Jahresbericht 2012 - Universitätsklinik für Orthopädie


Jahresbericht 2012 - Universitätsklinik für Orthopädie
Jahresbericht 2012
Kennzahlen (Patienten, Eingriffe)
Forschung und Lehre
Preise und Ehrungen
Originalarbeiten In-House
Originalarbeiten Kollaborationen
Übrige Publikationen
Organisation Kurse/Symposien
Fakultät bei Kursen/Symposien
Instruktor bei Kursen/Symposien
Lehrleistungen/ Habilitation
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Klinikdirektor und Chefarzt
Prof. Dr. K.-A. Siebenrock
Prof. Dr. K.-A. Siebenrock
Prof. Dr. M. Keel
Dr. S. Kohl (ab 01.08.2012)
Dr. U. Seidel
PD Dr. M. Zumstein (ab
PD Dr. F. Krause
Dr. R. Nyffeler Richard (bis
PD Dr. L. Benneker
Dr. L. Büchler
Dr. F. Klenke
Dr. F. Krause
Dr. A. Krüger
Dr. H.-J. Sebald
Dr. M. Tannast
Dr. K. Ziebarth
Dr. T. Ecker
Dr. C. Albers
Dr. A. Ansorge
Dr. J. Bastian
Dr. P. Bissig
Dr. T. Hetling
Dr. J. Henning
Dr. S. Hoppe
Dr. M. Hitz
Dr. Ch. Heidt
Dr. B. Kleer
Dr. S. Kohl
Dr. Ch. Kurze
Dr. H. Kohlhof (bis 30.06.2012)
Dr. L. Kraler
Dr. M. Mastrocola
Dr. F. Rutner
Dr. T. Schmid
Dr. M. Schober
Dr. S. Steppacher
Dr. S. Tomagra
Dr. R. Wanner
Dr. R. Waibel
Dr. J. Weihs
Dr. J. Weidner
Dr. Ch. Wirtz (bis 30.06.2012)
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Hüfte, Becken, Tumorchirurgie
Wirbelsäule, Stv. Chefarzt
Schulter, Ellbogen & Sport
Sprunggelenk und Fuss
Obere Extremitäten
Wissenschaftliche Ärzte und Dr. T.C. Mamisch
Dr. P. Haefeli
Wissenschaftlicher Arzt
Wissenschaftlicher Arzt
Prof. Dr. E.-B. Hunziker,
Zentrum für Regenerative
Medizin der Skeletalen Gewebe
PD Dr. D. Nesic, Teamleiterin
&Orthopädische Forschung
Sekretariat Direktor
M. Gempeler
Pflegeleitung OPS
Pflegeleitung Klinik
Medizinische Dokumentarin
Ch. Matzner
E. Müller
S. Schmutz
Seite 3 von 40
Kennzahlen (Patienten, Eingriffe)
Stationäre Eingriffe
Handgelenk, distaler Radius
Beckengürtel, Hüfte
Oberschenkel, Femurschaft
Unterschenkel, Tibia-, Fibulaschaft
Sprunggelenk, Fusswurzel
Oberarm, Humerusschaft
Unterarm, Ulna-, Radiusschaft
Zahl der durchschnittlich betriebenen Betten
Patienten inkl. Tagesklinik
Pflegetage insgesamt
Durchschnittlicher Spitalaufenthalt Tage
Durchschnittliche Bettenbelegung
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Kontrollen Gipszimmer
Neue Patienten
Kontrollen Gipszimmer
Kontrollen Gipszimmer
Neue Patienten
Kontrollen Gipszimmer
Neue Patienten
Neue Patienten
Kontrollen Gipszimmer
Kinderorthopädie Wirbelsäulensprechstunde
Kinderorthopädie Hüftsprechstunde
Zentrale Gipsabteilung
Total Konsultationen
Becken, Hüfte
Neue Patienten
Neue Patienten
Obere Extremität
Kontrollen Gipszimmer
Polikliniken Total
Quelle: Qualicare bis 27.11.2012, ab 28.11.2012 i-pdos
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Forschung und Lehre
Max Anliker Memorial Poster Award at the 2012 Annual Meeting of the Swiss Society for
Biomedical Engineering (SSBE) for the poster by Steiner T. H, Choo H, R, Zulliger M. A, Nesic
D, Müller R, Stok K. S. Microstructural imaging for sample-specific finite element analysis in a
rat osteoarthritis model. Lausanne, 27.-28.08.2012.
1. Poster Preis 2012:
7. Jahreskongress der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Wirbelsäulenchirurgie, DWD, Stuttgart 6.-8.
Dezember 2012. Chan S, Benneker LM, Bonel H, Gantenbein B. Ein reproduzierbares Papaininduziertes Bandscheibendegenerations-Modell mit reduziertem GAG und Wassergehalt.
Top Reviewer Recognition for providing the most high-quality reviews 2012, Tannast M. Board
of Trustees, Clinical Orthopaedics and Related Research, December 2012.
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Amgen Inc, Thousand Oaks, USA, Grant Nr. 2010534435
Klenke FM
Biofunctionalization of CaP ceramics for osseous defect repair. Promotion of biomaterial
resorption with a sustained delivery system of RANKL
(Bereitstellung von RANKL)
Dauer: 2010–2012
AO Foundation, Davos, Switzerland, Start-Up Grant Nr. S-11-96N
Nesic D, Zumstein M
S100 as a cellular marker for chondrogenicity of human articular chondrocytes.
Betrag: CHF 120’000.Dauer: 2012-2013
AO Spine International
Ferguson S, Benneker LM
Biomechanical determination of target properties for an annulus repair implant
Betrag: CHF 197’915.Dauer: 2010–2012
AOFAS Research grant, American Orthopaedic Foot and Ankle Society
Schmid T, Krause F
Evaluation of cavovarus model
Hindfoot osteotomies to egalize elevated ankle joint pressure in pes cavus
$ 20’000.Dauer: 2012
Arthrex, Germany:
Schaer M, Zumstein MA, Scheibel M, DeBeer JA
New reconstruction of the acromioclavicular joint using bi- resp. tripodal anchorage.
Biomechanical comparison with a conventional reconstruction with Tight-Rope fixation
Betrag: CHF 13’000.Dauer: 2012
Biomet , International:
Zumstein MA, Schaer M, Nesic D,
The effect of leukocyte- and platelet-rich fibrin (L-PRF), leukocyte- and platelet-rich plasma (LPRP) and blood clot on the migration of fibroblast- and endothelial cells, an in vitro study.
Betrag: CHF 17’400.Dauer: 2011-2012
Center for Applied Biotechnology and Molecular Medicine CABMM
Von Rechenberg B, Kohlhof H, Liesegang A, Santoro R, Hofmann-Lehmann R
Monitoring osteomyelitis by biomarkers following systemic inflammation parameters.
Betrag: CHF 38‘790.Dauer: 2012-2013
CSL Behring AG, Bern
Bastian JD, Keel MJB
Cartography of iliosacral and presacral arterial and venous vessels in human cadavers to
determine fracture sites with high risk for haemorrhage in pelvic trauma
Betrag: CHF 15’000.Dauer: 2010–2012
Seite 7 von 40
Inselspital Bern, Multiprojektmanagement (MPM) DOPH 2012 101
„Entwicklung einer webbasierten Datenbank „BSD“ (Bernese Spine Database) zur Erfassung,
Auswertung und Analyse des Neurostatus von Wirbelsäulen-Patienten“
Hoppe, Kohlhof, Tomagra, Benneker, Seidel
Betrag: CHF 75‘000.Dauer: 2012-2013
Geistlich Pharma AG, Wohlhusen, Switzerland
Nesic D
In vitro testing of collagen derived sponges for cartilage repair.
Betrag: CHF 50’000.Dauer: 2012
ITI Foundation, Basel, Grant Nr. 727_2010
Klenke FM, Hofstetter W
Biofunctionalization of calcium phosphate ceramics for the repair of osseous jaw defects
Betrag: CHF 170’068.Dauer: 2010-2013
ITI Research Foundation, Basel
Hunziker EB
In vivo degradability and osteoconductivity of calcium phosphate coatings with diferent
crystalline properties.
Betrag: CHF 19’280.Dauer: 2012
Kommission für Technologie und Innovation KTI, Förderagentur für Innovation, Eigenössisches
Volkswirtschaftsdepartement EVD, KTI-Nr. 14081.2 PFLS-LS
Kohlhof H, Kohl S, Keel M
Umsetzpartner: Bosshard A, Ortho-Team AG Bern
Pelvic-Spider: Entwicklung eines neuen dynamischen Becken-Kompressionsgurtes zur initialen
Versorgung von Frakturen des Beckens
Betrag: CHF 394’350.Dauer: 2012
KTIP-Nr: 13880.1
Kohl S
„LigaFusion“ Implantat zur Heilungsunterstützung eines gerissenen menschlichen Ligaments
Betrag: CHF 1’397‘400.Dauer: 2012-2015
Mathys AG
Kohl S
Project: Anterior Crucial Ligament Rupture: Healing through
Dynamic Intraligamentary Stabilization (DIS)
Betrag: CHF 80’000.Dauer 2011-2012
Mathys AG, Betttlach
Zumstein M
Arthroscopic transosseous Rotator Cuff Tool
Betrag: CHF 25’000.Dauer: 2012-
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National Center of Competence in Research Co-Me „Computer-aided and Image-guided
Medical Interventions”, Schweizerischer Nationalfonds
Tannast M, Büchler P, Weber S, Reyes M, Zheng G, Székely G, Vetter T, Pfahrer M, Thali M
Virtual Skeletal Database
Betrag: CHF 247’000.Dauer: 2009–2013
Osteology Foundatin, Luzern, Grant-Nr. 11-019
Hunziker EB
Osteogenic functionalization of collagenous membranes and their time-controlled degradation
Betrag: CHF 100’000.Dauer: 2012-2014
3R Research Foundation, Münsingen Grant – Nr: 130/11
Hunziker EB
Establishment of an invitro organ-slice defect model for meniscal repair in orthopaedic research
Betrag: CHF 89’980.Dauer: 2012-2014
ResOrtho Foundation, Zürich
Schaer M, Zumstein MA
Mid- and long term evolution of the clinical and radiological pathologies in the shoulder 8 resp.
15 years after completion of a professional handball career. 2011
Betrag: CHF 19’744.Dauer: 2011-2012
RMS Foundation, Bettlach, CH
Schaer M, Zumstein MA, Nesic D.
The effect of leukocyte- and platelet-rich fibrin (L-PRF), leukocyte- and platelet-rich plasma (LPRP) and blood clot on the migration of fibroblast- and endothelial cells, an in vitro study.
Betrag: CHF 25‘200.Dauer: 2011-2012
Schweizerische Gesellschaft für Orthopädie und traumatologie des Bewegungsapparates
Büchler L, Beck M
Langzeit-Beobachtung des Hüftgelenk-Knorpels nach chirurgischer Hüftluxation bei Patienten
mit femoroacetabulären Impingement mittels MRI
Betrag: CHF 20‘000.Dauer: 2012-2014
Skeletal Tissue Engineering Research
Hunziker EB
Betrag: CHF 95‘000.Dauer: 2012
Swiss National Science Foundation (SNF), Bern, Switzerland.
Klenke FM, Hofstetter W
Biofunctionalization of β-TCP ceramics for the repair of osseous defects.
Betrag: CHF 250’000.Dauer: 2011-2014
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SNF (Swiss National Science Foundation)
Schaer M, Zumstein MA
Stipendium für angehende Forschende, Bone Marrow-derived Mesenchymal Stem Cells
Transduced with Scleraxis Bred under Loaded Conditions Improve Rotator Cuff Healing in a
Mouse Model
Betrag: CHF 62‘400.Dauer: 2012-2013
SNF grant 320030_135627
Mamisch TC, Siebenrock KA
Delayed gadolinium-enhanced magnetic resonance imaging of cartilage (dGEMRIC) to assess
outcome of treatment for femoro-acetabular impingement (FAI)
Betrag: CHF 215’101.Dauer: 2012
Swiss Society of Orthopaedic Surgery and Traumatology, CH:
Zumstein MA
Bone Marrow-derived mesenchymal Stem Cells Transduced with Scleraxis Bred under Loaded
Conditions Improve Rotator Cuff Healing in a Mouse Model.
Betrag: CHF 50'000.Dauer: 2012-2013
Wissenschaftliche Fonds der Poliklinik für Osteoporose (WEO 394)
Hunziker EB
Local treatment of osteoporosis by osteoinductive intervention with BMP-2
Betrag: CHF 40’000.Dauer: 2012
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Originalarbeiten In-House
Albers CE, Hofstetter W, Sebald HJ, Sebald W, Siebenrock KA, Klenke FM. L51P - A BMP2
variant with osteoinductive activity via inhibition of Noggin. Bone, 2012 Sep;51(3):401-6. (IF
4.023, MR:0.725)
Albers CE, Steppacher SD, Ganz R, Siebenrock KA, Tannast M. Joint-preserving surgery
improves pain, range of motion, and abductor strength after legg-calve-perthes disease. Clin
Orthop Relat Res. 2012 Sep;470(9):2450-61. (IF: 2.533, MR:0.81)
Anderson SE, Siebenrock KA, Tannast M. Femoroacetabular impingement. Eur J Radiol. 2012
Dec;81(12):3740-4. (IF: 2.606, MR: 0.69)
Bastian JD, Keel MJB, Heini PF, Seidel U, Benneker LM. Complications related to cement
leakage in sacroplasty. Acta Orthop Belg. 2012 Feb;78(1):100-5. (IF: 0.401, MR: 0.111)
Benneker LM, Gisep A, Krebs J, Boger A, Heini PF, Boner V. Development of an in vivo
experimental model for percutaneous vertebroplasty in sheep. Vet Comp Orthop Traumatol.
