
53/03 ["Anforderungen an einen Schiedsspruch im Sinne der §§ 1025 ff. ZPO, Anmerkung zu
BGH, Urt. v. 27.5.2004 – III ZB 53/03"], Juristische Rundschau (JR) 2005, 199–201
Recognition of US-American Legal Entities: The »Genuine-Link« Requirement Satisfied Through
Minimum Acts in State of Incorporation – Commentary on Decision of the German Federal Supreme
Court of October 13, 2004 - I ZR 245/01 ["Anerkennung der Rechtspersönlichkeit einer USamerikanischen Gesellschaft: Das »genuine-link«-Erfordernis verlangt lediglich eine geringe Betätigung
im Gründungsstaat – Kurzkommentar zu BGH, Urt. v. 13.10.2004 – I ZR 245/01"], BetriebsBerater (BB) 2004, 2596-2597
Conflict of Laws in Corporate Law: Seat vs. Incorporation, Commentary on Decision of the German
Federal Supreme Court of March 13, 2003 - VII ZR 370/98 ["Gesellschaftskollisionsrechtliche
Anknüpfung: Sitztheorie gegen Gründungstheorie, Anmerkung zu BGH, Urt. v. 13.03.2003 – VII
ZR 370/98"], Juristische Rundschau (JR) 2003, 412–415
Petition for Court Annulment of an Arbitral Award, Commentary on the Decision of the German
Federal Supreme Court of June 6, 2002 - III ZB 44/01 ["Antrag auf gerichtliche Aufhebung eines
Prozessschiedsspruchs, Kommentierung zu BGH-Beschluss v. 6.6.2002 - III ZB 44/01"],
Juristische Rundschau (JR) 2003, 243–246
Partnership as Limited Partner of a Limited Partnership, Commentary on the Decision of the German
Federal Supreme Court of July 16, 2001 - II ZB 23/00 ["BGB-Gesellschaft als Kommanditistin einer
KG, Kommentierung zu BGH, Beschl. v. 16.7.2001 - II ZB 23/00"], Betriebs-Berater
(BB) 2001, 2338–2339
Book Review: Linda S. Spedding 'Transnational Legal Practice in the EEC and the United States',
The International Lawyer, Volume 23, No. 1 (Spring 1989), 318-321 (with Donna ShookWiercimok)
Book Review: John A. Nilsson 'Dealing Effectively with Local Counsel Abroad', The International
Lawyer, Volume 22, No. 4 (Winter 1988), 1249-1250 (with Donna Shook-Wiercimok)