Corinne LACHET


Corinne LACHET
Etudes dynamiques, parasismiques et vibratoires
Ingénieurs-Conseils SA
21 rue Jacques Grosselin
CH-1227 Carouge (Genève)
Téléphone +41 22 301 02 53
E-mail [email protected]
Mädchenname: LACHET
"Diplôme d'Etudes Universitaires Générales", Sektion "Sciences des
Structures et de la Matière", Universität J. Fourier, Grenoble
"Licence" und "Maîtrise du Magistère des Sciences de la Terre" an der "Ecole
Normale Supérieure" in Lyon
Doktorat der Universität J. Fourier, Grenoble, Thema der Dissertation:
"Observation des séismes en milieux urbains : Méthodes simples d'étude des
effets de site et de simulation des mouvements forts" (Dr. P.Y. Bard)
Januar-März 1995
Juni 1995
August 1995
4 mikroseismische Messkampagnen und Standortstudien in Griechenland
Seismische Überwachung des Erdrutsches von Séchilienne (Isère)
Messung von Nachbeben nach dem Erdbeben von Egio, Griechenland
Seismische Überwachung an der Westküste Mexikos, Geophysikalisches
Labor der Universität von Mexiko
1993 - 1996
Assistentin in Geologie: "Travaux pratiques, travaux dirigés et stages de
terrain", Universität J. Fourier, Grenoble
Februar/März 1996
Forschungsaufenthalt am "Disaster Prevention Research Institute" der
Universität Kyoto (Japan). Simulation der Bodenbewegungen beim Erdbeben
von Kobe
Januar - Dezember 1997
"Post-Doc" am "Laboratoire de Géophysique Interne et Tectonophysique de
Grenoble". Beitrag zum Verständnis der Schadensverteilung beim Erdbeben
von Kobe (insbesondere Untersuchungen zur Bodenverflüssigung)
Seit Januar 1998
Leiterin des Bereiches Ingenieurseismologie und Vibrationen bei Résonance
Ingénieurs-Conseils SA
Expertin für Mikrozonierungen, spezialisiert in Ingenieurseismologie
gute Kenntnisse in Wort und Schrift
mittleres Niveau
Nationale Plattform "Naturgefahren" (PLANAT, ausserparlamentarische Expertenkommission des Bundesrates),
Schweizer Gesellschaft für Erdbebeningenieurwesen und Baudynamik (SGEB)
Association Française du Génie Parasismique (AFPS)
– Lacave C, P.-Y. Bard, M. Kham, M. G. Koller, 2008. 2D equivalent linear site effect simulation: example
applications to two deep valleys. Bull Earthquake Eng, 6 pp.197–211. DOI 10.1007/s10518-007-9054-1
– Becker A., Davenport C. A., Eichenberger U., Gilli E., Jeannin P.-Y. and C. Lacave, 2006. Speleoseismology: A
critical perspective. Journal of Seismology, Vol. 10, No. 3, pp. 371-388.
– Lacave C. and B. Couturier, 2004. Evaluation de l'aléa sismique du barrage d'Avève (Hérault-France). Bull. Eng.
Geol. Env., vol. 63, pp. 271-277.
– Lacave C., M. G. Koller and J. J. Egozcue, 2004. What can be concluded about seismic history from broken and
unbroken speleothems ? Journal of Earthquake Engineering, Vol. 8, No. 3, pp. 431-455.
– Prevention of speleothem rupture during nearby construction. Lacave C., M.G. Koller, U. Eichenberger, P.-Y.
Jeannin (2003). Environmental Geology. Vol. 43, N° 8, pp. 892-900.
– Straightforward methods to detect non-linear response of the soil. Application to the recordings of the Kobe
earthquake (Japan, 1995). Lacave-Lachet C., P.Y. Bard, J.-C. Gariel and K. Irikura (2000). J. Seismology, Vol. 4, No
2, pp. 161-173.
– Ground motion prediction with the empirical Green's function technique : an assessment of uncertainties and
confidence level. Pavic R., M. Koller, P.-Y. Bard and C. Lacave-Lachet (2000). J. Seismology, Vol. 4, No 1, pp. 5977.
– Lacave-Lachet C., P.Y. Bard, J.-C. Gariel and K. Irikura, 2000. Straightforward methods to detect non-linear
response of the soil, Application to the recordings of the Kobe earthquake (Japan, 1995). Journal of Seismology,
Vol. 4, pp. 161-173
– Bernard P., .., C. Lachet, ... (28 auteurs au total), 1997. The Ms = 6.2, June 15, 1995 Aigion earthquake (Greece) :
evidence for low angle normal faulting in the Corinth rift. Journal of Seismology, Vol. 1, pp.131-150
– Lachet C., D. Hatzfeld, P.Y. Bard, N. Theodulidis, C. Papaioannou, A. Savvaidis, 1996. Site effects and
microzonation in the city of Thessaloniki (Greece) - Comparison of different approaches. Bull. Seism. Soc. Am.,
Vol. 86, No. 6, pp. 1692-1703
– Lachet C. and P.Y. Bard, 1994. Numerical and theoretical investigations on the possibilities and limitations of
the "Nakamura's technique". J. Phys. Earth, Vol. 42, pp. 377-397
– Lacave C., B. Sadier, J.-J. Delannoy, C. Nehne and J.-J. Egozcue, 2012. The use of speleothems to better
constrain long return period seismic hazard in Libanon. Proceedings of the 15th World Conference on
Earthquake Engineering, Lisboa, Portugal. Paper no. 354
– C. Lacave, B. Sadier, J.-J. Delannoy et J.-J. Egozcue, 2011. Contribution à la caractérisation de l'aléa sismique du
Liban par l'étude des spéléothèmes. 8ème Colloque National AFPS 2011 - Ecole des Ponts ParisTech - Paris,
France. Papier n°16.
– C. Lacave, T. Bailly et M. Koller, 2011. Prise en compte des effets de site 2D dans la vallée du Rhône suisse,
8ème Colloque National AFPS 2011 - Ecole des Ponts ParisTech - Paris, France. Papier N°10.
– T. Bailly and C. Lacave, 2010. Seismic spectral microzonation of the Yverdon basin (Switzerland). Proceedings of
the 14th European Conference on Earthquake Engineering, Ohrid, Macedonia. Paper N°522.
– C. Lacave and M. Koller, 2007. Microzonation of the city of Visp (Switzerland) using a 2d equivalent linear
approach. Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Earthquake Geotechnical Engineering, Paper No.
– C. Lacave and F. Lemeille, 2006. Seismic hazard and alpine valley response analysis: Generic valley
configurations Proceedings of the 1st European Conference on Earthquake Engineering and Seismology,
Geneva, Paper no. 1.
– C Lacave and F. Hollender, 2006. 2D simulation in the Grenoble basin using the Aki-Larner method combined
with an equivalent linear approach Proceedings of the 3rd International Symposium on the Effects of Surface
Geology on Seismic Motion, Grenoble, Paper no. 14.

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