2012 May 15;25(3):173-7.
Büchler L, Beck M, Gollwitzer H, Katthagen BD, Zahedi AR. Gelenkerhaltende Hüftchirurgie im
Erwachsenenalter, Beckenosteotomien. Orthopäde 2012;41:925–936. (IF: 0.51, MR: 0.206)
Boileau P, O’Shea K, Vargas P, Pinedo M, Old J, Zumstein MA. Anatomical and functional
results after arthroscopic hill-sachs remplissage. J Bone Joint Surg Am. 2012;94(7):618-626.
(IF: 3.272, MR: 0.952)
Ecker TM, Puls M, Steppacher SD, Bastian JD, Keel MJ, Siebenrock KA, Tannast M.
Computer-Assisted femoral head-neck osteochondroplasty using a surgical milling device an in
vitro accuaracy study. J Arthroplasty. 2012 Feb; 27 (2):310-6. (IF: 2.384, MR: 0.794)
Evangelopoulos DS, Pirvu TN, Exadaktylos A, Kohl S. Kidney infarction in Friedreich’s ataxia
with dilated cardiomyopathy. BMJ Case Rep. 2012 Sep 30;2012.
Hasler RM, Hüttner HE, Keel MJ, Durrer B, Zimmermann H, Exadaktylos AK, Benneker LM
Spinal and pelvic injuries in airborne sports: A retrospective analysis from a major Swiss trauma
centre. Injury. 2012 Apr;43(4):440-5. (IF: 1.975, MR: 0.792)
Hoppe S, Mainzer JD, Frauchiger L, Ballmer PM, Hess R, Zumstein MA. „More accurate
component alignment in navigated total knee arthroplasty has no clinical benefit at 5-year
follow-up.“ Acta Orthopaedica 2012 Dec;83(6):629-33. (IF: 2.168, MR: 0.762)
Hoppe S, Quirbach S, Mamisch TC, Krause FG, Werlen S, Benneker LM. „Axial T2 mapping in
intervertebral discs: a new technique for assessment of intervertebral disc degeneration.“Eur
Radiol. 2012 Sep;22(9):2013-9. (IF: 3.222, MR: 0.836)
Hunziker EB, Enggist L, Kuffer A, Buser D. Liu Y: Osseointegration: the slow delivery of BMP-2
enhances osteoinductivity. Bone, 51(1):98-106,2012. (IF: 4.601; MR: 0,783)
Keel MJ, Ecker TM, Siebenrock KA, Bastian JD. Rationales for the Bernese approaches in
acetabular surgery. Eur J Trauma Emerg Surg. 2012 Oct;38(5):489-498.
Keel MJ, Ecker TM, Cullmann JL, Bergmann M, Bonel HM, Büchler L, Siebenrock KA, Bastian
JD. The pararectus approach for anterior intrapelvic management of acetabular fractures: an
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anatomical study and clinical evaluation. J Bone Joint Surg Br. 2012 Mar;94(3):405-11.
(IF:2.832, MR: 0.889)
Kienle K, Keck J, Werlen S, Kim Y, Siebenrock K, Mamisch TC. Femoral morphology and
epiphyseal growth plate changes of the hip during maturation: MR assessments in a 1-year
follow-up on a cross-sectional asymptomatic cohort in the age range of 9–17 years. Skeletal
Radiol. 2012 Biv;41(11):1381-90. (IF:1.541, MR:0.457)
Klenke FM, Evangelopoulos DS, Zimmermann H, Exadaktylos AK. Full-body low radiation
radiography (Lodox)-A safe drug detection device in body packers? Injury, 2012 Juli;43(7):12313. (IF: 1.975, MR: 0.792)
Klenke FM, Siebenrock KA: Pathomorphology and treatment of femoroacetabular impingement.
Instr. Course Lect. 2012;61:263-72. (IF: 0, MR: 0)
Kohl S, Evangelopoulos DS, Siebenrock KA, Beck M. Hip abductor defect repair by means of a
vastus lateralis muscle shift. J Arthroplasty. 2012 Apr;27(4):625-9. (IF:2.384, MR:0.794)
Kohl S. Kleer B, Zumstein M, Schär M, Eggli S, Evangelopoulos D.C. Management of ACL
rupture: current dilemmas and future options. Minerva Ortopedica e Traumatologica 2012
Oct;63(5):337. (IF:0.087, MR: 0.048)
Krause F, Blatter S, Wähnert D, Windolf M, Weber M. Hindfoot joint pressure in supination
sprains. Am J Sports Med. 2012;40:902-908. (IF: 3.792, MR: 0.984)
Krause F, DiSilvestro M, Penner M, Wing K, Glazebrook M, Daniels T, Younger A. The
postoperative COFAS end-stage ankle arthritis classification system: Interobserver and
intraobserver reliability. Foot Ankle Spec. 2012;5:31-36. (IF: 0.709, MR: 0.333)
Krause FG, Schmid T. Ankle Arthrodesis versus total ankle replacement: how do i decide? Foot
Ankle Clin. 2012 Dec;17(4): 529-43. (IF:0.709, MR: 0.333)
Lustenberger T, Labler L, Stover JF, Keel MJ. Indications and outcomes of resuscitative
emergency thoracotomy in a Swiss trauma centre. Br J Surg 2012;99:541-548. (IF: 4.606, MR:
Lustenberger T, Talving P, Schnüriger B, Eberle BM, Keel MJ. Impact of advanced age on
outcomes following damage control interventions for trauma. World J Surg 2012 Jan;36(1):20815. (IF: 2.362, MR: 0.763)
Millis MB, Siebenrock KA: Report of breakout session : defining parameters for correcting the
acetabulum during a pelvic reorientation osteotomy. Clin Orthop Relat Res. 2012
Dec;470(12):3453-5. (IF: 2.533, MR: 0.81)
Najibi S, Matta JM, Dougherty PJ, Tannast M. Gunshot wounds to the acetabulum. J Orthop
Trauma. 2012 Aug;26(8):451-9. (IF: 2.135, MR: 0.78)
Schaer M, Schober M, Berger S, Boileau P, Zumstein MA. Biologically based strategies to
augment rotator cuff tears. Int J Shoulder Surg. 2012 Apr;6(2):51-60.
Schaer A, Schaer M, Zumstein MA. Influence of chronic, structural changes of the muscletendon unit on the indication and technique of rotator cuff reconstruction. Oper Orthop
Traumatol. 2012 Nov;24(6):527-35. (IF: 0.459 MR: 0.143)
Sebald HJ, Klenke FM, Sigrist M, Albers CE, Sebald W, Hofstetter W. Inhibition of endogenous
antagonists with an engineered BMP-2 variant increases BMP-2 efficacy in rat femoral defect
healing. Acta Biomater, 2012 Oct;8(10):3816-20. (IF: 4.865 MR: 0.972)
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Seiler C, Gazdhar A, Reyes M, Benneker LM, Geiser T, Siebenrock KA, Gantenbein-Ritter B.
Time-lapse microscopy and classification of 2D human mesenchymal stem cells based on cell
shape picks up myogenic from osteogenic and adipogenic differentiation. J Tissue Eng Regen
Med. 2012 Jul 19. (IF: 3.278, MR: 0.875)
Siebenrock KA, Kistler L, Schwab JM, Büchler L, Tannast M. The acetabular
wall index for assessing anteroposterior femoral head coverage in symptomatic patients.
Clinical Orthopaedics and Related Research 2012 Dec:470(12): 3355-60. (IF: 2.533, MR:0.81)
Siebenrock KA, Peters CL: ABJS Carl T. Brighton Workshop on Hip Preservation Surgery:
Editorial Comment. Clin Orthop Relat Res. 2012 Dec;470(12):3281-3. (IF: 2.533, MR: 0.81)
Steppacher S.D, Schwab J.M, Siebenrock K.A, Tannast M. Actual management of
femoroacetabular impingement. Minerva Orthopedica e Traumatologica 2012 Oct;63(5):365378. (IF: 0.087, MR: 0.048)
Tannast M, Pfannebecker P, Schwab JM, Albers CE, Siebenrock KA, Büchler L. Pelvic
morphology differs in rotation and obliquity between DDH and retroversion. Clin Orthop Relat
Res. 2012 Dec;470(12):3297-305. (IF: 2.533, MR:0.81)
Tannast M, Hanke M, Ecker TM, Murphy SB, Albers CE, Puls M. LCPD. Reduced range of
motion resulting from extra- and intraarticular impingement. Clin Orthop Relat Res. 2012
Sep;470(9):243-40. (IF: 2.533, MR:0.81)
Tannast M, Leunig M. Report of breakout session: Coxa profund/protrusion management.Clin
Orthop Relat. Res. 2012 Dec;470(12):3459-61. (IF: 2.533, MR:0.81)
Tannast M, Najibi S, Matta JM. Two to twenty-year survivorship of the hip in 810 patients wit
operatively treated acetabular fractures. J Bone Joint Surg Am. 2012 Sep 5;94(17):1559-67. (IF:
3.272, MR: 0.952)
Zheng G, von Recum J, Nolte LP, Grützner PA, Steppacher S.D, Franke J. Validation of a
statistical shape model-based 2D/3D reconstruction method for determination of cup orientation
after THA. Int J Comput Assist Radiol Surg. 2012 Mar;7(2):225-31. (IF: 1.481, MR: 0.556)
Ziebarth K, Domayer S, Slongo T, Kim YJ, Ganz R. Clinical stability of slipped capital femoral
epiphysis does not correlate with intraoperative stability. Clin Orthop Relat Res. 2012
Aug;470(8):2274-9. (IF: 2.533, MR:0.81)
Zumstein MA, Berger S, Schober M, Boileau P, Nyffeler RW, Horn M, Dahinden C A.
Leukocyte- and platelet-rich fibrin (L-PRF) for long-term delivery of growth factor in rotator cuff
repair: review, preliminary results and future directions. Curr Pharma Biotechnol. 2012
Jun;13(7):1196-206. (IF: 2.805, MR: 0.645)
Zumstein MA, Frey E, von Rechenberg B, Frigg R, Gerber C, Meyer DC. Device for lengthening
of a musculotendinous unit by direct continuous traction in the sheep
BMC Vet Res. 2012 May 2;8(1):50. (IF: 2, MR: 0.914)
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Originalarbeiten Kollaborationen
Apprich S, Mamisch TC, Welsch GH, Stelzeneder D, Albers C, Totzke U, Trattnig S
Quantitative T2 mapping of the patella at 3.0T is sensitive to early cartilage degeneration, but
also to loading of the knee. Eur J Radiol. 2012;81:e438-443. (IF: 2.606, MR: 0.69)
Apprich S. Mamisch TC, Welsch GH, Bonel H, Siebenrock KA, Kim YJ, Trattnig S, Dudda M.
Evaluation of articular cartilage in patients with femoroacetabular impingement (FAI) using T2*
mapping at different time points at 3.0 Tesla MRI:a feasibility study. Skeletal Radiol. 2012
Aug;41(8):987-95. (IF: 1.541, MR: 0.457)
Benninger E, Laschke MW, Cardell M, Holstein JH, Lustenberger T, Keel MJB, Trentz O,
Menger MD, Meier C. Early detection of subclinical organ dysfunction by microdialysis of the
rectus abdominis muscle in a porcine model of critical intra-abdominal hypertension. Shock
2012 Oct;38(4):420-8. (IF: 2.848, MR: 0.854)
Diel P, Freiburghaus L, Röder C, Benneker LM, Popp A, Perler G, Heini PF. Safety
effectiveness and predictors for early reoperation in therapeutic and prophylactic vertebroplasty:
short-term results of a prospective case series of patients with osteoporotic vertebral fractures.
Eur Spine J. 2012 Aug;21 Suppl 6:792-9. (IF: 1.965 MR: 0.635)
Evangelopoulos D, Kontovazenitis P, Kouris S, Zlatidou X, Benneker LM, Vlamis J, Korres D,
Efstathopoulos N. Computerized tomographic morphometric analysis of the cervical spine.
Open Orthop J. 2012;6:250-4.
Faymonville C, Andermahr J, Seidel U, Müller LP, Skouras E, Eysel P, Stein G. Compartments
of the foot: topographic anatomy. Surg Radiol Anat. 2012 Dec;34(10):929-33. (IF: 1.056, MR:
Gkiokas A, Morassi LG, Kohl S, Zampakides C, Megremis P, Evangelopoulos DS.
Bioabsorbable pins for treatment of osteochondral fractures of the knee after acute patella
dislocation in children and young adolescents. Adv Orthop. 2012;249687
Ganz R, Slongo T, Siebenrock KA, Turchetto L, Leunig M: Surgical technique: The capsular
arthroplasty: a useful but abandoned procedure for young patients with developmental
dysplasia of the hip. Clin Orthop Relat Res. 2012 Nov;470(11):2957-67. (IF: 2.533 MR: 0.81)
Hasler R, Exadaktylos AK, Boumra O, Benneker LM, Clancy M, Sieber R, Zimmermann H,
Lecky F. Epidemiology and predictors of cervical spine injury in adult major trauma patients:
European multicentre cohort study. J Trauma Acute Care Surg. 2012 Apr;72(4):975-981.
Hosalkar H, Munhoz da Cunha AL, Baldwin K, Ziebarth K, Wenger DR. Triple innominate
osteotomy for Legg-Calvé-Perthes disease in children: Does the lateral coverage change with
time? Clin Orthop Relat Res. 2012 Sep;470(9):2402-10. (IF: 2.533 MR: 0.81)
Hsu JE, Baldwin KD, Tannast M, Hosalkar H. What is the evidence supporting the prevention of
osteoarthritis and improved femoral coverage after shelf procedures for Legg-Calvé-Perthes
disease? Clin Orthop Rel Res. 2012 Sep;470(9):2421-30. (IF: 2.533 MR: 0.81)
Illien-Jünger S, Pattappa G, Peroglio M, Benneker LM, Stoddart MJ, Sakai D, Mochida J, Grad
S, Alini M. Homing of mesenchymal stem cells in induced degenerative intervertebral discs in a
whole organ culture system. Spine 2012 Oct 15;37(22). (IF: 2.078, MR: 0.698)
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Joeris A, Audigé L, Ziebarth K, Slongo T. The locking compresion paediatric hip plate: technical
guide and critical analysis. Int Orthop. 2012 Nov;36(11):2299-306. (IF: 2.025, MR: 0.667)
Kinzl M, Benneker LM, Boger A, Zysset PK, Pahr D. The effect of standard and low-modulus
cement augmentation on the stiffness, strength and endplate pressure distribution in
vertebroplasty. Eur Spine J. 2012 May;21(5):920-9. (IF: 1.965, MR: 0.635)
Lenz M, Perren SM, Gueorgiev B, Richards RG, Krause F, Fernandez Dell’oca A, Höntzsch D,
Windolf M. Underneath the cerclage: an ex vivo study on the cerclage-bone interface
mechanics. Arch Orthop Trauma Surg. 2012;132:1467-72. (IF: 1.369, MR: 0.54)
Mica L, Keel MJB, Trentz O. The impact of body mass index on the physiology of patients with
polytrauma. J Crit Care 2012 Dec;27(6):722-6.
Mica L, Furrer E, Keel MJB, Trentz O. Predictive ability of ISS, NISS, and APACHE II score for
SIRS and sepsis in polytrauma patients. Eur J Trauma Emerg Surg 2012 Dec;38(6):665-71. (IF:
0.328, MR: 0.167)
Montjovent MO, Siegrist M, Klenke F, Wetterwald A, Dolder S, Hofstetter W. Expression of
antagonists of WNT and BMP signaling after non-rigid fixation of osteotomies. Bone. 2012 Nov
30;53(1):79-86. (IF: 4.023, MR: 0.725)
Petrowsky H, Raeder S, Zuercher L, Platz A, Simmen HP, Puhan MA, Keel MJB, Clavien PA. A
quarter century experience in liver trauma: A plea for early computed tomography and
conservative management for all hemodynamically stable patients. World J Surg 2012
Feb;36(2):247-54. (IF: 2.362, MR: 0.404)
Peters CL, Beaulé PE, Beck M, Tannast M, Jiranek W, Sierra RJ. Report of breakout session:
Stragegies to improve hip preservation training. Clin Orthop Relat Res. 2012 Dec;470(12):
3467-9. (IF: 2.533 MR: 0.81)
Pauli C, Whiteside R, Heras, FL, Nesic D, Koziol J, Grogan SP, Matyas J, Pritzker KPH, D’Lima,
DD, Lotz MK. 2012. Comparison of cartilage histopathology assessment systems on human
knee joints at all stages of osteoarthritis development. Osteoarthritis&Cartilage 2012 Juni
20(6):476-485. (IF: 3.904, MR: 1)
Solomon LB, Guevara C, Büchler L, Howie DW, Byard RW, Beck M. Does bone wax induce a
chronic inflammatory articular reaction? Clinical Orthopaedics and Related Research (2012)
Vol. 470, Issue 11(2012): 3207-12. (IF: 2.533 MR: 0.81)
Van der Wilden G, Albers C, Haefeli P, Zimmerman H, Exadaktylos A, Levy P, Birkham O,
Michailidou M, Sideris A, Velmahos G, Alam H, King D, Fagenholz P, Yeh D, de Moya MA.
Using micropower impulse radar technology to screen for pneumothorax: An international biinstitutional study. J Trauma Acute Care Surg. 2012 Dec;73;6:1416-9.
Weidner J, Büchler L, Beck M. Hip capsule dimensions in patients with femoroacetabular
impingement: A pilot study. Clinical Orthopaedics and Related Research 2012 Vol.470, Issue
12: 3306-3312. (IF: 2.533 MR: 0.81)
Xu Li, Su Yongbin, Kienle K.P, Hayashi Daichi, Guermazi Ali, Zhang Jing, Dai Yongming,
Cheng, Xiaoguang. Evaluation of radial distribution of cartilage degeneration and necessity of
pre-contrast measurements using radial dGEMRIC in adults with acetabular dysplasia. BMC
Musculoskelet Disord. 2012 Oct 30;13(1):212. (IF: 1.577, MR: 0.587)
Seite 15 von 40
Übrige Publikationen (ohne Abstracts, z.B. Buchbeiträge, Artikel in nicht indexierten
Zeitschriften, Reviews, Case Reports)
Albers CE, Zumstein MA, Krüger A, Kohl S. Die endoprothetische Versorgung der
posttraumatischen Gonarthrose. In: Leading Opinions Orthopädie und Rheuma. Universimed
Cross Media Content GmBH, Wien, 2012.
Bastian JD, Keel MJB
Traumatologie – Becken und untere Extremität: Beckenringverletzung, Azetabulumfraktur,
Hüftgelenksluxation, Femurkopffraktur, Schenkelhalsfraktur, pertrochantäre Femurfraktur,
Femurschaftfraktur, distale Femurfraktur, Patellafraktur, Verletzungen des Kniestreckapparates,
Verletzungen des Kniebandapparates, Kniegelenksluxation, Meniskusläsion, Tibiakopffraktur,
Unterschenkelschaftfraktur, distale intraartikuläre Tibiafraktur (Pilonfraktur),
Achillessehnenruptur, Malleolarfraktur, Bänderriss am oberen Sprunggelenk, Talusfrakturen,
Kalkaneusfraktur, Verletzungen in der Chopart-Lisfranc-Gelenklinie, Frakturen der
Mittelfussknochen und Zehen. In: Largiadèr F, Saeger H-D, Keel M (Hrsg.): Checkliste
Chirurgie. 10. Auflage, Georg Thieme Verlag, Stuttgart New York, 2012, pp.608-51.
Boileau P, O’Shea K, Vargas P, Pinedo M, Old J, Zumstein MA. The egaging hill sachs lesion:
Is arthroscopic remplissage the solution? Shoulder Concepts 2012, Arthroscopy&Arthroplasty,
Sauramps Médical, Montepelier, France, Pascal Boileau (Ed). pp:83-100.
Boileau P, Zumstein MA, OldJ, O’Shea K. Decision making process for anterior instability
treatment. Shoulder Concepts 2012, Arthroscopy&Arthroplasty, Sauramps Médical,
Montepelier, France, Pascal Boileau (Ed). pp:205-2018.
Boileau P, Schaer M, Rumian A, Brassart N, Bugnas B, Zumstein MA. Only dependent
arthroscopic transosseous equivalent double-row rotator cuff repair leads to medial failures.
Shoulder Concepts 2012, Arthroscopy&Arthroplasty, Sauramps Médical, Montepelier, France,
Pascal Boileau (Ed). pp: 401-410.
Benneker LM, Keel MJB. Verletzungen der Wirbelsäule: Grundlagen und Diagnostik,
Klassifikation und Therapie. In: Largiadèr F, Saeger H-D, Keel M (Hrsg.): Checkliste Chirurgie.
10. Auflage, Georg Thieme Verlag, Stuttgart New York, 2012, pp.597-603.
Benneker LM, Keel MJB. Verletzungen des Rückenmarks. In: Largiadèr F, Saeger H-D, Keel M
(Hrsg.): Checkliste Chirurgie. 10. Auflage, Georg Thieme Verlag, Stuttgart New York, 2012,
Benneker LM, Schwyn R. Schlaglichter 2012 Orthopädie und Traumatologie: Intraaoperative
Messung der Knochenqualität – erste Erfahrungen aus der Wirbelsäulenchirurgie
Swiss Medical Forum SMF 01362 Nr 51/52, Dezember 2012.
Benneker LM. Osteoporose – schmerzhafte Wirbelbrüche Interview zur Spezialausgabe
Orthopädie, Tages-Anzeiger, MediaPlanet Switzerland, Zürich, Juni 2012.
Ilchmann T, Keel MJB. SGTV – wo stehen wir heute ? 100 Jahre SGTV (Schweizerische
Gesellschaft für Traumatologie und Versicherungsmedizin)/SSTMA, 10-1/2012.
Ilchmann T, Keel MJB. SGTV – ein Blick in die Zukunft. 100 Jahre SGTV (Schweizerische
Gesellschaft für Traumatologie und Versicherungsmedizin)/SSTMA, 12-3/2012.
Keel MJB. Chirurgische Infektiologie: Osteomyelitis/Osteitis, septische Arthritis, Sepsis,
spezifische Infektionen. In: Largiadèr F, Saeger H-D, Keel M (Hrsg.): Checkliste Chirurgie. 10.
Auflage, Georg Thieme Verlag, Stuttgart New York, 2012, pp.500-8.
Seite 16 von 40
Keel MJB. Grundlagen der Wund- und Frakturbehandlung: Weichteilwunden,
Wundversorgungskonzepte, Frakturenlehre - Grundlagen und Diagnostik, allgemeine
Therapieprinzipien, Prinzipien der konservativen Frakturbehandlung, Prinzipien der operativen
Frakturbehandlung (Osteosynthese), Frakturkompliaktionen. In: Largiadèr F, Saeger H-D, Keel
M (Hrsg.): Checkliste Chirurgie. 10. Auflage, Georg Thieme Verlag, Stuttgart New York, 2012,
Keel MJB. Traumatologie – obere Extremität: Klavikulafraktur, Verletzungen der
Schlüsselbeingelenke, Schulterluxation und -instabilität, Rotatorenmanschettenruptur,
Skapulafraktur, Bizepssehnenverletzungen, proximale Humerusfraktur, Humerusschaftfraktur,
distale Humerusfraktur, Olekranonfraktur, Radiusköpfchen-/Radiushalsfraktur,
Ellenbogenluxation, Unterarmschaftfraktur, distale Radiusfraktur.. In: Largiadèr F, Saeger H-D,
Keel M (Hrsg.): Checkliste Chirurgie. 10. Auflage, Georg Thieme Verlag, Stuttgart New York,
2012, pp.652-77.
Keel MJB. Traumatologie – Spezielle Situationen: Erfrierung und Unterkühlung. In: Largiadèr F,
Saeger H-D, Keel M (Hrsg.): Checkliste Chirurgie. 10. Auflage, Georg Thieme Verlag, Stuttgart
New York, 2012, pp.699-700.
Keel MJB, Bastian JD. Entwicklungen in der Becken- und Azetabulumtraumatologie während
der letzten Dekade. 100 Jahre SGTV (Schweizerische Gesellschaft für Traumatologie und
Versicherungsmedizin)/SSTMA, 12-3/2012.
Keel MJB. Bone Bruise: Aetiologie, Pathogenese, Therapie. Schweizerischer
Versicherungsverband, Forum@insurance, 6-7/2012.
Keel MJB. Hüftgelenks-Impingement: Aetiologie, Pathogenese, Therapie. Schweizerischer
Versicherungsverband, Forum@insurance, 9-10/2012.
Keel MJ, Ecker TM, Siebenrock KA, Bastian JD. Rationales for the Bernese approaches in
acetabular surgery. Eur J Trauma Emerg Surg 2012 Oct;38(5):489-98.
Klenke FM, Siebenrock KA. Pathomorphology and treatment of femoroacetabular
impingement. Instr Course Lect. 2012;61:263-72.
Kohl S. Voraussetzung für die Selbstheilung schaffen. Heilung der vorderen Kreuzbanruptur
durch die Dynamisch Intrligamentäre Stabilisation. DKOU, Spectator Congress Oktober 2012
Kohl S, Eggli S. Ligamys-Unterstützuung der VKB Selbstheilung. Move! November/ Dezember
Krause FG, Iselin LD. Hindfoot varus and neurologic disorder. Foot Ankle Clin. 2012,
Krause FG, Schmid T. Ankle arthrodesis versus total ankle replacement: How do I decide. Foot
Ankle Clin. 2012, December;17:529-543.
Krause F. Pes planovalgus im Erwachsenenalter. My medibook, elearning & medical science.
Krause F. Op-Techniken. Pes cavus. My medibook, elearning & medical science. 2012.
Künzler M, Schär M, Zumstein MA. Shoulder injuries in Sports Rheuma Schweiz. 2012;3:18-20.
Seite 17 von 40
Maestretti GL, Benneker LM, Ciarpalini R, Monnard E (2012). Minimal invasive Posterior
Dynamic Stabilization with Yoda: A new treatment option for disc degeneration, ISLASS,
Springer Verlag, Berlin Germany.
Schumann S, Tannast M, Bergmann M, Thali M, Nolte L.P, Zheng G. A hierarchical strategy for
reconstruction of 3D acetabular surface models from 2D calibrated x-ray images. IPCAI 2012:
Trentz O, Keel MJB. Management schwer verletzter Patienten. In: Largiadèr F, Saeger H-D,
Keel M (Hrsg.): Checkliste Chirurgie. 10. Auflage, Georg Thieme Verlag, Stuttgart New York,
2012, pp.134-43.
Zumstein MA, Rumian A, Thelu CE, Lesbats V, O’Shea K, Schaer M, Bioleau P. Use of plateletand leucocyte-rich fibrin (L-PRF) does not affect late rotator cuff tendon healing. A prospective
randomized controlled study. Shoulder Concepts 2012, Arthroscopy&Arthroplasty, Sauramps
Médical, Montepelier, France, Pascal Boileau (Ed). pp: 472-499.
Zumstein MA, Pinedo M, Old J, Walch G, Boileau P. Problems, complications, reooperations
and revisions in reverse shoulder arthroplasty. Shoulder concepts 2012,
Arthroscopy&Arthroplasty, Sauramps Médical, Montepelier, France, Pascal Boileau (Ed). A
systematic Review, pp:351-368.
Seite 18 von 40
Albers CE, Hofstetter W, Siebenrock KA, Klenke FM. Cytotoxic effects of Ionic silver and silver
nano-particles on osteoblasts and osteoclasts in vitro. Transaction of the Annual Meeting of the
American Academy of Orthopedic Surgeons (AAOS), San Francisco, USA, 2012.
Albers C.E, Steppacher S.D, Ganz R, Siebenrock K.A, Tannast M. Optimal acetabular
reorientation and offset correction improve the long term results after periacetabular osteotomy.
J Bone joint Surg Br (SUPP XXXVII), 2012,94-B:585.
Bastian JD, Ecker TM, Cullmann-Bastian JL, Bonel HM, Büchler L, Siebenrock KA, Keel MJB
The Pararectus approach for anterior intrapelvic management of acetabular fractures. 72.
Jahreskongress der Schweizerischen Gesellschaft für Orthopädie und Traumatologie, Basel,
Bastian JD, Ecker TM, Cullmann-Bastian JL, Bonel HM, Büchler L, Siebenrock KA, Keel MJB
Der Pararectus Zugang zur anterioren, intrapelvinen Versorgung von Azetabulumfrakturen.
Deutscher Kongress für Orthopädie und Unfallchirurgie, Berlin, 10/2012.
Bastian JD, Tannast M, Siebenrock KA, Keel MJB. Reduction of dome impaction and
quadrilateral surface determines outcome in acetabular fractures treated through Stoppa
approach. 72. Jahreskongress der Schweizerischen Gesellschaft für Orthopädie und
Traumatologie, Basel, 06/2012.
Bastian JD, Tomagra S, Siebenrock KA, Keel MJB. Fixation of pelvic ring injuries using the
Stoppa approach. 13th European Congress of Trauma & Emergency Surgery, Basel, May 12 –
15, 2012.
Bastian JD, Tomagra S, Siebenrock KA, Keel MJB. Fixation of pelvic ring injuries using the
Stoppa approach. 72. Jahreskongress der Schweizerischen Gesellschaft für Orthopädie und
Traumatologie, Basel, 06/2012.
Bastian JD, Büchler L, Siebenrock KA, Keel MJB. Floppy positioning of the patient for treatment
of complex acetabular fractures. 72. Jahreskongress der Schweizerischen Gesellschaft für
Orthopädie und Traumatologie, Basel, 06/2012.
Benneker LM, Hasler R, Exadaktylos AK, Bouamra O, Clancy M, Sieber R, Lecky F
Epidemiology and predictors of cervical spine injury in adult major trauma patients: Multicentre
cohort-study 13th European Congress of Trauma and Emergency Surgery, May 2012, Basel,
Bastian JD, Müller A, Mini O, Hess R. Treatment of femoral shaft fractures in patients with
ipsilateral ankylosed hips – a report of two cases. 72. Jahreskongress der Schweizerischen
Gesellschaft für Orthopädie und Traumatologie, Basel, 06/2012.
Benneker LM, Popp A, Schiuma D, Schwyn R. Densiprobe Spine – first clinical results
13th European Congress of Trauma and Emergency Surgery, May 2012, Basel, Switzerland.
Benneker LM, Popp A, Schiuma D, Schwyn R. DensiProbe Spine: First clinical experience with
intraoperative measurement of bone quality 37th Annual Meeting of Int. Society for the Study of
the Lumbar Spine ISSLS, May 2012, Amsterdam NL.
Benneker LM, Popp A, Schiuma D, Schwyn R. Erste klinische Erfahrung mit intraoperativer
Messung der Knochenqualität bei dorsaler Stabilisierung mit Pedikelschrauben 7th annual
congress of the German Spine Society DWG, December 2012, Stuttgart Germany.
Seite 19 von 40
Büchler L, Bastian JD, Siebenrock KA, Keel MJB. Floppy positioning of the patient for treatment
of complex acetabular fractures. 13th European Congress of Trauma & Emergency Surgery,
Basel, 05/2012.
Choy J, Albers CE, Hofstetter W, Klenke FM. Stimulation der Resorption von β-TCP Keramiken
durch RANKL Inkorporation. Deutscher Kongress für Orthopädie und Unfallchirurgie, Berlin,
Deutschland, 23-26.10.2012.
Ecker TM, Krause F, Müller T, Weber M. Non-operative treatment of acute rupture of the
Achilles tendon. ECTES Basel 5/2012, SGOT Basel 6/12, DKOU Berlin 10/12.
Ecker TM, Krause F, Müller T, Weber M. Non-operative treatment of acute rupture of the
Achilles tendon. 13th European Congress of Trauma and Emergency Surgery May 12th-15th
2012, Basel.
Ecker TM, Puls M, Bastian JD, Keel MJB, Tannast M, Siebenrock KA. Navigation of Acetabular
Re-orientation in Periacetabular Osteotomy – a Computer-assisted Feasibility Study on
Cadavers. 72. Jahreskongress der Schweizerischen Gesellschaft für Orthopädie und
Traumatologie, 27.-29.06.2012, Basel.
Ecker TM. "Konservative Therapie und frühfunktionelle Rehabilitation der akuten traumatischen
Achillessehnenruptur - eine prospektive Studie mit 91 Fällen" Deutscher Kongress für
Orthopädie und Unfallchirurgie 23.-26.10.2012, Berlin.
Ecker TM. "Navigierte Stellungskorrektur des Azetabulums bei Periazetabuläre
Umstellungsosteotomie - eine Computer-assistierte Kadaverstudie"
Deutscher Kongress für Orthopädie und Unfallchirurgie 23.-26.10.2012, Berlin.
Gantenbein B, Guggisberg S, Chan SC, Benneker LM, Grad S. Discogenic Pre-Conditioning of
human Mesenchymal Stem Cells in synthetic MMP-Degradable Poly-Ethylene- Glycol (PEG)
Hydrogels under Load and rhGDF-5 Orthopedic Research Society, February 2012, San
Francisco, CA, USA.
Henning JC, Keel MJB, Benneker LM, Bastian JD. Management of failed vertebral body stenting
for treatment of vertebral fractures – report of two cases. 13th European Congress of Trauma &
Emergency Surgery, Basel, 05/2012.
Hoppe S, Kuhnert VS, Schwarzenbach O, Hüfner T, Berlemann U. „ALIF L5/S1 with StandAlone Cages – Longterm-Follow-Up“ 7. Annual Meeting of „Deutsche Wirbelsäulengesellschaft“,
Stuttgart, Germany, 2012.
Hoppe S, Berlemann U, Schwarzenbach O. „Dynesys Stabilisation for the Treatment of
degenerative Spondylolisthesis L4/5“International 31th Course for Percutaneous Endoscopic
Spinal Surgery and Complementary Minimal Invasive Techniques (IMISS), 2012, Zürich,
Hoppe S, Wangler S, Aghayev L, Benneker LM. “Different Augmentation techniques for the
reduction of leakage in a vertebroplasty model” 7. Annual Meeting of „Deutsche
Wirbelsäulengesellschaft“, Stuttgart, Germany, 2012.
Hoppe S, Keel MB, Benneker LM. „Posterior instrumentation and monosegmental
spondylodesis in combination with cement augmentation for the treatment of thoracolumbar
burst fractures“ 13. European Congress of Trauma and Emergency Surgery, Basel, Switzerland
Seite 20 von 40
Keel MJB, Ecker TM, Cullmann-Bastian JL, Bonel HM, Büchler L, Siebenrock KA, Bastian JD
Pararectal approach for intrapelvic management of acetabular fractures. American Academy of
Orthopaedic Surgeons, Annual Meeting, San Francisco, California, 02/2012.
Keel MJB, Henning JC, Benneker LM, Bastian JD. Management of failed vertebral body stenting
for treatment of vertebral fractures – report of two cases. 72. Jahreskongress der
Schweizerischen Gesellschaft für Orthopädie und Traumatologie, Basel, 06/2012.
Klenke FM, Choy J, Albers CE, Hofstetter W. Stimulation of β-TCP ceramic resorption through
incorporation of RANKL – an in vitro study. 72. Jahreskongress der Schweizerischen
Gesellschaft für Orthopädie und Traumatologie, Basel, 28.06.2012.
Kohl S, Bonel H, Kohlhof H, Zumstein M, Dimitrios E, Krüger A. P. Henle, Eggli S. Heilung der
Vorderen Kreuzbandruptur durch die Dynamisch Intraligamentäre Stabilisation. DKOU, Berlin
23.-26. Oktober 2012.
Kohl S, Kohlhof H, Zumstein M, Benel H, Evangelopoulos D, Eggli S. Self healing of anterior
cruciate ligament rupture by dynamic intraligamental stabilization. SICOT, Dubai, 28.-30.
November 2012.
Kohl S, Kohlhof H, Zumstein M, Bonel H, Evangelopoulos D, Henle P, Eggli S. Heilung der
vorderen Kreuzbandruptur durch die dynamisch intraligamentäre Stabilisation. Self-healing of
anterior cruciate ligament rupture by dynamic intraligamental stabilisation. AGA, Zürich,
Kohlhof H, Keel M, Benneker LM. Zementaugmentierte anteriore Schraubenosteosynthese von
Densfrakturen Typ II (nach Anderson) - Beschreibung einer neuen Technik 82th Annual
Meeting Deutsche Gesellschaft für Unfallchirurgie, October 2012, Berlin Germany.
Krause F, Weber M. The use of weightbearing radiographs to the stability of supination-external
rotation fractures of the ankle. ECTES Basel 5/2012.
Krause F, Schmid T, Weber M. Mid-term results of operative treatment of tarsal navicular
fractures and a new fracture classification. AOFAS Summer Meeting, San Diego, 6/2012.
Krause F, Ecker TM, Müller T, Weber M. Non-operative treatment of acute rupture of the
Achilles tendon. AOFAS Summer Meeting, San Diego, 6/2012.
Murphy W.S, Steppacher S.D, Kowal J.H, Murphy S.B. Clinical accuracy of the HipSextantTM
navigation system: multiuser experience. 12th Annual Meeting of CAOS-International, Seoul,
South Korea, June 13 – 16, 2012. In: Davies BL, Joskowicz L, Song EK, eds. Computer
Assisted Orthopaedic Surgery. Berlin, Germany: ProBusiness;2012.
Murphy W.S, Steppacher S.D, Kowal J.H, Murphy S.B. Can patient-specific mechanical
navigation of cup implantation be performed based only on plain radiographs? 12th Annual
Meeting of CAOS-International, Seoul, South Korea, June 13 – 16, 2012. In: Davies BL,
Joskowicz L, Song EK, eds. Computer Assisted Orthopaedic Surgery. Berlin, Germany:
Murphy W.S, Steppacher S.D, Kowal J.H, Murphy S.B. Registration and tracking accuracy of
the HipSextantTM navigation system. 12th Annual Meeting of CAOS-International, Seoul, South
Korea, June 13 – 16, 2012. In: Davies BL, Joskowicz L, Song EK, eds. Computer Assisted
Orthopaedic Surgery. Berlin, Germany: ProBusiness;2012.
Pfander G, Krause F, Henning J, Weber M. Cavovarus realignment to treat anteromedial ankle
arthrosis. SGOT Basel 6/12.
Seite 21 von 40
Schmid T, Weber M, Krause F. Mid-term results of operative treatment of tarsal navicular
fractures and a new fracture classification. ECTES Basel 5/2012, SGOT Basel 6/12.
Schmid T, Weber M, Krause F. Mid-term results of operative treatment of tarsal navicular
fractures and a new fracture classification. 13th European Congress of Trauma and Emergency
Surgery, Basel, 05/2012.
Striegl B, Grad S, Eglin D, Benneker LM, Bono E, Alini M, Graf-Hausner U, Peroglio M
In vitro evaluation of a thermoreversible hyaluronan-based hydrogel loaded with cell-seeded
polyurethane particles for nucleus pulposus repair. World Forum for Spine Research June 2012
Helsinki, Finland.
Steppacher S.D, Tannast M, Murphy SB. Outcome of ceramic-ceramic total hip arthroplasty in
patients with developmental dysplasia of the hip. Journal of Bone & Joint Surgery, British
Volume. 2012; 94-B(SUPP XXV):165.
Steppacher S.D, Tannast M, Murphy S.B. Prospective comparison of total hip arthoplasty
performed using Conventional and Tissue-Preserving Techniques: A Minimum 2-Year Outcome
Study. Journal of Bone & Joint Surgery, British Volume. 2012; 94-B(SUPP XXV):164.
Steppacher S.D, Albers C.E, Tannast K.A, Siebenrock K.A, Ganz R. Acetabular retroversion as
a contributing factor for posterior traumatic hip dislocation. J Bone Joint Surg Br (Supp XXXVII),
2012, 94-B:221.
Steppacher S.D, Albers C.E, Tannast M, Siebenrock K.A. Topographical cartilage thickness
variation in patients with femoroacetabular impingement. J Bone Joint Surg Br (SUPP XXXVII),
Steppacher S.D, Kowal J.H, Murphy S.B. Improving Cup Positioning Using a Mechanical
Navigation Instrument. Journal of Bone & Joint Surgery, British Volume. 2012; 94-B(SUPP
Tannheimer A, Schaser KD, Keel MJB, Bastian JD. Der Pararectus-Zugang zur Versorgung von
Azetabulumfraktur: Erste Resultate und Erfahrungsberichte. 10th EFORT 89. Jahrestagung,
Vereinigung der Bayerischen Chirurgen e.V., Regensburg, Deutschland, 25.-27.7.2012.
Tannast M, Hanke M. Ecker T, Burphy S.B, Steppacher S.D, Albers C.E, Siebenrock K.A.
LCPD: Reduced Range of Motion due to
Extra- and Intra-Articular Impingement.
72.Jahreskongress der Schweizerischen Gesellschaft für Orthopädie und Traumatologie,, Basel.
Seite 22 von 40
Albers CE, Haefeli P, de Moya , Zimmermann H, Exadaktylos AK. Can handheld micropower
impulse radar technology be used to detect pneumothoraces? First experience from a
European Trauma Center. 13th European Congress of Trauma & Emergency Surgery (ECTES),
Basel, Switzerland. 12.-15. Mai 2012.
Albers CE, Haefeli P, de Moya M, Zimmermann H, Exadaktylos AK. Can handheld micropower
impulse radar technology be used to detect pneumothoraces? First experience from a
European Trauma Center. 14th International Conference on Emergency Medicine (ICEM),
Dublin, Ireland. 27.-30. Juni 2012.
Atal K, Steiner T.H, Zulliger M.A, Nesic D, Müller R, Stok K.S. A quantitative analysis of the
effect of altered femoral bone structure with the onset of osteoarthritis in a preclinical rat model.
Abstracts 2012 Annual Meeting, Swiss Society for Biomedical Engineering, Lausanne,
Switzerland, August 27-28, p. 38, 2012.
Atal K, Steiner T.H, Zulliger M.A, Nesic D, Müller R, Stok K.S. Quantitative joint alignment
measurements for preclinical models of osteoarthritis. Abstracts 2012 Annual Meeting, Swiss
Society for Biomedical Engineering, Lausanne, Switzerland, August 27-28, p. 39, 2012.
Bastian JD, Tomagra S, Siebenrock KA, Keel MJB. Fixation of pelvic ring injuries using the
Stoppa approach. 72. Jahreskongress der Schweizerischen Gesellschaft für Orthopädie und
Traumatologie, Basel, 06/2012.
Bastian JD, Büchler L, Siebenrock KA, Keel MJB. Floppy positioning of the patient for treatment
of complex acetabular fractures. 72. Jahreskongress der Schweizerischen Gesellschaft für
Orthopädie und Traumatologie, Basel, 06/2012.
Bastian JD, Müller A, Mini O, Hess R. Treatment of femoral shaft fractures in patients with
ipsilateral ankylosed hips – a report of two cases. 72. Jahreskongress der Schweizerischen
Gesellschaft für Orthopädie und Traumatologie, Basel, 06/2012.
Benneker LM, Popp A, Heini PF, Schiuma D, Schwyn R. DensiProbe Spine: First clinical
experience with intraoperative measurement of bone quality
Orthopedic Research Society,
February 2012, San Francisco, CA, USA.
Büchler L, Bastian JD, Siebenrock KA, Keel MJB. Floppy positioning of the patient for treatment
of complex acetabular fractures. 13th European Congress of Trauma & Emergency Surgery,
Basel, 05/2012.
Chan S, Benneker LM, Gantenbein B. A reproducible papain-induced in-vitro disc degeneration
model for the study of injectable nucleus pulposus therapy 37th Annual Meeting of Int. Society
for the Study of the Lumbar Spine ISSLS, May 2012, Amsterdam NL.
Chan S, Benneker LM, Bonel H, Gantenbein B. Ein reproduzierbares Papain-induziertes
Bandscheibendegenerations-Modell mit reduziertem GAG und Wassergehalt
7th annual congress of the German Spine Society DWG, December 2012, Stuttgart Germany.
Czücs C, Diaz-Romero J, Quintin A, Nesic D, S100 - a biomarker for human articular
chondrocyte potency. ICRS 2012, Montreal, Canada, 2012.
Gantenbein B, Benneker LM, Siebenrock KA, Chan SC. Optimization of the enzyme-induced
disc degeneration model for the in-vitro study of nucleus pulposus tissue engineering
Orthopedic Research Society, February 2012, San Francisco, CA, USA.
Seite 23 von 40
Henning JC, Keel MJB, Benneker LM, Bastian JD. Management of failed vertebral body stenting
for treatment of vertebral fractures – report of two cases. 13th European Congress of Trauma &
Emergency Surgery, Basel, 05/2012.
Hoppe S, Keel MB, Benneker LM. Posterior instrumentation and monosegmental spondylodesis
in combination with cement augmentation for the treatment of thoracolumbar burst fractures
13th European Congress of Trauma and Emergency Surgery, May 2012, Basel, Switzerland.
Hoppe S, Schwarzenbach O, Berlemann U.“Long-term outcome after monosegmental L4/5
stabilisation for degenerative spondylolisthesis with the Dynesys Device ”Annual Meeting of
„International Society fort he Advancement of Spine Surgery“, 2012, Barcelona, Spain.
Hoppe S, Wrangler S, Aghayev E, Benneker LM. Vergleich verschiedener
Augmentationstechniken zur Vermeidung von Zementextravasat am Vertebroplastikmodell
7th annual congress of the German Spine Society DWG, December 2012, Stuttgart Germany.
Hugues C, Schaer A, Zumstein MA, Schaer M. Mid-term outcome of a new arthroscopic
transosseous anchor free rotator cuff repair. 24th Contress of the European Society for Surgery
of the Shoulder and Elbow, Dubrovnik, Croatia, 19.09.-22.09.2012.
Hugues C, Schaer A, Zumstein MA, Schaer M. Mid-term outcome of a new arthroscopic
transosseous anchor free rotator cuff repair. Annual Meeting of the French Society of
Arthroscopy (SFA), Lille, France.
Keel MJB, Henning JC, Benneker LM, Bastian JD. Management of failed vertebral body stenting
for treatment of vertebral fractures – report of two cases. 72. Jahreskongress der
Schweizerischen Gesellschaft für Orthopädie und Traumatologie, Basel, 06/2012.
Kleer B, Stuz C, Evangelopoulos D.S, Theddy S, Kohlhof H, Eggli S, Zumstein M, Kohl, S
Trans-epiphysäre Rekonstruktion der vorderen Kreuzbandruptur bei Kindern und Jugendlichen
E-Poster Session VII, NOUV, Hamburg, Deutschland, 14.-17 Juni 2012.
Kohl S, Kohlhof H, Zumstein M, Bonel H, Evangelopoulos D, Henle P, Eggli S. Heilung der
Vorderen Kreuzbandruptur durch die Dynamisch Intraligamentäre Stabilisation. Self-healing of
anterior cruciate ligament rupture by dynamic intraligamental stabilisation. AGA, Zürich
Murphy W.S, Steppacher S.D, Kowal J.H, Murphy S.B. Clinical accuracy of the HipSextantTM
navigation system: multiuser experience. 12th Annual Meeting of CAOS-International, Seoul,
South Korea, June 13 – 16, 2012.
Murphy W.S, Steppacher S.D, Kowal J.H, Murphy S.B. Can patient-specific mechanical
navigation of cup implantation be performed based only on plain radiographs? 12th Annual
Meeting of CAOS-International, Seoul, South Korea, June 13 – 16, 2012.
Pfander G, Krause F, Henning J, Weber M. E-Poster: Ankle arthrodesis for salvage of chopart
amputations with anterior soft-tissue problems. AOFAS Summer Meeting, San Diego, USA,
Pattappa G, Illien-Jünger S, Peroglio M, Stoddart MJ, Benneker LM, Sakai D, Mochida J, Grad
S, Alini M. Homing of IGF-1 transduced mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs) in degenerative
intervertebral discs accelerates proteoglycan synthesis Orthopedic Research Society, February
2012, San Francisco, CA, USA.
Seite 24 von 40
Striegl B, Grad S, Eglin D, Benneker LM, Bono E, Alini M, Graf-Hausner U, Peroglio M
Human disc cells and mesenchymal stem cells differentiation in a thermoreversible hydrogel: an
in vitro and ex-vivo study Orthopedic Research Society, February 2012, San Francisco, CA,
Striegl B, Grad S, Eglin D, Benneker LM, Peroglio M, Alini M, Graf-Hausner U, Bono E
Cell-seeded thermoreversible hydrogel-polyurethane composites for nucleus pulposus
augmentation. Dechema Biotechnology; 3D Cell Culture Congress; March 2012, Zurich
Striegl B, Grad S, Eglin D, Benneker LM, Bono E, Alini M, Graf-Hausner U, Peroglio M
In vitro evaluation of a thermoreversible hyaluronan-based hydrogel loaded with cell-seeded
polyurethane particles for nucleus pulposus repair. World Forum for Spine Research, June
2012, Helsinki, Finland.
Steiner T.H, Choo R.J, Quintin A, Nesi D, Zulliger M. A, Müller R, Stok K. S. Whole joint
structure in a rat osteoarthritis model for sample-specific mechanical evaluation. Abstracts 18th
Congress of the European Society of Biomechanics (ESB), Lisbon, Portugal, July 1-4, J.
Biomech., 45(S1):S160, 2012.
Steiner T.H, Choo R.J, Nesi D, Zulliger M. A, Müller R, Stok K. S. Microstructural imaging for
sample-specific finite element analysis in a rat osteoarthritis model. Abstracts 2012 Annual
Meeting, Swiss Society for Biomedical Engineering, Lausanne, Switzerland, August 27-28, p.
37, 2012.
Steiner T.H, Choo R.J, Quintin A, Villarreal A, Firminger C, Müller R, Koller B, Zulliger M, Nesic
D, Stok K. S. Comprehensive morphological characterisation of arthritis in animal models by
micro-CT. Abstracts CTI Medtech Event 2012, Commission for Technology and Innovation
(CTI), Luzern, Switzerland, September 24, 2012.
Wirtz C, Keel MJB, Banz Y, Benneker LM. Primary solitary amyloidoma of the sacrum – a case
report and review of literature 13th European Congress of Trauma and Emergency Surgery, May
2012, Basel, Switzerland.
Ziebarth K. E-Poster LCP Pediatric Hip Plates in congenital hip dysplasia, acquired pathologies
of the hip, proximal femur and femoral neck fractures Presenting Author, EFFORT Kongress
Berlin 2012.
Seite 25 von 40
Albers CE, Steppacher SD, Ganz R, Tannast M, Siebenrock KA. Predictive Factors for
Successful Treatment Outcome after PAO. Bernese Hip Symposium, Bern, Switzerland, März
Albers CE, Steppacher SD, Werlen S, Siebenrock KA, Tannast M. Mild, untreated SCFE in
childhood as a risk factor for the development of cam type FAI. 72. Jahreskongress der SGOT,
Basel, Switzerland, Juni 2012.
Albers CE, Steppacher SD, Werlen S, Siebenrock KA, Tannast M. Klinisch stumme
Epiphysiolyse als Risikofaktor für die Entwicklung von Cam-Typ femorazetabulärem
Impingement . Eine MRT basierte Studie. Deutscher Kongress für Orthopädie und
Unfallchirurgie, Berlin, Germany. Oktober, 2012.
Albers CE, Hofstetter W, Landmann R, Siebenrock KA, Klenke FM. Cytotoxic effects of Ionic
silver and silver nano-particles on osteoblasts and osteoclasts in vitro. 79th Annual Meeting
AAOS, February 2012, San Francisco, USA.
Bastian JD, Ecker TM, Cullmann-Bastian JL, Bonel HM, Büchler L, Siebenrock KA, Keel MJB
The Pararectus approach for anterior intrapelvic management of acetabular fractures. 72.
Jahreskongress der Schweizerischen Gesellschaft für Orthopädie und Traumatologie, Basel,
Bastian JD, Ecker TM, Cullmann-Bastian JL, Bonel HM, Büchler L, Siebenrock KA, Keel MJB
Der Pararectus Zugang zur anterioren, intrapelvinen Versorgung von Azetabulumfrakturen.
Deutscher Kongress für Orthopädie und Unfallchirurgie, Berlin, 10/2012.
Bastian JD, Tannast M, Siebenrock KA, Keel MJB. Reduction of dome impaction and
quadrilateral surface determines outcome in acetabular fractures treated through Stoppa
approach. 72. Jahreskongress der Schweizerischen Gesellschaft für Orthopädie und
Traumatologie, Basel, 06/2012.
Bastian JD, Tomagra S, Siebenrock KA, Keel MJB. Fixation of pelvic ring injuries using the
Stoppa approach. 13th European Congress of Trauma & Emergency Surgery, Basel, May 12 –
15, 2012.
Bastian J, Büchler L, Keel MJB. Pararectal approach for anterior intrapelvic management of
acetabular fractures. Annual meeting American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons (AAOS),
San Francisco 2012.
Benneker LM. Osteoporose – chirurgische Behandlungskonzepte. Annual Congress Swiss
Society for Spine Surgery, Bern, Switzerland, August 2012.
Benneker LM. Knochenzement - Vertebroplastie und andere Anwendungen
16. Bieler Fortbildungstage SGACT, Biel, Switzerland, September 2012.
Büchler L. Wen sollte und wen sollte ich nicht operieren? Welche potentiellen Komplikationen
sollte ich ansprechen? Leipziger Hüft-Arthroskopie Workshop, Leipzig, 16.-17.03.2012.
Büchler L. Gute Sicht im Gelenk. Was ist normal, was ist pathologisch? Abgleich mit
bildgebenden Verfahren. Leipziger Hüft-Arthroskopie Workshop, Leipzig 16.-17.03.2012.
Büchler L. Hip arthroscopy. The Bernese experience. Bernese Hip Symposium, Bern,
Seite 26 von 40
Büchler L. Zugangs- und Rekonstruktionsoptionen bei Pipkinfrakturen. AO 3-Ländertagung,
Wien, 3.- 5.5.2012.
Büchler L. Floppy positioning in the treatment of severe acetabulum fractures. Annual meeting
European Congress of Trauma Emergency Surgery (ECTES), Basel, 12.-15.5.2012.
Büchler L. Präoperative Evaluation und Planung der Behandlung von Hüftpathologien – der
Berner Weg. Niederrheinischer Hüft-Arthroskopie Kongress mit Workshop, Essen, 7.-8.9.2012.
Diaz-Romero J, Quintin A, Nesi D. Development of an intracellular flow cytometry assay of
S100 for quantitative assessment of chondrogenic potency. ICRS 2012, Montreal, Canada,
Ecker T.M, Puls M, Bastian J.D, Keel MJB, Tannast M, Siebenrock K.A. Navigation of
acetabular re-orientation in periacetabular osteotomy – a computer-assisted feasibility study on
cadavers. 72nd Annual Meeting of the Swiss Society for Orthopaedic Surgery (SGO), Basel,
Switzerland, May 27-29, 2012.
Ferguson S, Liechti E, Tannast M. Joint degeneration pattern in severe pincer impingement and
its implications for surgical therapy. Annual Meeting of the Orthopaedic Research Society. San
Francisco, CA, USA. February 4-7, 2012.
Hoppe S, Wangler S, Aghayev L, Benneker LM. “Different augmentation techniques for the
reduction of leakage in a vertebroplasty model” 7. Annual Meeting of „Deutsche
Wirbelsäulengesellschaft“, Stuttgart, Germany, 2012.
Hoppe S, Keel MJB, Benneker LM „Posterior instrumentation and monosegmental
spondylodesis in combination with cement augmentation for the treatment of thoracolumbar
burst fractures“13. European Congress of Trauma and Emergency Surgery, Basel, Switzerland
Hoppe S, Kuhnert VS, Schwarzenbach O, Hüfner T, Berlemann U „ALIF L5/S1 with StandAlone Cages – Longterm-Follow-Up“ 7. Annual Meeting of „Deutsche Wirbelsäulengesellschaft“,
Stuttgart, Germany, 2012.
Hoppe S, Berlemann U, Schwarzenbach O „Dynesys Stabilisation for the Treatment of
degenerative Spondylolisthesis L4/5“ International 31th Course for Percutaneous Endoscopic
Spinal Surgery and Complementary Minimal Invasive Techniques (IMISS), Zürich, 2012.
Keel MJB. Damage control surgery – Trauma Registry in Bern. Federazione Cantonale Ticinese
Servizi Autoambulanze (FCTSA), Trauma, Bigorio, Switzerland, 13.-14.01.2012.
Keel MJB. How and when to treat acetabular fractures ? 7th Instructional Course in
Biomechanics for Orthopaedic Surgeons and affiliated Professionals, PRO MOTIO – The Hip –
Biomechanics around the hip, Pontresina, Switzerland, 11.-14.01.2012.
Keel MJB. Therapie des schweren Rückentraumas: Halswirbelsäule. Swiss Insurance Medicine
(SIM)-Tagung, vom Rückentrauma zum Rückendrama, Olten, Schweiz, 15.03.2012.
Keel MJB. Acute management of pelvic fractures. 5th Orthopaedic Trauma Conference, Kuwait,
Keel MJB. The role of surgical hip dislocation for the treatment of acetabular fractures. 5th
Orthopaedic Trauma Conference, Kuwait, 22.-23.03.2012.
Seite 27 von 40
Keel MJB. The treatment of acetabular fractures in elderly patients. 5th Orthopaedic Trauma
Conference, Kuwait, 22.-23.03.2012.
Keel MJB. Verletzungen des Azetabulum: Versorgung von dorsal. 129. Kongress, Deutsche
Gesellschaft für Chirurgie (DGC), Berlin, Deutschland, 24.-27.04.2012.
Keel MJB. Der Pararectus-Zugang zur ventralen Versorgung von Azetabulumfrakturen. AO
Trauma – 3 Länder Tagung D-A-CH, Wien, Österreich, 4.- 5.05.2012.
Keel MJB. The MIPO session – Pelvis (incl. navigation). 13th European Congress of Trauma &
Emergency Surgery (ECTES), Basel, Switzerland, 12.-15.05.2012.
Keel MJB. The benefit of early spine stabilization for rehabilitation. 13th European Congress of
Trauma & Emergency Surgery (ECTES), Basel, Switzerland, 12.-15.05.2012.
Keel MJB. The role of hemostasis by “packing”. 13th European Federation of National
Associations of Orthopaedics and Traumatology (EFORT), Berlin, Germany, 23.-25.05.2012.
Keel MJB. Update Azetabulumfrakturen: Indikationsspektrum der chirurgischen Hüftluxation. 61.
Jahrestagung, Norddeutsche Orthopäden- und Unfallchirurgenvereinigung e.V. (NOUV),
Hamburg, Deutschland, 14.-16.06.2012.
Keel MJB. Beckenringverletzungen: Definitive Stabilisierung: ventral, dorsal oder beides. 99.
Jahreskongress, Schweizerische Gesellschaft für Chirurgie (SGC/SSC), Davos, Schweiz,
Keel MJB. Versorgung von Azetabulumfrakturen. Fortbildung OP-Personal. 72. Jahreskongress,
Schweizerische Gesellschaft für Orthopädie und Traumatologie (SGOT), Basel, Schweiz,
Keel MJB. Management schwerverletzter Patienten. Montagsfortbildung Intensivmedizin,
Chirurgische und Medizinische Intensivmedizin, Universitätsspital Zürich, Zürich, Schweiz,
Keel MJB. Soll eine Densfraktur (Typ II) beim betagten Patienten operativ versorgt werden?
Pro. Wirbelsäulenchirurgie beim betagten Patienten. Jahrestagung 2012, Schweizerische
Gesellschaft für Spinale Chirurgie (SGS), Bern, Schweiz, 31.8.2012.
Keel MJ. Azetabulumfrakturen im Alter. 16. Bieler Fortbildungstage, Schweizerische
Gesellschaft für Allgemeinchirurgie und Traumatologie (SGACT) und Schweizerische
Gesellschaft für Traumatologie und Versicherungsmedizin (SGTV), Biel, Schweiz,
Keel MJB. Bone Bruise: Aetiologie, Pathogenese, Therapie. Ärztetagung 2012, Schweizerischer
Versicherungsverband, Olten, Schweiz, 27.09.2012.
Keel MJB. Hüftgelenks-Impingement: Aetiologie, Pathogenese, Therapie. Ärztetagung 2012,
Schweizerischer Versicherungsverband, Olten, Schweiz, 27.09.2012.
Keel MJB. Stoppa. 2. Hamburger Beckenkurs/European Pelvic Course, Hamburg, Germany,
Keel MJB. Blunt thoracic injury – an underestimated injury. Clinical and scientific impact. 76.
Jahrestagung, Deutsche Gesellschaft für Orthopädie und Unfallchirurgie (DGOU) und Deutsche
Gesellschaft für Unfallchirurgie (DGU), Berlin, Deutschland, 23.-26.10.2012.
Keel MJB. Acetabular fracture patterns requiring alternative incision (02.12.). AO Trauma
Masters Course – Current Concepts – Pelvic Modul, Davos, Switzerland, 01.-03.12.2012.
Seite 28 von 40
Keel MJB. Acetabular fracture patterns requiring alternative incision (03.12.). AO Trauma
Masters Course – Current Concepts – Pelvic Modul, Davos, Switzerland, 01.-03.12.2012.
Keel MJB. State of the art lecture: management of pelvic ring injuries. AO Trauma, Swiss Senior
Resident Course, Davos, Switzerland, 10-14.12.2012.
Keel MJB. Spine trauma: stable or unstable ? AO Trauma, Swiss Senior Resident Course,
Davos, Switzerland, 10-14.12.2012.
Keel MJB, Ecker TM, Cullmann-Bastian JL, Bonel HM, Büchler L, Siebenrock KA, Bastian JD
Pararectal approach for intrapelvic management of acetabular fractures. American Academy of
Orthopaedic Surgeons, Annual Meeting, San Francisco, California, 02/2012.
Klenke FM, Choy J, Albers CE, Hofstetter W. Stimulation of β-TCP ceramic resorption through
incoporation of RANKL – an in vitrostudy. 72. Jahreskongress der SGOT, Basel, Switzerland,
Juni 2012.
Klenke FM, Choy J, Albers CE, Hofstetter W. Stimulation der Resorption von ß-TCP Keramiken
durch RANKL Inkorporation. Deutscher Kongress für Orthopädie und Unfallchirurgie, Berlin,
Germany. Oktober, 2012.
Klenke FM. The value of preoperative templating. European Orthopedic Symposium, München,
Deutschland, 23.11.2012.
Klenke FM. Pathologie der Knochen. Tumore, Metastasen, Osteomyelitis. Nationaler Kongress
der Medizinischen PraxisassistentInnen, Murten, 24.11.2012.
Kienle K.-P, Yen Y. M, Bixby S, Nasreddine A, Kim Y. J. Computed Tomography Assessment of
the Proximal Femur in Asymptomatic Pediatric and Adolescents American Academy of
Orthopaedic Surgeons (AAOS) 2012, Februar 2012, San Diego.
Kienle K.-P, Keck J, Siebenrock K. A, Werlen S, Kim Y.J, Mamisch T.C. Acetabular Morphology
And Its Changes During Maturation: MR Assessments Of Asymptomatic Volunteers American
Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons (AAOS) 2012, Februar 2012, San Diego.
Kohl S, Bonel H, Kohlhof H, Zumstein M, Dimitrios E, Krüger A.P, Henle, Eggli S. Heilung der
vorderen Kreuzbandruptur durch die dynamisch intraligamntäre Stabilisation. DKOU, Berlin
23.-26. Oktober 2012.
Kohl S, Kohlhof H, Zumstein M, Bonel H, Evangelopoulos D, Eggli S. Self-healing of anterior
cruciate ligament rupture by dynamic intraligamental stabilization. SICOT, Dubai, 28.-30.
November 2012.
Kohl S
1. How to achieve perfect patellofemoral tracking
2. What would you do? Challenging Primary & complex primary cases An interactive
exchange of experience
3. Why do knees fail?
4. Managing the infected knee
5. Anatomical Workshop Revision TKA RT-PLUS Modular Demo Surgery
Knee Surgery-Primary to revision Barcelona 29.-30.10.2012.
Kohl S
1. Wirbelsäule ( HWS / BWS LWS)
2. Hüfte allgemein
3. Femeroacetabuläres Impingement
Seite 29 von 40
4. Knieverletzungen beim Sport allgemein
5. Knieendoprothethik: Vom Uni zur Revision
6. Das Patellaproblem
7. Meniskusschaden
8. VKB Ruptur leben wir 2012 oder noch in der Steinzeit?
9. Fussverletzumngen beim Sportler
Sportphysiotherapie Magglingen Untere Extremität, 22.01.2012
Kohl S
1. Wirbelsäule ( HWS / BWS LWS)
2. Hüfte allgemein
3. Femeroacetabuläres Impingement
4. Knieverletzungen beim Sport allgemein
5. Knieendoprothethik: Vom Uni zur Revision
6. Das Patellaproblem
7. Meniskusschaden
8. VKB Ruptur leben wir 2012 oder noch in der Steinzeit?
9. Fussverletzungen beim Sportler
Kohl S. Allgemeinmedizin Update Refresher Zürich. Differentialdiagnostik Knieschmerz,
Kohl S. Ligamys-Self-healing of ACL Rupture Surgical Technique. International Ligamys-Day
Bern 28.09.2012.
Kohl S, Spreng D, Forterre S, Gantenbein B. Self-healing of ACL Rupture Kick-off Meeting
Platform SCRM Bern 01.11.2012.
Kohlhof H. "Zementaugmentierte anteriore Schraubenosteosynthese von Densfrakturen Typ II
(nach Anderson) - Beschreibung einer neuen Technik" Dt Kongress für Unfallchirurgie und
Orthopädie (DKOU) 2012 Mittwoch, 24.10.2012.
Krause F
1. Forefoot disorders in neurogenic foot deformities.
2. Stress fracture of navicular.
3. How have I addressed the problem in a hindfoot valgus / flatfoot deformity.
Practical Foot Surgery. 15th Surgical Skill Course Forefoot., Luzern, 1/12
Krause F
1. Epidemiology, classification of malleolar fractures.
2. Non-operative treatment of stabile lateral malleolar fracture.
3. Weber C fx`s with too short, everted lateral malleoli after osteosynthesis.
4. Osteosynthesis in osteoporotic bone/diabetics.
DFAS “1.maj møde”, Frederiksberg Hospital, København 5/12
Krause F
1. How to balance an imbalanced cavovarus foot.
2. Salvage of Charcot Foot with and without arthrodesis.
4. Foot and Ankle Symposium. Balgrist, Zürich 9/2012
Nesic D. Cartilage regeneration: myth or reality 1st World Medtech Forum Lucerne, Lucerne,
Switzerland, 25-27 September 2012.
Nesic D. In vitro testing of collagen derived sponges for cartilage repair. Geistlich Pharma AG,
wolhusen, Switzerland, 20 November 2012.
Seite 30 von 40
Schmid T, Krause FG, Weber M. Mid-term results of operative treatment of tarsal navicular
fractures and a new classification system. 72. Jahrestagung der Schweizer Gesellschaft für
Orthopädie und Traumatologie, Basel, Juni 2012.
Schmid T, Krause FG, Weber M. Mid-term results of operative treatment of tarsal navicular
fractures and a new classification system. 13th European Congress of Trauma and Emergency
Surgery, Basel 12.-15.2012.
Schmid T. Differentialdiagnose bei Rückfussinstabilität. Jahrestagung der Schweizer
Gesellschaft für Fusschirurgie, Luzern 20.04.2012.
Schmid T. Localmed Fortbildung für Hausärzte Update: Therapie der OSG-Distorsion
Seidel U. Spinal fractures. AOTrauma Course – Pediatric Fracture Management. Davos CH, 0105 Dec 2012.
Seidel U. Rückenschmerz – Differentialdiagnostik. Allgemeinmedizin Refresher Update.
Technopark Zürich, 14-17 Nov 2012.
Seidel U. Moderne Medizin bei hoherTetraplegie
21. Pflegesymposium – Dank Spitzenmedizin überlebt –und dann? SPZ Nottwil. 8 Nov 2012.
Seidel U. Treatment of osteoporotis related deformity & fixation augmentation strategies.
AOSpine Masters Symposium – Problems with adult deformity and the aging spine, Oxford UK.
20-21 Sep 2012.
Seidel U. Perkutane Stabilisationstechniken an der Wirbelsäule. 72. Jahreskongress der
Schweizerischen Gesellschaft für Orthopädie und Traumatologie. Basel CH, 27-29 Jun 2012.
Seidel U. Rückenschmerz – Differentialdiagnostik. Allgemeinmedizin Refresher Update.
Technopark Zürich, 16-19 May 2012.
Siebenrock KA.„Objective parameters for measuring acetabular coverage.“ Bernese Hip
Symposium, Bern, 29. – 31. 03. 2012.
Siebenrock KA. Influence on sports during growth.“ Bernese Hip Symposium, Bern, 29. – 31.
03. 2012. „Algorithm and treatment options for severe hip joint deformities.“ Bernese Hip
Symposium, Bern, 29. – 31. 03. 2012.
Siebenrock KA. “Influence on sports during growth.” Bernese Hip Symposium, Bern,
Siebenrock KA. „Hip arthroscopy in FAI – The Bernese experience“. EFORT ExMEx Meeting
The Hip, Athens, Greece, 20. – 21. 04. 2012.
Siebenrock KA. „Femoro-acetabular impingement – open treatment: surgical dislocation and
PAO.“ 2012 AAOS/ORS Femoroacetabular Impingement Research Symposium. Chicago, USA,
09. – 11. 05. 2012.
Siebenrock KA. „Perthes Deformtiy.“ One Day Course Adolescent and Young Adult Hip
Disorders. POSNA, Denver, CO, USA, 16. 05. 2012.
Siebenrock KA. „Prevalence anc characteristics of FAI- What is it: mild SCFE, osteophytes, or a
new disease. One Day Course Adolescent and Young Adult Hip Disorders. POSNA, Denver,
CO, USA, 16. 05. 2012.
Seite 31 von 40
Siebenrock KA. „Role of acetabular surgery of FAI“. One Day Course Adolescent and Young
Adult Hip Disorders. POSNA, Denver, CO, USA, 16. 05. 2012.
Siebenrock KA. „Outcome parameters after a 20 year experience with Bernese pericacetabular
osteotomy.“ 13th EFORT Congress 2012, Berlin, Germany, 23. – 25. 05. 2012.
Siebenrock KA. „Acetabular fractures: anterior approaches – indications, how I do it, results.“
13th EFORT Congress 2012, Berlin, Germany, 23. – 25. 05. 2012.
Siebenrock KA. „Kocher-Langenbeck approach with trochanteric flip“. AO Trauma Masters
Workshop – Pelvis and Acetabulum with anatomical specimen. Homburg, BRD, 13. – 15. 06.
Siebenrock KA. Gelenksfrakturen: Wann Rekonstruktion, wann Prothese? Untere Extremität
Hüft- und Kniegelenk – Indikationen für die Prothetik“. 72. Jahreskongress für die
Schweizerische Gesellschaft für Orthopädie und Traumatologie. Basel 27. 06. – 29. 06. 2012.
Siebenrock KA. „Research domains of the Department of Orthopaedic Surgery, Inselspital.“
Symposium on translational research for musculoskeletal disorders. University of Bern, 05. 09.
Siebenrock KA. „Hip impingement in coxa valga and antetorta“. Closed Meeting of the
International Hip Society, Zürich, Switzerland 26. – 29. 09. 2012.
Siebenrock KA. „Theodor Kocher“. Closed Meeting of the International Hip Society, Zürich,
Switzerland 26. – 29. 09. 2012.
Siebenrock KA. „Osteotomiemöglichkeiten des Femurs“. Seminar 20: Umstellungsosteotomie
des Hüftgelenkes. Deutscher Kongress für Orthopädie und Unfallchirurgie, Berlin, Germany, 23.
– 26. 10. 2012.
Steppacher S.D. Berechnung der exakten 3-dimensionalen Pfannenposition anhand
konventioneller Röntgenaufnahmen des Beckens. 3. Walliser Tagung für Navigation und für
Informationstechnik gestützte Operationsverfahren, Brig, Switzerland, March 16, 2012.
Steppacher S.D. Computerassistierte 3-dimensionale Simulation des femoro-azetabulären
Impingements. 3. Walliser Tagung für Navigation und für Informationstechnik gestützte
Operationsverfahren, Brig, Switzerland, March 16, 2012.
Steppacher S.D, Albers C.E, Siebenrock K.A, Tannast M, R. Ganz R. Femoroacetabular
impingement predisposes to traumatic posterior hip dislocation. 13th European Congress of
Trauma & Emergency Surgery, Basel, May 12-15, 2012.
Steppache S.D, Lerch T, Gharanizadeh K, Puls M, Tannast M, Siebenrock K.A. Anatomy of the
lunate surface. Bernese Hip symposium. March 29-31, 2012, Bern, Switzerland.
Steppacher S.D, Hümmer C, Schwab J.M, Tannast M, Siebenrock K.A. Predictive factors for
successful FAI treatment. Bernese Hip symposium. March 29-31, 2012, Bern, Switzerland.
Steiner T.H, Choo J, Quintin A, Wilke M, Zulliger M.A, Nesi D, Müller R, Stok K. S. Preclinical
investigation of the development of osteoarthritis-like degeneration in a rat trauma model using
micro-computed tomography. Abstracts 2012 World Congress on Osteoarthritis (OARSI),
Barcelona, Spain, April 26-29, Osteoarthritis Cartilage, 20(S1):S50-S51, 2012.
Seite 32 von 40
Tannast M, Hanke M, Ecker TM, Murphy SB, Steppacher SD, Albers CE, Siebenrock KA
LCPD – reduced range of motion due to extra- and intraarticular impingement. 72.
Jahreskongress der SGOT, Basel, Switzerland, Juni 2012.
Tannast M, Pfannebecker P, Schwab JM, Albers CE, Siebenrock KA, Büchler L. Pelvic
morphology differs in dysplasia and acetabular retroversion. 72. Jahreskongress der SGOT,
Basel, Switzerland, Juni 2012.
Tannast M. Verfahren und Ergebnisse der Impingementchirurgie. Die Hüfte von A-Z.
Orthopädische Universitätsklinik Friedrichsheim. Frankfurt, Germany, March 3, 2012.
Tannast M. Muscle quality after surgical hip dislocation. Bernese Hip Symposium. March 29-31,
2012, Bern, Switzerland.
Tannast M. Treatment algorithm in late Perthes deformities. Bernese Hip Symposium. March
29-31, 2012, Bern, Switzerland.
Tannast M. Bildgebende Grundlagen und biomechanische Prinzipen des FAI. 2.
Niederrheinischer Hüftkongress & OP-Kurs Hüftarthroskopie, Essen, Germany, September 7-8,
Tannast M. Indications for open femoroacetabular impingement treatment. Heidelberg Castle
Meeting, ATOS Clinic, October 11-13, 2012.
Tannast M. Open femoroacetabular impingement treatment. Heidelberg Castle Meeting, ATOS
Clinic, October 11-13, 2012.
Tannast M. Diagnostik des femoroazetabulären Impingements. Hüfttagung zum Thema
“Femoroazetabuläres Impingement”, Physiotherapie, Inselspital, Bern. October 20th, 2012.
Tannast M. Outcomes after PAO, AO Seminar Surgical Preservation of the Hip, Mendoza,
Argentina, October 22-23, 2012.
Tannast M. SCFE – Experience with the Bernese technique, AO Seminar Surgical Preservation
of the Hip, Mendoza, Argentina, October 22-23, 2012.
Tannast M. Reshaping of the femoral head – extra- and intracapital technique, AO Seminar
Surgical Preservation of the Hip, Mendoza, Argentina, October 22-23, 2012.
Tannast M. Postoperative pain after FAI – what to do, AO Seminar Surgical Preservation of the
Hip, Mendoza, Argentina, October 22-23, 2012.
Tannast M, Najibi S, Matta J.M. Cumulative 20 year survivorship of the hip after operative
treatment of 1208 acetabular fractures. 13th European Congress of Trauma & Emergency
Surgery, Basel, May 12-15, 2012.
Tannast M. Pelvimetry in dysplastic and retroverted hips. Berese Hip Symposium. March 3,
Ziebarth K. Kindliche Armfrakturen. SVmG Kongress Solothurn, 01.09.2012.
Ziebarth K. SCFE with epi- metaphyseal discontinuity at surgery: results after a modified Dunn
procedure. EFFORT Kongress Berlin, 24.05.2012.
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Ziebarth K. Current Concept Course in Pediatric Orthopaedics Surgical dislocation: - approach
of choice for the adolescent hip? Britisch Society for Children’s Orthopedic surgery, February
Zumstein MA.
1)Indication for Shoulder Stabilization procedures. Bony or soft tissue procedures
2) Cuff repair in the Athlete: improving the biology
Spanish Shoulder Society, Santander Shoulder Meeting, Santander, Spain
Zumstein MA. Rotator Cuff: Basic Science Update 2012. Refixation Update, XI. International
Shoulder Course, Münster, Germany.
Zumstein MA.
1) Internal Impingement of the Shoulder: How to treat Cuff Lesions?
2) Glenohumeral Osteoarthritis of the Young Patient.
Orthopaedica Belgica, Bruges, Belgium .
Zumstein MA. How does suture technique and biology improves the healing after rotator cuff
repair? 4th Tegernsee Schoulder Course, Wildbad Kreuth, Germany.
Zumstein MA
1) Intraarticular Therapies of Platelet Rich Plasma
2) Shoulder Problems in the Eldery Patient
GOTS Summer Meeting, Engelberg, Switzerland.
Zumstein MA. Does the Technique of Arthroscopic Rotator Cuff Repair influences the Healing
Rate? Annual Congress of the German Speaking Arthroscopic Association (AGA), Zurich,
Zumstein MA.
1)Physical Examination of the Shoulder
2) Current Concepts in Shoulder Instability of the Athlete
3) Shoulder Problems in Overhead Athletes
Annual Course of the Swiss Sports Medicine Society, Bellikon, Switzerland.
Zumstein MA. Instructional Course Lectures: Growth factor application in rotator cuff repair:
state of the art and future perspectives. 24th Congress of the European Society for Surgery of
the Shoulder and Elbow, Dubrovnik, Croatia.
Zumstein MA. Coracoid Transfer: Indication, Technique, Results. Shoulder Learning Center
October 2012, Berlin, Germany.
Zumstein MA.
1)Portals in Shoulder Arthroscopy
2)Scientific Evidence of Rotator Cuff Repair
1st International Affinis Community Convention, Solothirn, Switzerland.
Zumstein MA
1)Injuries in throwing athletes (handballers) 10 year results
2)Cuff repair in the athlete, improving the biology. Where are we in 2012?
3)AC joint injuries: A new technique, biomechanics and results
Warwick Sports Shoulder Meeting, Coventry, England.
Zumstein MA. Use of Platelet-and Leucocyte-Rich Fibrin (L-PRF) Improves early vascularization
but does not affect late rotator cuff tendon healing: A prospective randomized controlled study.
ASES specialy day, American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons. 2012 Annual Meeting San
Francisco, CA, USA.
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Zumstein MA. Bosworth screw fixation of acute instable clavicular fractures: Long-term results in
25 patients. Annual Meeting of the Swiss Society of Orthopedic Surgeons, Basel, Switzerland.
Zumstein MA. A Fatal Complication of Clavicle Internal Fixation with a Plate. 2012 Biennial
Shoulder & Elbow Society of Australia, Brisbane, Queensland, Australia.
Organisation Kurse/Symposien
Keel MJB. 1st Swiss Trauma & Resuscitation Day (STRD), Bern, Switzerland, 23.02.2012.
Keel MJB. 16. Bieler Fortbildungstage, Schweizerische Gesellschaft für Allgemeinchirurgie und
Traumatologie (SGACT) und Schweizerische Gesellschaft für Traumatologie und
Versicherungsmedizin (SGTV), Biel, Schweiz, 6-7.9.2012.
Tannast M. Bernese Hip Symposium, March 29-31, 2012, University of Bern, Switzerland.
Siebenrock KA. Bernese Hip Symposium, March 29-31, 2012, University of Bern, Switzerland.
Siebenrock KA. Seminar 20: Umstellungsosteotomie des Hüftgelenkes. Deutscher Kongress für
Orthopädie und Unfallchirurgie, Berlin, Germany, 23-26.10.2012.
Fakultät bei Kursen/Symposien
Seidel U. AOSpine Masters Symposium – Problems with adult deformity and the aging spine,
Oxford UK. 20-21 Sep 2012.
Seidel U . 21. Pflegesymposium – Dank Spitzenmedizin überlebt –und dann? SPZ Nottwil,
Seidel U. AOTrauma Course – Pediatric Fracture Management. Davos CH, 01-05 Dec 2012.
Keel MJB. 5th Orthopaedic Trauma Conference, Kuwait, 22.-23.03.2012.
Keel MJB. 5th Orthopaedic Trauma Conference, Kuwait, 22.-23.03.2012.
Keel MJB. 13th European Congress of Trauma & Emergency Surgery (ECTES), Basel,
Switzerland, 12.-15.05.2012.
Keel MJB. AO Trauma Masters Course – Current Concepts – Pelvic Modul, Davos, Switzerland,
Keel MJB. AO Trauma, Swiss Senior Resident Course, Davos, Switzerland, 10.-14.12.2012.
Kohl S. International Knee Surgery Meeting- Primary to Revision Barcelona, 29.-30.10.2012
Kohl S. European Knee Advisory Board Meeting 10 / 2011 Leuven ( Belgium)
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Kohl S. TKA Research Forum Leuven (Belgium), 20.11.2012.
Kohl S. European Persona Knee Panel, 19.12.2012 Zürich
Kohl S. Global Meeting balanSys vitamys Tibia Project
Kohl S. 5. Allgemeinmedizin Update Refresher Zürich, 14.-17.11.2012
Kohl S. International Ligamys-Day Bern, 28.09.2012
Kohl S. Meeting Platform SCRM Stem Cell ReseachMeeting Bern, 1.11.2012
Kohl S. spt-education Swiss Sports Medicine and Orthopaedics 20.1.2012
Kohl S. spt-education Swiss Sports Medicine and Orthopaedics 21.10.2012
Krause F. DFAS “1.maj møde”, Danish Foot and Ankle Society Frederiksberg Hospital,
København 5/12.
Krause F. Practical Foot Surgery. 15th Surgical Skill Course Forefoot, Luzern, 1/12.
Siebenrock KA. 1st Swiss traum and resuscitation day, Bern 23.02.2012.
Siebenrock KA. Bernese Hip Symposium, Bern, 29-31.03.2012.
Siebenrock KA. 1st Swiss trauma and resuscitation day, Bern 23.02.2012.
Siebenrock KA. 2012 AAOS/ORS Femoroacetabular Impingement Research Symposium.
Chicago, USA, 09. – 11. 05. 2012.
Siebenrock KA. One Day Course Adolescent and Young Adult Hip Disorders. POSNA, Denver,
CO, USA, 16.05.2012.
Siebenrock KA. EFORT ExMEx Meeting The Hip, Athens, Greece, 20. – 21. 04. 2012.
Siebenrock KA. 13th EFORT Congress 2012, Berlin, Germany, 23. – 25. 05. 2012.
Siebenrock KA. AO Trauma Masters Workshop – Pelvis and Acetabulum with anatomical
specimen. Homburg, BRD, 13. – 15. 06. 2012.
Siebenrock KA. 72. Jahreskongress für die Schweizerische Gesellschaft für Orthopädie und
Traumatologie. Basel 27. 06. – 29. 06. 2012.
Siebenrock KA. Deutscher Kongress für Orthopädie und Unfallchirurgie, Berlin, Germany, 23. –
26. 10. 2012.
Steppacher S.D. Bernese Hip Symposium, March 29-31, 2012, University of Bern, Switzerland.
Tannast M. Bernese Hip Symposium, March 29-31, 2012, University of Bern, Switzerland.
Zumstein M. Spanish Shoulder Society, Santander Shoulder Meeting, Santander, Spain,
Zumstein M. Refixation Update, XI. International Shoulder Course, Münster, Germany, 2012.
Zumstein M. Orthopaedica Belgica, Bruges, Belgium, 2012.
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Zumstein M. 4th Tegernsee Shoulder and Elbow Course , Wildbad Kreuth, Germany,
Zumstein M. GOTS Summer Meeting, Engelberg, Switzerland, 31.08-02.09.2012.
Zumstein M. Annual Congress oft the German Speaking Arthroscopic Association (AGA), Zürich
Switzerland, 13.-15.09.2012.
Zumstein M. Annual Course of the Swiss Sports Medicine Society, Bellikon, 2012.
Zumstein M. 24th Congress of the European Society for Surgery of the Shoulder and Elbow,
Dubrovnik, Croatia, 19.09.-22.09.2012.
Zumstein M. Shoulder Learning Center October 2012, Berlin, Germany, 05.-06.10.2012.
Zumstein M. 1st International Affinis Community Convention, Solothurn, Swizerland 2012.
Zumstein M. Warwick Sports Shoulder Meeting, Coventry, England 2012.
Vorsitz/Rundtischdiskussion bei Kursen/Symposien
Keel MJB. Case presentations and discussion of unusual and tricky trauma cases. 1st Swiss
Trauma & Resuscitation Day (STRD), Bern, Switzerland, 23.02.2012.
Keel MJB. Round table discussion: Pelvis and acetabulum problems. 5th Orthopaedic Trauma
Conference, Kuwait, 22.-23.03.2012.
Keel MJB. Chairman: Sport injuries/spine. 13th European Congress of Trauma & Emergency
Surgery (ECTES), Basel, Switzerland, 12.-15.05.2012.
Keel MJB. Case-presentation: Complex pelvic fracture. 2. Hamburger Beckenkurs/European
Pelvic Course, Hamburg, Germany, 05.-06.10.2012.
Keel MJB. Chairman: Polytrauma and emergency care. 76. Jahrestagung, Deutsche
Gesellschaft für Orthopädie und Unfallchirurgie (DGOU) und Deutsche Gesellschaft für
Unfallchirurgie (DGU), Berlin, Deutschland, 23.-26.10.2012.
Keel MJB. Chairman: Polytrauma and pelvis. AO Trauma, Swiss Senior Resident Course,
Davos, Switzerland, 10-14.12.2012.
Kohlhof H. Rundtischdiskussion: Bvitg-Expertenforum: AG Arzneimitteltherapiesicherheit.
ConhIT 2012, Berlin ICC 26.04.2012.
Siebenrock KA. Pro-Con: Timing of soft-tissues coverage of open fractures. 1st Swiss trauma
and resuscitation day, Bern 23.02.2012.
Siebenrock KA. DDH – Current Concepts. Bernese Hip Symposium, Bern, 29. – 31. 03. 2012.
Siebenrock KA. Open or closed treatment for joint preservation. EFORT ExMEx Meeting The
Hip, Athens, Greece, 20. – 21. 04. 2012.
Seite 37 von 40
Siebenrock KA. Current knowledge regarding FAI. 2012 AAOS/ORS Femoroacetabular
Impingement Research Symposium. Chicago, USA, 09. – 11. 05. 2012.
Siebenrock KA. Recementing in total hip replacement. 13th EFORT Congress 2012, Berlin,
Germany, 23. – 25. 05. 2012.
Siebenrock KA. The dysplastic hip in the young adult.13th EFORT Congress 2012, Berlin,
Germany, 23. – 25. 05. 2012.
Siebenrock KA. Hip dysplasia and impingement. 13th EFORT Congress 2012, Berlin, Germany,
23. – 25. 05. 2012.
Siebenrock KA. Gelenksfrakturen: Wann Rekonstruktion, wann Prothese? Untere Extremität
Hüft- und Kniegelenk. 72. Jahreskongress für die Schweizerische Gesellschaft für Orthopädie
und Traumatologie. Basel 27. 06. – 29. 06. 2012.
Siebenrock KA. Fallpräsentationen Seminar 20: Umstellungsosteotomie des Hüftgelenkes.
Deutscher Kongress für Orthopädie und Unfallchirurgie, Berlin, Germany, 23. – 26. 10. 2012.
Siebenrock KA. Hüfte II –Primär-Endoprothetik: Kappe, Geradschaft. Deutscher Kongress für
Orthopädie und Unfallchirurgie, Berlin, Germany, 23. – 26. 10. 2012.
Zumstein M. Live debate on biologis augmentation of rotator cuff repair including live surgery.
Annual Congress oft he German Speaking Arthroscopic Association (AGA) Zürich, Switzerland,
Zumstein M. Revisions and Complications. Shoulder Learning Center Berlin, Germany,
Instruktor bei Kursen/Symposien
Büchler L. Niederrheinischer Hüft-arthroskopie Kongress mit Workshop, Essen, 07. –
Büchler L. Leipziger Hüft-Arthroskopie Workshop, 16. – 17.03.2012.
Krause F. Practical Foot Surgery. 15th Surgical Skill Course Forefoot, Luzern, 1/12.
Keel MJB. Workshop: Damage control in severe pelvic fractures: „tips and tricks“, concepts of
definitive treatment of pelvic fractures. 1st Swiss Trauma & Resuscitation Day (STRD), Bern,
Switzerland, 23.02.2012.
Keel MJB. Cadaver: Demo – Stoppa. 2. Hamburger Beckenkurs/European Pelvic Course,
Hamburg, Germany, 05.-06.10.2012.
Keel MJB. Live Cadaver demonstration – Pelvic packing. 12th Cooperative Course Polytrauma
Management – beyond ATLS, Aachen, Germany, 30.11.-01.12.2012.
Keel MJB. Discussion groups. AO Trauma Masters Course – Current Concepts – Pelvic Modul,
Davos, Switzerland, 01.-03.12.2012.
Seite 38 von 40
Keel MJB. Practical exercise: Unstable fractures of the pelvic ring – emergency stabilization with
pelvic C-clamp. AO Trauma, Swiss Senior Resident Course, Davos, Switzerland,
Tannast M. Bernese Hip Symposium, March 29-31, 2012, University of Bern, Switzerland.
(including interactive case discussions with course participants as well as cadaver
Tannast M. Table instructor. 2. Niederrheinischer Hüftarthroskopiekurs mit Kadaver-Workshop.
Essen Germany, September 7-9, 2012.
Ziebarth K. Hip Symposium Anatomy Demonstrations 29/30.3.2012.
Zusätzliche Lehrleistungen ausserhalb des Medizinstudiums auf Stufe Ausbildung
(nicht Weiterbildung)
Ecker TM. Vorlesung Fachhochsule Technik und Informatik Bern Studiengang Mikro- und
Medizintechnik 2012 Robotik und Computer-assistierte Chirurgie.
Zumstein M. Sports Physiotherapy Education, Magglingen, Swizerland. Tutor for specialized
education of physiotherapy students in upper extremity (16h).
PD Dr. Zumstein Matthias, 2012
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Dissertationen (inkl. Leitung von Dissertationen)
Blatter Stefanie
Hindfoot Joint Pressure in Supination Sprains. Leitung PD Dr. F. Krause, Universitätsklinik für
Orthopädische Chirurgie, 21.11.2012.
Berger Simon
Leukocyte- and Platelet-Rich Fibrin (L-PRF) for Long-Term Delivery of Growth Factor in Rotator
Cuff Repair: Review, Preliminary Results and Future Directions. Leitung PD Dr. M. Zumstein,
Universitätsklinik für Orthopädische Chirurgie, 02.05.2012.
Fehlbaum Olivia
Preservation of Lesser Metatarsophalangeal Joints in Rheumatoid Forefoot Reconstruction.
Leitung PD Dr. F. Krause, Universitätsklinik für Orthopädische Chirurgie, 21.11.2012.
Herz Deborah
A Collagen Derived Matrix (CDM) for treatment of articular cartilage lesions
Leitung PD Dr. Dobrila Nesic, Department of Bone biology and Orthopedic Surgery, 16.11.2012.
Iris Natalie Kaschka
The Development of Cam-type Femoroacetabular Impingement in Hockey Players. Leitung
Prof. K.A. Siebenrock, Departement Orhopädische chirurgie, Inselspital. 21.11.2012.
Kistler Lea C.
Siebenrock KA, Kistler L, Schwab JM, Büchler L, Tannast M. The acetabular wall index for
assessing anteroposterior femoral head coverage in symptomatic patients. Clinical
Orthopaedics and Related Research (2012) Dec; 470(12): 3355-60.
Karl-Philipp Kienle
Femoral morphology and epiphyseal growth plate changes of the hip during maturation: MR
assessments in a 1-year follow-up on a cross-sectional asymptomatic cohort in the age range of
9–17 years.
Leitung Prof. K.A. Siebenrock, Departement Orthopädische Chirurgie, Inselspital, 23.11.2012.
Keck Johannes Josef
Overcoverage of the hip in femoroacetabular impingement: MRI-based study in patients with
radiographic classified pincer type impingement. Leitung Prof. K.A. Siebenrock,
Universitätsklinik für Orthopädische Chirurgie, 02.05.2012.
Sutter Damian
Ankle joint pressure in pes cavovarus after lateralizing calcaneal osteotomies.
Betreuung Dr. F. Krause; Leitung PD Dr. M. Weber, Departement für Orthopädische Chirurgie,
Inselspital, Universitätsklinik Bern, 21.11.2012.
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